Exeter Advocate, 1907-11-07, Page 6 (2)9001,0,
,!•• ?."A", e OPP
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mir,1110,...",....) .
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1 it 1
U e ,
,A, . IZir 4, 414 45 utter
eraouri tiring h .", Car et.
VI:tether (+areal the."'alca tee?
Chrtitta morogain on , his .11'411, .1)otly
I$i4;-.(' his, life was fltatteattal tO Illtn.
• Again. he ',declares; 41 died, unto law,
4at 3,ntightlive_tintO,-.07‘-'3.44Ve-Itttlt-
rheilleiftiatiVtithitiiit-and it is.po tontOr
' I. that '11VO., but Christ !broth • in i 4 I
Thus Ave inay tater. that all who. live
titt nam .are Ilia and the acte,rs, receiv.,
:ett In Bill , blessed servtittido are -tits.: alSor.
• Tire eh plain who, gave his slices '.arid
. ottt,itta$4,acitiktf,lair4taktiftatie4.0
'C,t,11 ' frozett feet and- ;rtsitiritPltalt PO
_ yeara„.afte.rward. beire in, Ids body the
of Ieaus. That naval -Officer t
. -,....
r tettlittkretW
• f
earn, fo rescue -1 .te. per
eatiles to -day seared on. his
hands •
fto- of all who gain -their sea
'ease or nii.sfortune in-the-larazirta
4t iio[ti ,t4hay and.----thernaelveS
.•.tsttryarr r
Mani' Lett ttresatire
',tare -4
he t
linpression left horn, brave endr.
ca or: the cheerful seizure ot danger.
• Ve71-if-ta.
nd In we serve ftfastires Iltein as
cluil H..own superacription wlith
Itall not fade away. •
Wen may 1 ask myself then, .w
rough experiences of life scar us
fu1y, both. within, and .
As the history of Frarice may be d'
Itt the Tittbie4 of t1e siftet.s of Part
so may the story ot my- life be disce
ed In the marks.it has left triton TAY
. character and My body..
"U we wouid„lorget the nightmares -of
-the past and, .1.*tot out the ugly, seams
tett by trilstates • IOW l'Uts.Stelts rtlt Itle.
- days. gorie-,by, _ we, ;mist tr.erge our -
.7440 'hand ta-atatt
tite bui44.7s lett' the ,
a' gardener AO* had
-relight them-agaitty
'Y't ware, fasteecelltO The
'Oro alike* hi the exiact,pla
It the pega.rin vory WO,
the -gardener. .‘"Nt ' an,see
.tt rir i n
t.w',Mtn t
, . I , ' ety
„!- in tt. 1 tt
'..:, i` tt: 1 ,, '
it!, 'In '.""...t .,..
• ,.
1 x ,th
Ild,',10Yrttit uut
• It
Stet couflt Itch inario ao,bigi
the hitt* .04 hardship* oadur-
lit' mune are eateettitd 10
sot .that we 'tire, "eriteittc
and 11,111 Counted tetort4
1140,10 auit' to aliare ,glory"
IN OF 111S.XIX000,14.,
ithstand-, ghat -lenge?,
"0 ;41 •40,w ith from
Servfee tet,endere and dare an
,sulter with. flint? Ver we know that
lie knower% all, Sr.triti all and wilt claim
end reward Ms own.
Even. a cup of goo,. water A,
ii1ri die
t 4 "e ftJ
trate a 'so r
s . 1 I
Y I 1 rd..th
14,.."."„ CP, acres*, er.
era 4.„BI 1110: (SbilAtitti0Z; Wile,r6 o
ItCeregatte•Only. -otte. pftrfl
had -pasae4 there, and 1 .0400:10
ionnelttsteit' Atte," -.Stihtettt Irtter",liAtt'
evolved two .robberS freilt their inner.,
ttatisclousness. .But, ,Witat- interested me
Itx.re N1r4St 444/ 1b0.111111.11g* %Vb104 Atii*
0441e41 the shrithbery from .the pubilc
ay tad tatekie,tot„ tarr°4-; 1411*
0. ntyet •Thetitabber had
and„ whovver
tie xv st have earrled away
h *his. Peron. taot,.
tutu* overoott -
'Ite tar ta the.
tried to 'remove 11,
Lep Ltd) .ta.„
unflinching vidcit gCthI
Id true. follow day by 'day
teal. protestkirt, bitsin650,t beret*.
fellowsbip-.in their daily Walk and
couversatian---in the qtrtht of the, !church
rid, in the thick of :attain's:or in the hot,
sivokt-of-danger rwmf,Aft'
• .
