Exeter Advocate, 1906-02-15, Page 14
aud Statements are
neeeeektry just about
now. Send in your
order to the Aiwa.
tetTit. Good work..
Farn3 villai•
9 or acaff
sther pi epeety 4
bougbt, iir
-for you at rowel
rAntiolliwiutl. Apply-
kteernocei & Otieseeli
azul Savinge 'Company.
Shareholders and rDepositors'
• Certificates aand Passbooks will be received at all
branches of .
Tile SOTERfill 11111110F 011011011
.A.11 necessary paynaents and transfers of money made -
free of charge.
Arrived" our new spring Dress Goods. They ' surpass anything
we have previously shown. We hems -something that will please everyone
s and will be only too pleased to show -you our fell range. '
Crepe de chene all shades good quality 50c per yd
Eolinnes , . " Silk or Wool ' 75
Light Gray -Tweeds very new, 50 and 70c "
Venetian cloth all colors 50 and 7$e "
Broad cloth ‘`,. • , 75 and $1
Mohaiviiteplaiti and mixed goods - 50 mid 75c
Shepparel'seheek new and natty, • -• ,e0c
Summer Suiti.nes (Shirt Waists).
A big bunch of all kinds.
Plain C4ingllaras
Vestings s
a " elleCICS
Ducks, and Prints all in;
Faiacy Giiighams
" Linens
u Ve.stings
. Satins
10010 le IOC eiS,
Are showing 45pairs Misses & Boys' Shoes re
lar $1.16 fox!.,76 cents.
•' ,Thelr first eonsiknment of New Spring Gods, amongst
which you find,
„Iiigh.o' lass English Prints of bautiful. pattetus in all the best clor, every;
piece guaranteed to hold its eolor in the washing % • • Price 12e.
_ • New hip. elassUnglish Gine-Arai and. '0,hairbrais, in plain pinks and
blues, alscro eelte in navy and white a,nd black and white. Pricea5c,
Veileeeinlietir leedeng shades, OxIaleod, .ettey, 0:fooet4egieey,
and grasp green. • • .• • _
•ew, Rock fast' Drills, colors can't be'evashed out. These are the right
things for shirts, and boys blouses, 8 patterns to cheese froth. 'Plece efie.
IsTevitCreana and White Flarinelettes at old *ices, itt spitreof the adYances
in all Imes of cotton goods. , , . • •
The prics' paid here for produce are as good as were ,ever
paid. We paycash when. you don't need goods.
Produce' taken as Cas14.
• College of Physicians and Surgeons,Ontario
M. It' -<Tor. Univ.) IIEMBElt
Former Ilonae Surgeon Toronto Western, itesitl.„
Successor to Dr. A. Rollins. 311ght call at ofilee;
Exeter, Ontario:
• liegia.
• .L.F tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Couulfienerb,
° Solititors for 3fo1ons Bank, etc.
Money to Lona at lowest rates of interest.
ffice,lfain street, Exetr, ".t •
L It °AMISS, ILA, L 11 DiCi8ON
WeIAVe a large :Mount of private funds to loan
o u rin and village properties at lotv rates Winter.
Ilarrietersileitors,Main st., teeter ea
- -
Money To Loan.
.., 1 have pivot() funds to loan on farm and village
properties at lowest rates of interest.
OMr opp0sit6Central Ilotel Mo,in.st., Exeter
. • • •
Organist and Choir Master of Mitchell Methodist
Church. Teacher—Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony.
Modern methods. Thoroughness
Property for Sale.
A fine pasture fatra itt the TOW of May, near
Earepta; Giu:1 JaW"Elrect anreff 85 acre l seeded, frame
house and good sildde, good Yoder, ete,
Another 100 1;1 farm for sale, in the township of
robluile,46515 or Ainiville.eonyenint to* heeLwell
drained, small orchard, 10 dotes- buh, frame Mime.
Ap ly f o
barn, stable and grainer,.
& (nittccit. Exeter. Apply to .10g, r,. RLTY, Virhaln.
