Exeter Advocate, 1906-01-04, Page 9,I1E'S ONLY ONE OUT OF SCORES :err DODD'S •-li•IDNEY PILLS , MADE mw MAN. ark. leoetored f4:.a Mien Tears lvid ThoUglit His Case Incur- , able----DodWe KidneY Pills Cured Vim. Fortune Larbor,NzLL J,ate. 1. XSpeeicay.-Seoreo ,of people in this ,neighborbeed are living pr.00IS tattt DOdd'R adoi.,.y ('Ure allKidney I aellinente. front Backache to Bright's/ •Disease. • an; the most remark ,ablo muses Is that of Richard • 'quirk, and gives the story of It to the publie s .follows: ""I suffered Lor e over ewenty years front Lumbago and Kidney Diseaaep and at Intervals vvaa totally . unable to work. kfter 'ten or tuelve years •rof doctor's treatment, I had made •up Iny intent that my complaint was incurable. Reading of cures by Dodd'; Kidney Pills tempted me to try them. I 'did so with little faith, -but to ray great surprise I had not taken more than half a box before I felt relief,. and after the uso of seven or eight boxes, I was fully cured and 1 At new man. , • "Yes, Dodd's Kidney Pilis euradqay Lt*Sago and Kidney Disease, and the best of it is I have stayed 'cur - WAR PREVENTS .NATION'S MECO'. The Chanoae, in nternatiohal Strategy Reviewed. • ei '.Major-General• R. S. Baden-Powell. . C,13., presided reeently at the Royal •United Seririee Institution, London. when DreT. Miller.Maguire deliverod an address on !"The Developments of Inter- national Strategy Since 181'1, and 'Its PresentConditions.", Among those present 'evere 'Admiral the Hon. Sir E. Fremantle, Admiral Sir R. H. Ilarris "Colonel Sir T. • H. Baillie Judge,,,Rentetil, and Lieutenant-Colonel 'T, 11. Bayile, ICC.) Dr. • Miller Maguire said that 'since /871 the frontiersof the British Empire, 'Ivhictie previously were practically con- , ternrinous with no great( States except the United States and a few unimpole \tont spots in Africa; had, become by "'European. ) expansion". , conterminpus With Russia, Prange and Germany, as ase.Cidna, Afghanistan, Abyssinia, Italy and Portugal. -The witele sYstem, of the European ,body petal° had • ..changed as a result of the victories a 1866 .arel 1876,11, and of the high stone • dard of military exCellence since •main- • •tained by Goleany. After dealing with the expansion of Russia, (Canada, and •' the Untied States, he passed on to Japan,, •and , compared the -Japanese in the ettst ' Asta in 1905 with the laritish*.inethe SVOSt of Europe in 1805. ' OUTICIVILIZATION PALTRY • Modern European civilization was pal- 'Cry- The "souls of -men" were ignored in the hack •streets and sweatittg'dene •of qui- large cities, but to the Asiatic the 'Isoul and mind were all In all. If the people' of great )3E:itain (were to main - lain the. strategic, position their crv ,be "cherish our bodies, chin:vale our minds, and give ,U.S, haelcnur i0/11S.." Wer was not, a disease,- but a prevene • tile •of decay; nations had perished hy -cultivating the • arts of peace. but no •nation had ever. decayed from cultivat- ing the arts of war. The only One foundation • of the "Oreatness of king- doms and estates" was a race Of w'11 - trained military men,(1,4 to fight by -land and sea. :These •views7were exemplified in two recent books,, "The Risen ' Sun, by Baron Suzematsu, 'and "The War .n. the Far East,". by the 'military corres- pondent Of the Times, which latter 'book -the lecturer described as most admir- Able. ' In eonelusien the lecturer said that alliances were often the devices Of decadent States. They Certainly ha I never saved any 'State.r The future of •BriTons to -day, as in the Period of 1805. to 1815;•deperaled on Britons: ' .41,ewat.m.a....... Cri , A SCHEME. -Ternmet-"Ma, may I- play Make -bee lieve that l'in entertainiri' another little boy?" , • - ° Ma---“eartainly, my dear:" ; •,Tornmy---"All right; giatme some Cake •!or Lhen." MALARIA ? ? ? Generally -that is Not the •TrOuble. Persons with a Silsceptibility to ,inI itfluences should beware of . coffee, „which' Ilan a •tendency to load up the, liver with