The Exeter Times, 1880-5-27, Page 4The I o sons an ItICO PORATB11 liS AOT ell' PABLIAdIUW'r, 163"a. • Capital, $2,000,000. MEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, TticimAs LFonrailaR, I;..,). - 1'revideat. 4.1.1,7i, Moustm Itlaw., - 1)I1ti'lCTOUS, lion D I1 illaeLlherson, .R SV Shepherd, •11 A Nelson, At 1' 1', S It Ewing, • Miles q ii4l,kut 1, ; 1rw F. 11'ot,a F n r r.\N Z Fro \t \: 1:x11„ Oen t Manager. „a/03,1%111 l;tUL 1 �k .li ()(eater Montreal Breach, <l. t.uN, 1, lt,; • . • _ - , frtsl+t4tor, �il'�c?ter 131.riuoi1. iU:NLLI 0.,1;1.1 wt:11 - • 11PANAG7E. 1 (\ 5 'Cti i'AitMt RS :\funey 1114tH(. t.ri tui to triers olio lis t 4' 4 011,tlla'ir 0wq( prt+u Stit ry lu t , u itis one or m ,t t 0:11 tfu- doisers, No nlur•r.,ago rctinired es security. • SAVI:;(IS :1.1.N1i 14'pPAItTAIENT (1 O.' 1'1?1l .I t-)estaitotr1 eniievosi;s. ')rafts on 1%liit. 1 -Letesb:n ,'..tand sold. Stor tor I ,xakut.tt;;e hough t mitt :obi, malleo+ nn l' 1t n all part; of the Ilominion an 1 1: writs vie:lpt.ly remitted at lowest rags (d ,xlm:11 L:stair A uestl.lt111S:11, C -tit 0-1111 r�i.l,� may TO fennel mt q His p rp � 111(3 ur (4vo. P. N3 Itownx,r, Co'.3 Trewsp pet !Lav tti.iftg Iturelut 1;(7116i 110 .prnco tieing et may (Ontri eay �q 7 bo ivaau i%1 at 111 tt4al.D,w-cif +At 2 317 rho 6reier Thurs. '''IIC'1SD:3Y, 3T1\.Y 27, 1880 NOT GUILTY All Mends of ]eliaien ani) ]norallte .Islet have been well pleased at the Le ppv res[]lt (•f the investigation which hes been Inane into 6eve1•hl charges of is::uI )rality which were made against Rev. T. W. ILuncifori, of Toronto, by a couple of members ,f his own flack. The examination of the Witnesses who teere redeed cu to in eve the charges can call at this ollzce where the fly rests searching and thorough, and re- veeied--nothing but that floating and meteors had been mode the foun. detien fur an Citta^_k on one of the a;''ert i ii:deters. of the city. THAT the Queen does uotwaste much love on (tladstone is well I(nown. Beaconsfield is the greatest personal favorite of the two, and he is probably held in higher estiuiatiou by Her lila• jesty now than before his defeat, Itis fulllength portrait hangs at Windsor opposite to that of the 1 'inao Consort. Tho Earl himself iv doubtless one of happiest ]pion in England. lie is, it is said, putting the finishing touches to a new novel. Ma. Beexic made a groat mistake in his speech against the construction of the Pacific Railway, when he attacked the credit of his own Corntry and lauded that of the United States. This statements have been need in a wily that are calculated to do Canada mere injury than his services as a statesuiaik can repair, The agents of e western railway have l)rit:tad a fly sheet, which contains damaging extracts from that speech against C;.Ln 1(111 and others which show the prosperous Condition of the United States hs compared to Canaria. They are ingeniously print- ed in a way