Exeter Advocate, 1906-10-04, Page 4lirowing in Popularity
The Family Herald and Weekly Star
'continues to grow in public favor year vie
after year. If it keeps On at the pres- las
erit rate it will soon be in every home tan
in the Dominion. It deserves it, too, at
for it certainly is a geeat family and fee
farmer's paper without an equal on the isa
continent. The Family Herald's new a
premium picture for this season is en-
titled "A Tug of War," and is one of P.'
those picture one sees in an art store cla
With a ticket "price two dollara.” To xylin
get the Family Herald and Weekly bon
Star and such a beautiful picture all Per
for one dollar is certainly big value. 2nd
is t
in e
Briorea Rins-Mr. Pat Hanlon me
th a painful accident on Saturcla
t which will lay him off.cluty .for
e. While aseisting in moving 'ha
W. Sando's barn he accidental!
through the flooring and sustained
.ee broken ribs. We hope to heat
his early recovery! .
AS (111AlsTGE BANDS—VI:free first -
ss farm of this vicinity s, changed
ds last week. Mr. Frank Colwil
ghb of Mr. Alfred Hodginil the pro
ty known as the Hill farm, on the
con., Stephen, paying therefor
ay $7000. Mr. Hodgina in turn
R'ht froni Mr. G. H. Windsor the
in on the 3rd eon., Stephen, paying
°O, while Ab. Windsor purchased.
150 acre term known as the Hughes
ate on the 3rd concession of WOO.
ay, paying $9250. Full possession
o be given on the let of April, 1907,
ach case. These are among the
t farms m this district and are well
th the prices paid. .
Wunnen AT PARKHILL—The mar-
riage of Miss Gertrude, daughter of
Mrs. Henry ItQwri Quarry of Park-
hill, and ,Mr. Dennis L. O'Brien- of
Chatham, $013 of Mr. David O'Brien of
Mount Carmel, took place in Sacred
Heart Church, Parkhill, oty'October 3,
at 0:30 o'clock. The Rev/loather Donn
performed the ceremony in the pres.
enee of a number of the immediate
relaVves of the contracting partiea.
The -Ceremony over a reception wag
held at the home of the bride's mother
where the invited guests offered con-
gratulations. The newly married
cotiple left by the 3 p. in. train for
Montreal and Quebee where they will
ivinantil Friday, when they take
1 la u
l he IJ:it Empress of Ireland and sell
for lemm. The young (ample aro
IprottSnent in social eireles atal the
V0?.' warmest wishes for their eontin.
ued happinesa will follow then*on the
bridi tour, with the earnest hope that
life Iv be for them an uninterrupted
hone riirxm.
One Wed; Oiiiy 1siziaNlyict
cl London v.verv vioitors t 11)0 h Ong.'
S of Mr. Rannzel duLtag thr.
0.3.1t9oph Bastard an old zmul
woli re.vected resident of this' burgh,
b:11,9 decided. to leave our midst and bus
purchased a home in London. He and
daughter. left Tumda,y evening for
the abo,,,:e plac.e. ikre Divvy to Roe
such 12,7ood friend° but wish them every
happmpoonttheir new home. -Miss
FlorencePreszcaltor_. fooa
a Pleasant,
vs le at her .home here, returned ao
London Toesday.-The eetin ou Satar-
day wae.much appreelated by the far-
mers hereeeeThere hes been consider,-
• able eleknese around here lately, 'but
4 PAckages for 20.
Staficlard •
These well-known dyes need no re-
commendation from us. They never
fail to produce satisfactory results.
Pacixoge8 for 2&,0
Cole's, .4Gentral Drug Store
Exeter, — Ontario
all are recovering.
Miss Ida Tennent left S'aturday tb
attend the Normal School at Hamil-
ton. -Miss Alma Stanley has gone to
•Toronto to take a couree in the mt.,
versity.-Selbert McCornb left Wed-
nesday for Toronto, to resume his eln-
tiesat the Dental College. -E. O. Cle-
ment, ,who was transferred to the
Merchants Bank here some few weeks
•ago from Berlin has been removed
back to his former place. -Mrs. _Cole
has disposed of her fato ; Stan-
ley for the sum of $5,000. -Wm. Baskett a fernier.' hear here," who met
with a painful aecident a few clays ago,1
is on the mend, While cutting corn
with a hook the blade glanced from
the stalk giving his arm an ugly gash,
-Elmer lVfoRoberts of London town-
ship while in the village the other day
was severely licked in the face. leY a
horse standing outside J. C. Shear -
down's blackmail shop. His ear was
exact boorate,
One Dollar per annum ifpaid in advance, $1.50
if not so pald.
