Exeter Advocate, 1906-08-16, Page 2tUILDIN6 OF AN EMPIRE ANN AMERICAN WRITER OF CAN. ADA 'S NoultuwEsT. ARentartiable Tribute tu a NeeV, telateazino "Cotiqueeinei the Last Frontier." , stetting put a chain in the bulikein room. , "Se:Rites-1r Magazine of Ne'w 'LOU 4‘"‘! at the Mint. 'In Manitoba,. Saeltatche- 4"CLWi't on 'en ate etutalian NcIrtIktand Alberta t Provincee there are tweet, Called, "Conqueritig -tb.e Last wore man _two hundred thousand sguat'e Erentier,"'by Samuel Merwin, aod givetti moos of tiriticie land, most of It etch, deeeriptidu of how, ala einPire black loam, ready cleared, for The Plow. ,L there being built. Part I. of the ar- Ae much again awaits clearing. In the entitled "Our Lost Eamire" follows mountains part: ' tier& are, pouring in on every train to are inineteals and timber. Set - Definition number seven, ia Welto occupy this vast region. 'Towns and aier's mn tbridged. of the transitive veil' grain warehouseare springing up over to looe," reads: "To fail to obtain or night. Imagine ' the alississippi arid enjoy; to fail to goin or win." Twenty- Missouri Valleys to eettle over again rive years ago Canada was young and; under modern eonditions! Imagine any- UtflidLflt Toalav she is strong, richq thing you like, and you will probably and a tLt1& proud. Then, had we thought it worth white to make advances it ie difficult to say what might or enightenot have talten place. Now, there SViiKeeeee00 Can SO. 'Eno -spending 'out of land of a here - deed milltonit 07 a). far 'refereed bultdiog thetentth lase land obvieteety ree.44r3 Ttire two; trunk lines areet alreth(V uottee .Geostenetten Witeteas C•eriede. ,linefeeo•-leng We s.nall ewer- eing g, -A -/a cac,1 31,t-lut the foreeight 3E14 the taniiinctatog couroge .ortheenten who ave. etanding beCli of these hunt).- undee- trIkingse :nut evhe'rt you see thif,3 sort of ihtieg .irt • the ;paper -se smile. A vateo 'evottid Shiew about .asenniele freight in be within the facts. It is nothing unusual for these prair- ies to yield a general _average of 25 angled% of >vheat to • the acre, and 40 are half a million Americand1tfS 0 buiereels ofebats. Much • of the wheat is Manitoba and Saskatchewan and kit of a higher grade than any now raised berta, and, if you should ask them, you it) our West, and it is frequently mixed wolild find that they are not at all in- with ours to bring ours up to standard, terested in the annexation question. No, the wonder ° is that the. pompous •14Things run rather better here," they gentleinen in the tall hats didn't get 0 their railroads through ten years ago. Add to this that an SONO the Hill under- taking are bo1stere1 up with vast land grarits, and, now and then, with cash sobsidies, and the wOnder grows. No, the engineer is our man. Of the two types, the man who is risking other people's money is neither so pictur- esque nov so interesting as the man who is risking his life. It is the engin- eer who, is conquering this last, and perhaps greatest, frontier. EDMONTON. Edmoton is the jumjing-off place for all Northwestern Canada, the place where town and wilderness strike hands. Here in Washington Square, the pros- rerous title oiler of the Upper Saskatche- wan seems eyen farther awey ,than its accredited 2,50{Y -miles. It is 800 miles west of 'Winoijeg, and it some little way north of that fifty-third parallel, beyond which, if one is to believe Mr. Rex Beach, the laws of God and man don't. work very well. If one were to attempt thesomewhat hazardous feat of walking, due ease from Edmonton,. it would he found necessary to swine the upper waters of Hudson Bay before fetching up the coast of Labrador. All this sounds very remote and ineocesSible. It suggests rather the interior recesses of Greeniand than the pastoral charms of an Iowa Or an Illinois; and if carried away from New York, buttoned inside a prosaic waistcoat, what Ie took to be the emotion's of, the explorer, my ignor- ance was not, I prefer to think, unique. A CITY OF CONTRASTS. Edmonton is the jumping-off place for board of trade; of department stores- a block long and a good many storeys high; of paved set and brick and elone buildings; of well-to-do men in frock coats or in trim riding breeches and puttees; of prettily -gowned women; cd the latest thing in autOntobiles;, of clone, churches, and polo grounds. All this speaks of the life of to -clay. But jostling by the prosperous merchant or the English "younger sell" is the half- breed in Stetson hat and silk-embroider- sa.y, "than in the States. The adminis- tration of justice is much more satisfac- kory. We see no advantage in °hang, - Lag.. " 11 you Wee eeer felt, as I rathar fancy you have, that it is in you to explore ttrangenew countries for yourself, that you would not hesitate very long, be- tween going into something in the dry goods way and going into'sornething in the empire -building way, you will do well to open the atlas to the' map rf North America and let loose your ima- gination in the splendidly romantic con- quesT of Thar taar Northwest which we know very little about, but whictt we shall, witty nilly, learn a goocL deal about Mere "Jim" Hill, and the new Grand Trunk Pacific and the Canadian Northern, and the Canadian Pacific, and the Dominion Government get %rough . with it. They are building -while you waia-an empire with which we, of these States shall very shortly twee to reckon. NEW METHOD OF EMPIRE BUILDING It is the first time an empire was ,over built in just this N.v a y. The rifle has no place in th.e undertaking. Thanks to the century -long influence of the Hudson's Bay Company, tae Indians and haff-breeds are docile. Thanks to tbie Anglo-Saxon sense of order, and o the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, there are few or none of those "bad men". wbci have infested our frontiers. The. Conquering artily is made up of farmers and cows and sheep and horses and plows and harvesting machines. Theadvanceskirmishes, if you could see them at work, ar hardy young men io rough clothes who carry transits and levels, and travel with pack horees or, in the depth of the winter, with pack dogs.' It is these hardy young men of the transit in whorn we are most interest- ed here. The farmer makes excellent foundation Inaterial,-the best there is, in fact; but like certain ot the others of us he is neither very exciting nor very decorative. In small parties for • •reconnoissance work, in large parties for survey work, scattered over three ed gauntlets, or the squaw with papoose in six cases during the same week. thousand miles for construction. work, bundled on her shoulders. The contrast man e was employed by a certain railroad the engineers are blazing the steel trails te 'eerie who* has surrendered much of H company, and whenever there was a across the prairies and -through the wilt himeelf to the effete in.fluence of sour derness. B fore many of thein° lies hardship, perhaps starvation. For the larger survey parties provisions are "ne freighted out by Indians and cached whereeexpert woodsmen can find them, But the 'small reconnoissance parties, plunging into the northwestern moun- tains for six months at a time, can carry only a few staples. When gun and rod fail, they must eat dog. In winter -and winter is winter up there - they must roll up in a blanket or two and sleep under the stare. A.• Canadian Paciric engineer, poor Vance, was froz- en to death west of Battleford two wine s . Through this veil glistened the silver taragoI know an engineer who has slept under canvas when the camp ther- askatchewa.n, as it wound "ifs letsure- ammeter registered fifty-six below zero. ly way loneard Iludson Bay, It wes all v I know another engineer who thirties ery serene and very chartniog. At this little, at forty below,of rolling up in a moment It seemed, after all, as if I eingle Hudson Bay blaoket on the snow. In summer this same country is hot, and, to places, dusty, and along the river bottoms the insect pests are all 'but unbearable. The minute endtedi- Ous work of surveying end tnap.,matting. but even if they could have slipped safe- . is relieved only by intereals of pushing ly under the railroad bridge, they would through rough country. of Winding rafts have come up short against the very business -like log boom just below. HOW JURIES ARE FIXED" 1:11DICTS ARE BOUGIIT AND SOLD IN NEW VORIE. lia ealie Doinge la the Courts of That City ----Uaw 1110 Setetern Is • • Worked. Jury "king." rsaid, an, ee-Neeen York. court