Exeter Advocate, 1906-07-19, Page 1(� 1 IADVERTISERS Ilersiettaher that 'CATE you. reach more people than theouels Ieny other channel. Farin -"age r- eLv boraght or e75•<- hang+ fee ee et at se oreeeabie • To Fapilitate Tog MIAMI THAT PAY* terrionist 4 The Sovereign Bank oj Canada rests on the . "mace ca investmene Securities, Letters RI Credit, COgedi001 ,Dralti, Money Orders, Telegraphic and Cable Tratt,sfers to all parts of solid foundation of satisfactoty banking son**, Every facility known to Modern Commercial Banking is at the disposal oj our patrons. TOMES A YEAR ''g' ,,I1Vitest current rates allowed on Savings Deposits. The Sovereign Bank of Canada. JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, and Dashwood, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111. Old Relialye THE OLD RELIABLE, established in business in the year 1862, is still in business although many have ,been the changes since then. We may say th'ere isn't one in business that was in at that time but ourielves. We still hold the fort for uprightness and square dealing. This week w -are offering big bargains in all lines of SUMMER GOODS in those fancy White 131ouses, that we had such a go4--season in, to clear the balance out we are offering them at very low • Choke lOt of Linen Towels, 20c. for 15c. Dress goods that we Will sell cheap to clear. READY-MAPE CLOTHING Will allow 20% discount, in order to make room for our fall goods. We also have a lot of Boots and Shoes for Men, Wonieriand Children that we will give 25Xdiscount to'clear them out. Highest price riaid for rProducef-Butter 18 Eggs 10 ADDITIONAL LOCALO ' Mr, and Mrs. Madman returned from their holiday trip Friday evening. here returned to 13rantford Saturday. Airs.Buchanan of Jarvis is the guest of relatives at Exeter and Orand Bend. Miss Ella O'Brien left Saturday on a visit to friends in Falkirk and other Miss ,Tanet Brown and Miss B. Rook left Thursday for a week's holiday in Detroit. gave' the ,ADVOCA,TE a pleasant call Ur. Oliver Graybiel has retuined to hie duties at the Sovereign Bank, after a holiday. Miss Tillie Balkwill returned Tues- day evening to*Hiernilton, after a visit of two weeks. Haying Will Soon 13e Here * Look to you haying tools, ana see if 7.our are ready. for that very busy season of the year.' We are prepared to sell you any tools you may need, such as Hand Forks, Etc., and we especiall7 emphasize HAY PORK ROPE Nit'e are showing the blst quality of British Z;lanilla Rope. • Tile price is 15c. per lb. 5 per cent, off for cash. Binder Twine: Don't neglect to leave your order early for Binder Twine. We have '3 tons of the celebrated Plymouth twines for sale — no other b quite so good —prices guaranteed. Winchelsea Profesetenal Cards:. Member of the R. 0. D. S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. , ,1 ' OFFICE: Over. Dickson dkilarlitig's Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Pariah:. Honor graduate of Toronto Univerlstv. eeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects met in Fallon's' Block, west side Main street, t1.0 College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Former House Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Residence: East' on first street north a office, Exeter, Ontario. .e.e tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, CommissiOnera. tSolicitors for litolsons Bank, etc. • ikt011eY tto Loran at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main Street, Exeter, MONE:14 TO LOAN, We have a large iunount of private hinds to loan on farm andyillage preperties at lbw rates of Inter. Barrietett, Solicitors,Mein et.. Exeter_ On Organist and Choir Master (it Mitehell liothotliot Modern methods, Thoronehnotta 0 GIRLS tO ' WC)Itit IN '_, MEDIATHLY MENU. Steady ena ploymPt1 t. good wages. ,,..1 Insure Aiainst Wind. The Huron Weather Insurance Co„ with