Sanders & Creech, Props.
also cut. -F. H. Neil of Maple Avenue
is at present in &ahead where
he is purchasing some registered stock
in horses, sheep and Durham cattle, -
Homer Howard has been suffering
pain in his left hand. While working
at the evaporator he had the misfor-
tune to leave a forktinepenetrate the
palm of his hand. For a time it was
feared that blood poison would set in
but by careful attention all danger is
passed and he is now progressing nice -
Charges that our methodsof rail-
way management are flagrantly defic-
ient in the matter of providingsafe-
guards for human life are emphasized t
with peculiar force in the many recent •
railway wrecks and loss of life. This
has been a year of terrible railway cas-
ualities. The total losses in Canada,
and the United States it has been re- S
ported, aggregate many thousands. b
That this state of affairs should exist c
year after year with no abatement but I
rather increase and with no apparent S
effort of the railway officials, seems c
an outrage on the travelling public. P
judging from the number of railway a
accidents in England there is a screw d
loose some where. In England accord- E
ing to statistief3 in thirty-one 'years t
- only one passenger was killed on the d
average n every 36,463,892 joterpeys I
made, and onlyone injured in every v
1,127,434 journeys, Managers of our 0
rielllways must find a cure for this li
Mrs. Duplare who has been. confined
o her bed through illness, is able ,ta
attend to her household duties again.
-Miss Baketeof Saginave,Michals vis -
ting her cousins, the Misses Wilson,-
Mr. and Mrs Duplan• Visited in Lucan
unday.-Mrs. Jos. Anderson,who has
een so very ill and not expected to re -
over, is daily iniproving.-Mrs. Han -
on and Mr. O'Brien were in Loudon
aturday.-Mr. Moffatt is having a,
ement walk laid around his hotel pro-
erty, thus improving the appearance
nd convenience. -Mrs. Percy of Lon -
on is visiting at her harem here.-Mr
Colwill left here Monday to attend
he funeral of her grandfather in Lon -
on. -Mrs. Trothan visited in Losiden
ast week. -Mr. and Mrs. A. McGuire
isited at Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Willis'
n Sunday -& 'large number from
ere attended the fowl sapper at
ghastly butchery or the govermalent
must find one for them.
Saintsbury Thursday night last, all re-
porting an exeellent time. -Mr. and
rs, F. G. .Abbott returned Weclnes-
ay from a visit with relatives in Ohio
nd Michigan. --Mr. J. To Seed, who
as visiting W. F. Abbott, re-
urned Saturday to his home in Van
ouver, B.O., taking with hireea Iarge
tephen &Burns' engine -from London.
Dr.Orine spent Thursday in London.
The new blacksmith, Mr. R. Pollock,
as started his duties. -Mr. T. Willis
Paakhill. Sept 29. -Mrs. McKinney t
and ,Mrs ViTalker were painfully injur- c
ed in a runaway accident here last s
night They were returning from the
fair in a buggy when their horse took
fright at something at the outskirts of h
the town, and ran away. Both wo- ja
Men were thrown out and their injur-
ies are believed to be quite setious. An 1-5,
as. rented the dwelling opposite the
arsonage and will move therein shoat-
. -Mr. W. J. Parsons returned
autonaosbile coming along the road fr
picked up the injured and brought s
them back to town, where they w.ere d
placed under the care of Drs. Caw and a,
one a isit with friends in London
aturday.--Miss Kate Elliott of Lou
on is home on a visit. -Miss Pym re-
rned from London Saturd4.-Miss
Bottrill has again resumed her teach-
iiag duties, after attending her sister's
edding at Fullarton.-Me. and Mr
Curtin left Monday for a few week
sit in Manitoba. -Richard Hicks
usy putting a foundation under h
rn.--Cedric Hicks, returned to h
udies in Toronto on Monday.
