Exeter Advocate, 1906-08-30, Page 4WE I ' Creaiteix The Ade -we -Natio to end a yeor 26 " Me. W. T. Euglaod thriLl SYCIA4 has been vielting the diffeeent pest offiees of this dietriet as rep.resentativo of tho Peetreastees" Asseearstiee, snoweeree-Ieann Iounee ti.10 Inshare charged with the theft of a trunk and =Lie ellothing. wee lasforeJedge Doyle at Gederich on* Teesday week and elected to be tried by a jtp.9., se lie will be tried at the next ceimmal session of the High Owlet on t -he Deeembee Ses- eions.-Wee.Teevethiek cif Detroit and his mother, Mrs. Jno. Trevethick, London, ero visiting Ur. and Mrs. T. Trevethickee-The Misies Alme and Wain° Hill returned Tnesdass evening after a pleasant visit in St. Thomas.- Mrts. Claris; Zwieker of LOndon is visit- ing her son. Charles, for a few days. - Scott, and his workman of London finished the slate roof on our new school houseMonday.-Miss Bealah Beaver returned from Detroit T'aes- day after visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Dyer, for a few .deys.-Rev. Bean of the Evangelical church exchanged pul- pits with Rev. 14 K. Fidt on Sunday evening. -Ed. Hill spent Sunday. at the Bend.-Sani Laniport moved dices table formerly owned by Wm. Moffett of Cenyelisie beck.heeeju seetkoese andeis h avi ifg(i t ereeited on his pre Misses Marie Morlock, Ella Link and Mrs. jno. Melsaac are attending the Toronto exhibition this week,e-Rev. Been'.L H. Holtzman and MO Ma- lindaTrick are attending the"r *P.A. convention which is being- held this week in Rodney. --Next Tuesday even- ing Rev. P. 0 Berger of Grand Rap- ids, Mich., will lecture in the Evan- gelical schurch on his recent visit to Palestine and the Orient. Everybody come. Admission 10 and .15 cents. - Geo. Hirtzel is attending the I.O.F. High Court at St. Thomas thie week as a delegate of the local court. -Next Menday is Lebor Day, Somerville's tearn'of London will play two gaines of ball with our "Stars" at 10.30 a.m. and at 2 p.m. This promises to be two of the fastest games of the season. At 4.30 p.m. a shooting match will take place and in the evening our Band will give an Open air concert. Everybody. come and enjoy the sports of the day. -A-peculiar tipple was sent to the Ad- vocate office on Friday last with the rewarkr "Applesgrow so thickly on my trees that they grow one into the other." There were two distinct stenas, one being imbedded in the other, while the‘sintill apple WAS half embedded in the larger one. They were grown by Wm. Greenley of this village and were° a novelty in the apple line. COLE'S DRUG ST011 'Where a new pht as front haQ heen.corepleted, . e ° - Again we e Uyour settention to isue complete steels of: drugs,, ehein, icale,, patent pacalieinee, and ,teilet enedriee. —We make a specialty— of higb grade prescription work and are equipped to give service of ideal character and family receipts compounded with accuracy, relive bility and expepience. o--0 We solicit your patronage by of- fering you a first-class stock of worthy drugs at right prices ,•eseseAT!'„,,,, _ Cole's, Central Drug Store Exeter, Ontario eceter Lwotatt 5an4ees d cree411, i?rops. TflURSDALAVG. 30 '06 Anderson (Too late for last weel0 Miss Vanstone of Sts Marys is the . -guest of Miss Alice Murray. -Miss Ella Hewitt is rusticating at the Bend, -The harvest in this vicinity is almost over, you can hear the hum of the threshing machine on every , Will Brown, John McNicol. of Ferry-l- e:her and Charles Fletcher of Sunshine ceperit Sunday with Percy Hewitt. - Mr. Down preached an excellent ser - :mon here on Sunday morning to the Mission Band. It being flower•Sundav ethe ehurch was beautifUlly decorated. Mrs. E. Church, who has been spend - Ing the past mouth with her mother, Mirs. John Aeaderson, returned to laer home in Toronto. -John Arthur of Nis- esouri spent Sunday with his brother, Arthur. -Mrs. Thos. Riley is visiting -.friends at Kirkton.