Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-15, Page 5 (2)Wfngham Business Qollage
Individual instruction
1!�a vacation
Gold medalists as teachere
Highest etsiudard
Ask for eatalogne
Modern :business praetice
Bookkeeping a speciality
Ugly toward slauggaar4ds.
shorthand and typewriting
Interested in graduates
Newest office systems
Enter any time
Students' literary society
Sympathetic :teachers
Commercial correspondence
Ornamental penmanship
Learn telegraphy
Excellent text books
Graduates successful .
Enter "NOW." •
GEO. SPOTTON *. Principai
col at
e are offering of a ceeptionai
values in
-. ; ialuos and Organs
Our Goode are of the best quality,y,
andtewre7 will -be Tsryattisfied with the
Prices and terms that will suit the
most exacting. " ' •
;:In Sewing Machines we cancer-
tainly suit you.
tryilnehee41117. of high grade station-
` .
y -.••,-YS . THE---
The Sta•ndard .of the ,World..
It is right in every' -,:respect.
Right in Workmanship, Right,
in[ price. eltight in time. Right
every time. Accurately adjust-
F'tted.in either gold,sil-
ver or nicker cases.,' Let is sell
you a watch.
The " Jeweller
The most danger to 7Wrm buildings and live
stock from wind storms le during the summer-
months; , A Policy in
The `Sl`e Huron
Ether Insurance
Mutual Company will give you protection, •and
e policy costs only a fewdollars A year.
Roger Northcott, Esq. President, Hay F, O. "
.3. Kellerman, D84., Vice•President, Dashwood
Silas Brokenshire, Crediton P. O.
C. H• Perkins, Exeter, P. O.
Henry Rauj D��••y sdale P. 0
A. G. Smillie, >lleneall P. O.
W. T. Caldwell, Hensall 1'. 0,
Chas: Monteith, Thames Road F. O.
Wm. B. Battler, Zurich, -
See your nearest director or write for particitia* a
to E. Zeiler, Secretary, Zurich. • "
Reliable agents wanting territory -should write at
once to . G. ItOLTZMAN, Gen. Agent,
Zurich P. U.
S. HIARDT, Agent at Exeter.
Wheat ... ....... 70 10
Dya,r'ley....m...'..;,,...... ' f4:3. Q�466F�
. 35•
Peas.;.,,...r...�.....,, 75 77
Potatoes, per bag........ • 60 • 60
Hay, per ton............ 6 50 700
i+"lourr per Cwt., family,.2 00
Flour, ow gradt> per evil 1 20 1
i3X tter.rasv.:a•...ro..,...r 20 to 21
1`j .,.rore..,. a.,. 20 '.
Livehogs, per cwt,..... 5 50
Shorts porn ton.......... 20 00 20 00
or•tlarar.,..• r•v{rr..a.rn.a .18 00 18 00
1Dried• 5•5
Chicken a ..ai.rr..ta,a! 0 pe,ylb
Ducks va..Ravro.a..r.«ears 10 "
tIteese .a.r..r— r,..... '0 r;
Turkeys rr.., „r.. 12«13 'I,
Cook's Cotton Root -Compound.
The great 'Uterine Tonle, tang
only -a-,fe'r e1Te!ctual Monthly
ltegulatoron widetr women can
re degrees
i a Io. 2.
&pond. Sulel in t�
F,rength—No. 1,
lO degrees etrongrr*1: No. 3,
for a ial r,e, per bor.
Hold iy all drn its, or sent ' -
11rel.n1.t ion robe pt of printf.
r.co pamphlet..Address: TN
Mani(MtOlolNIt09.,TeIRON'fO,aJNr. Yornseviviruzrrat
Mies Min*►ie ►iniitll, a 8tratfortd ilio«
nlestic died on H,►tnrt'day from burns
which she received from a laariiai, whiCb
piled her clothes.
Around About Us,
Seaforth: 1i , in 31 Neeagliton and
SPEEDY CURE OF MISS ECCLISON , fernily of Varies moved to town last
She la Made Well by Lydia E. Pink"
luau's Vegetable Compound, and
Writes Gratefully to Mrs, Plakinim.
For the wonderful help that Aho heel
found lads Feelifetn, Erie St.. East,
St. Thomas, fent., believes it her duty to
write the following letter for putolleatiejn,,
'In order that other women afflicted in
2'' Eels
� qac c
ti as a 'ilia may ra benefited as elaiif
]I,. a
,. �P
� '•
.iti''�4{ tea.
