Exeter Advocate, 1907-03-14, Page 2 (2).711` - i 1- • 1 I -ay fruit wiU1wd en 1,- 4:tr: h1tt ' I h ler I4kZ ' I .;,..4),,Anikitititt; r r , * iiy,the's:‘,14. ,iiri intli st* i 'I A .-) It ' li ,. , 4110 iv14.1110tz-fittn at , it$ tio V 3,1*,It t1 I.arii tjL, it *nig s1 eai t mit -Wit Att itttAr...ren4 raver; . by An ightyN'at frOla will nniec 'with *I -'04t O.* 4-4 Owe . I' 04010iL in; 114 birt1ngufiligert was - 0, and laltrowiftt I .,04 ill arivarnentl:lS it Uli Us ,flWetturlaiti avty "d up aby tome WI, Pia that, 1104 .rit tar Mid' y,ThAve.,,cotut ftna„ tier; it is thtlr onlY chane tet show it ' .rrWd upand ts her TtuM ts 'toy V* rat tr d, eat to y, Ilit) k 11 the x*x of ,, eruttbc* OaltIrt be4vCt r. , y‘ staid - , tWittr$, 1.6 Ma f •:rL _ "elly„., lioNtice,,tril ANM,, 1-1,... 3unrtable,fearlf baize lh ed e .. tal‘'e" -out ,11-7Ziluotto, - ,stiall 4,47 honse's shelter out into I ,, with --,.dblancei ---Y‘Iti• -alto; -1, $140•10tantio4 noth0 'sudden eifulgente all t 43 Liver lel rayed whiell.: rept -ti'A tt raid la% Ir'.' behind ti, witielk-6hei hop(3' to 11 `ITdric-,he. " If g(::!(rzt Ii"d n1 ufuriatt Pag0 .1)itve of th .,P 7t3 fr- 4 filt).4 P 01Cer , tItnbr014 . ii 141,, with 'eked Nvilli 4, 10.1(,..4 ' to in ht -*I10 ferent bulletittAFstre igan-tvicoltuett - e vv,Nte4 rain; to `61.16,t_.it i litAs ne ''fi;ith • what have ,treer-Vith;-t abr.- • thee,: tent lett ite4il 11 ets7fit t 01 lalfo byt ot a ; trOt thi.i, roatI with. at , 1 v._ Vat 41 lAt iti0- II ' ;tgh*ift re. a A P rtater..'es Ow, $1,A,P4 DA, nthe hi/14- .5hplatti - 'voter --,:vytitittertu a telta:---,o muss= upibi r on the, jur pts,t, norirejoug ,rotichstkutitig 44W1)at y•fl,ts tlp,o,ing Oar -a's. M have, happened to them 'lyt, color m4,44 $ha (lote44 not a'nst.O. 14r;.ty - skt! i Ter '161,4k 10)11,At to Jr* reITtIO„ ;1)4- Oa V • 114444g111. 'words. *bsAtiteilt POE'. velylatid, kU\ hu zrtlnlJui ago,hi& the -r 411148 beatIng Wider \bet If there. Yvait.nothittwv. tat- ..thiA..ing- tog. 414-brintrbIill trikt42 urfult tto 0)1)4 $ands its. in .4 ltaneet vagiatly _ • tomdekt5..,ItilkAC4.01,5,6 he 1t to tat -tom he tidtt is,Itior 41m; gm 10 ti,);11 ps1 )i1IASI his owls iteetatchl.rig the intettion• hris oies;ht: r.vegue- artd• Alaitele0.- 4 itelord that .Ikir e17ght ltd1114 - LtsKfss ;4.kd1; but oven -41.1-.1a Oh, it. nOt mar --her e311tPist.ft s1ailirig-44$ one slit 9' malting,dOwn thIcrifiTtitaitecteiL 'our ' - oati . urat'ot nOt ttrat 110 - 111)4 AlOW11-‘140$41.riu ts • -.-uoftrs• troutt 701.41 L (kW grEAt, VOlUllati'--4111(.41 'One in Vill 4 4bIlleliel* te'dttit It 1-rfiA")wt :1402t. tAP311..