Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-08, Page 1Phone 25—Advocate
When you Nyco-it ANY-
THING' the, an upitoelate
printing efeee ean de. Let-
eet styles, newest types,
prompt wore, right r.
Long DZstaiico Phu It
TwoniFini YEAR.
Real Wits Nips
•, ' for yea ea moo-
ktiqe e We Wive WA-
6ind feeil Ale* to rk-ut.
S44I buy tit tier farte or
reee eye poi- see Try
SAN imAtii. Caltir.011,
c0 0 iOU
It is not so much what you get, as what you save
on pay day that determines your future success.
The realty ambitious man—the man who
Save wants to get on makes it a habit to save
as much as possible every pay day. In
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
$1, .00 opens an itc.c0Unt, interest is paid 4 tines a year.
On Pay; Day?
JOS, 8me94t4
Manager at Exeter, Oreeliton, Zurich and Dashwood,
Aspire is suggestive. One !should aspire to have their firm's name
juet Oust suggestive. It should' always 1)ring to the readers' mind
the choiceetquality and variety of geods in one's particular line
- of bueinefee. Our name stands
the best. in line of
Our stook of new and natty Deese .Goads is most complete in all
the leading cloths. . We are showing this Week thelargest stoek of
That we have ever shown. 'Very latest designs and cut frone -
• Aenerican model's:
We do not carry Ladies' "Jackets but an sell you from catalogue.
Showing samples of clothefrom, the best makere. .
Egg e 2004, Sutter 2je„ Dried A.pples 5c.
Prorestreonal tards. •
U. O. ON,44. D. &,». D.8.
„ Member of the R. C. A S. of Ontario and Minor
Graduate. of Toronto University,
OPPME: Over Dickson & Oarling's Law Office, in
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Pa(lors.
We A. R. laNSMAN. L. D. S., A A S..
Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristv.
eeth extracted without any pain, or any bad etteets
wee, In '*ns0fle Bloek, west side Main street,
P. ?LB. (Tor. Univ„) MEMBER
College of Physieians and Surgeons, Ontario...
, Former House .Stirgeon Toronto Western Hospital.
Successor to Dr., J. A. Rollins. Residence: East on
first street north of office, Exeter, Ontario.,
• William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal Incorporated 'Society of
Musicians, England; Orgaeist of Trivitt Memorial
Church,Exeter. Piano, organ, ‘Ilarmony and Theory
of Musie, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont.
Legal.. •
J.! tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, COuneiesioners:”
4 olicipors for Melons Bank, etc
• „
money to 'dean at ,lowest rates 1 interest.
• °nice% Main street, Exeter,
L R asittagt, E.A.; L, H. DicASON
We iume 2 large amount'of private funds' to loon
farm an village oroperoes at low rates of inter
SelicitorsiMain et Exeter On
__,Org,anisturind Choir Master Mitehell Methodist
=In mtfal:.1.--CoLtrigle'(1)ifeelli Voice, KartlunlY'
Estray' Cattle and Sheep
'There strayed from the premises of the undersigned
Lot 10, Con. 10, Stephen, on or about Sept. , 20, 1
three-year-old steer, grey, dehorned,and on or about
Sept, 11, red heifer, 2 -year-old with horns, 3 cam am
a iamb& 'Parties returning above cattle or sheep or
giving information that wili. lead to their recovery,
will be suitably rewarded..
, Wm. 11111, Credition
Farm and 1V1i1lc Business for Sale
The undersigned is offering that desirable farm in
tee township of ushorne, being Part of Lot 21,C
ing re
3, contain70 wis, also' m
a good paying ilk hol-
m'''. There is On the premiseS a good briek house
frame. bar* and stable, drive hOuse, good oreliard,
two wells and other conveniences. The hind is all
in good state of cultivation and is conveniently' AMU-
ated to Exeter., sehool and clierehes. Will scll sep-
arately or cejtuntly. For partiehlars apply to
Wm. Rivers, Hay, P.O.
