Exeter Advocate, 1906-05-17, Page 5THE ezeta brocate vubiba34 0.67 WIAnt'elay Ueminci, tho ofen IDDLE LI TERMS eeleellaGe1/eVION, QUO:Naar pop 0411aUF4, it paid ha advanee„ .14.01) La'orsrel.c11,4-24ie ;mat.* 033. Usborne Council. bees were peesent. Tbe:eleeetee of the, tender a Ware Co:3261y and 09 to A Time .When- Women Are Susceptible io Many Dread Diseases—Intelligent Women Prepare for It Two Relate Their 'Experiences. Ne paper disc britinued until all arrcarages aro paid A.dvertisemopts without specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly'. Liberal discount made for transcieot advertisements Inacirted for /Ong Periods- Efor3 description of JOB PRINTING turned Oa in' the finest style, and at moderato rates. Cheques, money orders, &c., for advertising, subscriptions& etc, to bc made payable to Sanders 8r Creech, PROPRIETORS Foroperty for Salo. A fine pasture farm in, the Township of Ilay, near Sarepta; one hundred acres, 85 acres seeded, frame house and good stable, good water, etc., Another 100 acre farm for sale, in the township of drained, small orchard, 10 acres bush, frame house, barn, stable and grainary, Apply to SANDERS & CREECH, Exeter. Dashwoo Roller • A real good time to buy our famous VV!iitp Sta.r Flour is now. Made from the very finest of wheat-acknowled ed to -be the best in America -The ills; the Millers, and the Milling Process all thoroughly adapted for obtaihing the highest ree ness and appetizing flavor it is with- T". out equal; makes more bread easier and better than any other -gives solid , satisfaction to tonsurner and producer ' Buy it and von will please youriielf WiVeS all over the countrerndorse our claines. We solicit your patronage. Jos.Eidt Dashwood Wan and Shorts and Wheat Chop xeter an Ce%ralia Elevators Prices:' Satisfactory, Bring in your grain and load home with feed, Jos. Cobbledick les Cotton Root CoMpound. The great Uterine. Tonio. and' only sa,fe effeetual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold In three degrees' 10 degrees. stronger $3: NO. 3, for special cases, per box. giold by all VI, or sent prepaid on reee pt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : _THE Tlie llit1010 10 Bull FOR TFIE Is that which gives lasting 'benefit and Pleasure. Nothing will so sucdessfolly do this ad a good Iligh.Gracle PIANO or ORGAN Every member of the fanaily will ful- ly appreciate it., We carry these instruments in the highest grade and o'nr prices and terms are of the inoet liberal kind for the Our Sewing Machines • Surpass anything in the market for beauty and durability. Call and see ns; we will take pleiloure id shown* you our goods.... EXETER 111ARKETSii Wheat 75 40 42 Flour, per cwt.. family.. 2 25 Eggs Bran per ton 18 00 18 00 77 _ The "Amigo of life" its tb.0 most critical period of • werames existence, end *the anxiety felt byjiremett it draws' near 18 hot Without reason. Every woman who glects the', care of her health at this %line invites disease and pain. 'When ber syetem 'is in a deranged condition, or • is predisposed to apo- plexy, - or congestion of any organ, the tendency le at this period likely to be4 come active -and with a host of nervous irrite,tions, make life burden. • At this time, also, cancers' and. turnors are 'more liable to form and begin their dee- tructive work. Such warning symPtoins as eense of suffocatioe, hot flashes, headaches, back- aches, dread of impending timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, 'sparks before Ahe ?es, irregularities, con - weakness, inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent wo- men who are approaching the period in life*.when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinklitun's `Vegetable Com - ,pound wae prepared to meet the needs of wonian's system at this trying period of her hfe. It invigo:rates and strength- ens the feinale organism and builds up the weakened nervous system. -.For special adePice • regarding this im- portant period women are invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Masi., and.it will be furnished absolutely free of charge. The present Mrs. Pinkharn is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink - ham, her assistant before het' decease, and for twenty-five years sinceher advice has been freely given to sick women. Read what Lydia E, Pinkham's Corn-. Pound did for 'Airs. Powless and Mrs. Dear Mrs. ?bikini m ' "In my opinion there is no medicine made for wonien which can compare with and you have no firmer ?riend in the Domi- nion than I am. At the time of change of life I suffered until, I was nearly crazy, and s ipation, variable appetite, ceen?I'liet. the' Wasbleemo