Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-29, Page 4 (2)latille's Hot eles
Can, now he cstaincal. at
We have secured the agency and
the people of Laeter and vicinity
arO now able to buy theee first-
elase remedies witbout having to
send away for them.
eousprising a foil line of household
medicinal necessitieta
Manufactured by tbe
11. Lewis Medicine co.,
St. Louis, V. S. it.
Ask For Samples
Cole's, Central Drug Store
Exeter, Ontario
One Dollar per annum if paid la 4dvanee1 111.30
if not so paid.
Sanders ee Creech., 'Pro.
TirdiiSDAY, NOV. 29, '06
How often a man's friends (?) cause
him to fall. For instance, Chas. S.
* *
Foiwarin politics and much mud
slinging read the London „Free Press
and .Advertiser until a successor to 0.
S. Hyman is elected.
' The contest for the reeve's chair in
• Stephen promises to be between the
two old time oppohen ts. Samuel Sweit-
zer and Henery
"Guard well your Sabbath as the
bulwark of all our liberties.” -Rev.
Going in his sermons on “The Toiler
and the Sabbath" Sunday evening.
Legion is the name of those mention-
ed for the reevesbip in Exeter, while
for councillors few names have been
a mentioned. - Some of the present
councillors say they will not be in the
field. .
* *
Next year the reeves.of the rnanicip-
elides will be the county councillors.
„ County pouneillor, Robert Gardiner is
spoleen of as a .possible cabdidate for
the reeveship in Usborne; while the
present reeve, Jos. Hawkins, will tin-
doubtedly run again.
* *
Next Tuesday the Huron County
Council meets for the last session
under the old county council acts Ex-
eter has the distinction of having the
last Warden, IL Spackman; and one
of the best the county- ever had,
* *
It is said that, owing to the 'town of
St. Marys, defeating the by-law :to
loan $40,000 to the North Midland
Railway Company, the line may be
continued north from Lucan to Exeter,
Clinton, Willi:than), etc., rather than
east to St. Marys,
* *
- •
The new county conncil act which
goes into effect next -year will give
Stephen township two members, the
reeve and a, &pay, that township
having over one thousand votes on the
list. Usborne and Exeter will have.
but one each and most of the ether
municipalities one only.
* *
• Under the direction of the Minister
of Inland 'Review a booklet, contain-
ing inuch,information concerning the
advantages of the metric, system of
measurements, is being 'distributed.
It is strange that the English speaking
nations are the last to serionsly consi-
der the advisability of changing the
system of meesuremeritalf-their coun-
tries to the metric system. This sys-
tem is as far in AdVan06 of our present
systemas the decimal system of dol-
lars and cents is in advance of the
pound, shilling and ponce eystetn.
The raetric system is worked on tbe
decimal basis. Nearly all the countries
of the world 1380 this eystem now. It
has been permissible in Canada since
1871, but has never been adopted to
any considerable extent.
Bro n ch itis.
Por over sixty years doctors
have endorsed Ayr' s Cherry
Pectoral for coughs, colds,
weak lungs, bronchitis, con-
sumption. You can trust a
medicine the best doctors ap-
prove. Then trust this the next
time, you have a hard cough.
The best kind of a testimonial -
"SoId. /or ovizzrearts.0'
110.tte b*Ar. AVM* ea. ttivAllilffsli
A.189 ,n-,1-zuracturer4 �t
We kat. *o soros 1 Wo •pnblialk
16. Ibtatmlais smli ortt. 1to4ien4c
Ayer's PM* keep the how
Ad vegetable and gently
aiat3:3. Audevcaz yikalting
Evictildti T., Mt'.-iiWmiey
Hodge Ea enises• al a it h Mr. Mithaffy
theifr thc 'or tho winter morales.
-The Atieleeeen Methodist ebotah
their annivereary-on_Dee.th
Mg". 14:;.gin from United Statee wil
pirl2,41,1.'1),, OM the Aiontlay evening
he will give a leeturcelliss Nettie
Brooks of Gronton is the gueet Of her
utek Alte lithey.---Mr.V 'Hewitt spent
Sunday at Surianine.
Themarraige took place in Dungan.
non on Wedisesday evening of thie
week at 0 o'clock of • one of our well
known young farmers, ?iir. Arnold
Ilerrie: son of Mr. Jattieg Herris,
Miss Mabel, only daughter of Mr.
