Exeter Advocate, 1907-03-14, Page 6 (2)e ,•#•;‘) !A; , '• # Uftfltk 44»& „.. , ii. ,,,, *„. , nnd , 3, v y 04.. . ;:en1tsntl:1,0)1 ' ir- hrNn ett i It utus evfl went (it lite a rittut rnntrnCflt bis, %Yli tr;st , 's; -,"Ileaven ;uUtshall pas*3 away.' but .nty w4rd . ?afl nol, pass, away„"- He ineetts -tis , liteitteiklis of .firpoai-Jiitit'iCe..lilith 01 *nd• Ills* the:SONS- Juit..TrKet*tion tL&iui,, --artiitv fautt*WiitaLlatto*.hiclt ttOoPzi, that. tiough-,-,411 NY0 •tik, 11 dlo .101.si‘,14,41-11 ts•WJ X rn, , QU 4 fOrthemore I . tans that tke ordAnd deed% ontagentatie hvi n ermanence and ahldlOg. qUaI- fty: that they run eotatter to the itrat ‘t1/011103 PorOseitif eretl ,Pkward trtn1 lowaed great' hhii nt eflStItb Ui # -uiduriTin • ani thi fin,i,swi*pin,g,„awa 1.1411i#A,y, # 'I,. • • •••-• V r,r#41! m '• tindersto L we fitie iftV pot hi i ,Ottters inie nen d t*n such.,* ;itst. 4. 3/4 P .,•<<„,„„ 1le4iin "a „earth -41411 peeq.u.Vra4: but .ttly wor: ttpt pass. AVIutt44-Nre nteaning.Ja to III' ter- , vent alterant hose syllables iI eel. to nn1 XVItat Ave, csifiznaitch a intowf ol stent' lit 14e' ..voitaracti_wha o %.• trate .1141...; A.1,* n •Afton; •prona1ify , hos*, el""Oit finbedy• 'Inatienm-and -be t --14Iffankind. nem is. 4 mere of syliiible's 'unless theta be *nie charoe,ite in which it ea .4%ftodied.- -41ut,' when sorriW bpi- PerSOnelity stands , forth, ;clothed itt then it lives and thrills to Witfrits corn ••01iing rower. . '"tileavert and earth. shall • , but (he idea -which god •!Voke*-arld< tute4seg .sitan /toterpass - - • * • awaY. - Ento, Tito or st 15j,ti5t „ . er and herd! -them of liniwctv t there is la thero ' I 1 orget that, I e sori-htdt is u he haracier wh h, IS noble, the sU1 is itnbued With f4UL.. and crt1shed to 1rh, .5144,11 •• ten r• .ait al rget ndi41.1examplo fIftet V.,,• and inarkt f 1117 s • reatiy„, Tb ntst, Aving,;„.nnt„,deid-AAvrci4 ..1iieynut, cept• ',e7ok7 04091wastau, 404 trite at creattcafs -dttWn, and * 01,411- Stara} VA, a ..e0-ilitty„ 141, twist.% - war& NI,'."Ore'' 41, WV 0 t, -the iinterprelettart of 114 davne p-rona1ity, -.not soundless, .ratmitingleas •••• M. . iv -a -study. woids tot .30sus- and, ontprellemt. the Wordol„Goit let u% strive to 004 -how„ itAtdi4141.11iO4,,,, .thi* re• -how their iititte to live by.isApove A • cointnodilles, all Worldly siter,,e4.,a14 onor.' And 0 -let Us Strive fik,),_inake oar, lives.,tixid, Characters *peak, and -',be.ar tuition,: In these blessed wo iweeneSs- and the beauty ond health -which „s1tall bring negro and Contertt ari .stiren h., unto .t.tur - , :-.AND11 14)Exttutx,-_, , • 3,7 (11E.CAP • • '134ked . and .sloitittO IttjA)les AvillVectoPPeit l;,..herti With. * _ -1#11# - 1.1it.'411.4.1. r k ittrie '007*f:tipped OggA. 11 9Z1 an'J_ 'Or.t.t,*t_.::ttfpOAMAr,u,twa .) king 'irtwder.,, one ivispoon - Three layer.s. . r he- filling, 'use one oil) cream tnd'oncdtalf ottris - sugar.,, betwee 4r4 -77 ome -carrol". then dram -them. and cut into -fancy one eon e 02- butier•- hi 4 iloarkr-epoiri'ffior mb• it h;0y a dessertspoonful Of floui- r, And -gred inttolegH, tas'e- d the or thrxk ,spoonftlis of miker:Erearm-'Vben quite. ook-ed, ari v azmcoth, r.0 thearrAT in 11, ninter voen serving. plata In a latIO 410. art Soifer tinelpoliappett tarsiay -- ,„ Che'escb., ...