Exeter Advocate, 1907-11-07, Page 3 (2)•
41114111,,ar' •
r744.,,M.yea4,444soks....4plor,rseer;rostorrarertressIs. 4144.4040.414P4,4444.1y444404044.4....
• ht
•• 4 'wit
attl",V firtt 'about
l' NV It 1St)
, I
11:-I'A.‘45 Va /4 111'15Xet hini `15 Lae
"c4ki rot, your, rathe:,,,„ Rye ytar...9
/ *gs lived :ere, nti 1/1.C, v. -outlet)
eratint3' laven't found *tit that
'- ..4 a: ,lit{?1,t Apgar
I. e
Ly until a 1.vec1i ago. e
11P1) i the0. I think. 1,1tit
telt thCname:*
4.11wi 2I t ,tion't rouer .to me. No
One W!1L t,34.4..eash varald coine there."
's a like an. too t' 'et. And I
t tho I ttw tofihtn a sri1y titan.
4 me 1.01,11' 014,eop4in bad
4 5
A .
I Ict.t
W rLllnetlr'v . s w1hIr!ng
f were 4.,*oltting ./e• rather, if
,i,kou were going, to br.ing..Miss Sunbealit.
thore in you Lutist be fired iffter yifar
)t Jjhad410-144110Ain,
$. tlitod weakly.. Ili§ big blael ey
"tat :terror 1U14) hr. NV/11111w 'full light
at his darl'i,•elc;itr.sho,ven fare. her 'old
dread of litrt revive41. intensified. She
retaembere4 whispered IIh 3. ?<fit' by her
: L of his sTillted•critelly„ his, uttcy
* * '
&"Vkfl IWL' fIIiV
sat down; .orld looked
the rorn, 11 was Ivry bake, A
Oft it, a -candle burning laW jil4itttl*
V ortil a couple of
glasSes, 'Three rus140seattti eludes, a
rtistY' Tender, a couple., of sltelves with
cqtrse erwhery upon_ thertt, cbtupleted
its contents. A.nother tloor led iiito
scut err-FTiTt t 5i t1
Site torondered lafxv t, ln'an' Dan;
.ijhi 7Sricit-triftaaall;_me:
4,21.ian4NIoI. t1t.iitu-.
an ut
NV 1
4inut t
bier thor stoett-
e, Nifett the ;MO Way Ilowe.
NI. tide -ttoor-and-tultered fr
n' ion the woman. iebind th
ace, a drink," fsaid her father,
. 'fog Ont." Ito handed, her
is. 1e.Spolie.
she -
,,,you must. We're two miles at
rout 'route, a, wretclte.d wall,: in tills
flesidcs." 11i4 ail:Rd-in 0. low Voice:,
t want 11; We'l,-e a lot ahead
_ 7
, asked lhe:k.1.7o)
otitilitig. • •
.," eketairited Difl, Iturrially. "A"
'walk, •11(,•! Otte to .gtve us a lift.
i1aI-ening far ,your trade* Inissus.. NVe
our only oust,arnzr$0"
ain't 'tad many ,yel. But
Vtout.i*,igitt, that's' alt. 'Vo doni
'You 'fills AvaYi ttlissie," site
-tt gain at ,Sunbettnly--
Li I ciil.;)• her oftener' now Ista 'en!
; 4.41111, flinging a bolo down and
'luping 1is nuth with the hark of lti,1
1':4;;CAV then, Stanbearn, we inizit
‘Irt.•I aril* '
11414 ' It
44.14404444474,iista h.
3 if3Vii).
$3011er - ri13114
1', • —
• Iter she shall Ile na.
o) N.v ita. 1be
it again. riKlIg.s
vt-'04t cnt Int2LoJr plar.•‘
Tierte z
ata 1.2arx.
L. tfti�
t, t
oth''''' 4,,. ,..,,:':*'...: -
, : itt tlis:::tly:::?.?(:10.: ' 1;u•
1 1414, : ,
,j. 4
1,cri, you 4.e8irent
-5,51r.65446,+ 4.4155.
• .r>srlS,Ik eir,...•".4W46,44 .4,4444 044,...,45404,11.S.0.1%, r4.6
If • Thts c
• -42.