The undersigned fa offering ibreale that,desirable
farm Iti the Township of Stephen, being Lot 4, Con.
8, eontainhig 100 acres. There !son the premisee it
good brick hpuse, bank barmand other outbuildingf;
two never failing will e of water and the property .
well fenced and drained. This is a splendid farm Ana
will be sold reasenably. For eitreentarie apply on
the premises or address Mrs. A. Chambers, Crediton.,
Sale Reisters.
FRIDAY Fru. 10.—Fan lock and /mpiementthe
property of Mulienleenrdv, Lot 13, Con 1, Stepho
,,. en, Sale at 1 o'clock: II„ Brown, Anetioneer,
Parra tor Sale dr Rent for Pasture
The .undersined is offering for saleor rent. for pas
ture Lot 25, Con. 2., Unborn°, containing 100 acres,.
of firstoltiss land, situated 23 miles from Exetr.
For particulars aPPIY to
M. UW1'6111,010 teeter.
The undernigned is offering for stile that desirable
farm Si the township of Stephn,,being Lot V, Con.
vession 4, containing 1111 aeres of first class land.
There is on the premises a good briek house, 2 bank
barn, driving shed, good young orchard, two never.
failitjiwells and other conyenienees; the land is well
drained and fenced and o all under cultivaton.,
Will be sold cheap anct Olk easy terms t110 proprie.
will remain here for isometircie.
tor intends going West, Apply to
F. W. BAKER,Crediton Eat,
The Mulemigned IA offering foreale the farm prop
erty in the township of liiddniph, Lot 0, Nort
Boundary o--•oritining int trms, This firm divirt.
ed into two f9.tion., vv, and et, and will he
sold together or seprtit. There is in the 10 acre
Int *briek hons, ttvo bank brns, oreherd, ten wren
hardwood Nob, two nvor-fAilint.vcell, wind min
attached to one, and other entivemenees On the Al
&re lot there ins. bank hare 4010 feet and
sere* Nish.
This property will be sold t heap teflon easy terms,
OBITUARY. 1, The Biter.
Nati* at PIM WM** Itawdett
The sympathy of a large circle of
friende will go 04 to our esteemed
townsman. Mr. William Bawden, in
the losie of his beloved wife who passed
to her.rieward on Tneeday morning
last at the age of 50 year and 4
months. Mee. Bewden had been a
long sufferer from paralysis, and her
health during the past few years bus
been very much impaired by sudden
attacks of the disease, whish at tunes
would render her siek almost unto
death. For some time, however, she
enjoyed fairly good health, but on
Saturday night last ebe was suddenly
stricken clown again, and lapsing into
unconsciousness she never rallied.
Mrs. Bowden was horn near Clinton,
Ontario, her maiden name being
Emily Shaw. She was twice married,
her ,first husband being Mr. Adam
Cook, and the latter, Mr. Wm- Bew-
den, with whom she has resided in
town for the past fifteen years. and
during which time she hits endeared
herself to many who will sincerely re-
gret to hear of her demise. The de-
eeased was of lovable disposition,
kind and true as she was good, and
she leaves behind her the fregeance of
aepuee life. She WaS a ilieneeler of. the
Peesby teriati church and a true Christ-
ian. Besides her much bereaved hue -
band, she is survived bythree sons,
two brothers And two sisters* all of
whom will have the sympathy of
their many friends. The funeral will
take place ,to the Exeter cemetery' to -
(lay (Thursday) at ,2 o'clock seri the
Death of Mr.' Jaffies 'MoCullagl$4.
Another of Usbornes most esteernecl
and highly respected pioneers passed
to the 'Great Beyond on Saturday
morning, Feb.10, at the Age of 80 years
and 28 days. Mr. McCullagh was ea
robuet hitedy 1110.n Until ahOnt. seven
years ago when he, sustained through:
a fall an injury which impaired • him
trona following the arduous dotiee of
life, which duties he had previonely
taken a great pleasure in. He was born
in the Oolinter of Armagh, Ireland, in
1828 and eame to Canada, in 1847, being
then 21 years of age, first settling in
Georgetown where he reiriamed for
about ten years, after which he came
to lisberne and settled on the' 10th
concession. Hewes married in 1808
to Jane Armstrengovho has been *his
loving helpmate during all these years
and, who survives hirn. 'Brie anion
wits blessed with three sons, one dying
in infancy; livinewho died at the, age
of IS years and John, who lives on his,
farm ori the lltb concessieo. Deceased
continued to reside on the '10th con-
cession until about three yearsego,
when heeerectectfor Iiiroself and Mrs.