bile, ,4 lady writes „front Deriver that eho ,stiftered for yearsfrom- ehills and fever which' at last site learned' ,were tnialirly produced "by the coffee- she drank. .. • • ' "1 waa also grievoteelas afflicted • iiith headaches and indigestion," she taye, "which I bmaerio eatiefied were likewise largely due to the coffee *treat'. Six months to I quit its Inle,‘ altogether and began to drink VoSteurt 1 ood Coffee, with the vati- fying result that my headaches have (Reappeared, my 'digestion has been restored and 1 have hot had e, recur- renee 'of chills aed fever for more than three months. I have no doubt that it was Postunt, that brought me • thin raid, for 1 have used no Medi - eine while this improvement has been going on." (Xt was really „relief frone congestion of the liver • caused by. coffee.) "Aly daughter has been ao great a eofiee drinker ao1 and for yeare wee afilicteel with terrible sick headachee, *Which. ofterx 'pelted for a week :at a She to a brain Worker and exceeeive applierltion togetliree, With the headaches beganto affect Ixer memory newt neriouel,v. She found • no help in medicines aiel the doctor, fr away advieed her to quit cofee3 and Ire trot -Aura Tor more then four monthe die has not had a beach:elle-eller mental faculliee have fl",rown more active and vigoroue end her 0.eentory hau been reetored. er, "No, more tea, coffeo nr druge for 11r1, r.10• ae we calf get l'ostum." 8H10tjeen by - 2'0:Aura CO., nattie MC411,,' T1ic•r4.%in. reaeOe. Vend the little (tf)t, Jle ItOitt4 to Wellville" • leeee. SOME NEW INVENTIONS Et GUN WHIM WILL SHOT T111111.1( MILES. Wile Inventor Says That He Could ItlaUe Gim•TIkat Would noir a Shot 90 Miles. The remit powerful gun ever CM. strueted was reeeutly completed by the Scoitt Iron VoraPany, ltesAinKA rout. It is known as a 0.-indA Mown. wire -gun. 4vd its inventor, Mr. Joba Hamilton Brown, • asserts that the projectile will isene .froza its month. at, the remarkable speed of ;1,500 feet per seeond, and will pieree,a inch steel plate at a distance o!. thirty miles. ,In its' course the sliot, *which weighs 100 pounde, wilVrise to • a irzeight of- tea 'ranee, 'rho strength and -rouge of • thie unique piece of •ordinance, lie. itt the .ellopiOplaent of steel sheets. forriaing' the central tube , of the gun, "round which many mike " of square. wire i4otirol o.ne-sev,,,erith of, an melt, t.hlek ,The sheete of the central tube are 208 inches long, :26 inches wide, and one-seventb of an inch thielt. 'Upon the wire binding a jacket of steel has been shrunken In such a way that it is impossible for the gun to burst. The completed gun Is 313 inches in length, and weighs just over tereton$. This wire -gun Is the first of twenty. five ordered by the American Gov- erinuent for home defence. A LONG SIIOT. .47 The Inventor declares that he could construct a 16 -.inch gun ofa, similar kind which would be capable of hurl- ing a monster projectile the „record distance of ninety bailee. ',Such a weapon in , the possession of the French would allow, .ehem to 011041 London without ,leaving their owa territory. , Tho torpedo, of whatever kind, has proved itself the most formidable( .'weapon` that: Can be sent iagainet ,an ironclad, but: tb.e "marine torch," if all that Ise -said, Of it be true, is like- ly ,to render the torpedo, useless. .1 The torch consists of. a plain, low ,cylinder of aluminium from four to eight inches in diameter and -throe to kiva feet in .length, and contains a basket filled with . calcium carbide, At ,the top- of the cylinder are a ;lumber of ilarners,• of the ordinary 'gas kind, in, dose proximity to Which a •arnatt, chaftber' containing cal- cium plresphide.' This chemical, ,on contact with water, gi&es off phosphuretted, hydro- gen, which' ignites spontaneously in the presence of air. The cyltntler is pierced With several -holes:- whicli allow the . sea -water to reach', • beth. the -calcium carbide" and 'Caleiuni phosphide. The result is a hrilliant WhictiV0;7Tat