Rey. and Mrs. Andrews have r
rned from a pleasant outing at Mu
ka.-Wes. Hodgins, who recentl
sposed of his blacksmith busine
re, has gone to Wallaceburg, wher
has accepted a position aa blac
ith. We are sorry to lose Wes. a
isa jolly good fellovv.-Mrs. Evan
s gone to Crystal City. Man., to vi
her sister, Mrs. Thos. Greenway:
ss Maggie Handford has gone to Ex
r where she has taken a position a
Miner with Miss Morlock. .
inghatn, Sept 30. -James Jobb, a yi
laborer, who has been a resident of this b
eeetion for a number of years was in, ha
estantly killed by the C.P.R. express at st
ethe Main street crossing in this town,
. about II o'clock Friday night. Ile had tu
spent the day at the Wingharre fair ko
and wa.s driving home alone in a beggy di
when the accident occurred. The en- he
• 'blew
saw the rig on the track and he
blew the 'whistle, but could ,not stop ern
the train in time to avoid theaccident he
e An jnquest is being held. Jobb was ha
eabout 45 years of age and unmarried. it
a- - •
Gralid Bend
li p stAdition
h 1 4a tee. 31 -'r t,
bervieez.3 on tho Ailna renia elesetit
r'aind ay. -51 ices Ote F3I-;.20.11k,rry ahd
Emma Bestaz-11 inre on a vk-it Galt
friends.-51rs. A Mallard is at Aylmer
attending the. LecUcle of her brother
who lo suffering from an attack of fe.
ver. At last reports he anie gettlng
dong nicely.-Freal Seat heaj,. who
has been eempieg here durieig the
summer, is (pending a fees days in
London prior to leaving for California
it being hi $ custom to spered,the win-
ter theme -Ezra Brenner Icift tills week
for Shipka, where he will aeeurne the
name of landlord at the - hotel there.
Ezra 15 an allaround good fellow an&
we wish him every succees in his new
venture. --Air. Ileaman of London is
here this week procuring apples for
shipment to Landon. -Miss Mabel El-
sie, who bas been spending a week in
Dashwood, returned home Monday. -
Mr, Coleman and Mr. Newell, Canada
Conipany agent were here Thursday
on business. -Quite & number frora
here attended Parkhill fair last week,
-Mr: Arms of McGillivray spent a
day with hie son here last week.
T4e. Advocflte to end of year Pee
D. O. jamesoie, a former Grantonit
who has been conducting a beam
bueiness at Forest for some time, h
MDO, L Clenzento, who bilf3 beC.M on
the eiek Halle15ableto lc- 014 again. -
Zlice Mee Goabolt, spent part of inlet
wool; mitiug in l'3XVI Georg°
Delin Mg° vuoitcd hev oi.ter in St.
Marro a few days laot weell..-Tharies
(303411)011t 1130 boon home a few clays ow-
ing to illness. -Mr. lb Robinson has
beautified his reeidenee piitting
cement walk around it. The work wee
dame by A. Taylor of Exater.-The
farmers are busy cleaning out the Hoy -
wood diteh.-Thos. Coward and vvife,
visited the letter'a brother George at
Lumley IStindeye-D, iMeDerigal at-
tended the HoggartiaSirnons wedding
in Hibbert last week. -On Sunday,
Oct, 14th, anniversary "sermons will he
preaehed at the Sunshine Appoints
merit by Rev. Cranston of Oromarty.
A free-will offering will be taken up at
each services,
Kirkt on:
Don'bt forget Kirkton Fair to -mor-
row (Friday.) It promises to outdo
everything ever before held „ here.
Hon. Nelson !Monteith, Minister of Ag-
riculture, will be present and give an
address." Another special feature will
be the balloon ascension which will
take place from the grounds in the af-
ternoon. Come and apend a good day
wih us,' -Mr, and Ales. AlaiSe inte
e, leaving shortly for London where they
7 will reside. -Geo e Longhurst and Date
as Duncan left last week for the West
Rev, Veal has returned from a visit to
Ingersol.--Fred Marshall has returned
to Hamailton to resume his studies at
the Normal college. -Mr, Svveitzer is
building a new butcher shop,a,nd Wm.
Brown has improved the appearance
of his house by having it raised and a
cement wall put iinderneeth it; Dr,
Carr is also improving the interior of
his home.
disposed of same and gone to Galt
where he has opened a wholesale bak-
ery. He is well and favorably known
in this district and his many friends
wish hitn con tinuedpros_perity.-Word
has been received from Hartney, Man.,
of the serious illness of Mrs. Wm, But-
ler, a former resident of this place.