McCullagh a beautiful and comfort-
able home on the farm of his son, John,
ii order to be nearer to his 'sou and
daughter-M.14w, who have been 'most
end and attentive to their eyery wish.
elehacl, therefore, been a resident of
this township for half a century; help-
ing to convers the vast forest into one
of the, finest townships in the •county
He was a man orstriet integrity, being
conscientious in all bis dealings with
his 'fellowmen 'and riartieularly Ab-
horred anything savoring of deceit in
any shape or form, was of an amicable
disposition and although • well versed.
in the topiceof the day, never attempt-
ed to force his opinions or views on any
persoq and was one of the truest and
kindest of neighbors, 'always pleased,
when an opportunity tO"do a good turn
came. Although not proMment in
public life he always took.a keen inter-
est in the welfare of the country, and
was a Conservative involities. In re-
ligiot he was A Presbyterian and was
during his residence in this. township
a valued member of the.Thames Road
congregation, being a regular attend-
ant at the house :of ,worship, his pew
seldom being empty while his health
permitted him to attend. His usual
liberality could be relied upon and he
generously contributed to ahl deserv-
ing causes brought to his notice to the
leo. The Bible was an open book- in
his hand; from which he took great
tomfort, humbly trusting in the words
of his bleseed Stivieur "Blessed are the
dead which die in the Lord, yea eaith
the Spirit that they may red from.
their labors and their works do follow
them." The funeral took place to the
Exeter cemetery. on Monde* and was
largely attended.
Mese Carrie Butt who had been, -vis-
iting Mr. and Mrs, J. Weecott for a
few days returned to her home at Olin -
ton on Saturday evening last.
°14r. Sas, (1),Rit and wife, after al:seed-
ing a few (lays in town, the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gregory, returned
to their home in Aylmer, last week.
Mrs. Thorne left Thursday last for
California, where ehe will remain for
some time to look after certain real es-
tate which she owns in the Golden
Mr. Wm. Artnetrong, of Imlay City,
Mile'a former resident of Exeter is
visiting friends in and around town
the guest of his brother, Mr. 1. Arm-
Me, Geo. Stuallacombe and daughter
May, returned Tnesdity evening from,
their visit to Stratford. They were
accompanied by master Geo.leelly who
Once used, elways in favor. Oole'e
pure cream tilettitllakilig Powder.
OrItsiattif Estortalitteetie
Tile Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt Me.
mortal eliereh twee arranged withMr.
It. A. 13en-Oliel, late of Jruselein,
give a grand Orientel Entertainment
in the Opera House, on Monday evn.
irw. Feb. 10th. Ire will be Aseisted by
thirteen pentons in enstumte illoRtrstt.
Mg the eiletome and eitrioeitiee of led.
ottgkAr, For perticulieta see Mlle.
r V •
The Council met purtMapt to ad.
leurnment on Monday evening at the
Town Wile Alt prelient, Minutea of
last meeting read and approved. The
auditors' report was received and the
recityitulation of assets and liabilities
rend, When asked regarding their
view* of the townee expenditure Audi-
tor %V.. 1. Weeks stated that they eon-
eideredtbe sidewalk debt as Mmes.
ing rather too rapidly. Beaman—
Creech—that the auditors' report be
accepted.— Carried. A communication
was read from1H. ,Eilber, M.P.P„, re-
garding petition' particulars of which
were given lastmeeting, also ether
unimportant communications were
read. ece Ford stated that a slight
mistake of one half cord of graerel had
been made in his .bill and that $1.72
was due him. Creech--Fuke—that Mr.