Dear Mre. Liinkham:--
f; I heartily recommend Lydia E, Pink.
ham'r Vegetable C rapound as a tonic Rid
regulator for female troubles. 1 suffered torr
four years with displacementand no once
but those who have experienced this dread--,
ful aonpsen form
anyidea of
the e h
ond mental su#%rlug'ose endure physical
thus affected.. Your Vegetable Conn ound.
cured me. Within three months w
fully restored health t hten
to u ands r
now mYeriods are regular and painteps.
What .a blessingt is to.obtain such relief`
when ao many doctors 'fail to help you.:
Your medicine is better than any doctor or
medicine I ever had."
No other medicine has euclh a record
of cures of female troubles as has Lydia
E. Pinkhana's Vegetable Compound.
Women who are troubled with painful
or irregular periods, backache, bloating
(o Satulenco), displacement of organs,
inflammation or ulceration can be re-
stored to perfect health and strength ly
taking Lydia E. Piakhaam's Vegetable
Conpound, •
Mrs. Pinkhaan..iz vitets all sick women
to write her for advice. She has guided
thousandsto health. ,.Her experience `id. �; Goderich tp: Wna. Lamprey,. aresi"
very great, and eshe gives the benefit: of it dent of this township for 45 years, died
to all who stand in need of wise counsel, Tuesdayat his 'home on the- Huron
She is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. road, aged about 70. :He•wwas born in
•Pinkham and for .twenty -Eve years has Guelph but for nearly halt a century N• to' hishome with A: broken leg. He
been advising sick women free of charge. hero lived here, was cutting down a post When a pile
,A,ddreasr Lynn? Massa, Mitchell: Root. Douglas, of torn-forty-fortylumber fell against his leg, breaking.
of this -neighborhood, died in Detroit •the l m b.
on the °2n inst at the age of 79 years. • Mt Killop: Mrs. Matthew .Purcell's.
The remains were 'brought here for soar, who left here a few _ months ago
burial and laid to rest in the Presby- ;for the west, while staying at Brandon
terian cemetery. • . -Was stricken with typhoid fever and.
after three weeks of intense suffering
,passed away. The remains were on.
Monday brought to Seaforth and on
Tuesday the remains were laid to rest
in theis olum
C b • cemetery,
Seaforth: Q1ir ,-'Chis. Mc1Yaptioara on
Parkhill: Thos. Haides, well=knowrx 'p'idaiy passed a aa,y after a short'. ill-
here 'died " uite suddenlat Winnipeg "e`s fro.n "�".`� oanfi r.,-
_ a few daysago. -. - He had dbeeti. ill-
-weeks of typhoid fever but Was recov-
ing when pneumonia set in and hei
latstrd but a few hours.
Mitchell: Mrs. 'ti•"`. G. Me<rlrpliy, aa.
former resident of t nyn passed away
at Carberry, 11i3n., c:n V'V`ecilrie da.y.
Seaforth: John P attersou has dis
posed of the Kandy Hitchen reetai.aa)»
ant to Mr. i traa<eser' of o vel u who lase
taken possession.
Mitchell:, Last week John 1iraoderir k
was elected mayor for the balance of
the year, in rosin of Mr. Davis, who
recently resigned.
Parkhill. Ed. McPhee is learning
the barbering business with 11. Stooks
while Victor Vance is learning tin -
sleuthing mithing at Humphries hardware.
Seaforth: While in the act of step-
ping_into a wagon. on friday. Jack
Kennedy slippedand fell causing a
very, bad fracture of his right arm.
Mitchell: McKay Antone, anIndi-
an, was sentenced to six months in
the Central Prison for stealing a gold
watch and $7 in cash from Geo. . Pull-
Mitchell: Wednesday ,morning Al-
bert Littlejohn .appeared before the
Police Magistrate, charged adwith as-
saulting John Gatnhy: 14e 'Was 14,1t4
S5 end C0IIt9a,..,,
Seakorth: 011as. Mctntosh, a forniee
Seaafor.th boy, was recently married. at
High River, Alta., to Miss Kitty Mir- ' ' We offer One xun!ed PoIIsu a f ewisi'd io any eaimt
ley of that place. They will reside at of Catarrh that cannot be Cured by tram Catarrh
Tongue Creek, Alta. • :Cure,
Seaforth: Mrs. Robertson and Miss
Grace, who have been eta)x
t at
T. F
Coleman's for,some time
have. gone
to Chicago where they intend resid-
ing with the former's son.
