Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-15, Page 7 (2)Keeps your body warm, yet lets yeur skin breathe --knit, not woven, - it fits, doesPEN- AIRME UndrwQar. iroore larif Tradesmarkedin red. In a ariety of styles?' fabrics and pricee, for women, men and ildren, and aratiteed. ARTISTIC Toilet Ware 'TOILET WARE in artistic I abundance is pictured in the of our Cauticeue. VVIwther your tute.ttwns to Silver. Ebony or Ivory, it Wilt rind ample vottittY from which to choosc Pro/noir own Factory come:stile richly chased Pompadour Pattern heavy Sterling Silvers. A six -piece sets-coreisting of Cloth, 'Va1i#43 and Hair Brushes; Vieith 14ireor and Carib -is ubooesedentsct volue At $3.0. Piecte-are sold singly IF desired, so diat a sea rosy 'be added to. year, bY veer - pro .00 a stoffil earitland we wt71 s "Pod YoN,fror V Adore our larte ;Imhof r.doshvrade elevreky. Sllevniso.tg, • Loathe,' eic. ockey Sitio alAass, BIWA SELECTED SECOND 'GROWTH, YELLOVit 111111011, (MAIN OF WOOD BUNNING wren ClaVVE OF BLADE. SOME OE ITE EXCELLENT ifsatunus it. Stiffness' and Lightness. *nd. Does not fray at bettoin. 3rd. meads its correct shape. 4th. Weight and design Stirred. , 5th. Every stick earefulbi Ind enacted before leaving factory THE STARR IPNO I CAL • LIMITED, BAIRTMOUTH, - N. 8. Brs.uch, 126 -Wellington EL W., Toronto. THE REx flaCKEY- • • STICK,• °lir "tut pa"BM 1-"8 Ease/Ewe, __A voitme. .114431113-4hri lonsi'tudinat' serrations on handle, onieriagAnn fitrill and preventing Oleic ,elipporg front • Sayer's hand.. • , • ALSO The donble-greOved the Inwer *moo, )14416A This enablia ,the PAO. to *V eurately • shot, for, .11*. wad etrengtherie the *dick.. Tits rinatatitai kte4ed IS stridght-gral* isloOttial :lao4ad SeeKlith At Wiswick, a tiny village between learrow ,and Ulverston„ neee$sity having arisen for extension of the village 'Churchyard, the whole able-bodied po- pulation turned out, tinder the guidarice of their vicar, remoired the old walls, levelled The ground, and constructed a enew road„; the excavation work being elope by ,mtners after their day's work in the pit. A reeord .numher of Essex ploughmen ansembleil at Witham reeently for e Ploughing competitiore organiged undee the county eonncil echeme, Thera vverti no entries -in the boys' classes, and the non. C. I11:. Slrutt., chairman of the committee, said the absence of, yourig .plouglimen• marked a,new phase in egri- cultural life, and meant that tne plougte 11311111 wonldamon become extinct!. KIDNEY 61://, PILLS , . - '0-1 , \\N _KIDNEy Er 'Fill tim A3r1-- t'S ISEAC Atte,* t:D LON'tit SHOTS 1LONCt ItOWS One of 367 Yards Made in July -Mit They Did Better in Da Ys Gana Uyt s Failerad they etill de= the long ow in fact es well as ha faney. There are Country pareseas-they EMU eepeci- ally addieted to arehery-whei can keep four °ITO= in the air at once, all timed t deemed near the centre a a Vita yard distant target. Flight or long distance !shooting is o course„ epecial department, of arch ery, On the occasion of the wenn at Le Touquet, in last July" Sir Ralpt Payrte-Gallwey, shooting with an on Turkish bow of curious make, seine what resembling that of an America split can rod cat force equivalent t 112 pounds), shot one of his Turlds flight *arrows (weighing about three fifths of an ounce) for the astonishin distance of 367 yards, as carefully mea surest, on a windless day. The previou$ record (if its accurac be equally reliable) set= more remark able still. In 1795 Mahmoud lRffencli of the Turk 1$11 Leg,ation, in London), ,using a Turk ishbow still preserved at the Archer' Hall, in Regent4sePark, accomplish 4S0 yards, With Ile exception of the Roma 'short sword perhaps no weapon kis accomplished