11 olerably .544*(10, ittirt lnxLng
walked Jo the postatillee and sent tele -
u. 1 strolled round the Yllogo int
he reply came. 11 was Mon four o'clock
and as dinner was not until six I to*
kngt,r walk through the fort.
ix a 1071
ton have tre tt& rt themo
eats Pt duty, obligation And 0.10pot
flieTcareer i countie?ffolvilvg
ousuess,t and Its cuts and bruises, a11
ensuing miseries, are proud trophieS
*claimed in heaven. .
Il• Ie.
I WV alo•lo. '1•Af
Or iCB the land Or on e sea,
By purling break, 'neath Stormy wave,
It 'matters Mita 'or naught to me;
-whether the Angel Death toms
(town ' • ,„ „
arlia iny brow with b loviin,
touch * .
AL.g one -that - shail wear Llie vi
. crown...
It -Matters Ouch.
• BEV. C. Q. WOW!
1 hod just reached my office after
lunch one miserably wet day last cite-.
vfmber-,-Attertt Vmitor was altliOnildeC
Engstrotni' in$eribedrn A.tie
a4r4..-it name eprite unknown to mei
ur jewels Is gorte...robberst" auctaanii
toting on the ttoors'
ood,heavetissr,, 1 ecatned, eat;
1 Hs Aeardt "out or doom at, otoie,!
rid the..earttain. 'piing us a. lIght,
u W6 t0.1/0weti
Was.quite dark, itnii we had not
- , „
pile a dozen stops. before he felt down,.
4Look .000" to cried.- !the • brulea have
haid. wireA. -They have taught one toot.
at any rate:. he remarked, is be rart
P,---,1"-wentAtticklint ttie tight,. itnd sum
notagli there were wires round that
de of the house,
lie.tetptain was •Ivolding la noe.
shrewd-loldotts utell-gwomed- wIble had tallot ou Me Vass- it
the Ile was [1111 „little hurt, ho' said. for.
• vrho apparently lied not , Yet stitlett-i toptam"S suggeattea 1 antrimonest
tOne'-itt yeti •rlder to :the: n,'he
,4ant1 have any suspictous stranger
to . and, askthemto telegraph to
. •
ef74-7 _tutsmite
"Mose -a .iteat arid toll me wha
4 etth tto for yarti,"„
cti in•great trontaeitt.t.said
ithur in Me New Fores
• ,eforat-lait.."-Th‘
a.... were at dinner, and 'several tboa.
and •porindsi worth of jewels 'are gone
ittiietsk.heflroom., But. What
trer...V$ US Til:O4 is -1141:11 vatuable
iaotri-a pearl neejilii,ze of great
VIkhv, that- hair been in our •fairtily for
wo. hundred years -Is ;among the Nun,
Ater,- The-ritlier jewelletyvte-tasuld"hear
to lose, but not this. To telt you the
iruth," headded. with .0 smite, 141 :trust
,<•Wli to • Wog a Ettle Eitwerslitiotis, and
there is, a legend in our family .that thiPt
VoiStiaee was a gilt to an ancestress et
tuirie ItY Charles lf., and, whoever
stAiuttl Tose it, Ills days ivottld be very-
st,ort and full of evil. It" is said it vat.
tost about tha teming last,, cen-
tury. and •the'rlegerid came true.
*Id I in afraid,- if it is-not.reve.verfat.
1, may seriously affeet her Iteatth, Cf
taturiie, the police have .been at work,
but 1' htwe not very great rftifidenee
1l4 thent, coal tip to the. present Itzey
/*are tliscovewod nolling. It you On
,a,"te, Me I shalt be very
ant, to try, Aft% Engstrom;
•perliaps yea will give me sofite 'a
- •-•
1 t'..11ter. begin LY givirg
rnyset and fainaty,--1"
n. Onset it Is teed to sat
and „tvizat may not, Meow,
Walt Mr, E4strtiat,,. "the
,CtZZ OM tltr.111,1Y. WW1 italMit
tytt.thito fir gr,iattations,SV
klott4ty s Onve wet WOrN't
1t0 t'33 -11brby,
t4.44tict cre,,.ttitra
1 tg•lw only boen
ifntefJobt NVii4.*, ,ttear
Itiata tvivrt
s.day 114,.?4, then turigat$ii
'474 the
tit a
a had twit
tiutifiver was
11 WL144.4i MY'
WM.* trent London.