Ford be paid.—Cerried, Queen Pity
Oil 0o. account, be laid Over to next
meeting at request of the Reeve. Bar-
vey Brea., WPOd aceount, laid over
4180." Treble — Fuke--the following
accomite were ordered to be -paid:—
Wm. H. Levett, coat, $7.20; • W. '';
Acheson, matt ess purchased last year,
$3; E. Christie, P.O. box, $1.;Geo. feud
more, labor, re% Thos. Oreeeb, $1; J.
Gillespie, Jr., 25c.; Wni. Brunticombe,
$2.50; J. Howard, error he taxes $0.25;
J. Blatchford, le cords wood, $5; 0.
B. Snell, electric light, $97.20, less $2.04
!or lights being out, also $20 foe Water,
$75.10; W. D. Weekes and Chas. Snell,
auditing„ $12 each; cemetery care-
teker, neetates salary, $27. The Reeve
stated that'a representative of an au-
tomobile Orin washere ein, Saturday
and, requested to meet the council on
Thursday of this week., leiteFuke seat
ed Mr. Walker of Werth End wished
to rent a.etreet neer his property- ane
to enelese same. .0oineeil gave permis-
sion unless there vas objection. on 'the
part of some one. Some discussion
took place regarding night of nzeetirig.
Finally it was deeided to meet on first.
and third:Mom:lays of the month: The
Reeve etated that the Board oe•Heatith
at a. recent meeting decided to reebna-
,Mend that..the Health eeepector
•fect houses, but in ettSe' of his catching
Or 'carrying disease to his family his
doctoteaefees and other expenses he
paid by town. •Mr: Fake thought .that
Health Inspector should &paid extee„
for euch weekend. run his own risk, as
to disease. Me. Beaman thought the
Reeve, Medical Health: Officer ad the
'Health Inspector should decide who
was .to disinfect and . at what pay.
Replete --Treble—thats Inspector do
fetistetteleig, bot in case of 'tenons- cases
Where -tisk may be run he may consult
MAI. O. and Iteeve.---Carried. ,Mr.
Puke suggested that a certain Flax
Company was negotiating with the
town of Glencoe and asked, if anyone
could offer any information regarding
suchees Exeter 'piglet be h suitable
•place for each a company to locate.
Collector reported 'taxes all .ccellectecl,
except solue $11.50 indifferent amounts
which WAS reported as uncollected.
Fuke—Creech that Council adjourn
Monday, March 5. id.
, •
• Philip Hero has purchased the farm
of Mrs. James Rovveliffe.--Miss Jennie
Brirnacombe of London is visiting her
Aunt, Mrs. S. Parkinson—Quite a
numbeeof our young people attended
the oyster supper At Eden on. Monday
evening. They report a good tie.
ACCIDENT. —A very 'painful accident
befel 'Warren, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Brock a few days ago. The
little fellow eviee'olayingon the gang-
way at the sawmill at Woodham when
he slipped and fell breaking his leg in
two places above the knee. The lad
was carried to his home and Dr. Lang
of Granton immediately summoned,
who reduced-therfractures. Althoegh
suffering much pain the little patient
is progressing as well as can be expett.
ed. '
Witneaseee—Another of those pleas.
urable occasions which, so frequently
occur throughout this county and,
which will likely continue as 'Ong as
the world goes 013, took place at the
home of Mr. and Wad john Parkinson,
llth concession, Blanshard, when their
youngest daughter, Miss Sarah, be-
came the happy bride ofjohn White-
ford, a prosperous young farmer of
this. place. The home was beautifully
decorated for theoccasion, and as the
bride metered the parlor elle looked
very bewitching in a neat and hand.'
seine eostume and the groom may feel
justly proud of his Worthy helpmate.
After the ceremony was performed and
congratulations extended to the happy
couple the merry company repaired to
the diningeoom where the tables were
laden With luxuries, maintaining for
Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson their eeviable
repotation as host and hostess. The
gifts' Were simply magnificent. testify.
me, to the high esteem in Weigh the
voting people are held. Mr. and Mrs.
