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Exeter Advocate, 1906-01-04, Page 12
4.'']]�QQ ]� 99pp # 0e y 4 A + + + i 4 The change from Park i,aui t tiler reg too s icir a, trove h i; 1-e. ll had 7yF SMS d.4 �#�. T 46 I n t I c. y �� 7 �i ,NT? c 't ti �• ��,wt9G� C�'ai l,�:SC �,�: �?1.ia�.t' �'3tii ��a �.�.�v my i r �ti�'t ft"?��iEa COC;1a� (�.� Qu',t �. '�C�.1 tu�E.. item; 'welt cte N(3 'oil hi stc'1, seat sell ea ted' a` UK) ELISA a Ole iteev('tue. Ilia, theme m Laically lly on Ute evening of their return " ono may de .:,,pair o1 ever reacting the 4- atgo drew a deep breath of thanatutneere shoat, ogee may 1o1 -o N.0111 acini teak up to a and relief, and ental tea persttacte icer elf tbiene with lotaa ;tni eyes. You have been that a wvas beeaurto of he foteitiess foe ' my star, Lady Nitrate au ri r taw) WOE' - .** H10 i;u'anal old plane that oho toes ee glad , °hived, i ww or flip you elate `hat was my ei Loots' awl c �. �# ; to ,cd baeF�> ., a:�:,wife ��:aceta, i.�.� � C�iom'�ii4 ar~-�i I oza ��t�•r1 , site .stood leaning on the surae rail, t9 hear foam WO Dips of the earl a d 4 747. and. looaing .sadly and wistfully aerote so utoia ou of my a.udaeity and—a �.la the velvety lawns to the tvotels over u wa:;'34la 1 vaite t Pent ntDy, as a oa'lma- which the auttunn mist was gathering a1a1 waits foo tl o pari ata of the s0.3id 11 ri data ,. ,veil-like cloud, G€lildaord Iter- tenea wvlit la 4.'411 e n.saga hint t.o liGe�ltarat} tura eame cameout land stood beside icer. tnieery° llut. it Wee neat pronounced I have eorno `to, sat- ;ood,ni‘vht'. ° ,tae '1'l$e earl`wa.s not surprised: Betnettather .s€alel. drat 11e . had discovered. tray •k ecr et and ` � • ; - ° ,. � You ---1011 +�rci � din h�trte�'°' Said rrt;rd may, lira�rt. • 1t#e' �w^as .not 'qua°pro Qeal. 1itsF31 a and tan was angry. ile�rn knows' Nodou. " wilt ,you not. ri:ilttatu the e- . , " �,a �; Hi .she bow caattelt, above U» gator deStrt3 11.E eo. t��'l;'`'I'�+•� ° XIX.. " ' � "Who hardest I `Ceali, . ima�iato dor a ril�,ht Y she: lidded.. as cordially as .�li� l Iteerris talc I. ,So pooch that; ira placa at cot ef►rik'l. • yeaaan Irl s c1 lend of open air 'aii 3 . , i' id a ra jy areelg e e h4 .. .� e r "' ' . "Thank you clo . I don't think 1 hall Gout 'conation and rebuke, he spot e---- +purl°s gide.; Psa,rs�3:si>a dam root alwa�:s :�rq, be s3�ail, slas�lAing lois;; ha.ad. "It a� •indeed,� a �i ler allow .nye ' l-Ieays?�. 'bless �hitfi l"4 --rho•' looked gale - with estr life; it is se ineti21 ', setts• led La a .great respeasibllnty, I wish.. the #1 needed; you Will t • i £illy taawv i le the wan;. drawn .fat gal . Y e, t i e,teis .-,,F� , a ,,a, ee 1. u a ' hNI • .to help'.yott. Put. if I'shauld be, you will tvit] kitting teed Drain, �iepri�rin >l.� at ` .. send u m age to ther pottage, will•you, Lia! on Inc. pillows -.-"ho 'spoke taordF victim 'of the lase ng of !let•s! Bine an . P -.4. d ... taut Y'°' of akoatg#ort ,and encciurtigenieait... Ah'. lrancic i°ilag hiaaa helplesstact express "'Ye, .I will," respunda'd' Norai lady Norah,. none' but 1 acid those dear "'Can he, not b.p ' faired r' asked g „an slonlesa as ii, child. Norah. •• faho wd h heard creat dliadi hur lotto was more genial Than meat, to harm can fully appreciatethe nobility tt, o h s 'uep , 3 r of his nature! ' It was I who shrentf The rI hd Iivecl c lire, r f ex.. d young ratan va ho would be the next for she code not bop remerrrt rl all wvitia unfeigned -humility from confessing t e i'e quietude and caro fe m earl- nerhapa so Boone -Nand master .lee li done ort oat a d h r� m love ° it was he, the noble father, years pool, and it caste to his rissao� "It seams soy I should litre to try and thank you, Mr, y borate fand'kept death at bay; but he def Santle,igh Dourt. ; i;ertort'" , who, consenting to• forget the difference strange his keeping in hiding all this "You have dune a great deal- everya Nosh's, gar u grew more tut/ of horror. want speechless and ,almost. h.elpleas. elr;iduatly a ellgbt improvement set ha; they were, able to prop hila op with pillows, and