Exeter Advocate, 1906-01-04, Page 8t it C 11111 g10111 "My deter Dorothea., I sal 1 1h111 t orifY3 more. I roteet. Yet yell Meet itaiow al- lri ady evtiat my vtittee sere upon tlii., nlatttee, Ye it? 3itefiey is a eirb ect sit Hsieh I have little or L9 inti eeot. In deaf, I heartily wish I Could' forget '° it altogether. It` is ere ill" i>ilt to , leave 1. discuss such ; erdid detnilsP" . Ashley , Crcete waved ved his bane !., though, .to disreess tet'; topic -Ter all time. Dorothea Spray regardei Uric atlnnir- ingly, . "You ala so, different fi'orn the . rest of amen," she said tremulously, "Everyone told me that I should end nay money a great temptation to avericie►us people. They , said. I should be courte. -.for its ,sake alone and he deceived, , nde-and I have found you r' She settled complacently, Clearly her advisers were at limit"ia their judg- ' merit of Hien and their:motives. For here was a stun who would not so much as allow her to tell him heaw much mon- ey site really bad -who loved her for her own -sake and vigorously opposed the discussion of a topic. which, as he him- self affirmed, was an itxsu t to love. "I ,want nothing whatever`-ttfecita ti our. money, "Dorothea," he said finally. 1 le vee my foo r__hUn erecta v ear, And that is all .which concerns )ale. • But the girl had riot yetmade herself understood. It was rather u delicate »object to broach. :But she had already ade up her mind as to thecourse she ould pursue. "I kncnv-1 know," she said. "But that is not quite all, dear.. Ashley. Othr.r people are saying horrid things about you. They' ;tlo not know -you as I do. And -and I • want • to prove to them all. that they are Wrong. : ':I want to .triumph ever thein and showy, them how splendid and noble you ore," • ' A look of interestcame into .Ashley's faee "• slut such 'people are obstinate. and rattic dxeult to convince," he reminded her. "You had much .better . let. them alone." But Dorothea Was not to be dissuaded • from her -purpose. "No," she said decidedly, "1 have found .a way to show them all how wrong and unjust -they are. 1 want you to"remain in this room duringthe inter- • view 1 am about to have with my dear friend and solicitor,. Mr.Lucian Orme. Ho, is: corning: up the stairs at this mo - aunt." .. There, was no tittle to de anything else. So the .man kept his seat. It i ----could- -note- Make him any the less dis- Interest ed• to be obliged .to listen to the approaching discussion of legalities. And he was not altogether free from a feeling of. curiosity. 'eft showed itself eh' a queer little nervous uneasiness that now .tools possession of him. • But this the- girl did .not see. The door :opened and Lucian Orme was ,anria{anced. ».Ire wasp au 'man of close, upon .forty, with rant en face and genttetnanly' Frear- Ing. is, greeting with Doixathea Was 1'nore t an, cordial. ' indeed, one•:might even have.. suspected, . by the curious way in whiciitk his' deep°oyes rested -Upon. her from tint , totime, diet he too was •in `love.. Wit his slender, graceful gird, She motioned him . to "ft chair, told .•,be- gan her explanation, heAshley Creet' feigned indifference and looked .aut.