Henry Homey of Dungannon. The
ceremony was performett ret the home
of the bride's father in the preeence of
re number of therelatives. The young
couple will arrive hereon Friday even-
ing when a reception will be held at
the groom's home. We wish Mr.' and
Mre. flarrie a long and pleasant mar-
ried life,
Dennis O'Brien and wife are home
from their honeymoon trip. They vis
Jed in Englend :Ana reland tend en-
joyed the trip immensely -Miss Lily
Anderson visited Mrs. Sambrook at
Crediton on Sunday.. -Percy Sinmeon
haamoved into hilt neve department
in the hotel. The barber sbop is be-
ing occupied by a butcher. We wish
him every success and hope he will re-
main. -The many friends ef Miss M.
Curtin will be sorry to learn of the
painful accident which betel her on
Aionday. While driving at Moores-
ville her horse took fright at a jigger
on the track and made a bolt for liber-
ty, Miss curtin was thrown heayily
to the ground, sustaining a fracture to
her wrist and also received several bad
cuts about the face. We Isope she
may soon recover. -Frank Boyle --and
Clarence Duplan was in Crediton Sun-
day. What's the attraetion boys? -
Bert Mitehell is borne from tbe West.
-Mr. Sanal Hicks, con. 4 Ushorne.
has porchased another thorobred
yearling filly from 8, G. Pi ouse ef
Ingersoll. The price paid was $250.
In all this makes four thorobrecls Mr
Hicks has purchased from Mr. Prouse,
all of which be has now. Mr. Hicks
wants nothing hut tbe best to breed
• DEATHS. -MM. Enoch Connor,a, for-
mer resident of this vicinity, passed
away at Carsonville, Mich„efter a pro-
tracted illness. -Henry Brinker's home
has been saddened by a visit from the
angel of death. who on Friday carried
away his loving helpmate. Deceased
was a daughter of Louis Hope and had
reached the age of 35 years. She VMS
a'kind and obliging wife and tender
mother as well as a true and noble
friend and by her death a great loss is
felt by all. She was,a consistent mem-
ber of the Baptist chins*, 8th con,A.
family of four small children is left be-
side the sorrowing husband. Her par-
ents alAo survive. To the bereaved
ones we extend our sympathy.
WEDDING. -The parsonage, Corbett,
was the scene of a pretty event Wed-
nesday When 'Walter Durr and Miss
Gossie Windsor were united in mar-
riage. The ceremony was performed
by the Bei. J. F. Sutcliffe at 0 o'clock
in the evening.The bride who was
neatly attired n a beautiful wedding
gown, was assisted by her friend, Miss
Laura Smithers, who was also beauti-
fully gowned. Ernest Darr supported
his ie other. At, the conclusion of the
ceremony the happy couple, accompan-
ied by their attendants repaired to the
home of the bride's parents,' Mr. and
Mrs. Malcolm Windsor, where a large
assemblage awaited theni. The young
couple were virarndy congratulated,
after witich all adjourned to Ithe
room.where all enjoyed an excel-
lent repast. In an adjoining room the
gifts, which the 'bride received, were
laid but space will not .allow US to
'enumerate them, suffice to say they
were numerous and costly. We join
in wishing them a Icing and happy
married life.
of anything in this line drop in. We
can supply your wants. To our cus-
tomers we are giving a guessing con-
test add to the lucky one we will give
a grand prize. Drop in and get condi-
tione. We do Conveyancing and In-
isurance. Charges very moderate.
E. M. BROK,ENSHIRE, Dashwood.
Mr. Charlie Cook who has been out
west during the past bummer returned
to his house here on Thursday lest.
seeirts much pleased with the West-
ern country. -On Thursday evening
of last week a company of young
people gathered at the hope of Mrs.
O. Millar and spent an enjoyable even-
ing together. -Mrs John Reid of Tien -
pry spent Stindaysat the borne of Jacob
Kellerman of this place. -Mr. Mita-
hoffer and sister of Blake accompanied
.12y Mr. Mareball of Kirkton spent Sun -
(my at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Edighoffer.--Rudolph Stade has gone
to Parkhill, where he has accepted a
position as harnese maker with . Mr.
Fenn. --There will he quarterly meet -
fug services held in the Evangelioal
church „here on Sunday next. Rev. L.