Drain for reelaoa: W33 accepted, construutor to ' elfiemence work as Seal as lel-issiNe l and to be paid 75 per cent. eif flee valve) eof the, work, dono 'whenever at, least $241 wo'reh of work is eonapleted. The ment concrete abuteneeteearidconcrete flairts. WitS let to' 'the, Patterson Ellie end Whelihao Coe .coritractor to ,do proaclies and leave watercoueses clear of all obstructionS. Ey laws 4. and .5, appointing Pathinasters and regulat- ing statiete labor were passedf signed and sealed. Accounts amounting to -S7230 were passed, and orders issued in payment. Court of Revisioreof the assessment roll for,),906 will be held at Tp.' Hall Elimville on Saturday June 2 at 9.:30 o'clock a.m. The Reeve and Treasnrer were authorized to borrow money to nieet current expenses, Next eneeting of council on 3:tine 2nd !after court of Revision. F. Morley, Clerk. was not flt to live with. I was so irritable, irrational and nerv,ous that was a torment ' to myself and others. surely. thought that I would lose my reason before I got through, when fortunately an old friend recommended your Vegetable 'Compound.. I took it for five months and then off and en until the eritical period had passed, and,it restored me to perfect health. My advice to suffering women is to try your Vegetable Compound, and they will not be disap- Another Woman's Case, Dear Mrs. Pinkharo. , "As I owe my splendid healtb„,to,tydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; I am very pleased to write and tell you my expe- rience with it. I am the mother of three child.ren grown to womanhood, and have safely passed,the change of life, and feel as yo.ung. And as strong a.q I did, twenty years ago, and I kilow that this is all due to your woman's friend, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. I used it before my children were born, and it greatly assisted nature and saved me much pain during the change of life. I took off and on, for four years, and had but httle trouble and siokness that most women have to endure." -Mrs. James K. Mann, 800 Bathurst St, Toronto, Canada. What Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetaVe • Compound did for Mrs. Powless and Mrs. Mann, it will do for other women' at this time of life. It.lias conquered paine restored health, and prolonged ,life in cases that utterly baffled physicians. tydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fall: E ERS 11810N8 *TO THE WEST RETURN FARES; Winnipeg - $32.00 Strassburg - Souris • Aso Saskatoon '- Brandon 33.55 Prinbe Albert Moosoilin 34.20 No. Battleford Arcola 34.50 Macleod - June 6th, good to return until August July- 3rd, Sept. 31.25 30.00 39.00 40.00 40.50 41.50 42.50 • For rates to other points and complete in - Agent, or write to CA, Po „s:rEa. District TUESDAY, JUNE 19 RETURNING 'JUNE 21 St'r GREYHOUND 2 Days In Eletrolt INGE-STAY FENCE POINT It vio onion Paned has long elneo ;mina* VOW, you ars satisfied. and will want more, Illus. J.i.Heaman Agent. 1 Ailsa Craig: Mrs. T. O'Neil has reL, eeived word of the death of her st.41-• father, Mr. Leonard of Luton, near A.ylmeTyOnt. Mr. Leonard will he re- membered by many of our to wripeople, he having resided in this vicinity some years ago. • Sea fort h: From the assessrnen t roll: --Actual value of real propeety, ex- clusive of buildings $99,940; value of buildings, $636,524; total anemia of taxable real property; $74,720; take ble income $21,670; total assessment, $671,- 253. There is a decrease of five in the population. Total population 2,205. STATE OF OM, CITY OF TOLEDO, } Frank Cheney makes oath that he is senior Part- ner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUND- RED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured. hy the, use of Hall's Catarrh this Oth day of December, A.p., 1880. NOTARY PUBLIC Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, an& acts. directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for Testimonials free. Sold by all. Druggists,. ' Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. CtNTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. 41 Our dames are much larger than they wei'e a year rago„, The public have l'earned that this is the best place in the Provine,e to obtain .a Commercial, Educa tion or Shorthand Training. Students are entering ° each week. Allgraduates get good positions, .... " • Write now for catalogue. Principals. Seaforth: Mrs. Geo. Sillery, aged '82 years. for riviny year.