Exeter Advocate, 1906-05-31, Page 1} L'eueonebee that, other peeieety sea, foe yoo at reenat-ile in Vfl*Rigo 1-NtTEENTE YEAR. cul prop 5a,vi ngs Stands for Security and Stability -- You are sure of 'BOTH and much MORE in The Sovereign Bank of Caiiada. A deposit of $1.00 opens a. SAVING -S A CCOUNT upon which interest is paid four times a year. Put your money in a. place where you °, can get it when you want it, JOS. ,,SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, and Dashwood, 1,-1Court of Revision, e The council of the village of 'Exeter met Monday evening for the purpose of bolding :a. Court of Revision. Conn- preeent and they took and subscribed to the necessary oath before the clerk. Reeve Hobier and Councillor Creeeli were absent owing to illness. On.N10- was elected chairman. .After explain - bag the absence of the other two mein - leers Mr. Fulte thought the court hava better adjourn. Per, Hellman and Treble adjournment to Saturday even- ing June 2nd at 7.30. -Carried. e Old Reliabl . We carry one Of the finest, up-to-date stocks of 'READY- ITU -WEAR CLOTHING in the town, both in Men's, Boys' and Youths'. The 4:plenty and styles the latest, and as cheap ate the cheapest. jusere- ceitred a consignment of these goods to -day. Come and inspect' them and convince yourself that what we say we do. Another thing we would. say nortwo or three prices for the one article. Our stock•of new and natty TIES, FANCY SHIRTS, in soft and hard fronts, are up-to-date and at prices that will please you, We carry a full line of Dress Goods in all tbe leading cloths- Venetian, Broad - 'cloth, Tweeds, Eolieines, Crepe de Cherie, Corde'de Sot Cashmeres and Lustres in all the leading shades. 0 That we have in stock Silk and Law's Weests that have no iqual as to price, style atitreesaaiiff.'"' You cannot helOuy, Prices veryereusona,ble. ' We still carry' the celebrtited "Astoria" Shoe. Highest 'price paid for Produce.Nolft-i-, Be. Loyal: The 24th, of MaY comes but onee-a Celebrateit. Our stor6.::will be closed all day. Haying Will Soon Be Here Look to you haying tools, and se6 if your are .reacly for that very busy Season- of the-y6ar. • e are prepare -110 sell you any tools you may need, -Such as Hand: Forks, Etc,.,. apd *e. especially emphasize ITAY FORK ROPE We are showing thd inst quality of British-,Afanilla -Rope.: The price is 15c, per lb. *5'per cent; off for cash.. - Binder Twine: Don't negle,ct to leave y,,o,ur order early ,.for Binder Twine, We hav6 3' tons of the celebrated -Plymouth twines for Sale—none other is quite, so good -r.:prices guaranteed... cowARD bLoomPIELp Winthelsea PrOfeStrional Carder. DIEINVIST Ihouse, assistant manager fman or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expen8eg paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work plea.saut; position permanent. No investment or experience required. Sparetime valuable. Write ,at once for lull particulars and enclose self,,addressed Member of the It. C. D. $. of Ontario and Honor °riveter d. gradnate of Toronto University. • OFFICE: Over Dickson & (lading's Law Office, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. SUP RINTENDENT, 13ff Lake St., Chicago, In. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Exeter Council, The council Met Monday evening after the Court of Revisoe had been adjourned. Present, Councillors Foke Hemmen and Treble, W,J. Heitman - E. reble-Abat 11,tr. Fuke act as chair - The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. John _Mitchell appeared before the council asking. for a drain to be putin on Sanders street to the corner. of sSanders and Carling street, Hee. Ina n -Treble- that the toren futnish 6 in. tile foe seine provided the. rate payers interested do the work under the supervision of ehe road commis - 'Mr. I. Carling 'appeared regarding the cess -pool askiug for ioformation as to the mest improved method of do- -ing 80. The elm k having written for information Mr. Carling \was informed that he woeld be made acquinted %vette same as soon as received. T,he amendment of Clause '30 of ay Law No..4, .1004, regarding priees of, graves was read the second and third tithes and"passed. The following accounts were read and ordered to' be paid: H. Parseies, street watering. $25.00; S. 