Exeter Advocate, 1906-01-04, Page 11THH
Oxeter A:trate,
piabllsital4 every Thursday Morning at is Oise
One poi)* r °* *waoa itfpai4 i* a►draitres.'SE.NO
it not so
:#R.dt.�xs exit +: t 3. 1;113.
►old._ _.*.' ' ']j.c .
t .Q .
No paper diecontluued until all s�arreara�cteas are r<'i d.
Advertisements. without specified directions w be
ubliebed until forbid and charged sc�eordiaa yy.
Liberal discount made for tri en advertls..n.ntaa
. warted for long periods. JCaery description of JOB
P$UNTIN(l tuned out in the finest, style, and at
ruoderate rectae.. Ohegnee, money orders, .&e , for
advert.tsia g, subscriptions.. etc., to lie made payable
Sanders & Creech,
d'rofeeif :tonal Verdse-
It11. A. R. lirlNSMAN, L. A. S„ D D, S.,
limier graduate of,Toronto Univerbity.
Teeth extracted wltiibut any pain, or any bad effects
Office4i lr'anson'e Block, west side Main street,,
Exeter, •
3.y. -----
Honor Graduate of Toronto Uhiveraity ani] Royal
Coliege of Dental Surgeons. of Ontario. Also: Poet
Graduate of Chicago School ofProsthetic Denti.tery
(with honorable mention.)
AAuminum�, Gold and Yuivanite Plates made in the
-neatest manner, possible. .4, perfectly harmless an..
Aesthetic used for painless extraction of: teeth.
Mice one door south df Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
Bran. and Shorts
and Wheat Cho'
At Beater and Centralia
Prices: Satisfactor r.' Bring: rix
your grain. and load
hoose with feed.
Our .holier Flour is at the
very top: of the list of good
fourg. There is none, better
r -made. It makes the good wife
smile. Try it '
i ,oker''s •Triumph
The Mooney Baker cannot
produce anytthiing,,,,better than
oone /'s Pe�rfedion
Creon Sodas
The very best of flour, totter
and cream:— the '''most modern
plant, the very best baker in
Canada A biscuit superior to
any other you have ever tasted,.
$ay " MOoney's" to your grocer:
Tucker( mi,th
John Robb has sold his farm oh the
2nd concession H. R. S., to Mr. ' Arm-
strong of Stanley, for the sum of $7000.
This farm contains 100 acres and is one
of the best fermi iq; the township and
is in first class shape.There' is a large
two story brick house. and good ]Barns
and outbuildings, Mr. Robb intends
going to Seaforth toreside.-H.Town-
send and Levi Storm :'have exchanged
farms; Mr. Townsend expects to dell
the'farini of Mr.,Stong and ;is as.yet'
undecided as to what lie,will do.—Rus.
eel �Hartry of Seaforth, has been enga-
ged as teacher of S. S, No. ,0. at .a sal -
erg of $3t0 der annum.—Everett ()richt
.of Park River,; North Dakota, is oat a
visit' to the old home iva the West End
and intends returing about the middle
of February,_ Like many' other expat-
riated Canadians Mr. Crich intends: re-.
turning to Canada. Just before leaving`
Park River he sold his'faarin there and
on his return will make a prospecting
tour through Saskatchewarn and Alber-
to with the view, of lookingup a new
home inc the land of Maple :'af.-Tho-
mes Fotheringhnin,, who ie engaged in
the drugs business in North Dakota,.
is horns on a visit. While on the way
here' he was in a railway wreck; and,
�wbile�not receivinganyfurther injury
than a cut forehead and-. a black a eye,
two men in. the seat in front - of him
were killed.
We wish to announce to the public
that- we have placed our mill in succi ai
condition that we can now produce
hour which.' not: only MARES' THE
FOOD WIFE SMILE but is also a sat-
isfaction to ourselves.
Gristizng and Ohopping
promptly -done. All kinds o£ shill feed-
a:lweys'on band. "Wehave justi�eeent-
ly'plaeed in our mill a machine o
Produce Rolled Oats.
we.lravrte yoev patronage.
alid Good Will.
will 'seem more real if yob.
place in your home a beautiful
We haVe them bought espec.
ially for 'the ,Xinas. Trade.
