Exeter Advocate, 1906-05-17, Page 4TRU SE - TRIP" 124th Arrangements Complete, We 'have inariy goed kiriaa and can esupply the one hest ' adapted to yanr ease. jfeet ae iniportant ehat you e, get a .Verfect' HERE YOU RET 130111. onsultation Free -r our 'old one is worn out , or uncomfortable, give, ts a, call and benefit; by our ex- perience. PBRFECT IT, GUARANTEED Always in stock a full line of• Rubber Goods, Shoulder Braces and all'Druggists' Supplies. —AT— .COLE'S DRUG STORE ouilano Exeter, exeter gthttorate Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY, MAY 17, '06 • NOTES AND CO3IMENTS Among many others "Eilber" is t be the name of a new township of New Ontario. so,named after Henry Eilbef; M. P. P. for South Huron. * The Dominion election committee has declared in favor of compulsory voting or the voter to be disqualified for a tertn of six years, unless for ill - nese or otlier sufficient reason. Any disqualified person voting'or attempt- ing to vote shall be liable to a fine of from $50 to $100 and costs, or impris- onment for from one to threesolonths. Not In The Same Class. A Naming to Ladies who Use Package Dyes. THE WELLS & LIXITED, of Montreal, manufacturers of the world -famed DIAMOND DYES, wouldspecially warn all users ot DIA- MOND DYES, as well as retail .iner- ehants, that they have not the slight- est connection with any firm or corn-, bination of people who are now put- ting up vveak-and adulterated package ' dyes for home use. • The Manufactarers of DIAMOND DYES,for their own interests, and for the welfare and protection of tens of thousarids of Canadian women, find it necessary to denounce the reports cir- culated by •manufacturers of crude dyes that their Products are put up ac- cording to the formukas of the DIA- MOND DYES. • Th -e adulterated dyes manufacture&. by speculators (jealous of the success of DIAMOND DYEg),,,are not in the same class with 'the 'piThular DIA- • MOND DYES.- ' To insure cdmplete success in home 'dyeing vvork3 bray °ply 'the DIAMOND . DXES, and see that the words DIA- • MOND PAOKAGE'DYES appear• on every envelope. • • Wells Ss •Richardseti Co., Limited, Montreal, P.Q., will send free to any • address their New Direetion Book, Samples of Dyed Cloth, and, Verse Storyeentitled "The Longjohn's to the Klondike." • Shipka Will Mason and Chas. Baumgarten, Kirkton visited here last Sim- day.—The Shipka boys are organizing a baseball team this sumnser.—Harry Wing spent. last Sunday in Hamburg. - —John O'Roulre is hoine for the sum- mer, after spending a few weeks in Kirkton.—Messrs.Jacob and Fred Gal - ser finished painting the inside of three houses Mat week. Mr. Amos of Credi- - ton had the contract.—The =ISOM finished the foundation week forl. D. Hannan last week. The carpenters are now busy putting on the frame • work.—The flasx mill men are finishing up their winter's work.—The old saw- `- mill is busy eating lumberonce more. i Oa Satuedayeftertiootethe Dieectora of the Steyhen and Uehortite Ageietil- tura! Society inet at the, Cotianiereitia , lionseivith PC(N.311clent Delbridge iii the chair. Mr.John Rueter W35 .011Q:eted a director in the place of Mr. Simon Hulater,„ residned. Messrs. eChrietie andDyee were appointed . to eee a hat lea eetieelea• were. made to the 0.t,e1 Stand. it Was litecidetl t,o,alloW peoPle desiriiiessueh to pasteire cattle on the team& 3f t er Mt,ky 21 ttl at $8. pee head, le. Elston W41,S appointed, to look after thegeounds. '-'—Iminediately at the min - elusion ot the Directors' Meeting the combined conanietties, regarding, the Celebration on the 24th Met and the, following officers,. were appointed E'er tlae day-, besides those already announc- For the morning, Marshalls of Pro - )!,Mets, John Farmer W.11. F,IlleataRd Richard, Davie; It:ages of ProceSS1013, Messrs. D. Mill; A. Mae. shand, John McIntyre; Gate Keeper for_ Lacrosse Match„ Mr. W.J. Carling, ' For the afternoon, Ticket sellers; Messrs. Balla•ntyne 