'Handfortit Quance $7.05; Jos. Sutton $11.25; Wal- ter :Wescott $2.50;Thes.Webiter $5-25; FrediGillespie $27.75; Ed. Jones 75 'dts: B. Treble -W. j. Ileathan-adjourii-' rnent to llth June. on Tuesday, the-3th day 'Of June, at o'clock p.m, All accounts against the county must be placed • . with the Cleric before this date. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office in "ransom's Block, west side Main street, Dated lpths, 1006, LAB (Tierk, Mealeti e. ti• College of Physicians and Surgeon% Ontario. rorrner LtGuse Sargon Toronto Western Hospital. Successor to Dr. *Id A. Rollins. Ilesidence: East on first street north of office, Exeter, Ontario. tor% Notaries, Conveyancers, Conamissionem. Solicitora for Maisons Bank, OW. ' Offices, Main street, Exeter, . VIONE1 TO LOAN. WIS WO a large amount of private funds. to loan ) n farm olio village properties ell loW rates of inter. Money, To o4n. It have private funds to loan ,on' farm abd properties at lowest rates of interest. ERNESTELLtoT Office eppo5ite Central Hotel, Main.St., Exeter That well drained, well iniproved ford tru1V UP40- date farm, being eomposed of Lot No. 3.1, in the 7th concession, in ,the Township of Iliddulph, in the County of AfiddIesext eorita, ning 180 aero of land. Situated on the premrses are a good 2 storey, brick . house, bank barn 00x40, et.ment hog pen, wind mill and good young oreltard. Thls is truly a most desir. able prOperty, well supplied with ivater, convenient to school and churches and one of the most improved farms in tho Cotanty of Aliddlesex. further par. whaler] P, 0. Barristers Etc., Exeter. liotice to Creditors Under R.8,0. Mg, Chapter 129, all persons hav- ing elaims against the estate of allot -nom Glenn, late f the Township of Usbdtrie, in the COunty of Huron. Fanner, deeeaSed, who died on the, 15th day of , bruary, arcireqtrireil to Send ow Same to Executor of the last Wilt Anil Testament of the said deceased, on or before the ° 15TH DAY OF JUNE NEXT itne in default thereof the Executer stint not he re. , pave reteived at test date, , Organist and their Master of Mitchell ltethoilist If. J. D. Coo**, flhureh. Teach r Organ, Voice, harmony, 8oliltor for Executor. godentirietliol, Thoronvlineer , Dated, at all this st day of May, 191,8, - ?it severe injury Saturday at the save mill. He bad the misfortune to fall into a hole in the floor and in doing so caught his leg on a hook just about the knee and a nasty ent, was the eesult. ..Sajez 'Re istOrs.„ egeots, the ProPerty of C. Lutz, William 'St., Exeter. Sale at 'MONDAY, e tees 4.-7The. Tillage Pro-perty and. chattels of the Iate Thontas 'Welsh on Huron st- Exe- ter, sale 'at one o'clock. John Gill, auctioneer; John For Sale or Rept. . 134 story residence In gooarepair, and 3.i acre land. Good fruit' trees' ana the best of water. Will sell cheap, Apply to S. IRELAND, Dashwood. Pasture Farni.:to Rent. ' The undersigned is offering to rent that desirable Macre farm in the Township of Stephen, being lot 18, cen, 13, for pasture purposes. There is abund- once of water on the place and is in every way well suited for pasturing stoek. Terms very reasonable. Apply teMies Annie Burke, Da,shwood. Notice to Justices of the Peace The attention of Magistrates and Justices of the 'Peace is called td the fact that, by the Ontario sta- tutes for 1906, entirely new procedure in dealing' with the cases of insane persons, has been substitut- ed for that hitherto in force under the Revised Statutes. •Partitulars and forms of proceediii.0 for such cases rimy be obtained upon application to .the undersigned. • C. SEAGER, Crown Attorney, Huron. Goderich, May 26th, 1060. Annual Meeting Soutit !loran Farmers' Institute The annual meeting of the South Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in . On MONDAY, JUNE 4th, '1006, at one thirty o'clock.. The following order of business Wiil transacted: Reports of President, Executive COmmittee and Auditors, suggestions of points at which to hold regular and supplementary meetings, eieetion of DirectOrs and Auditors for ensuing' year. etc. A judgingmlass demonstration will be conducted at ouelple A Mirdial iniftation is extended to all; young Mtn especially. - An excursion will be held to the Model 1,Farrn Guelph, June I.5th, 1900. Seedmeeting will be held at Creditor!, June 2nd. See small bills for particulars of excitrimon and Ked El. HORTON, IL GARDiNER. President. Secretary. VICTORIA' DAY AT EXETER I The *Stephen and Usborue Agricoltel oral Society has reason to feel proud of the success of their efforts to cele- brate Victoria Day. Nothing was lack- ing -the day was tine, the entertain- ment good till the way through, and the attendance very lavge, while the total reeeipts for the day amounted to over $150. The stores and residences were gaily decorated with flegs, bunting and eol- oeed electric Tbe day was certainly royally cele- brated. 