Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-08, Page 8Good
Do Rot letaU the geed chance$ pasa
by you. If you, are likely to need a
new snit duriug the next six months
you will he doing, yourself a favor
by getting it nowt
•Take atha • tge °four special
discount, of 20 per cent.
unfortunate loser
We don't try to fit a man into a of valuable cow by
a-eath last w'ecit,
ready-made suit We raake sum
to fit the man; and to fit him as if
it were hie own suit, not a, borrowed
one. If you want to have the repu-
tation of being a correct dresser let
us do the tailoring for you, and you
will eyer be sure of
Glood materials, good fit, splen-
did workmanship, and perfect
aatelattaasta Qrt wess-ailaweale‘
LOCAL 1)0INGS.. 4Ora "WcdneSday aiTernoon„ Oct. Mo
weddingtOOkplace at thc Malta
street parsonage, vt hen M. r.a0111a9
ereweaof lixeter North was married
to Miss Florence Glanvillo„ daughter
of Mr. Richard .Glartrille of the Utb
concezsion of Stephen. They will re-
side in Exeter North...
13eautiitni. weather we are getting.
Mee. Jolita Iittuter has been quite ill
for GOvnat days.
Mrs. 'Welsh, William etreet, is able
to be out around agaiu.
Miss Prior tang a pleasiog solo in
ti e 3a.e street church on Sunday.
• Ifoga are declining rapidly in price.
The price next week will likely be
Mrs. Seattle' Rowe, who has been
confined to her bed for several clays)
is on the mend,
Mr. Thos. Fisher of Ushorne was the
W. W. TA
• Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Them
Get your Marriage Licenses at the
Advocate office.
The finest lot of porcelean Ohina Din-
ner Sets that we have ever seen, 108 piec-
es and only $12.50 and $25. YeA, they
are beauties. Stewart.
S 0 0
, in advance will pay
•ntil the end of De-
cembee 1907; that is, you may have the
whole of 1907 and tke balance of this
year for $1.00. Or you may have the
balance of this year OD a trial subscrip-
tion for loc. Subscribe now.
Great value in Maw' and Boys' over-
coats at „Stewart's. Ask to see the Men's
Swagger coats -at $10 and $.12.
Dr, Ovens Conduit,
Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
Surgeon will "Joe; at the Commercial
on Friday, November 9.
Hours, all day. Glasses properly fitted
and diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate oflice.
eafenst,fl-ne Beaver cloth overcoat, lined
with Baby IF:allaby fur, German -Otter
collar and reveres $32 -Stewart.•
The Ladies Guild of the Trivitt Mem-
orial Church purpose holding their an- was aeciaea as uneeeessaete
noel bazaarnon Dec. 7th. Fuller an-
, Each year the poultry busineasav bee,
nouncements later. • coming more lueraalope-atr
Ladies' Ainerkan .9able neck ruffs e'r- 111 t as -
Ladies' ta_taf., Wm soon rival
eee va-'1-n?-. stew- any branch of farm industry. Farmers
are forced to acknowledge' that the old
art. -
• • hen cao-lift her 0071:1 weight in raising
a mortgage from the farm.
Commencing next Sunday evening
Rev. A. H. Going, B.A., will preach a
series of Sabbath evening . sermons on
Social,Problems and Their Relation to
Christianity in the James Street Meth-
°dist church. The subject for Nov.
lith is "The Authority of Right over
After reading this issue, send it to
your friend in the distance; or better
'yet, eall at theteffice and send it to
your friend or iureiative for a year.
Throw in your mite toward placing
our town and country where they be-
long upon the thart, •This paper will
do its -part, you do yours. The balance
of this year and all of next year for $1.
Mrs. A. Holland ,received word on
'Monday of the death in St. Marys of
her nephew, Mr. P. S. Armstrong, who
died on Sunday eveniitg. Deceased
had been ill with rheumatism for some
time, but no apprehension was felt of
a serious turn and while asatting with
his family and some friends death call-
ed him suddenly away. A wife and
one son survive.
