Exeter Advocate, 1906-05-10, Page 81
1 p
lerttitrAit"sir 111Priirtirlirnac
ay, ire got I.14sone swell
Pring Sultings ,last weelt.
They are,right up to the mo
.Coats are. tvto inches longer than
last year, and thelapels are so much
broader and deeper that you <Peet halp
but notice them.
Tbe vets are cut with five hattons.
The pants are just a,little pegtoppy.
They are 'beauties alright for $151
$18 axed $20, and no matter where you
• go you can't #ncl anything that will
-lit as nicely as they do.
1Vierbhant Tailor,
Basiness Locals Read Them
- Wanted.
' A good smart -girl to learn vest mak-
ing. Apply to W
House to Rent •
A good two -$'frame house in
good repair on Sirocoe street. Apply
to D,...,flartlein or James Parsons.
carves tor Sale.
George Chapman of Atwood yvill be
at the Central Hotel, Exeter, On Tues-
dayt May 15th, at 12 o'clock, vvith
• load of good, well-bred calves for sale.
roe sale or Kent.
• One and one-half story residence in
good repair, and onequarterr acre of
land. Good fruit trees and the best of
water. Will sell cheap. Apply to
Gladman & Stanbury.
Awls For Hatching.
Of the Single Comb Leghorn variety
of excellent. winter laying qualities
and nutted with two prize trimming
cockrels at the South HniOn Poultry
shows of 1904 and 1905. 50 cents per
betting. . S. Andrew, Elimyille.
Some of the most beautiful China
articles one would wish to buy—at
To Fe Hare:Weed [thieved a tete of MlillteentIse Mtn.° G 911 erMit anti Itire, yetteeneettlate tate weak moved
eratee to Wineffeteg, tiettarday. Jemetitau flset'a' "23 Vel -T the dwelling 1-ze recently- rairel-ala,d •
Mite Beet:ha1Tbee rce.overed frotn, ,4Uwalla ciPPTAit"-lilv, on VIF,12:‘etia EArcet fronr Rae-refr..t.
bier iiinecis and returned to her WOLt. '1 Mr. 3:aitucz3 Harvcy bu his CouroN—Cutth orth(Ilona ger a,
Rov. ATadz,ewo og contralto, will oldposetnott at tite Netts -ton Meese. 5,11nplio callos 1-33Ttang vawaer Lt
oi,.zapy the -James strept 1Mraex
lawris and u3 suru'ounding
tbeare a-, neat • and
tidY eOpearaneet, • . • .•
Mr. Wright has moved Into the
double house on Main° street, eouth a
connop BroeShop.
The London Conference of the ltfeth-
eniket elaurch willmeet in ,Windscor.
commencing May 2eth.
Mr. David Jacques., wheehas been a
patient IA London Ilespital Pet; a few
weeke, returned laSt week somewhat
i proved.
Albert Luxton has entered the office
ot.golsons Bank, not the Sovereign monisher for the lawlesta It may
Bank. He was on Monday tra sferred stimulate the most indifferent, but it
to the Hensail branch. cannot be publtished withent cost and
Messrs. Jos,Lambrook and Neil Bell-
wood have moved their household joke.
•effects to their residences on Huron Mr. Enos Codmore, who left "Exeter
Mr. Delman vvnill leave for (trend. Bend", Cale's Drzlg Store.
in 'tlte 01E)r Llo7f i*M$ inre rtele'lt°. ';ere:;::9wt ran:11 t rsev14:11 ran\tnicetilbt'ebda tt"31,7 t.,4e
shoray to creed eartateer.
besidee putting a cellar under the , kits rare analai gra these pax,t6, an otter;
cheup and adding, a storY thereto0 lie was eangitt near itensan by an Indian.
ie. also putting in a furnace.
retten tied retry! the Jerry from ee own. knowing, that melodic:I bad
Thie week Game Warclen jame3 Beer
Keay:Co. -,erin be to CiikneY'R OPera no more privileges 'than a white man
House oe .1‘14Y Man 1000.
taitument, Viesteelass band and or -
000(1 enter- in tete matter of catching game out of ,
'season unless it be on his ‘resprvation
chestrat Street Par34e attlem.° P°11t? and th'en only for the sustenance of
osier prices. Plant of halt at Colees
Drug Store. * himself and family, enticed the matter
to the Indiana, named Brant and Sim -
The newspaper i5 a law book to the on, who were .encamped, ine Tucker -
indolent, a sernaten for' the thought. Keith. township, On being gneetioned
less, a library for the poor and an ad- they acknowledgad homing canght the
animal and having. sold. the fur to a
entleihen Seaforth. On Tnesday
Mr. Beer went to Settforth and laid the
information against the buyer, Wm.
