Exeter Advocate, 1906-11-01, Page 5HELP
Young ladica aria gentlemen
who are desirous of making a re-
,eora are wanted at Cleo
Clinton Business College
(Allitiatcd with Wiegliate, liminess
to prepareforBookkeepere,St‘og.-
raphers and Telegrapberts. Daring.
Italy and Auguat we could only
fill ONE-TENTII of the positions of -
Catalogue for the asking.
6E0, SPOTTON Principal
It Helps Women to Win aml Hold
Alen's Admiration, Respect and
Woraen'a greateet gift ie the power te
inepiro admiration, respect, end. love,
There re a beauty in. health which. b
'more attractive to men than, mere reels -
&rite Of feature.
iegiei¢ra: menses e €`aerry 1G fC
con Dimonem Lea fair' 'esu .inin ale.ie
Mr., in owes' Leo paarclaai4;,ed a1 neei nc.ss.
eiatnto:a: Lazne retweon, who ver-
eats a rip easy nae the organ faetory.
had za pica* taken off bis tbeaanb Same-
Q hicelhurst: Miss Merrill who Inas
been teaching Bela00l at Peffcrs for
some tame, !ALIO beer: obliged to reeigat
owing to ill health.
Clinton: The little mane ov
a eke old
babe of 'W Weir of London died
et the home of Mrs.Geaa.Jacleson, Lon-
ondon Road,
on Friday, •
H. Colwell, son of W.
Colwell, formerly of Mitchell, wee
recently married to Miss Maud Stew-
art, both of `Yallaueburg.
Eginondvillet mother of our aged
residents in the person of Geo, Plods a
son passed away on Sunday at tho age
of '78 years and 11 months.
Brucefield.• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A.
Ross and family moved on Tuesday
lest from Winthrop to their new home
in Stanley, near Brucefield,
St Marys The remains of the late
John M E eough who died suddenly at
Montanan were brought herelast week
and buried in the Catholic cemetery..
Perkhill: ';Roy Gilbert, son -of As B.
Gilbert, who basbeen with the Stand-
ard Bank at Colbourne, Ont.,, ,was re-
moved last week to Forest, : where be
will fill the position of teller.
Parkhill: While working at the salt
block on ThursdayAaron Mothers step-
ped off a platform ten feet high,falling
into a Cooper shop below, with the re,
suit that he was badly burt about the
Lucas': Mr. Stephenson, a veteri-
nary student Dere, while returning
from Birr was 'waylaid and relieved of
$125. When be arrived in town, be.
was leading the horse and waas badly
used up.
-During The
cold weather
We are offering some exceptional
values in --
Pianos and Organs
Our Goods are of the best quality,
, and we will be satisfied with the
Prices and terms that will suit the
In Sewing Macbinee we can cer-
tainly suit you.
A, fine line of high grade station-
ery cheap.
R., . .,,
. , . ...
1114, The Standard of the World.
It is right in every respect.
Right in workmanship, Right .
in price. Right in time. Right
every time, Accurately adjust-
' ed.' Fitted in,either gold, sil-
ver ..or. nickel cases, Let us sell'
The Jeweller
The most danger to farm buildings and 'live
stock frOrn wind i3torms is during the summer
months. A Policy in
The Huron
Weather Insurance
.Mutust Company Will give you protection, and
a policy costs only A few dollars a year.
_.Roger Northcott, Esq. President, Hay P. 0.
Kellerman, Esq., Vice.Predident, Dashwood
Silas Brokenshire,,CreditOn P. O.
n, Perkins, Exeter P. O.
Henry Rau, Drysdale P. 0.
(lees. Monteith, Thames Itttad P. 0.
Wm. B. Battler, Zurich.
See your nearest director or write for particulars
to E, Zeller, Secretary, Zurich.
Reliable agents Wanting territoti should write, at
Once tO 0. HOLTZMAN, Oen. Agent,
Zurich P, 0.
S. HARbY, Agent at Exeter.
oo .41,p041.641,14. 10 72
Flour, per own, family a 2 00
Shorts per ton...0,600 6. 20 00 20 00
Cook's Mon Root Compound.
no great Uterine Tonle. and
only eat° effectual Monthly
depend,. Soleil three dmrees
of Atrength—No. 1, SAJ kin. 2,
off IS
for spetial awe, Der bOit.
friola Hi MI drill ots, or sent
prepaid on rem pt of pram.