that present Cantina in t :nest to tvarable light as eonpared With the United States. The party Putting 'Heavy Stone. Sentries --1st,. $8,1), ,\It.Iienzie, distance, 81 ft. cJ in.; 2nd, $2, J. I Io even, 20 ft, 7 in. ; 8rd, $1, M. 11IoDonaId, 27 ft. 100 Yds. L unziing Rave, confined to U81111 Supprphospheties & Bone Bust IOU YOUR (1 h,ttl)1'iN S. 4 miles of 11'ensall; 4 1311111(31( --1st, $4, It will pee you. Bold by G. :'MP. W. Waugh ; 2nd, $, G. Sutherland. • 100 Yds, Butktting Rice, open to all, EJ11 PLQ) Pala .t8.3.1I... 5 entries—lst, $4, A. llnrdoeh ; 21(1, Send tor;)molars expinit.itht our $2, A, Bright; 8,(i, $1, D, 111aI eurte, New System d'f oauv'asai11i:?: Hurdle Race, 4 hurdles --1st,. $4, adia\TvArel. erns 'should travel for the FO TRILL NURSERIES. The largest in the Dominion. (10nt1 talltl'1PH and st0at1X at:11'L'(yltieltt to rolls.' lc )new Apply,. tt 1in ref6)el•('('A 1411(1 o1100:iugl,m0t1., to' T ()LII. 2t 111.:I ,t 1.1 i, Nti'ii.vv (1 ('1.,'(1(1111to,')4(b, t t) \L'.' cotrtr .1 the nes(• 1(•111 t(1 grape, 1 1'1.11• Hoehn, a1(11 ))140(1,11 1.011 (lnit t;r't talo genuine throtlgit our an tdtm•i:r i agents..- I:1' f .2 r"� :174 I4; It 'p Agents have wonderful tmee(ia, toe el.:e ^l:ie. GlailAS11.1A. D111rdocnF ; 2nd, X12, Cllas, IlD10111; I�)ls ru I.QUII lx I\11I1',aY'rx, (1111'lrilhi14 i4t lUlif 110(3 h [`,3rd, $1.50, Dan. M Kenzie. standard. Aaaresa, L. .L ..l' flr4,t1 half -mile BBuuning Race, 4 entries-- The Henry Bill rub. Co., nest )n no 11001.1. T,nxts Mister tiny otter, 1st, $4, Charles Hewitt; &rd, $1, G. 41.43 natil 15 sh,,tuek,t o+,Nm,ro ell, Conn Mc:vs ilt tot c,lntdti,n t ,lr,' s. r, tuts, b utvty IrtelU'O , . Ord,: 1 ,ilt )ittte 11,0••1 111.111 rho [ltlterlanfl, :,., itett eve! Every •ry t ( agli 11.411 1.100 tr.('.0 11ta(11. Three-legged Race, 0 011601(311-Rtr EIAl � .. 7 1.,111 for tbu ;allulitr! eula 1,11:0 no o Ulm $2, Murdoch and nKNnzie-; 211(9, $1; Thompson and Lalnmio. In. this rape two of the contestants broke the knot that held their legs together; and were ruled out. Standing High Jump, 3 entries - 1st, 1 doz. photos, D. MMlcLnnzie; 2ud, Exeter 'IIMI N one year, A. Murdoch. Vaulting with Pole, 3 entries—lst, `; 2, Win. Baker ; 2nd, $1, 1). Alt:Nen- iFe. Potato Race, 423 yards—lRt, $2, A. Lam:1de; 2nd, $1, D. McKenzie. Girls' Race, under 12, 75 Yards, 4 entries -1st, $1, Mare. L grnhiun 2nd, 50c., Jane Beil; 8rd, 25c., Susan- na Shaffer. Boys' Race, 12 and under, best 2 in 3. 75 Yards. 16 entries ; le) started__ l:,t, $1, Wm, F')001 ; 2n(1, 73c., E. \\1: 10,1111; 3011, 50e-, Gee, 1'eu\i'ick; Itonttouand mita( 81' id }-„ a tent N' \ 1.11(, \'01'• •l h, 2i o_ W. Charters. 00+, New 3raiefin tet•+„ 1 ( f(tl. 1.110 iu of that would decry its own CUtllltry 1111(1 (11: praise another, merely to make a point Theti,tr, tl . Call ua']ntutwee. against a political opponent is not fit Eighteenhe 2111 it match let+ted a long tinlre. hllt4,1N 1+110':1'1'.1);layers enryaned It reeulted 1\1E'01hrrbat dihdy101n 11u0t1t0 fir. 7;11‘:1'; ]1clln\ (s01n Yint7ty,1 41.1:1);”) Ptei'e,3 1 F.l 1.toaaont(r(:e\.