ILWrigner of Berlin, the Presiding -El-
' der, will love charge of the meeting
andpreach at both morning and even-
ing services. -The management cow-
nate° of the Xmas entertainment
leet P decided to hold the entertainment
In; tbe evening of Dee. 25th. If noth-
ing nnforeeeen occurs this enteetain-
ment will be fully up to the standard.
-Dr. McLaughlin left on Tuesday for
Europe were. he will further search for
niore knowledge in his proferreitm.
'W'e were in errorlest week in stating
.that he would be absent till Mal as he
doesn't know lost when he will return;
he niajt.he absent the whole year.-
thr. Monday.evening the Y. P. A. held
their iterniel busineeri meeting and
eleetion ofofflicere With the following
,f iesitili-Preeitlent. Rai'. la K. Eidtz
ilat Vice Mertha Oestreieher; 2rul Vier'
t,,titia Snell; 3rd 'Vice Laura Miller;
4th Vice Milli& Itillere; M. A.
Treasurer Oliver Grayheila
Organist Minnie Ehlere; Aesiatant
%teethe Oeetreieher. The different
committeee etitee their reports which
hotted the Y. P. A. to he making
p, egi tee.
Mrs, JTh I c epeet a few dayo in
Lantionrl ting the week with her
ter.-Joian liongins, is1 c.'(( t'
Lis b0,1 through IiiInc"33,- rs310.131VOWAI
113 Vinitfing brother in ilraoklyrr4.-
I'. IA,)gan ittf 'Winnipeg is viaiting
sister, Mrs. Metiliargev.- While Dr.
Sultana wee driving 11011:w frenTil lateen
Saturday night bi noree became
frightened and tan *way throw-
ing the Drout on the road, opposite
ikestle.'S store. He was piked np
and carried into Mr. Pittuaan's hotel
where Dr. JOIleS dressed, his wonnde,
which required several. stitches. Ile
was then taken to his hen:wand is now
doing as well as ean be expected after
the severe eliakints up.
Attravaataatex Suneetotrae. •The an-
niversary servicea in connection with
St. Andrews' church was held on Sun-
day and Monday last. Large congre-
gatione greeted the roinistere of the
day. Many of the older members were
delighted to see the house filled as it
was on Sunday. Appropriate music
was furnished by the choir. Rey, Mr.
Mitchell. of St. James' church, Lon-
don occupied -the pulpit morning alla
evening, while Rev. Smith of Bengali
preached in the afternoon. The ser-
mons by Mr. Mitchell were extremely
impressive one. Throughout the dis-
coursea one could have heard it pin
drop. It can safely be said that no
preacher ever had a more attentive or
interested congregation. He gained
their interest at the very moment he
commenced to speak, and. held it
throughout. Rev. Smith's sermon
was also very interesting and instruce
tive. On Monday evening the annual
tea meeting was neld. Large crowds
poured in from six to eight and all en-
joyed the excellent spread; The gath-
ering tben„repaired to the.body of the
church where a choice program was
rendered. The choir of the Presby-
terian church. Exeter, was present
and the several selections were well re-
ceived. The services throughout were
very successful.
n 11,11-t
it Oki 50
ek, 01
A +4 4 : • •
OZ Etyiti
ffi3tgrar 6. a
A . /
ACCIDENT. -Walter, eldest son of
Frank O'Brien, had a close shave from
losing his life a few days ago. While
chasing the horses into, the etatee, one
of them kicked, striking him in the
face. flie -nese was broken so that
two pieces had to be taken out. He
also received n bad bruise over the left
eye, Dr. Ferguson is attending the
patient, and we are pleased to state
that he is getting -along nicely.
REDIENIBER14.113.-A large number of
. ,
friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs'.
Nicholas Horton assembled at their
norm on Wednesday evening to spend
a social time with them before their
departure to their new home in Sea-.
forth and to give thema tangible ex-
pressionsef tbe esteem in ' which they
are held by those amongst whom they
have lived so long and go pleasantly.
During the evening D. B. McLean read
a nicely worded address and., highly
complimentary address expressive of
regret at the prospeet of losing,' such
kind and obliging neigbtiors atIftivistr.
ing Mr. and Mre. Horton healthand
happiness in their new ;home. -Mrs.
D. B. MeLearaend Miss Mary -Newell
then presented Mr. arid Mrs. .Horton
with a beautiful cabinet- of china.. Mr.
Horton on behelf of himself` and his
wife made a suitable and feeling reply.