•••01, the window. "Mr". • lrme," she said deliberately, "I' am going, toy ask you • to • do a curious thing, 1 teat going to be married to Mr. Creet .acs soon •as arrange'lents`:can' be made.. My ' friends are shying horrid ,things' about it, ane/ .am going to_ teach #hertk lesson. may.. tastes 'ar '"tis" you know, of the simplest. My Money *lever used, and the capital accumulates ear:by year.Mr. Greet is quite indiffer- t. to it, and declares that he will not touch it.Ile'bas . faurehunf1red a year 11! hist own, which will be 'ample for aur wants. So I am going. to make n deed of giftinn favor of my old nurse and companion; Margaret Swan. She shall live in ease and luxury for the remain. der of her 'days. And people shall 'know 1 `a truth that my husband is above their unworthy suspicions and insinua. ;ions." a r ' -She stopped. ''here was a glow on . her face as she triumphantly.proclaimed, , ler plans. There was a slight move- ment in the direction of . "the window flute Ashley held his peace f-ueialj "This is rather a staartling proposal,' he' said slowly': Dorothea • had anticipated his •bbjee- Iioris, rend was ready Iqr then). "it is not 4 proposal," slie replied ly. "It !s the outline of my Present >kris 4 tions, Mr. ,smite." Thee an colored. "Vert; ell," he aaa.ic1 curtly. "I t' ll have the '' ; drawn up ` at. once. You willhe abIsigh it tri -marrow After. nobn." . DorothEam. nc" eel. Then the Went acrose to A lile d aai:ed hirci to kayo them for a little \ lite, • "I don't waintis rookie you evith tires • rest rl my 'biisine affairs," she said.. "They are only. trivi 'r etanils, 'You have: heard till that 1 wish • - d ycu to hear, 1. liopu you are cori1eri'• ` Ile ,got up quicl.ly .;' d left.'etre; room. As teem as they doter/ s elute, 1)orothcd drew her chain c?'': to that, of ° the j'tlwvye1'.. "Now li ;tii1,"fi, OW, r cl in low twee "All t!iiei is a padre pr ninon o, ' I alai not going to rob tiny hu:3lin 1• of what he Brie a right lit tee tinned. t. slut' cat must remain rein) a seerrt 1.'4".'c: 'i you "tact viae' for the present, alio ()rate. I salt send tiny old . for a holiday. That will prevent her lie wean! the newo • last, 'But the oorield we think that 1 nal •forfoeing my money id wilt -IA -re- ale) is not to Imow. him all on' Ow day evhe ove aro mart free quitiefie tifieitt in lee le and eine piloting to eoe that the phai etie have "I with. teire eil tee -eerie lie retie Fier le-a,"cr. IIS was eLnver:-: g. N,?„-altt c 1 M rger,ct. SW43 in an ediei tine k'Urara. ALi-J�p,1 et he Bern .. at ler cet ,iin de civet - ticti Cn_ discif 's the pian to etiettie she itee given 6:), sista eetrie_t a,(.1 airs caUr WO3 e forenight cat ' , ;tea Luellen Grine fat 00110 un .leo pri Mato' deice. `!'hese wa.',13 a tete et the do e a>zid a (Merit entered. "Mr. A3 Tilley Creet .to e ee sir," it.P .114 �ict. :. '1"tiata• eded. in;' eind tbk (lett Then he learner ' lel* in his r. volving/ chair and €t tmeer little•inserideblir . linitca Zayed for aan, instant Upon his dear=ctat ce.• Thera °tile door opened again en•1 Ashley Ceeet' 'was formally e.nnmtknced. •fle tool' the chair Which wvas,pro1fcred' Jere' aid earne':to the point at.,once. "1 called in references to that little mat- ter of Mis,; Spray :s deed of gift to her nurse," he said •airily/ "I roily a5., wall Intimate from the outset that the plan in question was carried out with my full and complete approval. It was the very best .thing my affianced wife could have done to establiob my true position." Lucian bowed. stiffly. -"And your wishes?" he asked curtly. A faint time of color came into Ash- ley's face. , "Are not too easily expressed," he re- plied. "But I am delirious of knowing whether or not . Miss Spray `actually Carried out her intentions. She h never referred to the matter since the day when she gave you her instructions. You. _with your; experience of the world,' Mr. Orme, must be aware that--ci ladies •often, revoke a decision within an hour of its formation,. And" pow that this matter this gone thus far, I am de- termined to see it through.. My honor demands it. And if you have not yet drawn, up a deed of gift in favor of Margaret Swan, 1. must• put my aversion. to such topics to the background and in sist- en its immediate fulfilment.", The , lawyer opened a`; drawer enrl drew: forth a large legal ' document.. Glancing at it for a moment he ;handed it to his'visitor. The': latter took it and devoured its contents , eagerl ,.