Farm for Sale
'hat excel farm, let 5, eon. 10, McGillivray,
cOnaisting of 100 acres, well,drained, well fenced,
and In Oa state of good cultivation with eight acres of
fall wheat in, It; ham A good bush of 12 acres. Thief
Mash hss rock elin, basswood and maple trees, There
is Also A. large brick house of seven rooms, with cei-
lar and furneee, woodshed in eonnection. There is
*loge bank lis,rn, C9hy 430, and a good driving She&
wyifitnin well ilt the liartr. There, b a goo('
hearing orchard. This ts one et tee ieet emus in
McGillivray, across the road from the *wheel, it very
short distance from the church, and •about A mile
, from Maguire net Oillst, For to his andriAttil Wars
Apply to Johnnhiteto , Maguire.
Sale Registers,
Thursday; Nov. 15, 1006 -Horses and colts, at the
Metropolitan Hotel, Exeter, commencing' at one
o'clock sharp. 0. E, liaelmey,proti.; Joe. White and
Thos. Cameron, ,Auctioneett • • .
100 acres, being tiot4, Con. 18, in the township of
31eGillivray. Perini' particularsapply to
V; Collins, Jihi▪ va,
Teacher Wanted
Scheel Section No. 3, Stephen, in; miles west of
Exeter, male teacher with experience preferred.
Salary $500. Duties to commence Jan. $, 1007. Ap-
ply personally on or before NOY, 15th to undersigned
W. IL DEARING, See'y-Nreas,
The undersigned is offering for sale ,his desirable,„
farm in Stanley, situated on Con. 7, containing 175
acres; 4 mile from school, .11 miles front- Presbyter -
lab and Methodist churches and Post Oflige;, 7 miles
from Herman, 4 from. ICippen station; there is on the
premises a bore, one 64x40, One 74)0 and one 50x28
all in good repair, corafortrdife frame and log house,
good bearing orchard, 22 acres wheat sgiwn, all Well
fenced; 100 acres Well underdrained, the. reuaaining
75acres Veinr well drained by the tp. ditch running
through it; a never failing well at house, with new
Brantford puinping rniil, Also never -failing spring
bit* of farm. This farm is in a first-elass state of
cultiVation and is situated in one of the best grain
growing localities in the rrovince. Will be sold
cheap and on terins td suit purchaser. For farther
information apply onAvemises or address ,
Geo. Coleman, niutgreen„ Ont.
FOR vAcToxr.,
Light, demi work.
Wages: $4.15010 com-
.Apnamence with.
Apply immediately to
ro. S. PERIUN&Co
Limited, London, Canada.
' A tumber from here attended the
minuet Oyster Supper of the Forester
Lodge at Woodburn on Monday even.
ing.—Mrs. Itobt. 13irteh and daughter
Florence of St. Marys orient e short
time at tbe holies of Mr. VV. Coultie
Met week,—The annualanniversary
services of this church will be held on
Nov. 18tb.----Thes bee which was to
have been held last week is postponed
to Saturday.—Mil. Daniel Hodgson
and Mrs. John W.Hoclgson of Whalen
were the guests of Mrs. R. Skinner on
Priday.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Milleon
of Ftullartoo were the guests of their
niece, Mrs. 3. wrkgbt, Setuedeeto-The
weatherinan is keeping a pletoosnt look
on his face these dap! mid the tuenips
are being rapidly house .—A ".socitill
evening consieting of epe ehee, reed-
it)" singing end instruin rite's* Is to
be enjoyed by. the Chosen Friends oii
Friday Nov. '10. All membere are cne.
pecteeto be present mid eojoy tbe
good time. --,Wtelding bells are to ring
in our vicinity in the near fatiire.
i,— ----.00.
It. II Peary with hieship "Itoosevel V'
tow holcle the reeord for having gone
the fartbeet north, be having reached
87 degree.) 0 minutes,
• THE SCHOOL SPORTS sr"tawring tiv°4 itimPt 4 3tartin?
T Carling.
t ,
J&$• , ‘, Dituefoid, It
ISr.:putting shot, T Carling, WiTrieb. per, el, Werkinan.
Jr. putting sbot, C Dunsford,
13 11. McEwen.
Hr, throwing ball, T. Carling, W
Triebiser, 11
Jr. throwing bell, 0 Dunsford,
Jr, e rag road peep, 8 Stone.