It is needless-- to say that a Pleasant
and social evening was spent, one
which Will be long remembered by all
present, .Mr,. end. ree- Horton" and
family being the thospitable enter-
tainers, saw toit at nothing was
left undone that ould tend to the
comfort and pleasure of their guests.
Mr. Horton and family removed to
then, new home on Toesday and the
good wishes of the vhole community
go with them and all are glad that they
do not go far away and that the pleas-
ant social relations which have so long
existed 'maystill remain unbroken.
.. ,
Miss tlechler has acaepted a position
• as tailor with W. 11. Hoffthan.-Ed:
Wurn has retnrised from Creditor
where he has spent the rituanner.-Ed.
Kabileisch is now occupying Mrs.' E.
-Hess'sresidenee-Mrs, Chas, Shoeinee
ker and danghteis Miss Sadie, have
returned from their trip tollawksVille.
Mts. Mary Howald has moved to town
from the 14th con. and is occupying
the house she recently purchased from
Mrs. Chas. Hey. --Henry Megel has re-
turned from ilia Visit to Detroit. -Mr.
Scheellig is on the sick list. -Mrs.
Ilowald, Sr., who bus been residing
with her sore Jacob, for some time,
hes gone to Nebraska, where she in-
tends rem ai ni ng.- Wes. Merrier and
Dan Oswald have returned from their
trip to Saskatchewano-Jos Lebow',
who has been a resident of St. Joseph
for the past five years, left Thursday
with his family for Edmonton. We
join with the many friends- in wishing
them prosperity in their new
Tho trustees truatees of the Drysdale P. S.
have accepted the application of Miss
Horton of Tnekersnsith as teacher for
their school --Miss P. Waleh, after
teaching in KS. No. I, Stanley, has
resigned, she having taken a school itt
Wunnnsee:---A pretty Wedding was
celebrated at the home of Peter Du-
chartee, Bronson line, on Tuetalay,
veheo his estimable daughter, Miss
Josephine, took for better or for worse
Edward Dahomy, of the Sanble Line.
Rev, Father Loiselle was -,the officiat-
ing minister and the ceremony. vas,
witnessed by a number of friende.
The bride. Who was attired in a bend-
tionie wedding,gown, WAS Att011ded Us,
her sieter. Mirk *try, who was *leo
ditintilyattired. Philip Denomy per-
formed the duties of hest nsan. A
sumptuous tea W118 served to the corn -
party after the ceremony. A large /tr..
ray of gifts -was presented to the 15rlde
W1)0 is indeed very popular with her
many friende here. Mr. rind Mee.
Thnootnyhave itettled down to the stern-
er realitiee of life on the Broneon line_
anti we trtiat their *beerier" life may be
eroweed with happiness.
Clinton: The fluidly of W. TI.'With
narrowly eticaped asphyxiation Sun-
day night by gas from it Stove: A
large Inge har-elmener luta been met tip,
eml the family on retiritig piit ill
toipply of rail' and checked the "dove.
oral it resolt the gee emettprelrind with
the exeeption of one daughter, whofte
bedroom was einem", the family of six
were altneet overcome.
--they ere all
Each tt
as light 23 if
made by fairy.
Raked to a'
golden russet
$o fresh,
and crisp, and
tempting, that,
just opening the
box is teasing
the Appetite.
And you
nil a new
delight in every
one you Cat!
on get perfection
when you get
Bit, Carmel.
Malcolm McIntyre has purchased
the farm of Duman Morrison for the
sum of $2700. The latter intends go-
ing to Lucknow to reside. -Rev. Fath-
er Costello is away enjoying a few hol-
idays. He has not been enjoying the
best of health lately. His many friends
in and around Mt. Carmel wish him
a speedy rectivery.-Joseph Mahoney,
who has been ettencling the .,Business
College, Stratford, for Sittne tnonths,
has returned home and secured a posi-
tion as clerk in Thos. Hall's store, -
Mrs, Jas. McKeever was in Stratford
this week attending the weddingof
George Graham andttllies Eva O'Brien,
daughter of David O'Brien, which was
celebrated at theSt. Joseph's church
on Tuesday. •
W. Whiteford and family of Wis-
consin, N.S., are visiting friends and
relatives around here at present. The
former intends purehashig a farin and
will settle in Canada as soon as possi-
ble. -Quite it number from here at-
tended the funeral of the late George
Carter on Sueday.
