Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-08, Page 6,
Does tit
has the soft
warm, feel
the skin C.,1403, -S.
Doesn't itch.,
Made for
,en and little felksi
in a • variety a tyles,„°
f abrics and prices.i'
now Rat teeny Farce in Ittn-eiie and
Attiericia CQIIIIraMo
Meet writeee ennedarinne .tho octet
ef peer-eat:7e travel in Europe end
rico., 4-mys a corresiwndent who
hnows, claim cheaper ftowe3 for the for -
Eine, alihougn, an -enter eneitoh, writt
ee decieeee Mott lairceicara ZIIVPS ere
orie.tirrd hialter Vann on dine
etint knelt.
Thee° le on clement el truth in heill
Statements, hut hoth leave out 'Olt sight
important toonsidedations. if tlie ae ere
'age rate' in •G'erriany -wove three (Tres
a. mina travel there would be nitwit more
eiteensive than here, beeauSe wages
and the, itenerea cost of living is much
loveer, therefore any comparison that
leaves this consideration out of. sight is
unseleatifie and compare:tn. ely value -
leas.. The average, of -Great Britain
France and Germany is lower than that
of America in so much gold, i.e., a per-
son can travel farther in Europe -omit -
Ung Buseia-second class, which abput
corresponds to our fain, for the einne
amount of gold coins, but the average
workman in America on accaunt of high-
er wages feels able to spend more on
travel than his European counterpart,
without feeling the cast as much as he.
In Japan a person can get a tourist
Orin farethe niglitneal ,f_t Cost of, only.,
Iteenty seri (ten' dents) for a WO berth
and forty for a lower.
Second-class from Bremen to Paris,
about 500 miles, costs 812.50; from Paris
to Soissons, 65 miles, $1.50. In England
the rate averages a penny a mile - the
line with the shoat haul always setting
the rate • for the line with long haul
and on this basis. ft is always difteult
to compare things that are so ilissimi.
lae as the European and American
modes of -travel, but clutter for dollak
Europe has America beat; Germany has
eyed afourth-class (burnmei zug), the
passengers hewing no seats at all, but
are required to stand in something like
a line box freight car. The charge or
tbie class is two pfennig per kilometre
or about 23 cents for 31 miles. Provided
the tourist has a good trunk on Neenah
to sit, this mode of. travel is not incon-
Free baggage allowance varies in Eu-
rope vvith the coentry, although beegen-
eral it is less than in America. Passen-
gers from the ocean steamers destined
for London are allowed 240 pounds free,
fcr ether points in England only 120
pounds. On the continent free allow.
ance is sometimes iimited •to 25 Potindee
ail absurdly law amount.'
liskigruivar to r!place. at cur cud,
garment faulty m material or r,kIng,
-1,066 acres of clean unbroken prairie,
the finest wheat land on earth,, on the I
.baiiltV--orthe Bed lilieerO 46 miles from
Winnipeg, four miles from, two railway
stations. 815 an acre takes it, 85,000
cash, balanee cagy. No better farm, no
better investment.
12 Merchaots Bank Building:
Winnipeg, Itean.
Ma LAMP 011. Ecomortiv
No real need to buy the mttee expensivo
oils if GOOD BURNER*, used
and xErr CLEAN.
If you want a BIG LIGHT--guaas COI
TY City
For Sale by Dealers
VEER CITY OIL to.," Voirt,i;r:
Cut Glass
$5 11'2 Bowl
QNLy. as manufacturers
is it possible for us to
offer our special tight -inch
Cut Glass Bowl at $5..00,
packed at our risk and car-
riage Paid to your d6or.
It is of cl,earest aystal glass,
-deeply and brilliantly cut in
"hob -nail' star design.
Our ilustrated catalogue
vvill tell you or other remark-
able price -savings in highest
quality cut glass.
We send sepor re -guest free of charge
v our Tarze ilhatrofed catalogue.
;94. 4.
A new pen has recently come into the
market in Europe for which considerable
success is prodicted. These pen ei are
*Tiede of tantalum in substitutihnn for
steel. They are more flexible than gold
pens and mere darable than those of
isteel, since they resist corrosion, and
can with diffletrity be spotted with ink.
tAt the same time their points are ex-
ceedingly hard.'