Free) pamphlet. Ifaidrem : us
'kits. Mary B. Courtice and M te, Jas.
Wilmon lost their lives in a fire that de -1,
Strewed the llome for . the' Aged at'
Ilownian vile :Howley,
To be a successful. wife, to rota* the
love and admiration of her husband.
should st woman's constant study.
At the firet indication of ill -health,
painful or irregalarperiods, headache or
backache, secure Lydia B. Pinkhana's
Vegetable Compound and begin ite use.
describes her illness, and ,cures, in the
following letter :
Dear Mrs. Pinkharn:—
" When commenced to tak.e Lydia .E.
tering witli weakness. and womb trouble.
headaches, backaches, and that worn-out,
tired feeling. I have only taken the Vega -
table Compo'und a few short weeks, and it
has made me well, strong and robust.
believe that Lydia E. Pinkliant's Vegetable
Compound is without equal for female trona,
Women Who are troubled with pa,inful
or irregular periods, backach,e, bleating,
(or flatulence), inflammation or ulcers, -
Hon, that "bearing-dOwn" feeling, dizzi-
ness, faintness, indigestion, or nervous
prostiation may be restored to perfect
health and' -strength 'by taking, Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compbund.
Around About Us,
Ste Marys: Edgar Watson, the
seventeen year old son of Mrs. John
Watson, died at Winnipeg on Satur-
day. The young lad went west in tbe
spring to join his brothers. Some two
weeks ago he was taken ill of typhoid
fever and a few days later his parents
received word of his death,
Worthy A Good Woid.
We seldom recommend any,remedy.
But because a great many people tell
us Burt*, the Gentle Kidney Pill, gives
astonishing relief from Kidney Trouble
and Rheumatism, we make an exception.
seems unusually worthy. We
know the formula. This most brneficial
and could not possibly produce a "drug
If you have the slightest mistrust of
your kidneys, the experience of others
warrants your trying nu-ju,
Money will be 'refunded to anyone
not satisfied.
Seaforth: On Thursday Mrs: Ann
Canovan, an old and respected vesid-
eat of Seaforth, departed this life in
the 78th year of lier age. She was
born in Ireland and came to this coun-
I try a young woman.
Varea: The infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Dennison, about eight mantles
old, passed away on Sunday morning.
It had been ill about five weeks. The
remains were lair. to rest in Bayfield
cemetery on Monday.
Seaforth: D. Kennedy, who JAP,S.
been aceountant in the Bank ot
merce here for the past year ancl a
' lealf, has been transferred to one of the
!Toronto branches. His successor in
Seaforth is his brother, Thomas Ken -
Clinton: Mrs. Thomas Spboner died
at the home of her son nrarAlexander,
Man., on Oct, 14, . Deceased lencl reach-
ed the age of 81 years. She wes form-
erly a resident of Clinton, and 11 years
ago, moved to Manitoba, whdre her
thrde sons reside.
IIlullett: The old friends of Mr. Gee -
Wheatley, will be sorry to learn that
he this week experienced a second
stroke of paralyais, which has rendered
him pnactieally helpless. He also sus-
tained a stroke some months ago, bur
it was pot very severe..
Clinton: John Kyle of Brandon,
Mann died a few days ago frona heart
failure. He farmed in Hullett for sev-
eral years and eubseceiently. engaged
in the grocery business in Seaforth,
moving to Branden eighteen years
ago. He was sixty years of ago.
Clinton: Mr. John Sboblerook, of
the gravel road, north of town, passed
away on Thursday evening, after a
lingering illness of many months, in
which he was a great sufferer, from
eancr of the bowels. He was born in
Burmington parish, near Birnstable,
Devonshire, England,,andcame to this
country in the year 1853.
WWc,iaesna: Nree 4' ac e pralo �i'illw 3
3)1 uyi.; ras ta, rnaue;yeu see nra
dee tie) {` lieeiereeey .iieeel (4 the ��lctl u
St. Maceee, Jas. Claa¢ntice) ar foa•t er°
r,a';;Nriyat of town (lien at tho St:sa le:A
IIoziee of Refuge on Feiday, to which ;I
piece be went nig years ago.
St. A.lawyo: Harry Pickering aed
wife have taken flap their reeideiaco in
Stratford, where the former has ae-
eepted as posatioo rio jeweller, with N.