\,Intpi11Ora1ly'ategse as '.4*04 Ohi• 'thOutcl wit mind in. the • -44-,siIsttf leOsigilt•bad IklTtcou iUt. — P7f$144-kis,5cd and- (Treanist; Nag,' bort - \ • Witt' 'the distant MO AO; vanished' • It 'it itikbort 1 thpt was, with he 4L 4tart $ettrecf\ste, ,retleats sat. the. first, 44 4;4 .101 . totore•,.bitn-LAriir tan 4101-7..e rthefsling, i•en, the* -te' lih'i.abettar 4. .,.4..,444d P.;oilgurlan4uflit UC t•. u ficr-)0 .1 vokte. ,-t,‘- - ssodwily - - has. litiglingiv- cue/tett—what* Ilii. sz.z,;:,,s. 'nu a undo:tors lot ravisuincut.„ ttitapenioa agiiitritaltes.up'-hq,,parable. -, ;ViF s.1....'b_ -,--. ,.. . 1 ,. . ,'. . 4, L,net..sci-,,h,_ljyrig:iti tift iler91/14; i.ctet", hot this tpeevh.; livilleir„ h4wever4.11'etoie 144. . . ,• „tilt,,,,, in hoz movidtts 41,11$0,em, argotic,0,, 44wItca I teroi-.ttintrrttid't it VIS I livira in*. ritilgt ...potliitzg, ft ', ' . „ , • • . ....- - •.... WitY 411d flot.':1R. 6'.. hoilie Ni.ith.:b14 41.,4ivuing, Tito .:t4f:lit-st,..,s,f to . bi$.- talintentions, - , unecrtiplinien il • 'of , thc.tigh,..t.,91 the rest ' if ; the 4014)m:tie *,*33,,,,Nv'elltu nave Dectk .e.,0 ittleh.".,rtip„re . • °It is 'one ; tat- Iv** 3, have7' a ert .41,- 1 '11„ear; ..PP .9110'11,ki'l vAll;t1,- 7 The,Y-Iii,Very . 1*' ng oap.,13 it silii&CiL A, * . ge(11,11 ' -fiUt-L-Itrt -112,,„Liz :.tirt. k-iii'6- fed Xxtrettili liltZe .Ilown • head' -and' iliei.-"Ail.tx,0 fie".... -Iiii.tr he, wfshed- it:' - ..7 • ri-illititg eat evr latolliat.tt'oni u$ I, til., eta.t..14ethee: 7 ,,_ • ' ' - ' ; *email at:olit lals-tliitiIed heart l'oAltinti.'nfleoTat6rtalue:-1,$4"$•••flurg.0411q rtiSittly; • re,',i1L,,f,11-,-fsetT i-nitoi Vim fog 'and,. 1.3yugc $„titaitE .**4-,-,11'14 vqi-ter-Pl.., ,-,112140.80,-.c-vi'v,••• at at • 'alk lie tearilevatettes•sight again ot tlifi Natural:that he Whfitf:11`,` gild- rtaii - is_lter attRilso loqurn to tail. ' j1)041refir bittf-tlei-I. tad: altilioligif,„lhene'At inert Put ilie is =air** pursues. hts, tie ,Arafeli(ut, , ” ' - . - --Th, / ••13*it5rwattit ,. ____ .____, __-_t_t7,-_--"-_-_,,L_ _____ - - the-, With - it-iO'hl•-:ie*fs eikrt4 .clispoto vmv, , „:: -_• Aisne' eou 4c,51.13 m'arirter.'“ '11' , - . , -- 'think 1 al ;Iatntrig ylou. Il'eW CLOT, *441 itiewl..tokel oind howellvtitartar--44w totang**,--Eterfoustle**. cretplimr- *0**,00) tip the' woo*, toseloachotr desk*.....0,..t • ot,_II1***** ****.riar**.A* otitts lore,* t.,141W%0041.4 Alit.tiskt down. -*0,--0to iter **Imo 'atot sidurrot to. Xre-3-coetv itner.malt oes rolotto. Ind; *Thr roeiv. by t**11,1trititot tlii****,1* va*I4 wapper *441.root box GI *ArTenowt.frilie-.1ie "do ltiet- 1,0)004.11;eri *krut Would have. • Stoorniber tlikt* otter -4411 -:**t l*st 'to** for thousiod* *04-41*****04* ittr wbo *re **Treti*e win 1*** sAITEtta cared', 4:t4frir-4130-e •amt *dare** t iud*elk** Int -eithrib'hiAlmi o'n.. ly rentakk *ritbk Tri 8 , .