Exeter Advocate, 1906-08-16, Page 5THE buocatp, etzbiia lied every Iseerseey Leeming at tine O1 e &Il'rT-S`l'RHH`I', 4XE T Z.R. 89 tie- APVQOATE .1481.:ISH NQ QOMPANY TEi33fI.9 Qp 0UESaneene e, • ue eat llsr rer auraose lg . ilad in advanced $1.5o. if not'so paid; .aLdlrsroxt•'i sle C4 (.,4F -17.1P4? -1•• No paper discontinued until all arrearages aro paid Advertisements without specified directions will be. 'published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for tranecient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOE PULNWING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, &e., for advertising, subscription, ete., to bo made payable to Sanders & Creech, P OPItIETORS Property for Sale.:: A line pasture farm in the Townsiiip- of Hay, near $arepta; one hundred aures, 85 acres seeded, frame houso and good stable, good water, etc., ,Another 100acre farm for sale, in the township of Usborne,south of Elimville,conyenient to sohooi,well drained, small orchard, 10 acres bush, frame house, barn, stable and grainary. Apply to SANDERS a$G CREE.Cl, Exeter. Dashwood oiler ill A real good gime to buy our .famous White Star Flour is novo. Made from the very finest of wheat :-acknawledged" to be the best in America—The Mills, the Millers, and the Milling Process all thoroughly adapted for obtaining the highest re suits,;-For.strength, richness, whole- nessateidetppetizing flavorit is with out equal; makes more 'bread easier andbetter than any'o her-- iv be e t gr es solid ;satisfaction to consumer and producer --=Buy it and. you Will. please yourself and your good wife as well.—House- wives all over the county' etndorse our claims. We solicit your patronage. Jos.Edt, Dashwood 1 .Having disposed of con- siderable of my property in Exeter,'I take this op- portunity of thanking the people who patronized me for 14 years and of.asking all those owing' 'me to • please call at once and settle'fas..I expect to go West inside of two weeks. Jos. Cobbledick. ft�fl tip,,,,1j 01 els gin i�Sa l 04 �� ,r. 114JIB .. .. , , ..... r ,' 'i. �I II 111111 I 11 No range can bake so well as the Tuiperial Dx- ford, because no other range has the Diffusive Ogen ]ue than. draw ,,.n. Ore air constantly, .eats it just as hot as you want it heated, and sends it through every part of the whole oven every second. ..That flue, found only,in this. perfect range, keeps that heated pure air D R Y air— constantly moving DOWNWARD through the oven, over the baking food, and out up the chimney. When it enters the oven it's hot and dry ; when it leaves it, it's wet carries with it all -the mom - tyre, all the ,odors,: - but NONE of the juices of the food that's being baked.. _Please --visit -any-f=our stores and see why 11 this is the right range for your kitchen.. Irl$ 24 lig iI I iIII,�I it ., gill 1 j 1 I IiI IIII IIII I' all `' 1111111 III �gl( Ii..,IIII ��•�,, �1 1� Ii�� ' hIlouiiO(20 Ilii���� iI( Il 11� it4 I . ,4 -.•I 11111111111111111111111111illillilililili 1 1P -V1.:1,11$41114 1111 NULri l (IIII 1�i 111 IIIIIII�II ilii p 111 i��'r;illil 11111111 THE GURNEY FOUNDRY CO., L mites Toronto blohtreal ' Hamilton. Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver Exeter Agt. round 'About *Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The greatUterinne Tonic,' and only, safe eSectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three ,derees of strength No...1,. $1; No. 2, 10 degreesstronger %3; No. 3, for special 'c Sold by all ts, or sent ases, per box. repaid on receipt of price. • Free pamphlet. Address : TH� COOK MEDICINE CO..TORONTO.ONT. (formerlulfl�z' 1 During The Warm Weather We are offering some exceptional values in Pianos and Organs ans Our Goods are of the best quality, and we will he satisfied with the SMALL PROFITS. Prices and terms' that will suit the most exacting. In Sewing Maicbines " we .can cer- tainly suit er-tainly'suit you. Stationery A. fine line of high grade etation- ery cheap. 