'The crowd began to arriye early in the day. to witness the trades and calithumpion procession, which fornaed ObOtlt, ten o'clock at the Metro- politan Hotel and consisted of the The VarIX101's? Tea 6:1,Me lie for con- siderable Intel yet: Billy Bryson. led the four etartere ' this race in. two heats, witil*Maud staid Ditiser Echo in elose, quartert3, foe second and third BEolloHo RACE. Sandy T.„ E. Handford Black Billy Murray Elliott Nellie - Thos.' Carling Ring Billy W. Bern Billy Bryson J. I3eatty Maud G. Lawson Daisy Echo J. I3eatty Nettie E. Lawson Leethorn, John Fanner, Rich. Davis, SLOW RACE, Directors of the Soeiety in carriagee, The slow race took on a differeot the Exeter Band, No. 6 Company of form than was expected, There were Volunteers under thecommand of Ser. three entries, two " jacks" end a Major Elector, a large number of school, "Billy." At the start the Jackass -was children in equads of twelve, each of ahead hy a good leugth with the other whom carried. a flag presented to them, "Jack" applying the whip and ."Billy",• then followed the trades procession grieeing the ribbons- The first half and the teelithumplans, the whele male. Was made in manner that would 'rlhe trades representations were not as numerous as they sheuld have been. "Teddy" Bawden, who way -laid the That of Messrs, Snell & Rowe *as a trio and not wishing to witness any good one, representing the differene branches of eheir store business on a large wegen, well fixed up and decor- ated with certaine, para.sols, etc.. and containing many of the employes of the store among whom were several Servee much credit for the handsome Of the calithumpiens there were sev- eral good ones. A. Walter's Minstrel -4crobatie. troupe on two wagons, ,drewn by a traction engine was much 'appreciated, as were also those' of F. White withl driving outfit which is - beyond description, the Minstrel boys on foot, Dyer Hurdon's Motor Car, end E, Southern it's team c3fteeyal clogs., ,,r136 procission passed south along MOri street to the Mansion House, 'Around a block and back to the, Town' Ball, where the Judges awarded the prizes as given below and presented Early in the afternoon` the crowd' began tie march to the Agrictiltaral ground, where the Athletic sports and the„,„hOrse races 'took pIade, with the results as given below. Of the athlet- ic, epprts the Tug -of -War sVii8 tbe most exeiting. The anxiety of both the Us - borne and Stephen teams to get eall the advantage -possible in 'the wey extra. yope,. foot holds, etc., was verY the elsborne men to demoreetrate their 1 2 4 5 3 3 4 4 superiority in "t belong pull, the strong , pull and the pull together.," It took tibout 25 minutes to - get ready, but wbeh ready it only took 25 seconds for the eastern township to win. Jame; Airth, a rock of btrength in himself, John parson. aid similar, duty for Stephen. - The football game resulted in. a tie 1-1. Messrs. James Weekes and Samuel Sweet were judges and A. Walters starter in the sports. The following won.prizes: In the matter of the estate of Thomas, Welsh, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, laborer, NOtice is hereby given porsuattlo Sec. 38 of Chap. ter 1.1Wof the Revised Statutes ofOntarib. 1897, that all creditors and others having' claims against the es. tate of the said Thomas Welsh, who died on or abouttlie 14th day of May, are requested. on or Wore the 25th Day of June, 19060 to Send by post prepaid, Or deliver to stessrs, Glad. man & Stanhur,y, of the Village of Exeter. Poles: - tors tor the Administrate& Of the said de. ceased, their christian names and surnames, ad. dressca and destriptions, the full particulars of their of the securities (if any) lid(' by them. Arid father take notice that after the day blab aforesaid the said Arlministrter will proceed to dis tribute the **Aft*" of the said deeeh*Crt among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such 'claims, of which notice shall have been , given as above required, and that, the said Administrator not be liable for the. said ropetaor any part thereof to arty person or persoes of t*,,hosts claims notes hOt hibve been received by- them at the time o Stull distribution, TRAMS PROCESSION. -1St Snell & Rowe; 2nd, Carling Bros. 2nd, F. White; 3rd, Minstrel Boys; 4th. D. Hurdon; Special, E. Southcott. Sono& OITILDREN.