Is there anything more annoyin
Man having your corn stepped upon7
le there anything more delightful than
getting rid, of it? Holloway's Corn
Cure will do it. Try it and be con-
A youth who had had an exciting ex-
perience svith a bull was narrating the
incident with all the grimhic language
heeduld eonernand. "I seized him by the
(oil," he exclaimed. "and there I was.
was afraid to hold on, and 1earen't Jet
eio."f A young-lady:evil°, was very nitieb
interested, smiled. "You were between
ilie horns of a dilerrima, as it 'Were," she
cid& "No," was the replY, Watiel be -
%Ten the horns at all. And, besides; lie
Wasn't a dilemma; he was a Jeerny."
She: e have waited a 'good many
minut for that neither of mine.' •
"floitrse I should say."
She: d'Ours! On, George," and she
laid her blushing cheek on his ,shirt-
Your Doctor
Can cure your Cough. or Cold,
no question about that, but --
'why go to, all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
tiled, when you can step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE
for a quarter.
• Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five cent
bottle of SHILOH will cure you
as quickly? '
Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past thirty-four
years; let' SHILQI-1,,be your doc-r
tor Whenever a Cough or Cold
SHILOH will cure you, and all
druggists back up this statement '
- with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold cure it with -
Pleasant Sedative •for Brain -Hacked
Knitting is being revived this autumn
as a pastime not only beceuse it ap-
peals to many, as a novelty, but for
utilitarian reasons. ,
Doctors 'are recommending it as It
.sedative to highly -strung nerves, grid
oculists as a forni of industry very
'suitable for those Who suffer from Weak
eyesight. To embreider fine stitches by
electric light is very trying to the eyes,
whereas lyinting becomes a habit that
requires next to no intervention of the
Anyone whose thoughts tend duriag
moments of relaxation from the round
of social duties or n the intervals of
strenuous werk towards melancholy,
indefinite but ceer-presentiworry, or an,
obsession of hopeletesness, should buy a
set of knitting -needles and some yarn
and begin a pair of soeks or stockings.
Sufficient skill is required for the Ivor*
te . give the brain something to think
about, and at the same time the mere
net of knitting banishes irritability and
engenders an equable and happy frame
of mind.
Girls • have discovered what their
grandmothers, knew full well -namely,
that near do the hands look • prettier
than when they are busily manipulata
ing tbe pins; the graceful turn ofe the
wrists, tlie fingers curved to the task,
and the flashing of )(vets set in beauti-
. .
ful rings and bracelets comprise a sight
full of feminine charm. It 15 advisable
to adopt the old style, in whieh the evoith
or Silk is ihrtmati with a 'rueful curve'
over the pininstead' of tile underhand
movement preictieed by some experte, if
the fulleat dieplay be desired for the
fingere and wrists.
The veil •industrioue nre eneareldriti
to,' patterns foe the eld-fashioned knitted
geilte of wonderful miticary, while the
IeSe patient, Who de net, ehritilc from the
"feel" of cilia are busy ,Metking winter
motor moves and witigeoate of wool
unitili bied, incited to the teL by
the teituty of the Materials they liteie to
A Ciontraon Trouble Aineng Growing
Utieti-ri. New Ekon" Supply is -
Pine. Actitvallailyaoitlfdie New
There are ttliousantie O yfoung men
jut approaching manhood who have
no eftergy, velio tire out at the least
exertion; and. who 'feel by tire time they
have done their day's week as though
the day teas a week long. •In eorne tf
these eeses there is a nuttier sign of
warninet, in the pimples anti disligur.
ing eruptions which break out on the
face. Thase .are certain signs that the
blood is out of order, and unless Reis
promptly enriched, a complete break-
down, or perhaps consumption may be
the result. AB these editing men should
take Dia Williams' Pink Pills. These
pills actually make rich, recrblood,
clear the skin of pimples and eruptions
and brieg health,strength and energy.