(.ut.tto: ,t.0i1n1,g1Y.~ oOt t • 1"1t*1011 0• nuuly 01 thorn 111( ) Y t 103 tt nrtnmlt 0f 11112111. 103.1 1.40 01t1ti4 ho) 1 1 ()alts la. soli -111'm,y f0) 1411 1::!,(311+..ell hale1. *newly, lien 11 ,h4 u1 1,1121 141 Vont (JrJq «2,3j1r,y, It P.1 ((\\,:11,&P1i,.11tin,lt)Cts. Iwa.s not to iof1,Lot, Cc' you (0012f ant. torn g • ri;.ht �lu' o, for 1(0aayala:1i [111111 t t,.3cif 4x1.1.1(.41.1 ,toy iu tlu' cltuuay. 'Lt. l'1( 1.tuvr, h,. 11t'ns FOutk: ' jw� +\7F'4 t' ,f3ar{4' P.• • Hide credituu gravel rood. k44 -1(v ,1,\ , ' ,1;fi1!\ t T a ru u JO111 3il'l'x Yl ti i.�r. ere Eton. Fob. 21, 10111 cu. SPRING :LII 1.1I N_E . MISS G-ARLICIT'S ,'oft lIloe:St7"tat ID! ta,NelvS.til:s;tu+l New it N1:r4t'11 1'y, 1' h:'ese Is. and (.l1•u,tlut•ttt5, 011.(314,01' t1111.1.1 ,t•cer 1(121)04•, ITC a1 V ( o0fi -t. to be trusted with the Govornneut of es below : e1 >~ the Cnuutry', and they 011111101 expect 1st, , 2, T. Ilt,rn, 02 points ; 2nd, to regain popular favor by any suelk R. 13outhron, 06 Pointe. $1, \V. Pickard, 80 'pinta ; Srd, SUc., means. Should anyone desire to see the use which has been made (:•f Mr. Blake by our friends the Yankees, they sheet ivay he seen. AT a meeting of the hi. Marys Town Father;, tile °then night, a very lini• knated scene took glace. A couple of [t. i, a :entree of pain to all Erne the elderly gentlemen had a :light :nis- C'.lristi:al.s to learn that any minister,llndcri t.12Udillg, when the follu\tiug very lively conversation ensued Conn 13'x—Yee, and now I have Too 0:1111~ preec11, rs of the Gospel to Gann )\ t rfttsollc{ i 1osei1 g the to t Gcvn clbrnd levee heel: weighed in the balance and to pay the teams for drawit)gthe gravel that filled -rip in front of your krill. eeCoun. Box—I deny it. \1'e pied then tea. There were many who fully ex- ourselves.011(1 110:11 cri ,1 d 0111111 in the case C:un.0 \Vintsnn.—Yoe dict nothing. of 1 `the eine. And yon had corporative ender whsle; some rare and ritzy de- teanis drawdirt lura your garden and velonmcnts would be male that world the town paid then, aff lei a delcetehle feast for the nimbi;) Coun. Box—Yon lis'; you lie; yon are )okras of the scandal lovers. I'1•npla a uare face) scoundrel ( tr•h ) aro not over particular ti their Conn. Whitson -1 am nothing of the 1 kind. Yoouu are the mesateat man in morals have 8 deeire 20 see 0Vel'7 ane totcn. You refused to pay your own As bad as tllusnselves, and they eagerly small -pox bili. seize np3n'the fall a a mi'liiterwta Coun. Box—I can prove by M2-. noose that all professing Christians :1nlnru4'rville (and his w; rd would be p taken in preference to Conn. "Whits 011.S are hypocrites, while in results it (tile by any person who )(news bill)) tr. tt we shows that ministers ars like the rest pay for doing ell that work