Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-29, Page 5 (2)HELP WANTED Young ladies and gentlenneu who are daiairousa of making a re- cord are wanted at the Clinton Businass Goltage (Alilliatedw® lege) 1 hgm Radom" to prepareforlekeepere,StenOg* repliers and Telegraphers. During July and Augu t we could only :011 ONE-TaNx of the poeitiona of- fered our graduates..., Catalogue fortbe saskiraR. o GRO. SPOTTON .,.• PrIatelosi During The cold weather �eOffering sosqeexceptional values in Pianos and Organs Our moods are of the best, quality,. and we will be satisfied with the SMALL, PROFITS.. Prices and terms thatwill suit the most exacting. In Sewing Machines we can core tainly suit you. Stationery 'A fine line of high gr'ade station- ery cheap. C.&LL and SFE US S.MARTIN 4SON It is right in every respect. Right in workmanship, Right in price. Right in time, Right .every time. Accurately adjust- ed. Pitted in either gold, sit. ver or nickel eases, . `Let us sell you a watch.. D 2 l The ew"lere EXETER, ONTARIO IO. STQR111 PROTECTION 49. TILL LEflDiI TRE IURRKET n Poultry. We are still buying nearly all the poultry 14 sight and: are paying the ItIGIIEST, MARKET PIC'. for -K0330: . HERE ARE THE- PRESENT PRICES. Chicken, Alive 8 eta., Dressed 10 cts. Rene c• •a r• .7 •. Ducks "t, 8t, ,• " 1,0 " Geese le 9 tl Pt 9 is Turkeys " 11} " „ 1st •• One Cent Per Lb. Less For4aa*rbt. Or All poultry must be dry piicked•and clean; all feather ;taken: off wings. Poor, skinny fowl not wanted et any price, Crops must be empty.' dead or alive. Necks xpust be not be broken or twisted, Bleed at mouth. We prefer heads off geese. FBA'x`HERS.---�We also buy all kinds of feathers and pay good prices. REMEMBER we have a full store of IJ' -to -Date .floods at prices willow as any merchant elm live. "IAS MERCHANT SEERVIVIDI1A O.DI RELIANCE BAKING POWDER COS, TS LESS TO USE . GIVES BETTER RESULTS A trial will eonvinoe ever7 housewife in Canada that"fiefsence Rakin Pow. v dere• is far superior to any other she has ever used because it is more. effective and lees can be used and better resuits obtained, •"Neltance Bejkting Powder" le composed of the vett beat and purest materials,' under the personal asuporvioion of an expert manufacturing chemist, therefore Ire are - able to seltit on a Cash-Ouarentoea of 3atttitsfection. Beira pure d'hea1 R "etuned baking; Powder" insures perfect baking—snob b,an elting as PMsemi. give to young children and invalids becauseof its easy digestion, Are You Interested Picture Post Cards? Almost everyone has the postal card,, craze. A. set of our colored: post carts is needed to•cormplete.every collection. They are- not -tor sale. but you can get a•set absolutely free. They,are,just what the children aralooking for and surely you can. not ovorloolt this opportunity to get a.set free by simply dropping a postal. ' BEAUTICU.L.. PiCTURE POST CARD'S To anyone writing us, answering :thio -following questions, we will gladly' sen ab.olute•y free, postage prepaid, a set of four.of our latest edition of beautiful picture post.oards, lithographed in brilliant colors. , lar Nano your Grocers. asci. Name this Papery ' d international 'a and Company, Toronto, Canada •IAsk for the Purple Package*" weini Tackersniith; Mr. ,and Mrs, Wm. Murray., one time old residents' of this toweship, who have been residing -in Dauphins Manitoba,. for a couple of years,, have returned to 'Algoma to re- side for the winter-"; Perhaps, the Worn. One of the most distressing things one (can Buffer from is bladder trouble. Its• nature, ature often, cause's 'people to silently suff We don't ask you to tell us of the irrit>;►tion, the catarrh, the scalding—we only say, you will be prudent iii trying Bttrju, the Gentle Kidney Pill. Kidney troubles do net stand still. Unless steps are taken,'worse will ensue. Youl.take no chances in frying Bu Ju. Should it fail, you can have your money back ---but it won't fail. Only three. cents a -day, W. S. HO WEN"DRUGGIST. m, T ll hods' 'tiD"o�r_. �. o � ,� The ' Great ;English Peatied'yy. Tones and invigorates the whoio nervous systmn, makes new foal in old Veins. ';as nue -Debitt , Mpi and Bra n i r Dego ponc;cncil bxruai '.Weakness Emissions, Spcx,- maiorr 7uaar and `etta3 o,�' Weakness* ter . Price per bot, sister willp se, Ix z, .or mailed X01 b an Sole y�in p i_ -p . on receipt of p�Neto pamphlet let mailed res. ,The weep Nllbdtclnr• 00. a Tolrontor Ont. • Vara window.) The 1no9t danger to• farm biildintts Ind live ,stock from wind storms is during the summer months. A Policy in The Huron Weather ': surancs mutual Cotiapany will give you, protection, and a policy costs only a few.dollars a year. • Roger Northcott, EsqPresident, Hay F. O. J. Kellerman, Esq., Vice.Pr'eaident, Hashwood: DIRECTORS • Silas BBrokenahire,° Crediton F. O..' '0. 