Here ie a bit of proof. Adolphe Rolland,
St- Jerome, Que., is, h young man of 19
years who says; "For Mpre than a year
auffered from general weakness, and
I gradually grew so weak ,that. I was
efiereett.to abaricion'My.Werlt as a elerk:
My appetite failed met I bad occasional
rielent headaches, and I began to suf
Ir from indigestion., I was failing so
rapidly that I began to fear that, con-
sumption was fastening itself upon me.
Our family doctor treated me, but I
did not gain under his cage. I was in
a very discouraged stateetften a friend
from Whereat came to eee •me: Be
strongly advised me to Cry Dr: Williams'
Pink Pills. I did So and inside of three
weeks I began to feel . better, iny ap-
petite began to improve and 1 seemed
to have a feeling of new courage. I
continued the pills until I had taken'
:ten boxes and I am now enjoying the
best of health I ever had. My cure sur-
• prised many of iny friends who began
to regard me as incurable, and 'strong-
ly advise other - young Men who are
weak to follow my exalinple• and give
Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial.
There is rio mystery about the cures
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. make. These
pills actually make rich, red blood,
wreich braces andastaongthens every
organ and every nerve in the body.
That is why thetee pills cure all com.
mon ailments like anaemia, rheuma-
tism, indigestion, neuralgia, St. Vitus
dance, headaches and backaches and
the speoial ailments oe worried ond
growipg girls.' You can get these pills
from UT' dealer in medicine or from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, .13rock-
ville, Ont., at 50 cents a box or Six
Nixes for 82.50. •
"Maes an Arrest for the Murder ol a
Mummy. -
n old gentleman at Ternee, Frence,
was recentlg charged Wiill murder un-
der ['curious!, .circumstances. A rage
picker rushed into tne police station
and threw down a bag of bones, de-
• daring dleatethey' had been given to lum
ta make away with, but he had dis-
eavered them to be,huneae. •
• Scenting a terrible c.-ne, the inspec-
tor had the mare_ looked up, and then
telephoned to a magistrate. Soon after
the magistrate, inspector, and two
policemen called at the house where the.
bag had been handed to the ragpicker
and were received by an old geatleman
in gold -rimmed spectacles.
The magistrate locited ehedoor be-
hind .him, laid a calcined bone on the
table, and said:. "You gave this and
other human remains ao a radpicher
this Morning?" "I did," said the old
gentleman. "I• arrest you for murder,"
said Themagistrate solemnly; "who was
your victim?" •
In reply the old gentleman in the gold
spectacles burst out laughing. "The
victim," he said. "is the son of the
Grand ,Priest Diophta, ho died in Egypt
more:than 3,000 *years before the birth of
'Christ. 1 bought aim recentiy, but he
did not keep wellnso 1 preferred to get
•rid of him." =a
Exhaustive inquiries eventually led to
the . release of the ra picker and an
apology to the mummy purchaser.
One of baby's good days means that
)'cur child is thriving and well. Baby's
OWD. Tablets brings all good days into
your child's- life,- for they make little
ones well, and keep them, well. Mas.
Jos, Fernald, St. Tile des -NA
sayst--"Since giving ink little one
Baby's Own Tablets she has been in
splendid health, is growing • plemper
every ddy and has bealitliful rosy
cheeks." Tnese Tablets care 'ranges -
tion, colic, constipation, ;delete fevers,
teething troubles, • and all the minor
. ailments of little ones. l'hey do not cone
thin one particle of the poisonous opi.
Ides found in all soothing •
and most liquid preparations. The
Tablets can be given with absolute
stifety to' the babe just born, as well
as the child of advanced years. Sold,
be all medicine dealers or sent Vy mail
at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr.
Williams' Medicine 'Co., Broekville,
Fourteen Guns and,- Two Heves. of
'an Specie Recovered from Sea.
Through the agency of John Steers,
the Hull water diviner and mineral ex-
pert, important discoveries ' have been
made in The hulk of the Sphnish Armada
galloon Admiral Of PlOreacia, lying fn
Tobermory nay, England.'
Fourteen bronze guns, each measur-
ing 4 feet 9 inches in length, have been
located, and two specie chests, one 'filled
with gold and silver mixed; have been
obtained at, a. depth of about ten fa.