atteritey to the writee recently, It suppoee, iirevabwn in your countree but over here it ilourishea to en (Iterat- ing degree. When I tell you that, it is poesible to get a juryman to giVe a verr Ojet any way you like for sums rang- ing from $10 upward, you will have a cfiroalgn.mentary idea of the extent of itirY fi "xing" in this land of graft and free. • I know one man who for years has been employed by a street railroad company simply In serve an juriee 'which try those cases fir which the company is interested, and he works on a system which is highly successful. Ile has served on doeens-I might say hundreds -or, juries to which he has never been summoned, both in the City and the Supreme Courts, and though the judges may possibly have their su- spicions they seldom take the trouble either to have the matter investigated oe the fellow turned down, And how does he manage it? Well, first of all he has, of course, to "fix" the clerk to the Court, but this, as a rule, Is the eaeiest move in the game. Clerks, even in the Supreme Court, de not get altogether dazzling salaries, and so, if their consciences are in the least bit etas - tic, they are only too glad to add to their wages by assisting a jury ,fi IF THE RISK IS NOT TOO GREAT. The method of choosing a jury in the -States. is rather interesting. Twice every month a list of the men eligible L o serve on juries is furnished to the clerk to the Court by the Commissioner 'of. Jurors. Each list nunibers .seventy- five names, and these the clerk re - wiles on separate slips of paper and folds them, after whieh they are,thrown into a wheel. Of course,all" the men whose names appear onnthe list must be in court, so that if selected they will be ready at once to enter the box, When the court is assembled the wheel containing the names is given a quick turn, and after it has ceoesed to revolve the clerk puts in his hand, takes out a slip, and reads the name. Then the owner of the name called makes his way to the bar. is put through a brief examination, and, if everything is in order, he goes into the box. This short ciescription willshow you that in - all ee being within measurable , distance. It cases of ,el , l'ie estimated that there are some three juin' "fixings' it is ahsnitn . Y 1 million lepers in the woi ld. neceseary for the clerkto the Court to be in the scheme. . - It is reported from Baltimore that a doctor has successfully substituted had Non we will assume that there are , rubber tubes in place of me, sixth and certain men in court-. Who, though their seventh ribs of a • patient who had been i names are not in the wheel, are desir- injured. t --- ous of serving on a jury. The clerk, of Greyhound has no -connection with the, color grey. While the derivation. of the ote tho ettoe. 1 4eteeti foe a peeettiee feet ttlat elet-EN OF TUE JURY Witilit aed, ae a consequence tho amouot, ef dun -Igoe which the poor womara receivt el was seareely euincient to pay her let gal expenses., .11'm weuld haidly thiott it possible that Mat C;)111k1 'bo found niean enn'Olgh to tolto bribee defroeid children nut et just verdiets, yet tins is very com- mon. Nero euro in point. Ahout two years ago a boy of eight was thrown off a ear througb °the 'conductor ringing the hell before the little fellow was stefet ly board. parents.eued the com- pany and his case was "Tried" at the City Court, Of tit° jury. imparielled I believe eight were bona -fide arid un - bought, but of the remaining four two of them I know Were "fixere," while, the other two accepted a $200 "present." The consequence Inay easily be guessed. The jury disagreed and a .new jury wes appointed. During the interval whieh elapsed between the two trials the fix- vrs" were busy,' and when the case came on again the number of men com- posing the new jury who had been bought was about double. The result was a verdict for so small an amount that the child was practically unbene- Med. Althogether the question of jury "fixing" is a serious one in the States, and the worst of it is that the evil is rather on the increase than on the de: cline. HERE AND THERE. Reins of Inter est tizAint;ut Atimost Every - The titmouse is no mouse, but a bird. Every year the Engli.sh Mint issues „over 8,000400 copper coins. A new prize of- $i0,000 is offered in France for the invention of a diriginle balloon. Since the Suez' anal was opened its annual revenue has increased from • $1,800;000 to $20,000,000. 