$31041 Make* ordinary liltettch OreSsingfl J3 I!Jrt4n5 of oho lablevooti ef vinegar to threetf oil. h 'salt .and red --iasteT iltfai-dretaing. I 'mind. t1eese4t-thet to. nto..4.5„, it tames, the other must orttaaheil-L-untit,-tba--whoie-, 'awl abiut c3i1sisteaoy f eremite*.rva:iptitt ,crisp iettuft bard eracket%---4 C1ieap'1*--Talt:L3foup-40ne.&ca<taitt, (moos Vf ,bultet, tn'n intilegloon- Wi7-011-10gued44,14*OrA4,-,..0 , ,in p vceiertif etteryvv. ne ;am urn. p, one quart ,of *ate; Ma ar1fil PeP. thrm ,cr four cloves. !ttit'rectlatl, nio Wet joints* potir 011 the pieces, let them soak,lor,ft 1,41oth. .1 1 ti 0 • I ' * ly. it It Of. I . a itot r . et..41101414.4..A11,011, cornguilty of 011.7 lidera ItiAnvie„41.nwititii.Lot comphite, . _ att, 1 • t4lIatEt%it; ly, 1 , • V .11 a r z ft:. v, 1,,, I ' Orient thavo, 1 , tue--,-A.saarq "1 t• :No thy ' wea th.rt Lq rcnt uv that it is., 4, . t inor heatuttit lhan iron t1('y ordain' Vire tdr711 the elbow; .., ' ' Unhappy. the 'lwd wbh1r s .Yht. cpenltOtilltjleno .416, ft , un atIerist on: "hotir A (lay. 'Have the' r$,itoeito,, ittg, and Ower. tho inatices.s liorOughly with VurtErrr' cut ! 'at vo- Totrat he Aktisc hasi, stnce r*Oir<lbAtt , • the - 1014 ihoqt.t or. vitic.1VV1leelf" sin Led in full gi-I i. wc$01 t1hel4d. in-' it' 1.. „, „ . - ' t Y. t1o'is1tee131/4 vgth lhein;1r Insdtan1 Mt' fitit514,044 I1Ar0.-. -PArt:':'-1,411 , - , ' ,..tiONtSti at 1 t IV.,..:_WnsP.Ot. be expoed ta duat.' • T era 10. ,74)21 P,t,:::k* tn. ,In ,%0-Ltnnecllort,: -1040,onla, OM 4-5 .iti-4,....,V11n.i.' twat*. 0h01,AhriV.I4.1he• tiOtokt of oSitig 4watt:is duting rcpti1U3, .ond-:'allow In t all kirat3-Of',...toP4 Ibat ' ' ..betn' journeying -rt s r,eo et). 1 I 3 1! I o .tr , r.,04„.(t, 'texnsort*' iL Ite.,musa . gt<0.1.4r,q..d' labwitefid..shows• towv--N. Tear041-'11to-irs.,4).n.d. 1 uoth-0.' - • • _ b04.01111A in Vlii:011'. M.' cd,in po r leternitoing 140- st4t, :thotIghi-as t: :-z•by 1u ittr." t1riti-4rakf.Ijerv,":-; 401341 4; , •da, 0.1 1 1!..1 "withini4cal r41 ‘.1 bte,s3in - actual, seralu 41. b*fite. intervening eluded in4aur-wsox W14' $tudic4.7 and wording at IN, b!te.,, arab and relate /the A • '11 •14 •••••• it ln t4, w tithe% 0 (Thu. .. ' :ii.'t .4i lt;ite, in 'tin i . . 1110';'i 1 I i ; A 1 lk di ktU ti41'444.1...38tbi 4 - Avineri , in the00 ' * . , , 1 . tt In( , fl te Is ' 4'1 . Sit • „ 1h.r ft tefoit# ▪ t•wht a„urt *aSlere '1.10••••• 4411,oW Alte- all, t1c rilneess 'As,-iltteitt.' T. ten .fixe 44oc10r wals .