On Veiday afternoon last the field
sports; of the Exeter High and Poblie
School were put on under the anopicee
of The H. S. Scientific and leterery
Society. Sieccees attended the alfeir
in every particular. The day was one
of the finest it was poseible to expect
et this time of the year. The son
sbone brightly and it was fairly warm
although tbe grounds were mousewbet
wet and cold. The attendance was
large—of teachers, scholare god inter.
ested townspeople. Great enthusiasm
wee manifested hy all, and nothiog
transpired, to even cast a slight marr
over the proceedings,
it was the original intention to hold
tbe spores on the Agriculturalgroundie
brit the track was heavy and wet and
only the relay races were run there,
after which 411 repaired te the epatioue
school grounds which were found to
be in- a much more suitable condition.
Two championships werecontested—
one of the senior and the -other of the
junior boys. With the exception of
the girls' races and two for the tittle
boys, all the other events were in the
championship contest. Three points
were given the winner in an event,
two to the second, and one to. the
,third. The senior championship was
won by Tom Carling, with B. Martin.
a close second. The junior champion-
ship resulted in a tie of R. Brintnell
and 0. Dunsforcl, vrho on being con-
sulted decided to toss for the medal.
The toss Was won by R. 13rintnell. In
view of this tie the laser in the tosa
was allowed to retainaell tbe prizes he
had won, although one of the condi-
tions of the sports WAS that nai one
should retain more than three prizes'.
those the winners were unable to
claim going to contestants who had
teken, third places in the events. The
champions were presented with ban4-
somely engraved silver medals, the
gifts of the society, while the other
prizes were donated by business Men
end.otbers andconsistal of varionsUse-
ful articles and also very useful cash.
• Revds. Going, Collins, Fear cind.Mar-
tin were Judges end of course gave the
best of satisfaction: Messrs. Hastens
and Ilurdon directed the contests.
while Messrs.. Melting, White and
Creech" made themselves generally use-'
ful and recorded tbe uatnee of the en-
tries and winners.
, We are sure that nothing need be
said regarding the great value of these
sports to a school. But a word , bere
will not be amiss. Setting aside the
,pliyeaceel value of tbe sport as being
too iself.evedent to tteectconimebt, we
would say tbat the great value liesin
the bringing of tbe 0013001 and home
together, showing that the school and
borne have a, conereon aim, the welfare
of the children. The children see that
parent and teacher are interested in
their play as well as in their work.
The teachers, pareets.,and ichildren are
brought 'together as they ree in no
other way, and a, mutual feeling of
trust and respect is fostered, which
goes a long way toward encouraging
theecholar in his studies and making
of hien a useful citizen, sAnd when he
lea.ves theSchool one of his brightest
and fondest memories will be of the
annual field sports. '*
13y all Means we would,' say that
these sports should be an annual affair,
but beicl in September.—'
In the eveninga, free entertainment
was held in the Town Hall for the pur-
pose of distributing the prizes and ren-
dering a program. F. Clegg, tbe pees -
_Went of the society, occupiedthe chair
in a pleasing manner. Short address-
es were given by Mr. Fleming, tbe
is-eincipal of the school,' Rev. Fear on
, behalf of the ministers of the town,
Mr. S. Martin on behalf of the school
board, and Reeve Robier on behalf of
tbe citizens. Misses Beatrice Howey
and Meer Murray gave readings; Mr.
Fleming and Tom Carling sang solos,
arid the Glee Club gave several selec-
tions, all of which were well rendered
and well received. Mr. H. E. Huston
diserihuted° the prizes to the successful
Ceti tester) fa.
Thtite the fifst field day of the Exeter
school was in every way 912e long to
be remembered by all.
The following are the winners in the
different events:
• e". ' -
Holmes', 11, Briutnell.
Sr. 100 Yds, Gertrude, Thompson,
Daisy Dining, 'Maggie ,Coward. -
Jr. 75 yds., kiiithe ThOnipson, Gladys
Fere, Anna, Dew,
Free for ell, 75 yds., G Ford, Edith
peideinate Veoetta. Johnston.
Jr. 11 and under, 76 yds., Stella
Soutlicotts Irene Hardsee, M. Acheeon.