Sea.forth: Messrs. Lamb and Sirup-
lion of town have parol,sed the livery
hueiness formerly conducted by Gbae.,
Brothers at Stratford and have takein
possessi�aoCnn, •
St. ,Joseph: Lincoln Sobuler who
recently married Mios Stella, Drake at
Brantford, will shortly assumo the
paanaRecnent of N. M. Caantin'a, Bal-
moral Hotel here. '
Liman: The remains of the late
Isaac P. McLean were brought here
from Louisville, Kentucky, and con-
veyed to the home of Mrs. Wm.Quig-
ley, . the funeral taking place to St.
Jaanaes' cemetery on Friday. He was
O years of age.
0 • g09.4 tee
Vse a package and you will not be satisfied
with any other tea.
Prices --25, 30, 35, 40, So and cts. per lb. in, lead packets
T. 16 ItBTA131100Kee OT• JOHN. N. Ir. Wieiestesta.
St. Marys: A. J. Belch, the first eel,
itor and publisher of the St. Morys Ar-
gus passed away at California a few
days' ago? after a lengthy '
bas been a. resident of Winnipegofor
ina,ny years in wbich city be held a
position at the court house as clerk.
Heves This P
We oiler One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Haire Catarrh
We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for
the last 1.$ years, and believe him perfectly honorable
in elf businesi3 transactions and financially able'to
Garry out any obligations made by his Arm
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di.
redly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75ceper bot-
tle. Sold by all Druggists,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
If you require Glasses for the relief of Failing
Eyesight, Squint, Dizzine§s, 13illiousnes,s, Etc.„ do
not fail tO consult Dr. Ovens, at
Deafness .and Catarrh Treated.
Clinton: It J. Ti.iftsdied on Oct. 13,
at his daughterre in Albany,N. Y. Ile
was for a time a resident of Clinton,
where he was manager of the Hotel
Mitcl;e11: Wbile unloading flax at
the flax mills a few days ago Thos.
Philips fell from tbe load and one of
the horses stepped on his hand. break-
rng two fingers.
Parkhill: Miss Ella Nixon, while on
a visit to Blenheim Wendt% contracted
typhoid fever and last week succumbed
to ite effects. The body was brought
here for burial,
St. Marys: Miss Kate rfarriott,
popular young lady of this place was
merried to Fred Fitt of Toronto form-
erly of this place. The event occurred
at Toronto on Oct. 19,
Mitchell: Will Jones; left this week
for California, vvbere he will spend the
*inter. He has been very much run
down of late and has had considerable
trouble with oae of 'his feet, the after
effect 'of inflammatory nheumatism.
It is his intention to take special treat -
Parkhill: A pretty wedding was
solemnized on Thursday at the home
of Thos. Jennings, when his daughter,
Miss Fairy, was married to Framalin
R. Loomis of Sylvan, Miss Cora, Loo-
mis' and Dr. D. MeLeish attended the
happy couple, while Rev. Newton tied
the knot.
Stella: Miss May Carnaichael met
with quite an unfortunate aecident re-
contly. While walking through the
orchard a large branch pf a tree fell
crushing her underneath its beavy
Weight. On examination' it Wa8
found that five of her ribs were broke))
besides being badly brnised.
Downie: ,John Baxter of this town-
sbip met with a painful accident Sat,
utda.y, whereby he bad his collarbone
and twe ribs broken. He waS working
in the barn at the time the accident
happened, and in some unknown man-
.ner fell fiom a slight elevation unto
the floor, sustaining his injuries.,
IVIitchell: 5. J:11 Galloway, at one
time_ connected with .the Merchants
Bank, *Mitchell, reeeiVed notification
of his ,eppointment as inspector of the
banles agencies in the provinces of
Manitoba and Saskatchewan. He will
make his headquarters at Brandon,
that being a more central part than
Seafortb: A quiet wedding took
place at the Manse, on October 24,
when James McNichol, of Grey town-
ship, and Miss Eliaabeth Ann McCall-
um, of McKillop township, becanie
man and wife. The nuptial knot was
tied by Rev. F. H. Larkin,. in the pre-
sence of a few friends of the contract-
ing parties. -
Seaforth: N. Horton has disposed
of thefarne on which he lives, lot 7,
concession 12, E. E.'S., Tuckers:131th,
to bis 'brother. Henry Horton, The
farm contains one hundred acres, and
the priceis about $5•000. He purchas-
ed the brick residence of Miss Fowler,
in Harpurhey, and intends coming
there to reside.