-The squad win ning the special prize of twelve souv- enirs donated by N. D. Hurdon WAS; Gordon Taylor, Russell., Flynn, Reg. Bissett, Tom. Penhale, TOM Sanders, Ed. Anderson, Chester Harvey, W. Biroer, W. Snell, II, Jones, L. Grieve, L. Eleyvvood. A special prize was also given to a killed composed of the fol - Heywood, W. Bradt, Clare 'Wood, O. Hodgert, F. McPhereon, David Halls, Archie Davis, Fred Brock, L. Ander- son, II. Gardiner. Antrawrio SPORTS. -100 Yds. race boys under 15, 19 entries, Lloyd God- win, B. Martin., Clarence Miners. Boys i mile race, 5 entrieS, H. Gardi- ner, D. Rendle, B.,MartineGhrls' race, 6 entries, Zee ' Siller.y, Annie Hicks, Gladys Ford. Married Farmer's race, 7 entriese W.14. Elliott, Fred Hawk - show, Itobt. SillerY. Flag Relay race, Exeter scliool with Ile Gardiber at' Russell Moy as ca.ptain, Obstacle race, Pherson, F. Ellerington• and W. H. Elliptt, IfeGardiner and H. Workman, Paul Madge as captain, team composed of Jas. Airth, Paul Coates, Richard Coates, J, Hackney, P. Gardiner, Geo, Bell, Geo. OraWleys. Fred Elleriegton, John M Rebell; 2nd ," Stephen, with 'W. R. Elliottoeeptain, team, composed of ,T. 'Parsons, Geo, Snell; W. Parsons, ,T, Stanlake, 11. Sanders, S. Harness. FOOTBALL.... -Between Exeter ttrid Stephen resulting in a tie, 1-1, ahd the money was divide . Exeter teen? con- Etel slated of Peek, intnell, Ford, Ford, Parsons, Buswel , Beaver, Snell, Gard - Weis Workmen, Trielmer. Stephen Triebrier, 1Cestle, 'Weisner, Westlake, ,Walker, Ford, Ford, Penhale, Sondem. iAortsn nous, , The horse races aS usual claimed the ittention of the cro.wd and every 9ver4 am watched with considerable inter - The one.mile Open face had tire starters', Italie Thompson winning on in three etraighMheats with Dr. Elar- vey as s, close second. the bronco run was 1.wobably the most exciting race Of the day. All started off in a iniMib$ there being five contestaots. 'The little cream, owned be T. H. Ilandford and rode by E. Elliott, led the pace • and the , other four were dose on his heels and nearly ,all came, under the wire at the finish about 141.4 they stetted, amid l'OMB of cheers from the large crowd. more than three broken etecke and a demoralized•gig, sallied -fort la with a, liberal application of "Ki -hoot" to his muleship. Then -the fun started and a general rnixtm ensiled but the Mule came Out the winner and was award- ed. the money. The Opera House was well filled in the evening when an entertainment was given Isy the following talent: Ca ptain Tom Robson; soloiet of Ilder- ton; Misses McLeod, Highland Nilic- of ,Askin street Methodist church,Lon- don, Mr. Heard, soloist, and the Exe- ter Band. The Society was disapPoiree, ed in Miss Miller. the eloentionist. who failed to appear, and. the entertain: ment, therefore was rather too much ITSborrie For hay forks and slings go to John Charlton,. Exeter,' confinedto his bed suffering, from an atta-ck Of typhoid: fever. ' His.. many friends trust thatit may be a Mild at- valaable colt .Sunday through death. -Thigalkple's annual pienie will be lernick's grove,. Con, the uenal epoetse consisting of races. football. basket ball, tug-of-war and other athletip, sports will take place. Every bod y welcome, The death took place :on Tuesday mornteg lese t home. of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fletcher Lot 17, Con. 10, lersborne, Of their neitherv, Oscar Ben- nett, in his 15th: year. The young fad had been living with Mr. and, Mrs. Fletcher foi ehe past four or five years having conte here from Michigan after the death -of hie parents. He had been lung tiouble for some time but had been around as usual until two weeks ago when he was forced to take his bed and frona that timehis decline was rapid, He leaves one brother who' re- sides in California. The funeral takes place to -day (Thursday) at 2:00 to the ICirkton cemetery. ding prereen te-Charl ton's Fair, Exeter. Air. 