. ,I ,y•cat Av-ait, -itlly"- tattled,
t.. i! i. ' led.hyo. N'ea "teed .fen
"al ,1.,nr.e,. 453)n.r,,
' ultted Iter,fri.10 Jr
'..‘Nttlt (4.‘ tau
,Oktirt .1 zek",.1
''''IAP. ' '
Jt '41:
'•1 1 ,
2 , .ke ,
10.1)*.t.' t
' t 4 1
1,114 sh
, - e...i.Ai ,Iliii ` ,k ,
, , .- ,,
0 11tilliCtW,,P NN:it
, 114100.14"$,..
Rte.' „it%
00. '
patient ....with ben. tiattetir ve
i ttati(* even in. illtiv4
N •,)
10,04 %Eta gaing, i titertt up for
slip of -a gal 64.1V11,
S.er1110111431g. AlatvItt Snat-Rata,' IUSt
Say again wot v4)11 tneall? 11170 the
patience to itkae'yott agaitt. ilier'es. Dan
•ailing to 'claim yott. 'Windt (to you
Marry 'nor- -
Stye -drew : long breath anti ii*atiett
‘eavily 4.J1 io table. k • &vie, laid
. silken -' tones ;ceastd to stud
back alarmed, at the vel9'nt#410 4.21 b
rOuglt retort.- Ver she realized Owl s
could hopervir 119 reh*filing .froin
was-tore,41 hult.diltro; atild the devil
fluences front his blackened lz
'arm that site Walt
were la -` Aturripity in
1411-410W and iben •'•raAing
lasSk lits lips and drinking greolitY
. t zflntbt
' I1. zot he elttrIrrrol-
titVtift a aa Wide gas q Atg nate: Mt'
head, exclaiming .
• 4?„ -1 ehoose neither r
t the
r t
glass Ind put It doom
- to4t,d aeross.the room ,and
ne4.1. the door. •
ightr, mcirm good tuck y-,c,u,
.bunbcant pied out in front
ut he seized her arm and dr, w
uznt the_bousedown.a.
ttivAlled ott.lhousoci. From there.
ane„ taitead ,of terminating. as ow
ita.0 0XpeCICCIL in a yard, conttn-
ast tti(' 1iti1uing between two 1.tig1i
_ --war
utletuan, Dan's,'' replied • her fa
there 'are 11.9 'tenses here! 11 is
)y a bridle road, There's nothing he -
.114 lad fields and a wood."
Von as she spoke her heart Stink,
I1tt,re1ienti14.21-ed Alfot -beyond- the
rittlitge. had; helocik,,,
•11 4,1(1 bcdge-culler• Thentan, wit')
ived alone and was suppalcd 14if
vo-•-great4aViuga hidtletrout---flt
remises*. ',had been funtd martlered ft
'early spring, aboat to or three, days
the deed hod Leen eon-ft:titled. And-
' tystery hod never yet t.t2en oolveti.
rlliage -had, -remained noro-4-,eurtett
sinCe, pcopie \shut-n*1g it %vitt' Itor.,
• I yes* flyna As," &Ohl
clitaga heyend the wood
vettvdee W13 Dan has
at. coativ.lor it bit. fie gat.11
lie-ront.5 it (runt :fife, peonte at
• 1.14ttise.' '
4,A hemight, tie sizipcc,ted i0- -.-''
tt ion' may pe 511,te rutts/rto
1.t.eztglt It's runt pa., stimuli) think
44 at. 1 714 tite thought,m.lien
1te know' about
:that's nothlng to dos
‘t". ie at out irturs
A-vors' ihtife, Eve ntiver yet
'au& 'with tico4. Strike mg
../tit).'11 i
Miff if " - • , ____-_. ___.
S'ae .. ned. tIleztry ling abeu .
- Wrf..“ttirt " irt-takitiO :---f-f.4.-ittil
it. -.1t. tit 4e4,1 poet* 47 for Ike'
.t. ' ';.'-t," • 11...31 -1 1..VaS k.`", '
n"..14.1.11iii-ja -, • k 'e itlii4
tt, it ti.x 11,-:41 c lita, tea
V.0. itolotaiAtit, Ho tos 1
ii,t.sth,-. '*0 r3'.' list,,i:;. nolue
v,iiit iiiiii, tot iti*Kit, itit6govioriv 1.