0 CALL and SEE 17S S. 'MARTIN & SON EXETER MARKETS" CHANGED EAOH WEDNESDAY Wheat irai 11{Yr�w i4-.Y,7r♦ - 70'' 72 Ua r ey r l . * . r / . , Y .• , . i a . 42 45 Oats...... ../. ...../ 41... it -34 Pesi7�y.. .. r..... 401.441600.41 05 ' 70 Potatoes, per bag, / .... 1 00 1 1( Bay, per told............ 0 50 700 Flour, per ewt., family .. 2 25 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 25 1 25 Butter.......,.. Y 18 Eggs - 4.41.0.. Livehogs, per cwt., Shorts per ton Bran per ten.,.:., .. Dried Apples .41.. 16 41..0 0 50' . , .. 22 00 22 0w0 !J ...,' 17 V0t�FE 17 00('y .... •V 5 Mitchell": A large bank barn on the ham of Mrs. iGeo. Rock, near BrcuI1i:i- gen wee truck by lightning:ilad burn - ea to the gran a ,l. The 11.13tiiiIij was sir destreetiv e in its nature that build. lug, with the se'nsor's hay crop, biairley and 'Wheat Wer entirely consumed in leas thein half an hour. A. wagon, bin- der, a few pig', and a UI1�yinteZ' of fowl raises fell at prey to the flamed; r Clinton: Mrs. Ben Cole, fell' and broke one of her fingers while picking cherries one day last week. Clinton: Miss Edna Copp, fell out of a hammock at Hayfield on Tuesday and dislocated her shoulder. Mitchell: Wednesday forenoon a piece of ice fell on the hand of Mrs. Resist. Jackson, breaking two fingers. Parkhill; C. Malloy of ' Thedford who recently bought out J. McOennaa's butchering business hat; since•dispo'ed of it to W. Putnfrey. Mitchell:' The following were tick- eted to distant points last. week: ----T. H, Race to Christ's Church City, New Zealand; Miss Lynde to Winnipeg. Mitchells .A little son of Mr.' Fern. Salisbury of Dunkirk, T. Y., who is visiting veitis his parents in ,town, fell from a fence on Tuesday, breaking one of bis amps. Clinton: J. J: McO ughey has bought oast the liv'eev business of Har- vey Davis, and took g-ossession nn Tuesday. Mr. ' !avis will likely go 'ale Bread*Whiners. Bread -winning • is too often health- , breaking. For all who have to work hard and long --all who have to risk health and sacrificecomfort in the hard struggle of life, 33u -Ju is a ready friend. Our customers' experience shows it gently counteracts the strain on the' kidneys, and resultant ailments, stops pain, eliminates the beginning of serious disease and makes work easy, by btrild» ing up health. We like ,our customers to be satisfied ---:that's why we guarantee Bu -Ju. Fifty cents each box. W. S. HOW Y, DRUGGIST. •rf .� 111".-L---211111011/11, .� ;�E',r40w"I1; ki.. :::;! ; ,••d a► 1114,11aa-- .. .a i n ��, a►r1;momp,Aiwo,�„ArA ....,mac. 1.. • .� .y fKfa K\INr. • J LLO aNa'i,.. TAY FENCE fell e. The Dillon 1intOIC STAY Fenee Is to your atoek what tuburance 1$ to your fatuity. It rotect, thorn and often lavegeast of i"terirary. llluatrated lla►taiorto free Ire agoutis Waut#d. RE FENCE CO.. 1.111411 rrr,. W. J. Heaman, Agent. 110"000 412% rise Great' i npiaals .ElemeaiI Tones and ir1vil'or tes the whole nerving r .Reese, )n akoe nisi' ,heed fan em Velem, fres N emit , Afentof and Praire,Worry, lam. pottac;nety►, >We'akne .LniOaato ls.St, et matorrh et, ti :Pet* of hKe 0t' J�, cesaelt. P ire t1 ler' box,slxearOne willble Will eau's. Mold r as It errineslsta or milled in plain pkg. on > l df 'leo. Nem p.imphle. nailed ree ,'rfa,nr hla MNhr twi► wt. (formerly 1Fi'xaacis 'Bath 4 nto Biddeipla °. Mr. Mie' excel( jael etii haFi disposed of his 02 acre fades in this township, Feeing south part of lent 24 and north part of lot 21„ con. 