The quality is the best and
Prices and Terms very easy.
Take a look at our Xmas.
Stationery., alsothe Sleighs
'for the Boys and Girls., -
Ifyou, your friends or relattves suffer with
Fits' Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance', or :Falling
treatise on such dirCasel to Tim. Leona Co.!
rso IsIng Street, V., Toronto, Canada. Ali
druggists senor can obtailifer you
A wadi*. burs for *litmus or
sexual vireakneee, Mental anct
IssoltS,004 Arm &Ain Roo
cue. cw. by endruirgisto,„' et maned in kiloin
°HANGED EACH WEDNESDAY 4t4k4rargittritilit."013trattraor;
Wheat 78 , 821
Flour, per cwt., fitunly
Flour, low grade per owt
Shorts per ton 10 00
6 00 0 5o
20 STBATFOR p, oar,
6 10
20 (y) DO YOU ttlint a goad pOsition in the Commercial
W9rld ? 'Ito surest and shortest road ia vitt this
10 00 Eehool. ,II7o give a course ot training that, is not
ci give individual instruction therefore you may enter
at any limo, Write forfrile catalogue and get full
1 mild in action. They on -
alek.houlach4t. •"•
611)6814 811CIONGHA
biaddq/as Pert mersesounem wham
An interesting shootiiag iiiata:t traa
Tare on Mr. John Ford'a farm t
Wednesday last. Silvis were chits
lay Mr. Ft ed Kerr, of Creditor) and b[
Wm, E. Sanders, of bike ,Road. ti
losing side to pay fur the riippe
Eac h shot at ten Blue Rc kis with t
reeult that Mr. KistVai side wan by si
Following is the visors:—F. Kerr iCali
tank) 4t; W. i arricic j; J', t tanlat'ks h;1
Snail 3; ' 'V�. Smith 5; J. , Green en ;;
Ford 7; 1 . Ford ; S. Sanders .°Stu
laths 6; total ;:�, 'til. IS. Sanders (aap
rain 7; O. liaraIaake 7; W. Forel ta; .f
McDonald a; II. Smith fi; J. Triiel,ner
J. F.1i°d 7;. P. Iartrene Ci;.¶.'. (Harrison, y
J. (aarrick 2; total fa;3. After .sup;
tiled bi�,tir served all ;ruined in the nisi
whirl and spent. ii most .enjo ab
Prior' to the closing of _ the Pub]
School for the Xmas. holidays, t
pupils of Mr. McKay's roots presente
.him with a very handsome arm chaff
accompained by a suitable . aiddres
Fesv. teachers get along more pleasan
ly with their pupils than Mr McKay
-Arthur 'Signal), after an absence
several 'mohair), the West, has r
turned.. -Mrs. Sh rray', after a plea
ant visit' in De it -.`rha 8 retort
horee. Jolin Wood has gone to Ne
Liskard.- •-Miss Ida Dick, who wa,
bonne attending the funeral of he
father, the late Thomas Dick, hats re
turne+I to Durhti:ni.--Mr. Henry Cook
.who has been ill for some time, is
loond again. -Jack ;hick, of Clarks
burg was here last week attendin
the funeral of his father, the late Tho
nuts Dick.—Miss Alice Dougal, eldes
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm, Doug
al, a graduate of the London Norma
ctiool, left last' wee to assume thT
duties of teacher in the 'Newstea,d
school, IVI`iss Dougal was.aa very clever
student, and is sure to make an excell
ent'teacheri •
MARRIED.-A�:'very prett ` Wed'ding
:was solemnized ,on Monday, Jan, 1st,.
at the,home of Mr. and Mrs. Sohn .Reil
of. Hay, near :Hensall,, when their
daughter, Miss . Margaret ' Doig,;' was
united in marriage to A. P. Retchen,
B. Sc._A..,� editor of the Northwest far
trier, Winnipeg. The cermony was :per•
formed by Rev. Smith of mensal, ;assist-
tecl by Rev. Urquhart of R:ipperi; . The
wedding march was played' by Miss A.