Spit tame tta
- fortile poi
settreh the neighbor.,
found itIantc-rn, and
We found nothing,
4efone ot the windows,....n
roach the thief had dropped. .
*eiOusr-lookifig---person had- beerr seen -
the village or at the station, and tire
two policemen Who Caine coul4 d°
IPting beyoneLlooking %Via& 1o ailed at
the rpalice.statlint this •morning,
they\ have, no clue, nor 19 it littely they
wilt have one. All I have learnt from
:ear is !hitt they believe thot two were
engaged in Itle offith*, from the /4)01..
'It Wilt he t,o° dark by lite flute we
coulif-reack. -tynelhttrat toInt-itaittate;4
1 sad. "but t w(11,1, corne.,..on by, the Ilrat
ttain In, lite morning."
. "The train :rota Ncaterloo rosette
1.yndlitir4 at 10A1 11 atatt 0411)1 by litat
1 will, nteet ,you at (he the st4k!i'ill; said
Mr. En.p.-troni. "It 13 alkut ttr mites
tr.a:n humse-the Itemhe,g4tY
'1 Irish you to provriise nto rate thFitg.
tot to mention to anyofielhe Object o
inyt vis:t itte ah.,1100irtvtor,„4
440%4* ycn ,
found Mr. ttngt,trOnt al the ata,lion
„ ho twat .ruoriting.w.dh it doractirt. ,
tittas.tit .to tatk ort, the .robjeitt of
esst sive to ask torte queation: •
*Why (tat ion keep sin* it valua
..tklarfe at , home. Ayr. liirgstroirittt.
i keep It in 1lL Szate Depos:t tt
41,iiicory tanc,:l 110 %answered. '04n4
buiught 0 home test t43turday
1 1!2- 111'0htl1Uft,1 it at, the COunly
ti.,,rtststr night° • '
!'t $I5 'lunch ard t41et1411111/ thA
/14 b44/\ mat 1*(1310.4, after w
tted perritra,ton ki intervi.tw the
10, gtr*-7
e. 1 as. greatf,' fault in
.0,..rwra .4...alty fireF13S1tilv,. 1110, fioltyr,4$31.4 ;114a .
. .. • ,
fily-1,46'ile.--1,tild---tr$yme0IF5aifr.,44-i .m, ith'-, thtr"., ' robtrryt, . 1
- Ott 041. tIs rtiit'..1 sini Clio- T,:s..;,r,vtt. trat all ,thilt" information thtvy et..n
4.Lbe t,ti.jtt '4):- an i'it'i tiLlt,t...44.rttl. 4t;141 e A‘Lth gertal.'tat s:irriso.,- *,1' 1"
' ' mt*S in titte f'..t4.1 r..ta it")•'.'44.:s.:4, ilaar ::Ii 1.J had' rsittaiiaal.
rt ' ta talInt'tl'.> k:Vti.1"-ct' it.taAt 114 *vcderilly,realvt,tril l, ightt?„
' litt rttif;lt •Itittt l r."tate iftile vitEktra- rtd.,'' 1 a.sked, : Mt
(., .
.,. - -I *rid 1 "trAptliia illyar rs ralCI-,slwad.rtg wiltt'
tit. ,„11!zP,rertor,„ kit he w'...,t,t, be in 14 dirire...‘
1 0I., ' ' -
41.1 .1.'Oh. I triftre.,,y wantad to tiavo pt.,
',,fit ' ',.'!......Iti' 0! 'ktittA, 114P114`00q.
• t'...414 , 4 , tiOi tW) kittAt 104 bo have the' lair** 0..
f Itvnatem
' 14444)14,
I 10E,
1:41::::4(‘:i4 '411144' .'''114::1\kix‘ 41 410:41fl'Ir444,.1.e
rty '
• e
..-., , .
tri II'S' *and h
Ate i Y i 1 „ he
vl ' e sure
ti, u y
. n to the W4., la • a.v
lora in Berlin . rontend that .
nienriatte'rs, to whatever class of,
t ty ther belong,, a.re more ‘difficartt 4
lire -than non,- and-whi41,, -is 'is ,..44tliti•
he -case,. the taking- of--„trita*teants' t4.1
$141/040 attack:a of epilepsy r,os oulit.
any tranqutped_the.,ontort 'Into
,bilitai drtnlicr. she la,rcgarderd att iu•
curable.: ,.