1 ., to A. Langford. Brarsels: A. quiet wedding teak pIa.ee on Wednesday where Mees Mag - gee only (laughter of Arthur Cante- pianos, Mo2'ris, wee married 1.04a, Pol- lard ole laard of Geey, Oodorichi Wednesday Jno Lawson' ea£ .town and Miss 01 LV 13. Mc - Quarries, were married at the twine of the bride's parents. Mr. and,Mrs. Hec- tor McQuaarrie, near Brneeele. St. Marys: A. Ross Love salted Thursday from Montreal on the Allam Line SOS. Sicilliaan for the old land. He expects to return to Canada afterter a, year's study with English masters. ,Dungannon: The barns and sheds of Robert ]Darns, two miles west of here, were burned 'Thursday snight, with a largo quantity of hay and some barley; also some of last year's grain.: insured, Clinton: The other evening as Mr. Robinson, of the Rattenbury Houses: .4wovretiringehe eross'e+l~lIlis lege, when' he felt his knee cap dislocate, and in putting the foot down it slipped back into place. Parkhill: A. L. McCredie of Toron- to has purchased the flax mill proper- ty. The Flax. Co. will run the -mill un- tilthis season's crop is threshed and scuttled. Me. McCredie :gets posses- on April 1st net. Clinton: Master Earl, the 12 -year- old son of W. Downs, Toronto, who has been visiting here, was playing a= r ound a traction, engine the other day, when he fell, striking on his jaw and cutting himself severely. ' • Goderich Township:, A pretty wed- ding was solemnized on Wednesday of lest week, at Laurel, Michigan, when Miss Sadie Cole, daughter of Mr. Wes. ley Cole was married to George Cum- per, a young farmer of that place, ' Seaforth: The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Lloyd died on Monday of last week. The child had bee -nein -deli- cate health for some time and its death was not unexpected.�_The fun - oral took place on Wednesday morn-. ing, to the Maitland bank cemetery, St. Marys: A very pretty wedding took place let :,the Central Methodist Church, Toronto,when one of our most popular young ladies, Miss Nellie Del- , mage, was united in marriage to. I. Day, B.A., Inspector of Public Schools, Orillia. Rev. Mr. Wordsw orth ofici- eted. Clinton: Mr. R.P. Reekie,. druggist, is disposing of his business. to Mr.Me- Connell, of Detroit. R. P. Reekie bas six, years in business,and has been for x ea s never had a holiday, so he hadecied on taking one, and will probably.' take a trip west, • accompanied by Mrs. Reekie. St. Marys: The death occurred on. Sunday of Frederick James, sonof`Mr. nod Mrs.•John Scott after an illness lasting several months. The young fellow, who was 23 years of age ser- iously injured in an accident last spring in Cleveland and never recover- ed f;'oan his injuries, ' Clinton: tarries- Manning, son of Walter Manning,' started• out on a 'wheeling; tour; as••he WASgoing down a hill in the vicinity of Berlin bis handle- bars broke, and he was thrown a _'dist- ance of twenty feet; his clothing was literally torn to shreds, in addition to which he was severely bruised. A few days since 'Walter Hohnes met with a similar accident, under similar circum- stances; he was coasting down a hill near Grimsby,, when his wheel caught in a railroad crossing, and he was thrown cutting his knee seyerely. Clinton: Mrs. A. Million of ,Col- borne who recently underwent an op- eration in the hospital here returned home' last week. --A yonng;man nam- ed Jackson, from Londesboro recently underwent an operation at, the Hos- pital for appendicitis and is doing as well as can be expected.—Miss Tena McKinnon of Lucknow having recov- ered frons the effects of an operation performed at the Hospital here, left fa r home Tuesday.