-Austin Hewitt of Exeter spent Sunday under the pa- • Tental roof. -Miss Lottie Brown, our popular school teacher, who has been spending her vacation 1 at her hoine in Geanthurst, returned to her duties Monday. ° Perhaps, the Worst. One of the most distressing thinge one can suffer from is bladder trouble. Its %mature, often, causes people to silently .snffar. . • We don't ask you to tell us of the irAitlitiOn,, the catarrh, the scalding -we only say, you will be prudent in trying the Gentle Kidney pin. , Kidney troubles donot stand still. 'tTu1esa steps are taken, worse will ensue. 'You talr,e no chances u ;trying Bu 3n Should° it fail, you can have your money back -but it won't fail. Only three _cents a -day. • •'W. S. WEY, DRUGGIST. 1111111111k 4 4toonaaridial ..cia-113111.1", mouramosam : morrownic:::::::1:01awassam a. -.00,010,1001000.01,__,s1,:r.r„..114t: ris 1LLON 14414E -STAY FENCE._ POINT 2. WithordInsry cam the .uilton ErrAy genets will lot Mama. Thsusande aro now upbg Mays do not slip nor bend when top wires mo down. Illustrdtod Cataloguo (roe-itve 'a nu' wsnted. willot 'sots" IRK FENC CO.. 1.1tYllITE.O. W. J. Heaman, Agent. County' Model Schools 'The Board of Examiners for the seCounty of Huron met in the Public "Schooleaforth, on Saturday, A og.25, to arrange for the session of the Model ...Schools of Goderich and 'Olinton. All he members were present. Ikivas re- . solved to admit students to the Model 'Schools, who will be eighteen years of zage on or before )he opening of the schools at the Autumn teem of 1007. :Teachers holding expired 'Third lass -certificates will be granted renewals for three years on passing the final ex- -aminatioo of the Model School in De- eeember. "The final examination begies on Monday, Dec. 10,1007. The Meeting then adjourned to meet on Dee. 24, at, Seaforth:-Geo. Baird, See'y. at Aucti�n? At any rate, you Seem to b; getting rid of it on auction -sale principles: "going, going, g.o.n.at 1" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It -certainly Checks falling hair; nonistake about this. it acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you must havic healthy hair; for it's !tour 's way6 • tetio boat kind of a ustintordal 4°0014 tOr oyor stztr year*. - Grand Bend -0- The Advocate to end of Year 250. I. Green of Port Huron spent a few days with his brother, Syrtis, last week. -The infant child of Mr. Amos is in a very love state of health. --Mrs., Rich. Hanailton, after a six weeks' stay at Dashwood, reterned home Saturday. -S. Bossenberry is home suffering from the effects of blood poison in his hand. -Mr. and Mrs. Mellen were call- ed to Sarnia Friday owing to the-ser- ioue illness of their daughter, Mrs. B. Teldeman.-Mr. and Mrs. D. Schaefer and Miss "'Rohn of Da-hwood. sspent Sunday week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, G111.-41. Hamilton is at Stoney Point getting stone for the harbor. Therein:- ily is also there. -R. Pollock, 1. and A, Disjardine have gone to Manitoba. - Harvey Bossenberry has gone to Win- nipeg, while Mrs. Bossenberry and daughter will remain here. We un- derstand the former with his brother, Ad., have rented their father's hotel, hut will not take possession until the new year. -The many friends of Mr. and Mis. Thomas, who are visiting at the home of Fred Page, deeply sym- pathize with them in thedeath of their little babe. The little one passed away Monday after only a few days' illness. -Mrs. W. H. Kennedy have returned to Ansa Craig, after a week's stay here. -W. B. Oliver, who has been suffering from a severe attack- of in- flammation, is, we are pleased to re- covering. -Miss Jean Cemphell is here on a visit from London.i-A corres- pondent from Brucefield writes: - "O. Wilson, who has been landlord of the hotel here for the past six years,• has decided to retire from the business and has sold to Bruce Bossenberry of Grand Bend, who takes possession as soon as the license can be transferred. MS successor as understood to he a capable hotel men and loOkeit. Jie is a son of Henry Bossenherry, who owns h three-story hotel at Grand Bend, the most popular house in that resort." N'Ve congratulate our young friend and wish him every success in his new lo- cation. , The Advocate to watt Of yetir 25c Mrs. Arthur Brooks and family, af- t es a pleasaet visit at Belgrave, re- turned home Monday evening. --Mr, arid Mrs. Sanclo and daughter have ter ed to our village after visiting New York and other places'.