11, Perkins Exeter P.,0., Henry its ti,lDrysdalo P. 0 A. G. Sinitlie, Howse P. O. • W. T. Caldwell, Hensel), P. 0. Chas. Monteith, Thames Road P..0., Wm. 11. Nattier, f it Lich. See your nearest direetor or write for . particulars tog. Zeller, Secretary,Zurich. lteslisble agents wanting territory should write at once to G.1IOi1JZMAN, +den. Agent, Zurich 1', 0. S. IIABDY, Agent at Exeter.. 100, 'Seafor�th: A young man : named Hutchison, trn employee of .the. Bell Engine Co., had some of his fingers badly smashed in one of the "machines on 1V und,ay. p,ar .hill: The remains of the late Mrs. Mary A. Hurl phr•,ier,'Who'pease1 away at St. Joseph, Roapit il, London Thursday ." was ' brought here Friday and laid to rest in the Strathroy cem- etery. Deceased `died from the effects of an operation which was performed the Monday previous to her death. She was a prominent Sunday school worker in the Methodist church and is widely known in Western Ontario. A husband and two`s nesurvive. HOW'S ThlsP 'We oiler One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of,Catarrb that minuet be cured by Hall's Catarrh Ohre, F. J. CHENEY'& Co., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F.' J. Cheney for the last 15 yeAfsr and believe him perfectly honorable in alr business transactions and financially able to Barry out any obligations made by his firm, WAtnDlrio,1 iNNAN ifAavix, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 - lull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di- rectly ou the blond and inue'otite surfaces of the tsystem. Testimonials sent tree: Price 750. per bot - le. , Sold by all Druggists, • Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. OUR BEST COMBINATIONS IwoAp31ts YOU WANT T II B AD`#tdCA'if a BOTH FOR ,' and the 'ilest 0f alt'iVeekliea • . , THE', ,AMlLY I.ERALYl.' and • ' . 5 WHEKL."Y $`1`AR, MONTREAL. it , And with the, Family Herald and WeeklY.Star.will be included themoat beautiful picture ever given to necsnpaper,readers.; It is a graynre 22 x pinches, entitled "A. TUG OP WAR." It is easily worth a tw dollar bill. •r' • ' TheADVOCATA: will supply aitlocal�news, markets, aoeial happenings, ete,, etc.. and the, Family Herald and Weekly Star will give you a combination of the greatest• weekly newspaper covering every portion of the Globe, a great family magazine, far surpassing any of the English i " r in erestin f iil r doubtbestfarmer's paper az n it ars readmg, and •f 'ca i es t wit outthe or American n a li e ni K► on the continent No paper printed in the English language gives its readers such big vale. as the Family Herald and 'Weekly Star. Sample copies of te eautiful picture may be seen at this. office. Call: or send your r?ubserrption to TUR *DVOCATn, meter. SUITABLE FURNITURE For Every .Room in the Home We have a beautiful selection of the latest designs. (elle and get our prices, all marked in plain figures; WL. ask yraii to wino to We store for furniture hc*,': use„ we believe yrosa will get the kind you want. The ' stook inched Woe i a that appeal to good taste on ace+ eir v'1ign, 11tiis.h, else factor and riehnes '' :• can show newest ideas nod the tenet popitliaxr tr ittir•e for the home, that can be found en,y pTate, town or eity. UI'E'tl� *TA.r BEVERLEY, .0(;1C. Leading Furniture Dealer and C7udei°ta PP. Two Wren were seriotlMly hurt and fa nun-tt er 01 others slightly injured by the giving away of it ban floor ori Eli I#arnurit s farm at "1 ilste;Ittatrg. 0 Mibbere needn't bA flimsy to be etyliah; needn't be elumsy 'to be staunch; needn't cost more to be better than You've beenbuying. • gibbers Their give, you Laublewearfrom everypalr Look for the trademark. 