—James Marten, jr. delicatee-. who has been in health f some time, left Friday . for the Sani- toriuin at Gravenhurst, in the hope that the change may be beneficial. Seaforth: On Tuesday pretty wed- dinga ; took place at the a hme of R. Hammet, when his daughter Myrtle L. was mars ied to John G. Murray, of Seaforth. The ceremony wes per- formed by Rev.' Birks. The bride wore a becoming gown of grey silk voile, ith chaffon trimmings, and caarrie bouquet'of white roses. The In idea's maid; Miss Lillian Lockwood, wore aa,pretty frock of blue "silk voile. The groomsman was E. Murray of Toronto, brother of the groom, and the wedding march was,played by the the bride's sistere,. Miss .Leila qlarnmet Mr. and Mrs.Murray will- reside in Seaforth. SLIPS QF THE TONGUE An embsrriumed minister gave out the grit 11u. of au old hymn in this "This world li all a floating shoe." Realising that he heA made . a ming.. Wako he tried to correct the ttatme and said:: "This • world is all iia shouting glee." The coug iaation laughed. TNs doreinis, rsddetipg in the We, near. Ir s rOutcd:" "This world is all a sheeting flow." 'Another preacher reed a notice of d sikuxch lir, of which "now dough - Ants ♦ " a meant dusk notice. It was en *Wish curate who lard:' "Here beating/b. the filth obapten pt the Duke of 2oatsrsnot> i..' " •r: • The distinguished ethnologist woe the .guest of "tide prison warden. He was ascertaitiiii se as nearlyl ns possible then ancestry of!. the various classes of p isolieat s. The warden, opening one door said ; i . lit that department are the kicpto- maniae3." "Aird what stockdo they spring from asked the distinguished ethno- logist. "Steal preferred," sail the warders, who was a Igrcat wag, Baltimore Arlt. Drysdale Ind. Brisson of Loraloo is home on a ieet.' Ti•or Frank Granville has re, turned to Che than: ai'ser' aapleasant vis- ,;' it herd. ---.Meso s% Sreena:3n ar 1 nephew, Ji. J. Pell. nt have s'etaud•neai thorn their visit to Sti tfO1.•cle--- D, Filson of Lee i Angeles le hereon ai' visit.—Mr, waned PMs. Latimer have returned to Str.mt- fa1.1lss Ise Soeur • of London le . a visitor at the borne of it Tairrner. Arthur Geli:oao • after taking, up an eight months' coarse at tho Canadian Business College in Chatham has ob- tained his certificate' in book',:cepiing and,Cornmereiaal Course, He is now See'y-Tveas., and book-keeper for the Echo Bay Luaaaber Co.,'` at Echo 13oy. Ilills g reen WEDDING. --The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Troyer was all astir on Wednesday, when a number of friends assembled to witness the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary A., and Mr. GeorgeInnes of Moorefield. As the, wedging march was being rendered. by Miss C. A. Troyer,cousin of the bride, the bride,.-„ee pig itely attired in silk crepe de chene, trimmed with garni- ture of rare old lace, was led to the drawing room by her father. Follow- ing them were two little maidens, Verna M. Jarrott and Ina C. Hudson, who looked sweet in costumes of white silk, the former carrying a basket. of flowers which contained the ring. The Rev. Wm.' Hart tied the nuptial knot, after which the happy couple .were warmly congratulated. The bridal party then led;the way to tie dining room where a sumptuous repast was served, The guests then repaired toe an inner room where the presents were laid and much trine was spent in in- specting theca. Space will not premit us to enumerate them, but we must say they were simply grand, the gift of the groom" being a handsome gold crescent. Mr. and Mrs. Innes have gone to Zurich where they will take up housekeeping. Your correspondent joins with the host of well wishers and trust their sail over the matrimonial sea assay be pleasant -and prosperous. Zurich ' Miss Olive Peine of London is spend- ing a few weeks here visiting relatives. —Wm. Brown of Toronto wasin this vicinity a few days last week visiting friends.