McDougall, before a magistrate,' and
he imposed the minimum fine of $20
and costs, $21 in all. The fur trtis not
secured by the warden owing to ite
having been purchased by aNew York
firm tind shipped to theni. The Indi-
ans,have not yet been prosecuted, but
such may be done at any time should
the Chief Warden desire to make an
example of theme' The law provides
that the One in their case may he the
same as for buying the fur, from $20
to $50, but Mr. Beer beiug a kind-
hearted man and the Indialle being in
extreme poverty, he would be lenient
if perraitted to be..
i. 0. O. F. institution at Myth.
A very pleasant and instructive
evening was spent by acme twenty-five
of the members of Exeter Lodge, I. 0.
0, F., at Myth on 'Wednesday of last
week,"when Blyth Lodge No. 366, was
(instituted. " The initatory and Second
Degrees were put on by the Exeter
in a creditable manner, while
Brussels Lodge conferred the First and
Third Degrees in a like manger.
Grand Master Blevvett of Listoweleon-
ducted the ceremony of institution Af-
ter which the officers were elected and
duly installed by D. D. G. M. Fraser
of Brucefield and D. D. G. M. Porter
'of Listowel. After the business was
over interesting addresses were deliv-
ered by the Grand Master, the D. D.1
M's., Assistant Grand Secretary
Powley, Organizer Neilson and several
of the visiting brethren from Wing -
ham, Goderich, Clinton, Brucefielct
and Exeter. Blyth Lodge starts off
with a, membership of twenty-five,
nineteen of whom were made Ocidfel-
lows on the evening in question, Their
Noble Grand is an old Exeter boy,
Peter Gardiner, of the firrn of Popple -
stone and Gardiner. The lodge owes
its existence mainly to the efforts of
13ro. S. AePopplestone of ExeterLodge
one of the most enthusiastic Oddfel-
lows in Canada, and a candidate for
the •chair of Junior Warden of the
Grand Lodge of Ontario,. Bro. Pop-
Plestone has been residing in Blyth
only since the beginning -of the year
and his early success in having a lodge
inetitated there speaks well for him as
an Oddfellow. Many of the Exeter
brethren feel grateful to Mr, and Mrs. •
Popplestone and Mr. and Mrs. S. Gid -
ley for their kind' entertainment of
them owing to the crowded state of
the hotels., "May Blyth Lodge see a
long life of prosperity and usefulness."
Additional Locals on page 1,
and William streets, respectively.
Mrs. Marshall Box, wlao has been
spending the past few weeks in and
around Exeter, left last week for Lon-
don, where lltfr. Box has a position.
During the latter part of the week
the road scraper was put on the streets
and now they present a much better
appearance as well as being improved
for travel.
Dr; W. T. Halloway, well known
here, has sold his dental practice at
Wingham. The Dr. will take a post-
gr5Auttte courseat Chicago before re-
suming the practice of his profession.
Ouch! But it is cold for the month:
of gay. Even a little snow fell on
Monday. Housecleaning is not the
most pleasant job at anytime and it is
very far from so during this • weather.
Mr. A. E. Bennett of London, berm-
erly of Exeter is eert ill of hemorrh-
age of the lungs at his home in that
city. We learn later that the patient
is improving nicely, the which his
friends will be pleased to hear.
Women's Institute meetings will be.,
held in this district as follows: Strat-
ford, June 19; Exeter, June 20; Bay-
field, June 21; Clinton, June 22; Park-
hill, Jane 21; Greenway,June 22; West
McGillivary,June 23; Ailsa,CraigeTune
Dr. B. F. Butler the noted eye specie
Oise of Loudon will be at the Central
Hotel, Exeter, on the following Mon-
days, May 21st, Su-net18th, 'July 16th.
Hours 10 a. m. to'5 p. m.
It is only duty and justice to en-
tourage your home paper, extend
it the nourishment to which it is en-
' titled. Pay your subseriptions prompt-
ly.. and ..send a few extra, copies to
your relatives and friends at a dis.
%nee, They will appreciate the favor
• and. so *ill we, •
• A Curiosity,
.• The Zurich Herald says. " jamb
Settwaetzentrober of the Bronson Line
senta, curietity to this office on Tues-
day whiph is well worth seeing. It is
a large duck egg, measuring 101 inehes
. in circumference lengthwise and 84 in-
ches around the centre. This in it-
self is extraordinary, but the peculiar
part pf it is that iuside of this large
• shell isanotheregg, as big as the ord-
inary.duck egg, and this. egg is also
encased in a shell. It is indeed a cur-
ious thing, and hut for thi fan' t that
we have the real egg in the Office at
• present, we would hardly have believ-
ed it to be possible."