'The Daisy Rubber People At Berlin °Mar o sort r►i the 209 Deis). Styles Ask ELI rt, sterna, robber le Mule iau the right toe -shape to At YOUR sly, o3 Ic4ki AROUND AOT US1 4a0atm ai:adir: Alba, Craig: ;aig: Mervin Ilutchineo a is the new j;;nuoiy clerk at the Si<;andaxcl Bank here. Hallett: Tho 1-?iick fifty Mersa of Mr. firoi" a Irwiree farm ,has been sold to Mr. John Dale, a DiA0 Ori. Parkhill; Wilson Ealglesaou has par chased that valuable farm north o Mud (Creek from Jelin Patrick. I"axkhill: Miss Edna Baird was sue- ceesful in obtaining her Junior Teach.- iara' or Second Class certificate on app- peal. Mitchell: A. Rumford bas bold his tinware and plumbing business ; to Messrs. Klearnan and Timms, who took possession on Monday. Seaforth: Robert Minslie has re- Moved- from. the Hoye farm, in Rai- pirhey, which his recently purchlsaed from> the late J. D. Aitchescon. ,. Parkhill: Miss Agnes Jean, Peter- son, rater -son,' a former resident of Sylven was recently quarried. at Detroit to Walter Edwin Douglas., They will reside at Detroit. Parkhill: The Royal; Hotel hats been rented by Mrs. Levis, and come chap- gee are being noade in rte interior.. airs. Levis intends running a large boarding house. Clinton: Two. stables owned. by J. W. Irwin, grocer, were destroyed by fire Sunday evening. Wagons, sleighs, harness, a quantity of hay, and about 70 bushels of oats were also destroyed, but his two horses were saved. Ailsa Craig; . Miss Jessie Powell died fan Monday Morning after a few weeks' illness, death being due to dropsy. Deceased, who was in her fifth, year, was born at Springliank and has been a resident of town for some yeers. Seaforth: Wm. Rae, a former student of the Collegiate here,was'.on Nov. 13 married to Mies Alice . Woo stea of St. Thomas, The, eventtook place at Edmonton at the home of. E. T" Bishop, brother-in-law of the bride. Clinton; Mrs. Milne, a resident of town, and formerly connected with the Queen's Hotel, leaves next • week` for Loydininister where she takes : the manageinent of one of the two hotels conducted by Mr. John Bell, d late of town. ,,, .Seaforth: Miss Kirkwood,. who has been a member of the Collegiate Insti- tute staff here for several years, has resigned, haying 'accepted a .position on the staff of the'iuelph Collegiate for next year. "Her resignation takes 'effect at the close of this year. Tucliersnuith: . The death took place, on Saturday of Catherine 'Qaambell,.re .liyct of the late Paul Doig, at Coln mbus,: Ohio, aged 70 '„years.. The remains were brought to the home of her son, lot 6, con. 6, from which place the fun- eral took place Tuesday to Eginond Ville cemetery., t‘1S g ea" It has, that "Rich, . Fruity Flavor" which • belongs: to- Red Rose Tea aIene. 0 or and 6o cts.per lb, in lead ackets Prra~es�a�, �►�� ��� 4 � 5 � T. H. ESTABROCl'K8. S. ;ROHM, N. El TORONTO. s Wp.toro� i,N $i.„. E. lilill+ NO' O. .r, Seaforth: Barrister F. Eolmsted wh e.asceeding'the•stairs'to his office. either missed his footing or, was seized with a fainting spell, and fell, back wa rd down the stairs to the : landing below. .When picked up he°was .,.un- conscious but loon revived. He receiv- ed" a nasty cut An the back of the head and other minor, bruises. . Clinton: Mrs.Cantelon,Princess at., fel down cellar, and sustained a fracture of one arm. -On Tuesday evening a trayeller at the • Normandie walked to the rear end of the hall, un- locked the back door, went ont on the trunk platform. Andwalked off in the darkness, falling a distance of about 12 feet; he waspretty, badly shaken up. Ailsa Craig: .A quiet wedding took place in London last week. when Miss Irene, eldest daughter of Isaac Hod- gins, was united in marriage with W. L, Pierson.. at the residence of . the groom's brother.: Miss Kathleen. Fitz- gibbons of London acted ` as brides- maid, while the groom was supported by:, 1 is brother, 11. Pierson. The bride's gown was of blue silk trimnwed with cream lace. - Clinton _'Miss Pearl Oentelon Baugh. ter "of.Mr�.. D. Oantelon, who has been one of the very efficient and obliging member's of the telephone staff here, has accepted the position