—Wm.Hilderbeand and family have moved to Hensall, where he has secured a position.—Mrs. J. J. Merrier, who has been visiting relatives in To. ledo,Ohio, for some time,bas returned. —Miss Annie Woodly has gone on an extended visit to Friends at Tavistock and Berlin.—Mir. and Mrs. Arthur Stelck,who have been visiting relatives left Saturday for r their home in Dau- phin, Man.—Miss Maggie Schnell of Detroit is visiting for a few weeks at her home on the 14th con.—The Misses Morrow of La2Riyiere, Man., are iu this vicinity visiting relatives for a few weeks.—The masons' have started the brick work on Peter \Koehder s new re- sidence,—The gang finished up. the Sax pulling far this season on Wednes day. -Miss Tillie Well,a£ter a pleasant visit at her home here, returned to To- ronto last week.—J. Preeter and fami- ly, after a pleasant visit with relatives. itSrMiabigan,'baave .,,returned.—Quite a ntimber from this section. took in the harvest excursion to the' 7'estTuesday. —Rev. Mr. Davidson of Varna was in tawniest week and while here pur- chased a handsome new buggy to re- place the one which was badly smash- ed lately, by his horse running away. —Miss Mabel Buchanan, B. A., and sister, ' Blanche of Jarvis were the emesis of their uncle, Dr. Buchanan Wednesday; --Messrs. Alpert and Geo. Smith have purchased a fine 8O -acre farm, with stock and implements,neaar (irosweli, Mich. They intend to move onto it this fall,—J. F. Riekbeil has improved his residence by replacing the old porch Reith a handsome eewent one and giving the house a coat of paint, ---Mrs. Fred Hess and daughter, Flora, and Mr. and Mrs. Jac. Howald spent part of lest week in Berlin.— Miss Mabel Capling daughter of Mr. Peter_°epiing, Blake, whohas been teaching school in Alberta, is visiting. at her hoine during the holidays, -Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock and two child ren g1 Souris, Man., and Miss Strang; of Dauphin, Man., are visiting at the housenf Wm. Fee; Goshen Line.—Mr. Henry Well who has been confined to the house for some months on 'account of illness, is able, to go about with the aid of canes and expects soon to recov- er his usual good health.—Leo Charles- worth, while passing along behind the counter in the hardware store on Tues- day had the misfortune to comein con- tact with a, pane of glass which pro- jected over the edge, with the result that he received a bad gash in hie leg. He has to use a cane to travel about. Miss Clara and Pearl Buchanan spent part of last 'week 'visiting re atives in Berlin --John Livingood left last week for North Dakota after a stay of some months here.—Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner of Milverton is. attending at the ,bed- side of her mother, Mrs. D. S. Faust, whn is ill.--Duringg the thunder storm on Sunday evening; the dwelling of Mrs. G. Pringle, Hillsgr'een,was struck by lightning The chimney was knocked down and the stove broken. Mrs. 'VVne. McOlinchey who was visit- ing there at the time, was stunned by the shook.—Two paarties here got into an altercation the other day and as a result'' the matter was laid before Suet- ice of Peace Groh, Tuesd•aay week. The offender was fined $1 and costs and was bound over to keep the peace. ---And- rew Johnston of the London Road has purchased the Heckman farm on the Bronson Line, IIaay, containing 50 acres. It hasbeen, worked by Mr. Conrad •Sier�o , when intends moving toliefSitlI. in the fall.—The partner- ship existing between Louis Prang and Sohn Truenanner, blacksmiths, haat been dissolved, Mr. Prong taking over the busirdese.