Bell, •cousin of the bride. The maid of
honor was Miss Anne Bell,.daughter.
of Robert Bell of Seaforth,; The ,bride,
Who,"was given away by her father,
was prettily gowned in bilk chiffon
over creast# taffeta. Her.travelling
dresas Was a beautiful blue broadcloth.
The little maid of honor wore ns white
organdie and ,carried a beautiful bou-
quet:of roses'., -The esteem its which the
bride was held was evidenced by the
numerous and costly.�presents, which
she received. The groom's`gift to th
bride was a handsome.brooch. -with a
cresent e f pearls and his -present to
the maid' of :honor was a gold,bracelet.
Mr. and. Mrs. Ketchen'left for Winni-
The. many friends unite in wish-.
ing.the happy couplet). Measure of arae
cess greater even than.that•which the
grooni.by his industry,• perseverance
and ability,'has won in the past. •
eoninionity was -pained and shocked'
on Saturday when it became known
that Mr. Wm Chapman •had . passed
front thislifeto that of the .one. be-
yond. About two years agog»he . mal..
with an accident which so►ewhat int -
nt•paired' his. health. He was assisting his
son oo,th„e' farm in drawing in.hay
and when going into the barn the load
upset burying .Mr. Oltapmanr Under-
neath it. Hes however, partially .'re
cbvered from the effects and was able
to be°around as usual. Thursday even-
ing while returning from prayer meet-
ing lie suffered a paralytic stroke, f;
which he died `sin the above evening.
Deceased came from Grand River, Oixt.,
many years ago and settled on -the 2nd
concession of Hay., He was well-known
throughout the country 'as an'enter-
prising, up-to-date farmer,. and took
an active part in any work that tended
to` the improvement of stock and was
deservedly proud, "of' his well kept
farm. About<six years: ago he•• retired
from the active duties of farm life and
'n'ovcd•to,our'villa.ge to enjoy a well
earned rest, but Providence willed it
otherwise and to -day he rests at peace
with all. they world, In politics he,avas
a Reformer and in religion a aretho
dist. H: was of a quiet, retiring dis-
position and had` no aspirations - for
public o • co .of any kind. ,Ire ' loved
his home, his family, frierols and his
Church ie few •can do. Besides his sor-
rowing wife, be is survived by a ,fam
ily of five daughters, Mrs. J. Stacey,
Mrs.6E.'Rennie, Mrs: Oantelcin, Hen.
sail; Mrs. J. 'Hawkins, London Itoad,
south; and Mrs. John Dick, Clarksburg
and four sons, Ralph. and John, Lon-
don; Ohas., - ; and 'Will bb the
homestead. The funeral took place on
Tuesday to they, Rodgerville cemetery.
ell k
Diamond Dyes
DEATH: The angel of death visited
our midst lest 'week and removed two
more of our best known reeidents. Ere
New Years dawned the spirit of Thos.
.Dick took its flight at the .age of 68
years. Deceasedhad been ailing for
smile tinte and during hie illnese Suf..
fered ititenst ly, $6 that his death brume
year ago deceasedsmoved 'here from
Hay township and by him kindness and
uprightness won's host of true frierids
wbo felt his death keenly. Of an in-
dustrious noture he made a success of
fttisming arid when he retired from ac-
tive life 110 had accumulated consieler-
able of tine world'e goods. lie leaves
as sorrowing widow, formerly Miss
Schaffer and a geown-up family to
whoto we extend our genuine symptt-
thy.—Benjarnin Hoggarth passed to
'the Great Beyond on Tuesday. ° Ile
always enjoyed the best of -health up
to itbotit two years ago when, be suf-
fered. a stroke of paralysis but was al.,
ways able to be around until a week
previous tO his death when he WAS
stricken with pneumonia arid gradu-
ally sank, until death claimed hit%
The decearied farmed Hibbert for
many years, and at that oceupation be
was very succeasfal. On retiring from
tse farm he moved to thie village and
erected &commodious. dwelling, where
he lout enjoyed a well-earned rest. ,fIe
wait an active member of the 0 trinel
elmrch and was on. the oflicial hoard,
lie was n good mart in every 8141$4, of
there were none better. The remains
were laid to rest in the Ilenettli Union
eemetery. TO' the tiorrowing ones !we
extend our fl yrnrookthy.