of book-keep- ing in the Telephone Office at Orillia, and left for there on Wednesday. Miss. Kaiser also connected with the .office for some time, will mimed MissQante ion; and Missy V ioletta Thompson, tak- es Miss Kaiser's place. Ailsa Craig:' Miss Kate Mackenzie,, Of the town -line, near here, was attack- ed by a co* whiteout milkingC n 11164 1-' day morning and received rough treat; merit. Her head was badly cut and other injuries sustained. She was rendered unconscious, in which state she remained for several hours. Had it not been for the timely assistance Of some of the other members of the faareo ily, the result might have been even' ria .nor 1 e Se (� 1s. • , `Mitchell; . On Wednesday Mrs. Sar-. al S. Ettue, one of the beet known figures in Mitchell, passed away at the age of 06 years and 11 months. Dec- eased was one of the very oldest sett- lers ettlers of this neighborhood. About the year 1854 she came to Mitchell with lien husband and settled on a farul a-.' bout three miles west of the town on the Huron road. Some vans later they cattle to Mitchell, where deceased lived until her death. Seaforth: II. Oug'hto"nunderwent an operation on Wednesday for the removal of one of his eyes, which has sso far proved a ssnccessful one. For 'some re tiixle past he has been unable to see with the diseased member owin to the formation of a cataract over it. Of batt' au ttbseesoss formed at the b.irk of the eye and caustd,hiiii niucli suffer- ing, so that he was obliged to come tanno frotn 3luskoka and have it, at- tended to. A few days ago the Opens booke and on advice, from his phy'se ciari decided to have the eye removed, Parkhill; "Thomas O'Brien died. at Itis twine On Nov 17th, at then tidvaano- ed ,sager of 70 year's and 0' months. Ile was lcui-n at Kilkenny, Ireland, soul was a sora of Onpt. Thos. O'Brien. of the Bt-itish Army. Iia cadres to Park- hill in 1878, thutapendieg the last 20 yeaat°s of hie life to, this place. Ile was chairmen of the drool Board for mime years and was t `e Separate School re , an res etitactiV'e on he high Selionl Ilisicd for twelve yeaa se, A widow and one state Thos., of Detroit, mouth the lose of a laving husband and a kind' indul• gent father, 1 • •, There are • hap1a Leaf * %tela• berrrlw fit all ase, and shapes et web's. womert'a and . children's $hpea "--wireless from. "the old woman who lived in a ghotr. Fit neatly, snugly and. accurately, too. Leave no openings for. the a "water to sneak in at the sides. All depends on the tuition you receive in ' a college Whether -you will 'make a success of business life. If your teacher allciws•of to depend on other students and y lx, lookin the back of. the book for answers, your course will be a failure. There are no answers : r• OUR given in a books—weteachyou to stand alone. You need no sup- port', so that when you start life in earnest .. , �.you have that confidence in yourself so essential to a business" man. We have the reputation of giving a .thorough and effi- cient training in both our Businessand Skortlanddepartments. Booklet free. School term : Sept. till` June, inclusive. Students may enter at any time. forest City Business College WESTERVELT, Y» M. O. A, B dff•r Principal. G LONDON. ogali Oftotis 0001111 0000 411/03/41 0 anclora Ranke SAVES FURL AND 11111,11 10 PAY PON 1TsEt1t. It is not the price you pay tor a range Which makes it cheap or expensive, but the fuel it t otzsumes after you got : it, If you buy a range which oasts $5 to $7 loss than a "Pandora" and it burns a ton, oroatyhalf a ton of coal more 2n a yeer, what do your gain? Nothing, but you actually lose money, beside* putting up with all the inconveniences, ttoubles end extrawork "'Melt are rtainty with a poor range. The "Podolra";SI egrxipped with many fuel- saviiig features Which ars not found on any ether Image. Hot -sir hires etre cons strueted so that all the heat from the fire -box travel* directly under every pot -hold and stound the oven asses; every atom of beat is used, and only thi, irnioko goo* up the chimney. Sold by all enterprising dealers. Booklet free. cCIar • toy t• •• 'a • London, Toron % *entreat. Wlnnlpeg. Vaneoliv atic St. Joh*, )t01. Hawk yrs 44 Sono Solo Agents.