--'Another important Wei - nese, change took place on • Tuesday when Mr. J. riveter bought theehaard- ware and tinware stook, and shop fix. tures,f L. O. Charlesworth. who con. ductea�the business here for about two bears.' : Mr. Preeter will co tinue the usiness inconnection with isgtener- aal store.—Jus. Dirstine hag'airehaased the bather business of the Xaa Reuben Hamacher and got possession Monday week.—The death took place 6th inst. nt the hone of her daughter, Mies. Wain. Dowses. 14th 4.aa1a. Il 1 , of Mee. lOiar_. Jane. Peek t e r of ( eats. Mary 1' k a the Age 60 y The deceased was Ntrieken &even with paralysis and never recovered from the effects of If. She returned only as few wc"ke ego from the 1% est to visit her relatives. here. "is good tea" It has that Bich Fruity Flavor" which belongs' to hed Rose Tea alone. Pt:ice,s-25, 30, 35, 40,450 and 6o cts. per lb. in lead packets T, ESTAUROOKS, ST. JOHN. N. B. WINNIPEQ. TotioN'r,o, a Wtu.b,rnOTPN ST.. E. rt ur yell, Hamiltan,was drown- ed while bathing at Fort Mississauga. Fred Bullis who was taken front the water at Port Stanley on Thursday, died at Victoria 'Hospital. London, on. Saturday.. From the time be was found until he his death he was unable to speak a word. Cures: Rheurnatisri, -Too, 13n-ju cures Rheumatism, be. cause .-it cures the l idneya.. Bvery drop of blood in thebody passes through the keys, to , be filtered. If the kidneys are sick--tired—infoinnied---they don'tfilter out the azic acid. It is this acid, deposited in the joints—�n the nerves- that causes Rheumatism. THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE cleans, heals, strengthens the kidneys --sets them to working properly -clears the' blood— stops. the ache - arid takes away every,y trace of Rheuma- tism and Sciatica. • THEE LA h M �+ FL.1 C MICAL OOH. .... 1~ a LIMITED, .. WINDSOR. ONT. • .. • NOV YORw Hugh McDonald, Toronto, is dead as as result of eating kidney stew. e • »PY' S uIs 3$uits to Suit Everybody, We have just received a large line of ready-to-wear suits, which we intend, to sell at rock bottom prices.. All the latest cuts and the best of goods. Come and see and you will .be sure to buy. 5 "M. HRU., General Merchant DASHWOOD. e 4, 5' .t 4f r ,'Ifs ii' j•: a1� lit telf l//4' I WISH .OUR OWNER WOULD USE PATERSONS WIRE EDGE ROOFING AND KEEP -US DRY If .,you don't want sick poultry, keep them under Paterson's "Wire edge_ . Ready Roofing Leaks and dampness are bound to creep iu if you roof the buildings with shingles or tin. PATERSON'S " WIRE Bir Z ". makes roofs air -tight, water -proof and fire-proof— and lasts a lifetime. It keeps barns, chicken housesand tool sheds always dry. Cheaper than shingles. You can do the roofing yourself. Our booklet tells how. write for it and a free sample of the• fin bast roofing made. Hardware dealers everywhere have it or will get it for you.' PATERSON MFG. CO. i lies Toronto and. Montreal Limited, The Pandora Thermometer r The thermometer on .,!%/ the Pandora range oven means precisely in ac- curacy to the cook what the square and compass ' mean to the draftsman. Without thesquare and - compass the draftsman would have to Work en- tirely by guess, just as you do without an ac..4 curate and reliable thermometer on your oven. The Pandora thermometer "reduces cookin to an exact science. You know . precisely how much heat you have and what it will do • in a given time. It is one of the smallA,things which . makes the Panddra "so much different and better than 'corltnon ranges. WCIattjrk Pandora Ran r -, ''1 'a►rN►lb► swois and rat:40 t40 r Lola 'debit, Toronto. Montreal, Witnniposi. Itioncouvor. St.. John, NAL* litantiltott To H 'akin* eon� Maio nts