4 Salt has long been wholly excluded; from the class of bodies denominated' salts. .Table salt is chloride of sodium. Bridegroom has nothing to do with groom. R from the old English word guma, man.' Hence, brydguma, the. bride's man. For swinging a monkey round his head by its tail a showman was sen- tenced to twenty-eight days' imptison- mpot in Liverpool. The Paris Academy of Medicine offers a prize every year for. the discovery ef an absolute cure for tuberculosis. So far, no' one has won it. Alumivium paper, which is a new 'ar- ticle of production, is said to preserve the sweetness of butter that is wrapped in it for a very long, time. The cure •of leprosy is now regarded course, emows very well who they. are, and, when he taltes a slip out of the first part . of • the word is uncertam, it wheel, instead of reading the naniet is possibly from grey or gray, a badger. thereon he substautes that of one of the men who he knows is desirous Of scree Mg. Th fraudulent juror at once re- ' plies to his narne, melees his way to the bar, and enters the box. ON SIX. CASES IN ONE WEEK. have known One man to act ale jury - Atlantic States, is somewhat bewilder- ing; One evening I strolled to the brink otthe bluff and tried to straighten it out. Edrnonton was the frontier; I knew that. But maps, with great "tinexPlor- ed" patches on them, are not so con- vincirig as they might be when one is in the living' presence of clubs, and banks, and churches, and automobiles. Before me was the mile -wide valley, cut out square and deep from the yellow earth. The smoke from the lower town thickened by a May orist, filled the val- ley to the brim, and in the meonlight it was luminous andfaintly purple. might be pretty close to those unex- plored blank spaces. I shotild Italie lik- ed to let my thoughts float off down stream through the mist to encounter the -Wild adventures of frontier times; In order to ferry. supplies, Instruments, and records acroseerivers, of cutting a way for pack horses through tangled ' windfalls, or, in winter, of "breilking . trail" for the doge. THE LURE OF THE WILDERNESS. 13y way of recompense for this work the engineer, equipped with technical Raining and with years. of hard experi- ence, shares with .the college professor the distinction of being the most high- ly underpaid of brain workers. A fat (raveling sinestrian with a orrin, at good story or two, and a fundtbf 'etti4stinn- tilde gt•attoriar, will draw from twice lo ten times the salary. And the curious ' thing is that they love the Me, these Jean, youngish men with the clear heads and the magnifi- cent Welles. They will perhaps try to make you think they don't. They are It silent lot, as becomes men who pass their years in the .wilderness or in the lonely, wind-swept; prairies, end they are working for •corporation clirectore whose bueiness eat'e are not attuned to the call_ of the Wild, ., But if you could drop into the Alberta Hotel at Edmon- ton, on eome mild spring evening, and baVea look at the aosistatit engineers and the instrument men who are booked (di (Reappear toward the Inoclaee.' within al day Or two, for come oix. eight or ten lonthe, you would see whatI mean. he 'undying spirit of adventure is in MARY'S CHOICE. tient eyee; the half-c)w:alone ewagger f the soldier of fortune it: in their eartariner SawYer, what k3 Your datight tridet'Allil (tame haunting desire that! ter Mary going to do when 'Oho finisher" reete teitril1e,y1back to Africa. that (IfilitV4 at Conegor tte, ilfAdier to 'the was' o or the eiailor lo 1 4 "Va. 1 !ander ft-Vkitn the -ell twit t the eeita la !sanding tliteee Inela back Ito tWliool. She thinks she'd like the efaeat the Iiiilderne:+ ' I 'hone' ! , I FROM ENGINEER TO GRAND PIANO. The wild days are almost aver with; the frontier is losing ground every day. In the trading stores at Ethnonton, the halt -breeds ,sit, and smoke, and talk the old days when the steamboats ran on the SaSkatehewath Men talk, that way of the rotting wharves -7n Ports- mouth, of the aneiern, faded glories of the Spanish main. .When If heard this plaint, from the lips of a whimsical old trader, I gave up my hone of finding a frontier. 