--Mre. A. liedden and family of London are at t he home of the former's mother, Mrs. R:eh. Elandfoisle-Miss Else Handford (pr London is the guest of Mrs. James' liandfierd.--On aceount ofethe warm weather on Wednesday -the Ladies' Aid did not go to the Bend, but went this week.-Samitel McCloy and flat. old Duplan intend taking up the Ootn. mercial course at Exeter Iligh School. P0110014, la Moving to the vii. 'ago this week, He takes charge Of I he blacksmith shop on the lst of Sep - and Mits. Wes. [lodging - spent Sunday visiting in Kirkton.- The hay pressing outfit of Mr. Andrew Ilicks, started out Or the season on ,Mfraarry.-Sonae of our boys went to the 13,-od on Saturday with the Eden picruc.---? We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Anderson is slightlY itnproving. Messrs. Curtin and Coughlin shipped i thi ee ears export eattle on Monday. - Taylor, sr.. is confined to the bootie through illness, ' Dilwrzt-Elizabeth flatter, wife of Thomas &Ando, aged 60 years, died at ystal City, Man., on August 17th, ;ffter some months illness of gradual decline. She W41S the only daughter of 'William and Ann Raker. Who for a number of years; resided on the 3tt1 concession of Stephen. ft,t Fairfield. lir. rind Mrs. Sando went west in 1879. ' Itlesides the husband five MO114 and beet danghtees SIIVVive. Our boys Ogled games (41 bstelall with Exeter and Orediton onWedties. day and Friday nights of last week.re. Pctively. At Exeter they defeated Irre 11011.2V tOaill by score of 15 to 5, sesediEe at Cie:Men the kanie was a. tie, Co 5 iicZup, the bi';43-0. Lboii(iyA are ptie Hag up Feed hall diesel lys raid zaco olwwing itqc1-1 rigapvavermiit en tht:h, former pleying: 'the Exeter game crOri. sistcd hie tho Ceed- itae eresnio coosieteed bee -en ineiegs. (VG=3 Arictlicr &Awe) PasEelatre--borrrian at himself egalui Teo much for Vrecliton! Man- ager Bevie took aciotliev trip to ()sea - ton on Friday with his teaiii ef bail tossers 'and added anotherto their string of yinterfes, heating the Oredie ton team, composed of Duffers and Stere combined, score 5 te4; although SOLI e had it that night $ to 5 on ac. count of e disputed run, which the um- pire gave in favor of Centralia. The game was a pitcher's battle from start to finish. Only four bite were made oil each pitcher. For the • basemen and fielders both sides put ima first- class ball. -Oa Monday evening the boys of Neil's school, McGillivray, came out to Centralia to play our boys a game of baseball. The game SPAS 'call- ed at the seventh innings on account of the darkness with the score 7-7. Angus pitched great ball for the visit- ing boys, having 13 strike outs to his credit, while the home pitcher, R. Wil- sonepitched agreat,gaine, but was not atehithselfehavang May otielitrilOctuts. Be got greatsupport behind. A return match will be played on Saturday next. lift. Carmel. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hell. after a pleas- ant stay here with friends, have re- turned to their home in .Detroit -Mr. Shannon, wife and two seise, who have been visiting friends in our midst for astime, have retarned to their home in Grand Rapids, Mich. -Miss Mar. garet quarry, who has, been enjoying the holidays here, has gone to Essex to resume her daties as teacher. -A new fence is being erected on the church property here,the piping being run from the road op to the church. - The annualsocial WAS held here on Tuesday and a good time Was spent hy all. -A former resident of this see - tion in the person of Florence Catha- rine McPhee, beloved wife of James Hedges recently passed away at her home in Brandon Hill, after an illness of several months. • : ZiOn. , The holiday season for the children is aver and again ding -4011K goes to school bell. -The Misses- garrison of St. Marys are the guests of Miss Edna Taylor. -Miss Leila Culbert ef Lucan is visiting at the home of Win. White- Jord.