iiead. quarters at Zurieh, has been started and ,a9 have been appointed tgent for the Township of Stephen, I am now prepared tp receiye risks. To teach S.S. No, 6, Ushorne, 1LI, miles east of Exeter. Personal application and a male ' teachey preferred. Appiy to For SchOol Section No. 3, Stephen, '114; miles west of Exeter, holding firbt.elass certificate -male pre - fared. Duties to commence Aug. 20. Apply to W. II. Dearing, Exeter, Ont. Female teacher for Junior Itoom,.S.S. No. 0, Us - borne. Light room. Apply stating ,t.ilary, etc. Duties to commence Aug. 20. Wes. Heywood, Scey, Winchelsea, P.O., Ont. in the matter of the estate of Patrick earey. late oof the Township of Biddulph,in the County of Middle. sex, farther, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant, to Revised Statutes of Oritario.18t)7, Chapter 120, that all credi tho said Patticlearey, who died on or about the 21st day of Jun , 1900, arc reqttested on or before the 9th7Day of Augusto 1906 to send by tiOsterepeld or deliver to the undersigned -administrators, of the estikte of the said deeeaged, their .christian and' surname% addresses and ries- orletithis, the fall partieulire of, their claims. the statement .of thereaceourits and tee nature of tho sec:males, if anv held by them. And further take notice that after ouch lad filen- tient(' date theAdminietrators will proceed to distill:. lite the assets of the deceased, amongst tile parties entitled thercto,having regard only to die claims of whieh notice shall then have been given, do that the Adininistrators will not be liable for the assets es any part thereof to any percon or persons of whose Maim notice shalt not have been received by them at the time of such distilbution. ° The London amt Western Trusts Co, tinnted. Ey W. Maelliannid, of LUCA% Their Volicitor herein. °Major Layborn of London was here on Monclay inspecting the armory of NO; 0 Company. Miss Maud Johns is visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Trett, Beamsville, for a month. Miss Jackson, dressmaker, left Mons day for a two months' visit at Mr. XS. Lang's, Toronto, Miss Mabel Gleed, after a two weeks' visit with friends here, returned to' London Saturday. Mis'and Mrs. Geo. Herman left Mon- day evening for Manitoba where they will spend some weeks: , Miss Bertha Mack left -Saturday for Brueefield, to spend a week vvith her cousin, Miss Mary Laing. MisssLou- Ptper, who has been in Cleveland and London for some months returned home last week.- ' Mr. John Thompson, who has been vending the summer near Londofi, is visiting here for a few days. , ' Mr. J. Eitcrett returned -Thursday from Goderich, where he spent it men th studying French for Ma tricalation. Masters Austin Duplan of Centralia and Norman Stonehouse ofseBelgrave are the guests of Aisle:ter Willie Birney. Miss Florence Wieltharn Of Brant- ford and Miss Line Hodgins of tolleall are the guests of the, Afisses' gobble - Messrs. L.II. Dickson, D.D.G.Af.atud W. J. Herman', W. Ma'am attending Masonic Grand Lodge in Toronto -tilts °MRS Lois Birney left Friday evening few weeks vvith leer gra,nctmother„Mrs. Mr. J. G. Stariliur3eleft Friday evenfe for two weeks' holidays with his broth - e Dr. Pastwood, at Point Au The fernilies"Of Alesste. S. Bowe, S. M. Sanders, Thos. firtrvey, T. B. Carl- ing, W. Bearnao arid A. Stewitet went to Grand Bend to camp this week. AfeSsrs. L., EL Dickson and C. II. Sanders were in Sarnia Saturdaseeome pleting Arrangements for the big Ma- sonic Excursion on Aiigust 2nd. ' Mr. and Mrs. &lintel Cobbledick at- tended the wedding oftItheir grand- daughter, Miss Essie, daughter of Mr. .David Cobbledick, at Ailsa Craig on LOT FOR S.A.LE: The undersigned is offering for sale the lot situate on Main Street, north of the pjaining mill. This is 4 splendid property, well located, and should make an excellent building site. Will