SO much net carnage 4 the English yew bow and cloth yar *shaft, says Baily's Magazine. The, woundinflicted were alway mere dangerous and hard to be cure( Vint those of anylunpolsonedashot, and it was realized -at least among English archers -that the mailer the litiles made in the body, the more diflicul • they were to heal; evlille,the ballot could easily be made in sucli form a$ to defy extraction, even by the most skilful sur geon. Even the bulky, slow going ball o those clays effected a much cleaner M jury, and often passed through th body of horse or man and was gone while the effect of tho cloth yard shaft hanging and flapping an the 'flank of a wounded' horse, ,rendered the anima perfectly unmanageable. In 1595 it is recorded that a party o Seolek, rebels_ (bowmen) enceurtterin 500 well' appointed horsemen of the King's did engage them and kill nearly 300 of the horses (besides slaying or se- verely wounding most Of the mean a success evhisati would do credit, to the Mauser Butthe historic carnival of 'archery was, of course, the battle of Crecy (1346), when the English; numerica3ly half the strength Of the French, rein- forced as the latter were by .those 15,- • 000 Genoese cross bowmen, inflicted a defeat familiar to every school boy All the carnage of respectable mod- ern campaign would scarcely strike the imagination beside the spectaele of those nithirty thousand men at arms," and -"eleven hundred princes, dukes an captains" left dead upon that, fatal field, of wounds at winch 'Modern- surgery • would shudder aghast. 11Theught If meant death 3ames, McKim, Of . Dunnville, Ont., saYS of her almost-mircuIous cure from heart disease by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart: "Until I began taking this reme- dy I despaired of my life1 had heart failure andextreme prostration.. One dose gave me quick relief and one bottle 'Cured me, The sufferings of -3r ears were dispelled like Inagie-H-3 COOKED THE MEAT, • Mr, Brampton had always understood that the life a sailor lives at sea is exe acedingly prirnitive; but a revelation he received recently proved a shack, even to. him. \ He wished to consult the mate of 'a vessel about to start on a voyage, and when he got aboard'he spoke to the first rna.n he. saw. • "Excuse me," he said, "but are you the *mate?"' • * • • ' ,,neete • '"- The answer -came in a rich brogue. • ."No, •sorr," said .the individual, t.'Oian the mon as cooks the mete." "Good gracious!" said Mr., Brampton. COMFORTING WORDS. ."Ati,:decter,"'eald"tite melancholy in- valid, "ill aver find relief Until: Matta) :my grave." "Oh, well, don't worry," replied tbe M. 'D,;' "I'm doing .the best I can .for you." * stairs) sirea.ri' is a disgusting and obatinate disease, frequent if, children. Treatment : Per- fect cleanliness and a generous application of Weaver' Cerate. Mothers win be si glad to learn this. EUROPEAN/ DAILY NEWSPA'PERS. 'Germany, which stands at the head of Europ6. for the 'number of its news- papere, has over 5500, of which 800 are "dailies:" - England takes the second piece With some 3,000, but has the moat dailies -809 in all. France is close be- hind with 2,800, of'which a quarter ap- pear daily, bi or tri -weekly. Italy has 1 200, while in order . follow .Austria, Spain, Russia, Geeeee, and 8ivitiariaint. oaten* fie twenty years and egred In a ft* Itavs.-nott. George James, of eranton, Pa., owe: h$Ve been a no.rtyr to Oatarsh for twenty vent*. eon - starts hawking,. droppiri 111s the throat and pain .'in the head, "retry '6001)406 breatb. X tried Dr... Atzbert't Oatarrlial Powder. The iirat application ease ie. Mat relief. Atter using 'a sew bottles r was cured. 