-A load of ()lir young people pic- nicked at Grand Bend recently. They all report an enjoyable tinse.-Rev. G. Jewett and wife of Lambeth called on friends in this •vicinity recently, -A severe electrical storm passed over this section of the -country Monday cveningeof last week. The lightning was certainly fierce and the thunder dreadful, but luckily no barns were struck.-Robt. Taylor and wife took in -the recent excursion to Detroit. - The annual anniversary of the Zion Epworth League will be held on Sun- day and Monday. Sept. 2nd and 3rd., Rev, Ashton of Bettis -vat, a fortnerl Junior pastor, will OSII:Ch at 10 8.01. and 7 p.m. On Monday evening an ice cream social will be held tan the church lawn. The St. Marys Male Quartette will furnish, the music. Admission, 15 and 20 eta, Come one, tome all, come great and siindl and enjoy a read good social. Zurich D. Filion, of Los Angeles, Cal., who has been visiting in this vicinity has pone to Michigan. -We extend con- gratulation to Mies Ethel Oapling and Norman Boyce of Mike, both of whom successfully passed the Jimior Teach- ers Examine tion. -M iss Pearl Walsh has .returned from Parkhill and re- sumed her duties in R. C. S.S. No. 1, Stanley. -J. J. Boyce and wife, 13lake, have gone on a twn months trip to the West. -AsiguSVO. Ehnes has returned from his trip through the Northwest. -Rev. 14.11. Wagner, P.E., dondueted the services in the Evangelical church on Sunday. -Mrs. John Weseloh has returned,to Waterloo after a- pleasant here. -Rev, A. D. Gischler preach- ed at, the quarterly meeting at Dash wood on Sunday. -w. Gibson, 2nd con., Stanley, has gone to New Ontario for the benefit cf hie health. - Three more weeks to the big World's Fair.—Misses Eilher and Nettie VVell'are attending the millinery open- ings at London and Toronto respec. ttvely.-Miee Ida Well has retiirned from her visit to Listowel and Tavis- tock. -.-Mr's. Ernest Gies is quite Her daughter, Mr. David Ruby, of Cavalier. Ner).,,is home on a visit. - John _Brisson Of the Detroit Police Force, tied wife:Av ere visiting friends on the Sat ine during the week. Jelin P els and wife, after is pleas- ant shy here, have returned to their homi e n Soothe Man. -Mrs. D. Studer and children Of Tavistock are visiting et the home of II. Koehler. -Miss Ella Rannie has gone to Goderich where she has accepted a position as hooks keeper with her brother-in-las./, Es: P. Paulin, hardware merchant.—George Patched et thit Overeto Mouth W. do thinilsriht a* the' Mooney bakery. Crackers are packed pipirtg hot from the ovens. The , ,moisture-prOor paper and „, air -tight tins retain *lithe frephness and crispness, no le Wei oak Tor6Dtz t GO EN.etev 11.1fizchal ZCi,111QA SL'aV:t1I khEN, St. Marye Murkton - FALL FAIRS: PEREKTIONL. Civ t4 S 6(1 • • I, • e.,,e ticoNE`i sticuir CANDy, GO- STRATFDRP CANADA; _ • matter where or when you' buy them. • They conteAosyour ble just as inviting and dee as though you ate them at the ovens in the bakery. Mall grocers in • 1 and lb. -packages. ;.; Leslie, of Cape Town, South Africa, is here • renewing acquaintances. -The Misses Siebert have returned to their home in Plattsville after a pleasant stay in this vicinity. -Geo. Katzenmeier and son have returned to Rod- ney, • 1VieGi11ivray Ansong those who left on the bar, vest excursion were Wro. Ross. Wal- ker Darr, Joseph MIMI:301:4 Charles Windsor and Hector Gore, -Rev. T. Durr, after a few weeks' stay Isere and at Grand Bend, left last. week for his tamale in Port Huron. -We are pleased to learn that Geo..Bloonnfield, who re- cently returned from Fort William, is getting along nicely. He is stopping with his father at Mooresville. -'rhe township schools opened last week, James Mahon is the teacher at Prins - ley. -The many friends of Mr. and Mrs, Olias. Keeling deeply sythpatbize with them in the death of their eight months' old son. -Mrs. 11: O. Graham, 7th con., left a few days ego for the West. She will be