She is suffering from an attack of ty-
phoid fever. Her many.friends here
trust she manysoon recoVer.-The
sympathy of their many Wends is ex-
tended to Mr. and Mrs. A. Dann in
the death of their- Waist son, which
took place on Sept. 18, after a brief
illness. -:41r. and Mrs. J. B. Brant near
here recently celebrated the 30th an-
niversary of their weddings day. Af-
ter a bountiful supper the evening was
spent by vocal, instrumental music,
and recitations. Dennis Carty, wheels
in his 97th year, sang several Irish
songs, which was much appreciated.
Mr. Bryant has gone to New Ontario,
where he has a farm lately given him
by the Cenadian Government for ser-
vice rendered as a Canadian volunteer
at the tinee of the Fenian Raid in 1866.
SailatSbary •
The Advocate to end of year20c
ElousE BURGLAItIZED.-The home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis was brok-
en into on Thursday night last while
they were attending the fowl supper
in St. Patrick's church and several ar-
Melee were carried away. That the
'deed was perpetrated by some person
or persons bear by isApparent because
this is the third time the house has
been broken into and things of *a simi-
lar nature carried away. '
HARVEST Hoeteee-On Sunday, Sept.
23rd, and on Thursday, Sept. 27th, the
Harvest Home Anniversary held ,in
Ste Pleareiples Church Was an unquali-
fied success. The service conciliated
by Rev. O.C. Waller, M.A., Principal
of Huron College, London, was large-
ly' attended, and the congregation was
well pleased with the sermon and the
large collection taken up. Rev. Wal-
ler is a preacher of merit and his ser-
mon this day fully demonstrated the
fact. Thursday- evening a hot fowl
supper was served to a large number
of people and the ladies who prepared
the same and attended to the wants ot
those present deserve great praise for
the excellence of the feed and the gond
management. The program after-
wards vs as a good one, consisting .of
solos by Mr. Tracy, MesThos. McCann
and Mrs. Geo. Fox and, instrumental
ItillS1C, as well as a speech by the chair-
s• man, Rev. Geo. W. Tracy, the popular
s' rector. The proceeds for the enter -
is tainment alone arnotinted to about
Does Your
Heart eat
Yes. 100,000 times each day
t)oes it send out good blood
or bad blood? You know, for
good blood is good health,
• bad blood, bad health. And
youknow precisely what to
take for bad blood —Ayer's-
Sarsaparilla.- Doctors have
• endorsed it for 60 years.
Jar fliTglintgAlgtValli!' ehiggtili
• enhstetteds Are then eleterbed Into the b100
' Keep the beltels open volth Ayer's Fill*. ,
*4441• .heValitiltaretTiietr geralta"'
• Kele VIdela
, sitEltalf fotclthltas
law awe ISO 10414110 elitS ewe*
Asmidokiipt All date ate die/A.0.
The Harvest Home Festival held in
the Evangelical Church. here on the
evening of the 25th WAS a decided suc-
cess. The display of the products of
the land were in themselves pimply
grand.. The program was well careled
out and was listened to with rapt eite-
tention to the end. The remarks by
the beloved pastor were well received,
while the address by Rev. J. C. Mors
lock of Milverton was a masterpiece in
itself. He is a fluent speaker and he
seemed to be quite at home with his
subjeot and his audence. Indeed. We
question very much whether he did
not feel more at home than he often
did when pastor here. Thelecture on
Wednesday evening was well worth
hearing; and no doubt had the weather
been favorable a much larger audience
would have greeted the speaker. As
it was only it few turned out on the
second evening. -Mrs. George .Keller.
Man accompanied her aunt to her
home in New York State on Tuesday.
She will visit among relatives for a
few weeks.. -.-Many of the people here
are busy these days making apple Wt.
ter and saurkraut.-It seems to be A
delightful pastime to the little folks to
be out on the street, With their putop-
kin lanterns. --=Mr. Geo. Koch is hay-
ing his house remosialteeteamies mato
Eidt has returned from Exeter where
she learned dressmaking. `4*
DgaTer.--The community has been
saddened this week by the ,pritimely
death of one of our brightest' young
men at the youthful age of 22 years.