until ,the care. hide Is 'exhat. ed, about ten hours, • •• sT1-.Thfi "31IARINB TORCH" , •- • • < IS fired out to sea ' from a, gun, • and can bo sent„ ahno,st any dista,nee. The moment it ,eaters the water it ignites, and all attempts to extin- guish it are in vain. •e During night-time a warSliip could -preventaaa----eurprisee-eattack—by the enemy bye 'firing one or,:tViro torches out to sea-, *eters would thuS• be brilliattlyelitt'up, while the „ship that fired .the torches would be shrouded in darkness. A torpedo -beat could not .approach without detection, or secretly hurl a/ projectile at the, ship, ' , • Another feature Of war In the fu- ture, Will be .the firing of mines and. guns by Tifertzfab, Waves, which re- quire no other contact. Indeed, the waves are really a kind of, Invisible light. - , • ' Dr. -Barton's •dirigible' ballobn „was one of the most wonderful '`itieshIPS ever planned, but It, did not collie up to expectations. ‘"It NtiaS built es- pecially for. the Iltitisla War &Mee, and it was hoped that it would be regarded' rfs a recognised adjunet to 13r1taires military weapon s. This balloon, as balloon it reittly,was, had six propellers; •which.evore &Ivo by three fifty -'horse power motors at a normal Speed of 200-'-royolutions per minute: 'Tho balloon 'itself was 176 feet long and , feet in -diameter, with a cubie, capacity -4235,000 feet It wets,rafeecl and (lowered by thirty aeroplanes, arranged in three rows of A Dtno Tyr.A.T Dnors BOAIDS.• An Aniericart inventor hopes to construct -a, successful flying machine on the principle of ,t,hot flying bird. LoliVre.4 will be- fitted in the Wihge corresponding to the action."ot the bird's feathers.. 'Mere ettie be no doubt that the' aerial machine of tho future wilt be of this pattern. Loaded 'withabombs and anitnunitiert such, an. airship hould destroy a whole • city within( half an hour. Bosoubor,,,,,,, 1 toadon electri- cian; has invented a now systenaof wireless ' telegraphy. Ilia Invention will allow a in.an carrying an eleetri- teal, apparatua In hes pocket to re- ceive messages from people wito do tiot totem evhere la iii. Intredible tta this may; sound, it is neVertlieless. tho f 'riot) -; covered11 vay of Watching a scerio at ' eliotance of many utiles. Illeetricity lo ' g achieved. The turbine propeller for stearriehip purposeo ie turtling rapid, headway, and before long it fe expected that t he.eeaosenger• ships will be fitted with i le nven o , aithein 1o deem; „the Atlantic at it pttee exceed- itig forte iniles an hour. When S. Viper was fitt,ed witlt steam ture binee she, created a seneation by tra-vellIng at tire extraordinary epeett of fortyethree miles an Iiour. 'rho liners of.t.lie future will not only have iwropelling motore hut :will be drivebeby liquid air. . 11131tDIAl Gunn. machhierv to nerW ansieting science. Dr. Cordier bee invented an appli- ance. for the ,cure of neuralgia and rheumatism. It taLen the 8hupe a, gigantic hepodtaenie eyritnee and in- jects air beneath the filth' of the suf- ferer. A bubble"of air' le -formed Am. der tho skin, and wheel ietcaded along the painful part gives immediate re- lief. Laborde. of the French. At*. SUNLIGHTafirt:Illeuacbthsn's with warm', water and Suaght Soap, rinse cleart and wipe AP dry :1,ncitLeThsu7faccc'elTi.:1;arivtiib4reserve niecl,")41 Common soaps fade the cclors and injure the surface, Sunligtit Soap cleans, freshens and preserves cloths and linoleunis. ' • Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the mot cieteate, fabrics, or to the hattdsfor it contains pothing that can injUre either ,clothes or hand. Sunliaht Soap is boxer than other soaps, but is best vvhen Usei in the Sunli4ht W (follow directiOns). Equally good with hard or soft water, 15 LLYLR SplittaS LIMITED. Tomato iwzra,cajiam V1111140 1111111.17* amiew.