it seemed to Norah +thhat though be could not epealt, he understood what she said to him.. She noticed, with ttee improvement In his, strength, a certain •chsa,ng© til: hide manner—if indeed, anything so, ine time. Surely he must sec the ac- count `sof papa.'s illness iii the pap- . era?", Yes, he wotrlcl if he were in lenge land," raid 'arr. Potherb*, thought- fully, "13ut I'm afraid he is not, ,,You sec, he is. a' most extr'aorditaa,r- ily erratic young marc, and unless. he w .. A. expressive could be called Mariner— , chooses to come forward and, declare towardher. She found that dais Aim liixnself, I in afrtt,idl° v,'o shall not .and eyes brightened . slightly when she hien,, spoke to him; and often in the 'night At this moment Guildford Berton, en - watches, when she thought 'him tered. the-room. Jaen would, find lois eyes "-set "You are speaking of the viscount's" on her fixedly, as if. he3 wore trying he..said, _.h a lowv. voice. Every effort to remember or say • something., is being made: to find him, Mr. I'ether- She . would , have 'loved her " ,, father Ick." with all a daughter's love from the'' " Have you' advertised in the news first moment ..of her home -calming; in- , papers?" deed,. she had roved hili though, lie ;,�" Well, no. Not yet. I. scarcely -••you had delict his best 'to .freeze all ,erten-, seek' the earl may reca5ver--I mean sued-. derness within her; but now-;; that, he ciently ;to be conscious of :what is, going was thrown ` upon her carp the treas- ion, and 1. fancy-inde. d, 1' am. sures 'uses of love and tenderness in her that heswould be extremely angry.iU, +eve heart welled.' out toward, him, and took that'Step.". she loved him As„ only a woman can 'Mr. Petiterick shook his head. v love. the being who is dependent upon • " Besides," said Berton, "1 am certain •__ -{`'`hoer.° • ° ' ,Lord .Santleigh is net in Ergland, and The nurse and 'doctor, . who had unless we know to • what ' parte df. the looked upon her n.s just ;a ,fs shionable world:he has betaken himself, we can and perhaps . spoiled, beant;,., •were 'scarcely advertise." "ry inwardly astonished at her devotion., Mr. Petheriok : was still ,afraid of the and the. doctor^ declared that it, was earl, and he . shrank from taking .the: fact he,, but Lady Norah, who kept responsibiltiy of advertising" such a: pubic life going, IA the feeble, stricken 'tic hue.' and 'cry.. • w.;, , .s. ,, frame. "Perhaps we had" better wait dSlittle Guildford Berton ,'remained, in the , longer. ' That is an .extrernelysensible house, and,'as of old, transacted all young man," he remarked to, Norah as lousiness,„ for the 'Marl. u . Berton left: the' room, " i' don't, think I. Every now and then he paid a visit ever. met a clearer head for business, and to the . sickroom, . ,and, :stood beside ;he'•a.ppcars,to have' been very kind and -- the . bed murmuring words ' Of vendor. - attentive." - • • ' •to the old Man; and at ' such tinted "• Oh, ; yes," assented Norah, . trying o the 'earl fixed his eyes • upon"him with out :some . warmth oil gratitude°'.into hoe' a strange .look which, Norah could t•oliet...and failing., "Mr. Berton is' the net interpret,, but he never attempt• oiosest friend` papa has, and has done ed to .speak. and'showed neither plea~ ,'everything since lie has been ill." sure nor impatience at "his youhl !' • "Very kind,: very kind,- Indeed," murs trlesid's". visits: allured Mr. Petherick. Arr. retherick had 'been sent for He- went up and touched he thin .tirectly • the improttereent set in, hnd white hand lying on the coveeli by way tried to awaken` •a gleam of'fntelli- of farewell, and the.earl looked at loin, ,hence in: the old. man, but .f failed. The . and from him to Norah. : earl looked at - him. with' the -same vacant, fixed stare,''bnt displayed no 'rOCcta lit oti.. • . • "'`This..