We refer to the demise on Sunday ev-
ening of Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Winkenweder of the 14th con.
of Stephen. Deceased had been ill for
about three weeks of what is said to
have been typhoid fever. Ile had lived
in Chicago for some time previous to
last. Year what) his brother, it will be
reniern tiered wee' killed in the woods by
the falling of a tree; sine( vvitieh time
he has resided with his parents. The
young inan was bright and intelligent
above the average and his death is 4
teul blow not only to his relatives but
to his many friends, who extend their
sympathy to the bei.eaved parents a ral
several brothers and sisters, who siu-
vive. She Amend took place to the
Goshen TAO cemetery on Wednesday
linton: Albert Pay, Sto Catharine
hem mainimmiely selected 88 CIO
tk to succeed the litte elohn Me014,1-
d. Mr. P‘iy was a foriber resident ;
Brinsley. .
Miss Florence Edwards of London
attended the wedding of her friend,
Miss Stella, M. Simpson, and will re-
main on a visit with her uncle, Mr.
Thos. Lewis, renewing, acquaintances.
-Moses Pierce's new residence has
made qiiite an addition to our sburg.-
Mrs. Jas. White, who has been ill, is
convalescing. -Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpat,
rick of Toronto are on a visit to Jos.
Amos and other friends in this neigh-
borhood. -The Harvest Home services
in St. Marys and Grace churches on
Sunday week were welleabtended. The
services, which were conducted by
Rev. Thomas of Locale were very ina
pressive,,Rev. Baker and wife are on
a trip to Nova Scotia. Geo. Sherritt
of Grand Bend is filling the former'e
place and his' discourses are .much ap-
preciated. -Miss Lena Brown bas re-
sunaed her position as Milliner with
Ma Trevethick. Miss Ida Hardy is
helping her. -Don't forget McGilliv-
ray fair to -morrow (Friday.) -Mrs.
Paton, who was here attending the
weddina of her brother, has returned
to London. -The annual Harvest Home
dinner given by the ladies of the Core
bett Presbyterian ch rch on Tuesday
evening of last wee was a splendid
success. -The 42nd anniversary of
Marr's Hill church will beheld on Sun-
day next. On the following evening
an entertainment will be given, con-
sisting of recitations, solos, etc., also
an address by Rev. Livingstone of Lon-
MaltarAGES.--TheresidenCe of Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Lewis, "Et in view"Farni"
2nd con., was the scene of a quiet but
very pretty wedding on Wednesday,
Sept. 26, when Miss Stella,' M. Simp-
don was united in the holy bonds of
matrimony to Mr, Andrew R. Dor-
man, son of ex -Councillor D. Dorman,
7th con. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. Bloodsworth of Ailsa Craig
at seven o'clock, and: was witnessed
by only the immediate relatives of the
contracting parties. After partaking
of a very dainty luncheon the happy
couple left on the four train -for Pais-
ley where they will spend their honey-
moon at the home of Rev. L. W. Deihl
A former pastor of the bride. The gifts
presented to the bride were of a high
order an indication of the popularity
in which she is held b. all. As the
young couple are widely known and
highly esteemed in this locality their
many friends join hi wishing them a
prosperous sail over the matrimonial
sea. -Another interesting event took
place at the home of Mr. Wm. Lewis,
4th con., on Wednesday when his es -
thimble daughter, Miss Annie Laura,
became the hamar bride of Mr. Wni.
Moore Cunningham, of Clitudeboye.
Rev. Illoodsworth tied the nuptial
knot at high noon In the presence of a
few intimate friends, after which a
suroptuoue wedding dinner was par-
taken of. The bride was handsomely
attired in a beautiful gown and was
:nnattended. She was not forgotten,
by her friends -CM nuneerons and pretty
giftswere presented to her on this oc-
casion. That Mr. and Mrs. Cunning-
ham may enjoyed a long married life
is the wish of their many friends.
Seaforth: After an illness extend-
ing over a year, Geo. Sperling died on
Tuesday at the age of 01 years and 8
months. His illness was the result of
an attack of Ta grippe about a year ago
which left him in poor health and
since then he has been unable to work.
