Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-08, Page 4An anti?rv'ptne, 14ra ,, .lt e° r• d le:Ito", ly per fumed and a heel ;: int pee V rettenn to cleanse ulna retreat the teeth. Creiuo Utrillce * PrQvPrnte decay, Hardens the elutes, Sweetens the breath, Remonvee tartar and, imparts' a delic- ious Sensation of cleanliness to the mouth. If you are looking for the best DENTRlb'ICE on the :o aarket look into the merits of Cole's Tooth Paste In large 25c. Collapsible Tubes. �. Manufactured by W. S. Cole, Phm. 13. *.11...T"^"•-7 Cole's, Central Drug Store Exeter, --- Ontario a TEEMS QF SUB$O IPTION. One Dollar, per annum if paid in advance, $1.50 if not so paid. Senders & Creech, Props. TI RSDA.T. NOV. 8, '06 NOTE AND CO13I.M1 EIKTS The Privy Council hats decided that all teachers. of Separate Schools in On- tario shall he required toqualify ac- cording to the requirements of the School Act.- Some time will elapse be- fore they become qualified. * * Liberal lawyers ofToronto are asking that investigation be made of the Con- servative methods. If sufficient evi- dence can be brought forward to' war- rant such,an investigation it certainly should be done, • Crookedness in elec- tion methods should be unearthed no' matter where"the fault is nor who is shown.'up in his true colors. Then, there iso one step further to go—the guilty should be punished. , , The death of John Corbett of 'Cor- bett Village, McGillivray, recalls the fact that Biddulph and McGillivray at one time were townships in Huron County, and' that their., withdrawal. was mainly.due to his efforts. . Id 1865 McGillivray. made a request to the Bounty council for the loan of a certain sum ; of money for gravelling <: roads. This was refused and Mr. Corbett' de- elated that they would leave Huron County.An'aagtation was commenced which resulted in the separation of McGillivray and Biddulph from Huron county and their annexation to Mid- dlesex. Clandeboye. Mrs. N. J. Mcllhargy of Hamilton is a pleasant visitor in our midst.—Hal- loween paaesed .offvery quietly, no tricksbeing played but try the small boy. -=After a two monthsabsence in the west, Dr. Jones has returned to town.—A.O'Dwyer is busy shlpping ' sugar beets these days., He has about 'eight acres.—The fine weather of the past few days bus been taken advant- age of by the farmers who are busy with their•mnangolds, -turnips ,incl sug- ar beets. -F. E. K'estle was in London ( last week. -Jas. Mcllhargy of Edteon- ' ton is in town renewing old acquaint= ances. His many friends are pleased to see hire.—Mrs. Eli Bice has return froth her visit to Detroit.--S.•C.Sehown has returned from his visit to Kings- ton.—Chas. Cunningham. of Loudon was home last week on, a . visit.. --Geo. Simpson is recovering' from his recent. illness, which will be learned with pleasure by his many` friends.—Mr. and Mrs.`Culbert of Vassar, Mich,,'a.re spending several weeks here.-virs and Bars, .John Coarsey of Detroit are vis - Ring friends around the village. —A, number from here attended the bus- quet held in the Orange Hall, Lucan. on Nov. 5th. All report a good time. —We are pleased to see Mr, W. Olin- 'nringham bale ti) be around again after his recent iilnesn.-•-Mr. aria Mrs. A. E. -Cunningham of Crediton spent Sun- day here —Several�from here drove over to Dinah Sunday to hear Mr.. Ilodge of Mitchell give an account of his trip through the Holy Land. It was listened to with ranch interest.-- E. interest.-E. Simpson staid O. Marlton spent Sun - dee in VO, L.La.eaLLn�4:47.11.`, 4N4 bZY, '74'l( eC se ��.�v11" .LL. 4�4. g4R. MJI Ql4} Wt-,tho '` ..1�1� j 4. o,:th et ease L UGor. tanklay evening. Er. and i ' lie. Millet. ur itD.a feinible„ left hove abeunt r yveu-a reeethe ago for thole new home in the North ` "eet, and eineo that tinny, i%lan Muller wras in good health until el e ete two nneeetlae ago when ehe went to talon aware of her ring tOr, 1n°s. kiea ll air, lesho byes in Coal. gavy. W''hile tli ore sho contracted ty- phoid fever, wheneup ett she returned. to her Bolero l4ant was ,only the=re a nhor.t tuns when death overtook herr sheq�passing a -aiy on October 29th, Deceased ware of a bright and jovial dis osition, was well liked by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. She leaves a husband aiid four child- ren—two sons and two daughters. Mrs. Miller was a daanghter of Mr, and Mrs. R. Clark of Mooresville. The sympathy of the counnmunity Is extend- ed to the sorrowing husband and faxen- ly and also to the parents, who only a little over a year ago lost another daughter, Mrs. J, T. Simpson. JDashwooU Mr. G. Brown. of Orediton occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church Sunday in place of Rev''Eidt whin preached in Crediton. --On Thursday last as Master Leonard Kellerman was playing with some other boys at the school here he had the misfortune to dislocate bis arm at the elbow. Len. has 'since carried his arm in a sing. -- Mr and Mrs, Andrew Truenener of Petroleu are at present visiting their daughter, Mrs. Wm, Shrum,—Rev. L. K. Eidt was in London Monday.—Mr. Fred Wells has moved his family and household • effects to Exeter.--Mr.Alex. Zimmer bus had a foundation built under hieeJitchen.—Hallowe'en passed off very quiet13 in our village with the exceptionof a few small boys remov- ing -some gates.