- 1 t 44 ulliket'oph.,**rtegufl,xt;.d.toiv,r0:fur 00,11tInrdis'illpicnwit:::,:toiY4.1:1:9:00:1,z3e,,,, , .1s, e ,...5001141 Irv* • I .... is -Alton I r vigor, 'Mint. ., . r" 1 ionslap,'ot ittot,*.'11 „ 11,an, Ile has A blankly;it ,the liow ts,9 .0tly,-,11t11.7,..10104,41, * . g -front litld nifil 11110k, atAlie tailii7s4i novo, -0 :a, rit'ji.-orsintracing-virtes uttl,tinbraccd -„et wi- i 1-4, "Altqcri(fl, 'jolting liteIr. ',.'t'iung AAP' toht truiatoes , tette 6leoing, river -and ',the Veriltil,cpsimit,,,..,u, ,,,, .,,,w,...,,. 41,1'1%„. An- vain. Mi. Win Ilaifs f,pring,11:1;417;1;:04', ''' ilCa ughter.'broathas sepoSs It*, tt,e4wai • ielor,,4 .61, .904 -tab, or hcr , '' * .tvo'',,,4,: '' - , -•' ia- ten : . • kv &to ' ilA:'1 a:,.; , .. hr \1\,,.itibillthtiletl. Th'Itl'a,t . , .1. h'jw 1h 41140stion- ifit:','„it, v eti°' .... 1 ‘11,44,etiaigl‘ , Oh' In * letdin1lieKg; rr•s 14 ' -tv.1*.er of 0118.,':,erght th0 anore.-• . _ ."'• 7. --' ' laid i vat lintshintt, telat , arat..-shilit ft ,J , Aland has 4. ' rt.tirtA _:,..I _11,in totlY.-.Etti:StIA-1 that, NV110%._01a1„, latR--`.0 fftt - '1t1 h Und: l't 'is-LonW1:;i':1-Ktftir,irhoTert°414 II4-;-,4434V:Itt:-Y-14,orilitit-41:Iflinicr t_Tit141.111-42.;644 .1.)*r.n.itt: -et. iviipsffi i, _,,i t0;1- --Vi'as., 8litl'Ilitiiitevq.,(1141'1;;°1air*;46a700' 'nit": l's41718Tovir ut 10 itr4ve. mip itr kat' Called 9141* osi,,,,,cit W -sr. ,. '-'- • oge, 34. v 1 ha '4`,Attitd In 1 Ile W -tit these n nt;'-'`tt.t14 bphPriii:t ,potatrts- -7-0.,--, .-3(cAlim.g" bypotlItcsR,a.„, for 1 LthNItifflifult, 10 str.12;±,10-4`4511es 1 _on -4alon---4,44.Wit-ni-,9,tigiV-Artli_ 'ilf-Aind.,0Yn.,cr:19:fall. 01. ly At a lar'pa eigar'iti- IrieVall-bY befor'e at le-Pgill'llto, vi4e3 ct flicNtviza Aare ttcard. : ---, ' •--_.' : , Corgq,:ne- beNtg,.ils:1 love at( -1, i Ilialli *krkfl liwtefete --neart`stqltie door , cat; pmce4.• )Is .1Iw (4.ilitst ,t Olt d, 1.1 131. 10, bast. gUttice tt*, .-bint th34 the 1)%ve ft 41,7Itendiq t.,yIi;10. ' Lirk .M.arAant . run . Of lilizatiethilindeed-,'--E-i-s..-za CO .c.',.3 a. ,g;itnpse, • trs 6be pass'es 1 prCe 0101Cirl, borqjfigi ,tb lute, itcr -twr ,,-u--h-;fott-,Lspt-sfkunl-tt 1.terelee;4 13 ,C6m* lutinit* iiitir tAe 0).f.i." 1'000: tu TVY,ig t 'Writ:1nm 'rot' espalcnc,A avail? .41..-y. isircpg etrAliort9..in Ws di as 14 We 1104.1 nutA/ rraerl- .eillni-g- Ilion -from „It ' agzift, fx,J-,Dtg ft 4,5 y :Lein itr "t Vtinltc.tor. wet- tire tuview1Leitglit iro; b"- lift t Attu! Attee ",011to I do --$2a ido ItiTtll tor stitto` itt liko Valli, poor worian 11,„ that -it 4'141 , • it. V.1141.1V,I, ititn., ;kW-JAW:5_41k ,t, tktUrn' tii *het ItiOt 4ili-Otlia Uzi 11"4-f-til:=1&Stit*I1611,14 lia itrtiiI1C11•Vtl,F tile tt. _Jhe 't"ther.