1 surrendered to the Spirit ef Jasper street, Prince Rupert: ,with its eleetric lights and its automobiles. I Merely shook a listlesshead- when a talkative young man put the age-old question, "What's our line?" So 110 was here. too! Behind a certain pros- aic waistcoat, a spark had flickered but. After the engineer, .the traveling lean; after the traveling man, the steam plow; after the steam plow, the grand piano; that is the way they build up einpives. A P0011 BRANCH. Comet': at anniversary diriner)e- You be ong to one banch of the host's flint- ily, I believe? '00r Relation -Yee. I belong to the br tich that never had any plums on it. case on in which his einployers Were interested he eveuld receive a note from them telling Min to appear in a certain court, where his name would be called. All he had to do was to answer and he would at once be sworn. , . Then this jury "fixer" would get buy and do his bestto get affe case decided in favor of the railroad people, or dis- missed,' or the 'damages reduced to• mere nothing. If he did not succeed in 'obtaining one or other of these vertlicte,, he would endeavor to sew ;so much.clis; cord that the jury Would disagree. And when the next jury was formed .• you may be sure his employers would gee that he was not the only "fixer" repre- sented, and the v.erdiet in nine cases 'out of ten would be given in their favor. ' which was hunted, by the hound: ' ' much to those Whose future he controls?" The Kaiser's new Master of the Horse "I don't mind admitting," Mr. C. M. has, abolished theo bearing-rein„from the Schwab, ,of the Steel Trust, says, "that Imperial stables. The Lord Mayor of when I•began to work my great object London has directed its abandonment was tee get trial. I lived .for it, toiled in both the State and private harnessfor it, just as most millionaires do in Hydrophobia, which hes practically their early years. But when thetmoney Leen stamped out in England, etin flour- came-more.thaz 1 well knew 'what to ishes in most Continental countries: Ger- de with -my views underwent a changc. many tops the list with an annual ay- The old incentive insappeared, the mote- erage of 2482 dogs and cats destroyed ey became a eecondary consideration ore accourit of hydrophobia. . altogether -an aceident-and I continued The British Naval Reserve regolations to work out of sheer love of the game, 'require twenty-eight consecutive- days' Gf mbney-making, which, I can assure -service at sea of a battleship eon year. you, is fasojneting to the lase 'degree. As most, of the men are engaged in The More money I get the harder I seagoing •vessels, this gives them the, work and the ,more simply I live, and, ehoice of leaving the Reserve or losing Ao far from being miserable, I don't their shipsknew any man I would care to change Bats, mice and squirrels unceasiogly places. with. No, sir, 'a man who is gnaw at something. Animals of this theleing money fast has neither time class have teeth which contintte to grow nor- inclination to be miserable." • to long, as the owner lives. Hence the The late John I. Blair, who could rodent is obliged to continue his gnaw- have written a cheque for $25,000,000 ing so as to keep his teeth off to a ,pro- and till have been an, exceedipgly rich mane used to 'sa.y that he • until after he was 'eighty and had to .abandon his money -making: "I never 'cered* for the money," he used t� say; "but, it came, and I hope I have made a good use of it. But what I did love was the absorption of the work of making ite• , ightingoolvals—ands beating them -aye, 'that was glorious," the old man said, with a rerninisceot chuckle. "No man can be Unhappy whose brain is constantly exercised and whose daye' are full of work, and when success crowns his efforts het is a most enviable man. , That has been my lot, and on looking back I wouldn't have it different." It may be interesting to add the testi- mony of a women millionaire, Mrs. Hotly Green, N,V110 says; "I don't think any .woman ,has enjoyed her' life more than I have. I began .willi• $1,000,000, and for every dollar 1 steeled with I have made fifty. Women