Curtin of Centralia
was driving past the railroad cross-
ing here Monday evening, her horse
became frightened at, the jigger. It
made a bolt and threw tbe young lady
to the ground.' Unfortunately she
sustained a broken wrist and several
bad outs about the face but with Re-
sistance was able to proceed home.
We trust that she may soon recover
from the effects of her accident,
Mr. John Wright is about to sever
his connection with Mr. R. Skinner
and expects to move to Stratford at
the beginnimeof the emnieg year, he
having secured A position on the Dairy
Farm of Mr. W. Ballantyne of that
place. -Mr. and Mrs. H. Andrew of
Crotharty spent Sunday tbe goest of
Mr. arid: Mrs. S. Androw.-Mr. and
Mrs. McDonald of Millet, spent Sun- -
day tlae guest of Mrs. cDonald's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Word
ARRIAGE. -A pleasant event took
place at the commodious residence of
Ueborne's Reeve, Mr. Jos. Hawkins,
on WednesdaY, Nov. 28th, at 5 o'clock
p.m., when his eldest- daughter, Miss
Olive, wan united in marriage to Mr.<
Geo. W. Hunter, eldest son of Mr. Si.
mon Hunter, of the same township.
Rev. Hugh J. Pair, pastorof the Meth-
odist church, performed the interest-
ingeeremony In the presence of about
one hiesdred and twenty guests, vela,
dyes and friends of the contracting
parties. The bride was given away hy
her father. She was handsomely
Owned in creatu crepe de chene eleb-
(irately trimmed with lace and inser-
tion. She was "slated by her sister,
Miss Mey Hawkine, while the groom
was aided by his cousin, Mr. Wilbur
Hunter. The bridesmaid was dressed
in a beautiful gown of *bite silk. The
home Wee handsomely deeorated for
the occasion. After coneratulations
bed been extended and a daioty sop.
per partaken of, the evening yeas spent
in social amusement. Guests were
present from Exeter, Centralia. Sea -
forth and many other places. Mreend
Mrs. Hunter will make theie home on
the groom's fine farm, con. 4, Ushorhe.
The Advocate joins In congratulations
and wishes them a full share of pleas-
ure and prosperity- through 'life. „
Rev. Milliard of Birr preached Itfisi.
SIOnarjr sermons" in the Methodist
ehorch On Sunday. TI3'e serrnons were
interesting and full of meaning. He
and Mr. Tole exchanged pulpits. -Rev.
Spence of Toronto will preach tem-
perance eermons in the Presbyterian
church at 11 a.m., and in the Methodist
church at 7 p.m. He comes highly re-
cointriencled and we expect large
crowds,- j. W. Oetwein has returned,
from a very- pleasant, visit to friends
in Montreal. Be found business 'loom-
ing. --Fred Matins open t Friday in Lon-
don.-DiaShelliek of Detroit gave Jae.
Moore a pleasant, call rriday.-Feed
Sinallacombe sperit a few days in To-
nna° dining the week,coMbining bus-
riese with plerteurie Mrs. Striallaeombe
lino gone to Guelph to vielt her &nigh -
ter. Mrs. G. Walkers whose husband,
is station agent there. -Mrs. Tole al*.
rived bome trona Mt. Marys Tuesday.-
lWiss Floreoce Pope is again foetid at
0, 8trineinan'e store.asMVS. Ge0Vge
PerkiliS TorOIRO is visiting fetende
in town.- liev. Geior .of Elmwood
ea lied lionsall friends recently. -
The lixeciicive of the Itoreter Triatriet
League held it business meeting at
The by-law to loan $100,000 to the
North Midland Eleetrie Railroad Co,
wits defeated In tit. Marys on 84turday
by a majority of three votes. 2 -eq beim;
polled foe the by-law and 20.1 Inaainsts,
Uighest Price paid for Grain
(Successor to Joseph Cohbledick)
The leading Commercial School
Everyone needs sOmething
to create and maintain
strength for ,the dafly
round of dtities.