Our Cartadiari woolen will kindlybear
in mind that weak, adulterated and
imitation package dyes are still sold
by some dealers who carelittle for the
comfort, prof:Rawl success of Or wives,
mothers and daughters. '
If you. would have homedyeingdone
successfully and profitably. insist upon
having the DIAMOND DYES. Never
be induced tot accept worthless Oyes
at any price, he poor dyes will surely
ruin yourhands as well as your goods..
DIAMOND DYES for twenty-five
years the favorites of -our vvomen, 'are
sold by all progressive and busy drug-
gists and general storekeepers in
Mrs: Browne—Oh, what lovely wed-
ding preSents ! Such beautiful silver-
ware and such rare china.$ Wasn't it,
are now beginning ,to pay for them on
the installinerit .plan.
the ' installment plan ? Why, Mrs.
Greene, what do you 'mean)._
Mrs. GreOle--Why, the young peo.,
ple who gave us ,).vedding,p.resents are
getting married, and We have to send
them wedding,. presents.-eLippincott's.
Ciinton: George 'Rummell slippeid
Thursday,- and broke, o small bonevi
Parkhill: 'dile tfiveni recently Miss
IC. C. Matlieson'e. Su .. ay Sohootelasit
- Olintort. The other ay while Wal-
ter Cole, beok-keeper for the Clinton
Thresher .00., wes walking On a beam
at the banding in co.urse of erection he
fell and laurt his thigh.
Clinton; Mrs. S. C. Stevenson, Who
left recently for Cialfornia oWing to
the illness of her 'brother at' Alameda,.
received 'Word his death while -she
was en ',ante to the west.
Mitchell: At the, conclusion qt.!. the
taiinment held on Thursday, A. -J.
eme Morris elittir,frona_some, of his._
°friends of Trinity Ohiirch.,
Parkhill Prior to her departure from I
Dawn Tovvrishap, where she taught t
durtng the past year, the pupilsof Miss t
With a beautiful ring and an address.
St Marys:" Mrs. Helen E. Needlairds°
of Brampton was appointed by the
poblic school board in place of Miss
„gate IL Vox who was offered' the .po-
sition but had aecepted an otheraPpont,
key left on Friday for Winnipeg;where,
in all probability, they willtake upper -
aliment residence Mrs, Teskep hap been
suffering from ill -health for some rime
and it is tirought the change of cliniate'
will be beneficial.
Clinton: Mrs*. John Turner, of Hea
fijitli. had the nice[ srtuue tea. Aida
to fall aid break her arm.
Bayfield: An t,Id acid respected reI1NTE1tE$TINI
a,ident of tbi.4 village pawed away on
Saturday morning in the person of
Mr. �'Villiaru Canon, aged 77 years.
l)eceased wow N. native of Ireland and
carne to this country in the year '1F 7
and settled iuthiit nett. Lie west War-
ded to Aliso lktspy EatgleMon, sa. iiistwr uC
Cdr. Wr iiagmr Eagleson of tilt. valiuge,
whu died nu wber�►f year» ago,
irag its children.
Uoderieli Wip. Green, died full of
years and honors. He had 'been fail-
ing for same months,` in fact from the
day of the celebration of his diamond
wedding Iabt .A ril he had"been gtOW-'
ing {visa kit', and it itt kiiuwn abet baa
wag nearing ,,.the `" bourne Vbence PC
traveller returfis," ash his demise was
not unexpected. He was born iu',Pers
tbshire, Scotland, €li years:since, anti
cavae as _a boy to (node in 1i 1,
West Williams: A moist auspicious
event was celbrated at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John i4lcLeish, 7tlr Con., on
Wednesday evening. Dee. 27th. when
their elda: etd.aughter Miss: Jean Agnes,
wars united in marriage with. 0. Fur-
guson, at properous youngfarmer and
conti•aactorof Lobo township, Thecer•-
enaony was performed by Rev. Ir'an-
naaahson of , tkonati, ili nhe presence of
about one hundred guests,
rarlfafi t
l tralcwrrr it t.. Welstxs '* liikasit�i (#lrni�r
Seekill %
BlanshanO: A very: interesting e-
vent was solemnize4 at the residenceOt
Wm. Hyde, Base Line, on Wednesday.