greatly missed by the Women's Institute, where She MIS a leading spirit, having been Secre- tary -of the Society since its inception some few years ago. We understand Mr. and Mrs. Graham intend taking up land in the west.' This community's loss will be another's gain. DEest4,-Much regeetis felt at the death of Miss Mae 1VIcGrory, who pass- ed -away on Friday. at the age of 19. ,Yeerteti months. Deceit secl mho was a native of Chicago, had however, made her home with her grandmother Mrs'. J . W. Pickering of this township for over 15 years and during those years had made herself a general favorite in her home and in the neighborhood: Some time ago deceased was attacked with peritonitieand despite the best medical skill and careful nursing she succumbed to the fatal attack. She will be greatly.missed by a large circle of friends many of whqrn testified by their presence at, the funeral on Mon- day, the procession being nearly a Mile long. Everyono n'Ws something to create and maintain strength for the daily round of duties. There is nothing better than an Ale or Porter, the puxity and merit of which has been attested by chemists, phyiciaris and experts at the great exhib- Lbitions, tICSSC Aug. 2T Sept. le S'ept 7-15 " 17-18 IS lii .6 1S-11.1 4. Ilk=ai 0° 21-25 " 20.27 ' " • 20-27 Oot. 10 WoodAfnotPUOdine; .The °Great .Vt0Z,gh, "../tenrasi. Tonal and la v‘lorasto_.,_a tia) wIAPIO neryoug Illoace44 new lood In old. Voirrs. tluree Nem- ozts Dagity, 'Mental awe Braes Worry, .lks. • VD uf/meg, ,se.ruaii Weakuess,Zralieeitma• Sper- matorrho3a. and 'fleets of 4buee or .11xcessee. Price a per box, sixfor $5, One will please„ six win euro.- tloid by all droosista or mailed in plain pkg. on recenoti. Of Price. Neis pa/up/gee , vual(ed free. The V•f9o0 kloclIclose Co. (formcrty Inntisor) Toronto, ont Fall Term Opens Sept 4th1 A Man • Who Drinks Hard needd " Au-ju " if he wants to • keep his health. Beer, whisk)", ° wine -all alcoholic beverages -- irritate the kidneys. Pain In the • back, headaches, brick dust de- . posits in the urine -prove .that the kidneys are seriously itt- flasned.. • THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL • strengthens and invigorates the . kidneys, heals the inflammation,, *clears the urine, and takes away the pain. " Bu-ju " is not a cure for the drink habitebut "Bu -Ju" does protect the steady drinker against kidney disease. All druggists hstve Thi -Ju" or will • get them for you. *rag CLAft.114 ehtlifileet. Co. ettarret) *tees" one BARNARD:3 EAT ANNUAL VITATCH SALE SEPTEMBER 7 to 15. GREAT beeline you centake advantage of the sale and the Western Vais.. at the Baffle time. GRIAT eato the vatiety of goodsshown. GREAT as to, beality end qtpility OREA.T becatiee the prico are loWer tban you have yet known. '1011,EAT As to seetirityot e 11 r s being made under binding guarantee. In order that yon.may know "t lo.t this is a genuine sale We ;der you to the following bargairest Melts' medium sized wild -1111o/ e, open face,warranted 20 yeers, with genuine .Weithaux movement. .......Our //rice thesale **** Ladies' medium sized 14 isai atgold filieti hunting watch, hantieoindy etigravedwarrantr.il 2 years, with genuine Waltham walks, Our price dining the sale.,.— ("titer pi ices fin Waited itiant application by mail. • Sohn, S. 13ania,rd; 170 Dundas st., London, Ont./ amtsimmoimseisimsompommommommailia 'SiTHATFOVIDee-ONT; - Those interested in 'Business College worlr should write tor our large catalogue. Tbis is the largest and. best 06nomereia1 and Shorthand Scheel n Western Ontario. We give a practical training ar,d assis tour graduates to responsible positons. Many of the lead- ing business colleges employ our graduatcs as.teach- ers. Write now fora free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLAQIILAZI, Principals, roe K&K64 KKF4. PC VARICOCELE CURE!) e Aar:14 0"" :N 43.1ES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Horne for Weeks.. .,Bmvy work, severe straining and evil habits in youth Drought on a double vo.ricocele. When 1 worked bard the aching