The organist of the Trivitt Maraort
,ial ehurch, Mr. WW, 13rown, will
give a'half-bour recital on Sunday
'evening after service.
The Main street League was enter-
tained by Miss White and Mrs, 'Wick-
wire on Friday evening.
The Organ of the Trivia Memorial
Clhurch having been repaired and re-
tuned is now in excellent condition.
Mr. Chas. Tebbutt has been engaged
• to teach Miss, Vosper's room at tbe
Exeter School for the first half of 1907.
Mr. Same Sample is moving his house-
hold effects into the hoose belonging
to Mr. De McInnis, corner of Andrew
and Shncoe streets.
Mr. Oros. Davis shipped a car of cat-
tle to the Old. Country market on Sat-
ArthurD. Davis accompanied
them and he will probably remain dur-
ing the winter.
Mr. Amos Doupe,lhe geniitl'Secre-
tary of the Blaxishard Agricultural So-
cietyS was at the Commercial House on
Saturday paying prize money to win-
ners at the Kirkton Fair,
loudiakirmasimiasikapamossati ,
Miss -Viola, Sutton is home from 1.00.
Mr. john Wood was in Toronto this,
Mr.R. E. Pickard has returned frona
the West,
Mrs. and Miss X.ohn are in St. Marys
Mr. Art. Wood of London is home
on a visit. • •
Mr. Geo, Young of London sent
Sunday ha town.
Mr. E. Williams is recovering from
a severe illness.
Mr. Henry Runaohr returned from
the .'Vest this week.
Mr. Mart, Sank,- was able to return
to work Wednesday. - •
Miss Bruce of Clinton is visiting ber
sister, Mrs. R. Murphy.
Miss Marian Elston of Parkhill spent
Sunday at her home here.
Mr. Will Muir visited 'friends in
Ridgetown over Sunday.
Mr. Robert Pickell of Forest is visit-
ing herd with Mrs. Elston.
Mr. Wm. Creech, went' to London,
Friday to spend a few (lays.
'Mrs. N. D. Hurdon arriyed home
from England Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Taylor of Chicago is here visit-
ing her brother, Mr. Wm. Balman,
Mr, Frank Oke'alialittle son of To-
ronto spent part of the week here.
Mr. James 'Walters was in Hamilton
and Toronto on business last week.
Mr. Ambrose Cottle met with a pain- Mr. Samuel Martin was in St. Thorn-
ful accident last week, while sawing as DU _business Friday and Saturday.
a piece of wood with a saw. A piece The Misses Weekes attended the
flew up and struck hina,a blow on the funeral of a relative at Lambeth last
forehead, cutting a gash that needed week.
several stitches to close. Miss Ethel Bissett returned from
Conestoga Monday evening, owing to
illness, • , ' ' •
Mrs. Wm. Davis of Hathiltort ar-
rived Friday on a visit to her mother,
Mrs. P. Fisher.,
Miss Chesney of Goderich Was the
guest of her cousin, Mrs, Geo. McLeod,
the .past week.
Mit and Mrs. Clark went to London
on Saturday. Mrs. Clark will remain
for some time. a es, '
Miss McCallum returned to her home
in Midland on Saturday, after a visit
with Miss Elsie McCallum.
I Mrs. Elworthy returned from a visit
to St. Marys Monday evening, She
was accompauied here by MraSpearin
who will visit for a few days.
Miss Lottie Hazlewood has returned
to Kirkton after being engaged with
Miss Morlock for some months.
Mr. S:' A. Potilestorie of Blyth came
down Monday evening OW1Dg to the
illness Of his
other, who is n failing
Mrs, Jolla Sanders and daughter,
Miss Nora, left Saturday on a visj. 1,6
Toronto, ThaillitTAIVraikaning two
A verandah post attached to the tie
line prevented .51r, Wm. Abbott's horse
running away on Friday afternoon,
It was tied in front of Mr. House's bar -
/less shop and becoming frightened
pulled out the post. No damage was
The fact that little or no damage
was -Acme by the boys here on Hallow-
e'en goes to show that the boys • have
realized the utter foolialmess of goings
about destroying things, deceiving
themselves into the idea that they are
baying fun, •
"Uncle Dudlerfrom Missburi,"billed
to belplayed here on Friday night,was
cancelled, for what reason is not defi-
nitely known, although it is .expected
to have been a conflicting of dates.