• Then :,tie , handed. it back :and rose to .;go. '1 " l'hanls," he said, .with ' a • gulp. am delighted to see' that thio matter has, beers legally -carried aut. Good -day, :Mr . Orme," �1-te, walked briskly to, -the door. Lucian Orme watched him. ° His step' was 'jaun- ty, his head erect. There was no dis- guising. isguising: the .'fact that he ';really vas "delighted." Yet the. smile on the .law- yer's face When 'the door closed boded. no good for the man • ;whose motives were so disinterecied',: Five minutes later.. Lucian. •Orme care- fully pot. the legal -looking doclirnent within ,the Empty „grate; and held a lighted lunch ,to its lower edges: The flame. spread - rapidly till but a ;.few, 'blackened asides rem.atned: ;• "What a .00ll"he; soliloquised grimly.; "I� a •never even sow that the deed lacked, ii senile ' He waled back Co, his" writing -table: and sat down. An.. hour passed, .ancl t e ' was once more immersed in work when a~hurried knock souiite' ion his door. 1Ie teemed, to recognise it, and" rose; hastily,' • • 'At, last!" lie muttered. "Well; it wad bound to Cornet Pone 'little giril .1 wish:. T could spare her." t._ • He opened the do r; A white face looked at him . piteo' ly. from without • and 'two trembling ha ds were held out to hints " He took 'then and drew , her into the room.. Then he lad. her gently to ;a chair and she sank into it with a stifled .sob.' • "Oh, you ' can't think wlaat. has hap-. tamed!" she .cried piteously. "It•'is so- .so dreadful/,' ,never-never thought it of him!" Lucian Orme drew , his ehair ' n tape, nearer to her own. E 7 r "`Dorothea," sig said gently, "eve have been olcl friends for ever so long. r11. 'that concerns your welfare is of grave importance to me,- Let us forget, for' a little while that' I arn'ycitui lawyer arid. you my client. Let tis reirnernper oily that we att. friends. .Can -you do this'?' She looked at him tearfully. 1 -le had neyer,seeriied so strong ,before. She; wvdered how it : came about that'she hadnever before realized `how splendid he was. It seemed Se natui-al,to•. run to liiin whenever she was in trouble. She hod done-so'irorn a child, 'and was only now beginning to -realise what all this meant to her. "1 can't tell yowl" she sobbed. "It's so -so humiliating to have to toll It to any- one -even to you!" Ile flushed. , "You need' n.ot," he said gently; "I. know it already." She dropped her lace handkerchief with a start. "You know ill" she gasped. "Oh, ibit that is impossilalet He smiled. , "Well," h0 Omitted d quietly, ,9,e -nay not mete la.y� Clain to positive' know- ledge, tut ears -guess. Mr. A.ahley +l:reet .and Mis-Mnrgaret Swan have de- eided to throws in their lot together, and have been' quietly married this lntirriing Ari I not riflit?" She nodded. ""Flown did you , know?". she milted tremulously'. The lawyer glanced .at the ashes in the Otherwise eritlity grate.: "Ile count to ui '. little; more tliaui an, bout* ago," 1, i . said drily'. ""t think zi;- wait"then on his way, to' the church. Ile wanted to see th+ deed of gift.'' 'prsrr-does, loolzed up. "But you 'hadn't one;" the cried. `1 don't chid rstand." :'tie lawyer tanned °gain. "1 had one ready for Ina," he said. "p .IH' iii �1iue�t told me that he wvoulid. conte. So I rigged este up a and ;ceiblib 1 tt fie,�r 'iiaa114 ; at the font, " tii'ile? people i iiitAt• iu11 it forgery. But 1 tva<. ready to ri le, that. lie;' Low it and wvas the [.e�fwed, Thee I' l uee it." Ile peeled to the little, !leap cif noel wait relent. ' "Fie hats' fia';t, weitten t o nie,'" raid the p 1. "llu't; tied, horrid rile! .w�;c,rptan Ittt . 