Dec. 27th, vvhen hie sister, Misslahrries
was united in marriage to Thos. B.
McGiveron ofSt, Marys. Promptly at
5, to the strains of Mendelsolans wedd-
ing march, played by Mrssatev.) Grant
of St. Marys, the young eouple took
their respective plaees, Rev Grant of St.
Marys, performing the ceremohy.
Mitchell: The marriage was solem-
nized on Monday at Woodstock of Miss
Lottie Nethercott, who was: born in,
Mitchell. and a daughter of Principal
Nethercott of the nubile schools, to
The ceremony wati performed at 'the
home of the bride's parents by Rev.
mediate relatives and friends.. Mr.
Blair is one of the three Oxferd men
interested in the rich "University'
mine at Cobalt., estimated to be -worth'
over one million dollars..
While .deiving into tewn
Thursday Peter Regan had an adven=
tura which he will think,p,f for sane
time. *When near the Publie sehool
the bit breke in his horse's.mouth and
the ;Aiwa' then made off at madden-
ing speed. The Corner was tuened,at
Mr. Ronere'shop, arelthebugey came
Hoese Stables, throwing Mr. Regan and
a lady friend, Mias Elartly of Stratford,
from the Mr. Regairedcaped: un-
injured; the lady wait sersously_ in-'
Jared, and wai(carriedto Smith'sOf;
One. Of her knees wasulso hart.'
Parkhill: 'Roy litcFaddenot fernier
'Perkhill boy, died at the home of his
Parents% Abernethy. Sask:„ recently.
For several weeks liehad beeo ill with.
'typhoidal -id complication after cpmpli-
cation setting in. lad sapped the .'ste,
ength from a not too robust constitnt-
what until'Weduesday previous, when
he graduallrsank.: The family went
west some three yeers ago and had
heen Abernethy only few months,
Since then they have'had Much' aick-
ness and this milked the .cleath of the
son a doubly hard blow. .
ding was solemnized on Thursday, -Dec.
28th, at We" residence pf tbe bride's
father., ()liver -Harris, County Council-
lor,' when his daughter, MissFlorence,,,
wee marriage to 'Leslie Willarns. The
ceremony -was Performed by the Rev.
ICnowles, the presence of a, few re-
atives of the contracting parties. Af-
er the ceremony an present sat down
o a sumptuous repast, and enjoyed all
he gond things. ,TheMtity :valuable
and useful preseqts received by the'
bride is only a alight token of her pop,
ularlay among the many friends. Mr.
arld Mre.Willittnis have taken up their
Ba,yflelti: At the Methodist parson-
age on Wednesday, Rev. Mr. Steads
man united.in marriage Miss Ida El -
Hot; daughter of Mr. Gabriel Elliott of
Halfield Line, Goderich township, and
Mr. Wellington "Fee of the Goshen
Line, Stanley. '
Parkhill: G. A. Mark, .graduate of
Pedagogy and principal of Rosthern,
has beemengaged prineipal, of Car.
who had` been teaching Science Hill
school for five/ears, was chesen out
of forty-seven applicants for principal
litillett: We are fiorry tosay it has
been found necesoary to remove Thom.
as bictrichael to London owing to
mental abberrationS He re one of the
hest known farmers in the eastern part
of the township, and his many friends
hope for his early restoration to com-
plete health and etrength.
Goderich A quite wedding took
place an Wednesday Morning in St.
George's ehurch. when Mi89
only daughter of Mr. and Mre. A. S.