#s very' sad for you, my dear~,at said the old. lawyer to Norah, • his . eyes .blinking ` behind his. ;glasses, as', 110 looked. at the' lovely, face so Pale' and . patient, and recalled the young .;girl who cavae so brightly in- to : the sit;titig room of . the Devonshire• nearly moved to tears.. Staxnding there,. cottage. ""I' am afraid you - win looking at the wreck. before him, he for- - ° 'knock yourself up. They tell ni that) got the ,many slights'and`'snubs he. -had ion, scarcely take any rest:," I endured at the hands of "the. superfine. "Olt, but. I do, and this . is not earl" and recalled only the: best side of _ .. wsrr&� sitting here.",- his nature. "A° most just and •upright m.an, the, "Please do not.. I have stone so little.;" In our • rank, bade me hope." "I-•er=--altnost think his lordship is trying •.to . speak to' roe. I feel •certain '•he knows me.. Do you wish to give m any, •instructions, my , lord ?" he asked,, anx- •iously;:.but the wail• stared et him vacant- ly as before, . and Mr. Petheriek, who. remembered his clieht,. a stalwart`young man, coughed,. and blew his nose,.as is. the fashion ,with, men wheal:, they 'are earl, ' your father, my` dear,": he said, 0 • . wvth'a suspicious falter -in his . pipy voice. "U. distresses.. me more than; I can say to see him in this condition.'t And he went his . way, as sadly re • grelful as if the earl had been the 1swvicetest-tempered of men: and. the mild- est of clients: When a fortnight had passed Norah noticed a certain 'vague .reeticssn in: the earl's glance, "It is something he wants,"., she said to ',the., doctor,; with "tears. in Baer. eyes. "And I cannot think Whet it is, thnttcli' I ttry for hours at a 'tinge; Do you think he wants to' get bash to the Court ?" "It is .possible," replied `Sir Andrew. "At - any rate,. the change may do' him no harm;indeed,' it. may benefit nun. Try. it, Lady -Norah -that is, 1f ,you wish tor Now, Norah did not wish to get' hack very dutch, though she could scarcely have told way.. It certainly wvduld seem as if it could natter very lit le to her whether ,she sat in :a chair besiege ids bed in Park Lane or .Santlei°bla ui i; she would not .acknowledge to herself the true reit; t�n—tlitat at Santleigli Court slie would not have to live in the same house. with- k lr. Guiitifoi°d" Berton. • Ile had Leon Very kind, a,e devoted e the earl and herself as a man' 'could be, and yet --I She knew that he never entered the room but ,that a chill swept over liar,' that site could scarcely meet the glance of his dark, ;rinb°c.eye,s with - old showing the repugnance which lain presence awoke in her. , Lady Ferndale was strongly in favor of the removal to the Court. :London is the worst place in the ,druid to be ill • in, dear," olio said; "and I'm thinking o f your+.011, toe. You wilt be able to het out into the garden, anis on the terrace. Oh, yes, let we take hila back.. l'urrr, poor old• mane' i u ed to laln4i at his proud, haughty, Dint, George air.;; I wish lie's let lr1i knight at hint now'!" And her tyles tilled wvith tear 1; not so much for the earl 1l for her rhea' girl, VS thsl ealit-d Nrlratt. " Me. Gnilcifcarrl Reclean, rto tectal took charge a,f all the arrangements; gOt the' inifttii(1 carriage, (.!.laid ".1 the t i., c;ial train, had another invalid t';'i'ii;t''.' in eielira at Sa.ntloi Ali • ardent, nt, and btu. lived. de Lady Ferran° eat, as if he were the earl':; sort. "Heftily, dear," the sari to N°'ara.li, `Guildfor 1 Berten 11,ae 11!:iv-al wwrt�81a14'e fay,- and he fills tine with ,11cattic iaiid fain 1.0. Not tette .snail iiia Il tatr.�rinill� would have done it in a 1:';terY manner. fie nia.lte: no 112(:3 Over anyLao.f, h .'