So-called._ pittent-:,,nreflielnes for, 1hr
.drink habit ,are regarded by t5treeia
medical men as t useless. - Tholit.-- Tt
and VLS6 Ve4S-itatto'" egarlitter
=pa r th
cncwhkIi it the aattntrit
tv111.41dept, is 10 confine thief* in $
4rne1itte institubOns, where, leading
qtAet,,, .4bvelit‘regu14ted faintly life, Alley
will ,lat under strict supervision. Tha
princip/e- universally. in favor roan
tatallty wiled jtime-for
its we entered the di op. He
a faultlessly' got . up, of well -made
4pI8on Is tor his
, he invincible ottieettuu
the letter " dad caretully avoided
up; tvhX bgge
ble r a tow minu ea. 'My 1
littlo Surprised at MY .want-
ners, and Ifte„capfain, surveyed
rough his eye -OM as rtbdugh, 1, were
new kind of anirnaL 1 was only Kurt*
ew .mtnittea, but. it Vili$ time, well
heiflwe-reachod dessert. and Mrs.
0 train had left the talife. I led -the
erstitt,tot 1.0110410 theintrglartt, and
the captain to givo his version,
waited Ifil he had finished Jill(' then.
/coking at him steadily, Sal
" "Now*isn't it rather a ,,eu it.
taptatuOlyer, that you lthould 1111 ,over
-the „wires when. they Were guile, Oro/
red awayr
" itugstront slareil at Most and (he cap
litin did not anstv!it till he bid drunk
orglraw'w-vont#;-,- '
44wInft do you mean, sir? he asked
o. last;
"I wean," I rotted, still watehing
barn keenly, 'avast it not a curious thing
that you should be tripped up by blades
et grass? . . And is It not curious.
also." I went on. nterellessly, 'that your
servant, or. rather your accorriplice,
houlft.tatt, slanding Ailltter the.tedroorn
Wirideav here at the same lira° that he
we* In 'Loudon?"' -
The -captain sat dazed and molloaless
tSOLIgh his hands trembled, and. Mr_
totiTgatiftett :Pia, "Mr. lie War_
arbateViee. are .Y00,.a.tiggttstine"
,istiggratt," I ansAvered. s.teadily
as tore, 'that tho burglar is shill'''.
tbundere1 Mr. Engstrom!, pale
rif/1 . TWI4Irgi,t0 4)
's€lf. To arue zny oI friend' on rt
IEing-* thief! P trousi" •
, Is • Ur- , 441-ilt41's.,..Seri,
Mr Engstra esPilitii Oyez- *t the
th ilusaars la 'ittpresent with his re
i ant at NVoctwlcir, and replied to Me
ay. tete Is the telegraInt-
Vipt Mier t4 Dw
o ort*. it
4. What is the meaning:of this in..
kyr ', .
.he patta4a-captain had risen, and
Red round as if seeking means ,,,, f
Pet. •
0$ft, data," cried Efig41rorn. 'fetid it
-00 'iiitttatt‘ to save yourself from jail
ri1ike * ftilt tontession. Oe Wore,' /
a*Oltr' luttlott‘u
*Data trouble aboixt that," I said;
Vi poor,"..wrelett=sat flown again arid
humored Out; his story. flL .namil
g: -s, -an ex -serge.
ant In the flOsarsi expelled tram tile
Army In ilisgrace. r1 arromplIce,
1414' acted hte servant, bad hicidon
4e lewe-, iho wottl, tear the *taut,
-1 they otatid, alfely be rernoved. •
At ,bicitflaSt-liate the next riternirig
.-itad to Mite bow I lied tineartbeiP the
ttritst all:* 1 sa,M. "1 h' I thatitiift
tralary.oemirrel . yOu haft
..ought lewolcioy tm ,LOndon tont
'lived roe that litre, 'thief wait someone
ri the,. how. . And " when, I had the'
"rea retill 'and tearnd that the Captilit
d fatin 11iree feet awtly tisont them-,
tett wii' 1 draetwered froM"tite„Irn
,sairat' Anode by. ilia kraita, aria. -IN,.