Reports say the show is giving salis-
faction in other places. •
Willie, the youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Eli Snell, has been confiped to his
bed, since, Friday suffering from artl:
pendicitis. It was at first thought ad-
visable to perform an - operation but
the patient recovering somewhat it
'Fax Notice, ••
The Tax- Oollector, Wes. J., Bissett,
will be at the town Hall, Exeter, from
9 to 12 a.m., and from 1 to 5 p.m. on
each Saturday and nh Dee. 12, 13 and
-• 14, to receive taxes. . •
Ladies' fine Kersey cloth coat, lined
with, Kaluga fur, large Sable collar -and
leveres; would be good value at $75, ,our
special price $55. Stewart.
• .
Most fortunate is the bey or girl, the
.young man or the young lady who is
given the*opportunity to attend school
in our town. Its educational advant-
ages surpass any town of like size in
the country.
„ Hicks' Forecasts VOr Noveniber.
A. regular storm period is central on
the 9th„ extending from the 7th to the
12th. - By the OthAhe growing storm
conditions will have „increased, so that
general cloudiness and rain will be in
progress inwestern sections, and dur-
ing the 10th, 11th and 12th, rain turn-
ing to sleet and snow on the western
flanks of storm areas, will progress to
the east across the country. This is
another period which promises to be
prolonged into a spell of unsettled, if
not contintied rainy, snowy, 'stormy
weather. The moon is on the celestial
equator on the 13th, the central day
of the mercury equinox, hence a sud-
den rise in temperature, with possible
The "good and sufficient reasons"
giaele by the Grand Trunk) has been
the cause of Promotion to'sonte of the
conductors on the branch lines, " Con-
ductor McKenzie of the London, Hu-
ron and Bruce branch line, has been
promoted to a rue out . of -Toronto,
,1 lightning' and thunder in the Oiouth, wh'I° his Place hat' been taken hereby
Conductor Connell, formerly running
with nutumnal rain and sleet will be
most likely on that date. Altogethefrom Palmerston to Kincardine.a
this period protnioes much disagree- Before going to London on Saturday
Able and stormy Weather, especially Mr. R. Leathorn informed 116 that
, on the lak.es and the Atlantic Ocean. some person or persons bad staler' a
, box filled with two sets of harness and
other horse necessifies, which he had
4,44.Hon4,4,4,4,14eseletot,4,444,4,4,a4 blbelled to be taken to London with
him. Ile considers it might have been
44 0 0 40 done as a joke; but if so, the joke is
P .14e Suitings ae not at all to his liking nor was at of
4. , , 4. the right nature to make an enjoyable
t joke for the guilty party.
+ and Mr, Wm. Trott of Beatusville arrivt
** i . i' -a. 'ed Monday evening on rt few daye' vis-
: Palltings -
+ it to friends in town. Ile expressee
tis himself as being pleased with the fact
• iI
g ' at that Exeter is to have a canning fac-
:deduced itt Price,
4. tory. He states that a large one wait
es built at Beathsville this year and the
- ,T. busines8 done there is very large.
e. * Mr. Trott bad considerableexperience
We have reduced a' large 4.
!mintier of first-class suitings 4.
and pan tinge in price and for ±
the next month will offer you
Snits reducedlrein $18 to $15
$17 to $14 *
" 44 $16 to Ism ()
$15 to $1450
Panting " " SO to $5
44 44 '44 $4.50 to $3,/5
" " " $5 to $4
" , $4.00 to $3.00 *
ci- - -et as
T is Litit, we Will Clear` sit
Once. Don't Miss, tha „
Outtice. -
Mr. Eli Snell returned from Forest
lastweek, having completed his en-
gagetnent with the Sutherland Innis
Mr. Robert Leathorn -left Saturday
evening for London where he intends
spending the winter with his daughter,
Mrs. Hurd. •
Mr, Wm. Bearden and A. ateDonell,
of the firm of Bawden McDotien,
horse dealers, are on a purchasing trip
to Europe. •
_Miss Millie Westland returned a) her
home in Wyoming Monday evening)
after a visit of some months with Mrs.