'and Moir; Ticket colleetors, Meisis. Wan, Russell, John Hunter and P. McTaggarte Grand Stand, Mr. John Delbridge; Collectors of money from booths, etc., Messrs. Christie Oil Ws D. Sainders; Consta- bles, MesSrs. Alf. Taylor, Jos. Sefton, Wm. -Parsons, S. Baskerville; judges of Horse Racing, Messrs, Elliot and Christie; Starter of sports, Mr. A. Wal- ters: Judges of Athletic sports, Messrs. Amos Daupe, James_Weekes, Samuel Sweet. ' For the evening, Chairman, Reeve. Bobier; Ticket sellers, Messrs E. Chris- tie and W.D. Sanders; Ushers, 'Alessi s. Geo. Anderson, and James Taylor. The reserve Seat tickets will be for sale at W. S. Cole's Drug Store. Arrangements areenow complete for the celebration,and all that is now, de- sired is fine weather which will ensure a big crowd. ' Mooresville , • For hay forks and slings go to John Charlton, Exeter. r --- DEA-ries.---2he-h2bine of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simpson has been saddened by a visit from the angel of death who on Tuesday carried away their little three weeks' old babe. , The little one had been ill about a week. The funeral took plaice Thursday to St.James' cem- etery. To the bereaved parents we ex- tend our sympathy.—One of those events which cause feelings of sadness and regret in the hearts of old -neigh- bors and acquaintances and of grief and pain to those pear and dear occurred on Tuesday, April 8th, when death robbed Mr. Richard Carter of his lov- ing helpmate. Mrs. Cartergave birth' to a baby about three weeks ago and apparently- seemed to be getting along n.cel, until a day or so previous to death when she took a change for the worse and although she received the hest care' atid attention the strain ,proved too inueli for •hereweakened• condition and she passed away on the above evening. The little babe died a few days after birth. Mrs. Carter's maiden name was Anne Gilbert; being welaughter of Mr. Robe,' Gilbert of Sebright, Ont. - About six years ago she was united in marriage to her now bereft husband, their union ' being blessed , with three children two of „ vvhoin survive. She was a loving wife, a model mother, and a true and sin- bere friend /Ind her sudden taking ' off is keenly felt by the whole conamuni- ty. The funeral took place on Friday, to St„, James' cemetery and was very largely attended. Our sympathy goes out to the grief-stricken husband in this his sore bereavement.. Centralia Garden Seeds -3 packages for 5 cents at Charlton's Fair, Exetere. Mrs. P. O. Brown ofe London soca:, Sunday with lier'mother Mrs.Boyle.— Me-gars- Onqaih. Oeusghlin and Hicks received their stockers from the sur- rounding farmers hist. week. There was a very large number of cattle. These buyers will pasture -them for a few weeks.—Wm. Sando has his barns raised, in readiness for the building of theloundatiou.—When Mrs. Francis of Kirkton was returning home on Thursday last from the W. M.S. meet- ing here her horse became frightened at a washont along the read and back- ed the rig into the ditbh. The occu- pants were thrown out and Mrs. Fran- cis sustained a sprained ankle, which Or. Orme attended and bandaged, .so ,as to allow her to be driven home. The horse ran away and covered many ttliles before being found.—Parsons and Davis shipped a car of eggs this week.—Miss Olive Lindsay, who has been ill, is recovering:—Rev. Andrews occupied the James street pulpit. in Exeter On Sunday. In his absence Rev. Going occupied the pulpit preach- ing interesting discourses. ‘4, My Hairis,. Scroggi DO you like :It? Then", ,,aihr be contented ,with it? , Have to be? Oh, nol Just Put on Ayr's -Hair •Vigor and hive thick hilt.; soft, even hair. 13ut first ot 411, stop your hair from corning out. Save what you have. Ayer's Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. It feeds the hair -bulbs; *Ices weak hair strong. The beat kith of a. tetitirsionialeL "Sold ter OileOr Allay yesitieo' lirmkkarkuutzTarrnr. moo. !.J Sakileltrlifla. PILL WM' PliMiaa Farquhar., DUATEI OF DAVID MeNfOos..