60 cootie -4 DON'T PE A BAKER. The latest compilatione which have • been made ehow that the air in cutlery factories 18 intim with invisible Metal - dust, and tins, being carried into the lungs, causes aSthina and consumption. The steel-grindere, bending over their" inhales such huge quantities of • metal -dust that they rarely live beyond tit, age of forty. All metal trades are very hazardous, and phthisis or tuber- cular affeetions nod, reeepiratory dineases ale the Perialtiee olf these pursuits.. The • rete Of mbrtalliy ,laniongst brown; is • 50 per cent giteater Mit that atilong men of ordinary eallings. Gout is an Navy which makes itself Boole' felt In tine oeutpation. •flatxr.s, loa, are nsoic: than normally subjeet to premature death. In the fimir there is a very mall tincrobes Anbieh lian its effect on the troth, and attael.s1 the drums of the irart Causing deaftteSS. IN A DEAMY DECLINV.. ti Ju st in Time by Dr. Wiiiieala Pill& Pills. "Defer° nay datnnater Lena Innen tan. - nag or. Waialeale' Pint Nile Mae anaeti nee° line a corese titan a live pan' Y3 Alm, Go. 11. ,NVIns', of '-,outla,\,1k,00d- i-'5lee, Ont. "Iler blood senued pb though it had cal turned to water. Then 15/30 inaii to have bad Spells with her heart. At the least oneitement her heart would, beat 50 rapidly as to' ahnost smother her. Site grew very thin, had no .att- aetite, and what little food she did eat did not seem to nourish her. She was treated by one of the' best doctOrsill this part of the country, yet she was daily growing worse and her heart got se bad that 1NO were afraid that she would die. She elept but *very little, and would frequently awake with a start and sometimes would jump right up in bed. These starts would always bring on a had spell and leave her weak and exhausted. We had almost given Up all hope of her ever being well again, when we decided to try Dr. WtIllaras" Pink Pills. After taking a couple cf boxes AO began to sleep -better at night end, color began to return to her lips. From that on she kept right on gaining and alter taking eight boxes of the pills she was again in good health. She ii now fifteen years of age„ the picture 1 beanie, and since beginnitig the Pills has gained about forty pounds in weight Only those who saw her when ill can appreciate the marvellous change Dr. William' Pink Pills have brought about in her condition,. I believe that had it not ,been for the pills she would be in her grave to -day, and .it is with feel- ings of great gratitude that I write you in the libpe' that it may benellt some other sufferer." And Dr. Williams' Pink Pills "can do just .as much for every weak, ailing, pale -faced young woman who is slip; 4pcng from anaemia into a deadly de- cline. Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood. In that way they strike straight; at the root of all com- mon diseases like anaemia, headaches and backaches, heart palpitation, indi- gestion,. nearalgia, rheumatism end the secrete ailmentseeandentrregularities of girls and women. Sold by all dealers in medicine or by mail at 50 cents ce box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, 1/4 • A ,RELIABLE CARETAKER. • Having engaged a merried couple to take 'care of the house while she was away, a wealthy lady cautiously locked up everything that was of the sliOtast value -a proceeding which then core - taker's wife watched with disapproving eyes. " "It isn't because I doubt your honesty, my good woman," the lady explained. "I am doing this in your interests, so that if anything is missing when 1 re- turn, you and -your husband' cannot be held responsible." "Oh., xis Tor that, ma'am, your things would be a thousen,d times safer if you didn't 'lock 'ern up at all," said the wo man. Intlyhusbandwouldn't touch