tlnrselv(,s. of whatever denomination, has been g1ilty of cendnct unworthy the cloth. teem)) wanting,. alh(1 the loss to religion tllreu h such cerese3 cannot Le estinia- us, Itnin1Ln and liable to err. ;:r;. Cale. Trprzn Will vi.it Manitoba this inenth, for the parpose of ar:luir- ing au item 0;ate Icuowletige of the con- dition and prospects of the great North- west. L repeat, Conn. \4lhltson is a liar, suit he can take it in any way he lilies. Coun. Whitson diel not like to "take it any way he likes," fur lie at once be. came as gentle a5 a lamb, when the 'Mayor seized the opportunity of ad- dressing a few words of mild reproof to to the belleco.e ftenllomeu, who ex Zay- IIensF8 Dlto\wN]•:n —Last Monday week, lir. J. 0. :Ls,albllleiseh, of this township, saw -mill owner, had a r11.1n- eb',e team of horses drowned, \\'k:ile being drivels on the Iiel• one of the t)orels ,•t11111bled auil fell into the water, 1irawisig filo other 13arre and wagon with hint. 0:1 acct)tnit of its being 111,111(3 1111111 before a14istancs 011101 he got, 1)'th hor•(18 Were drot1ine'il, Tilos we: (I 0 splendid teem and were veined et $250. lir. I\ ltlbill'isch has been very 1141fol•l2111ato lately, About two weeks aro he lost a valuable cow worth' l5, shortly after it fat ex of his worth :„ 100 (115(1, a.ttrl a few days ago the eireul,ir RAW iti hialargo base null, worth $150 burst. DEA.TIIS, Iltwstr: 111 Irl:nlslxar.i, on the 1220'1 inst., liichartt tlltti•kec, aged J;t) years, • r( ctt lr 01-11• a .13.4.~.1 r'�Am. \-^ 41 Ann Street, New Y )k. t! �.l.�t"' �-•- Post Oftiae Box .inns JOHN BACK having pnrelinne.i the stool: ('ii\ren'••t•s. 11. & h, Hoban, has removers to (ho store lat.dy 0e - copied by ttil'ut, 'North of' 1.)( s.t; Oi ice. Alt i(ki1.lu Flow' and Feed Always on stand. FLOIVEli, 1'IEI:D AND (1A111rEN SHEDS in great variety. JOHN BACK. *a ( ) r .p 111111, B 14343-b t. yr�,i.. li i.Ja Gare now sinA, e : a 18l411 1111(1 \0111 assorted UiOO,�5 OF ii€1r'`1'1 MCf E,. MILE. `` emwixti,t;( of MIL('. CANS, PANS, &C., &1J. Also 11 new and 01011 sc1(+cfe,I stock 0f Ceti t 'v e '1 111 11111(111 fltey are offering, nb prion that tit s ciimp0tit inn. Lave 1184 1:nig( n Sp .n:tlit}•. Tools) 1'ti•;iu•-t price nail for llidten Claif 01(41 (••lu•+ t skits, iu t'asl 4)1 lied(. ay oar's Bazar Patterns. They aro graded to i I:T 17« ) : FIT ANY FIGUP HOW L0$T, IRSVII 1171 n 311 V3011.1541 gee itiv t,ullliah•,l a new r, 131,11 of 013. (.1.111,rinttlat:I:S t'IJ.l.I:P.\111 li l';os2 00 the rnaliettl awl 1.1rtu 11'+4llt cur,. 3011)10• tit 3(1t- dielne) 0f N,O•0014414n:':1)ity, llaut+a 1(1(1 physical Ineapat•ity iia4e )menta to \1(esltugt•, etc., ra. stud= no l (.0010. 1 « P ,0:. 113 • t. led envelope. 03(33' G ce•:ttll 0 Iwo put 1t, t . Tito celebrated t ,tll'1r 0f this an .irt 11' (sa ta•. clearly c] u t 1.t10t .10,un 21.01t5 yenta'Fue(t fol t,r.4 tte.t, 1.0,111)1(rn'ing 4 „1.;.