Vhiteford will reside on the fitrinlate-
ly purchased by the groom. We wish
them a long and useful life And eon
tinned prosperity, arid we are only
echoing the fervent -wishs of a host
of friends.
Around About lis
Goderich: James Reid died Weil..
nsdae after A if overt) ilinees extending
over six months, in his 71st year.
Mitehell: Mr. Morene's grocery and
elroekery stock was sold to P. D. Dean
f Goderieh for Wee. en the dollar,
Blth: Mrs. James Derr died liVed.
esday afternoon, after eeverstl monthe
illnees with canter of the atonaah.
Itobt. leivirigtone, who
Wee born and raised in. Mitehell,dieti in
Deteeit told wag buried there Sunday.,
'Nairn,"114dotch Linolemns, 4 yds. *ride, $1.76 a yd.
Lace auttains, 20 pezb cent. discount
A great slaughter in pricea of Wall Papers.
Only one Dinner Bak) 97 pieceE‘ $11.P0 rtir $6
Uncolored Japan Tea 25c per pound, 5 poundfor $1
Ceelon tea black or green 25e " • 5 " *1
Vairiotie Breakfast tea black ; 40c „" el , .bi ta
" Utak or green 50 '4! 2 1'2 “ 51 -
Coffee blended by Chase ez;Sanborn regular -40e for 050 tier pound"
8 pounds oatmeal for25c
21 poonds granulatedsugar for $1 -
23 yellow
Royal Yeast Oakes 4 cents per box'
nweet City Baking Pole ;
`,14 few left to 61eWlerrefe
Extracts, 4 flavors, et 7o per leceftTee
Black Pepper, regular 40e per pound for 25e per pound.
- Spices, regelar So per ounce to clear at 2e per ounce
PeaeTe'per can to clear at 4 dans for 25 cents
Mixed PickWs regular 13c per nottle for 10 cents •
All Groceries at Reduced Priees.
o lestone 484 Gardiner
" . t
Mr. Tbos. O'Renake was in London
• . , •
last Thursday on business. --Mrs, Sam-
uel Sweitzee reternecl helve .last Sat.
urilarafter spending a 'few 'days in
Exeter visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Moe-
Ohristien Finkbeiner was
in Toronto attending the cement meet -
Mg last Thursday, —Mr. lames Han -
nen finished putting in fee last $atine
day. pweitzer le Breen, general job-
bers, had the contract.—Mr. V. Ratz,
M. P., passed through here Friday.—
Nelson St. Clair gave the young •folks
of this piece it fine time last Friday
evening. All reported enjoying them-
selves.—Revival set vices will' be hield
in ,the Methodist ohnrch here all* this
week.- Everyone is inveted. to attend.
We are glad to report that 'William
Pickering, who basebeen on the site
„has recovered,—Mr', Chas. . Loch
ner has purchased a fine; organ;—
Wood bees are the order of the day.
The Methodist thumb ' had,' one last
Tneeday afternoon. "W`aterbiney,"
run by Mason and -Srith, took' , the
lead—two eutato one.—The flax mill
enjoyed a Strike for two days of Mat
week. • .
. .
Patrick Glavin, Jr., ,.and sister, Miss
Mary, visited friends 1n Seaforth ,for
a few days last week—B. Cunningham
sold his finedrivingenare to Dr. Mc-
Laughlin of Dashwood, for which he
received A good fignee Charles Holt
visited friends in fParkhill Sunday ---
Parties are all the rage around here
just now—Herman Neele, our popular
fish pedler, passed through here last
week with -the first load of fish this
season.—Ezra Viritzel has vented the
farm owned by Miss ,Annabell Barke
for five years.—Bernard McKinney en-
tertained a number of friends the oth-
er evening. Dancing was indulged in
till 12 o'clocie when a sumptuous lunch
was served, and aright royal time was
Diare At POET ELOR011.—The death
occurred at Port Huron on Tuesday,
Feb. 04 of Miss Mary A. O'Rourke,
Some three years ago she moved from
Parkhill to Port Huron where she has
since resided. The deceased died sod.'
denly, the cause of death being apo-
plexy. The remains were brought
here te the home of her brother.' Mr.