„ ,r,flL neap '411iP rOttiP-44106 2.:4Aadia (a4g4 didoppr- demy of Medicine, restores persons unconscious from drowning or-03111lb- cation by the aid ,of an electric machine of his own constructien. Padded forceps .are a,tteehed eta the patient's' tongue, and tlerelectric moter pulls this member out at re- gular intervals. The eleetrical tongue -tractor, as Dr. Laborde's in- vention is called, has already saved several lives. Another doctor does good work in hospitaie with an • electro -magnet which is 'pointed. at One end'. It is used' , for drawing metal eplinterh from, the eye, read as it has lifting poser of 150, peunds it will extract, it 'deopTy-bedded splititer without any injury to the optio.-Pea.rsott's Wee1t4 ty. IIIINGAIW IS IN DANGIIII, t • Money Spent' for 'Drink and TaX:CS 'are Ignored., • Baron. • Felervary; the 'Hungarian Pre , mier,, said in an inier'View recently that the present Governmental anarchy in. that 'country might end' 'n, absolut "There . are people' to he. feun(I,'' •he stated; "who say thatabsolutiort. for While is better than -,t:Le. Isf re-yeta ' "The proerranune of'the Coa,litien-lo pay no taxes and to furnish no 'Tortilla :--appeals to the masses, • especially to the more u. Worthiese- xnerabers' Of Elie eemmunilye Neeertheiess, it is &short- sighted policy, which brings its ewn punishrnerit..' Tho •arrears'evili have lo he' paid 'some day; ' and the Coaliam will be 'thEiefirat to exact them if ever. it :climes-- into coda - 7- , 'But the Money is gone -:chiefly in drink. ,Since the passive' resiStance gan, the yearly deficit in 'levier taxa- tion IS at the rate of thirty millio and the •annual increase under, the heel et 'spirits is over -twenty millions. That means that the -peasants, instead of contributing to the needs of the Coali- tion, and thejnoney. which ought ' to go inte the treasury, finds its way 'into/ the spirit shops. . • - • "The present state „of affairs is orte that • cannot continue Without politic ti - I'. cernmercially , and morally ruining ,LIungary. 'All sense of discipline, and. orpublicdeity la being corrupted." While More • prevalent In winter, when sudden changes in the weather try the strongest constitutions, tolds and toughy and 'ailments of trio throat may come' in any season. At the first sigh of' Vlerelentent use ilickle'S Anti, be oXperienced, an luso • of the toedmme until the. cold- disappears will protect the. Wags from attack. '` Vor anyone with throat. Or „chest weakness 4t. can.- #ot.t.- be- surpassed.. , TOE Ea.11 THE Constunp yru . instant relief will i.endon , PillYsician Gives Pointers 10 Vend Parents. Dr. Pritneis Warner, physician to the London Hospita141 Etti addtees a meeting of the Notional Asso- ciation for the Feeble-mindede has given some extremely interesting •points to be':•studied in children with a vieev'to graelng some knowledge of . their mental condition. " The absence'of the pleat ridge frem • the outside ear, said Dr. Warner, is a eign of a defeetive childe*Arabng 100;000 children 'solemn he had ex- Al/tined Ito had notieed that,defective ears were five time$ more numerous in boys than girls.. The small mouth, be often praised, leoveliate, ia'also,• said the Worri- er, a• sign. of a defective child.' The moveinento of tho fingerS, and toes of a week-old child Etre spontan- eoua and cannot be arrested by .0, Sound or 'anything held up before, its ;eyee. If, however, at the ago of Ave apr six months, the sound of a voice •or :Joule object, reticle aa a red 'doll, failed to arrest the movements for a few seconds, then there wag reason for anxiety, "rhe face, and after that the'lland, etfforde the best index to state of the brain. • X1°6411411 farrows on the brow$ of a group of loafing boys can , often be seen -formed by tbe. working of the frontal Mueclps. "Go into the monkey. house at the Zoo." said Dr. Warner, "and you will see the frontal 211liOclea of the Monkeys working ia the salne waY, and the value thing ean'be eeen in an anylura for idiots." A well-balanced hand, level from the wrist to the finger tips, indicateS a 'weli-balanced mind: it the hand (trope at the wriet or if the thumb. drope, shOWe ,S01,110 • 'degree, of mental weakneee. aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-_eeeee-e-eaee _ !A-VANTED--.L.ADIES TO Da PLAIN irv• and light :;et 0.t li(nne, whole 14' spare time, aoed Pay. Work reht itny dUance, charge.5 paid. 