the Koli-i-neor if it were lying •about loose, but locks and bolts is •allers a tempta- tionto him. You see, ma'am, he ased to do a bit of burglina just, as a sort of a hobby, before I married him, and old habits die hard! The lady didn't go away until she had engaged another caretaker. BABY'S FRIEND; Happiness is a sign' al health in ba- bies. Nearly all 'their troubles vanish 'when they digest, food well and are free from *teething pains. Baby's Own Tab- letS brings happiness to babies by cur; ing stomach 'troubles. constipation, fey- erisimess, diarrhoea and teething trou- bles. There's a smile in every dose and .the mother. has a solemn guarantee that this medicine contains no opiate or harmful drug. Mrs. James Jewers, Beaver Harbor, N.S., says: "I have giv- en my baby Etaby's Own Tablets as oc- casion required sinee she was a day old.' They, have alwaye helped her, and • now at a year and a half old she is a .fine, healthy child1 think every nibn Pier shOuld 'always keep ‘these Tablets , on harid." , You an got. Baby's. ,Own Tablets &OM any -medicine 'dealer, ar by mail at 25 cents a box by -writing The Dr. Williams' MCdic CO., Brockville,. Ont. •" LABOR IN AUSTRALIA. What Recent Report Tells of Conditions There. Reports -from' New South 'SVales show that there is practically no 'demand for more labor' of any kind, except for Servants. At Young, however, there is a demand for farm and general laborers and pastoral hands, and for a few carpenters, joiners, bricklayers, stonemasons and blacksmiths. In Victoria there is. no general de - Oland Tor mechanies, but at Bendigo men in, the huihlitig .trades have been ,Waniede . hi' Smith 'Australia the fositest wage.s payable for dressmakers or milliners of five year.' experience have just been fixed by tieboards appointed wader the Factories Act at les, Per s week of, 4$ home. 111 Qiieensland and. NVe,stern Atistralia farm laborers, and lads for farms, are wanted in 8oxne of the farm- ing districts. In New Zealand BIM 111 the building, engineering, clothing, and boot trades, and in the saw malls and on farms have been generally busy, and in some pleiees there has been a, difficulty in procuring ceinpetent Melte . All mechanic.s are werned against going to Ctipe Col - tiny', but there is ti good demand for competent women servante. In Natal there is a plentiful supply of eltilled and unskilled labor, and no more is wanted. Persons are warned againet going to the Transvaal at the presiet time in aearch of work. ONE ON US. "I know ofbat one authentidated cfise 'of i pe0on'5 lair turning white hi a; ,Ningle night." bald the physiolo. "11vvas the Ca';.4, of Irnewest atel beautiful .girl who- --" `, "Who was jilted?" we intearupted eanerVe t "No, who fell head first into a barrel. of flour." ' QUITE AS LOW). A few swells as a Lic transatlarta3 Ihler v;a5 proo a der,,,e fr,g el the botALs sNe7.vfbzu0a4A.1, wo cuUcnly the loul L.:quec.1214,, ol ten was hcard right ahead. A IV.w 331111113t()8. /alter the ,o;ceara lsvi tL4nt goingdead Alow, ran clos,) clor4; $ide a Inall wabhlub of a Nerwegaua barque, upon whose deen ttvo :nen wee lieldinn a pig aloft by the CU3'3. TV ate noiee The animal wee maitiag it was quite evident that it did not en- joy its position. t The barques "meter shouted in brae ken English, inquiring why the steamer eame so close. • Tho ealstain 'of the liner retorted Ii wanting to !mow why in thunder he did not blow his foghorn. At tins the former' replied, to tne amusement of all on board: • "Me got' no foghorn. Me lose him; SG me, use de pig." Anti -Consumptive Syrup ,3S agreeable to the taste, and is a certain relief for irritation of the throat that causeshacking eoughs. 