Of ta, bittat.t-t1 thought things Vrer
1.15 tigaaise Wm. ittpattilrot"
that -if was, tillto, frirabtil tor hfrif
MY thOw
ilravat al /100.41V St* 14‘f:
trarnt lhat tad been•
1-1 lo ar al the 4llniter401 te. ni
strengthened. At the rail
. I i1s,t9Verreil fltat
tar the 44.1ict19tion ot his
illzkest tontion,,t,v
t.1 1111. ty the
* $t:li,fr to appear.' What ofteet
foleit1it9 MA' 16T,It Itt!t,Ntly know.
ttiv,t..tepta. Ihrougitc 'the
1 Paral, that, '.aboever. bad
r two" pat-rtzat l'Ate tar.
sa-aa a‘a ,et* the, tar ort,Itis ritt.
11.trtg*, 11.1. dinner last night 1aetiall
airatortitaate aital axilastilot bit
a' 4a
teen 4/-es'Ittu it
barn* itt: lite Mtutattil toui-
titt. father of the faithful, had xrceiv*-
11to tit•z7,t Of the promises tram 3e:oval& 1.
titter tittering 'within the borders pt• tbe
'te.nza. Ifor.t. ohm. Jostitia- !tad caused the.
wi with, its _htessings and: cur 'gas, .14 tie
st,41'.41ter the Aleittriolit's
people had- -erorzed--,the -.tordan
upon their. posscastons. It is
not. impessibit that. !tie ritddress was do -
livered near the place where centuries
Alter A511,13 ,Llititc„611 liva by Ithe wtt143440,,
r thextblit44e,,roobou,tarowtrect of the watkr
eks on% farewell addrosS to opt
*bell:et"- tWo
%vas, &tittle
-citutly *telt/
Ly rlt 14* •
a a
i nil me
gt .tvillt , tare.
,, -atI:11, v.1;1141% liaq litevIrliflII'erent .
1 AV6t1", t1:41 hundred miles'aptirt,
t I: taitaishia.e.trtril411p110: ebut4:thrlr $.pfrottee:nar:01;11:*':I'lktItaireLtiel*. *eli
- .
' -011Cli, . . It" .1,--
' -
rderter *akrnt Tortures of Shirr
pea* in Morecambe '"Sanda.
S tow death in cute iot its 4104 agett.
g. faults was tbsfate or a _titan
ed.-.,aahn Vitittiarusan; the gaidener
a Vita near Vteett
b • 111P
Li sciu!, 0 C itS1/1111ii
(At )f our preicnt 1er4S011* m santewh
ore specilL language. The. grea
1a4 r hegina ity„rehearainz briefly the
y Of the nada!)from the 'lime a
A1"ooern to the successful compost oZ
I,* 1 1
1PP 1.1P, ..p't 51.4 NI
1,-,eautnif Pltystelitns have so far
rtlzed ttie dertgora nlcohol
prtleTree ThaV in Tautly or
great publIc-hospitals of Ocriin. includ-
tog .these.of Schteneberg. Steglitz. and.
Westend. and the Hospital for Nervous
Diseases • at Sohoenow„ not it drop ad'
titeelail ever calorie the4Aoors
, eflKLnt
suballtu a-ve;been• tcomitit.,„
„A. %TAOS WflEC1. --
I&euit °Vilest* Work at Sea Carrled
on by 'Drift*: Bodies,.
In eorraidcring lba ,rfsk :Of 1ife by ship -
Africk...and British' .bitle book -dealing
.;witl,f,,-.the, subject for. .-,the r year. ended
:rune 30, 100, i just iStated.41t.'is •44tittit
to (AIM 1)10. 4)0,00ilt Ift6:11V6,5:-$4Vett.-10001
'wks as velt os the trinnber f per4
sons wbo ,Iterished; .
The total ritimber of i es lost thmtigh
wreck in tn. 13rtis) slipsin the "twelve
iuOtiths was 119, #41040 up of Val ,a04, -
filen and 120 ...passengers. Although the
itts4' Of !life' in' Ift06. wa4 swollenby th
show. 4 dee-rease of 73i1 tempered.
the :annual average.- for the I.rev)us21
The tMat number or seattert end
passengers -Saved from wrecks, of Brit -
i -b feSsela and ot:
r neat. 13ritlaii'1'.e'rrittarY"-titati,ittota... of
these, 2.090 were saved on., the coals
Of the United ,KIngdora. tts'foltittvist
7ro-oket„..toparattis, '4**,4
4$10g ships * 4 I
'15 Wfl •;t
Fhe I Tot-Setr "Casualties,.