#.4A, ler st 0143 ht ,Airst only Mott uihans.;in-rct- bl.queStrorts; hat. tho Otient at st gave. him -to understand, in veittonces Ion by -Aanteatatioa94 th.0 WU! Iler ato.1.1 silo had ,fatiert -.asleep .a5-Atstitit,... an trot seen.Iter4e 17rS147.44# • 1-4.4".41 1,4 had, 4411=4 '.*Ito; funi-try..- 11 Chest, with "VVVi a; • fr *rive?*c tiLMh.,h iifle ntgned. ' '1,1* ilgtogiala theAn anda,l t 4141Uj ihi1�, *losies< high*. 411, stertoe NVAilt*1), OPettvg0k, sPitPoriiilgr it fintetti 'to; Aa Lett ts •,011.11eNt #:1 at 'tiotich**tittl ,w* 1*41 .t<IA AVI4, 11 y , A 11111. AO* 1*. 147 th ociat,.4p Ib OT _AA crouff-AW Mad „,.nori (wratot tt.tet'dopIicated. thi5bropolo Aloctora and dervish freely, elvigoit the,, trettliity acceiatthalcd itt.theSo grownup children by Alla passion ....„Inaternity.-- The most, 'extravagant ' medicine wind charnAS aro often tried, ourclaseti AV -their weight in gold. 41 . ,suckviml Alto wife will. e swallowing 0f--4, erect earth front gertela. One wdes, witb vlitottletatztt 4.*Ants4, • 1100•101.13.AtNS lieg,lhati 'to; Alta Oteitiahmefal 0 14e 11,1resent, ..1h4,"Solytuatt lttrtted to 'of • 'eunta and asked, ,withn1lrlyatYint4 ,gto,Tol ItY "Went -kilt to 'the4Iinns What :the h11,litte..ss, had.. eaten; TOtifiltelt... .„NV1141.,11 Altat bet Jitertit boosts • t I v • W n -draw:4o „, 1- \.• surrefk44. l'Ad• •od-vised as a last r ti gralYiet da),.' piece ottalek which was ..supposed to 1)0 11' night from tomp4Of 1.1441Y, i.40 ft 144 r otter' ,early”. prnpt look this •pre$eription so Seraph. that, * W. _ are 1 E0 11)11"1 sk 11 t i 'flosis Ili'. ca,e. Sho-rim, t4c10911.O s)f. tut ,towl-not, to Inent on tint t...,<Iiti • him feel her, pulse* and. An '11105f..ttr1aAttAg..41ec4111ons, ' -nd- .1*O1hS.,.; 1 riiiii--- tont the•-turtnn: --IV -Ulf. ---tiiM;;----Of,:-.-i,aursei . transeribed-liroyetS'.-- • lite pulse. bid when Ito desired toTAIrt.. 'he Which ore inclosed in leather flit. bang. ) tongue het lunitt * ter ow a lengthy par. log around the. neck and w i 1, or'inve. -- I, °cation's-Am y,<arriva an 4 4 .4 WdIt ° '.starce the seoiiiidary beg et the rs.su ea 'in badly . venti1at4. pitons, days 'of Itton g Placed cat our betis in; it has: terbo-.. n t tiand-Apporierilly- tavelittge61;pread% 10. put. uVer „pillows. lit .eits, nOLfar 4statih, antt:' all, and ,11trir, :the*. IP .thkireughtyY , tt-,-After , the death 4.ot arid: after .-tha Itarty" is 'over put- thOyo..7. TAAL .,,., 1.,A1,1*1410314101y Into :the Wash. .1 , -' \.4. -' ' .41, 'rho Wit 17.. """ Ono bedromn 'hygiene lichekt41.--,00u.htieSS E.5ata TIt-We of, *hen, The .1).edirever Matti ,1,101;,,-"41,.., tie Preglie Until ready l for ite-.61ghtly, use,. •-to 11,16 tatoilY.;...5an0 tas-e'rf!,•'ls:IteftJYtng tt.-„,PcigrAe4-Z;r111-41i!-Isaia.-10-'110 Aria Clot -hes are < l, env) Tarn . uta. n y...-a, j* de -for th •pitrpose4 •:efistituLrl-'0a1V-4-- uraertaitteltmmise e• atlonrack ma Over,the clothes .1t. thto'Wri - loth icatui.