—Thiere messed avgay at his home,here on Mon- day last one of Farquhar's best known residents, in the, person of David Mc- Nicel, at the age of 51,years, 5 months. Hheiletnise will be as, great surprise to nasty; so few knowing of his illness. Born in Glaesgow, Scotland, the de- ceased came to Canada about forty years ago and settled in Farquhar, living in the neighborhood'ever He was a blacksmith by • trade Med conducted the shop here until two year; ego, when he went on a farin, his son taking aver the shop. As methanic he wae.of the first rank and -his getlitis was well known and appro. ciat e 1 throughout this community. Belies I Mali of advanced views, a great 1 ender, and poeseseing a. retents ive latemory,he WAS always interesting to on vie se with; and, while being ee- Centric in some ways, he VV0.5 a Mini of steeling qualities, big hearted, and a trinity friend." Previous Co his repent illness In. was an excellent Specimen of the type of asinsfeetered and raked in his native land, being of et particularly hitedy, rolanet andhealthy nature. Bat notwithstanding hie great phyleal vigils inNoveniber bet he was (WI ieted with diabetes and gradually waiting he milk inti death claimed him. Ile lea s' el behind a soreoveing widow at. d eight of a family. five eons and thr e da taeibter, 'ell of whoin arelivini ho e and have the profound sympathy, if the a hole eommunify in the loss' thrv hstv(Y ettetainede The bimetal Rio place to the Exeter eenteteryeM ;and was latgely (tttentied. Creditoll Gear e Eillber left for the Teatiagarei Foreet eiserve in New Ontario, o Thareday, haukcurcil the sitna- tioe as one of the. Qom:molt Fire Rangers for -the Qum -looter mad fall WI - sop. kir. •. no duubt, have plenty CJ fish stories to tell its when he re- tatriss..—Onr , football team went to Zurich on,Feida,y eVenisig anit played - fast game of football with the Znrieli boya;slefeating,thein i.y goals to 1. Our boys are lonain their praises of the gentleinanlys way they were •re.. ceive'd and Nye tLproiolise to .gisse the uortheeners a similar treatment when the return match is play'ed. —Mr. Rich- mond, district manager of. the Bell Telephone Co.,/ was in the village in 31onday rnalsieg arrangements for in- stalling a number, of phones in our vil- lage. (inc business men are anxious to have the privilege of talking to Exeter and Oentralia, without extra charge-, and no doubt this will be granted with- out much difficulty.- --Henry Either, M.P.P., has returned home. after at- teading the session of the Legislature tblioethe pii,sthltilirerbeeesmownitthss.—suLlaaisit._,Syno,ntdi:: was a ramy day and the attendance at Bros.' tinshop has beerserected and is ready to receive the metal siding and toofing.—Mrs. Krein still- continues very low.—Wes. Finkbeiner has got in a supply of fireworks, firecrackers and flags for Victoria Day. The small boy as .well as , his elder brother will get busy that day and Make it a memor- able one in the history of, our towns Bills are out giving full particulars as to the celebration that day and if • the Weather remains favorable, we expset to have a large crowd. —Art. 'Zwitker and Herb Eilber were. in London on Monday visiting "friends."- After an illness of several days Miss Edna Heels den is con valescing. —Mrs. (Rev.) Bean and family arrived here last week and are now comfortably settled in their new home. We extend a hearty wel- come to these people.—Mr. Gottleib Morlock vvho recently attained his 70th birthday .was presented with •a handsome chair. May he be spared to enjoy' wady more birthdays.—Our Band boys have ordered their suits e nd intend having them by Victoria D•iy. As they are a fine lot of fellows, whose equal is hard to find, they will present a very smart appearance when they march at the head of our grand pas'si ii —H. Brown, anctionder,of Wincheleea has been in the village this week sell- ing the store goods of W. W. Kerr, who intends leaving for the Northwest next month. There are some great bargains and now is the time to, take advantage of this slaughter sale.