Jr. it and under. 50 ynte, Elva Itowt-
eliffe, Rowe. Pearl jackeore
Si', egg race, V Johnston, 0 Ford,
.Jr. egg race, Madeline Carling, S
Southcott Lulu Snell. '
The 44,00ste is 100. to eftd,of year
sitta,:000a brick house and acre
of latidethe property of A. Bedford;
. on Saturday, Nov, 10th, ae 1 o'clnele
Jas. Stanley, Ancts °
Mr. Thos. Chambers list week sold
the Chambers homestead. Lot 4. Cone
fe, corndsting af 100 acres to Mr. Mat;
England fora, good price.—Consider-
able tile is being hauled front the yards
here. A -quantity was taken to Exe-
tet for tbeeCanning Faetory drain last
-Not wally farmers have been
its -town during the Peet few days.
They have been taking advantage of
thefine weatheteand Asa consequence
matigekis, turnips and stgar beets
have ,,ireceived tibrO attention.—The
Misses Josephine McIntosh and Mar-
garet Sberlockewlicielsave been Visit-
ing' at the Royal Hotel, left for their
novae in London on Tuesday evening.
—Mist; Laura fame of Centralia visited
Miss OVA Hirtzel on Stinday.—Rev.
,OollireSand jos, Davis of Exeter were
in the village Tuesday.—Dr.
hiss purchased the dwelling heteIY oew
cupied by Dr,„ Mist Prom present in-
, elications the Dr. intends to remain
with us for some time to come.—We
are pleased to learn that Miss Rose
Finkbeiner, who has been.111 of typhoid
fever in Berlin. has recovered.—The
trustees of the Methodist ehurele ba -V4
b0110.).t a fititiltaer Of gasoline lamps for
the ligheing of theie oburcle. When
they ate installed' the trustees will cer-
teinly betielighted with. the changesee
Chas: 'Zvrielter has, botight a large
aiii4o5aZ, onions and hail thentltse4
in the hallever Beaver's store.' nt,
has also knight a larger size seed
eleaner and will run it with a gasoline
engine. Engineer King >Palmer will
have liolecontrol of the pldnt and *ill
make her go sow.—We are indeed
sorry to learn of the continued illness
of Geo. Brown.—A few of our sports
took in the shooting match at Khiva
yesterday.—The concrete tile culvert
has been placed in position et the grist
mill. The contractor, Eh Lawson,
made a good job of it.—Several of Our
boys went to Exeter Friday evening
to hear 'Uncle Dudley from Missouri.'
Uncle -Dudley had a cold and didn't
make an appearance, but the boys re-
port having enjoyed themselves very
much.—Some of the boys eaught a
screectiovvl in the chimney of Thos.
Trevetbick's new wagon shop on Mon-
day. Teddy Brown has it now and is
teaching it to talk.—Jno. 'Bedford
moved in with his brother, George on
Tuesday and the same day Jno. Heist
moved on tbe farm be recently bought
from Mr. Bedford. --Wm. Fin kbeiner
left for Pittsburg Saturday where he
has secured a situation.—The painters
are hard et work painting the wood
work of the new school.—August Hill
and family attended the funeral of tbe
late Miss MelinclasWinkenweder which
teak place in Dashwood Tuesday. The
deceased at one time conducted a dress-
making shop in our village, and while
bete won many warm friends who are
indeed sorry to learn of her demise.
Thebereaved family have the genuine
sympathy of the vicinity in this their
sad trial and bereavements—Rev. E.
Bean of the Evangelical church,
conducted the Quarterly ‘services in
Rodney on Saturday and Sunday.
gee. Leg. Eldt of Dashwood preached
here in the morning and Got. Brown
in tbe evening,—Mrs. Samuel Either of
lebly. Miele, who formerly lived here,
had tbe misfortune to fall down a
flight of steps ane day last week and
break a rib.Her many friends here
trust she will soon be alright again.—
The school trusteesshave the groin)
staked out for thedement walk fro
the street to the school. The cerpen.
tees are putting in the floore and cell -
Ines. It is expected that the sehool
will be ready for occupancy at the be-
ginning of the new year.