I kt ltcr ii...i , s • :„.'s_f did Act teat
kert,-11. 'f if:4 \IlOt 0.i.4slist It3t1ik1
, ., .141,,, .t it t.,LAcr tok ia,-,..Lr father
I ' *Jet e ssuiti, land ,pered 'Waft
crt at The ati15t.ti.10 I rtvs
1 a.k411-,- s( --ltwyr sci.tned-1-6 ,. 1121g ti
. tIy ivibre,ifient• The light s.tremun...
g t1'.1,111 the, kIfelk 44)(1'.' a Mier ec,ltage
3!,*3 ittl(41. I* tiet Walt *sigh Of rel&ef,
,',..'•.ii-itttl iter dela Of GcnilE-tnatt,
tk %St 1t3rttylten. - ,
litit-tc-ttext hoeing iltc:e lo‘j,t0 , ,t Iti
4 pea red 4411 iii0 thritic•-td betaM 1,,,-
loc; bort got * secs% bund, and lot
fttni;ttliilt NI - breath StOlved. Alltiott
iittA )iiid reit ski* hint for tOrne :4c, citt
s.11o rwigrt;iktd ..liiin Ott Mitts titid,'„ *.
throttles-ft:1 bowek biting to thti 14tft!, b"
fessotio4 ,.%til.#* 114tetly divernitIe,
itvitt41 hate liottrtled theilt t,trettrOely„'so
I n 4 totiel tern, 'the Irripri*ittni MA** I,y i
o Ihre-,,1trAft kr icitildhofid. ' ,;„.slime I
ITArly ,%
a little smile upon his thin straight 11
she shuddered. Those terrible eyes."
.Seraps of sentences fell 'noon her eors.
hey loveito sumeient to kil b.r that ibey
laying plans for what prontised
autt;'---„4,-IceitIvg,rof ilf-roTartnarseo
epl hp in her. Why oh \Illy had' t.h
n given .sueh 4. father? 'Horror a Iter
disloyalty quenched the thought.: She
began to pray.- silenily,--her 111;F:cased.
Suddenly then- voices grow tootle
1-fer-naMe- r1u!I411hI
potr:cod in her prayers. to
'4Peritfle moMent -was upon her. S2K3fl
'she wtadd have to join' Itr.,,M 'nee her
father, who., now that 1ii had been
drinking heavily would In diIlIiult. i
manage; and listen ta Gentleman Oen'
iat,ott;ft snoers and erwl
S'unteatult go' then well try he;
!.a4- rtenver's. I've 'ad my. eye ,ot
”..0 tiara. for years • -.----then
use11 lie there her dittmon
necklace makes .tuo mot" water, „
been a toff yourself, you can sec
they'll nKer su.spc,tt 'elplit
• • •
The wards d:44 oft In a gttrgle. She
winced, and opened lier eyes. Gentle.
4411!3 Itatt was ltkilOng at her. 13ut tdie
knsilent, 13 smile epon.lier lips, II pour
Efir expression atooto bei..
itiit turned heavily in his chair,
"Stinbeaiii I" he 40 !'*'-I 'Tome
WO' H1Jh:12t 'cre. ilrat the light. I 3,vatit
'want io-lear-Your
v,11,4vvet riw t -„,,,t az), the one %IAA
tiotied yer titls Iting. t:onte on: \Vet
; yigt waitin* 'ave yoti gone to.
she ,started:_:111;,,..1.,,,rrible. mont
sune -‘"Eife-tvavy riair
dr •aud_.▪ ivtilapia_una—hlej
She nit I:n.4%1110 of .1110V -
lug: Dot 074 No' n;floalcilt. AS lie
bkast 4;41 • Illio st'ino curses; she,
iciLse„ W'grkis rano in her ears.
She woukt he tattle.
Slte 610prie4 across. lite, rilAnl; arid
-tut -t.i*ottlfer•lare.::•-ft-.W;f:4-ii"-7-iWifile.""tiN-
titath, but ill lamt eNes sla.ne look.of
,sa ph cairn recolve that tier "father. Iflinked
t tL her-.--attfHfis---ctirses
ti:1 tway in et low gfi,v1.
Then cleaving bi$ he demanded
. •
°Well,' then? NVot 'av you got to say
ptr youmelf ?''
1 •
A cilet re sharp as a blade fell biAtween
them. Site- lOolted fleittlity- into- Ids
ttgli:Nt -ftiett. .CIattlemart .•13att-It'ailet
c4ps4 the 1114 eye.1, ligeti compel•
l[ngly littkAii4 tips parted as., thoutij,
ttheut to 'speak.
.4•No2, 11;41)0;s:A (rye rnean." *Ave ',t,•ott
los' :cont. OnguOr blurted Ibli with an
t•t1e.v53 laugh.