* a resident lof 11rhbort township; died on Monday lof last week, at het. residence bereo Ayer's Ager's Keep saying' it, over and.over again. Ii.) Pills. Th6 hest liver pills' ev6"rnade. ' They ictire constipation, indigestion, iir S table, (*nor -coated, mildly laxative. ow wino r itit stir sordid zeitsit • Some Good -Stock To Breed From. Is a standard -bred trotting stallion, 15 hands, 3i inches high and weighs 1200 lbs.; a well proportion horse with an excellent pedigree. Monday; Albert Mcralls'. Biddulph, and Mcralle" hotel, Litman. Tuesday, Sas. Keefe's, )3kidulph and Wednesday, Sohn Kelland's.131ansh. Thursday, Mr. Somervillehllibbert, and home. rridaY, Crediton and home. IIENRY RUMOUR, ProP. and Man. GOLDEN, CA.SE bands high and. wieghe 10/5 lbs. Good feet and lege. A handsome trotting good ancestors and faSt Pallets and Monday, will leave bid own stable, Atul proceed to Philip lierit's for noon; and borne for night. Tuesday, John' Morgan's, con. 4, Us- WaltlesdaY, to David Obristies and" botk)0 Friday, iind home. I Hal& Brown, Prop, Kippen Just arrived big package of Jap- anese China -just the thing for wed- ding presents-Charlton's Faire'reter. DEATHS. -The grim reaper as in- deed been busy during the past few days. On Thursday week the spirit of Mrs. John Strong took its flight. Her illnees was of short duration and her death ie exceedingly sad, as be- sides her husband she leaves a fatally of seven small children, the yeungest ft few days old, -John B. McKay of Toronto, adopted son of.Me. and -Mrs. Thos. McKay, of Stanley, passed away few days ago at Toronto. Dece:ased had only been ill a few days with pneu- monia. He was,in his 5Ist year and leaves a wife and seven children. -It was a shock and surprise to our citi- zens to learn of the sudden death of G. Blair, which occurred on Sunday week. ,He'haid been suffering from an affec: cion of the,heant for some time, and a. while ago he left his home in the. vie. age and went to stay vvith his -sister, Mrs. Andrew Bell,•sr., that he might have the better care. During the week previous te his death he paid the vil- lage a visit, little thinking.it would be the last, On Sunday morning he went out to the barn. and while there was tnken• with a fainting spell from which he never rallied, passing away in the afternoon. Deceased was 65.years of age and had lived in this vicinity 'the greater part of his life. He 'wee never married taut is survived ley brother and three sisters. The remains were laid to rest in the Brucefield eemetery. The old saying ‘tha.t.. if it rains en Easter Senday it will ram •for Seven Stindays after" seems to hold good this year, it having rained, on Easter 'Sunday and has rained every Sunday since, last Sunday being the fourth. - Those in this vicinity having sold` Oattle to Hicks and "Coughlin of Cen- tralia deliVered, them at that place on Snell efLondon, is visiting under the. parental roof. -Nelson Coultis sports a new buggy from his brother at Exeter last week. --A num bec of ihe ladies at- tended the Oonvention of the Ladies Missionary Society at Centralia on Thursdey last. -e -The Epworth League takes 'charge Of the Service here on Sunday..-Mr.and Mrs. Wright visited the lattee's father on Sunday. -Rey. Fair, officiated at the funeral of the in fant child of Mr. and Mrs. ,Squires of' DaShwood Miss Tillie England, who has been suffering from severe rhemnatism, is able to leave her bed and move out around again. -Mrs. John Willert. west of here is very ill. Mrs. Simone' also continues in a very low state of health." --Mr. Sim. Ireland of Stratford spent Sunday at his home here. The Exeter Council. The council met in the Town Hot on Monday evening May. 14th. All the members were present. Minutes of previous meeting read 'and approved. A communication waeread from the Bell TelephoneCo. asking. permission to erect certain pples ared allow the trimming of certain • trees, Granted. The cemetery eomn3ittee recom• mended the appointment of W. D. Weekes on the cemetery board ;tri the 7iie.,ancy made by -Dr, Anderson:s leaving town. The committee also reee comeaended sorne changes in Cemetery by-law so aeto make alterations in the charges, viz;7-shoulder grave $7,, coffin grave, bricked rind planted, $8; coffin plain, '.$5; coffin grave, shoulder, without brick $7. A. E. Fuke-Jas. Oveech--that the recommendation be Mr. •Levett asked that the trees be triMined on'the,south side of Sanders street. Jae'. Oreech-W, J. Fleametn-- that every other tree be cut down and the others trimmed. .• NV, J. Ilearnan-Jas. Creech -that the following aecounts be paid: - Canadian Expeese 0o.t. $1.95; Thos. Creech, labor, $1.50; Walter Wescott," $1.25; cylinder for engine, $21.40; Win. 13eimacombe, $1.50; - W.S.Dissett part salary $32.00. A. G. Dyer.; pasta e re-assesimient, ft ibg truant officers lis , $5, total $71.15. Reeve feebler inforined the council that, Afr. Win. 13awden wonld bold his offer good to transfer to the town the property lying along "the river west of the Dilain street hridge if the touncil vvould plant trees alongside the river. The matter brought up considerable discus:WM, regarding the offer. ,A,°. 