The Flax Mill is in full bloom again
for the wititeree-Mr. Lonis Scbreoder
is home from Kirkton after working a
fetv neontbs.--Mr. Ezra Brenner spent
Sunday at, Grand Bend. --Mr. Allen
Meinnis is home for the winter, after
a few niptitbe at Luean.—The Rev. Mr,
Carriere of Grand Bend spoke on a
very interesting subject to the Bible
Class bust Tneaday evening at the
clench here.—Mrs. M. Carruthers is
still on the.siek list.—It would be a
great favor 11 308 would give Mr. Sam.
Sweintet a scan this week with your
applea, for he intends tclosing op the
mill on Satorday.—Ilarry Wing spent
o nday hi tOlitiOn Oil business.—Mr.
Harry Hweitzer and wife called on Mr.
SAM. Sweitzerj last Tuesday.—Miss
Mite Carruthers is home ft out f)ettliit.
Anniversary Sunday will be held a
the Shipkti Church oe Sunday tbe 18th
Senior t mile relay race (1) T. Car-
ling, W. Triebner, IL Workman (2)
, B. Martis, F, Clegg, M. ,Bobier.
Junior Relay vice (1) W. Amos, G.
Gould, 13. Stoneman (2) Ed. Barrows,
E. Taylor, L. Heywood (8)0. Dunsford,
I). Stewart R. 13rintnell.
Sr. 101) yds., Carlingel3 Martin, 2
Ire 1 00 yds., It Briritnell, 0 Dunsford
L Heywood.
Sr. sack race, T Carling, 13 Martine
Ed Willis. e.
jr. sack race, 13 Stoneman, 14 Hey-
wood, 2 Southeott.
Sr. three-legged' race, 5Iartin "and
Clegg, Carling and Hagen, Triebnee
And Wtirk man.
Jr. three-legged race, Ileyvvood and
Stewart, Brintnell and Stewart, Fear
and Mitchell.
Ji'., 11 813(1 1311(1(1', 75 yds., II Carling,
E Mitchell, 0 Wood,
Jr. 8 and under, 75 yds,, 'Ve" Paesone,
.51 Senior, It Fleming"
Ste wheelbarrow race, T Carling, 13
Martin, 11 Workman.
Wheelbarrow race, L Hey wool,
G Gould, II Stoneman.
Sr. vaulting with polo, 0 ft. at in.
W Teichner, E Copeland, L Hagen.
jr. vaulting with pole, It Stentnell
0 Dunsford, (x Tavior.
Sr. high Plinth t Carling, F Clegg
13 .Martiti,
Jr. high jump, W Amos, G Iiiirdon
Sr. hop.etep-junip, 36 ft., T Carling
13 Martin, W Mattmn, W Triebner. ,
jr. bop stetnjeinip, 20 ft. 8 in,,
Ileitituell, W edeltwen, S Walker.
Si'. broad junete,10 ft.
ling, 11 Martill. W Triebner.
Jr. broad ;lump, 0 Diinefortl, It Drift
n. 11$ Gault'.
Cent ralia,
Geoege Essery f Centualia, was in
London Saturday on businesse—Harry
Mills is busy these days putting down
eistern at his boine.—Mr. and Mis.
P. Curtin,- who have been ot'A an ex.
teoded trip to different perts of tbe
west, are expected home this week.—
Ternip.pulling, sugar beet raising and
nioughlug are the 4Irder of tbe day
with our farmete, and evereibing will
soon be in shape for winter.—Dennis
O'Brien and bride, who have heenen-
joying.theieboneyrooen Europe,ar
on their return trip and will be bomet
tbis week.—Hollowe'en vvas enjoyed,
by the young people here, Beide
the useal pranks no serious damage
was done. --,Ir. Baynbane who has
been quite ill. is, we are pleased to
learn, fully reeovereci.—The Ladies'
Aid gave an "At Home" in tbe baee
meat of the church on. Tuesday even-
ing. A goodly nunaber were present
and all thoroughly eusoyed themselves.
Dame rumor says we are shortly to
lose oneef our fair citizens. What le
our loss will be our sister village's
,gain.—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Essery and
"family were visitors .with Mr. and
Mrs. Kent at Lucan on Sunday.—Thos,
Morley of liensall was in tovvri Sun-
day.—The Misees Esteret entertained iL
gay Jittle party of friends, on Friday
evening. The young people are Iota in
their praise of the kind hospitality
shown by Mr. and Mee. Essery and
film P3S Lilly Anderson who was
°bilged to lay off work a few weeks
n o owing to the serious illness of her
mother. resumed her duties last week
as bookkeeper with the Parsons, Davie
Co, Mrs, Anderson's many friends will
be pleased to learn that she is daily inn
proving.—seir. and Ales. Wm.. Parsone
spent Sunday in London with Charles
Abbott.—The'Epworth League gave a
social evening on Tuesday night of
kat week. An luteresting and appre-
ciative program was rendered after
whieb an excellent lunch was served.