141 toid yair Iltls *horning velatt. I
ttifnilitt tallter. 1 havet riot tlianged
and struck her violently *on the tat,cat h„
She staggered bat* giddily. The blood
coshed' from heart.. A numbness
seized her in evezY Dui, *how and
beyound all wrii the thought that the
uoirsht,,,,htut t.is
doings, had So disgraad his marib.iod.
'reins guslwd fora her
• "Father," 'she 3turtuur,f4; moving' un -
moodily towards -tint.: "V4u--d4Mn1.-14e
\ You 'matte 'Ton love me'
1 le flung-hrr back rough.. ,
"Univaleful hussy," he spat "I wash
n.e band,s. 4..y you' now. 1)on, yOu eon,
have her wheu lit;o: Ulu Can tioW
• het here to make sum her. „I /rust
.yott: 'Lock "'er up. • •
4 Oh; !other, father! What have
do te that you, should be so unkind':
Let taa come lanne` with you. at 101151.‘"
slit pleaded. shaking off Don.1,- detaining
hand and seizing her father by the
skeve "Clare you forgotten your Sun-
he,arn, "our
-(r-at.sobs choked Iter2 She clung" to
rwatorr.. ar/b5
*fetal her 1,pace •
father. flI do anything for you, it.
lake tne back."
hall asitanted, he, turned to Iter
ly. '
"Then slop titat bleeth'ering 'anti s
Y4.41'11 dr, milkt We've 11.1.1§1c4].
"enough tinte over 'Ital. a'rea .flart"$.
1.4"41gw4,uVwitit ,yotte•tystcrics:
' Cientletnon, Dart laughed.
at all." he uturnattred s4rtly;
irttliuses me, Mis Sunbeam."
'But, imIteeding him; site. ba
bri 11E111101s froin her_ faliter's arm, tkaYleig
2; • 4,
oak valle! bee.
: c4,. ontinival
e in
rn ill:eti.'.1 oc,,,, r4;44100,; !•1,T(*i 1 ,
f, 1.r4r ; t ii
,imirli,:ii;:r:oitistuila,t:sit.00t:.71,,‘..(00, litet... clztolitil':.1iltf'itcti.i'e;.1..r.fr, p.ttivilti,.
' rZlg,'::::'.41414".:Iae: ' 7 °Y. loir 1
.Ht, 'WO- Mill .-Ilad.' . ,)11. 1 0
'f(Vf.f.171414114:7.7.41114iige4$' -1' So) fedt's!!),Iirtl'i4. ,„:441111e4
b .11144.54,
v , • ,
sto,4,.47, r ttrt 1 whx *y1
• 04.1.`lif.'%1$11 ER PENS,
, 1,114t1,,,Phr,navetb411;14..ca' et:..1!?.;
ttitit:$1,,-,17111('9"1_1444colt;lirrds'ed la tn.._
4t 9, •••
t, ,
ing. r
- i r 6, Sit
".44&1 11
hat LS NVirited. n 'Len !elect rf,...,)st,7at°
7.11F, or the nu)sit mailable-broed to ni,,ek ils
winviliolslir sr u Nw.., ••,---' (lattentatts. Th w :- 1,04: sb WO' ha
vat- $41 that when ratioted t ey wiil
L e 'fairly heavy; !lave plump breasts'
and, 4..large proportion, of tattler flesh
* brinks d Ont. an /Inane IlttloWat-z-of tallY ta.14
_ ..
; - tvoyilik;•.--,..4-..;
. Ov Kidney *0 ud the $4' "i7t.144 c. lain or Of legs and .tddn 1$ es.settlial.
quali n for sotto. tnarlatts, a ter,
f n
Attording to :ruttish ideas. there i ,
KimEtts no*
r wher t t-
'ci by an emit author
wlo sfor wader large
,rta "doily papery will be hiOttlY
Med by those who shires'«
(tat team ally "mit p A
I ounc.e. Plaid 13'3, tiatt pond
ounce Coropotuad Hargett, thrLMI
tpott -”&$„yrti
4 .
anetvli‘lntigrie oeslairetige, foltwtinttp,
our, breeds 'whtelt neareat atiprotteh this
4pe ,are tile, Plymouth 'lloch.s;.1,Vyttn.
doltOst Orpingtons and, of Course, the
these with Iudian. gtne
mike excel-
'ern it• or
4, 9f
le in
fu an 11,41X141 4'18 Mrtellisi'm
tronounCed 'that thq
In 1ai;#irnelf
he results. *
114 • 111' in
- I "
0 v.6,1010;k1, a
P.., a
t' - t tii_tt, ,
arty t I to v iV,iitt,
I • t xt fricort ittely to
'Y' nedovs ciar'IvIrta-_ 'Idelenis.'„,4117.,.rtielg1074 4°41-
t.rds which wer oue hundred nod st-fc.,I
ty days old wile put 110, 111/4„ter. przeise.'