W. Gt Bissett.
Miss Renwick of Pert Huron and
Miss Barnard of London were guests
cial House this week. •
huelYing thrT1 into rapt silence, ,as
come gr,11-Dhle crone was portrayed,
then convul-Ing them with laughter,
00 ho d ry)ut0 amm.,ing story to
enforce 0 truth; at ono time inviting
the audienee to a fea9t of reasonslow-
ly analyzing premices and drawing
e00000.ruoBn t ite end ailleading to
a grand elinum of logic and eloquence.
Miller more than sustained the
splendid reputation he already enjoys
here and will alwrtys be greeted by a
large ztudienee of admirers when, he
appears in Exeter. To appearance he
Is rather striilintv and when be mattes
his bow to an audience it is naturally
expected his sobject and manner of
handling it will be as much ont of the
rdinary as he appears himself.
• Exeter School Report.
Following is the report for October:
Jr. Teachera,-(Bonors) 13 Stoneman
75, Pass, M Coward 73, F Clegg 67, M
Jones 67, II. Workman 65, I Arm.
strong 65 G Thompson 63, M Murray
03, E Taylor D Dining 59, W Triebs
ner 57, A May 55, E Willis 52.
Jr, Matriculation. -T Carling 65, M
Bobier 60, E. Goetz 34, II Fair 26, •L
Davis 13. No. on roll 18, average 17.
s L. C. Fleming teacher,
Contnination class. -Sr. ---E Going 67.
F Foss 00, J Walker 59, B. martin. ee,
M Hawkins 55, I Rowe 53, M Johns
49, V Welsh 49, 14 Re ra mer 48, G Thomp-
son 47, Brandt 40, L Coultis 30.
Gauld 86. jr.-K Collins 72, N Mc-
Gregor 68, L Birney 07, L Amos 55, B
Mack 63, I Handford 03, Oestreleher
01, Mulholland 59, L Sanders 50, W
Ruston 50, L Hcalgert 49, F Sweet .40,
14 Hagan 46, B Howey 45, K Stewart
45, A Davis 45, E Jones 40, D Truenn
ner 22, W McEwen No. on roll 33,
average 31.-A Dorrington, Teacher;
Regular Class. --Honors, .13. Munn 77,
A McMahon 77, J Taylor 75; Pass, I
Marchand 79, D Stewart 69, E Wa,rk
68, L Ileywoocl 68, 0 Pickard 65, H Bis-
sett 65, A McPherson 05, L Snell 03, W
Birney 03, R Douglas 63, Dunsford
McA.voy 60, F Hunter 60, A Dow
57, R Hooper 57, E Cavea57, V -Sweet
55, W Amos 55, E Copeland 54. E Lux-
ton 54, A Pickard 53, J, Manson 52, G
Acheson 50, GBissett 50, -J Monteith
49, E Barrows 48, A Coleman 48,C. Bo -
filer 46, T Penhale 42. E Farmer 41, 911
O'Brien 40, R. Brintnell 87. No. on roll
47, average 44,
Commerciat.-Ms McTaggart 74, 13
Welsh 69, E McKay 07, V Rowe 65, M
Mack 58, McCoy 55, H Duplan 52, J
'Barton 48, 0 Fisher46, W Da,yman 30.
No. on roll 47, average 44.
A. F. Chidlek teacher.
Sr.„III.-P Guhri'75, No, -on roll 52,
avetage42.5.-11 C W'alrond, teacher.
We keep a full stock of
Building Hardware, Paints; Maps,
Oil, Nails, ,Etc.
Repairs for the Frost & 179roc4, and
• Cockshutt Plows.