. ever !tgaaelt trouble, t le, it I L . ' rued Milani.; I tweeter he Itteei't, i1 .1.ta d neon, f.ittkiil up w,,,rith the earl r "`ile has, butt t3.:'. ' -.: r city. Blair ,Lady h'ertitiai', tared I erupt 131',1 r . a ` it ter zany 1,ne, riot t'"vtit to Mr. Uti,ila1L. 1 1 'ilei' t.n.' Fat is ibf 'reat account • a baby" .; that is-cwhy babies, „arc fat, .If �. '!your why 'is scrawny, Scott's Ennu1s on its *hat ,at he A wants: The healthy baby litotes as' fat what it +does .ot . ed immediately' for bone ,and tans e 10.:, Fat babies' are happy they 4c not cry' ; they. ate rich their fat is laid tip for time of need. They are appy because they are comfortable. The fat sur- rounds the r .little nerves and' cushlons'them.. When } they, are scrawny those nerves are bast at every n rr ntle to itch. They delight in Scott's Emul- ,cion It is as sweet s;3 wholesome to thein,. Send ;eat' }`teat sampht. ne lure deet gas picture it* the fovs of'a� labs! is on the wrapper of every' bolds tit Emulsion:0u buy. 4catt 4* Sown* Ch.m%ts ��+.T,"oronto' Ont; 111' � a ' ti • .. thing," put to Norah. Even mord 'than t11at, he went on little compered with what I should after a pause; "he was good enough to have liked to have done1" tell ane, with all the frankness of it " When my father is well he will toe father, that he had seen my love for you, able to thank you better than I can, and that he would not only give his con - said Norah. sent to . my strait, but his countenaii'. " He eannot -thank thank me half SQ . well, and gent:roue approval 1 Lady Norah, even if I deserved or desired 'thanks.. it is with - the sanction of your father, One woad from yell, Lady Norah, out- with the knowledge that I have .hisfeet bestan weighs a world of gratitude, and would wishes, that I kneel at your ti repay me for the sacrifice of my life," avow tray love l" : and he dropped on , one • Norah flushed. "' " I—I must go bruit knee and held out his hand to . her : al - now," she. said, most in the attitude of worship. s - "1eshould like to say good -night to the I-=1 have surprised you, alarmed Earl,' he said. you lo I should have prepared you, and The eaz'lwas sitting up, looking none Yet— ah., . Lady Norah, surely you can - the_ worse for his journey, which hoe not have been blind to the love 1, bear been rendered as easy as gold—the great You. During all, these months you must "smoother of all thingscould snake a, have seen how corripletely and entirely tie glanced from Guildford Berton to .i have beers your slave; There- is rap Norah and back again, and . his lips hour in which I have' hot thought... ;T twitched:.y ou; no moment in whtch 'I have net '"He seems no worse," he said. :`,ince• striven to find some way of proving my- deed, I think: the. -change has improved self less unworthy; of you. Yes, though Cairn" I'have 'tried, to c. usli• the love: out of niy s"Yes„ I have an klea," he said: "Beate "You say that—that my father sano- you to -night." " Mere than `senctioned,",lie aeld, soft:: 1Y, Pleadingly.' " Must I tell you ail? Why -not asked Norahe ' " Not to -night,: he said; " to -morrow, You three ine. •Lady Norah, it hes lofig perhaps. ,.No, Lady Norah, I been hls wish th4 yOu .should be .my doloe, be said. If a told you my in. stricken, man, .whhse presenee Guildford terpretatian yoieVould be angry; and t Berton _shed disregarded' as :completely eannot afford- that you should be aogry as if he had .been eiready dead," heard with me." • and understood; but at that raomerit °a 4` I do° not understand. Why' Amid 1* sound like a faint moan broke from his 24. V% /ill you give metyour prOMIS0 that what JO may say to yon shall not, make. eanethrough Guildford Berton: end his You angry With. me?" he asked,. in a „faze blatched. But in a moment he had low voice. .ithaken off the' dread which httd seized thing that Would make me atigry, Mr. r''YOu 'see, you .hear Ati, If. he tottid 13etion," .she ,said, quietly. asPheealtw,tattiOdd bweOarulind etowirtIneettgole.n„ he. could t "Then I will tell you. , • I have' youe auidtecycliltys mC4' andedn'ditieshlicsetreoslelii•Aanc, dta very ask, me if I can interpret the expreesiort which the earra face wearS, when he Norah looked,. into. the parrs face, lcoks from you to me... The answer bears referenee---close' reference te you:. ther-Power • Of speech, afid the aceepted of deepeir and horror she Guildford Berton's interpretation; With "To me?" said Norrs mechanically. under his eyes., win yon,• carry yotir flung Itereelf down, and hid her face *upon the Old man's halide, for he mind back to the night, tee the earl's looked apross het at Berton, his face 44 YOU. will remember that I mope" in. slonless °Yes- • lett, and went to the earl in the libaary, "Norab; ' for Heaven's' sake, .for his I; went to consult him about seme bust. wsallites,talhaavned rt,---adoon6,_noNtvitirseat st,m. me like this t I --that you 'mess matter.; but I foend him strangelk 'averse to diacussing , fte 'seemed to shOuld shrink from me?"' .1 -le stopped have something on his mind; I have 00 suddetey and' started, for a. voices audi- doubt that the presentiment of his eom- r.ble to his own ears only, seemed to wins- ing was upon him, aod, it was per in. ghastly tones,' 44 MUNIerer r" otsly natural that he ehould be derelline .„" Norah speak to, me. 'Tell me that . Norah's hand went forth; and ' foiled All, how could I hela it ? I whet lived the earl's and held, it; . in tlw eunshine of your presence---" "He spoke of you, Lady Nerah, of the " I" dropPed from. her lips. joy and comfort your presence brOught '"You --you svill not hear me?" he him, and theri"--tfe" paused and hesi. 'said,. hoarsely. , toted', but, it was too late to draw baeke have, heard you," she said, and with a covert glance at her he went most. inaudibly. ' on, suatothly„ softly-e"and then he epolte ," If—if he could hut speak 14 he nano Ile waited to 'See if she woUld atiealt, She turned to her father,. and caught Norah yemained silent. •at hie arm, astir imploririg him to reeall "The 'earl a.nd I have been such clos'o his consent or deny it. friends for so long. Lady`'Norah, and ho "Why -should you hate me so ? Ave's. so quick to notice any change in, it is because. I.° have omit too late, bo- ttle olemeanor of those about him, that cause there Ls another 2" it was not surprisiog he shOUld rentare "You' shall not speak another wOrd to an 'alteration in m3r manner, though I me she said with- parted Ups, her have tried to hidele from him, from all. breath coming fast and furioUsIy, rher That night he asked me what it wits that hands 'elinched tightly. " if weighed upoo my mind. I tried tit evade all you, said be true, it, avould make no, the queetion, hut he had discovered the, differenee. Take my anstver, Mr. Ber- truth, and he frankly charged MO with ton. I" ---she caught her breath and it. Can you not gueee its nature, touly .spolte, elowiy, with it hauteur he had Noralt shook lute head. Marry you; and now, will you go, "Ile had 'been watching doe, it seems, 'please?" and had caught e glimpse of my heart, "Is that the last liword ibetween us? though I thought that I had succeeded You choose to disregard his wish, yon in hiding it. Lady Norah, the earl, your ilineeilly love fit illy facet ' Do you think father, stoked blinttly as Us cum- that I em the man to take SV1011 a dis- tesy would pernift, if the change he had filEal quietly, patiently ? You littld obeerved in me had ally reference, to know- He pulled MmHg' up, and, yottedind I admitted it. I told him the bent trevard her imploringly. " Ali, for - truth. I confessed:that I loved yote, Laxly t,111:0 ITIC; I dOn't kliOW What I aid say- Norith I" , hoe. My heart ie torn and rent by your Noraide haul elooel tightly en the cifidnees, your disdain. Have pity on, earl's; and a :Atwater nook her. She Me, Norall could oot have ttponen to MT her life, She mewed. Toward. sloIvly, painfully hut simr,dy sat, hki, oyes fixed iipat ‘ItNklin as it ecetned,d and ber Land Went to. with wild ineoalutity and enatzeinent. Ward the ,- "The eintreeeion wee noting from me; I' StaY 1" lie sant AlkilittlY, "I will coilid not lave kept it bad:: but eVon go. Ilut for Gett's cake, have W)11-10 melts ne I made it.I folt how hopeleen war. the eyl Do not let us port liiteeeelike this. If tevo widolt bad ft)Ittlit aSaittet and I rennet be what' would to you, ut had fondly feizeted 1114d tiiddoit bold 'oast do not take Yonr frlends111P ftvovy uso., I talents I 'have Hever foe- me." 1113 voice grew cooler end More, I realize it now. title moment. as 1:,Knly for by your rejection, Lady Nora% and as I ivivcy e,;.Cr (tow. 111A there 15 tie and let that plead, for Me. haVe resh from the Gardens 0? the Finost Ton-prod+solns Country In tha World. tEA, CEYLON. IllackrMlxed.: r Ocan io Delicious and whoiesonto. 