-: Itv liblid !utilise tutIctr.' . - •-• t4? socattetzi ,et the I arti?, have diAllticaro q vn Not....yorry: 103 veins ..,1,1,1,14 site itie,_ tig. .4 thk,4ot'or f t 'the ,iltila intaVAPCS hint. _ / Fa' NI*, , *,,,,tari-LItont„, who 1113. ,Do notote4L;rty," she ',..say4 retnet:$4A 1,,,,t.Tn. ft 18 • It.e...v tercoattils1. ortil .-I9, fully ;,'„ ",y6u limit toutiott(16 ,."-ay to IL .- 1: litog: itysiott51-y_i_out. .A%, i!•0 COkiV,'S '0, 1.11, how .it atn"stire);-=tooking gralep €1 tltrra thelosl?„,ortence n 11.:er gity. at bilir4Ilirmigli the rain-----'V;y, I xs;(1145, ,,, • . ,_..-i,,, am al„was'4. toga:141g lott vatti My Ni -or'. .!• Jt'., .Y-‘511 litrIP s111'.5-11!:•?.:-- "1 Oa riesi•-•trat,:ych Jere rfo dependable- we 'gtail; raid the ttlicrs,--,41W*Vtitt li.e,. b5411, 'TM th,ht you am fo sli-pendAble.,*' tittcfs am clo'.38 iviiina.- - , _ , . - I t.,-,s.,its-, ht„ ,101)t. A,Juetroikliot iknotthiligAint life-lidticr3; 1 41-1* , fiat trot mni,..11 grattika -• tzc-Till-a.o&i:alt moneliirslaant,r. IuU-,.. 0 v,ilt11,V6e,144t1c.nr- n tit ltp of 6fickesivoniari tiro or that: id T.- ,411-14,7619,W..5 $05,1:41 fut the ''' 't I • assattlet Ilia others "Wo isairep ,, •_, 61 ii-S,-Ini lilone•ogo. 01* 4 c fl; 1. 4i.* it,t l . I-, aiii r %oats tt'Itt)rtible tchuul, with- an inVOiLtit "-,101C.":-'" ',.17, t iit?kkeSt-A511.-MLI)Iti..5Xt rt' iSaltaat \ LO itilil 'iri'e,-‘4, as bcr2sis. 111'4 . riztle.clit c2an. will 1.1. racre Ir. -aril 'Oro ..1.1ran go opt-i€'4rmr-c,--6.: taticr:,, to • 111,mni Anittia"i3rface," note L-4.„ in ad,1111,0 tl a .lian,lar, 't.$13're, 41 ,srilstx.9.:..1/41e, 1,• lik 100It +:4 tnFittitic,44:50 *nil idOst- L ics3%*,041,41V4.510., lielw pufs. in her _ ik-c,ftt. *Itti '1114,r lislial p!iticite.„..10114.1 li.L.-Igtifttit '--t ';'et, i - *I Alsi* not AltitS, yi'iti,, rti1- Ve. la Ili_ Vi.f114 8Lat than.° i.h4,', ..14A,, Ca" ,ittt immotta!e rcItt-,-,-,e into Ata, an 41:. r4 •'4- '1) tollowitt ty ANA!' Ctalirt's • ret et tbt " it ' Ntrs; q it:ant'S, fttIttits; -*INN Ncer,,9 Its.$11;,4 eg)04,- UV. iit.,-,;:z ,-.,,,•&-rtaittly' . r I?.4-.) .4543,,t,Eg op'1; t'42.‘,‘ wi",1-el aP tt,.e ,r. - tiiy,e cfr- • tlivteli4ner. de at lb -e• vii.,0 • u 1 ' i .i. 11 --'I 1 't 1 : :11rmig :a r-,44:., :ek0:;, , ,,, v 11 n 111 0 t.i : Ii:inur 411 t :: s:3:-',15 11. ;:c.',4, ,. v.:' :•;'''t,,,5-tr.'1::ti*, gr 'n:e:Icicl. 1'1 eY 'PG::: : alti.tr' el . : .1 I: f, ,, ttrl'ihtetl. 1::: , . ,_, .,* :::1' , r :i rant az • n ; 1 ' r, I .60 itisi,, - mud, ' 11: t , Vell-rinS ' ''':1 1 (4311i11.4_..1 41.31.0x, , .04, j,i 1, $03-Lettatt .4 t ilnblet'.