be sold reasonable. For particulars apply to Mrs. Fanny Mallett, Exeter FARM FOR SALE A first-class farm, Lot 0, Con. 3, Usborne, contain., ing 100acres, with good under draining, On the premises are a goodframe house 20x30, kitehen 12x 18; frame barn ,38x50; bank barn 30x52; granary 21.x 24, all in good repair; 1 acre of orchard. The farm nf, miles from Exeter, with a school on the lot and a church opposite. Price$7000, half in cash and bal- ance on mortgage, or other conditions. to suit pur. chaser. Apply to Matthew Xelland, Centralia, or to Robert Reiland, Exeter. FOR, SALE One of the best farms on the London, north of Ex- eter, containing 100 acres; 00 acres of which under cultivation, 10 acres firat-class hardwood bush. This farm is a thoroughly up-to.date one. fine brick house large bank barns, all in good. repair; well watered, Well drained and well fenced, good orchard, and is sitUated in one of UM very best farming coinmunities in the Province of Ontario, and convenient to both' Exeter and Ilensall markets, Terms are, easy. For further particulars apply to Mesare. Dickson St, Carling, Barristers, Exeter, Ont. . Clerk's Notice of First Post- ing of Voters' List 1906 Miinicipality of the Township of Stephen, County of Huron. Notice io hereby given that X h4ve transmitted or delivered to the persens mentioned in sections8 and 9 of the Ontario Votero' List Aet, the copies required by said peetionfi_to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursimut to the said Act, of all persons appearingby the last revised Assessment 'toll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said nannicipality at Elections for Members of the Legio. latiye Assembly and at Municipal ElectionS; and the mid list was ntat posted up at 'my Orediton, on the ninth day of July, A, D., 1000, and remains there for Inver:don. Electors are tailed upon to examine the traid list and if any omissions, or any other errors are found :therein, to take immediate peseeeeines to have the said errers Corrected aceording to law. It WRY EIMER, r Township Clerk Miss Rose Satton et' Detroit is home were furnished by Treble & Baker' of ' ' Exeter and it la needless to Cay that Manitoba; Mre. Flintoff and two sons, I Mrs. Fenton Brovvn of Dutton and and Mrs. Dodsworth were the guests Pella Franels of Londoie Etre at present at the borne Mr.Jno. Snell„Usborne, visiting friends in our neighborhood. oVer Sunday. Victor Sanders and Will, Knight were in London ruid SaThomas Thurs. day for Whalen, after pompleting his studies rie the High School here. Mr. retorned iast Week from au extended trip ..through the Northwest. He is nnich interested in that part of the comatty and reports the beet a prospects for a bumper Mrs. Wni, Hawkshaw and daughter, Miss Jean, arrived Saturday morning from London .where they had been since their' realm from the West, They haveaiot yet decided vvlaere they will reside. Crediton Mee. Jas. 000r -well spent Saturday among friends in London. ---Flax pelt - Heist (Se Cd. have about 50 Italians from Muuceytown helping to pull the flax. --Mrs. Sehnaw, vvho has' been vis- iting friends in this vicinity kir SQgke lin.-Aliss Susie &Loiter of Parkhill vis- ited frieude in town Saturday and Brown fnutilyin this village WAS held at Grand. Seed on Tuesday. All had a, very pleasant day and enjoyed them- selves itsiniensely.---Sani Caltfas and wife, of Iowa, former residents of this Dasb.wood neighborhood, are renewing old, tic- citia.intances,-Mrs. Alattiertw Winer is visiting friends in Winchelsea. -Our cerneet walke are finished and are in- deed well snade.