'Eend stamp f.'fr ftill particulara, NATIONAL MAW, ric.0,111Nt; CO., Montreal, TOUCHED. _• "What touched you most In Mance- Lion with Mrs. Kitterbie's sudden death?" ",The florist." I paid him $9,1er a bunch of 'flowers that eeuld hardly he seeneat •the funeral," / We ntsice the ermaltstic Stdoment thatl P, _04 L",Menth 4 Plaster will do non) tol rdove neuralgia, lame back, lumbage arid kindredi troubles than any other plaster. 25e, tins and ell Y. nab. All druggists. • TliE PITY OF IT. "Alt,the goodjokeshave been write • tell." • t "Too badas •muchf.an't • be' said. for , • the poor. jokes," . ,• , fiti Specialists on the Case. -Tri the or- dinary rim .of medical practice -a great- er number than .this have treated cases, of' chronic dyspepsia and (have failed to cure -but Dr. Von Stan's • Pineapple. Tablets (60 in a box at 85 cents cost) have Made the cure, giving relief in one day, little "specialists* have proven .their real merit...7-72 ' His Mother -"What are yon moif. trig about the house for, TorrfniY? lArbytdop,'t you go over auel playewith' .Ohar14 Pinar ,ro?" Tommy--e"Catiee. I played, witli Charley Pinafore Yes- terdaY. and1 don't s'pose lee's', well enough ey et:" ' - .. - • - , • , FRAGRANT AS FRESH VIOLET lei •*, to the home FilEee'll and PURE tee when it left the pLANTATION to 141 manufertured with SIT.CIAT. CAI E awl aosELY ALED wand and balf poUnd lead packets. Only one bet tea. Blue Ribbon's It. Poittlar's Steel Biding and Shia 1 LOCKED ON ALL FOUR SIDE% Wind, Iffittar *rid Proof» i+) • Las .11,0 a AV:6,e. Oalvanteed or painted red on both sides. Most durable and econoraieal of:merit/Jr for IllteeSlitt or Sitting tor ttestuence+, tfouies, listrne, Vievators, t/trest, Churches. Poultry tio8u8s8. Cribs, otv, Ea4lar to ley and wlUJast longer than auy other covering. Otoaper then wood shingles or elate. No expe.lence neoessary. A hammer and snipe are the only tools retatir. ed, -it is semi -hardened 1410 grade steel. Alas Corrugated freo. Painsed or (Istvan/a 4/ in sheets 96 inches long. II/acted and lanibaised Ceilings. V CrimpidROefing. Wo. designs of Ropiing, Siding and Ceilings fa all grades. Thousands of bidldtuga tiv0411 the Dominion are covered with our Sheet 1Vietal Goods, making,thom FIRE WATER AND LIGHTNA140' PROOF Send in your order for As many square (i0410 feet) tt,s You require to 80Yer Tour new or old building. Th8 very best roofing for this climate. We can supply Save Trough, nil Aar/ Corrugated or Plata Round, Condelcret,*‘P/ers. Shore' Mows, $plicrgt, Tubett. All goods ShipPod day after order received. We are the largest mumarn of the kind under the llritish fJg rotzblis;ted 1,8g1. Wiite for free samples aud Catalogueof our Oshawa Shingle. Write to -day. , 111'0132C3E3 -30.3C13,3rgaggLare, 3E3"113103PICAEI MONTREAL. WM. 'OTTAWA/ ONT. 7000111710, eat, Women°, lbOleetivElti 767 crow at. - 42q•stelt,‘ t..1Sb G16, Pendor "WRITE YOUR NEAREST OPPIOE... 1111.41) °mos, 414D WORKS-CtiliAWA., tilkrrt • • • LONDON STATISTICS. , London has 1,000 ships- and 090 sailors in its port every day. • It has on an averago upwards of 75,,000 per - sena annually taken' into custody, nee the police, 27,000 persons annually': ase rested eS drunk and disorderly, and more than,one-third of all the crime of the country is 'committed ',within its radius. • StitAltr4TIONE PtliAOTt INS CO., :13AMILTON,, ' C14,1% Its rower' .Grows with Age. -e How• many medicines loudly leaeoned as nee ne.cea.s for all human ills have come and gone since Dr. Thereast- Eclectrie 011' ,was first put noon the market? Yet it renrains, doing more, good to hinuanitY t'hau. many a preparation More highly', Nalited and, extending its virtues wider and wider 'and in .a arger circle every .year. It is • the • notalPine of -the me.ss.