•.) It uc(•1 toes be 1(1 )2oa11 f tilted N'i3Win( tl• e (:111; :•1.4.1:+ urn +•'f 1)1 ten 1111 1)1(3.):(1.,,,. or I lr• use of (711' k:.1(, ; 1'.lint 0(2 amo,,e of 4331 It onue t•i1:111e ( (1'1,11' 111.4 4,1- - fvctuu l,u; ,41Ctlll 1„14.1105.17 :.0:1'•)0•'1', l,t' to 70. tor wltat.i11,1 :11)11,1111011 4)41(1 i)0, rattly cure• 11101'•el:. cluitti.ly, in-ivetelyand r•1.1i'•aily. Th,a Lecture 41101 1(1 he 411 t•1i,:bawls 1.1 ever7 1 4 youth anti evu, y maxilla the laud. 1 At3tiress, \(1y HE OU LVEII t\' ELL ME PIC AL 00, V.TellazteL C 1. „.DARE NOTICE TO CONTRiACTO148. I nave pus'(:hayed the :It1','I •nl'(' Steck of the late firm of O':iyrue tt Co. Stool Mr. ,1. N :Howard. The atoek consists of The e0nstructimt of Lock C3'ttes attvertia)d to be let Uu the :31•d m JUNE 11(xt, 1.11 u116, t,idablo postft011ad to tho following dates: -- Tenders will be reeeivet until . Tuesday. the '2':.nd day of ,otic nett. 1. Heavy ".!^ Hardware .elf anti Asea vT� y HGrdLVvraie Plans. specifications, etc., will be ready for es- Spades and Shovels, Draining 5pallcs, Nails 0l lin:f.tion on and after • 'r'uestlay, the 5th flay or Jane. GLASS, PUTTY, OILS, PAINTS. 130 ordor, Saws, Chains, 13011 Stuff of All Kinds, 111,111 ((Vlj':Ct.'.l t?••1122)1 30 111 1': 'i:n.^it')seed.1011[. (t t u 33 117,4 n11it]lctete„wl- pally 0(0h miut 0 N'.(:0 0 a 1,02'fee3 lit. 'XItt'y (.3o 0b:t(lpur tams 11)1yot;l03s, ()NTY (iti (EN ['8 POR A. COI- Pl.EIE 411;111'. Aticut f'•rl: ,1t+. r awl v2,1)1121y, W. .A.,i..`.%.1 t''", : 1411:1.:3--r.i.J' tic 200.](1 al•:o 4211: 'pian( attention tri 1124' 0,11 a.44Urt, tl att (13 of 1' olt'•y 00: 114, I'criiu 1\'0015; )1111 cr'm ; 14,.31•4. 11(320400 ('upon 2113141 co'0rs. h )tags leg done t, ".der. A Foots (.111(3013 of lies- lert ttl+„('," + t wind. t. Pleas,; 0111 awl examine art , e ap 1 4)410(4 431.'1% y 11•lt'taa:ili4 elxaahern. 10p130..421 1,.es•P41 (4 Li' o8. VI a rg„\te, C{;.Osr3s'w'C u`.. c'1+,. a IX m AL\,71,1117:1 ll\T HAND r I\ TJIom 5!IASON, the beat of F 1 � ,T,'1-•�� ,'.� 11(11 Oat ALSO. L1/wkf//17e & Viate; Bane __. r.BEI DE, LA 10 SA'tgLAND MASTER it. application to ehatlge the reline plained that t 1. y were in eroor, errs- De -Lit ofilttilwars and,Can.tis, td Planter of Paris, Coal Oil, Lamps end pF �1y� { µ �e /�/� 4 OhifnllnyR, B1acksini Vhs7 Cal of the .L).ynnelly: murder tial was made bre cod and wept et1:0acll other's bosom. Ottawa, 19111 May ls9o. ttf, O•gn(ult' Hall, on Tuesday Iast. A Thus was the status quo anti, [chum ro- dDeistrn 1t+ not expected until the 5111 etored. of .lune. iletu)while the prisoners are well cared f30. 