-7101-fUllo*tt 11...t. -.K he Weot4.7 prevent *On 04110470A and whom nOw ••• ed„ shan't:- wtitten' on pa wide 'AvtiShe .-1 „P 'the tip of lter:tangue.. ' dup hot 'N vtot-tb#H k;‘40-„dt • Sehzinon wrote presexixiti 'I' )0, water tho“ei,INed OA_ - • 'tile niother o ',171131(.. t... e 1111,14, . .• pers*on, perforated h runt as a. tiOtlon'Nvhen„ trinfak‘ selze1•-. tier belt& log. a wistu.--lf, -ono -adds PipOlt of (he a' Pace,•: -.and_ _then began 10, le powdered inazzle of a ine.ukey,-04viticir e".4 01.1. 4,110' 00#1.0,5 Vi'e count cherry., intitte 'by el41r4O,g ,6111fle Ateighlened.' • t reoonlar,•41oetor.Of tho" ocennatinn,*„ and loitspincifu:of had been 60017 tor, Arrived, ---Eicety hu 81%0, Wivesratio,restrieted. and .-httio .• • .turned "Irnnt,Dr....fielirotail and h • ;I:Ake all 41to rich: 'Persian aS -h6'. had neviet, they .neiteo 'use. theirlingera, -Even -ems • . , ; • . hroidary. and laconalting. are left to itv-. te-gurar. doctor had.. - feriors* Nfost-. .the yam, 'is <spentin ,sekit e4i1V•11$$ tUrglacijir"li.e.10,4211,41,a .W11.3 '40#1,'',.chatApriOg „and visiting; Ial fortned again,. and thi.S. tinie restill ways -retie /ett * favorable,,-- -.fleavert, had difelated atid- s.Wohneo • " 10.444 triuniPhod. pre.- -1.-iltet theft* 40,5,4 fortinAtet_sisterS,. gen. • 1 •• .• 1 .1.0ii .,,a• -good -and 'they:have' no education - 14004) that the dtligtdeLt pearsihtWever,'. that sOme Tit -the, wives - VtAld 114ve ..11.0"...,Olher„,4*tor 1.0.011<i_ ilta„latasevcreigri have been ethtcaleL .day '.:forwatxt.. • • - rie•Of: ittaut_ftas_ita,Oputation . enter titerory-i-za' She' has tin- geslytoan. b orao,4crSt. '.proba ot her waster in every t- g .411,11* f...)41.411rizMi $Ut011-114--.0i-61-,g*Itt.,ot ills-htwoot. -or - - his tntd 14/1 tetra lifs toictit • • • -r' ti<v4 4i,-141-1-at'atiens ragoi; ttotretTe-r-itclid Welt. .'11.01/1-.' *by' Jamitter's" .tuntt ray- .1npitter Nitit-'•idit-t.-!W • .i.h0 loingeolge ,Htid Jutfliut)ive get, eldest Son, as else, t „en ado-. to. utiON 1,,ont..• • iamb nod, rsau.: .0of n . . . , ' Way. Wptift STUDIES, I Based oO the text -ot the Devised ',Net- f.,orteeririntg-the-flebrew-- The story of Man arta brint.1,4 ixtrtituertm. the right-TA-14s5V19.14 116 if, among Ilehrews, • as Ikr00141 Ott ik,LAPleal the, ktie4- sort of Abe family waS•,, ; According:10 -the „old en -,---71iNc-i-:, *Abe -at -son por1,4 chlts ,, I , ppur ono • 1 lite aides. A a d.,tiestmig-lits bre lag -water; edit:one. POJ 11 ar4e.41 1,,:',,tity Orel:4)6ra.. ray nil Olt . ° ono -th Ptiop tint. two ',ctips 1)1 Ir Wining Of itty strength*" Geo, VI ); , ;nips - ugar one , teaspoon eadi, 410 e,tt-seqUerilly t!S'In cage' iiif lWiltst.p, •"t•tAttill, sl,...nnlillottt3W.0 fillips f ,Iterl'and' Ot (ha 746,1 Vaisi' li — ero-ans. saiterolus. eight, cuptakfur: „bo ' AVZI*4-110,11.Stik.sfel_kacril...'.ATAff! inokes litre; toga, law....3 or tive soi elt-lialf -the:butter IR 6., 1411 lout frY Jehovah- In .