—Mrs. (Rev.) Collinsand Mrs, Holaier
of Exeteespent Monday , with friends
bere.—Tbe Misses Seaverof Crediton
spent Moudey.with Mrh., Geo c ESSOPY.
—Gusi Ootwhlin shipped six t erload of
export tattle to Montreal this weck,—
MeIville spent • tba ,past
summer he Manitoba,, returned' honke
last week.—Conductoe torinelliut Pal-
merston is the new tonduetor. on tbe
Lefle ae Beebe having taken Conduct-
or eleKenzie's place. The Utter has
been transferred to Toronto.
The following in .the report of the
Sr.tahnedn.3e.f.01.: .04b4et.otsinettnt o. f
Sr.' Depa rtneent Essery622,
0 Wilson OIL -St. IV.—M 'Hepburn
OM, L Unbinsen 989, A Robinson 835,
le Hicks -819, NMcOsnely 770, MeEiston
/21. M lbcitt 500, ,G- Wilson lie%
Dempsey 502e E Sims 418, A Diiplais
878, J White 315. Jr. Ic.—M aayn-
ham 703, I ',Essery 704. Sr, lIfeesE
Wilson 854, 13 Anderson 718, E Baker
675, E Davey, 599, Davey' 540, 11
Wiodsor 443, E Clallfas 889, It Callao.
388, J Davis 375, H White 302,
, Maude Porter, teacher
Jr. Department —Jr. III.— E Brooks
8913, F,Fairhall 362, A. White 351, L
England 172, F Essery 140. Sr. II.—
S Neil 447, M Heist 392, 0 Motz 380,
Callfiis 35e; R McCurdy 351, V Mot
304, M Callfas 268, W Baker 258, V
Hogarth 208. Jr. —M Elearnale 301'
M Elliott 811, E Bowden 305, --El- Neil
188, Pt. IL—I McOurd.y 297, 0 Davis
219, E Alexander 106. Pt. L C.—Ci
Davey 247, D Brooks. 282, A Robinson
208, E Wilson 187, A Hackney 102; Geo
Hackney 100. Pt. I. B—H Elston L
Baynhans. ' -
Miss Buswell, Teacher.
Anderson _
Miss Ruby Werry_of London is the
guest of her sister Miss Lou Werry. —
Mr. Russell Otago spent Sunday with
Will Arthur.—Mr. and Mrs. Albert
tickell and daughter A.uderick, of Sea -
forth spent part of last week at home
cif Mrs. Bieltell's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
re Switzer.—Mr. Beirsee.who,b4s
been engaged with 111r. George Fletch-
er for the past two inenths,returned to
his honae in Nissouri last week.—Will
Anderson and Ed. Robinson spent
Sunday in St. Itlarys.-e•Mr. Bolton met
with an' accident with his traction en.
gine last Monday morning while going
over a bridge. The engine sliped off
plank throwing it in the ditch.
Mr. tied NI'S. P00011 i .Wl* return.
ed from Dutton tni Almulay, whera
Mr. Brown spent tbe summer nianitg-
q ing it haw better eestea y. -Mrs. John ,
Fletober and stint Itay, I( fe last, week.
for it montifs visit with friends in
Croswell, Mich.—Mr. anti Mi. Wheel.
er spent Stindoe and Monday with
Went11.1n Seafortb.
FollOwing is the report of S.S. NQ. 13,
Usborne, for eectober. Names are
in circler of merit. V.—L Godholt, L
Heywood. Sr, IV.—V Borrybill, 11
Hunter, L Godbolt, N fleywooth
IV.—R Fair, E Washburn, M Cornish.
Godbolt, A Coultis, J °mere'.
jr, Heywood, J Brock. Sr. II.
A Creery, Erie Coward. Sr. Pt.