lv tlie sante conditions.. Old ttens,
itith '.tve been well 'lett reintIrte no.' -
- -Vitie.44,,,...14:)...x...01.1aItrisii-Mlikr4,--.;',7.--z
t li it oily tat 'which IS objectionable
Ili t ,* titlinsir It;ltdoYfee"41611tSt14;°btttiackin"lit:
„ r, .4.,...=",00,zow,04,...L.,...,....,
hick s like (tiller animals dit best. ,
when' their rood' is varied twin tiMe' tai'
- t
utitrke.)yb% 4rtarrcItt(tiposstedaPI°01.111g3rtt•titrIttll bo4a‘Ir oltr;"
part, ground barley one part. • invund
n'clIti:tL4e4111wi-PlitavNivval:ti*Ii'lliateAtItterous.Atiritec,ncly of '77-7-
thill4Kti:ridge,,,,,..This,shOulttlia4aLtwice", „.....
1.-- L-
1 1
timeztelsopdrink-Sentr vt,--one--ot-theAlther-bree s-ment
7 I:A, 5541,4 4
y ,w , n
elm -1* ---7"---4.,-• org,a w er ayers, an one ;each .y.letiancre'crtt'ittlerrnirmiargrlyirp:IttZtttrit3-ely
Olaialedtibat 14(kr0,41r0 'VIC-. Or_ the- erossibred. cafekeus ahottld 'he ground oats and mulloii tallow. and
I of 1111$ drcatt and t1rt!r&us Itelti- over to breed, from, or .degenera. .bv this ntethort prodace the best table- W1 i1t e
fa.tt and L1It „flack_ sootr,
4tutt,4 cases a permar.ent cur succesSftilly raise clnekens and
•t retain' WO). Pr10- la entail -1n and win. STOW OF -SPE ItOltsEAIAN.
.-TvItsp,$itmpte, iez. .sire g file birds mosZ tits welt tett trod the „
cn and eIcanse Ute kiiminative tissues 'tux; liwylire.-iateitTd:igirtieuittriy 614100/110 1'410. of Itittor Who Minot*
O th ktkineys so that they can tidier-• hti
„, 4 •
110/4 00 sY14111T-, it ',stunted- then, they a
atids arid waste'. matl"`",' ovover front it,. irt time
nrd otititeort 40iniselyasititctintilaytetSryni.'tni,b51111.1 :thc, rst. season.
•n 1*ere:740ra -ftvis that -their
,ys Aro.nof healthy and activeor who
• rs-.,fiW-nit-A*r4„.„t-Tffitrary..,trotatie-..0i. • 7--Yirifil")741044-, -0t--
V1.7;," 4101;14 1141 hesitate to plaice til! Are knOvoi and -practised generally in.
this Int -Aare, , as, t is certtun-Lto dO this 4.1.4mulryand vitelt has its advent'.
nett -good', and: irtaY 's4ve Yon LIVIn ages. trate ,fettentig is' perhaps the
IniserY Mtti '611trefi1lg Auer %voile* most popularthOugli. -Why 'it Stuall.1
-system a kw 'fowls are elosely topiinet
. so is .not. quite clear. 'Under itii
1*1 211 eralesand- ted\tvont-n;;Irough. The:
7,d4.r bu%1". 'crates' in general use ere si); feet ymg,
itiNfeen, irtches-ivide and twenty inches
v‘qs lieditivirindstkitide4viTvaretriehittt.woo'Hiapin:
• lions int three nomnatintenis and each
-comport! n
1,ecir0 nors'eman visits liNryeollar
Tradition says. that once every year
ear Ootne• ittiglattd. is .11tIecti in
oosturrio Of :the .tally- period„i
and the 1110of his horse nee. of :a..