'rhos, Elston WaS tip fixing the sawdust blower at his sawmill one, of the (let ecrews caught the bottom of .his trouser leg and the top of his titook^ ing, ripping the latter out of his shoe and winding up the trousers Until they had been completely stripped off his body. The buttone were all 'pulled off and left in his braces, Mr.:Elston was eot hurt,except that pee ieg, was,, burn- ed slightly from the. rubbilig en the BASEBALL. - 01.3 team of ball players played two garctea with the telephone boys of Exeter last week. One took phice here on Friday evening and the other in.Exeter On Saturday, evening. The scores in both game were in favor of Exeter,8-6 and 0-6. Our boye have not been the gime long, and consid- ering the circumstances they did well, With a little practice. they will beable to hold their own with Exeter and evert give Orediton boys an, interestink Day was celebrated in It vevy pleasant manner .nt the home of Mr. and Mie. Harry Wilson, Fteirfield, the day be- ing the fifteenth anniversary of their ' the number. of seventy gatbered tehder cOncerat Wallops. The after- noon was 1317)asaritly spent in playlipe ball, croquet, etc. Tea was seryed the large dining room, whieh was tast- ily decerated with hunting. 'A lane bell was suspended over the table on which a choice array of eatables was . spread, After all had done justice to the inner man they repaired to the and white, where a lengthy pregrane was carried oat, consisting of soles, quartettes, chortises, instrumentals. piano duets, etc. .ManY beautiful and. costly presents testified to the high es- teem iu .which Mr. ,#nd Mrs. • Wilson. s are held. The entertain InOfit prtivided their -guests left no wish unsatbsfied for the pleaeure of the day. Among the guests were several from Lonclon.Birr, bury and Centralia. DEATH OF MRS. CORNIgH. -Death has claimed another of Usborne's resi- dents in the pergOn of Mary Jane, be- loved wife of Mr. George Cornish, Thames Road, who died' on Tuesday laseat the age of 58 years, 8 months. Mrs. Cornish had been in delicate health. for several years from diabetee,but was able to attend to -her usual duties un- til about two moaths ago when she was compelled to take her bed and gradually waning in strength she passe' ed away. The deeeased was born on the boat while her mother was jonr- rieying from Wales to England, in the' year 1847 and came te Canada When quite young, first settling in the town- ship of Ushorneewhere she has lived continuously ever Once. Mrs. Cornish was kind -hearted -land .good friend and neighbor. 'Besides a sorrowing heebtied she is eurvived by four child- ren-Awo sons and two deughters, whe have the sympathy of all in their Sa.d bereavement. The funeral takes place to the Exeter cemetery to -day (Thursday) at 2 e'clock. The jolly lot of fellows who ha've been herebwith atios gathering sere p foe two weeks have.gone to Ar- preSent, Visiting her parente here.--; Albert and John Hooper of Penswallie, afterei Visit with their brothel, WM-s sold a vpItiable horse _to Mr, Hodgins,' of West McGillivray for a nice suns, Crediton on the 24th and report haV- evil disposed taerSon entered J. Rates saw mill on Monday night and remove ed a pin from the saw shaft. tuoki132" it was noticed before the mill started. -Miss Kate Currie.: is visiting at Mount Carmel this week. -David Ratz of Hamburg is visiting his brother, John. -John Steeper has puiChased a driving horse from Mr. Dicksoce-Mr. Collins was vieiting his daughter ' in ' Dublin last weelee-Mr. Rhode. has O'Roeke's barn. Efe. will have fine stabling now. --There is talk of a wed- ding here shortly, on May 23, by Rev. Graham, Ea. Denseith, to Miss Etta Stephenson, all of St. Marys. ItnicerEUT-Fetss-At thle home of the bride's parents, on IVfay 23, hy Rev. Schuelke, Alfred R,eiehert of near Hillsgreen, to Miss Lavine, eldest daughter of Mr:, and. Mrs. Conrad Fuss, of near Zurich. eGeteeNwa----MOsuu-At the home of the bride's parents on May 23, by Bee: A,nderson, Jo'hn n. Gardner of -- Clinton, to Miss Edith R., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 13. Moser, of DEATIIS Bennett, nephew- of Mr. and IVErst Wm. Fletcher, in his 15th *ear. -ConinsE- In Tishorne, Thames Road,' on May 20, Mary Jante beloved vvife of Geo. Cornish, aged t)E3 years, S months. Funeral to -day (Thursday) to Exeter ceinetery. This ie the Season you reciii4ke thing in this list: 'Oil Stoves 50c, to $6.00 Lawn MOWC1.14 $3,50 to 8.00 Hammocks 2.00 to 4.00 Lawn Rakes 25c to 65e Grass $hears 25c to 1.25 Screen Doors 90e, to 1.50 Ser n Windows 15c to 40e Wire Gates 2.50 to 6.00 I ealiFeneing a rod' 35c to 7c • SAM ON PORTLAND QEMENT Or4er now bekre the seareitkt. Tinsmithing and numbing in a its bra obis. Heaman s Hardware 86 Stove Store