It taS found that the hulk had split
in two Irene Stem to Mena, and that the
gillIS had fallen out all around the Ver,'-
Other important finds aro tordidentlyi
'The Kle;ann Itheorconiee Will Soon Enter
the, City.
The lateq invasion of sacred ground
by the steel rail is the building of the
• steam road to tile ituly city of Wee&
With the •coming of the engine wifl pass
one of the most unique and picture.':que
8!,,,-13N of ihc,, Bat, thait great caravans
which cross ,yearly the desert between
Cairo and Damesqns and Mecca.
• It ig the, highest religious duty of every
• Moslent to tozite at, least ono pilgrim-
age to hiecea; the "mothor- of towns."
ho puts off 'his ordinary clothes. Shaves
hie head, arrays himself in white gar -
moats and Marls on his journey.' tie
may wear sandals, but no elutes, and no
head covering, until the end of his pil-
What is time of fasting for one people
is often time of feasting for runother.
There are many who profit through the
Moslem's sins. To insure the safety
or the thousands of the faithful, the
(merriment pays the desert eheilts M-
ute for not molesting the • pilgrims.
'These nomad chiefswill not welcome
flue railroad which is to invede their,
This la what COLTSFOOTE EXtt ECTOIRAPilli is among c ough remedies,.
"I leads, others follow."
A safe and periaaneot cure for Colds, Caudill:roe Ceraupe Whooplui Coriadhe
Asitinuste TIgrosit and Lung trembles.
Thisfamous remedy bas been ,proclueed by the highest zuedloyal U4014010
o.ad is the result df yeara of careful expe;imentho -4 4,
Tour drirsiblist not only keep e it, but recommends ite
Price, vents. •
Another,. class reaps financial benefit'
from the pilgrims. Even on hie jour -1
ney to Mecca the 'Moslem heaps up sins ,
„which neve to, be-Ooned,. EveertetinY,
transgreCsion leas' to be paid ter bytthe •
slaughter of a sheep. Thousands and ,
thousands of slieep aro thus saerifIced,
and the shepherds of Arabia drive a pro-
fitable trade. One of their fervent pray.
ers is that the sin s of others may be
increased. •
The Rossland Miuer• says: "Le Rai 2
has just declared an interim dividend
Or lWO ehillings. a share on its issued
capital stock; mounting to $00,000. The
virgin ground," says The Miner, "owned
by the company, -and ,particularly the
leinnice ts believed to carry at least one
or the Le Rai ledges, and is' aaluable-
•There is," Reedits., "a lot, of unexplored
ground winch, is thought to be rich, and
when exploited should/yield good re-
sults." Commenting on the above, a
prominentlocal mining man points out
tat the: Annie Mine and White .I3ear •
Mine adjoin, and are•surrounded.by thb
'California Giant, and. Novelty an one
side, with Le Roi, 1 and Bleck I3ear on
the other, the latter now being the.pro-
,perty of Le Rol. He expresses the
opinion that this locality 'contains rich
ore, and will yet produce some start- t.
ling mining sensations, as the eichest
• ore ever taken out hag been from this
_ — •
Gas trusts would be unable to declare
dividends • if.people didn't have Mond
to burn.
" Do Not Delay.. -When through de-
bilitated ,digeslive, organs, poison finds
its wan into the blood, the prime con-
sideration,is to get the poison out as
rapidly and .as thoroughly as possi6le.-
Detay may metal disaster. Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills will be found a most
valuable and- effective medicine to as -
wit the intruder with. They never fall.
They go at once to the eea.t.of the trou-
ble and .work, a permanent, cure.
Most Men are willing to tell the truth
if it reflects on somebody Oise.
In some boarding houses it is a rare
thing to have things well done.
4. EIRE SPREA,DS in dry grass, so does an,
lnilanunation in the throat grow down into tlup
lungs. Deal promptly with a cold as with afire,'
and when rou begin to cough use Alien's Lung
- If a man has anything else to do he
is foolish to waste time aeguing with a
Worms cause feverishness, mnaning
and restlessness during sleep. Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator le pleee-
-ant, sure and 'effectual. lf your drug-
gist has none in stock, get hint to-prq-
cure it for you. •
"Is the new prlion ,werdef vigilant?"