11 used accord» ing to directions it will break the `most peraistent cold, and restore the air pas- sagte- to their normal condition, There nie need to recommend it to those fa- miliar with it, but to those wito seelt- a sure remedy and are in doubt what to tthe, the advice: is -try •Bickle's Syrup- • DIPLOMAT. • Polly (to • her flareee)-"Toms you danced four 'tittles with that, girl Jen, !tins and only twice with ine„' (Shyry)--"Well, 11 takes quantity, YOu know, to make up for (nullity." • SY BRIBING TIIE *HEVES with oplunt you raa.y atop a cough but the inflammation goes from bed.to worse. -Allen'e sane neariamreontetuine, no, opium, goss.to the reot ,of the troubli and curs** deep-seated affection:* of throat. and lunge. A SOLO PART. • She -"Did youfind your investment a paying onV" • '• eanYes, but I did all ajthe paying." Thenhealthy-glowedisappearingefronr tbe cheek and moaning and restlessness at night are sure symptoms of worms in children. Do. not fail to get a bottle of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator; it is an effectual medicine. "And do you believe that the figure thirteen is unlucky?" asked Pat, "Sartinly I do," replied Micky, "I've seen it goiter). There's always thirteen against me -the judge and the twelve jurymen." ,Diek-"You are .suet a funny girl. Myer did know how to take you." Kit- ty (coyly) -"You never tried." Dear Mother Your,,,little ones are a constant care ie Fall and Winter weather. They will catch cold. Do you knoW about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the_ym4Tonie, and 'svhat it has done for so many ? It is said to., be the only reliable roopay for all "440.iis of the air, passages in children. • It is absolutely ham:doss and pleasant to take. it is guaranteed to Cate oryour nioney is returned. The price is 25e. per hot*. and alt dmlers in medseinn sell 34 SIMON ,,,Thls remedy should be in every househokk IIEVENGE. eget 'even witlin,ma for spankin' me." ' Tommy-"Aw, what'll you do?" Johnny-l'One o .these days I'll ever- lastinny whale her grandchildrea." Tire Years Ainal.-"For eight years I suffered as no one ever did with rhenintie tism; for two years I lay in bed; could not „so lunch as feed myself. A friend recommended South American Itheuraso tic Cure. After three doses I could' sit up: Wo411$1 I ant as strong 311$ ever 1 wea."-Mri, John Cook, £87 Clinton street Toronto. -2 Brannigan -"What's the matter'Win •Willikin-"Matter enough. You know some time ago I assigned all my :paaPOrtY 10 iny.wilet:tcto keep it out of the hands of -of people 'I- owe; you knew " "Yes.", "Well, she's taken tile • Money and gone 00 -e -says -she won't live with, me because 1 swindled my cre- ditors." WE CLAIM that 'iThe")) *la" enthol Plaster will cure Lumbago, Backache, Sciatica. or Neural- /01,41licktw than any other plater.'. 'comae SA by everybodi. , UNUSUAL COMPLAINT. Mrs. piew-wed-Dear me, these eggs are ver -small. Village • Groqer-They are indeed, mum, and I'm sure I don't know why. Mrs. New wed -Oh, I dare say its because you take them Out of the neat too soon, • Are your corns harder to rernovethan those that others have had? Have they not had the. same kind? Have they .not been cured by using Holloway's Corn Cure- Try a bottle. NOT POSSIBLE. "Do you treat your cot& as one of the family?' •, "Good• graeious, She Wouldn't permit such familiarity," Made in Gated* end Sold tw all Druggist* Thi8 coupon is good for ono, 'ert cent (l00.) Trial Bottle of the erne. brsted Dr. Leonhardt's AtitimPili a mire turn for Indigestion, I3i1ious4, rims, loyenepsia. Constipation and sU ailments arising therefrom. hfollod, tree, In & plain ofteksge, on receipt Of mune and &ddress. Fill year. wane Ana 'post dike *dare's Os dotted, lines and mead to WIL.CON-IFYLE CO.. Limited. Niatara Falls, Ont. Cati1506000*.