• Bayfield: Richard Smith and Mise.
Maggie Lindsay were recently •mar-,
tied in Sarnia. They have returned
to town and are mow settled in Wil.
Higgins' house on the Aux Sauble.
Seaforth: - The Collegiate Institute
board has engaged Miss Stelle ' of Al-
exander asla teacher to succeed H. W.
Brown. Her.duties commence at the
first of the year. Her salary is $750.
Blanshard: There died in the south.
boundary on Wednesday Mrs. Mary
Bradley, relict of the late Geo. Brads
ley, aged 82 years. The funeral took
place on Friday afernoon .to •St. Marys
....1;�held; J:eeses "ttWyaac)f .Ic=xi a'x�ii
tie, bail p111- leav:d tkae if Mile 4,f the !.
late hire, Pesti, and ,.sat iueve here
Blyth; Mfrs. A. B. Eldingtan, two
Mira lttitb Pee -pa well known here, died
}�t Ellieboro, lissa+9 few days ago,
after a few Jaye' illoessresultiilg from
child birth. Sbe was married to her
bereft husband List I7eeenaber.
1.'+ahho Marlaaaerry B* iaw
sere retirirknilbg; frTrom bit, euteoartlinhed
their staff .arida few friends the other
evening. During the evening the staff
presented Messrs. W. anti T. Maaglad,
airy with ii. haudsorne, gold mounted
foenteinpen 'each. . T. Magladery left
this week for New. Ontario.,
J rkb ll: H. V. Laughton who
been principal of the bcJool here for
the past three years has resigned, hie
resignation to take effect at the end of
theear. Jas. Mahon, a former Park-
hill High School boy, who ha ben en-
gagedas teacher in Eaiat Williams,and
Btinsley, will be Mr. Laughton's sue-
iMiitchell: The death occured on
Tuesday of hilt week of Mrs. John Dale,
at the age of 77 years. Deceased bad
been in ailing health for the'ppaasst few
years, and death wiaai:rnot -altogether
unexpected, Slw leaves an Aged bus.
hR a vo
d ild -1 � to mourn
JI [' w -ii o r
� fa n
..e loss o loving n �, ixi� �
the � ai� ng wife and a kind
ROWS Till* P .
F. J OIIENEY CO., Toledo, 0. .
We the undersigned have known l~. J, Cheney for
the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable
ll b
4n a uezne
s's transactions and financially able to
carry Out any obligations made by his firm,
*AIMING,: Kum ui & MARVIN,
Wholesale Drurrgists,'Toledo, o -
Hall% Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting -di-
.reetly on the blood and raucous surfacesof the
tiesyst, emSold. TestamoniaiebyallDruggistssent free, Price 760. per bet-
, ,
. Take Hall's Family Pills: for constipation;
Downie: Wm. Boyce, a farmer of
this toevnship, had his head badly,frac-
tured Friday.. He was plowing be a
'field and it is thought that a horse
kicked him; bat as the force of the
blow somewhat impaired his memory,
he could not recollect what happened
Mitchell: A painful accident befel
-John Chance an employ of Mr. Loney's
• tile yard;"Mitchell road, Saturday morn-
ing as a result of which he is confined
Bitvfieldi'• Prior to leaving for Sar-
nia Hospital, where she has entered as.
nurse, Mies Minnie Armstrong' was
presented `with a purse and address
from the choir of St. Andrew's church
of'Which* she had very acceptably -filled
the position of organist for; some time.
Pairkhill A quiet wedding was sol-
emnized on Wednesday, at the borne
of:John Patrick, when bis youngest
daughter, Irene Pearl Was married to
Jas. Gilbert Knapton. Rev; ,Alin of-`
floated. 'Miss Lottie Hitchcock 'ren-
dered the wedding march, Rosaline
Knapton was flower girl and hiss
Anne Knapton and Geo.Ross were, the
attendants. 'The gown' worn by . the
bride was of white embroidered net,
over white chiffon taffeta, her only 0i°
nament .being a solid gold .locket, and
chain, the gift of the groom. She car-
ried a sheaf of white carnations.