C11'11111 lintly NJ' 1iltri
Thisis the timeofthe year wben one begins to furn-
ish the house for winter. "
We Help to Furnish the ,110:nd
By supplying. Parlor Suites, Bedroorti. Suitits;
Parlor and Extension Tables, Rockers, Chairs,
Pictures, Ztb. Call to see these good's and. you,
will -find the "price suited to the article' and 'both to
suit you."
Sr.II.-j S-eldon 90,NJones 91,E Hur- . BOWE & ATKINSON
den 85, Walker 8,5, A McKay 83,
Sweet 83, A 13everley 82, M Jones 81,
E lia.raey 81, L Harvey 81, E' Balkwill Tile Leading Home Fu„rnitthers and Funeral Direetorg,
80, B Quance 79, L Marchand 77; It%
Fleming 76. .Jr. II. -F Rowe 90, A
Day 87, E. Bowey 85, j Follick 84. M
Knott 82, al Brimacornbe 80, Raw-
liffe 78. No. on roll 52, average 45, ,
E14ie Ateati init.itt
ers Tit-Rtteyea 91 W Kydd- 87, M
Smallacombe 80, M Heywood 85, M
Senior 85, 14 Handford 81;J Craig 80.
No. rol 41, average 85,
alilrecl Martin, teacher.
Jr. II. -M Case 90, - W Mitchell 00, 13
llodgert 88, A Bell 83,- E Hprnetie 80,
n 'Parsons 79, Sr. Pt. IL -M Harness
85, M Ilustob 83, M Elliott 82," Neil
SO. No. ornroll 40 average 32.
F W Howard; teacher.
of Mrs. Wnt. Barrows at the Commer- o
• We have put received a car
Dr. McDowell' of Listowel spent of Old CORN of •excellent
Monday evening here. He returned quality which we are selling
Tneschty morning accompanied by at reasonable prices.
Mrs. McDowell who visited, here for
Some time. -
Mrs. Obas. Birney, who has been in
Belgrave for several weeks owing to
the serious illness of her mother,re-
,turned home Monday evening. Her
son, Willie, also returned froths a few,
days' visit there. ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carling left yes-
terday (Wednesday) on a trip to New
Orleans. They areacconipanied by a
large number of people from other
.points in Ontario, the occasion being
the Ticket Agents' Excursion.
Reveries of a' Bachelor
or Love, Courtship
and Marriage
,e •
DeWitt.Miller delivered his famous
lecture. entitled "The ,Reveries of a
Bachelor. or Love,Courtsbip and Mar-
riage," in the Opera Hall on Wednes-
day night of last week, being the see-
ond of our serieo of eritertainments
recently' arranged for by Mr. Beverley.
Mr. Miller was gaeeted by a large arid
enthusiastic. audience of fashion and
culture -and the- lecture was truly_ a
magnificebt effort. The impress of bie
elosmence had not been effaced from
the nietnories of those who beard bite
on the occasion of his visit het e ji)
April1903, raid nearly evet youe who
heard him on that occasion wao again
present Wednesday night, thua. dent-
onstrating bis popularity 88 a leeturtot
Being -a bachelor -so we are informeti
deductione from this standpoint
• may be considered as expressions ot
in fruit business here and he knovvs I i nces from which those
whereof he speaks when he says that Pel8"4 e Pel e
of bis own persuasions could extrect
the land and climate -around Iilxeter nothing but grizzlygorgotis and empty
are etninently suited to the growing of
many things that go largely into eure delusioneswhile the reinainhug phases
plying a calming factory.
Merchant Tailor Eisiter
A quiet wedding took plaee at the
residenee of Mr. Peter Frayne otrWed-
nesday, Nny. 7th, at 4.30 p. 111,.when
his daughter. Miss Eila Maud, was
united in marriage to Mi. Sot
•of Stephen township, son of Mr. Elijah
.Tory of Exeter. The ceretrioey ewes
performed in the presenee of Only the
immediate relatives, by Rev. , A. 11.