Sea.fortls: The following were tick-
eted to distant points last week: Mrs.
Blackwell and daughter and Mrs. Cher-
ry to Chicago; MIss Olive Laidlaw to
Northampton, Mass.; Mile IrainItty and
daughter of Egmoridville to Loa Ange-
les, where they intend to spend the
winter.. Will McLeod, the well knoven
comic left Friday on a three months'
trip to the coast.
St: Marys; There died in St. Marys
on Friday Oct. lOth, Mrs:Alex. Young,
set the advanced age of 81 years. Mre.
Young was born in Glasgow,Scotland.
About twelve years ago they removed
to St. Marys from Fullerton and have
resided bere until now. She had been
in failing health for seine months and
her death was not unexpected. A hus-
band and two sons survive.
For Every Room in the Homi.
Wes have a beautiful selection of the latest designs.
Come and get our prices, all marked in plain fif.Y.,ures.
WB ask you to come to this store for furniture because
we believe you will get the kind you want. The
stock bacludes all those pieces that appeal to good
taste on account of their design', finial], character
and richness, We can show newest ideas and the
rnoet popular furniture for the home, that can be
found any place, town or city.
" There are "Maple Leaf Rub.
hers to fill all sizes and shaves of
men's. women's and ebildren's
oboes ",--Wirelees from —101e old
WOMAU Who lived in a Shoe,'
Fit neatly, snugly and
_akeenrately, too.
Leave no openings for
the water to streak in at
the sido.
St. Marys: Wednesday the wedding
was celebrated of Miss Mabel Clark,
deughter of Mr. and Mes. James Clark
to William Dickeorie, B. A., son of
Robert Dickson, and juniore partner
in the firm of A.Beattie Co.,of town.
Rev. A. MeWilliams performed the
ceremony. Miss Marion Dickson was
bridesmaid, and Geo. M. Clark of To-
ronto assisted the groom, while Mi88
Marjorie Sanderson acted as flower
Get a Voir
all a keep your
feet arY.
is only another way of saying " Ambition. " We all are
ambitious—we all want to reach the top, but if the first
few rungs in the ladder of success are missing, it!s pretty
hard to get a foothold, isn't it ?
Begin right and attend the FOREST CITY BUSINESS &
SHORTHAND COLLEGE. Nothing is taught that is not needed
in business life. The rungs are all in OUR ladder, and when
you graduate you stand alone od a firm foundation. -
Business and Shorthand work our specialty.
Write for our catalogue ; it's free.
School term September till June, inclusive..
It is Mt ths price you. pay foe a range which makes it
cheap & expensive, but the fuel it eonsuines after you get it. ,
If you buy a range which, colts $5 to $7 less than a,, ,
-r "Pandora" and it leiirnir a ton, or old:half a ton of coal more iiftl
in a year, what do. your gain? Nothing, but you actually
lose money, besides putting up with all the inconveniences, '
troublea and extra work which are a oertein y with a poor range.
The "'Panders" is equipped with many el -saving features
which are notafound on any other raw. Het -air flues are con.
structed so that all the. heat from the fire -box travels
directly under every pot -hole and aratand the Mil tWICO—
overy atom of beat is'used, and only the smoke goee up the
Sold by all enterprising dealers. Booklet free.
.1 News of the Week.
O'has. It. Gray, formerly of Orilla,
ended his life at Buffelo by drinking
About 60 people are dead ae a result,
of a train junming a, bridge near At-
lantic Oity.
On November Oth there will be elec-
tions in 42 states of the Union and
three territories,
$510,016,43 is the amount of the' sue -
cession duties paid to the provincial
governineet by he Goodeettans es ate.
Rev. Dr,1 Torts y and Mr. 0.M. lex.
ander, evangeli te, have been in ited
to visit Hamilton for the month of
Albert MeGe(ig w, formerly of Wing -
tenth hes purchased the Lneknow
Sentinel from aatnes Bryan, who cone
deeted it for 24 years.
cCI ,s
Vsneouvsri 11.
Hawkins 46 Son, Solei Agentso