Mr. L. H. Dickson, D. D. G. M., A.
F. & A. M. accompanied by Bros. J.
A.Stewart,'W.J. Beaman, S.J. Knight
and Thos. Hawkins, paid the Hensall
lodge an official visit on Thursday
night. A banquet followed and a
right royal thne was spent by all
Earl Spackman, who has been in the
Molsons bank here for only a few
weeks, was on Friday transferred to a
branch of the same bank at St,.
Thonaas. His father, Warden Hugh
Spackman, accompanied him to that
city on Friday. Owing to a rearrange-
ment Earl was returned to this branch
on Monday.
Messrs. McCurdy 'Bros. of Usborne
Tp. have on their farms fo4r; working
horses in good condition -of an aggre-
gate age of 112 years, each 28 years
old. This is an unusualthing and goes
Lo show that the usefulness of .these
animals may be prolonged several
years by the exercising of care and
judgment on, the part of the owners.
A horse "is con sidered old at 21 years.
a few years ago for Winnipeg where
be has since resided, is now a resident
of Saskestoon,Stiska where he has gone
into ileartnership with a Mr. Morrison
in the grocery business. Ends is
young man of steady habits and will
doubtless make a succese of the under-
Rev W. II. Locke of Kincardine, a
former pastor, will preach the anni-
versary service s of the Epworth Lea-
gue of the Main 'Street, Methodist
church on Sunday next.: When eta-.
boned here,. Mr. Locke made many
warm friends both in and out of his
church and all will be delighted to
have the privilege of again hearing
Mr, and Mrs. "Daniel, Davis on Fri-
day evening last celebrated the twen-
tieth anniversary of their marriage by
treating their relatives and friends to
a most enjoyable supper and a ,pleas-
ant evening's entertainment. Many
hearty congratulations were extended
to the host and hostess during the ev-
ening. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have had
a pleUsant journey thus far, the home
heti been blessed by a happy family of
chilciren, and we tenet that the future
may bring theta many happy returns
of their wedding day.'
33rd iturou Regiment. G.
The names of the following „officers
are removed from the list of officers ot
the active militia:, Limits. T. C. Johns,
R. J. MacDonald and I. Etherington;
provisional lieutenants, G. McLen-
nanetH. G. Wilson, O. A, Robertson
and G. Lethbridge; to be. provisional
lieutenants, Charles Edward Sale and
Lionel Parsoas, Geo. Campbell Hanna,
Bert Cermie Weir, Win. John Ross
Clusuze preerattr.
At the meeting of the 24th of May
Sports Committee held Tuesday might
it was decided to change the program
regarding the foot -ball game.. • The
previous arrangement gave a decided.
preference to the Exeter High School
team and avoid this it is now at -
ranged that the game shallbe between
the Exeter High School and Exeter
players and the combined players of
Stephen and Usbortie. A lacrosse
match is also 'being arranged for he-
tween Seafortb and Exeter teams, to
take place on the recreation groandEl
betvveen the boars of 11 and o'clock
in the morning. ° • '
George Shute ,Defd. ,
A despatch collies. from Winnipeg
'stating that a well known resident of
that city, Mr. George Shute, died Sad, le
denly Saturday evening, May Oth,
Deeeased WAS pity-eigat SWirrg of age
and leaves a large family of grown-up
sons and daughters. The cause of
death has not yet been ascertained.
Mr. Shute was a former resident here
and was born and raised on the 5th
concession of USborne. . He moved to
Winnipeg many years ago. Hislath-
er and mother died sortie years ago
but several brothers and sisters sue-
vive. The brothers are John of Kirke
ton, Out., Wm. of Tacoma; Wash.,
Harry, james and Robert of the West;
and the sisters are, Mrs. John Evans,
Mrs. Went Davidson and Mrs. Robert
"Cooper of Ltindon, Mrs. Wm, Balonan
Exeter, and Mrs. Thomas .Oke
vilir, Ont.,*
Gatdeu Weddinst.
When husband and wife have seen
their fiftieth wedding day they' may
well be said to have reached the gold-
en age of matrimony. Such may be
said of our much esteemed residents,
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Knight, who have
arrived at that epoch and with the
mellow light of life's declining sun
shining upon their heads they. cele-
brated the event on Tuesday. The
affair took the form of a quite gather-
ing of just •the immediate relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knight of St.