-1.101112Orrf ; %lilt this vi ' .oneg. •Rteces of- lett *Ittt •luei'Vetr table's ' the.anciett law OtoltiS ail thg4 ilrittoarn ..*Itoletvta..for tareaktlippoLkiti., mce it gowlY RI' Mut' TinOrs'o*khtt- %Veit Mott host . . . the !males ott 'I 4 2 11141 ppreciation liktitrightt. - -•• And ent. ratA%-e 1„74/4„.N however, that Csau did got .forget -verVittiektylike". Avrongltiat had 1.)cen ggainst. hint. _ • T • • -Why b..e.blpeav'ell.vr you 1 -one _thy ;'-,4-eTite-tWerengel bt.s4 .tiand_onsklie son4 11V} !!143, Into - ,strong light the- patlfral4-"Znit lavork _ban of *the Mather. -S-*-trntl-wft.aprttators. Ittive•thoug.ht that -Me "Ii.ierr4434 Oft refer 40 the,:two sat,* AomI# 3.tt sittPC:„Inti. ftgan..n-tutderv7.1 it - 30.00, the. current law - AVOW& have miitt t-eig• Jacob' by I 111`.43431314ftrauktn. 1110,30 1:101_10!01.15 batod apple*, are ra small. Add .thu water ond.scalto13,404, SlIn5; foii Jehovah:. roll4 I.Pt>tnn Auld ore litelfrua and MI /tie hollows' It61111t Wihrir44-1***-1'444*-44°the'r-Panii'bo''Ph4".11.474' 12 - put In the: tot 441 tha-butt,ers. stir in, thr. kiln. of - thy isons- shalt thou lttvo :unto: spi'zt and attgar„ and 1.48ke long filsugh frir thtclipp74,-, forgt.i.'4K th!rt i,acrust. ;.-4.,nnettraNk -0*...e ;of' -butter .tt.'"ted tippte. before bang en. atzePtable ' • .t.Ourr44 Unkba -ta Serve ssirdh. )14i. litt-0 the. ov, tvitert, got Ira ruttt •fttent WJh 8111114:4110;' Ii3g1ktly..- with Lt make, hijt.,Shat:e• 'thi UiU2I4 11 thfg 'ettt the • irit.it), '101, , V.11( -y. tAIM be,rt","0 aertre-„' 'Sp18nt.411 .a - paving,. At • rice (slot' curry, dry ft•Itteraugliy,,, lath; ctinea", 01" -cutt-tt Or 'brytvocti,' . 'Stir ,. 5nt.4) Ike rice- - • large. scol, rioal84 tomatei:*,,and -76-*.lerga -fahr6Aoe'nfidlOr•girate...1 stuan ,Avitttr.4*pprixt ,ngd, , Lied hi* hAtt a 4iS1t 81* tetel iteltty par - 44 11. 8 $1t:tt1t, 1t tatth,red: tast 1)! cOS'tV" ,k thlek ..bitoSSIt SS**, ; to iikz.h,,„hi.A ot.WiflUt .11 704.411. pr,e, • " ait',s' ' 'ref 411 , • - I Dile • r••••• LAC tic\,„ arid, when all is welt bre**. - the, . sleek .previtastv *trairvt.d. 'sem r Ittate and serVe with piece, tad itt I o. tintea„ 710 t X tOrnik quPArs., [3:'13Nytko:40y,+.titr own. nfOrtt aiattyll.nles'in danger a gliding into altitude :of Altrintilta ton,' gotsix1. ctsf-olistalci'n)F eita feels „that whefl. tioltitA: after Ihn, opttoti,Gtf ot • serviettiat4,,her• friends site 41 Il attk .thent 1244'18bi I at the hattlo viten iha privilege. d to 11" g ticoe*elltiom 4 d inextertin4,!ed, he„.. Ate -00141' Itite „and ',fa s ilittexi,-10_!.4.011.4..<141.'„&lts-Incita- t 4 5:"Yiet,. free' this, teiterd",,anil if •Ala geniis 0:47.01 w" that 4114; . .11-Lir4 rtii in and • witit 'at ritit " dinner • roatiri • Lander. 11 n troA• 'the; 14' 1 afrnt 1-i iniate A In ceetain ici *1i• 'y i; 1 6 ui t t r, r, L • \ tqatcrat twetokt#-'17o flflil n i 1d 'n ,A1111141y. r!! has gL . anoilr fault.litidirtg " than° 14t., Silting art!, I,* ,114 ' A 4. 