"Rather! Someone toldthim the gas was
escaping, and be grabbed his revolvee."
• NO SUBSTITUTE for "The D & L Menthol
•tPlaster, although 5611216 unscrupulous dealers may
atty there is. Recommended by doctors, hospitals,
,clergy and everybody, for stiffness, pluerisy, etc,
If money talks the iniser`s cash must
be tongue-tied. ,
A Time for Everythinee-,--The time tor
Dr. Thomas' •licletinic neOil is when,
croupy symptoms - appear in the chin
&en; rheumatic pains beset, the
old; when lumbago, asthma, coughs,
colds, catarrh or earache ,attack either,
young or old; when burns, scalds, algasions, contusions Or sprains come to
any membereof the family. • In any 'of
these , ailments it, will give relief Qnd
work a cure.
"Your Wife seems to be a woman who
says what she -thinks." •
"No, sir; she never stops talking long
enough, to think."
• The, Engaged Girl "I've •always
heard that love IS blind." The Matron
"es; but maridage is a great, °enlisted
Made 11 Coned* *ad &WE by all
Thin coupon Is gooa for one ten
toot (let.) Trial, Bottle of the cele.
Dr. LeonhardtIs AntlPilI
a cure cave ter Indireetion.
new, neepeesia, Conettpetion void
all sitmenta erten* therefrom.
Mattel tree, in it plain tankage. on
receipt ot name and suldtfts.
in your name sona pot ofrice address
On detted line alli mend to
Niagara FaIIS, 0111,
* 000000000 . 000 o
00000 01.6 .8
os HAwA--
I P.. ad
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying'from $2,8 to Eietfi,
per handred square feet covering measure. Tnis is the most. durable coy. ,
eriug on the market, and is an ideal covelingtfor Houses, Barns,. Stores, Ere- ;
vators, 'Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the ,"OSHAWA" shingles.
hammer and snipg, are the only tools required. • ai
We are the largest and oldeet ccompany-of the kind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada,:
,making them
We also Manufacture Corrugated iron in long sheets, C.onductor. Pipe and
METAL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone.
METAL CEILINGS, in 4000 clesions.
Write for Catalogue Na. 14R and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles.
,Write to -day. ,
•11731SE3Ell •1031331:03r.a...A61t, 2,031310:031E*14351,
Entreat Oge. I (Illawo, 0111 Toronto, OM. [loan, OM. I new, an, I Voncotiver,B.O.
321-3 W Craig St .i 423 Suess* at Colborne st CO Dundail,t.i/6 LOntbard st.' render st.
Write year Nearest Offics.--11EAD OFFICE AND WO/MS-OSHAWA; Oat ,
Read, This " tgliar
It its issue of the .15th inst. The Rossland Miner says: "Two cars have
.been spotted at IVIIIT1B BEAR MINE, and these will be leaded to -day or
to -morrow for shipment to the Granby.. ,The ore is that taken out in tlle
course of devOflopment. The Work of developing and Making available
the ore shoots hewn, on the 700, 850 and 1000 foot levels continues. THE
WHITE BEAR MINE shares are selling- around 0,,!„ to .10. cents ':(nore-
assessable). The last shipment. Of ore brought 824, a, ton: for concentrates,
while the rest real -lied 810 net after all expenses. This stock Will _stand
the most careful and rigid investigatien and offered at above jprice-1-.4 an
opportunity for the 'progressive investor, DON'T WAIT. BUY NOW.
Secure an interest in this promising enterprise' at once. •White Bear ad-
joins the famous Le Rol and Ls in close proximity to Ceeare Star, War
Eagle and Annie Mines.
,Weleuy and sell any of the following:
oB LT 'W ster, Silvcr Queen, • Silver Bar,
. Silver Leaf, Kerr Lake, UrliverSity,
EINUMERSUMMINIIMMENN Red Rock, Temiskaming and Had;
son Bay. Buffalo, Trethevvey.
Also all otheraMining and Industrial Stocks. For -reliable information or
price, buying or selling, communicate: with us. Wire orders at our expense
FOX .6c. ROS, Stock 13rokers, TEL riAlteartio4c-73n
I Depts.