There 'is nothing better
than an Me or Porter, the
putity and merit of which
has been attesteil by
chemists, physicians and
experts at the great exhib-
TIiii School is recognised to be one of tbe best
Commercial Soho° Is in America. You can safely
judge* scbool by the application', it receives. This
term we received applications from firinkin six largo
American cities and from towns and cities of Canarzia
including Saskatoon, Sask., on the West and,. Mar.
lottetown,P.E.I. tbe Dot. Our reputation
means much for our graduates. Write for our free
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 100
Head Office,
Capital Paid. Up. • • $3,0004,000
Iteseved Pluaid•••• • • • • - • $3,000,000
OFFIOE Acorns los. in. to 3 p, in, SATURDAYS, 10 a, tn. th 3 a m,
Farmer $ Sale Notes cashed or collected, • Forn3s supplied Ori application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange, .
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Meti at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms. . •
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
• posits of 31 and upwards received. Interest corn -
Savo% Bank Department pounded half -yearly and added to principal Alma 30bb
and December kat.
Agents at Exeter for the Dornirtion Governinent.
DICKSON 85. CARLING, Solicitors. IT, t". HITRDON, Manager.
Hensall Monday. A number oi minis-
ters were present. -The teameeting at
Itippen on Monday evening was well
attended by our people. All report a
splendidtinie.-Miss Wilson of Park -
Jill' spent Monday in town, -Mrs.
Donald -of Manitoba. ,rbo is here visit-
ing her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Buchanan, is suffering from an 'attack
of typhoid fever. We trust she may
soon recover. -Miss Levett, nurse, of
Exeter'is now looking. after Mrs, J,
Mciltlartin, Miss Reid having returned
tn London. -We are sorra, to report
the continued illness of ,Geo. Wren
aedailso that of Miss Lottie Gtassick,
May they soon . be restored to good
health is the Wish of their many
friends here. -Mr.. Parsons of Hills -
green has purchaseda farm near
IVIoose Jaw and will move there short -
l'. -E. G. Cialmore of town- bits been
ppoi n fed station agent at Londesli'oro
during the absence of C. P. 0arlis14,
who is tracing a few holidays.: ---Miss
Down of Exeter spent Monday here. -
Mrs. (Rev.) Milliard and children. of
Birr are visitors at - the parsonage. -
Mrs. R. Peterson has' returned from
the Clinton hospital where she has
'been receiving treatment. Her many
friends will he pleased to know that
she is much improved. -H. Kaiser is
this week moving into his fine new
residence et the east end of the viliage;
J. F. W. Patertomof the planing mill,
is recovering from the effeets of his 10.
cent accident. While operating it ma-
ohine he caught his finger in the cogs
and es a result the finger was badly
bruisect-Rev.Shew and wife of Lyons
fortneeresideots of town weve recent-
ly made the recipients of it gold chain
end locket and a handsome ladies'
companion, respectively, from the for -
riser's congregation. '
•iiPM .14;T
any a liVornan is
Taking Headache
All Kinds of Timber
For which We will pay
Call and see us before
Ocittings the lo6for
lengths andprices.
The Ross Taylor Co.) Ltd
Exeter, Ont.
Marriage Licenses
Issued at the
111111111RE SPHER1101,
stliotatightto he taking ltu-ju.
The kidneys are Making the
head ache. alley are not doing
their work -properly --- not
purifying the blood -not rid&
ing the system of poisons.
These -imp-twit* stagnate the
blood-initati the nerves -
and Ming the headaches that
rio Many women suffer with.
takes away the headttetei
, ,betattse they take away the
poisons in. the'kidneys. They
aet directly on theme vital,
organs, strengthen and heal,
reduce the inflatutuation-and
stop the headaches betanse
they remove every trete of
kidney Trouble. &druggists.
Tits CLAFLIN OtirbilOAL CO., LatirtEIN
Winoacia New Yoatt.
Cook's Cotton Root Compouit(1.
the grtat UtPail5 TOnie, Ana
Mir Eaio ('1i 10.11 Monthly
i egnit I OVnn 1,0!•1.0. en can
depend. Kahl in three dr.:green
of iarcietta-oal. 1,, r ; NO. 2•
10 tlearcvn etrorigcr ;3; No.
for 8p00141 ti per box.
er drUgg t$1, 01' enb
ewe on receipt of reitlik
riA plitrphlet. A dare.* 11111
ED14101100.T0411.10,011T. gormerlilWitlidec
• •
• We have just received a
number of fine Spreaders
The Successor---whicl
does its work in fine sty)
This is recognized to be
the best on the market.
' We handle Perrin Plows
, and have just received a
carroad of 'walking, rid-
ing and gang plows made
by thiS reliable firtn.
Agent for the Sylvester and
Perth' Plow Companies
eter Oritario.