Thonfas, Mr. .and Mus. Geo. Knight,
of Ilderton,Mr.and Mrs.Frank Knight,
of town, Mra, R. .Knight, Miss Carrie
and Mr. John Knight. .The guests
took advantage of the event by pre-
senting the worthy couple with a well
filled purse of gola.. For fifty' years
this fine•old couple have sailed togeth-
er under cloud and sunshine, and. as
they continue, the voyage we trust
that they may have a tranquil Sea be-
fore them and that as they draw near.
er and nearer to the haven to which
We are all bound the "peace which
passeth all understanding" may be
thefts. -
VorecastS for May.
A reactionary storm period is cent-
ral on the lith, 15th. and 16th. All
who have stndied our forecasts for
some time, are familiar with the,fact
that the states in which tornadie
storms are most frequent and destruc-
tiveetire in what, we call the faces sole near future. Through the evening a
ar energy during the month of May. unique peogram was carried but, in
The Mars and ',Mercury disturbances, which Miss Gillespie was the recipient
t blending Nvith this annual tendency, of many beautiful presents, after
niake it entirely possible and probable, which a dainty refection was served,
that violent to dangerous storms mayMiss Dot is of a sweet,winning disposi-
appear about the 14th, 15th and 16th. tion, and will be missed greatly among
Watch indications, know Just Fhat- those who love her best, With hearty
you will do ttntl where you and Tonrs thanks to Mrs. Yeo and MrsoTom, who
Rev. D. Hague, of the Memorial
church, London, preached two well
directed sermonstin the Trivitt Memor-
ial Oburch on Sunday in the interests
of the great Missionary catlae, gis
cliaeoliteea were listened to with deep
interest on both"occasioias. Mr.Brown
late of England, presided at the organ
and denionstrated his ability as mes-
tere)l the situation. Those who listen-
ed to him are hiud in their praises of
his efforts. His execution and technic
were good and each piece waS admir-
ably- rendered.
The Clinton New Era says regarding
a former Exeter boy: —"This week we
have to announce. the re.naovel of Mr.
Russel E. Manning to a new field of
labor. He has been employed in Mr.Tis-
dall's Private Bank for smile years, aud
this week goes to Varna, where he will
open a branch for the Sterling Bank.
He does not expect to retnam there
long, having been promised a position
as Manager elsewhere. During Mr.
Manning's residence here he has been
in the fullest sense of the word en ad-
niirable citizen, and enjoys the respect
and esteem of the entire community.
On Monday night lest, Mrs. A. D.
Yeo gave &pleasant evening to a party.
of merry girls, in honer of Miss Dot
Gillespie, who is leaving Exeter in the
We have a full stock of John A. Brtiee & Co. Gov-
erment.teted seeds. Call and examine before yot
putchase elsewhere.
• WO areagent for, the Ameriedn Hinge -joint fence
which will ' withstand sudden and severe.pressure
from.. contact with animals or otherwise, without
bending the stays, the fence springing back to place
the instant pressure is removed. Call, and see our
• samples and our prices,.
We have the Sherwin-Williams Paints in allcolors
and shades, alch covers' the earth, Call aiid get
a paint card.
e[Ilictioli8 Fftflitilitc,
We will offer our entire stock of Furniture, comprising
Kitchen; Dining Room;
Bed Boom;.Drawing'Room;,
and Furniture
--a sO Many odd pieces and Rockers, at a great redneqon.
Call,and see the many bargains • we 04. ,
evil} take refuge in case of peesible
ditigereind go about your daily duties
without fear or painful, unnecessary
Canadian and Import -
,.ed Tweeds, Worsteds,
. Cheviots and, Servs
Made up In the latest style to
yourjlt. Call and see how well
Feat' do for you.
Rv,erything in Men
•w. o
low Tallor,,
Exeter, Oita
knew so well how to entertain, the
girls dispersed to theirhomes ,with
pleasant thoughts of, a Much enjoyed
Arbor Day was taken advantage of
at the chool here on Friday afternoon
by the teachers and scholars and the
grounds cleaned upt the comple-
tion of the work they all took a ronsp-
in the woods on a nature study excur-
siorh This is the season of the year
when the woodo show their greatest
attraction for the nature lbver,. the
grecs is greening, the buds are opening
and the •spring flowers are blooming.
Much pleasure may be derived by 01(1
and young through a walk out where
nature is allowed her own sweet
New life is shown on every aide end
one becomes refeeshed and Fro igorated
by such an outing.