11 the OV01)111ft of big visit lite wea.-
„Irtriorreisis ,im.,110 1;ilitot • alitgiditleitaire st;ounousely.i
totals, and the' reSidents of the arstrietif
not' '-vCatttre 014,0 Cottages.-
-When' the wind txwls hiadeSt. Ike horse,'
ton can be hoot up,lhe. road
al $4111, 411d„, frosgpg tit*. .
avow -bridge, iteotaltienly sto tive2;
ot.-Itte 'tall. The -rider' . ,
mounts onii inAes his way up the' broad:
vakett 'stairs into one or the romns or,
tour The- xit!.1.0entikauttljt°'0,*1.01.1hiveatit.lhilellarci,r1.4)vm.itiseitasistotnjr6.smtib.tt
e... o groans. , 1or.o.42133t then
ven,eighth thielv; itiukes his appetiranee tieor. tit!
ise'ltist.14.t114 014(1- 310)5
'GU hY.
spaceSbetivevit the slat in front are: Ills 'body con be seen, through by
two inches 'Wide to enable' the ldrtra to /nay ehanee ttt. be. present z,
feed front the\ trough. The bottom slats 1 -hi, horseappears to he wild with
otafiry, 11.t1- Itaff_ -aref-pal-ore-otte ant1:-,-a hallinches, apart !Anti -4w noslrils.,streatn Th
146 .'llyst call lu 'theeb t,, 1 8"1311 IMd tlie slat 'nearest lite baelc, of.' the itallition is that one 'of the fluntiffe,s.,
(Jamb* AtT.f.S:repata -tigy„4„quitettfilehes....64061,, 41. Amite jvon,b_
exciti.d; so- much so that shict,' the eonet. which •piovents 1i -at •the spectre horsottan IS the host2
ttesL.s. khis me!"
• la
• lie felt in Iov. er P11o7
*graph and ;asked for he' original.'"
Stella --”What develocd!" •
gaVetum the negative?'
Wa.9 .cfbitged:, tO tell veVerybetir ,61 --"the
-4',04 114,,Ars. One day Sheinet, a farmer's
ire, and Lgoit the cotivorsation. --4"-1}o
4' Itt11,W,..'31M: CIf..3tte kaid, .'"tur
ti, alia ha$' lust •-s.emiiii --tItS'inciatt Noten., 0. eta 0
y---ef-tt.,-1.4rtn*thrttftdrtet-t i 'tV3111111,r-1110 71p S12
IdLY;111. do an thin .birt that.. ' 1 , igbited-4-arrIL.-421 "Yesi-r temiti,,and-4he....badt.,44„
I'lell.fttlValliTglget? rio)nitarilticteat Itini'm.fult tom,. iia pini!t(dersittaensd!iino0u3rth..4,!:II(n1,6.(1.t's•Filll'fe"lit 11J1jultsie. eirt.thilliarti'tirio4n°'alfall) Ittl-o4t4Str'llpr: 1°.t....1-14.1). it:tot:10.s
'swung round upon her. hisi• band up.
that way what. our pig .locii tha .gottl wide, ore nollett tind(1! P•41011* dtV1,40.1t,
raised; ntit as Ile, COW:0;fred bekire'llbrit
ince!, he drtw 1-1: 't with anOther oath.
hot eyes rulsed-in alarrif to Ids ,iuriogs medal a...iittali8k:t1t:13):t:e -;seitow:`
""Tliihf ktie,p- to *ow. --pint-V"slonned;
ai''teetr-inti-.tilcitit'-tif.'rlf,i\tttIrd-erTrati niart,..,,,, iid
1 i 'ti, -':riirt437...3k-bout-TogAiton,I.iniaie,o.„,tiolii,,
d With ple.e..04 a:leather to the rear. lop
str4p Tbe_tratc,S.,shoithiAv placed -0*
he thrw .dt-tors so iforitteditiay, ba fling.
Cr_($1.14.1.. Oa 0' 3211? aig4t ot4 111. kill l'i'.,°
043 you see tite deviro I tip. 'in „mo
_ l' g '"11111' eurl°5111es*" a ftl'$IY.: ' I 'atl.,s1he!rollr"Vsol ni4ettoillt*soir*bnecall'iM;tible°11:11taisnaltal
Ed Wait wbiLl-t. Italaattr threlltenell
ti.,,,. '.Rottitereti tit aktbrb the A # 1 sint.N.