11(31183,11. Tre proceedings against Dennis 7ti Galnr'y have so thoroughly soured that (1:100 truculent agitator that he is 13044 reported to be as docile as n kitten, sled the citi'sens of San FraeciScn, ]•e' garding hint as Ela mIes . Wonl(I be :pito willing to see him released. Tun T i lir. speeches ctf,ll\a.rett by Hon. Sit 04 arses T1lpper. [;ion. 11. L. Ltnge- Yin, 121r. Plc ub and lrr, 'Thus. White, during the debate in the House of Coal. (nods on. the P.icific'lull way, have beau i ttiut;(I in pamphlet form. They will be found very valn:lblo for reference at as future time. The firm of Goold & Wilson, of this city, letvo on. hand a wagon, set•np as i' need fur the i+ 8niteba trade, Bud on Tuesday Ianlit Will sifils their second Car !'.421(1 for the Prairie Province. They have yet on laic( orders for fifty mere w'4ggons at)'4 one htindred and seventy.. fRv0 olergl>.a, T11i3 speaks well for the 004:,01111 trade in Guelph('--''ttnd for 111(3 [', whioh gives the Cftnadin.ns the 11'w,itoh8 `nrlrket," our totem, the 43ttoLpll..tfarl':,,.y tfii bt have adds d1. Quin o'e BxRTIsn,\y.---Pile sixty first anitiversary of Iler Majesty's birthday was celebrated 1n liensail on illond' ;y . leaf. A lenge number of people from the snrroliuding country was present, some to witness and others to partici- pate in the different sports and atnnee' 1n13nts that the cnnl:nitnee provided The day paese4 pleasautly, and the celebration was C!)udueled satisfaotor ily to all Cuuet;rned. The first thing on the prregranimc roes a ghee: bull shooting watch, which was contested by illess:s, Fairbairn land Code, of Hecsall, and Bright, of Exeter. 15 balls each. Result as follows : Fairh,:ion 110'111100111111-12 131'28h1 101111011101110-11 Code 001001()11111111---10 Boys' Paco Under 14 Years—Bout 2 in 8.8 eutliea-1st, $$2, 13. \Vriuht, -2nd, $1, R tbt. Doter. 1 Bomiling Jump -4 entriee--1st, j$2, Courncl Balker, distaoce„ 10 foot, 9 in. ; `'212(1, $1, Ale)(. Murdoch, distance„ 17 tt, 8 in.; t3•r'd, 50e., Wm. I3aker„ 15 ft. 111 in, Standing Jnmp, 4 entries -1st, $2, D. 'McKenzie, distance, 11 feet, 11 in, ;. 2nd, $1, Conrad Raker, 11 Poet 6 in.; 80,.50e., A.. Murdoch, 11 feet 1, hi, .Running riot, Step and Jutnp--1st, $2,. 3 Shaffer,. distance, S8 ft. 1e0 in. ;; 2nd, $,1, C. Lewitt, 36 ft, 10 in, ;;83d;,, 500.4 3. Bumf's, 35 ft.,0 in,. Cl(z ra.riu t lrachine5 at Reduced Prines .A Int,( L Xf�',t 13.0 Canal. uticritfon will be made to the stock ill n low •l:t ,. ! call is resnectn(lly solicited. N0 tr able a( NOTICE TO CONTRA CTOIIS. run goods, and prices will bo found to yuitthc The construction of Lock Crates advertisfrl to be let on the Stan 0Y 7 t7::I, next, is nuavoidablJ post- poned to the following elates : - Tenders Am) be reocived until Tuesday, the 22nd dee el' Juue next. Plans, spenifluutinl.s. &•c., will be ready for ex- amination on and afar Tuesday, the 8th day of Jane. Ity Order, Dept, of nit ihvayx and Canals, 1 Ottaova, IJth \Iay,189o, f F. Secretary. (1-IL1IAT CASII SALE. Having disposed of is y stc1'e,.nnd heating to 01111111(3 the satue, I wilt die- pos0 of my whole (ttoelc at and under coat. Sala• to continence 'Wednesday, ,inuo 4th. tfy stook eOraprieos the finest goods lu tiro trade, mut this is a tare opportunity to procure bargains never