Going, pastor of the Jame* street
church. The young, couple were tin.
attended. The brid4 witot handsomely
gowned in white orirtaritlie. Me. and
Mrs. ;tory will resider on the 2nd con.
of Stephen. To the yoring eouple the
Advocate extend!, stoat hearty tangles-
tuilitions and good wisheoG
Or 1118 subject he painted tits pictures of
heavenly bliss with a few satir ical side-
lights to give tliern the tinge of incl.'
dental lunnati experienees. As iu, lec-
turer he can loose bittefew equals. Ile
has it remarkable presence ttnd
ery, is ocholarly and oratorical, mid it;
abl6 tO exert a, peculiar to:Igor tie jet
finence over his audience. finlissutit.
in, Mr. Miller captivated his hearers
as soon as he began epelikNg and titey
followed bitti with great delight as lie
led them in spleedid strains of elo
itftence ft oin nue to another of the ver.
ied phases of his subjeet, all of wnleh
%Vire disctiseed Wit Et n !I 1411ibirefq,i
otiginality which was both pleasing
and intensely- instruetive. 14a, one
hour and fifteen minutes Mr. Miller
held the audience spellbound. now
re101, e pleased to ex-
- chit' ne Corn for Oats, Bar-
ley, Peas or Wheat,
We handle all kinds of grain.
LaftetessQsateast teat& tesetateasetas.- teati
e„.tostilitt .....-----
.......:::•=zz, st NO
i* .0
s -741r./
The little lenses of glasses; joined by
their frame ot toad or eickel are won.
der fully po e it for good tie evil. Pro-
perly fitted t lu'y build 4111 LIAO eyes
and alb° preserire the sight. -111110(1
perly fitted tin y tear 'clown and des.
Watling a few lines of print with a
, pair of glabSes is 140 test. The sight
mu -t, be tried by modern and scienti..
Ile method,.
WIA base every facility for making
tests and 61 11 etipply a y kind 6. glass.
P4 requirea dt fttotheleatc, 008t.
W. S. gooff,,,,L IEy $ rit J
Chemist and OorleEXETE1• irtu.
Phone 50. ,
, ••• ••i .4•••• ,
Plaids that are both distinctive and stylisb-Black
McKenzie,Stewitrt, and pretty- fancy plaids in rich dark „
shades of green, Wee and red. Extra quality of soft fine
wool, especially adapted for kitting. Several nieces just
put in stock. -Prices low for this quality zs, qe, 60 Cts.
• ISTa. tty SoarfS
With the incoming of the overcoats season is the demand.
for scarfs. Nothing more dressy or servicable than black :
silk, made either in a sbaped muffler with light lining, or
the long wearing folded scarf. Adds to a mao's appeart
(Luce and comfort, saving the laundry bill at the same time
Full assortment of goods in eur north Window• . - -
Our stock of lad,ies' coats, ruffs andmuffs; also -
men's coats and caps is still all that could be'. -
-. aye, dressed.) One cent per lb. less tor cash.
1t 7-12
Two " " scalded poultry
° All poultry must be dry pieked and clean,
Eiens 0, 1. All feathers taken oft 'wings P_oorskiny
Geese ' 9 fowl nOt wanted at any price% Crops Must
Duck 10 1 ix' 'empty. Necks must not be broken or
J twiSt,ed. Please bleed at month,
Headquarters• ' for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
EL 0
English' Flannelettes •
Are best washers. WA
That's the kind viz Sell
• 50 pieces extea heevy Flannelette, Choice tot of patterns,
Colors ttre Pink, IMAM Greys, Fawns, also White° all ghat,.
• anteed fast colors. NI wide,
Special 412:0 cts
„Also Fine lot of relainelette Einbroideries to motel) at '
5, 8 and 1,0ca yd.
le----1".-.410-4110-ilis--41.1110-asio •
Wool 'Blankets
A new lot of 'VI 001 Blankets jript opened up in all sizes,
with Pink or Blue borders.. Guaranteed ME WOOLlov&.
ly soft finish at
$3,75, $4.00, $1.50 pr.
. o o oalatitinallawassinato-___
, tagistiet