'Only, t' 40e ,tic and 600 per ` pound. B r t?olid' in ��d Packets, � � .; . .. � By sell �► �4'=, IIIGI I°isT AWAlip, `sl. LOUIS, Mi. • 4-0 ,hout Ike Far LAIVIDS 011 WETHEBS FOR FAT.; °Men who have spent long yeers fattening sheep are not agreed as to whether the fattening- of sheep or lambs win .prove the moee profitable. This difference of view arises from the tiff- terent results obtained from feeding under different conditions. 'The. Mile - oases thatdaffeet the outcome pleated be well understood. by those ' who engage in lite work, ' Some of the more im• cliscussecit writes Prof.. Thomas Shaw. Quality as used hero has reference to the. °capacity of the- sheep', to 1111Eib:0 good gains. It tvill 'be influenced, ter breed. Sotne breeds wet moke mere VeinS, in . proportion. to 'the food 'ed' 'thew others. The :towel.- the quality rot "the animets -perchasede „therefore, the More cestly will it be to purchase we. titers, since. they will cost Moroerela- Usely to feed, in Proportion to the weight, purchased. There is less risk lambs., then in purchasing low- grade cohdition of the animals, at the tune of •purchese is important 'if pur- chased byt weIght.. It .is more profitable feeding, other things being equal, I rtv.,. a given amount of food. Thie, 1:twe- eter, presuposes - that neither the fame more profitable to purchase ,b.oth Nye - of its lean ' It is u"sUaill I thers and lambs by. weight, when both ate to• be fed, as ...the ettanbe is then would be .possihle if t both were Tin, - chased isten, 'in a. high condition- ,9f - -WetherS nOt only take more food :to maintairi--:them than lambs, but thee use More feed in _Making a, pound el' 'Thie' is oteing to that Iattt of mei' into 'nutrition which ealls for mere food reattiVely in proportion to' lite gatn matte the • oldet the animal •1s. This hes \ been proved by nUmerous ..experi- writer .at_the. Minnesota station., The favor. of the larapS. But under seine conditione it -may be possible to featd coarser and eneeper food to *ethers, and thig will 'exercise' some influenee in, the comparison.. in SQMO instance's:. lt• is plain, therefere, that, viewed • frees tee etandpoint of possible gains . from fegAng, lambs aro a safer venter° than wethers. follows.' that the 'yet -infant. the lambs are, providing they cae reath tee requisite tveights. when ,marketti the more profitable relatively the INFLUENCE OF .MAISO IN PRICES. As- everyOne one knows, the, margin on .the selling price over the *. burfig price exercises far-reaching influence on. Profits. ,'Now suppose a *ether is bought .at a certain rate. Which welgas 81.: pounds., and a Jamb is bought at a tain" :Tate that weighs 60 'pounds. Tile, two 'artlinals are fed and .solkat price Whieh. is 1 cent per pound above tre price paid., Now suppose the 'two animal's had consumed the stems amount ot food and Made the 'same increase In weight Oleo the fattening of the waiter would .have been attended with the. greater profile, The weight of the wether wethett increased 80 'cents during the 'beeiod of reeding and that of -the landd 50 COrita. The infleence of the weight of the animals at the Unto qf purohase on-aorofits is thus shown, and' this tact tactile :has made the feeding of went vs more profitahle then the feeding of ' Lamb meat sells .more' readily hi. the market than wether meat, and usually at a price ceneiderably higher. Ped cause ot this the margin between the buying price and selling price f Jambe is considerably more in onse of lambs than of wethera. -Whea it is, the profits are:greatest from feed - hut ItUt meently lambs, ton -I- nland a better. price- when bought* end the; change May go on, unfit a point is reached when the feeding of wethere may ',become more profitable generally. It does happen eometirhes that more profit cornet; from feeding old ewes. In Leen 'purchaeed very cheanlyr A very great:change has been Made during reeent years in the number or wethera and lambs relatively that have been fed. The -fattening of lambs has m oportionately -increased, end them ha.4- been decrease in the fattening of wethers. Tim, on the farm, at least, le have r;aid, and—and—let things &Lad theY were between us." lier hand dropped from the bell, and) cringingly, like a %%tipped dog, he tried to take her hand to lift it to hie lips, but NOralt shrank back beyond his roach and pointed, to the iioor. Will try and forget, for his sate,4 she said, with difficulty; "but 1.0 Then, 1164 lie Tett the room, she fell for. ward, her !lead ,bowed npon her butt", and one word broke fri'An lier "Cyril 14 as be confirmed). 