'they t' eeit, married liatlf=:iu h ,;oar ,scree. iiia, elea i° it -what ri,} iiiiitor ble, heat- ) i'4.:ael.itiy? world flee ter " iiiw'. L ainaile €1. "You. should ito thaabtLful it Yrs tact L�irig' •t'�' iii' 1'e, iii'i :1, 11ei'r "''i', 1 £.t,6•E; li:�e9 tZ ti aY'y'F►��' t :� iE1�i �. h i"C t). i. Aehloy a?t' S1Vfetive�;; w',%e•1 !.►eerie Y~ i'y eate'r' l :ill, s.iitil I iiiietaye blew It. I too felly tee !Masil icq ir_re er'li,ei' teat Ite otti k_•. reel tl,rliti r�t �a�err e,wi;11 plea. He wet 1;. alai pee 1�rNt►4s,h'�'el wc1 � rt .lee hiatus the truth." She nodded. y 17Zee FsYq n9 ocrve i�P3n rigid. she 17-0111ftt" ed. 1 w;mm never helaeve alt Giii n aro lung as 1 Dive1'' Lucieui h d, "Itia't that rather Friel -teat -ore -net to cey rued Fre ttlquitrett. he looked irate his deep ea..ey eyeo egad hieki out her hand, "Stir pt your," the sato sloyiet. 9 know' f can tris it 3 ou. " "Manley—Qui" ho salol snnply "I mtiy ;petit Yell to the test some day, Dorothea. She blushed prettily. lie had let her. SU.) lets] ecrete ehe ruse td—go.... "aonad-bye," she said t iti diy. He held' -her hand for an instant: utiood,bye,,"• lid'' said, • Then he opened the door for" her•.to pest; through.; "May I collie and',sce youi on TI urs- tiny;'"': he asked. -!1'1W;" she, said, and•left:.birit standing there by the open. do. or, a guile upon/' his face. Presently he closed the door "very .softly end went back to his scat. But he could not settle again to his',work. For he know now that the way lay clear before his feet, and that sooner er later he would reach 'the :goal in which his dearest hopes were centred. --Pear son's Weekly. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND fil'OTES OF INTPIREST raga lands a:nd Lowlaucle of The King has sent e. large.signed.pote trait* of himself to the Soldiers' Home at Mr. Edward Bell of John "Bell & Sea, tweed- merchant's,' Langtiolm; died, rec- ontly 'at his -home ,there. . A bazaar in aid of the Rotral Alexan- dra Infirmary was opened at Paisley oy The. body of -a woman, ItIrs:' Smith, aged 40, has -been , found in a "disnsed A purpose of marriage hetween 'a bridegroom aged 76 and a brlee •of 24 was among the ,icriee" in a Dundee ,e; Mr. William .Pirle, landlerd, of the Speead Eagle' Inn, Maxwelltoten died in Dpmfries Infirmary from, ',the 'effects ago at- the farm 'of. Gleirgyte, parish cf duff, has died at -the,. age of/96. Mr; Strachan •carried oh a sue eesful bust. /r gess hi.ihe town fee over orty years. • For ehocking cruelty to' his tee-year- olc soh a' Glasgow Inen anted William' '. James High. ete), a /reenghmen et Purge,vie-Lintrathern. /was killed in- stanteously, at Loya or' Brae Road*, 'Alytte, by 'es itieung olt, Winch he was . Lord Linlithgow/was resented with' the . 'freedom -Of' iStrapr r am* alter - wares.' opened ithe public-, park, . which has been presentede to the toWn by John Morristintejtee 19 years., of age, son of Mre John Morrison,t. farmer, West Maine Knockatido was found dead on the *farm, as the result of a member of the Edinburgh' Fie'e ,Brigade, in whieh he 'served for 33 Yeerse >died at bis" residence, 9 Oxford street. He watt'63 years of age. ' been yery successful. en the west coast ,Of Irelafidu One crew earned. X00 in. a week and between 4700. and eeti00 ih By the explosion of an 'oxygen mein - .der at the Soottish Oxygen Company's works 'at Glasgow, James Werde e7, was hurled through two doorways Be- - An innovation has been Made by the Aberdeen School Board iri. cennection erected in Frederickestreee. The 'play- geound is siteated on the roof. ' Rev. Mr. Whillaso