—We are pleased to state that Mrs. Mc.Isanc, who was removed' to St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, a few weeks ago for treatment, is improving.—John Fink- beiner is having his dwelling 'repaint- ed. Bert Clark is doing the. work.— Mrs. Albert King is very low. • . • NARROW ESCAPE. —Gordon, the 4 - year -old son' of Me. John Morlock, who lives about two- miles;: north of the village, hatleal very narrow .esca,pe.from,instarit.deatheataTeesilays He VMS playing with' the dog- around a wage') which was being, filled, 'vvith earth; when in some way he and the dog fell in front of the wheel ,of .the wagon as the horses stepped :NIP -ward.. The wheel passed over the child'head and the body of the dog whieh saved the child from being crushed to death. Little Gotclon is a lively little chap and we are all very glad that he is none the worse after his narrow es- cape. • - L. S. OFFICERS ELECTED.—Wednes- day evening the final meeting of •the Literary Society for • the eseason was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Bluett. The new election of officers resulted as follows. Hon. Pres., C. Bluett and Dr. P, J. McCue; Free., H. K. Either; 1st Vice, Mrs. C. Blirett; 2nd Vice, Miss Ethel Farrow; Sec'ye Miss Beulah Bea,ver; Treasurer, LS.Brown; Librarian, Arthur Zvvicker. After the business had been 'attended to the host and hostess served lunch which was greatly enjoyed.It is the intention' of the Society to -rent a ball for the next term and we feel satisfied the So- ciety will hav.e,, another 'prosperous term. - - DEATH. —The ,grim reaper has re- mov,ed from our midst one of our old- est and most respected citizens in the person of Margaret Brown, relict of the late Adam Brown. The deceased had been in good health until about three weeks ago, when she was taken ill, and was relieved of her sufferings on Tuesday morning, the 15th inst.eat the ripe age of 84 years and 0 mouths. The remains will be interred in the Crediton cemetery on Thursday.afteie noon (to -day) at 2 p.m. Rev. E, H. Bean, pastor of the Evangelital cherch will officiate at the cemetery, after which a burial service will be held in the church. The deceased leaves to mourn her demise, three daughters, Mrs. Finkbeiner, of. Milverton, Mrs. Steinaeker.of Rostock, and Mrs. John Wind of this village; two sons, Jahn F, Brown and Wm. H. Brown of this village, besides h large number of friends and relatives, who have • the sympathy of the community. McGillivray Coun.cil e The coenell met at the Town Hall. • 'West McOillivrey on May., 7, All nienaltees. preeent. The minutes of previous meeting were approved. A largo nember of gravel contracte were let. • A bylaw appointing fence view- ers was read the third, time and p.aesed. A by-law was Also- passed appoantitig persons to enforcethe hy:laW .Prohlh- ititne livestack:from tnnintig at large. A nitinber of aecaunte Were ordered to be rpaid, ,The connell adjourned to first MoedaY•in June. at .1 o'clock when Court of Revision will lie held. 1110111M111111111111111111.11111 • Hensall John Hall has gone to reside in Lon- doneatErnie Stacey has tal4It ,a poi - tion with his inicle, E. Rennie, to learn the dry goods business, --Chris Fraser and family have gone to Merlin to re- side.—James Logen of Forest has coni - 'silenced work with Fred, Manns. --R. 13. Moysey of the Malson's 13ank has been transferred to Toronto.--Wro. Fulton, salesmen at, E.. Rannie's store, has gone to Loudon to Work in-Marat'e. —It is stated that the town of Watford will vote to give Alte,Kelehon, recent- ly of Rensall, a loan of $20,000 to go into the manufacture of engines.