0,5 it ought te be, howsoev,er 'It mai sea e range; The• farmer tart sell • a . good lamb reared -on . 1111 teem at it, greater relative profit at, say 'nine months. old, than if he kept the same; (Net^ and' sold him at twenty-otto menth.s. It is also pretty eertain that re pays the ranchtnao best also to set wethers as lambs. ' tre 'can pasture a owe 4111103t 38 choply as a wether. The ewe will give, 1.1to a fleece of woo) about equal - that of the wetber and will also furled) hina with a lamb. _EXPERT' TESTIMONY. Higgins—DO-you know anything about young Burrow's ability . as a book - bony of Shakespeare more iban a year , ago.and he hae kept it ever since. TWO OF A KIND, et arn a sQlf-mado Man," said the bail president, "I began ae errand_ boy' 'and tvorlted my way up." -"I; too, . am a self-made man," replied the ex -burglar. "I once rented a room_ over et bank and worked My way down.". Dolly Swift; "Mamma is almostesuret she .board You" kissing! me last given her any eauee to think So." Dolly Swift; "Welt, don't eou think it, In Tour Leisure Time If yoti could start at once in a bnair sum' to yOur present earnings--Vinnt- °it tV 1°:" te?. A r e to start 'yot; in profitabkrbOsiness and, we doo't ask you to Put, up any kind of a dollar. Oor proposition' is- this; We will 'Ship 3iou'ihe Phathanl Incubator and You, ,PaY' No' Cush islotil .,Poultry rasing pays., " People who tell you that there ie money' raising chicks may have 'tried to make money in the bits:Mess by using settinge hens as hatchets and they might as welt have tried 'to lor'..a.te a gold mine hi_ the cabbage patche The busineSs of a hen is—to lay egg.' As a, hatcher and brooder sho is out- classed. That's the basioess , of the Chatham Incubator and Bracelet., and theydo ;t perfectly.and successfully. The poulfry business,. properly con- duated, pays far better than aoy Other business for the amount of tirae and money invested. es, • Theittsands of poultry -raisers ---men and ,Weinen all ever:Canada and 0.16, United States -r -have proved. to their. eatisfactioa that leis profitahte to raise • A: .7.„.......;_e:titAtiyliii,i,i se! .44.4.°' -7.7.7',V.;'1:-* ,, I, 1 NI ;git 1,;-4 *NZ .21'7716320EEggggss. rA No. 8-240, Eggs- CIIATEIAlifii INCUBATOR AND BROODER. uSed, and wish to state kbad 62 chicks out of 62 egg& This wa5 nay limb lot; truly a WO per cent. hatch. Tam well Waged with Tor incubator and brooder. TriOS. MoliAtiOnTatt, ,firet, hatch Caine .oft TATot 170 flue chicks from 1.1V tggEt. Wha can boat that for the first trial, and Oct early lathe spring. I am vvell bOdratfxl, and, ordY needs about 10 minutes Attention every day., Moosli A833,' The Phatham Incubator and Brooder is honestly construted. There ia no humbug about it. Every inch of material is thorouglity teated, the machine i9 built ort right principles, the insulation is perfect, thermometee end the workmanship the best, The Chadian) inctibatoe and Brooder i$ As well as scientific in. con.- struction—a woman or girls can operate the Machine in their leisure moments. You f)ay 113 110 eat111 until after xeod Send 118 your name and atIdte':ifet on A pest card to.day. We an snooty' 'you toitekle from onr don, Regina. Winnipeg, New WeStmingter,, 33.0.. Montreal. Iralifrot. (Jhatham. Address corresivudenee tO Mahan-. 414, .!" Manson Campbell Co., Limited Dept. 35, CHATHAM. CANADA radottes at etetenest, Girt, and Deanery.? Let us, sokofe you prices on a 400d Panning Mill - or dood,Vorm Scale.