of Motherwell, brie been presenteeby the Motherwell Tem perance Ceuncil ovith to table, and type. president for the' Past -25 Teats. Sheriff • Henderson has awarded ' 450. hurgh, in respect of breach of pri Ilse 13ruce,:e publio hens° manager, Tint A new carbine range which. has beep, given by Captain Werritiss, of Wemyss Crtstleg for the use of the ."WeraYes Com- pany of the 1st- Fife 11. G. A, Voluns tgeree was 'opened by General Ste John of about 20 feet. Two escaned practi. cally unhurt, , The other, Devid Plain, Dundee, was, uneonseious for home time, and had a thigh bone broken; •A tragie incident put a, sudden ter- ftelavil. near-Kingusole, when Alava'. del Macdonald. it forester in the ein- ploy of ter, Mete/stet' filacpheritan, own- er of Dalavil, died ,„ euddetilto in the iterth ;green Camel! have res61VOC1 to approach the Wait Office pointing , out the advantages et the city in view' of depot for thri whole of the Ireeiinteits toreprising the Ilighlarld Brigade. leAlIGIteiT MOTOR FIRE -ENGINE. Loudon. eret new hae the largeot, and Crum. It 'et prepelled by a eteain weter-tithe boiler, heated by a petrole- um' len•nee, which epratie the fuel inio Ilia furnace. The machine 13 of title horee-power, and; capable of throoving etre gallone of -water a minute ht height of feet. It can travel forty eneluoo go up at a walla with the molt foliewine, en fore, the new melee. eic, emeriti auil eight h1611. at a f'pe: .1 e, ;Won an home A Idlie ;fel - beet; to take 61V0 651 Itaby ithi,64 r. ell fie . lithe Ley MUST WONDERFUL FIGIIT ' II, i . o RE RUSSIVS STRUGGLE FOlft Maxim Gorky, the Rustian Author, Says the Struggle Cannot - Lest Long. Dr. C. Ilagberg Wright, *of Paris, France, rualies public the following titre Which he bee teartetilied, et intah. eGorlityy! °t‘tivtij'. at•ll'ululas;111: "My Defter Friepd: You ask MO Wild think of the everits;of the' Cauea5uat Well, I feel fall of sharne and sadness - en reading arid hearmai toi that is going mo there. I am so passionately fend• of that beautiful country', tile PM - it; Mountains ' covered with ',meow," Ats valleys, end its eavines full bf the hap; py noise of the milt ,and singing liv- ers, and its beautiful, pliouel children, When, lowaa in the Caucasus I :eaw the ly and contentedly f eide by side with the Tartar and the Armenian. /low happily 'and simply, like children, they played and. saeg and laughed, and how different now to believe that these simple, deiightful people are buee way, ob'edient to dark and devil Mau - PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND, "What oppresses me Is noteso melt the cruelty as the stupidity ''of the people, , who' do hot understend that e their evil passions. • It does. not gem to Me that the bloody tragedies enacted in Dolor differ in any respect as regarls their rnotiVea from tilos() tragetbes Warsaw, Kichineff, end ether places. In Riga, Kursk; etc., the .dame hideons Work ef a group of peoPle- who -nave lost their senses is eieible, This groap tire el conscience, which is ,gleatning in the Russiare people, at last awakened tri the knowledge 'of its right to .choose ,own form, of ' existence, Thege Poet aro aceustorned. to power. Life istpleits-: ant to them 'while .they can' diepoee •ef the fate. and 'riches et our country,, the strength end Woo -C-0 bur 'peeple, and ,thet without givipg ah aecouott to filly - one of their acts. They have been ne estate; they have forcible -kept -theene- and. squalor rtin order to, weaken *its spirit, ,and to prevent „the ..grewth of its like blind -and dunib slaves, ebedient to their will. With the cynioism of osr- ,sens cerrupted. with impunity, with 'the frank ruthlessness ef 'animals who o"? done everything