would become severe and I was often la.K up for a Wealt at a time. VIY family .physician told roe an operation was rny only hope— but I dreaded It. I tried several specialists, but soon found out all they wanted Was my money. I commenced to look upon all <loam's as little better than rogues. One day Illy boss asked Inc why I was Oft work so much and X told blei nly condition. Be advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy.; and Kergan, as • he bad taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square 'and skillful. He, wrote themand got the New Method Treat - Anent for me. My progress was somewhat slow and during the (first month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged, lIqwever. II continued treatment for three months longer and "Was rewarded %.*1 7* with a coMplete cure. I could only earn .$12. a Week in a machine , shop before treatment. now / am earning $21 and never lose a ajF. Nish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. ' RENRY C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? IrLooD POISONS are the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They sap the very .11fe blood of the vietim and unless entirely eradicated from ,the system Will cause serious complications. lea -aro of Mercury. It only suppresses the symptorns-our NEW METHOD positively cures all blood diseaSes forever. YOUNG OR X/X)DLI3 AGED-MID1.1. —TraPrudent acts or later excesses ba.vo;broken down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, phYgleallY and 'vitally you are not the roan you used to be or should bar Will you heed the danger signals? • READER Are you a victim? !Kaye you lost hope? Are YOU Intending ,to marry? Has your blood been diseaSed? Have You, any wealt- Ties's? Our New Method Treatment, will cure you. What it has done for others It will do for You. CONSULTATION FREE. No shatter who has treated you, tor" (Illustrate , write, for an honeon Diseases of UM opinion Free bf Charge. BOOKS FREE ---"The Golden Mont- . • NO NAMES USED 'WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No lastanot on -boxes or ezrvello3)03. -Everything confidential. Question Bet and cost of treatment PRICE for Homo Treatment. mUNNEDy&KJM4 Cori Mich. Ave; anctShelby St., Detroit, Mich. t`., K K K K K 1,4r <PA K reees (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) Head Office, - Montreal Capital Pala Tip • • A • • $3,000,000 • Zezerveci rutd... • .• • • • • $3,000,000 ,FORTY-EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA' -EXETER BRANCH OFFICE 1I00118 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to1 p. ik GENERAL, BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, • Farmer 8 Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on epplicatiola. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of ExchlInge. _ A DVANOES made to Faimere, Stock Dealers and Business 11len at lowest rates And On MOSt favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued mad highest current rate of interest ailovved Saving Bank Department' porSided half -yearly and added to prinoipal June 80th th of $1 and upwarInterest ds received . cow - 1 and Deeembett Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKiON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. nURDON, Manager. 11110 ROWS A, SI)ABADBIIS We have just received a number of fine Spreaders --The Successor—which does its work in fine style. This is recognized .to be the best on the market, PLOWS We handle Perrin Plows and have just received a ca,rtoad of walking; lid. ing and gang, plows made by this reliable firrni. THORNTON BAKER • Agent for the Sylvester and • Perrin no! (Joinpanies Fixeter Ontario Lumber, Bi!ingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Sash, Doors, Fro mes and all Building Material§ ---Water -Finished or in Knock dowy, always on hand. Highest price paid, for Saw- logs ofevery description. Custom sawingh•promptly °•attended to. • Estimates cheerfully given. The Ro5S Tayloreop Ltd , Elzeter, Ont. - Marriage Licenses issued at the ADVOCATE OFFICE tCf