v 1,s-.1telongtrig” kithe 'United -Xing.
ft ,Ibe year under review sas
he previous If years," than
nrvut -yoar. -rxcept.4r
Tbe. nuniterof de-1h•,:ort •lward ship
of s&s,rnen, trent all ".eaUteS, during the
1.75.2„.Ort„. boartt„,,,a140,%.:bakiti
41tetTV.d0iiir 012on
board veSsela. \httoriging" to ,r11r,ititt
„Sit,. OS. abroad.
floath; d" -seamen wreelitnnd
asti.alttea. wereittrt, 'per 001.; Or 1 In
00.5:: dea1h by all ac lent tincitiding
IOU :and- crittualtiesl'.1.vere 04$1., per
rent. ,. -or /In ,1%.,1; and 'the total -deaths
were,0. per .ce 1., or $ in 177.
1Qrrrl: .MFF1UNf.
ant afraid 414 not soMrng•
4,5 you 'twit to be, Sold ft fond
wite :to twr Inisbnnd. ",1 think it
About thug $0u.. were o,ttettjugt,,,,,,!:.4,1.0.41_:1,1in. •
-4t1riS12rance on any --1110 .1 What are you
am as healthy as oVer.
"Vitttli,:detir,, I \Only mentioned it, s.
know?, iouv d h*nect 10 youraelt
lliottght ,yett were .tailing.":
liAnd What, to the world. put It into
;rant -tread that 1 aro failing? Me Pitting?
Why, am ,a43: strong al * horsO,, arid
tali'. run 'up th.ree 'tlights of stairs .wittl.
*Well. that. may .be ao; but" '1..4
afraid .you.are dtteiving youtweif,;'
"Deceiving inyeelft tiOpelliesa '
jij worntil), tt'ott Intim
ttporft be so impatirnt.- Whitt Tha
nit 111114St Yttil are failing, is this W
411' welt courting int.. pat' could hi
tift'on your .knre far ,three, hotira;
cannot hold lb* baby .on your 1*1
a 11Anmalt
round,* n fortune;
answered the I414
/4$4,S"# *1114/ by the trine you
fortune you art tt?) ttabtft,
1 111 hattitIt ONItIt•loY
Di joy spending Iht money."
To xtiboaettivi.Sap4riteoritrsult
$tti6tl, thin put I*. 1)4rt
P.o er 'aver m6tith 4 "I' iff*
*rid pregs tilltittY. The st000rai wit1
tam.' the AO alarm and in, *
two the itat steam make tie
ttliater °erre eat. *net draw 110. two-
sitom, eat
1.3 01
it Ult
ity of the potion had
on his hearers- to deliberately weigh" t
f other s and the advantages'
u-,waarshik131341 10
n wbrh reaon pronounces to
tlio neesfora hado,rocatap
the go Chaldeans and $1117,54-,
fluent generatitins of their forefathers
had .beett. itt etose 'contact with the gods
unted itti-the (0d of
among *10111 thy dwell.
etwt'n I!:e- foregn gods
IOshtta 'challenges, the, peo*1to
ntnke their vitatee. As for himself a
his Use, they are *determined 'to so
i-hovah, whose' imrey and lotting -kin
;ies liatte not tom p
in the " days. of .,theirt apostasy and un-
faithfulness. To .this challenge 'of their
venerable leader the People msPandby
reaffirming their loyalty to "Jehovah, and
renewing a sotettin . cove,nant .wittx
,Toslattis in which they ptoPuse to oltett
the statutes' and ordinances of tlitir
rso11. The chapters interV4ent b
ween this and our preceding less°
cord' Ufa agnment\ of reciiiience-\cifica
ti the tevita.ts .and priest& Of these.
past tre lands .surmunding Itter
were set apart for this purpose (lash.
at* 1-21- 42), The two and one -halt
tribes Avitieb, bad aecOutptinfed their
brethren across the Jordan are permit,
tett to return to their homes. Joshua ex.,
tortingt,"Itieln Ottriatitly 10faithintrEss.
Jehavatt *1. 4.1--.21.1i). The •orection of a
triernorial by, tiatsa taatern tribea, In.
tended to.Wittier0 their- Iduship with their
.,hretitmn Nix;st of the ,fordart, beingnits.
understoral L.y alut latter,Ancuts their
ispleasnrosand almost, restrits
lowever,„ the
hue purpe 1 the Untent, is undo
ttgeod,- pleeet fri'nds1iip Is promptly, re.
fared; tatitpler tar-roords a briefer
aLcd;unL of Joshua's 'farewell,
• P AR4 /1?"