-Claude Bluett left Miss Sueie Rader, after a sojourn of for Forest Monday on a visit. -The six years in Detroit, hits returned to fitst story of the new scbool is cona, town arid will spend the summer at pleted. From all appearances it will. the home of her parents. ---Louis J. be a grand buildiug when Coinpleted. Kraft recently purchased a building -ROhert Welker and Wes Kerr haee Jot, at Grand Bend, neer the river. the returned,from the norahwest. They price being $100 Or one-eighth of an had a fine trip and think the West is acre.-Mrs..Pfeffer of Milverton vis- the place to gO.--Jno. Sweitzer was in isting ameng relatives here at present. Muncey last week engaging the Indi- -Mts. Weller of Ilion, N. Y. is visit- line to pull flee in- this vieinity.-TWe ing her sister, Mrs. Haugh.-iMiss Til- are pleased to state that the trifant lie Kibler ahd sister, Mrs. Mortz; visit- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra FaiSt ed Mr. and. Airs. Jecob -Kellerman sev- is recovering from its serious illness.- eral days last weelc,Miss Ethel .Kel- Out tailor, Jacob Holtzman met -with lerman,who has been attending school a painfulaccident, Friday. He was in Sarnei; jias-reterned home for the the aet of pressing a cork into a bottle driy-for the -children of the Evangelical severely. -Mrs. Jas. Hoagies attended 'Sunday Schoel. A grand program the funeval of her niece, the late Mrs. Will be rendered by the children.- Sev- Garner, at London last wesk.- We are erai of one people attended the child- pleased to learn that Mrs -Trio. McIsaac rees daYlestivai at Ovediton on Sim- is Tepidly regaining her former health: day.last, Od were greatly pleased with -Oiet loeel Ovangensen attended the the day'sPtoceedinge.-Mr. J. Reid of glorioits 12th celebration at Sea,fortle Lienry and Afr. and Mrs. leL Penn and on Thursday.-eMrs. Harry Beaver and 'tinnily of Parkhill were in the village little son, Vernon, have ret,urned•h(mie on Sunday last. -M its Heideman of after a pleasant visit with friends tn Exeter is speeding a few a few daye 1Thly, Elkton and Kilmanagh, Mich.- -with her uncle,'Mr. Daniel ,Shaffer.--- Miss-Siisie Kuhn is on the sick list. Miss ArneliaWitzel, accompanied bY her sister,Mrs,Burns,spenttheweek 'her home ,hereee-Mr. and"- Mrs. Sam- -oei Callfes and daughter of Kansas spent few elays last week, visiting ftiends in and around Dashwood. -A meeting of the directors of the Huron Weather Ansurance Co. *as held in the on Monday lasts -Mr. sE.AI.. Brekenetittbas been appointed Issuer ,Marriage Licenses in the' place of Ver. Sia5e1„,,elittel, Who resigned the position whetehe moved to* Steatford. Miss Annie Burke left Monday for Lim - doh to be in at tendance at the martiage of her nephew, Mr, Fred Burke, who was' to he married on Tuesday morning. e -Miss Effie Willert has returned to her home here. Meetname-s-The following has refer- enee to A, fprmer young man, who' re- sided about two miles south of here, and who was highly esteemed by all who knew him: eSt. Petey's Cathed- ral Was the Beene of a pretty wedding on Tuesday morning, when Mr. Fred D. Burk, of Newark, N.J., and Mise Teresa, daughter of Bailiff Hevey, of London, were united in marriage, by Rey. Father .AylWard, rector of the cathedral: The bride, who was attired in a beautiful gown of white silk over taffeta, and carried a large bouquet of bridal roses, was attended by her sis- ter, Miss Margaret, who wore, a dress of crepe de chene aed carried pink car- nationse• After the ceremony the cou- ple retired to the bride's home where breakfast was Served to a large num- ber of guests. The presents were num- erous and very beitutifid, there being many tokens of goodwill from friends WiriniPeg, St. Paul, Saskatoon and many other, far distant places'. The happy coeple left the same evening for Detroit, Toledo. Columbia and then to Newark where they will reside." Fred's many. friends here join in wishing him- self and estimable bride a long and happy married Iife. • WEDDING. -Dashwood once more contributes to the happiness of anoth- er home in a neighboring town: We refer to the event which took Place on