R Goulding, I Creeryiel Clark. Jr. 'Pt
Iteell Cornish, DeCornish. Hey -
wood, 1, Cotnisb.
D. McDougall, Teacher..
TEACHER, REsreman.,--Air. Duncan.
rdeDougal), who has beer. principal of
tbe school here for the last five years,
bits resigned tbe„position to accept the
position tie principal at Comber, his
resignation to take effect atst1bristraae.
The section is losirig hi Mr. AleDougall °
one of the best and truest popular
teactiere we letve ever had and his res-
ignation will be lunch regretted by
both pupil awl parent, by whom Ise
was uniformly esteemed.The vacan-
cy here will be filled—by Miss Maucl
leab4s4aughter of Rey. Fair, Elimvillt2,
oho IS competent and o therw ise
fied to fill the position.
Mrs. W. Jr, Wilson, who has been -
visiting in tbe West tor the past twoz
mouths( returned borne last Saturdays
accompanied by her dangbter Aliee
and bet.' eon Douglas.—Theablievem.
bet' shooting match made Very- inter..
esting sport foe our expert markernert.
Messrs. Jellan Billing and Waxer Oliver,"
were asked SO ChOOSO sides and made
nig a new stable.
janaes McPherson is buile
.0,•11134thute4tePqeutatIlliymsdillvvei:dtieIldefiti.—stMh:Irt. IthniseeYWWaeltrt:.
ace's sale last Saturday was a littlei
slow -but what wits sold brought fair.
joire—Fetaveen--In Exeter, On Nov.
. 7th, bYRev. Going, Mr. Saneueljor *
of. Mr. Elijah ,Tory, to Miss
Mand, daughter of Mr. P. Frayne ol
Parkhill, on
Out. 81, by Rev. Allete Albeit A.
Fuleher of Forest to Mies Rechael.
Varley; all of Parkhill
AxogetretewAlerid17411rretrer7A014-1 Oct. home
Revus,. Larkin aneSaVers,
Aikenhead; to Miss, Agnes Martin,
'all of Tuekersmith.
Breeeezetc--, Swalete—In St. Marys, on
Oct SO,;! by Rev. Taylor, Fred Mole -
sen of Stratford to Miss MarySvedlee,
of St. Marys.
PHANHLIN—IteVirrin-412 St. Marys, e
on Oct. 29, by Rev Janes, Jos. Freolte
lin of South Cayuga, Ont., to Miss
MoYittie Of St. Marys.
CREWES---414/rvi'LLE—At the Main
st. parsonage, Exeter, on Oct. 31, by
'Rev. Fear, Thomas Crewes of Exe-
ter North, to Miss Florence, daugh-
ter of Richard Glanville of the lltle
con. of Stephen. •
Ronmers—,In• Hibbert, on Oct. 30, Mary
Jane Robbins, aged 64 years and 11
AEMSTRONG—In St. Marys, on Nova
4, P. 5. Armstrong.
WINItENWEDER—At sh Weed, on
Nov. 4, Melinda Witiketrweder, aged
82 years. , -
Mxte.un:—Near Calgary, Alta.; on Oct.
29. Kate Clark, beloved wile of Jas.
Miller, formerly of Clandeboye, 111
her 38th year.
lentssit—let Tuckersmith on Oct 30,
Christina Sophia Stein, wife of the
late Claus. Kruse, aged 77 years, 8
months. 20 days.
Dashwood, on Nov. 4, Alvin.
Birk, aged 1 year, 7 months, 9 days,
onminT—in Stephen, 12t1I cons
. on
Nov. 2, Elizabeth Schmidt, reliet of
the late Joh ii Schmidt, aged 72 years.
Is DuNparBliensfrd RanSeller
he g
With their large fire box and extra large and
roomy oven they satisfy the most critical. in fact,
have never had a 50 that we have golds
cwoemplaint from the
Remember the price
$35.00 $38,00 $40.00 $43.00
Just received a big supply of Yooman's Weatheii
Strip—keeps out, the cold winds from under the
doors. 5oa foot.
14.8,MAN- Elteter.4111 NOV. 3,t0
and Mrs. W. X. He it, a 8011., 0
Heaman's Hardware 8$ Stov0 Store;
2. 1