differ; one finite her pleasure in society, another an her conquests, a third In family Blot and' so on; but not one of them all has fourid greater happiness than I liave in prov- ing that a woman ,can make millions at 'well es a man. 1 haven't found time to be miserable yet.' MILLIONAIRE'S OPINION Wei GREAT WEALTII ALWAY BRING HAPPINESS?. Sorao Rich Men Testify Thnt Makin . eamoy is Fascinating to tho • Last Deorce.. ab4o1Aut ettl;t4e tolisdee4a1:1•ofnicinniroroiriess,'t'aealkeici Mr. James. J. Hill,* one of tho world's riches men, 'to an interviewer; "don't you believe it! You may take iny word for it that millioiaairee (and I count a good many of thern among my friends) enjoy life just as much as their Nome fellows -perhaps a 'good deal more than many of then*. Speaking for my- self, I can truthfully say that I get more pleasure out of life to -day than when, forty odd years 'ego, I was earning a few dollars a week on a Mississippi boat. No, it is not the money that gives itshreacptignasuirtre, although there's some sat - that; but it is the hard worle toed the planning that go to the making of it." Mr. Russell Sage, the Wall Street CreeSUS, tells the same story in other words. "I admit," he says, `;!that I have but one pleasure, and that is to make money. The pleasure is in the making; tne deal, the risk, and the delight tef winning. And then -well, I just put the Money in the bank and look forward te the next deal." When Mrs. Sage was asked once it her husband was not an unhappy 'man, with all his millions, she laughed aloud and, answered; "I just think he's the • HAPPIEST MAN IN NEW 'YORK; • why, he doesn't give himself time enough even to taink of being miserable. Do you know'," she ccintued, "Mr. Sage has always been so busy that he hasn't had time to look properly around his home.. He's like the railroad engineer who was•so busy that he never saw his children except when thee; mother brought them down to the station to ,see him, go by, and said, `Children, there's papal' The other morning Mr. Sage walked around the place like a stranger, and suddenly tuened to me and said, `What a beautiful place this is!'" Mr. W. A. Clark, the "Copper King," similarly sings the praise of hard work. "Take my case," he said, not long ago. "f work nerd; I take pleaaure in my labors. I take pleasure in accom- plishing something, in succeeding. It is a pleasure to know that your mind has been active in the solution of some problerrie or some commercial "treaty, and that success, has attended your f-, ferts. I feel as young to -day as though I had just reached my twenty-fifth year. There is en0 liMit to my capacity -for work. Why should I spend my time in idleness, when the World Ls moving on giantand on with d . CAN DO GOOD BY WORICING.' Thousands of men" and women are de- pending upon my •energies for their areed ann. botter. How, can one retire and su.epend operations that 'mean so per length. LOCKS OF LONG AGO. Here is a case in . point. Recently a Were Frsttt'llsed in the Time of tbe tnan sued a certain railroad company ' Pharaohs. .- for damages received in an accident while traveling over their litielie had, . At Kanark, ?he visitor is . shown the seulptureu representation of a lock suffered' the severest injuriea-leg brolee _ion is almos.t, e xactly like one kind en, arm fractured, ribs stove M , etc.- win but on the Jury, w,o,e no fewer then fourof look used in Egypt at the present smart "fixers," 'the reault being that the day' Poor man was awarded a sum insufliiii. Homer tells it., that Penelope used a ent to pay his doctor billsbreas.key to open her wardrobe; he adds . Probably you would imagine, that 'a that it was very erooked. and had an jury "doctor" was iscitnething in the ivory, handle. A Greek writer who liv- medical line, but I can assure you that ed iri the last half of the twelfth lin- 16 1S is faCtrom being the ease. . No; tory 'ekplains that stlelt keys were on - in jury parlance a "doctor" is a man doubtedly very ancient, enough still who hangs round tbe courte ,a.nd Mee to be seen- in Constantinople and else - to get hold of those jurors who are . where. Roman Melts, like the Egyptian; re- ' SERVING ON CERTAIN CASES; quire(' a partial sliding., of the key; they . were,however more , intricate. Ile will follow them to and from the Various ornamental deshgns are ob. courts and get into conversation wing servable on medittheal German lock cos - them, which le:not-AO difficult in the es, While in the seventeenth century on States. A few minutes' thatwill show have the "letter look", (so called. because, a skilled "doctor" which 'men are open in order to open it, certain letters on a to mhaen ybetoufghtti.les•e arig'ed into a word or combination to jury "doctors" are exr - series of exterior' rings had to be art treinely .clever character reader, and 11 whic1i eorresponding, ritegs inside the seldom happens that any man whoin thee' have decided to "tooth" resents In not a Single" case that I can reeall lias a juryman complained of tt i"don t°r'iriBg1::ribe61"i'ifhedoesiot take teir12evi11nblrouni on iie i,1pte)r1iig- to leave the iegirlt of exposing him to someone else. A jury "doctor,"' 11 he is soceessful, makes a very handsome itleettle, and at; hie buel. ness increases he employs assistants to, help him in shadoWhig bona -fide jury - then. leek had been Set), and someelaborate designs. in keys N,thich nre quite 10 keep. Ing with the revival -of art, Ilegnier, a Ii'rench engineer who ac- quired considerable reputation towards the 'Close of the last century, produced allow very ingenious Iteyloos locks, to open whieh outside knobitad to ee turned to certain marks. The principle elf ,the lever lock was the inventioneof' Barren In 1774. I could tell you lots of cases in whielt the most unjuet verdicts have been itho theougio the hustling of the jury "flx. cr." i remembee one speeial ease quite one email bey from the pummelling of recently in whieli a poor woman.of !fifty two olliere : "What are you hurting was; terribly injured in aetreet-paii ac- tine hey MO" cidmil ent. Her fay sued the et molly "Beeallse he made 80 nunlY mistaltee for ,,,O0.000 damaitee. for the vietini had in his arithmetic this morning." teen left a lieptileen cripplg. ewe- "Bute 'what htaceee VA8 that ef juee• "'here," and the Wtiole Staff WAS ft0i11 bit" itioyineto :nevem fellitieularly , "Why. 'lie let els cropy oue aneWerel too' iitee0 queetion poeSeeetel in their ern- yenE8 4110.1,6,444.4. 4 REASON ENOUGH. jlenevolent owl gentleman, Veseiling NEVER KNEW A DULL DA.1. YESTERDAY OR TO -MORROW. If the North Pole IS ever reached the adventurous spirits who get there will find that they have actually outstripped Father Tit»e altogether -in feet, lie will have given- up the raee, entirely, for at the northern and southern extremities of the earth's axis there is no fixed time at all. At any moment it can be either noon or, midnight, breakfast.thno or slipper -time, 1 work limo or play time, whichever you like. i Clocks will be a fraud and o delusion, for at the' Poles all degrees oI longitudo converge into oim1 and ther fore all times, The pos. sibilities of such a position are oldie:N. Not only will the clocks he, Int oir time, but the Calendar will as Well. It ran either yeaterday, to -day, oe to neer, row, as yole, Melt. eett-nnritt LEADIN. if MARKETS 111EADSTUFFS.. teretneo, Aug, 14--Flour-----OPtario bidl 01.6 fon Cr0 pcn omt. pattaeo, mt.% buyers' baga, otitoide. Mita,. Quotation.s (Aro $1.40. to $4.- 91 for first valents, $4 to $1.10 foe accp ends and 83.90 to 84 fter Bean-Ontario----ree* and Hem, at 013.50 to $14.50 10 bulli'eoutbido. Shorts, $17.50 to 018 outside.' , Whteat-ntario--No. 2 red 70i) 72c a;,,.;%ed, outside. Old vilit to de - mend. 2c to 3o higher. Wheat---NlanitOba-Quotations at latio ports firmer at 8034e for No. 1 northern amt. 113c for No. 2 norttilern. Oats ---About steady at 30e. to 2IU out. side for No. 2. Old tire wanted. at 37e, Toronto, equal to 3434e to 353.4e outside. Barley -New No. 2 offered at 48eout- side. liye---59c to 6tic outside. Corn -American No. 2 yellow, 58y20 to 59c, at Ontario points. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter -The market holdettirm for till lima of choice. Creamery, prints .... 22e to 230 do sotids. ' 21e to 22e Dairy, prints. .... 200 to or0 do pails .... .... 18e to 1,90 Bakers' . 