Wood,' rhodphodino
The. Great English Reined -
and invigorates the wholo
nervous .system, makers: new
lood in old Veins. Cures Here -
»us Debility, Mentai cart' .grain. Worry, Des.'
pondcncy, .Sexual Weakness Emissions, ,Sper-
maatorrha a, and Erects of Abuse or Excesses.
Prise $1 per bear, sixfor One will please sir
Parkhill: N. d. O'Haiiley was in
tawniest week shipping his household
effects • to Chicago. " On Wednesday he
went to Seaforth to join Mrs. O'Han-
aithis nd t it week they -left for their
newhoane•in Chicago.
The bread -Wieners.
Bread -winning is too often-. iealth-
Por all who have . to work hard and
long --all. who have to risk health and
sacrificr,. omfort in the bard struggle of
life,' Bu -J i.is ai, ready friend.
• • Our .customers' experience shows it
gently counteracts . the strain on the
kidneys and, resultant ailments, stops•
° pain, eliminates the beginning of serious
disease and wakes wok easy, by build=.
$$ ing up health. We like our customers
will cure, Sold by all cl og tea or r seed hi to be satisfied—that's why we antee
plain k . on recei"pt_ofprice. New pant Ala Bu- n. g
�naoa ' res. The wean an Maadictne oo. k~tfty cents each box.
Wowner, Windsor) Toronto Ont: '. W. 5.; HO.vvEY,DRUGGIST.
11 Weeyclies
Ret HERALD and...
and the Best of a a `
• r
And with the Family herald and Weekly Stat"will be included the most beautiful picture ever
-given to newspaper readers. It is A gravure 22 x 20 inches, entitled' "A TUG `O6 WAR.". It is
easily worth a two dollar bill. °
The ADVOCATE will supply all local news, markets, social happenings, etc., etc., and, the
Family Herald and WeeklySLar will give you a coznbination of the greatest weekly newspaper
covering every portion of the Ulobe, a great family magazine, far surpassing any _of the Engldh
:or Ameriean ni ,liazinesin iptereetin family; reacimg, and without doubt the best farmer's paper
on the 'continent. No paper printed in the Er lith. language gives its readers such b` value as
• the Fa tinily* Herald mid l'Weekly'Statr: Sampleeopies of the beautiful picture may be !leen at this
office, Call, or send yourspbscription tq ;TIIB . A iV0CA►TE, .ISxettr.
' "116
"lint' .-tom TAM' 'tubber* if you *ant a -need, amazti. accurate Ate—Veiniest from
"the old eisaanr who lived is 1%00."
Fal lit; : 1)(1 pllablo, because no 'woaar -de tioymg aadulter.aits sale
/nixed vitll the filnO V Para 'gum.
{C nfokin to the shape of the ,slioe give ah' rIik .
stylish fit. Stay in shape. Wear long.
1''Olt S,aVLH
-whose maiden . name was Ellen.. Tor=
phy,' 'as born in the township of
Hibbert in March 1861. She was mar-
ried to her novo• . bereft husband 1.9'
yearsago and came here to reside.
Six children als°"survive her.
Downie: The death occurred Sunday
`of a well-known resident of this town-
ship. inthe person of Alex.. Gaston,
who for several years conducted a.
'blacksmith shop on the St. Marys road
near the ball -way house. Deceased
was in his 83rd year and haddlived in
the township for upwards of 50. year.
A widow' and one daughter survive.
Blyth: A. wedding was celebrated
in St. Michael's church Monday morn-
ing when Miss Maggie Nolan became,
the bride of James Ryan, all of Morris
township. The bride wore aa.•beautiful-
red travelling suit. The couple were
supported by Miss Nellie Ryan. and J.'
Ryan. while Father Hanlon tied the
knot; in the presence of a large crowd,
Stanley; A pretty event was cele-
brated at the home of Geo, Dawson,
Goshen line,°. on Nov. 1st, „when his
daughter, ,Miss•Flossie, was married to
Arthur Keyes of the Babylon Line.
Rev. -Brown of Varna, was the offici-
ating minister. Mr. Keyes has rented
the Peck farm on the Babylon line,
where he and his wife have taken up
their residence.
Seaforth: The hardware store of G.