before offered„ Call (311111. Goodsbooked will be otter ed regular it ices, &12 nttts1andingttt+aeon nttt n1114t he sett led3 in Julie, itV',.b+ 8lcGLA(i,13LO1N„ 106IDatndas St.;,Londnn,. (tom s tda(d ■ 41.1(110 edi`,i 'ala• 3e:9 •4te3' g Soluwell's Block. AT SWENEf(TON'ti WAREHOUSE, Exeter Station, whore 1117' warchorsevaan 7111' Ile -nye be foniot 110(11 7 a.0 to Cr p 011 tti weer 011 Customer)), I3, S\\ENERTON. rt r,a ,le PUBLIC —or— School Teachers (� HOUSE AND D LOT EXAMINATION INATION 1880. FT3SiDER ANI) liY VIIVi.'UE OF A ik.... Power ctHale contained inauindentilreof tiortp*ge,.whic)kwill be modem -al at rime of sale, 11:(ted the 33rd. day of April, 1878. 11311(111 b5 Wil - 11(11(1 James t(o • ius 1(t wife to the vendor, there cin and a will be sold by Pu.1.)lis AIaction, AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL 1N TIIE VkLL1.GE OF EXETER, ,# —ore_ aur ,a y, Jtui6 5, 1880, AT TI111.KF O'CL' OCH IN TEILI A1'xltllNOOE, 1)31110.4111'11'02 Lake, Anchone' or,. subject to such conditions as 4411.111 then be procluo(a, All awl shutouts 1111.,1 c"main parcel or tract of 13141(1 a117 promises (1111120, Lytag !611(1 being in, Lh(1 Village of. ft ;toter, in the (County 0f IlltrOn, and Prov tol0 of Ontario, forming parts 01 Loth num- bers twoLve and -thirteen an the oast aisle of Oar. ling Street ,*n.tit}lown o11 1114) r11,4p or. plan (known) as 1-io'lvnrd's gtlrvey). of the sulliliIvieion of Lot millibar tato 141 Uidloy's survey, 211 tl'o occupation of the rnortragnr, ant which partial of bunt tis more particulariy des(:ril'ea in the said afertgagel. (111d containing about two-tiftbe ef(at4uere, There i8anew frame dwelling with brick cellar on the promises. Per fut•thor particulars apply to•tho v.uationeer or sA the omoe of . Wit. 13, VV, ELT,IOT, Vesndor'e 8oli.oi,tor„ft;aoter, Dated, 20th ltfwv, 1610,. tit.. I 74 Port Ew5'1° CLASS. • At.the Normal School Torontot 1 T1Ul1•srlap,� .juts 121114 at f) a. in. FOR Sk;C0ND CL 1 Sp At the Town of C}oderich and high sel)or)s 0t) Clinton and Seitiorth, on Monday, July Stli. at 3 1+ 111. 1,'O11 '2111111) CLASS. At the town nI (iodcrieh en Tnesday, July ltitlh a4.'9. 8. )n, Forme of the notice to be previously given, by the Candidates eau be 02110nd. on uplift. ratio/1.10 the Soel•etat . It is indisp(ul+'ablo that Cnndttlates notify' the ithicretary (tot later than the let of June of their intention to present themselves for ex- a1IAinution. Candidates 1141' i7ir:it awl Second Class Car• tifietitctl are required to forma the necessary certifittatc's of success in teaching, and all are• required to furnish 600116541es et mortal char - eater. Candidates, for Second Class roust state' wht.tlier they intend to write in G1)1106c11 or nt one of the other named high Schools, Caw, ditlates for 'flit(& Class mast furnish proper proof of ago. 1':1111'E12 A1)AMSON, Secy. Hoard 1:x08. . t:'lodiefeh Wray 6th•, .1880: . 17118•b. 2 inti.. J