Tuesday at the home of Mr. Fred Goss - man, vvhen hie -daughter. Miss Katie, gave her heart and hand to Mr. John' H. Collingwood of Exeter. At three o'clock the 'interesting ceremony was performed by Rev. Eidt and WAS Wit- nessed only by the fmtnediate friends of the contracting parties. The bride, who was handsomely attired in white, silk, was attended by her sister, Miss, Rickey. At the conclusion of the cer- mon y the guests sat down to a dainty luncheon,,after which all spent a very enjoyable time in various kinds of amusement. The gifts formed a Mag- nificent array; being articles of beauty asei value. Mr. and Mrs. Coiling. Wood loft the same eveningsfor Exeter where they will make their future hoMe. The best, wishes of alltaccom- pany them and may their' future be c:Ine of happiness and prosperity. Fer hay forks and slings go to .Tohn Charlton, Exeter. - Clerk's Notice, of First Post- ing of Voters' List1906 Munici panty of the Village of Exeter, Countr.of Huron. . NOTICE Is ienty given that I have transmitted !or delivered to t a: persons mentlemed in Sections 8 by the said section to be so transmiftet or delivered of the list 11160 plIfilltlant tO said siet, all persons appearing by the last rtvised Awesitie t Roll of the said Municipality to be entitleit to vot in the esid Municipality at Elections for members f the Legisla. , tivo Assembly And to uesseirta Eitetiont, and that street, Exeter. (m the 14tittlay of ttly of 1000, and remaino .there for inspection List, ate army emission oretesr `OrfrOril are found therein, to take immediate proceedinge to have tht JOSEPH fielime, elere Of the said mineeitslity. rotted this lab day t,f juin, /.900. LINTON 1 Her many -friends wish her a -speedy recovery. -Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown left for Sehewaing on Wednesday, to visit relatives.- Wesley Jones had a barn raising on Sattnelay.-Mr. ,and Mrs. Longuatiel of Detroit, who are camping et, the Bende spent Sunday in the village the guests of Mre and Mrs. Michael flirtzel.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Delbridge of Winchelsea visited at Air. tend Mrs. igittlaeW Winer op Sunday. --Mr. and MrS. John Wind returned visit with relit tiveS. They were ac- companied by Mrs. Henry AVind ap cialigh ter, and their little gra.ndson, Elnier, Mistele, who will visit in th village for a few weeks.- Rev. George Brown of Oliesley nd son. Ezra, man - tiger of the Bain Wagon Co., of Wood stock, spent a few deys in the villag the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlo Brown. -Mrs. Geo. Bedford is very ill and under the care of the doctor. Her many friends wish her a speedy and complete recovery. -Miss Bean, of Berlin is a visitor at the Evangelical parsonage. -Mr. and Mrs, Ben Eilber and daughter, Ruth, and nephew, Rei- land of I.Tbly, Mieh., are visiting rela- tives in the villege.-The Misses Brown and Mercier of London Are guests of. Miss Annie Yearley. -August Heist left for Edmonton Monday, where he will vend a few days. -Mre. Shelton of Detroit is visiting her brother, Mr. Thonias Trevethick.-Mie and Mrs. Kunz of Exeter were the guests of Mrs-. Dora Link on Sunday. -Mrs. V. Rate and danghter, Miss .Adelaine, of Parkhill were in the „village Tuesday. - Mrs. Remmer and daughter, Miss Leah, spent the past week in town. - The Misses Kraft, Finkbeiner and Goetz of Dashwood we'te pleasant vis- itors in our midst SundaY.-LGeorge Bedford bas been in Centralia the past week with his moving tackle, moving Wm. Mofratt's frame hotel; -Poste master Brown has had his d -re- painted.