••••'. `
u t tIw t n the. -fl
a ICand :mud
1c!ing ak.nghire
the r ta nuti are urIcover(d
t ti -.k,
r cs , body ras seovetat
after he had Avon three-..daYs -missing.
A, miller' found it about half a mile.
. 0_41.-„..11c
11 1.4- the. --P41
. I v4 -t-,11,5`.7, 4
C 1! n the._,qq.1
n - ile-suntrPollti
ly-the batty was
",Pdetvt.r._ ot,,, the-,
In tils
as rutty
„ recovered on the
pi"%e1 but ottertvise-
ssed. _
ho recovery of tho body occupied
three and a half toursand great dif.
fkuIty W3$ 014PeriNtOed In extrIcating.
s..firinly embedded in
d nnd nd, and even when ropes
ert listened ,eound bls aritis the mkl.
.1-- 'of the body •lid • the tegs, It was'
,teand impossible to 111010 It anti stIc!s*
cmwhart Lad to be t
i.vt• • -111-prirom
0 41
iro4ness and Mercy. of
Crr. nnd planks.
W,10/11.414$0.11, *NIS .1giatirrt-,fti _have gone
for -t Walk on the sands after tintshing -
his via)* at the 'vicarage. It waS very
foggy, and it presumed that' he lost
bit wak, Walked into, the treeetterads
0020 'Aim, deo/to his trantie struggrea
sank! steadtlY.
Far -away front burner) habitation
the' track of traffic *I any sort,
,ericies' for help were unheard.- lietd
ai 2:.a,stice„. the: ,--doartred-L„--nrart
eh by inch and niinutenhy.tninute
ept up and .at lest inerelfully tn.
lcd bran.
Amtintinf ontriitiel 'Mart Aroused the
• .11,espectableVriblit.,_,
. • .
cillzett rriatiefr force has luain organ;
per:tally to• -deal., jaw.,
:arts is subcnbtng talite funds
pOrite-batiY; 11'er:chants,'
wat1s,. cafe ad • restaurant pre.
thetiitiers where the,
tfatt t
y...•411re,• Implication ot tht •
tarti to, b6 that tdota;Pra
. t
:pada whielt ybur
,thtly• ,gradually h- h wish peupl
tante to, ',a, recogriitiort of 3' . a
only true lat'd, and only tallithim'
they . 'become. .thereitighoinet
' itryoMt the tiver,..-mthe,., uphralea. _
• la. Choose. *you. '1115., day.,,,,A,' tle,itieng
1?:iitli."„sw'sLde".,:e.1°, lisirce', atnliaigt,t1t:.11111u'lirtmol'. rtitrel,, out!, u-ark.lante, tat, Alt,'Cirei Plait:9 ;genii
4 hinp 16. .41;.. _. .
As for ti* and nry.trouse 414 Abotharia
lettovalt had ,aid: st.batio tatown Insit,
Ahe rettOt-itilit be-triay'r-/,tainiiititad.hra
I°. 4141 rigtttv.*rsa(sa tml...ji.tstice" ,t,t4tat.
14. 19. , .‘,.;:tt. itio,. had Iehareit known end
ktealiA Iiiirisett .tirit6.3,,,...islitiar avIr),,
til,:e Ablattatil., had proviad ,faithrat.
10. The. People answered and aaa1,44,
spoittarivais,otti.-1...ar-,,-.4, ,f.lt-ttl' rovainic. 1
Jostara'a earnest Summon:I.,
17,;"Itt. Tire 'people *dart( the •e
' jatttrures .argitinait lambing lim...
i',*-treitat :of. lehavalr.