to kill tho 'creative Writ in 'there, , But these contemptible geardians of the Whole, life of the court: try ore ignorant and steel& they , do not understepd that to "turn a /latent just -as impossible as' to change the granite mountains of the Caueasue ie. to a. luitip of clay. "The senseless and Inhuman oppres- sion has -flOtt been. able tb extingtush the Ore of bleed and tree 'thought in oue country, It is brealdne, fortb Mt* eryeihere' with greater' strength. Even the blind now see .its angry flame, This flame is spreading unexpectedly in 'all directions; and is struggling tIo buret into ono strong, glorious .blaze, into a thoughtful and -honest rnere against the tvioience which le used by Ian incapable group ef paresites who have been neer-. !shed on the best sap of the country. EGGING ON THEileflUTESe ,- "The .pareeites feel that the hour e their agony 'ie approaching. aed dea.th ie neette but they wish to live; 'and SO they 'etruggle as far it,S theysere able agairist :the . ,w111 • of the people, ern- raising froth the depths of•life ' ell thariet dark -end evil; everythiog Writ ig selfish, vepal, and lew, and they have incited this ' dumb 'mass Of bre-' talized beings -tigainet the best people of thelend in 'Order to crush them, and' to Iteee the power in ,their own' inoap- able hendse if only for another y,ear. sluggish peaeant, dulled, by hunger, en students and even on thildren; anti, perhaps even tt to -morrow the Tartars demanded the acknowledgment. Of their 'rights,. they would send them againet the -Girghlz and the Moldavians, fir - .der to oppress them. 'Everywhere 'one and the , smile thing. ' These evil para. sites have dtawn round them for the protcetion, of their position, in the cotin- teit the wildest end Most .ignerant ,r,f, who sineerely and un good and freedom: theewhole of' bee man history and in no country hes the struggle of the ruling,elass for the pre. servation "of -its power over the People been fought 'go basely, rio. and SO oynically OS it jn being fouglit at our eountry fe these bloodthirsty drunk with the blood' whiter, in spilt, and %vile:feel, their end MOST WOEFUL: IN' HISTORY. "'What contempt Mast tour country eseite in Europe when they see' those who rule lie tailing to lifeit, all that savage barbarous, and-iiheivilized, and really honest, human, and creative. 'rile -days. theough which we- ere living ale regeneration, but the struggle ovincle ireginif hi 'lassie Will Le 1,VIILLC11 hitiLOrk orie of the moot woeful' evente in the Wee)* of mankind. putrefection. But. thooe, wilt) to -lay may eleal inel kill with 'impunity ntil not lightly let go their pewee. etlie Laud ethich yeeterday' broke the Loam of- the Armenian de tlio love, totomint right to fro.(10111 f_1(10lIN' Si;t11 (IP 414'1 Cali Lill (ill Wii,W() head ehe lianil \till fall hewer -- row? It hi ofiey to Moo tie betel and rteldoei reverie, Let all lioriere eferl mon of the tatif;&,M3, fill dillY tor fri(qii14, rand 'LIMY A:5 lin a la 11 ALL HAVE r • Tarter; fleet:an, ArteePian end Jew, dosire one thieg, to Dive Leiter teen they have dem hitherto. Not one Meet has litteety, net one of them 1:339 too rigtit to live RCCOrd!no to his raetal find reNteoue convictions, which thintie, aeovo all, aro neceosary for the grew-th of his spirit met that of his race. "104fen the Armenian indeed dereave the Tartar of his freetioni? Does the Geergian? Aro not the Russian and .1cw find Pole bound hand ond foot et° the same poWer which pretexts equaliy heavily on the shoulders of the 'Tartar? have hut ono, enemy. All goo Yitose reason. is clear, and •whose, enelavecIS must ,unite 'in the. etruggie against this evil end senseless power which .presses ell .of 11-15 