—A. couple of Indians got a jag on last Wednesday and one was; fined $1 and costs. Redid not know where he got the "fire-water,"—Se'veral new resi- dences will be elected. here this gum- mer.—The. village is considering the advisability of erecting a Town Hall. ,a -Isabel, the year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samnel Steacy died on the Sth of May, after a'short illness. , Zurich Mr. and Mrs. John Weida and daughter, Ethel, are visiting relatives in Buffalo.—The death took place last week , of the little three -Months' old, child of 141r. and Mrs. Henry Rau, Drysdale.—A gang of men are now placing, poles for the telephone line be- tween Zurich and St. Joeeph.—Jaines Dow of Milton has accepted a situation with A. Charlesworth & Son as tin - J, Merner is planting five acres of onions on P. Larnont'S farm. --Several farmer's have plowed their fall wheat under during the past week. It had been dainaged by the unfavor- able weather.—Rev. Mr. , Gischeler's first sermon in the Evangelical church have made 'a favorable impression.— Chas. Grebeis building an addition to his stable. --Henry Westole is erecting a stable on his premises.—Mrs. Wm. McBrien is recovering nicely.--1Vir. and Mrs. Louis •Prang have moved into their new hotte. WEDDED.—The home of the bride's sister, Mrs. R Seeder, was the scene ou the evening of Mee- 9th, of the Mar- riage of Mr. -John S. McClungend Miss Regina Welker. Rev. A. D. Geschier performed the ceremony in the pres, enc e Of only the immediate relativee. The bridesmaid was Miss JoannaaEl- bert of Zneich and the groomsman was Mr . Hervey „Welker, of Mount Forest '' brother of the bride, Congrate illations were extended and a dainty 'wedding supper ,served. The young couple will reside in New Ontario. • Cures Rheumatism Too.• Bu -Ju cure e Rhenthatisink be.. cause it cures the • Kidneys, Every drop of blood in the body passes through the kidneys, to • be filtered. • If. the kidneys are sick—tired—inflanuned---they don't filter out the uric acid. it, is this acid, deposited in tlae joints—on the nerves — that causes Itheutuatisne • THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE • cleans, heals, strengthens the, kidneys—sets them to working properly --clears the blood— • stops the ache ana takes away every trace of Rheuma. tism and Sciatica. THE.CLAFL1N CHEMICAL 00., LIMITED, WirinSon, opar. • • Mew Yonit. 1700e1:1 Ph0f31113.04.12,8; The Tones6teleginvieggt the wilt nervous syetetti, nlakea new Debility, Jif peal and Brain Worn, Des- , lood lb old Veins. °urea Neer,. ous D pandonee, BexualWeeeknens, Emissions. 9per- 7room-rum, and nrects of .dbuse m. Excesses. . Paten per box, elxfor$5. Onowill pleat°. six Will cure. Sold III ta Or mailed lir ,Pialigkir.er Firei gxt of Nein pamphlet otlicine Co. Toronto. anti GOLD IVIEDAL -,P411 ."bite 4,bed.time, what cotild better than a gIas of at and. 1400flei!S; Perfection Cream Sodas Canada's finest crackri, froea Canada's finest Isakeey. Crisp, uwitin2, 'delicious. In the aimight bOxes, that keep. them in faultless condition. Your erdcer , f if ,yel• C5‘)i LO. i}lANAroiCtiASE ExPOVTION = N. -0. • — FOR — Ale and Porter AWARDED JOHN LABATT AT ST, LOUIS EXIMTION 1904, only medal- lof Al. in Canada. Irt I • 641•C K cs4 K` K K K KiScliNK K K. KtivK K&K. 11"4 •,c/ STRICTURE CURED YOU CAN ,_PAY WHEN CURED. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.. STRICTURE AND KIDNEY DISEASE CURED. "rind stricture for eleven years. It finally brought on Bright's Disease of the Kidneys. I bad an uncomfortable shooting in in the groin and feeling es though something was in the urethra. My back was weak and I could scarcely stoop over. Urine was • full of sedi- went. Had a desire to urinate frequently Family doctors, so-called specialists, patent raedjcines, , electric belts,. all failed. I was dis- couraged. had spent rhundreds of dollars in vain, Finally I con- sulted Drs. KennedyeKergan as the last resort. I had heard a great deal about them and concluded from the fact that the Y had been established over bs years that the understood their business. I ain delighted with the results. In one week I felt better and in a few weeks was &aka)? cured. Have -gained sixteeirpounds in weight.' G. It:: WRIGHT, Lansing. G. E. WIUGHT. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS. CURES quARANTEED OR NO PAY. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They sap tne very life blood of the victim and unless to:direly eradicated from the system will cause serious complidations. Beware of Mercury,. It only suppresses the symptoms—our NEW METHOD positively cures all blood diseases forever. • • YOUNG OR MIDDLE -ACED MEN. Imprudent acts' or later excesses have brolcen down your system. YOU feel the Symptoms stealing over you. Mental, physically and, sexually you are not the man you used to be or should be. • , READER Are you. a victim ? Have you lost hope? .Are you intending • to marry? Hasofrour blood been diseased? Have yeti any . ..weakners ? Our Nevr Method Treatment wall mire you. What it has done for others it will do for you. . CONSULTATION FREE. matter who has treated you. write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. 13001($ FEE13-:-L"The GbIden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of, Men. Sealed Book on "Diseases of WORIert" Free NO. NAMES, USED WITHOUT ,WRITTEN Comegwr. thing ConfldentlaL Question List for Home Treatment:Free RS.. Cor. Michigan Ave and Shelby St.; Detroit, 11/11c THE -mptsoNs s BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) Head Office, .. Montreal Cp,pi,41 Paid.. V; :$3,000,000 ittoServed, ramti••• • - • • • • • $0,000400 FORTY-EIGHT BRANCHES IN HE DOMINION OF --CANA.bA - -,XE TE -a BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS 10.a. m. to 3p. '• SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to Ip. an, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. '• Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application, DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exehange. • ADVANCES made to7armere, Stock Dealers ,and Businese Men at lowest rates and on most favorable tern3s. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Savmg Bank Depar• tment; = and December 3lat. , Po gl?fcif::13 ItunPt taugisedret:1;etiln piault eatlbnith. Agents at Exeter for the Dominien Government. Diefescee & CARLING; Solicitors. N. a HURDON,.Manager; (fornierly Fritad-041) Forlillore StQre WE, WANT YOTT. To understand that we have 'now inour ware- ° rooms; 'one of the largest and best assorted stocks of Furniture, ever shown to the people in this section. We have all the latest goods and hav. in bought thew at close figures we will—Sell at CLOSE, PitIOES. Window Shades have a splendid etot‘k of these in latest stytes • ;And varied patEernse. Seng Machines • ° ewe have the ageney for • the • Wilitatras SOeing ,Meehinee. acknoWledged to be the beat. Baby Carriag s, Eto._ llso ROWS FENCING • We have just received a • carload of Page Wire Fence, G to 9 wires high, for 330 and up per rod. ,This is recognized to - be the best on the market, PLOWS Vire handle Perrin Plovvg and have just received a carload of walking, ridm ing and gang' plows*rnade by this reliable firm. have them. awl y( u can ifettpobetter. , ,, ;Do you want a ba iy-carriage, go.eart. 41,1,, little wagon for your beiy Wu& 11011:1110k BAKE , 1 %'ehav ;Everythin in Home lournitnre--:- urtain,,!oles andI Iiiimipgs of all kinds. P MOISAiin Dtishwood 6ter 1 'r 'Agent forsthe Sylvester anil , vierninimpoileiro Luraber, Shltlgles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames and all BuildingIllaterialso 6 ---Water Tanks -- BEE -HIVES ° Finished' or in Knock down, always on band. Highest price paid for Saw- logs ofevery description. Custom sawing promptly attended to. Estimates eheerfully given. , The Ross TaylorCoo Ltd- Exoter, Ont. -7— niarriage Licenses' Nevin Plow Companies Is'sued at 'bre k Ontario 4flVocATE OFFICE