14. Voke--Ed•Treble -that the council ac. cent Mr. Iltioden's offer st Wed to his eonit ions. --Carried. Tea; Flavor and Strength H greater body and richness.. of_ Indian te when coMbinecl' with the delicatelY. flavored ,but thinnerrtea of Ceylon, produces that "rich fruity flavor" of .Red Rose Tel-- a tea that strong anti goes further—requires- lesS :inake a cup of equal than,any.,brand of Ceylbn tea alone, Red Rose , Tea combines' the st-Z-g-iii and richness of Indian tea and the delicacy and fragrance' is - good Tea T. H. Estabrooiis St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg Mitchell; Thtf death occurred re- cently of Mary Jane, wife of George Baker. Deceased was widely known and much respected. Her husband survives her. Goderich Tp.: The death of Walter Hick, aged 81. years, took place recent- ly on,Huren Road. He was a native eaf Cornwall, Eng. He resided in this tawnship for half a century. He was noted as alruit grower. Granton: The fine cernent struc- ture being erected by Mr. Baker for a hardware store is well Cal the way to completion and is going to be "the" building of our town. Mr. Baker de- serves credit for his enterprise. Brucefleld: Albert Aikenhead and. @has. Sawers have passed their medi- cal examinations vt ith honors. This is Mr. Aikenhead's third year in Lon- don Medical College and Mr. Sawer's second year. -Mrs. Sawers has return- ed from Mount yernon, Iowa, whare she attended the funeral of her father, the late Rev. Mr. Hamilton. He was minister for =ay years of the Metho- dist of that place, and was nearly 89 years of age; he left five children. Clin ton : The five-year-old daughter Bright's disease. She had been ill two yearsee-News has been received of the death of J. B. McKay, president of the Dominion Business .College, Tor- onto. He was a former employe of Elarland Bros. His father is Thos. McKay of Kippen. Mr. Smythe, a. brakesixian, bed his left arm ,badl3r crushed at Blythe last week. 'His fin- gershad to be amputated. Staffa: The remains of the late 1VIrs. T. j. Moore were brought here Wed- nesday from 13uffalo and laid to rest in the Staffa cemetery, Deceased was a former resident of this plate but, has resided in Buiralci for some° time. Woodhana: It is expected that this village will witness the greatest days of its history on May 20th and 24th. On the 20th the great S.S. anniversary celebration will be held: Services at 13.A. is the preacher forthe day. On the 2:4th, -four corner stones will be laid in the wall of the new church,two Dinner at 12:00 and stepper at 6.00. Sports at 3.30. Grand concert at 8.00. Great preparations are being made for all the above. „ Liman Crossing: The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Ann Carter took place Sunday afternoon from her late • resie boye. Deceased, who was 87 years _of age, came to this country from Ireland, when she was ;twelve years old, and.. • settled with her parents in Biddulph township; where she has resided- ever MrS. Cartees father was one Of those who assisted in buildine tharoad from London to Goderich. She is sur- vived by three sons, George, of Mande-. . boye; Wm. of Lucan Crossing; and Governor Clareer of the county jail at London and two daughters Mes. Jas. Simpson, plandeboye `and 'Mrs. J. C. Watts London. • • • I cruMble the marble palace, I cut MT men iu their prime; The monarchs of the forest •••• Fan before the scythe of Time. • But my most destructive efforts "Of snow, and heat and cold, Have no effect on " Wire Edge "— it lasts for years uutold. costs less than ordinary shingles and lasts a lifetime. It is rain, snow and fire proof -insures dry, comfortable quarters for live stock and poultry -and makes the ideal roof for homes, barns, chicken houses, et.C. Semple and booklet free. Write for them. Hardware • dealers' everywhere have will peocure it for you. Paterion Mfg, Co. Wilted cp ' 'friORN.018.,,,,,,,4,751", ,,, ,..,,,, 91,4.,ilig,, *0\i` ' ''' Y ' / ou can. -shake ' WO ' "..**'' . d ace furnace without getting covered with ashes and dust—blas a dust flue throw)? which all the dust and, ashes esca'pe when you shake doiVii the fire. This heater is so easily regulated and operated, and so clean, that it makes dui entire household, bright and genial. ' Sold- by all enterprising dealers. 13ooklet free. Lio Ficaar L04011, TORONTO; MONTREAL, WINNIPETCI-, vhalcoti'inat,