--Walter Clark, Dan Svveitzer and'Jno..Finkbeiner have had private cement walks laid by jno. Foster, the latter part, of the week. -The automo- bile from Exeter which was loaded with sports to gee the ball ga,me on Friday, broke down 'about two miles east elf town and the boys bad td walk to see the game. About nine o'cloek the machine entered the town 'and took the boys homesagain. Some are inclined to think that good horses aed rigs are.the more reliable after all. (Affiliated with Winghana nrslne-a eel/ego) OPENS EPTEMBER 3rd in McKay Block. Three Courses— Shortb.and and Type- Oonamerciala GEO. SPOTTON, Prin. BASEBALL.- Last Friday eveninkr the Clinton team played bur "Stars" a Vane of baseball but they were de- feated by a score of 9-3. Our boys . -A swift gatne will be played, no the •Recreation grounds, tramorrow (Fri- day) between our Stars and' a Luc= team. Game called at 5:30. Adrnis- sten, ladiee 5c.. gentlemen 10c. Lek. eVet ybody atteu'd as this will be an interesting game. ren's day festival which^ was held irr the Evangelical.. church last Sundat WAS a grand success althoogh the- -weather was very hot the ChUrCh wap crowdedto the doors. In the after- noon, several anthems were rendered by the &oils Rev, and Mrs. Beam - delivered by Rev. Eidt of Dashwood3e and Rev. Gishler of Znrich, The ad- dreeses were object, 'lessens for the. young and proved very interesting.. Pi the evening a beautiful cantata en- titted s‘The Shining Way" was give's*, by members of the SundayeSchoole The cantata throughout WaS well rend- ered,the 'children doing their esart DEATH OF ISAAC RILL. --T410. week sees another pioneer resident of the - township of Stephen laid GO rest. We refer to Mr. Isaac Hill, who passed' away at the home of his son, William Hill, west of the village, on Monday.. last at the advanced age of 81 yearS, The deceased had, been sick compara- tively only a short time from genera/ debility and breeking up of the eystetris Mr. Hill was 41. native of England anti °tune to Canada whee very Young, be- ing among the very earliest pioneers.- eing possessed of a, particularly vig- „owns and robust constitution he con- tributed more than the average share of eoeverting the virgin timbered xly of three sons and five daughters— William, Issac and James; Mrs. James Clarke, Mrs. Newton Baker and Mrs. George Chambers of Stephen, Mrs. Sohn Chambers of Arden, .Man., and Mrs. Tilos. McKenzie, also of the West. The funeral took place Wedtiehday tot the Exeter cemetery. • idence of the bride's parents, on July 18, by Rev. Eidt, John H. Coiling - wood, third son of Wm. Collingwood of Exeter, to Miss Katie; daughter of Fred Gossman, of Dashwood. • Binex-HEYEY-In London, on July 17, by Rev. Father Aylward, Fred . D. Burk, of Newark, Ohio, formerly of Dashwood, to Miss Teresa, daugh- ter ofeTermees W. Hevey of London. Hoare, Mr. Allen MeLean to Misled Jessie Luxton, third daughter bf Mr. Fred. Luxton of Usborne-both og Fillmore, Sask. DEATHS Jerinie Edith, daughter of Archibald and Catherine Jane MeCurdy, agett Htha.-In Stephen, near Orediton,,oz July 16th, Isaac Hill, aged 81 years.,. Subscribe foi the Advocate -49 cente to the end of the year. EDITED PRICES IN'DER TW Wineheisa Mr..and Mrs. Mann of Oshawa re. turned to their home on Wednesday of last week, itfter spending week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wheelers -On Wednesday of last 1,veek the sad news of the death,of His. Ridley of Gray- son, Sask,„ formerly Miss Olivia elem- ents, WAN reCeiVea. The sympathy of , the entire neighborhood is octerided to Mrs, elements and family , this their hour of trial, -L -Patterson CO. of St. Uarys are busily engaged build. Mg 'cement bridge on the road be- tween. Winchelsea and the Butter Factotl.-On Saturday of litst week, at number of young people and their friends picnicked at Cirand Bend. The do was hot but the lake WAS perfee. thin, there being searcely more than a, ripple upon the water at any time. Iloating anti bathing wet 4, the princip. ouv C4old Medal, 650 feet to the pound ft t4 Sayer Sheaf, 600 Ply Special, 500 priees are trzrayi down. and otir iLYMOtTirli; AJEE is the beIst. Et