- Flannery: "What's ye, Mike?" Finnegan: was be down an Flannery:. well; can't invint a coal -holo whin it's the. matter veld i!'Tis neat kilt I open coal -hole." 'tis too bad they that'll- play. s'but, • Mush distre,ss and sickness in children, Is 'caused by w orms Mother, Graves Worm Exterminator 'gives relief by re., moving the Cause. Give it '11. trial and be convinced. • VALUE. OF' HERRING. The herring is more largely used as an article of. food than any other fish, both in its fresh. and cured states. Mom than '250,000 tons of herrings are land- ed on the coasts of Great every year, representing a money' value of about Sualight Soap at better thaw otherseipi, • but le bed when wed in the flualight Way. Buy Sozlight Sag aukl follow direations. • • , Love your- neighbor as purself, but don't forget to lock your back door 'at , night. NEPNIATI$14 AN I1 PARALYSIL Their' cOmplete- home cure. oPost free to rea,dors of th.is paper. ror limited period only. . . hatidsorno. illustrated treatise, trig Etat deecripti on or )?hetime.titins And- Paralynis, With instructions for it coal!. sue enful treatincititetin the world,e re. horan cure,1 despribing the • inolit Coot on.ded OA Minietry And exidoro,, ed by Mt dice/ men, This .in- strUctiVe book lona written by W. 11. Vetto, gentleMan who has ine.d.x.0. 'study of these diseaties. Tim preface It _by a graduate of the UniverSitl of 'WUrtzburg: Send tsbotal to -day and vou wiliereoeive bboit free by ro4 ttirm-Address. The Vein) Drag Co., 2,1 King ,WO8t; 'Pet On t,0,, COUItECT., . Totinny-Afeennia; high \ ye spelt h -i -:g -h, isn'k, it? • Atother-e5s, 'dome, Why' do you ask?• ik Tornmee--"Clauee I'm• writing . tomposition about the hyena. , "niy, remarked Mr. Pc Robinson, . , 'Wife is a Igreat _collector of tur-. iopities," ''Indeed!'"replied his friend. ,"Itas she been at .that long?' 1f0P11, bless you, • yes; for Years." "Before she married you?"-. "Oh, yes. P .4 It, is a revereriiree-elehy or the • all. have their Cirigin In disordered Starl '01-18eaSeehaorirng„eortirPstoioantilittf? ,g12,ATEtara rA00, which is a dolica „nrgan jparticulatly subject to susceptible to • the ., disturbeliccs that „t,„,,, reatment prevatts.,044 tures sn cee.rouen'tiso loyiartitohge agnredatdrirankiwnitigiii_ jerhisregaPim, 'O! 'theSe; and Cares Itchinjr cotne wont leregular habits or lack and Blind Plies besIdes. to contend • w -tit eratiiir Vitiated* Direct- burren,t generator, , 110 volts, t or 4. 'pole, multipolar preferred, lights, roust beinfirst-eless condition. , S. 17RANK WILSON., 73 W. Adelaide St., Toronto, TOTIatitD. "What touched you most 1fl cone hection with, Mrs. ICieterbie"s ,suddent death?" "The florlSt 1 paid lura $9 for it bunch -of flowers that coul&hartily • be Seen at the ,fitneral." - a I, .,11realc and , Pale 'Women foolivitit keep. MI6 way whoa by the use of "Oorrorlin. the be.$ ifonie-, they could very quickly recover their heal and strength. Tr7 it. - "I've got a washing-inachirie here,' .began the inventor. l'he capitalist looked' at him' in tho eold, . colculate lug Manner eoinmon to capitalists, .and answered: 'Well, if 1 were yotte- I'd'run straight home and use A."; That night the iflarchist", band re-' ' Ceived another application- for mem.' ,bership. , nave- i(ou Eczental----Hav you ntente that man it iif'ritppliCalt011 brings tblic-tpiitutej I tutors ;now ressod on the o sufferers, 0 these there is norm super/ tor to Parmelee's Vegetable Pitts. T,necr operation though gentle is effective, and, the most delicate ' can use them. rlannery•-"What'e the matter wid ye, Mi,ker4.,,Finnegau-"Tis near* kilt 1 was. bo dOWn an open coat - hale." , too bad:they can't ..in'Vint a coal -hole that'll• stay shut: whin it's Open.': 20 Year's of Vile Calarrh.--:' Chas. Blown, jonrnalist 'of . Duluth, Minna - writes': "I have been a sufferer from Throat and, Nasal Catarrh for over 20 years, during 'which time my, head has been stopped up and my condition truly miserable. Within 15 minutes after us- ing. Dr. .Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I obtained 'relief. -Three bottles have -al- most, if. not entirely, cured the." 00.-73 • 1-1e-"Wilat do you girls mean by. a 'heart to hear1 ,taliett " thatls only another expression -for ' That Tormenting Cold that made you wrotett.1` ed 'will_ net eotna back if you ta.lco Allen's Lung( Balsam when vont throat is raw and sore. This, admirable remedy is ituo from opium. Talc° It Jul time. ".• June strikes.MO as being entirely, too masculine for a. Woman. Mrs. Dix-P.Yes, indeed, Why,- eversi thug she lias a ache or pain she makes as "illicit fuss about it as a roan,' would treated by Tlitnet..-.7n his jitatty'eek.,i bratee Villa Dr. -Parntelee has give toi the wdrld one of- the most uniqueitch- it cities offered to the pubile in late' dars. 1rePtirP4 to meet the want for pilli Which could be taken without Autlisea.1, and that would purge without pain.. it has met all requirements in that di,i roction, and it is in, generat -1..me not: foxily becatiile of these tiro qualities, Ini1. because it io knoWn to poseees nitera. tive and curativs pawerti which pukcti lt in tio front rank of tn0dioi1L03., MOUNTAIN STAIRCASE. Per' the ascent of Mount Phil, on tit) borderland between , Western china and the Tibetan plateau, there is .art artificial staircase ..eansisting of 20,000, 'steps, eut in Slippersr limestone. Will tna,de these 'steps is largely a matter of' surmise, but they were probably form. v•Ii by religioue enthusiasts to provide tt means of aeoess froni the hot plains, out of Which 'the mountain mass 'ales obruptly to tlie heights, 5,000 t64 to jja 00f, led above, amongst hbi,the 1111(1 'abbey of 'bud embodies. mine or 'the holiest traditions of the'religion 1)r) - 1;'i by, ih inmates. Anyhow the stairease' is there, and by it many lil- titii0 the Shrine'. . °Yea .father i.ceriiii1r, the polite.1, min I knew." "What waken yell* Isay, that?" pretending that lies cured of dyspepsiti itt order that lin shall not hurt his doctora fedin0" , :inn cases cure1Li1 three to six Nghts,,,,,, 5`. -teats, -71 . . • • 43ATTSE FOR THANIKPULN Ile --Do you believo that. It1.1-4 is a disease? ' " She --Yes; but thank gOtidtiPSgv it in One that we can have more. thaa once. • • . 110110W3V.s Obro, cora deStrOys 'att, , Who, then. would endure them kinds of cords and warts, root and branchi with suchit cheap and effectual rezontly within reach2 CORRECT. Tommy--eManirnit, high &spelt h-itit-it isn't it? • . Mother---Yes,.dear. Why do you askt Tommy --"Cause I'm writing a eteneptee sitiort about the hyena. rScratching la' foolish ; it only viiiites a bad Ftter Worse.' ,Wesver`e Comte allays ttin pain, leans . the skin of eruption1 and other 'sores ,why net buy &bottle to-da,yf • AND TLIT:', CEMETERIESe° • eve+Y- milet -wrote his 'own epitaph the tombstone would have to be elle target', • • Ithetunatim will 'Sticcurnb to South American Rheumatic Cure because it r,oes right to the seat of the trouble and irelllOVOS ihe cause. Marty so-called tures hut deaden ,pain temporarily only, to he.-ve it return agairi with doll - bled violence. Not so with` tide great reneedy. It eradicates -frorn the sy.stene the last veatige 'of the disees% •and ihp cures are perrnalfent.-74, • "re it true," asked the caller, "that, your husband ordered Dr., sicriootlor oat of the house?" Pobe Jack liad beee, carrying tin) baby all night ,and every night for"aar Week:, and woe run "down to 3"'tlirea4,1e tailed the doctor,,,end he told .Te* that he must talke more exerelee.(. Dear Mother • T N Your little ones alfe 1 eeniteet tate Fall anti Winter weother. 'They wilt at h cold. Do you keow/Aeut Shile14 Comereptimt Cure, the LuekToric, 'what it hks sores.oy 12 is saidt *o be the only OW1 retatir for alti 4i1mises air Osage* in cliklrera, itosintely hatrults plotom irk ounksktol tup,. orpur rapati Is hem*/ Ito ptice is :pc. I*. lacetk, *ad in dodos 15 rodichte tell S ILO 16416 ISSer, NO. 1 *