• eeo..o'f; ..... EXPE TOR NT The ifign that drives away Collis5 esteigiste,Wb�eplad asui000 Asitklue. Throat troubles, Crony* etc.; ete. • Produced by the isiglieet inadior,4 knowledge an* actenoe., ksrstre aresTetalslie ovarribi syrup. Your druggist not only keeps it, but recomattientIS 104 • Price, 25 cents.. ••;•. 11911POOTC EXPECTORANT IWWWWW.wwwWWWwww. wwwinoomprOwwwwiwoftwows.wwwwar " OSHAWA wind, Water, Stem and Fire ?rent Steel Shingles. Loo�d on All Four MOO** Made from Pointed or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from 32.n to $5.10 per hundred squaro feet covering measure. This is the most durable mit- ering on the market, and Is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, StoressEle. vators,•Chnrches, etc. Any, handy man can Jay the*OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips. aro tho only tools required We are the largest and oldeet eemnpany of the kind under tie British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. rnaldng them ' FIRE, WAltit AND LIGHTNING -PROOF. ' We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long °sheets, Conductor Pipe and E4V1cSTROU611, Etc, . lifETAL SIDINQ,_ in italriatim., of shrick-_os _stank METAL CEILINGS,' in 2,000 designs. Write for , Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of 1,•OSHAWA., Shingles Wilt° to -day. 83CISEE 3EalE1303Ca..IL.it, 'Xii,j6ic).3ezata, SO Dundee st Colbor sI W Craig St423 Suse 3$ . s3c . U. ne et , LOIlebarcl 015 Ponder it. loiiireal, tie.- 1 011awo, 0111. Toroolk OAL • I torition, OM. I Whiffiii Iiillocoilver,13.0.. 21 Write your Nearest Office...41E5.D OFFICE mari,V1/02,163-.-05HAWA. Oat THE PRICE OF SUCCESS. Eternal vigilance is the price of sue - cess, and it is in Chas way that the suecescs •of the • Starr Mfg.* s hockey skates and sticks has .been bought. The makers are .ever on the alert to know what the neckey- ists' requirements are and in this win incorporate these features Which Matte their line the most popular in the mar- ket. They are also alert to see that their goods cannot be excelled M • qua- lity of materials and workmanship. This policy, which will always be nutintained, has made the firm and. its goods fam- ous thousands of miles away from the little Nova Scotian town where 1110 fac- tory is situated. LITERAL RURAL BOBBY. Gus .(fearful of a rival) --"Bobby, does a young man call here in the evening to see your sister?" llobby--"Well„not exactly to see her, 'cause there's no light in the room when they're there." • WEAK WATEltir BLOOD causes Much trouble. Tliat tired feeling anti many more symptoms follow in its wake.Try "Ferrovim." It is the • best tonie to make•you strong and well. A.11 druggists sell it. A gentleman was, (ince invited to a house where he coneidered the dinner was inadequate; and as he was leav- ing the host asked him when he would dine with him again. "Now," Was the startling reply. . A Time for Everything. -The time for pr. Thomas* Earectric Oil is When crou- py.SyMptems appear 'in the childrern whenrheunlatic polite beset the "oide when 'lumbago; asthma, coughs, C`oids, catarrh or eatache.atteek Ather young or elet;,ntben burns., scalds, abrasiOns; contusions or sprains °erne to eny.mem- ber , of the family. In any of these ail- ments it give relief and work a cure. ouwwwwww1111 When opportunity knock s it doesn't Me a hammer., A IMIederri woman% In tit* wits for Irtalltki-lf Comae* kat takett year tits, del of health. the Attose&eh, sad is tortur. 