16e to 17c Choice -Unchanged at 12X,c to' nee° Lor large and lege to 12* for twine'. Eggs -Quotations are lower uf nxe to 18 18Xc per dozen. Potatoes -60c to 70c per bushel for loads. • Baled Haw -,Old hay is in good de- mand. Quotations are unchanged at *9 for new No, 1; old is steady at $10 for No. 1 in ear lots here and $7.50 for mixed. Baled Straw -Continues steady et $5.- 50 to $0 per ton for car lots on track here. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Aug. 14. -Oats are weak at 38X,c to 390 for No. 2, 37e‘c to 38c' for No. 3 and 36egc to e7c foe No. 4. Flour -Manitoba spring wheat exit, - tents, :$1,20 to *e.10 and straight rollers, $3.90 to $4..10 in wood, hi bags $1.85 to $1.95; extra, in bags, $1.25 to $150, Rolled -Oats---$2.20 to $2.25 in bags, of (20 lbs. Cornmeal, $1.40 to $1.45 per bag; granulated, $1.65. Millfeed-Ontario bran,' in bags, *18 to $19; shorts, in bags, $20 to $21.50; Monitoba bran, in bags, $19 to $19.50; shorts, $20 to $20.50. nape -No. 1, $10 to $10.50 per ton on track; No. 2, $9 to $9.50; cloVer, $7 to ect.50; clover, mixed, $8 to $8.50. Beans -Prime pea beans, in carload lots, "•$1'.53 to .81.55 per bushel, hand- picked, $1.00 per bushel. Peas --Boiling, in broken lots, $1.10 -per -bushel. *Potatties-400 to 60o per bag of 90 lbs, tiarairtai. • Honey -White clover, in, comb, 11C to 14o; buckwheat, 10c to .11c per lb. sec- , tion; extract, '7c 10 7%c; buckwheat, 5eelc to 6c per pound. NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. New York, Aug. 14. - Spot, steady, No. 2 red, 783c, elevator; No. 2 red, 79Xc f.o.b. afloat; No. .1 northern, Du- luth, 84,Xc f.o.b. afloat; 'No, 2 hard win- ter, 80%c to.b afloot. CATTLE MARKET. Toronto, Aug. 14.-T1e late dulness in Wilde, combined witti the, farmers being busily occupied in getting in their. bar - %TO. has made buyers indifferent and diminiehect the offerings of cattle at the western Market. Choice Exporters . -Quotations were given as $4.40 to $5. oer cwt. - - Good loads of butchers' sold at $4.40,o and fair' to good cattle at *4 to $4.25 per cwt. The market wai almost stag- nant for the common grades, which sold at $1.75 to $3.50; fat Cows brought $3,30 tr. $3.50, and medium heavy animals, not finished particularly welt, sold. at $3.90 to,$4.15 per cwt. Hogs have begun to go down. The drop was 25 cents. Selects sold at $7.40 and lights and fats at $7.15 Per cwt. The large offerings of lambs here had the effect of depressing the market1 xt port ewes were steady. Quotations were as follows: -Export ewes„ $4.25 to $4.e 50; Iambs, $5.75 to $6.25; calves," $3.50 to $6 per cwt. . BRITAIN STILL ON TOP. Although the pbpulation. of .the United Kingdom is, only 41405,177,, it holds the reins of an entire empilre witn a popuo lation of 396.968,798.- The area of the United Kingdoto is barely 120,980square miles; but Lite British Empire extends s over 11,146.084 squere miles, being larger than the Russian Empire, which comes next, by more than two million square miles. No empire en produce' so, wide a range of valueble things, natural arid artifieial, asthe British. Precious Ininetals and precioos stones, ivory, wheat, corn, wool, timberfruit- in fact, every necessity of life and near- ly every Itoownluxury-are to be had at first hand within the Empire, and the words "British Made" are still re - Cognized all the world over as being the hall -mark of exeellence on every man- ufactured product, from suitings to Iran churches and from penknives to locomotives. There is one financial in- initution which stands out boldlegabovo all other, and is indisputably the strongest in the wierld. 11 is the Bank of England. tP , **M. EU 110 PR'S An interesting estimate of the world's coal supply is given in a reeent iesue of the German periodical, Steel and Iron. •The figures as`to Germany's sup. ply aro 280,000,009,000 tons, which will last, at the present rate of consumption, a couple of thousand years. The Cod depositsi of Great Britain and Ireland are placed at 193,000A0,000 tons, with w aannual conmnption of twic,c that if Germany. The estimated coal' 4ep041t ($1 Alelgium 0 is ,000.000.000 of Praneql 111,1110,000,000 tons; Austria. 17,000.000,- MO: 40elo0.600,000. 'north Americcoe eoal depoeite are edimated by ; attlhoriiy 6,4,,600,116e. lone, The lend fel. all Europe is pidoett at 400 0 0 0 0 Otei t4.)11,,