3i•Cents a Day
Will Cure
Your Kidneys
30 a nity for 'a specialist -that
will cure you "isf every trace of,
Itidney Trouble, That's all it
eotits-at a day' -'to take
And "13tisju " euresearemembar
that. Notenerely ease* the pain
and makes yon feel better -but
heals andistrengthens,the
neyS, and eoinpletely car.
ake " on our gu antee
t at they cure or money refunded,
• detaigists or eSt psepail ov. receipt
et pries, 00e,
cLAruto �HrMICAs, C.O.,1.1011110
ilmosait, ONT.
i-ewecl from oce
ASK FOR • lected hop., choice
beeley usa1 acad
pure spring water, n
with the utmost
tre. BottFcd at
the brevvere depots,
no ensure prover.
bare4lieg. That ie
• why Labett'e Ale
Indio Pale* 15Ie
est, surpaseed. • by
i$ equal to the'
though it
costs censuiners only about half as sauch as imported goocb..
ramoniii School
This Schoerilf fiatio-guizedto"-be one ot the best
Commercial Schools in the Province. Our courses,
are thorough and up-to.date. We give,,a practieal
trainingand assist our graduates to good _positous.
It is impossible for us to satisfy the demand made us
for office help. Itose interested in their own wel-
fare steam write for our free catalogue.
Highest Price paid for Grath
Principals. RICH. SELDON
(Successor to Joseph Cobbledick)
(Incorporated by Act ot 14 arliament1850)
Head Moe, Montreal -
Capital Paid 179. • • • • • • • • .$3,000,000
Rosorved, Fuud••••• • • • • • ••—$3,000,000
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. in to 3 p m SATURDAYS, 10 a, M. tO 1P. In,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application.
• ,
DRAFTS on All points in the Donsinion,- Great Britain and *Milted
States bought and sold at lowest rates of.Exehange. '
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interestallowecl
Saying Bank Department.
g posits of $1 and upwards received. mallet otma-
pounded half -yearly
And added to principal June gOth
. -and December 01st
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
N. D. guRpo, Manager,
^ •
11' 6,-
iiwuu LJ
Ora NEW irorrieron TnEA.TmoNiti will cure este, an
niTake:Y. man
of you. tinder its influence the brain bdcOmes active, the blood Parilled so that
all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up ,• the nerves become strong as steel, so
that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear* the eyea become bright,
the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and
sexual systems are invigorated; all- drains cease—no more vital waste from the
syatem. -The various organs become natural and Manly. You feel' Yourself a man
and know marriage cannot be a failure. We -Invite all the afflicted to consult at
confidentially and free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of .your
hard-earned dollars. WI: WILL CURE YOU on NO PAL
Peter E. Summers, of ICalainazoo,
Mich. relates his experience: •
"I %vas troubled with9NervouS De-
bility for many Years. I lay it to iff."-
discretion and excesses in early
youth. I became very despondent and.
didn't care whether I worked or not
imagined everybody who looked at Me,
guessed my secret. ImaginatiV0
0 dreams at night weakened me—my back
ached, had pains in the back of MY
head, hands and feet were cold, tired
In the morning, poor appetite, Angers
• 'were shaky, eyes blurred, 'hair Mose,
memory poor, etc. Numbness in the
fingers set in and the doctor told *me
he feared paralysis. I toog all kinds of
medicines and triedmans* first-class
phySICIanS, NVOTO an electric belt , for
three months, went to Mt. ClemenS for
ificropur intometfr
baths, but received little benefit. While ArTtlii TRICATNIENIT
at mt. Clemens I was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy & Rergan, thongh*/ had
lost alt faith in doctor.Like a drowning man I 'commenced. the New Method
Treatment and it saved life. The improvement was' magic—d could feel
the vigor going through my nerves. I was dured mentally, PI,Iplcs,lly and sexually.
I have sent them many patients and will contintie to do so.
We treat and cure VARICOCELE. ISTRICTtIRE, sTnnvous nisinravr,
CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS PREM. If unable as eau. ?frits for a,
Question Blank for Home Treatment. .
8,HK KK Kekii KK
a "I,
figuRE SPOEIMEll 11111110.3firs
We have just received a
number„Of nne Spreaders
—The Successor—which
does its work in fine style.
This is recognized, to be
the best on the market,
handle'Perrin Plows
*and have Just received a
carload of walking, rid-
ing and gang plows made
by this reliable firm.
11011H1'0N BAKER
Agent for the Sylvester and
Perrin Mow Companies,
oter - Ontario
• • F 0 R. / •
Lumber, Shingles,Lath, Cedar
Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames
and a,11 Building Materials
Finished or in Itnock down,
always on hand.
Highest price paid for Saw-
logs'ofevery description.
Custoixt sawing promptly
attended to.
Estimates cheerfully given.
The ROSS Taylor Coop Ltd
Exeter) Ont.
Marriage Iii0011$0!S
Issuca at the