On Wednesday,'May 2rid,the W.M.S,
held their innnthly meeting at the
home of Mrs, Pedlar. The election of
ffleers by ballot resulted in Mrs. %V.
Bissett being re.eleeted President;
Mre.J.Cobblediek, vice-president; Mrs,
Going, 28d vice-president; Mrs. Wes.
SnelleTreasurer: Mrs. 0. Snell, Rec.
See.; Mee. Mantle Oor. See. Aftee the
Meeting eloeed Mr% Pedlar invited the
tsociety oat to tie) dining TOOM where
a dainty tea WAS gefved. On Monday
evening last, several members of the
eoeiety met At 4110 home of Ma's M.
Buckingham an presented Mr:al:luck-
hem and Mita. Bissett With a Life
MembeVe eertifiettte. Aloe Mrs. Pell.
Inc had been presented With a life
mernberehip by her hoslettel on the
Annivet eary of their 25th wedding day,
lulured ift Runaway.
Mr. James Walters had one of the
bones of his right arm broken in a run-
away, accident on Friday tnorningiast.
Ile, with Mrs, Waltere and .Mr. and
Mrs. Alf. Walters, was driving to Sea -
forth with a liverftearn and cab. Be.
tween Kippen and Brneefield they met
a traction -engine which scared, the
horses, and they, jumping to one side
of the road, turned over the cab And
threw nett he occupants. The teani
got loose from the overturned rig
without dragging it, otherwise the, in.
ury tb the occupants might have been
much worse. At; it, WaS Janice,' Walt' rS
had hes.aetn broke , betqdes receiving
many bruises and eratches about the
side and facie Alf. and Mrs. %lames
Walters were olso severely bruised and
scretched, while the other lady was
nOt hurt in the least, The horses were
caught at Bruceil ld 411d brought, back
to the ecene of tilO trceident. lier this
time they were to, )10 to eatiniate thee*.
tent oftlieir injurlea anti they went etk
tot Ittheefleld to commit a &vetoer.
When their injuries had been attend •
ed to they returned to town, v ry
thankful that the result bad not le en
Star, Flour
Is the ideal Family Flonr—good
for Bread or Biscuits.
It is superior to flour naade
&am all Manitoba Wheat, so we
are told by many of our custoni-
.ers, and so we think ourselves.
The, prices is less too—$2.25
per cwt.
.V.Te also manufacture and sell
PRINCESS (Choice Pastry)
Special pricea for feed.
The Leading' Furniture Dealers and ° Funeral Direeters.
, .
A clearing lot of Men's and Boy's Suits and Odd Pants—
All up-to-date goods, which we will sell at wholesale prices.
et- any stage of an ailment to take
Howey's Hypophosphites and be bene.
fitted. *.7
But an ounce of prevention is woi th
a pound of cure.
When -the lira signs of illness on -
pear. when the nyttent le rim down,
when life eeeme a burden take 11ov1e3'.4
Ilypophrolphites and the vie en out
feeling will 'soon disappear told fa oe
will be sound in body and happy in
It is a prevehietive of grip and an
excellent tonic for thoSle recovering
from that disease. Only $1 it bottle.
Ask to.see 'our $6.00 to $6.50. Men's SnitS, -
Fashion this season decrees fancy tweeds, the patterns o
which are slightly larger than formerly shown, The coat
is cut with a vent, also a trate longer.
A splendid ra.nge for school wear in Dark tind Light Tweeds. Gond
Suitable styles.
Prices $1e50 to $2.50.
Three piece suits, sizes 28,to"33. Made ,of nobby Tweeds and Wortteds,
• • Prices$2.75 up.
Both Men's ana boys' sites. The values in these *are rema.rltablY good'
equally so the range of patterns.
Boys 50e to 75c per pair; Men's $1.25. to $2.50 per pair.
lust see our Linoleums 4 yards wide at $1.90 per yard net.
Our Reek -fest Drill at 15 eents per yard. •
Our Pain Wool Sweaters et 50 cents each for boys from 5110 12 yeus of
e age.
83011111EY0 P1111U4
chemist and ()raki, n. ExwriNit
ileadquartet's for the celebrated W, R Sanford Clothing,
o Spring
Jacket for $
.Ladies' J'acket1 of fine Fawn
Whip Cord, 23 inches long, fit.
ted Back.strapped Seams, Coir.
erect Buttons, very stylish.
Sizes 32' to 34, . selling but a
$5•00. ,
0074041 Call and see the 13IG VALUES
We are offering in 'Wornens'
Rain Coats.
sNigTjL & ROWE