—Mr. August Waalper has disposed of his farm to Mr. Henry Restemeyerd--Messrs. Ehlers and Eidt shipped a car of flour on Friday. --Mr, By., Willert _ shipped a car of hogs frorn the Exeter station Tuesday.— The recent spell of fine weather is wel- come by all, and• more especially a by those who shill have ploughing to do. _Vee believe ie the theory of fair -play to all, that's why we mention. this. In last Week's • correspondence there ap- peared some items which we knew nothing of till we saw,them in print. Now in all fairness to us such items should.aippear under the bead "Froin another source." It is not all pleasure to write up news for a weekly, yet . we are quite willing to take any rebuff for anything we do in this Ione, but don't want to be barked ' at for that which we did not do. Thus cried the hair. .And a kind neighbor earn* to the res. cue with a ,,.bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was beeause Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair medial ler Falling, hair is caused by, a germ, ,,and• this medicine completely destroys these germs% Then the healthy scalp glue, rich, healthy hair` Thebe et kiwi of axe st monlaicl— " 1 1d for over l ty 'ears," tt�►►,T. fir. A 0th=, 7.01941111, X( . 4tser x al atewers or ALLEGED MISSTATEMENT. -- W e are iri receipt of a letter from Mr. Reuben Goetz, which states that the 'state- latent made last week in the report of an accident that he had stopped to fix his•haarnessis a misstatement and an injustice to him. He wished to have the statement corrected and we there- fore publish hisdenial that he had stopped to fix his harness. Even -had he done so no blame could possibly be attached to cine who stopped on the road for such a purpose. --Elation. LrTTLI ONE DIES --On Sunday ev- ening about 11 o'clock tittleAlvin Birk passed to.I,iis rewaad:after au illness of only alereir hours at the age of Y- year, 7 monthsand 9 days. This is a great shock to the -family and friends, asalte little fellow partook of his supper as usual on Saturday night and after playing around waa put to rest for the night with no sign of anything wrong. At. 12 oelock be became uneasy and gradually grew worse till called to -his long home. He willbe mu.eh missed in the hone as he was of such a kind. and loving dispositien as to make hint a general favorite. The sorrow strick- en, parents have our most sincere sym- pathy in their hour of trial. The re- mains were laid to rest in the Goshen Linecemetery on Wednesday mottl- ing, Rev. Eidt officiating. We come trend the•friends to flan: who rurleth all things, and rest fissured` that for every wound he will prepare a healing bal rn. OBITUARY. -Again we are ,called upon to record the death of a member of Mr. John Winkenweder's family, owingto the demise of another daugh- ter, Melinda, which sad event occurred on Sunday evening after a few weeks' illness of typhoid fever. ;The young lady was, 32 years of age. Deep sym- pathy is felt for this unfortunate fem. ily;, three of whom have gone to their eternal hone within • the last few weeks`ail.of the same disease, and oth- ers are still very ill of the same trou- ble. Of this young lady it..;may be said that she was. always a geneiaal:favorite and highly esteemed. The greatest of (Are bus been given the patients lin heir illness and all that tnedicaalsci nee tend( do was done, but the fever °seeaaas to be of a very virulent type and impossible toovercoine. The fun- eral took place to the Goshen Line cemetery on Tuesday, the remains be- ing fnllowed by many , sympathizing friends. Drava a or MRs. _SeuetneT.—There passed peacefully away at her home on the l.2th concession of Stephen, on. Friday morning last, another ' of the township pioneer settlers, ite the per- son of Elizabeth Schmidt, relict of the late John Schmidt. The deceased bus bee* ailing for several ye'atrs and on different occasions her life has been dispaiired of,but the trouble would pass away and shortly she would be around again apparently as well as ever. This time, however, the nature of her trims ble WAS more serious and : the grim mmnet.er peeforined its deadly work. On October2dth the deceased had driy- en to 1) shwnod acid while shopping at Me, Kt•llermaan'e Wats taaW sudden- ly M. 'She was removed to they home of M reroe. Eidt where she received the kind attention of the household. Re. covering eonaewhaF;t site was removed to het' hoiiw where iku'dieal aid wee summoned, 1)U(. notwithstanding the Best 0.00 1111(1 attention and the skit - fill treatment of her ihysieiaan, ' she seeowxlhed to the deardl effects of her trOTi))lO. Mae. Schmidt was a native of (te eimnamiiy and ween i tong the early settlers of tit townehi . Being of a. kindly diapo 'ition she numbered heti and axe in. laand h i' death will lee deepiy regr�e ted by all Her lilt bard: pred'e'ceased her aalaou eevenyear,.She leavesto rheum her demise two limits and t wo daughters—Henry, fenry, i alis end May of Stephen and Mrs. Wm. tali ; faceis of London.` . The' funeral took pI tee Sutrdtief to the Lutheran eeemet i,E14ulaaa '; tee a ;eveday a ,ago ��hr,lted Int ginc�1Mla haviiadaxy, 11�� rE "a�tiAl halo and. /warty end laac nil.aiav ]iiia ca4ie tenet h' :nay be tpaar(d tc' c r,joy many , Inn() 1ain°thcl.i P.—A Vier rslp ia,daung the pet 011taliIlleV ill M50 Viciinity. Mrs, la no)itf't het week for her home in Cavalier, N..1 .—.ila y t oanta.°il mote on Saxtann•ctca,y, Nov. nt.—