-. i . togicur 'who- own* - fait i Iii -lot' tho „tak,4 il• a bIllgt,.ta 'Ilit . 'n :t S --,--4 11 slgtle5-1.124ett71.-. 4 ' *f 4 ViiiitCh• yfs1Wdeytt.'„UUL tttv.endt ban tirlutt:uitas‘e-10,6;tiolLalotiant:&:aefita,t:i...erilcer::at.eolt ,:.: , Tho,,,,401. If F,011 -CUBING: Itykc,..5.- ur4,- a iftili ItVeile atil •• ..- ..... ih " It'lt 5:411:1$1Y3:ao.,:XtO'ill' 4r.,4i,f.'t's:f'1'1414.rft1)4-aki• 11h1 g., t -.11'‘''''t-,5ir-tic‘c.mr.4.c• '. '''''5c;itP-'511:1r:'r-11.71474.V.ttU .6' • hcv int-Orthat. Nolitt-titututcr ilte " rep* , tigt,,. *0, 1,.•%,6 .s,'N'I.:ry. IA ." r ' r ;41r 11:1! t: -:te,411!$---wi i--11 doublr - ' '',' ''. 4t ,gar4-04;- 1 ' , -. saltt:Mi.ebtdr ,ga*It-Inolkti§ . .„, Velt.''Yint-letlyteni 't -lin, terne-4*-Ilte4 n LI iafl you cut...:63- 4.,..tfall,t .ivin-...4 ,,,..1t0 rtIlw ,t1ald-i' . 4. 44° ; . 411131Yilliggo.od"u'llnill, $ott nauili lit a bytici...1: fit irt... .-t..-110f411-• 14,614' ptoetictiegiti,in . o. i canal .,,,:oy mai : tc $totd vittit: ; ror .1(4 -ben IWy .foinN:and the- )4 rawo.ovcr.liis inOttra.l.?„&*tadiatre f he. ttioubt •ftrucst 1151;binii os.s.aill9 kitIce tricot • I 4'wh,Y,* yet413i Lfu 31:111,1ii: ' 101, wec,*reLrrac 11 f tirgiCipe; Incit thtzith,, 10 Oot at, tti ;Med ,ct1e' ta 411e r 'Are, we later -.'aSks ieusly; 1 ,stn., afraid we are late -1 am, afraid we havp uaitIng t Oho 1 ant So Sorrx r t h „ti -,361,7.11 armettf AtZlaY8 13 a vixat; cliet - inrn 'b pitic4 Ifituselt 4,1111ay Ate.•&iy.)ku•scfr4e,lhebtlier " y• 1114' It 110 church, Yh4fl 3 1.cattnot telt trio, tron 'iitterlho 100, tse a41tIbug 1said about.'tlie-, arid chtiWsy "suloncrgeti , Attivr I•ins ltairel.9Citnot-yrriA"=- . _ 'tattoo thew, twin 'the lifince `nti-ltettg thcal 'utt ;n: iky tvrily 450:140 ttASe, fi5r one or two day's. 444' ;until ltiel*, crt. the .*Info.4,,,e. tyerott. ,the „stnoke, ttuliiIctqA *tv., p lyft .6111011:handful cti sutpli,,,.*r to :the, PIst iry be trewlied until itie" Akal. •r71414‘,” tut ca tnitst 1, titickitir,t 'teal the *fat it deAr:*,lys-teSisvc;ry-: lag 1 rs-4,111finer, writtir el013t thkic_pipt,t 0444 tie tightly - 'atul dry , . She with Air ,eng,aog !rem one tit 1105"otter , .11Ie ILy rnantenall., &Opt) 1cr, *1341 61,t4tUg a reel. ,116 starlted _ n A44d 1, it " op y rifpluro to, beread in pr'int po-iter%t,intlyng,./_,Afrit 110 manS? 'i.ngredi?utg tbat.gq, to frisUe up .that fiNeteil ralitue43 1. nrodyibbydly 'one. ' envelopa or ,weta-apior t thou 111)14 you. YeAt 40 13 "litIt 81 1:2411911t'O: peettallys further into 'the itkootir -k f4'21flt. she and do nut parinsity tliat. /4,011itkigng "--wittr att ---appesting-tclucli provilicatvoli ral3 a dear -MI Orniquitii Thu reply ya ty Mkt bamy Mid iifttirreny 11r,21, tivelycS; thia .11341' ctit • iiketnork tb plate Rtet40 dter(rin!ei the Woo& . It is. fikl'4011.!i ,13gChitil Ontrit' cinFe. l'Oln(st _the' art liss 'Test idta *lic,t4k, nd youl t7sk of him; 1141 )ti. lAtie ithyAl.