2. 2.', -lids meant that lite firathorp aon Wax to be aet rtsitlz zis att, Offering for I11e4leity, but it breateits ,toiriery from earliest -limes to offer in lemnpt ert: 14; nd literlater !any her to tedeeirt the c1i;14 for tv14'- 1a'1 13..131 Nutt). 1.1.14 `pigurittlwly,' t,iaei9 poIenof thorn-- ' 1' rang 11 I ;col. 4. V.; ler. puittrie Vatlition 11. 11r341- 14 faintly acted os 4,(,;._ the tle 11*ACcatli ,4rit-i,lif ing-pri tjt-ii lbw ,t341derne71,4., 'until lite ect'\ott of :the taiternacte, when lite prantinent. piaci, in the. Teo: faittity. ()Milt -t-Vo5 -trtcoferred-Ticr „evi, The firs't rn 6611. t tut oceupic and took raiale before his brother,s. *If ' _._ la. the Oily days the viill • (it liter fixed Ole pan of %lie „itilifti, 18414141 of Abe litatbiirttrAnd it wi_la nary Tor li father tp Immo. ! 16 bin 1 the;,greater . I. of like ,Antteq tict,,‘ pis. , DI ...4,71ted • Jr1Ilie Cast, or 1 eb(Itt -tire; -wife ' e4. itt otialning 4. ' ' titer of , Si -:-1 ;0' later taw fix -,5, portion \rt ilrlf 11.1.s inhadn„; n tAvie4"! t*t ArifoUnt..gt-tt'lft ta',41-4 or tho other aAns mad forkids „ favor be 4Aqito<tt young- - ' --',Prtiltw 21.1414 A 1124 tit tilPigliti,‘ t!,4' Mit, ‘ ttla ' i 1 .„ since lh , Ittritage..tigats* 41 • 14%44 814 , tOr 11 er\s ftt 11 ilid fli 'Wet dist of lite b iirstle.trn sOn ' ' that •Le; 4into.m.g,t zeg,..kioo-Of olt 'Lteritil , . , . 11-----,,,Vilk 1, -1 • 4,- , +builder at Ileth / 3tri.-° A e*retni ;rood. 1' , 0. r;atiit,e,,s reve413' 11.* wiloo; 'molt pad', „%hidt.11,1,hetattr ',al** fetr iti 414 .ilortiptiftt.,f4t,..!Viliirtict :upon Amid thikt - —' idertiarly'---throws-----touch •k It'T on '..„, initnin.g, wil!ill. sit# ‘i'*,trectit *on, Sof atidi that 48f 1/11240404 I "I, I, ittg. 0: nd contrary to the si In ' • emblem of virginity f otas. lei:adorned watt Oiden locks and aras forrticrly guarded by .1,4'0 ttz dent and dumb inlgrcies. 4/ways ;to, NI with thele°,kejubs', of ‘Olver villt gold -spikes Any Ta4ty'Llitint -who T0410., leo • of the iklautt: *nay which woitid,..niStantly itoted imbilutho-liespasseritas taken place of %the tilpaes. and their clubs been, icoined • foto inDuellf. • • , e(ttirough'th(3 gate you' ore in 4 lyAhrt quarrpri of tem' are absut forty in km, and hose onIY are * -for you seide.,ni find ' ilAREN 'OE' THE Sli, •r• 420 fl.i4or.O. TAIT,Of tsto*R. •• 0, N rid CO' 'rubs ii frees .61r tuft a 1.0;.dod 1intrueitirte;lari *!iUUt114 111 Ot, grandeAs. VIE EtNeCII LUXCIIY L" very eiOnsiveto buy. The Mos,t ,4it',-elyte1 ore the tall konzed" Abyssinian .1„01,klait ttio Sudan. '`-A thousand las O2 Infire:-1rs'.4)114-1Oi Fratn - the einauelts' courtyard of Ihe Stallshe trzrt-c'8r4tdor1(a4is to a•sec(did '11onens on a large* square 1; of. geornetrizal parterres 01 flower3, 1Vthveraiigit platte ppcit alt their bottglo,execjit lite to. This geridilt stirl with' innumerable quariers 94 She is . IP)vf2vIA r arctic(' windo*6.',47, 011,0 'With thiy er-..nitanced no • upsquare'co)t- e and go beyies J1: WiDritetk .the national -indoor 1t10!" with ftII ramettse of.