Michael O'Rourke, from which Place
the fonero, took place at 11. ad m.
Thursday for Att. Carmel cemetery.
Mies O'Rourke was well and favorably
known here, and 'after the first rude
shock of the announcement of her un-
timely death passed, it is a feeling of
a distinct personal loss that retnaina
in the afteetions of her many blonde
here* coupled with the sincerest sym-
pathy for the sorrowing relatives.
The Farriers' Institiite Meeting heist
in 0.,, Wilsotes barn by the mete wee.
very Mstruetive to those interested in
stock. Mies (Dr.) Annie 0. tBaehu
held a meeting in Wilson's hall antt ' •
orgameedia Lichee, ,Institute with the
following officers: Pres., Mrs. R. Eng-
lisheViee Pres., Mee. John Sherritte,
Sec'y, Mrs. John R. Wilson. The meet-
ing itt the evening was largely Attend-
ed end was n tereetio ie and ilistruetivere
---The concert in Boston,-. Methodiet
church Friday evening under the lea..
derShip,of Mr. Hotsoie inueical direc-
tor of London, was a grand treat to all
lovers of roneic. The Salem and Bos-
ton •
41011;, rendered Several. choruSeee
Rev. S. A..learriere of Grand Bend and
Rey. J. F. Sutcliffe gave short address-
es which were very interesting. 5. A.
Carriers rendered a French songwhich,. •
was loudly appletidea. .Mrs. J. Jainee
of Parkhill viited, her sister Mrs. Jas.,
Wallis Monday.—M. Hedges and fati:te-e
lie of Mantoba; are visiting at the
home of J. Turner. —11. flutchinesseeree—eeesseese.e.
county representative of Middlesex,. -
attended a joina meeting of Stephen • •
CLEMENT -In Vancouvere130,, on Feb.
5, to Mr. .and Mrs. S. ' B. Clement,formerly Miss Lottie Dennis, a. eon.'
HESS—In Zurichi011 Feb. 7, to ler. and, •
Mrs. Ferdinand Res,•a daughter,
LANE—At Xt. Carmel, on Feb. ei, to, •
Mr. a,nd Mrs. Thomas Late twin, e •
dateehtrs. • -
Otediton on Jan. 12th
to Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lamport, it
• .10110,
• „ ,
Metztet—Boern—At the home of the
bride's -parents, on -Feb. 14, Albert
D Miller of Berlin, to Miss Alice,
youngest daughter of Mee and
Jae. Boyd, Mitchell. '
Wen TEPOED—PA EEINSoN—At the res.-
idenee of the bride's parents, on Feb.
14, Johne eVlatteford of Zion, to Mis
Sarah, youngest daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. John Parkinson of Blatashard,
TEDBUTT—MARTIN—in TuCkerSnuitit,
010 Feb. 7, by Rev. Larkin, Leseite
Tebbutt of, Godeeteele tp., to Miss- lite
A. Martin of Tuckersmith.
• ere
13AWDEN--ID Exeter North, on Feb,
18,Emily, beloved wife of Wna. Saw.
den, aged 50 years, 4 months.
leletheradeeerc—At Farquhar, on Feb. 10e
James McOulleeh, aged 80 years, 2lEt.
days. „ •
REEVE6-111 Mitchell, on Feb. 7, Geo.
Reeves, aged 05 years, °months.
Good Peederg to get the best,results
use reliable Stock Foods,
at 25e, 5be, $1.00 and. $3.25 per package.
an. SCOTT'S. ,
t 25e. and 50cper packagd'
at 2i6e, and 50eper package
Also Oil, Cake, Linseed Mea, Sul.
phur, Glauber Salts, all at lowest
Mitehele: After nine years in the - _int%
good 1011 And intereste to Jernee He
&dry humblest; Sate Williittris has *old
arnafil ard re a bi0V6 ;store
rt leik