Chrystal of Toronto, ( formerly of Gods
erich, ) Unit ed in marriage to Wills
titm, Bev. Mark Turnbull, performing
the cerinony.
Parkhill: The death occurred at Sar-
nia on Pritlay,Dee.29th, of Mrs. Albert
Brown. at the age of 52 years. The
body was brought to Parkhill on the
afternoon train ou Stanley, intrirment
taking place at the Paikhill ,
tery. Mr% Brown was the mother
rer ,of this place.- She is survived by
ier husband.
Clinton: SteWart, 21,ear.old son Of
Geo. Taylor, aceompanied hie., father
and his uncle to their ptsultry house
the other day and when standing be.
side thena a young latoster flew at him
and strock the child 'so violently in
the face as to knack him down ma
essise the blood to flow freely, The
bird tried several times to repeat the
atteek and had to be driven away,
by .Mrs- IC+r
of 1t: I.x
►e,, De*volt.
Batu, Lisa
aaar Cts.
�• 1+"or bra _
was both] OMMM�
tu. as : 'whick
great model depression. .1 was
"1 e0uW. not bear to think of an
IMeting of the value of Lydia+ O. ‘.WMINNIA
Vegetable Compound to eick Icemen.
. eve s trial. felt fo di roomed
bad little hope of recovery, and wheat!
to feta better, aft4a• the second week,
it only meant tensporary relief; but to agsr
great surpriee I found that I 'pert zatisiiiiro
while the tumor /owned in size
" The Compound continued to bula op/4r
geueral health and. the tumor seemegi to
absorbed, until, in seven months, tha tosaste#
so • tasatarei for ray r0e0Very that I a*
to publish, MI letter in newspapers., .so
wpciiiepoeronunmaodt y.nLkyndolaw oxf thrini,e vvoilamndorlavileitaskteurtattstis
'When -women are troubled, wifli.1
reluaevo6rrr Rambla! ndlelmPelagenst"rne4nkti°011b! ulsi comas%
of the womb, that bearing-dewa
ing, inflammation of the Ovaries, bark -
ache, ilatulenee; general debility-. tadIe
Sh• Orild lletrtenk'her there is one tried
irritubebilieemC.':thd"Pcguni. Zmerine vi""tharcti6
No other 'medicine in the: world feu
'reeeived snob. widespread. and zirietie21-
fied endorsement. No other medial**
has such a, ree 'ord. ‘oteures of
troubles. Befrtee to buy, stuy.
krb,i:er a di I); IT le e asnh eSii Pk " OE M.
tholleandS tO health. Address,
Reath le too valuable to rislr
perimenti with unktovm and
medicines or methode of trealanteilt.
Remember thet Lydia E. kielichavOi
Vegetable Compound. that
women, and don't allow'..any
to eell you anything else in Itspbese.
-vbe only Date efteetunisneittiltr
easel:ozatopejlistpercomivandcfr exe;r1litIttam.
dritapies. Ask for
t'o Sarnia hospital on Sa.tu .1
Dr. Hotson to undergo
and died ineturhour tate wilig
in that institutioo, 24.-niortest
.amination revealed the,.fect
Cease of death had been preaeni -feats
birth au(' that hilMan eh ill wontel -het*
been, in his case, of no avnil. NOM*
weeks ago Mr. wart Arm Xibleck
their infant son, aged 10 mouth,.....
es of the church, to the oir od °Met.—
natil8Tt hhenrrescll ywaesv he he gf1.1 WR Vrelicirl.rrtfa
were abundantly served, after whir* a
program of mesie: was remit -vett.
Mr. Man rting acting as elle it roan.
vantage was taken of ifie 4,0e,04.10ele,
present Mr. and Mrs, S.' T. Mitre
leader and member of the thoir respet.
in recognition of their service
)a adr yed s.ree 1 st . v. tiM6r4,eaCn°CirnMParns!eMd 14e1 not
their new home° in Stratford on SalAt.
'Who will be 'seen with The Bijnit Owned,* Oo'y.
*11 next week.,
he Opera