*bould be 41* Ot lbei(i 145s;# 1*1144J -41e p34.itotry;ftfrOontitii" prec. ▪ not 4,s-agrei-atly.f,o in1r4d. toei, tri,‘ -61.orioi* r(-444). it 'that % n tlot $4L1% 44• 44.4 614it d tatItin hat t'_!. -"I lofty vs NNel th horvI ln,<" tcr-4/14.0.1 vo at t 114ns-tit', t's th "cfr -tor 144 , 15 IL, MAI tit 4 t -04,,t, 4W,$).*T' And 1,1:11*J1 ri evii.101 'wipe - • , • 44114' pVintink,to "-timer 't166,CrOtc ilk, mitt eel., I %Katmai them liAt .an ibtretl* ti,tirarriO" Wattr lo .11 .04 them tiro; • Mit l'O'r a,' that:" . _ 1118 toalis the kiptiiente 'cestligh 'foster, Whose ?41711' Xi' vtirre t ier ,xtieettag ofte ;01- •ogeogifiti60,4 whq, -had 'beta AT tts; Unita reVect Pt itteutlAnceo 1101 -6.00.-havaite‘tttertsiteh , 4' • JAI Pat ray isirea, I *a* itt Viss_gleapt, *erns 45? 11* *Itter hi urvcr' ut hn, have ythitever besrd-,That *tone gathers no stOsYl'' *Ave, tot.lutvelitlir4,-.1-eof 411111 1 kihired lamb, a, ling time 'to • kl LIVE ,STOCK NOTg$. thrtReil‘prvinatormitc:d'the. rys, • " rw tht bg, aril 1 '101;4'4 'rtrie:e IL4IRJ -i Li knrt- tr31g 10 -- t13•4, I tat Y are , ; -1/ ttc-Y **(11 i14111 the 1. 1;'• fltyojQ -4343' 't'ttbtre)g::.u:.;i::''';w:114j44438 me I E::rii tholtetlat :h ' ainwtthln txc;k nstormatioirlit warll man poorcr WO Ittli:t0 s1an43. the l'Aticso nt i ,iro-4,pbortiotayeliccrera3tha, hL a man -isr--rvAtOkiciat.f ta'A„,,recii,, cinflett4))1.-theit.-1,.. !ett*IrtonVitteing itt Ulla* The rec.'ording angd i n*.' Isict it& tot the $04.4"yoF- 043-14„40, :iterort.;, ' • 'Me MsJ the rid ieve haly fi*tt:Ii.s.:l.ed,„.*:!hofi healing ot • ,trr prow • sett' AkilltiAlt ;Ilto t 4.4\49 IiFti. At 4 , t 1,..* \110.,1.;',E:t .3 ` 1 ng ., i', i'-then,l, 4 ' tti c=. 4. ,,hent . 4 \v111 t la al 7 Cl's Ai. ,ts - ,. ' 1. t ' tt • 1 , 1, , "--iit 0 . t 1241,3 .1: 6 ' ''' 0 a'4,/ V , , ,..,;., t'.-- .1Fief; * •• .k•; tr t. 51:0' 1,01t, tattrelltA Itf.rg -`11 At30:tilttv I3* Iwo la so thir s.1 lhe' sr* • Off". t ‘1,1? -1,-.t. r20.tn&' VMS' ii4.4.1%, 1hr" !';It n. 1.tor,1 h,fx toc 4 it th tr 11.3t •t, e , hidlitt 1 till '1'144 34 ,a;11.1t-fk.,. . r t3 itt P3'!3 4t,4110,tht iJLt r* my 1*4111. yetiatiltt4tIviitweY mtool, ,,i*Ofilt 1 • Cs t#401; k b Atteit00 • rostrift tiapi arid * ti ;At sigth 1.000k is I,-. Itti*,6,1.*W.vk1rie4.,8-oirii. ,ilisteter * 114 ' 4*.41 4 tuw'4 aa.is 1.4etwoon 11100041 , 4 - sfiC so$t , 1ty voptviol..to, $ It h..* roku Hit hflotos, fr, ran Te* IA" ta*ifettell a it4,4 01 et Vint 011010' familieriq a * .1$ 1110tOotii -frr.14`,-1`.` " Same" 1 sot