Established 188/. Members Standard' Stock Exehange„Toronto.
In its issue of the 1511i inst. The Ross -
land •Miner says: "Two cars have been
spetted at White near Mine, and these
will be loaded to -day or toonorrow for
shipment to the Granby. The ore is that.
taken out in the course of development.
The work ,of developing and making
available the ore shoots found on the
700, 850 and 1000 foot levels continues.
The shoot, on the 1000 -foot level is the
eargest yet found.
The bright, young man who attempts
to kise a miss in the dark seldom misses
the inarit. •
• Do not let a cold settle on your luags.
Resort to Bickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup , at the fleet intimation of irrita-
tion In 4he throat and prevent disease
from lodging in the pulmonary organs.
• Neglected colds aro lhe cause of un-
told suffering throughout the country
all of which could have been prevent.
ed by the appliciation of this simple but
powerful medicine. The price, 25 cents,
brings it within the reach of all.
Meeker: "My., wife and I never quar-
rel. She does „as she' Pleases, and
too." Bleekert "I see -as she pi es.
Meeker; "Of course, Ihn met, looking for
trouble." .
A QUIE'T is the best of all diet, yet it
will not Jaa,ke bone and, muscle bUt " Vorrorins"
will. Try it. All drug and genital stores, Si
There has been much discuesicin about
the Outlay of alcohol contained in
ordinary bread as the result of the ler.
• mentative proc•ess to which it, is sub-
jected before baking. Evidently 'the
quantity is email, but until 'necently, it
would • appear, chemists have not suc-
ceeded in accurately measuring it, Now,
however, it is announced that Dr. O.
Told, • by an elaborate 'process, based
• upon th.1 distillation of the bread to be
tested In a Papin digester,, has ascer-
tained that ordinary bread normially
contains .0753 of a gram of alcohol for
every 100 grams of bread,' or a little
more than 7 parts in 10,000. It is well
to !),0 precise ,eVen lit small things.
• Ate°111a woman Marries a man foe
the .purriose Of getting even the odds
tire against her.
Fond, heart new got Mixed, up in
breach of promise hugs,
Employer (reprovingly): "Young inane
1 have seen you twice under the influence
of liquor."
•• Clerk (cheekily): "I'm told, sir, that
suenedetrhinth; itnwfliticee.11"ee of
. liquor one does.
• ONE OF THE BEST old time remedies 'for all,
skin affections, such as EC:6321313, ningWor4, Scald•
head and similar affections is Wea,ver*4 CeratA.
It is an Ointment that has brough4 relief too
.thousands. •
Mr. Jawback: "gee hern, it SCOITIS
me you're asking 'Me for money all tthegn
time." Mrs. JaNback: "Noe dear; l'ne
spending it • part 2the time, you
t ,
Prevent Disorder, -At tbe first symp-
toms of internal disorder, Parmelee'a
Vegetable Pills should be resorted to,
irrunediately. Two • or three •of these
salutary pellets, taken before( going to,
teed,• followed by doses ,of [one or two ,
pills for two or three ,nights in succes-
sion, will serve as a preventive of at.
tacks of dyspepsia and all the discom-
forts whiele follow in the train of that
fell 'ilisaileier -The' menas are simply
whet -the way '1st knowne
• An = Irishman one described the lin-
mart head as "a bulbous excrescence, of °
special use to many as a ,peei for hang-
ing a hat on -as a barber's block for
supporting wigs --as a target. for ghoot-
ing at when rendered conspicuous by a
shiniag helmet -as a snuffbox or a
chatterbox -as a machine for fittirfg,into
a halter or guelotine-as a receptacle for
freaks. fancies, follies, pasdions, pre
Indices, predilections -for afanbing, in
short, but brains," •
C medRoN I has never failed to
cure Owe those
"PA" suffering front
Asthma ollpe vprzupronoitig
•If attiette
4inrrot rort ritrit „
and let Ins convInea $'4Ixt that w ete heve,'41.
eure-Oile 'that et1r03 tO stay cured.
SAMPLE Sent to any address.
OlVett Said, On
ISSEE NO. ig -Om