. his. le,..".4--,-.1--revi-r-tielit.,' .-. -2, 1.41:'7.034.1
Slice. crept to door* evert the T.V-435 ,A, light 'V .trOtz.gh„ ltVO and .Intlf
wo... preferable In tills. • On in Ille coo - the Conipany, "Ittat Ilalattut told hyebes tit4,11• inside.; ig' pineed iti frottt
air her ebbing ,:ilrenglit wotild'retUrn. . 54'014* but .4.111Y that ke xvi,illed fl*
JAI", 1.1.5 '..5110 laid bee hand kat the lin,:dt Prte.!" Witz are gut it e 41g14:', rePlISAI 14,111L ifiletlisieet*tlititos. tilnied..0e011S;.1.pell '.411111'1.0tti:441titb.firlit: '
Gentle -malt Dna Pmf.t rilE•jf uPolv it.,' ' ' ' 1 tliirt ' j4ltider"'''' 4*I'ld'llial.. IS 1 -1:1t: --4311e' Ilt- '1)0.11,C111 Ot Ili'13,41k)1.1g1t, 81101114 It ObOilt
"Not ye', my girl• .her'eaid., smiling!, 'wished, tor."-. tfut. Incites.,flitt titt lloor IMO - the.' tip.
nirTes,Iiiiygolu'*r, .ftilliTrI Iffas.°t*,gilvettillayt•On!tuo nare„, 'I's hard. paid Mt* sentintental, land.' bors; , . ' ,' ....* ''• .. - 4
1.r ittrSid4:1 Obi) tAtV(re 'Oda* .00.1* lite.
d I do 'tot Mean to let ytti.•go.-," ady at. 'the dinner.table,. "lc think that
She,sp.raftr asrilt Willi a tiltle crY on , ils-. pont', ilttlo lotttl), tsh(Jttitl, to tie,..1troy- .-:011431111.1fe_ li805te!!elti'#t14'4t111110;14'll'ffUl'ittiPi
imilett, eViti tlY unitetMandinit, 464 lite,s-:',' "lee -.4.• .',. ".'replied -tit& Sinart-" stwileti...froin . rain and. high. wit* but
ritr4g4,- front oolteeting at the rear. the of lho Intallevev, %vial_ is -titIonied to payi_
bottom slats are Weed upon the top
441 Itto bottom crisass-pieecs preVent
the .-thickens...feet
an annual visit to the ht,:rne ,of his Viet
Site is. said to have predicted the
extinction of the family. which, Welt'
f46-411#-.464;71-' :td4-40t41414";111411-"-----
leaned. ,tiant nit:V.411# ,1114'*_ W011.; : Pillt 1, ,.ilit„ItS,putlx tus,t . tafer -la .4-,,iiir O., ki.,,ottr„itt -41.1y, tWitiOrt ,Whir;t1- Aviti afkill
tioNictgi_;k:tet. 7-i ,i40141,1„q041)_._-_.•zvatitcp , the....httiAting* .Algernotft,!;".1lave you. a ,,ith2a. 4
itleanted it.% tilt ai kliting"but friendliness. jt,,,is tough fr., .
though "his eotantki, was not even rut,
n Ictirli ll'is'es6;s1Iletlr tlileft.elaletiLc4d10)3g111:1.fil I'll$nkgr'd vihrtit.4.10-6:13.4:414:111;crit(iisr. ilikAl l'1.511$;'-ull
Ilief.Vros---‘'Now• dote!, ke dont,-, f r , tve.ultii Ilttv'e be*It" *a -tattled ,loollt in ,It.u./ 'NO, 1 itaVonl. Ile rtevvr us2s iliat t;..34,
stutIplitid. 1°0111-11'drig ttiloutculc't4s.h.oilti° .teat!ulleei 110411'4 ,gi firyla,u4'0:tv.,..icod,drto, ,,(In'attili.1124AIlill r141-,‘961,,i04111,1'..-r,r4',4-ie -and. At#erigo.,, btlt li, ftriulti.-liinonnti.oit iiIlitgtsig#,,, before las fatuity."
:1119HY.h.-Ar-814--Ianic* her. nay boy 4,1itibrItligiii.t 4-44-izels WO iit'.0 N,0 fil-7pcit,:tftti.
lu„.,Itlid*.:,..: sfil,...'Yos„t/tItitil/• c,* 111.3,1-„Y.411,)/(1:4.111:1111k1' wings and icadt her vikot. I cannot. any, sttse, into My held."
lie uttered n ettrie atilt tairted '_, 'wards ,..01.47',Ve'irmu'e---nutti, "14rlrelicit„4,717,1,4":','1104o,;„17,160,.,";
. Therttielt bitekleailly In !tit chairs ,rigittomm tert:t.,,,..141.0ewst40,tifw r,4 , _
ey.3..'4___ ,.'rolling with angers Iti.5.1101144, 44.‘1„ ii onl trust ...pat away rt -(.0 to -
IY-el'i'llt41*.i-' .;- -L------ , yOu:ret Inirte, .1kright, ,..-..unbest t I ',
u nteatt linty yoa reftoel tko' 'Aro: 1,6, 0 g t 0 ti eel): FO ik t I er 0 t unlit umil. .
re,„rqty:_li* ail Eve *Ale loy Y4J11-7, lbsit liii twit vok fly* itt110:4.