A. Sills had a narrow shave from be-
ing destroyed by fire on Monday. A
quantity of cotton waste in the cellaat•
had caught fire, and had it not been
noticed when it was a serioud° confla-
gration would have been the result.
In carrying out some of the- burning
waste Frank Sills was scorched about
the face and head. .
Seaforth: Miss Mamie McCallum, a
former resident of town, was suddenly
called away on- Windily at Stratford.
Death was due to a clot of blood form-
ing near the heart. She had been in
poor -health lately bot attended to her
duties) at the post office up till Satur-
day. This position she has held for
fifteen years. She is survived by her
mother and two sisters:.
The price of half a pound of Bed: Rose Tea is
small—=very smail, but it will slew you )iow
much. tea value, tea equality and flavor is e011e
tained in this " Good ; Tea, "-
"is good tea"
Prices -25, 30, 35, 40, 50 and 60 eta, per Ib. in lead packet
1'. H. ESTABROOK$R 't. Join N. B, WiNNlt'freia,
TWIOiMYo„ s'Wci,aaa► cams •r., X«
v ip e
Forty-seven persons were killed in tt wreck on the i3aa<1>rimore � hi
�! 9bie Bane
;road or burned to death in th,e fim wbiob tgligwrda - •
For Every Room in the Home•
We b:arx a beautifuI selection of the latest designs.
CQ e. and,
am get our p��si all marked in plain figulres.
WE ask you to corse.ta this store for furniture because
we believe you will get the kind you want, The
stock includes all those .pieces that appeal to good
taste on account of their design, finish, character
and richness. We can show newest ideas and the
meet popular furniture for the home, that -can be
found any place, town or city -`
Leading Furniture D.ealer`and Undertaker.
are two -systems which you cannot afford. to omit, from
yonr business edncatiQn. In these days, when everything
must be. done accurately and rapidly, he system used
must be the best and quickest..
Gregg Shorthand is easy to learn, easy to write, and
easy to read after it is written. • .
Our catalogue will„toll you all about the system, and .
is freefor the asking. •
• School term: September till June, inclusive.
:.;Forest City Business College
J. R.. GREGG, Y. M. C. A. Building,
Founder Gregg System.
,Seaforth:: W. D. Bright,, who hes
been leader of the Methodist church
choir for the past twenty years, bas
resigned. As a recognition of his long
and able service, he was on Friday ev-
ening tendered a complimentary sup-
per by the Quarterly and Trustee
Boards. During the evening he wase
presented with a very handsomesil-
ver tea sery'iec and sr kinded worded
address. 0,
St. Mbatys: The remains of the la to
Mrs. Alex. Robinson ' were brought
here from Stratford this week and laaid
to rest in the St. Mary's cemetery. She
died on Saturday after an Molise of
eight months at the age of ` 8 .years. ,
She vias born near Toronto and when
tli'ree year,'t old came with herparents
to lilranellaard, settling, near Kirkton.
Its 18031� she and herr husband movedhere, and remaining till last year when
they moved to Stratford.
Seaforth: Word wet; re3cived "here
Oil 'f'exeyscieay that Sas: McInnis had
died on Wednesday in Oregon at the
home of his brother with whom he
had been staying for the asst three
months. 11e was 0, sufferer from broil- ,
chili' which l -i' 4ulted 111 his death. -lie
1,V49 53 ye%:arri sof Age and WA* name ng.
SOth ' of the -oldest business mein of this •
town. A few year's ago he oeeupied a
place on the ca,uale;il board. Ile is ear.'
1 vived by two breathers' and one sister.
he Pandora Thermometer
The thermometer. pn
the Pandora range oven
means precisely in ac.
curacy to the cook what
the square and compass
mean to the` draftsrnane
Without the square and
compass the draftsman
would haveto work en-
tirely by guess, just as
you do without an ac-
curate curate and reliable.. thermometer BIS your oven,
The Pandora thermometer reduces cooking to
an exact science. You k'ne w precisely how trtuch
heat you have and what it will do in a given time.
It is one . of the small thi>rsi Which makes the
Pandora so much .different and better than common
'Mlr'aaa l►hott t�eatrrr al fl d l''s cto rte a *
.. 1defl . •'toro*i to„ Montred al,
VirUtniveg, Vi ciil'trrl' .r.
't. John„ N $.,, Iliatanllton
cr�e.,:ceawsc�ra c..--cs
T Hawkins & Son. Solo Agents.,