iloraiage.,• 11ehretvtrbortairlor.,
lit 'Ye cannot ...,e4r-t-rt. letiavalt-latitt4
eognfirea Illit tasty Intpulsivens
Ili -t".0 reartittal.Kol.statis-sil ,,,-.t • .;sJ
,--sythiti,, 't) ' 4.411 itteir. ettletili.in, t(* 1
Is j,1. 11- .. .,, ,_.,•ili:netiIliils64,'li (11,i.it
rial'ile t,rt1 a. fraa tailed the sifititarity I VI* hen, Ilia ate',ttitir"r
...littata warnittg I) thiit 41 Sestia. ; iti., : a 4"r:waiver rtf..-.atitity .,,,,
tlia-L4eritiort fin Itio t4Init1i`t,;,"„Nt..) titan *?aiti 4:-fit:411•11.t,i:t. ri6rth * rii.nibee
S4tt4 tweoriaste,ra: ket eittitr he. *ill. 'tato,. tr .,..tints,•..... who erft 'daatrivic."7..ti
le) One,,and trive'.1W., falter; itt 4.' lit? 104i/ili4 ..14r"Itter wi.
in bcid, vt, orse',,,alott, ijcipio tlett %att. re. ,Cliitlicif the 'fel
e ' earinat tiert\tt t;ed. mitt ,trittritiai .",n Itlaillt atncttiv pa.
, lit,It. 4. t.t,. •. ,,. .
g h
. .--.
The prat*antrel..
''. of inert Who have al
• pf Alec or detectiVo 1 ces. . The Prefect
it police,. IreartilY teed.. of . atirliiar.„y
-Sepport to alit TirDlightliterthe gang pf
:1,k cut4111-40t$4 luta approved ilia
acliente. . 'The protess:onat members , I
6 ,nkw,police-fer-itr-tras-alsO. its
ode of atneletirs-are, f) car a uni.
orm cap, and atm badge. They will
fry a ret-ttiver, drunelrcon,:. handcuffs.
1 tit the -tight ,argain.st raglan/sin
wilt tlt* 'if.aitato to, use their arms.
✓ ri, are 1 be. posted fir toqr arren,
•itientf.:* -tliere will te- it night
it fniarfets
1 y pa-ehe hunters, as they
e led 1 ' cii-irilifit 'drily rrTy •
qi tenfter fo. -tenthe to any skitely pr4.ts-
ri 1;vert 'who ,flemands it. ,,..
lie- (tivetning tourrt:ii of the 4-Jrgan.
aatti 0 has pi‘s!ed or* the walls of Paris..
vlitlprilly totaled nEipvat. -karate'''.
rl llta e"...A,zars•to help then!. In lite tat% •
rlitiling . Perla' of the )(lime. ptaralft ,
:ett has liesartretted Its fair trarar,
.51,4y,i. )oillir!ars ,:rtil tarrtitants. •
netv,tly itionlityin4.1 fli'nr -€.',.41vs iiviih
, .tii7i,i1.± cr the tttv forte. Tii!s. car)e,
1 a'gicinr.t. qv effirrtnat si*,..4.-,,,Drai% ct'
'ty w;t1 btrt vaftlied 1,,t.',Iilti fut4tt,rst.
beg a sub.
a ertdot
41 Theat'
rritefl at
it, dawn
' iitit, Inlet
latt-c, all
!it, j44' \t* 11-
; ift 44341
i't \taid
vitiy, se*
-ilitN, arid bad ritrialay began' ha"
pr*Ipor re liar, tr *.l'Or:///* ihtitst,het.
agar.tatt told. 1)(it-,,,A, aniiitrit",4. t!ttitiru.
tarty ,:ttia ,fatattrrien .‘‘,-4,112.,, Itt-s. A:ty. tet
•via* lOni4,-r ht-aat than 1.i81_ '1
:, tirry re-a-striaby erititicti Ii
..ita a's rcart,'-ig ti.,.. 41 ""1'.;flier,
: 1 ilt t&•.*. Ci°-ic,11 d11 'Pt'- it);!;4; it tho
..-alw r,t it II aaiis ii,,, Ills ral'a"..,age
,. t trt.... the tc,,rati anti ttirr,atipt
"rd It. t:e.iit...,*,..,11,
tt ye fewaalat:JetrWali
and tto you evil -To 1t- IltIltit
e.havati and lar.,,akor hint titer tint rig
adged hint alb'gaflr.' i clraity mem
pable. thin la ham. raweiffed 341igtvd.
114II4 of him 'entiatir. 11.*.s1w,trilly' !$% in
;ea vtifir knowledge,
Vi. Writ stitriair4ea • ,yotif
*pains, thr.
rt the
tfrieteea- tett a V.} ;:i!!!!
1411 Os it
lir:* 44,11,1e,ittatt.,",„ .4m11,
IMI the yaw Of *arty p-
rIPL OC,37."1 icA.Prett
431 ti !it', I t 1ft%
4444 An",