„light: oat tin •r,silk eiVEt 111' 1:4 oflhe bead. It two iltenisqlves th ,or4etivie-it-optstkatnf-trai1i II and. , le:e,lialt did nut tho esain- te of his predefe ,s. -11. Sc1nn tbat n e elatictst c < 1 of. Uwe ivives itatteers,„. fcrinno- ttilcts, - ave."' censfent anitiva. iles,„"ttelate.esi4 '118'11 'i!1"115,tot ii 11145Ct'.;:lfiti°011 til,„. tit ,nes. A 14' - (Ai s 1411 - • C -41 ' Intrigue is OVA) one' of- Ile, "favorite ' oeelipations-lottigue ,to- awity;frotp rival- Me/aver orthe King, or political/ Intrigue. An instinctive dtplotooey brOUght, into action 'in Mese -cases with,..4 rum This, frAvby sortie antb11ion4 recoue in_ the 11&')) 01 :their__ -vho, by_in'oeitts Ifirt. flAlig6:r vininflucut!al support the Ste,ric,a • harant. ittere than, ona Atoportant-olfairvs itos hrotogid. „to U succe41811 ruutluptoin, 'mare- than one' favor 0 o --•The‘womal ..orttie harem are clittatsli- and' easily amused. „Ntarvellotts.storles, 11Iarafi4'--1_1.1' 1110 "A-Obitik recounted, 'with inconcelt buttO.tintrie; cilt old VTil'fl,- tltelr burlesque hultations, their &It/A- top, ravish them.. Otto of -1110.c„,1 bas Tehernu the reputation and vain)* igtitrArs onfirtivolratc,s, theni InAmelt• perorating • tho. clitiviilers" et ..tite. rot - MO illy attitude. of a blushing tritio R- 2110 iikinaperhig of a trilihtle.aged marirrAnd When a dira,...,00. a dri'itrotal OL' ditnn v•431114: 1120,P1og. She stweeeds in pulling; tho•sliitt. of her face, turtting,up her 146e with 11 string9 turt0nc....P her, eye. „lids out, 111)4 set•,..ort, trsiintting the fittest Bow *a ; °<,; •tiiincr the rag,. Wait thti exeMiton ot tht, mit1c1159 no-Inertlitt a fiw-dei1tWoar pert -tinted tai. .tater Wet Senttitary, 11 harm), f tht• shift. ,,htitettP be-'4ig -11 , A ab, word rwritli <wins, scrtd. 11 4441 dOcior 4.6f the'i • 14. 8441110,00 0020;thive Oita, 18.3 lit144.4h#4 ,earrAiv of the' $ • th.:%.,-1 T e-1W.d Ufr end ftle, fez' ti..n nflikt ihe -8.V.4111,0/ efihe Vttry difficult ontphinS 11.11er12' Oft.lh rtiodatn J --eaggral ' Ic h 44.ti 1 M1 d' *19 ;OM - -et if) •111 u1!4. So 1j4'Mt g 1.11-a 11 n 4. „ ng„ „. 1. r • • '1,1 WM old 1.1) s a *nue. ap."` 'cheroot and t1,4 14t121y raid, C1401411tt lit L00400* • ittrt'OGItAT'S l; • 4in31,e41 i"tu Aiar "f- • f)Vk'4' Ito irked steok Hos trif.mting.'t Cor14• 1cr-I1te- c4)Itseqtte11c,.3. You ntadt o Very angty., and SW vitas* ilet'ida to , I *4f#111?.N. #il• Ltd a id 'tat' :imp !toilete'* 13 418'.4'u',41ra14 attitr .a`rint. icfr. a a little, a< 14144 t Alten „ 1 \ • 4t. V • T 'i1 1tks4 wh*11 1h4 • htt ••,-, 142141. „ 4. , 14, **V1/4;h1,it, 10 tit)) Ile is' 11lc.t.,03,44 A t r: , /did frit the, , 14 2.8 k...1 1,1 , 'atett.. 1,6•-• is tits ✓ 1 *WO: fief 1 OtV. 'here!, ot i41 yeAttooloy irtit#1; ttl. • A 4t