1st Vali with isilligestian. Gyspepela sad nervous seroatziktion. South AiitOriesitt ltatwitte $0 the trealkst to drive the coon', frOin bto titidathold I.rat the point of the bayonet," trerai by treneli# but Swift and pure, 11 111W10140 "Miss Possay. seems to dislike Mr. O'Bull." "Yes, he tried, to pay bee a compliment. He made the mistake of telling her Elie was In the prime of 111 Signals' of Danger.---Ilave -you lost your alipetite? Have you a coated 'tongue? 'Have you an 1inpie4tint, taste in the mouth? Dots emirhead ache, and have, you dizziness? If so, your stoma.eh IS out of order and you need medicine. liut you do not like rnedidne. Ile that prefers eickness to medicine inuet euffer, but tinder tile circumstanees the wise man would procure a box rf Parmelee's, Vegetable .Pills and speedily get himself in health, and.strive to keep so. POPULARITY OF THE POST -CARD. The .statistical abstract for the United Kmgdom, just published, shows the great increase in late years in Me mei of post -cards. The artistic., merit of. Many of the illustrated varieties is be- lieved to be responsible for the ineaease. In 1$01-g lite total numbersreaelied 241,- 750,000, while last year the number had increased to over somoo,opo. Mrs. O1divens---"301m, Vt'6 watd er's waited for you to COMO,' hortn 1111fil I was half frightened to deatlir Oldwon -"Yes, that's just liles youssal ays do. lel ONO by, htitbnolir FOR SALE. Three, hundred -Stock, Grain, Fruit+ Garden and Canning -Factory Produce Farms in the Niagara District.' Write ' for free list. Ontario Real Estate Corse pany, Sinithville, Ont.. .• SSD Gore wiz entri SELLS LIKE =TY SELLS FOR E-1X-ilf SASOLINE ENGINES for Purapinco fld. 17d Par$ $t, Ce-DAVV:= Co Cream d toe ciitiargu.„ • GILSON NM co.. Pi* Wathieill"Wle. see - ea'Penre opda, • $5.117.41. 1.0.14_640 D•rkw fir $1611 Forerviousifras*** «ea Lay.vilatik ..w.s..4 Nem wiikik 6tis6.0......14:1.6$1,340.10..otrut...s.raoitcrowsraoci4000.0,40.4 Ctrbtary ova mooiui. 44404016 Otimitir Wei brig testa SOO to STAN ossilik. WI An tempo our Atom smarts Th Ii..., .4444.0 ilk DINWOrk l'AraeltIngtou Reit/114 foe1 Oast( Vim* of P'it Polk out til .444kRiairo Mizriseato t.r 0 CASK Pia MIMI :41,4its 25 .s. zIrs',Fee!-Co.r*S100, 1rasrteoc.r. mt.z kaw _z rwitoo 00. isimmet m igto• MD.rs.i z=2.... 0610.4,40.;411.4.40.4110..,pelloc Saw. 0.1 oni.)4/5.1 5.wilatr, Port *sive two, • Ira control LOAINt AStilltUat Ca. ars. LARGE EATERS. Chureh-I 'see they ° itro- crying 0:,r, more misSionarie.s Over' in Africa. Gotliams-Why, those. cannibats must be regular gluttons. , ITCH, lifsaire. Nerstelts arull *rear lora 01.0aart4t404410 /Leh on busmen or aniratile cured in 30 lainutel .by War fords Lotion. 11 haver lolls. Poppy -"Did you and 3ack have trou- ble getting your father's consent?" Meg- nolie„—"Nn, but lather and 1 had a hard time getting Jack's." • The Most Popular Pill. -The pill la the most popular of.. all forms of inedf eine, and of pills the most Popular are Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, because they dc what it, is asseriM they ten do, and are not put forward on any lidtitious claims to exeellence... They are compaa and portable, they are easily taken, they do ,not nauseate nor Won ipe. d they ',el:4r1xef.in Me...most stubborn cases. • ., Tourists (visiting an ancient eastle)ss "Are there any legends eonneeteri wit, this Old etstler Guide -s"011, yes. It is said that in anelent times a stranger once visited this castle and gave nn tip to the guide. Thereupon the latter threw the visitor over into the moat. But don't be frightemid. .01 course, We only an idle legend." °Ai/in/ilea • hal never ta RIM 13 taro those sotterleg , from AP,thota Caro lattice Watera irpit irnalt sAnioLts, -tkad let agi tearlete you that we heti 0. thig Carta tO 104ty CI% hist //Mt RAI/MX *out to soy mitres& D. Ph 004KRON F' Owott golitut, If4KIE NO.