'.w4id, :400, -41a -8-61r itilit '''&1-4 dfe'
'tviteirt ''''''611 °Y1914.'eriP 113 tCi 'e°1111(44 V: • theitrititUpe*ititi,offtfvnr li*nttillri*:p''4;na°7e4-4. ,
i.:ifier tts 'A Stone stead ol` bread. my ofitoo faf-t Dim ilubbord. .
tilgtiti(ri0 l'itIS,V). You actually'. refuse „,„0_,,, ,..it ,,,,,, ivrn .1 irc,let.ou. Ilia ,
*est ...1“.11-• 4 , "." ,.. Ir.' ' 4i'
' do" '4,i'our fluty Itvi, :%,atir olk,fallitt . (sit, i,:n4 lit f" .., • l' ,
1 vit. biA) ihit" teP10611 §"!_010-01° 111,-;'..h;c04,:d.rofnsed‘t , o 1
..zaireie. it st...ketat! kwroing \ tol;rnet It-lt istRat, lite:, Ife riitive
ttfcil tvittey
fl 111
1 tvill, btit. not
ilmt. waY. 1-----1 wkiuld t111101‘' 4114!' then laIle°14?atitig1114)041"t.. "4:Ar."
--Ati:al-or lteln alters to da's'ot"
tholoiVtorvaixtlY.---0Vft_the.... "Kill ,y4ttt IvittSt 1,, .
itto_.:wii,e_fogoorrc,Ay..",•. tt
*Ito cotce .rept, to her Ezp1Ar 61" --eh ven 74r3i:i- fo' ,ttlei-
1.1.1tOttlriatt 1)art's sneering sralie• , heti, 'LefOre she 01 ._. At big for If
two tfte goorti of bittle.r‘ft.f011tettt. •I ton , ht bad *Malt her to, WI ,ilttng.
that? :They cc old; bet Anliferstatidt 'iriried.Iter **dolt lbit Stott,. 4
Bill, turned to ltis oornpenton. _ spoiler tow too, me slit idiot,
s ' fN-citi TRIO !bar lies •
MAtittelval• ggling\lrentically. tit twat *tie " I n
ring ..11.7,m'self out, StIo'lltet;xpesSrtit 6 ow .,„, .tiii.,,,„„. .
Apirit tlith csItitkinft -hi . Illto,V*, ut :1;71,3wchii;c1171, ond.a i'
ititi t 6l*veil toe *rit 344oftt-lny ill* oithz *ere, ,
l'hXrs,/tft grattitooti, / '-old 'A! tlgt , toti$4 st,At, 76; t ,
Itt.soir4.)tha,kleiti**-tiatin41* rotuv414, ;4ve! sir*** .grAtivne,, risouvistiut,gnoliontw. y. .
'."-uti. brit* f./4eirilterec ilut.,,,
Olt Isti, vim
341.,' eptittibilett Don.. tie eyititt
1 -
An Knglrialt boi- •
'tat stiliering front on.overdot;,e of ifot";
son, gueslioned es. to iter Motive for
taking. It. •
14.1,14i1;g IN:414 . Went lit
tty-iitTti-6'irs--)i3O#4.in- Jot rge4t,
Itte front tIa, eSt 4t.e has 'there.. The-.
•Ille4 got was raoriodi' 'Three- droti4
1. attjarant,:7slx-4or tri-athilt;Lttnt/-..4-.
44*-`.Oiottful for On Mtetift.'" I ittiew
asntl, an Infant, I Sltre obotrk
-adult, so I thought- must be the.'
rurelt, and 1. to4„)k-• the' spoonful:1' •
trtu:st be great to be 66 t'''0,11 yotg
4111 ,Intrling_yottri..Artrincial *don ling that „
-eaiitt 'afford -
for nfy
hW tne 14
is light
6 4
tt 4—"No-stn
*re tro
'3181t1111 *u4!#t
1b 1fl4
0 (11 lie
he resi:ti 4ii1'
er the. frrdtd
A irv1b asgner*Hy !AAmtgi
1 t i erten
30tx tutak I stain t .het
halt SOO ono! intootiy is
• " ttip, Ai. 4f ▪ y.
• a.