An' ilf1ViR hut one enemy.: Let, •equality and brotherhood 'be Sere. .Let the light el, reaeon shine on ne all apd Weld too gether jn 'one greet FACTS ABOUT rue SE 'no ;ire of the Mon 'Who roVed Abe Allied Fleets. • Rises ot 4 '4. in, Nislor bard. Fitts little. „ . Is practically his own Foreign 41ine Is afraid of the • dark.e, Pays $900 a night to have his Led-, rerun guarded by eight generals. - Smokes cigarettes incessantly. Takes -this meals wherever he happens to be, They are • brought to hirit in silver dishes with covers ,sealed, The seals are broken -only in his preseece. The kelardjihi, or official taster, responsiale 'for evere dish, The Saltan's. food is mostly eggs' nl'al entrees. -It does not cost over $5,000, a' To feed and keep his' hoeseheld, however, coetst$60,000 a week.. Passionately fond of revolver shopt, throws glass balls into t•he air for the Abdul Flame is very fond of animals. , lie hag over 200 horses in' his stables. Spends much time ,in eiviary among his birds,. • ' Frequently has a ettimitgr of pot deer 'brotight to his apartments., -*Likes to, play the Piapo, but is a peer tSeleetems "limn e91 Trovatore" ere his favorites. Puts bens on all elasgical rraisit. in Sits in the auditorium and sips raid 'bitters. t tIleads a great deal, mostly 'sense - home fict on. ; Has often re -read the French Mies • 'London, -•Erigland, is'. paying the pen- alty ptieg thy all tarp:cities. CriMC IS Inside her" gates.hiln rOund numbers slit hi e to•pay nearly $8,00000 year to keep criminate in tetece; 'for thet fs the :sum plia ,out to het' courts, prie to include stolen propeety, losses duer LE4JJING h1ARKETS er, Silo for itio. 2 %vitae aria rein for red Wheat-•elieuiteteteeQuetatione of lake foe No. I Northern and kiiie to 83tec for Floure--(mtarie-Quiett exporters bid $4.1e to $3.15 for tio per 'cent patentei riii.les'btuicYefezi?1:eebazigts$'3!3tit°t!nttbeig31°,45P,uiMlitasi.lit'oallbit't steady; ai.age to Kele for, first patents,. $4.3a to $tAd for secehd patents, -and 'Ade, ehmits $17 to $10; Manitoba bran, Toronto and equal .freight points, Oats -44c to 350, outeide, for No. 2. itariey-46c for No. 2, 440 for No. 3 etta tree and 410 for No. 3, Outside. Peas ---177c to ,78c, outside. flye-In demand, at 70c.goutside. Buckwheate-Nominal; al 510 to 52e, Quetsoirnde.-7.. Canadian - Holders ask 44e, peohianttbsaT ,freights, 4.2o bid; Ainerlean No. Toronto, and 20 to 40 more 'at outsider 3 yellow is easier, at 50c to 50e0,. Oats -$5 in barrels and $4.7S in begs Orl track - here; 2e0 more tor broken Jets here and 40c outeide, COUNTRY PRODUCE. , eats Br:Ater-Prices a.re quoted unchanged., do solids 23c•to24e. Dairy le. rolls, ,good to choice aloto220. olo -medium .. 20c to 214 do inferior 19c to 20e• Cheese -13o for large and 1334c fore Egget-tQuotatioris unchanged at • .24e tot'250 for fresh gathered, 22c to -2-3e for •e„old storage and 200 to elc for limed. • Poultry -Pair •lots are corning forward tut the, demand is nOt brisk. Pilties are - 7e; ducks, lic to, lec, thin 6c to 8o; geese, ,10c llcs turkeys 13e, with *13e0 for choice small lots. • • per'beg Oh -track here.„75e to 85c oilt. cif 90e to 9573 'ont. or store. Baled Flay -Easy in- tone and' quoteil unchanged at $$ per ton for No. 1 thn- 6:1hy in car lots'here and $6 for No. 2. Baled Stravre-Car lots OD track here. are quoted 'unchanged' at' $6 per tone BUFFALO- MARKETS. Buffalo,' Jen,: Firth. NiT4eo,t. -Spring, unspitled1 I Northern,: ked 'Ohre Wint no Barley --Strong; .47 -to IlyetteDulle Nee 1* on track, 726. • NEW YORK, WHEAT, MARKETS.'"t" 95ege, f.o,b. afloat; No. -1 Norther** Mi - injured 'parties, etc.„, Serious crinies,1 Such . burglary, housebreaking court - • Arregie, ate , :Mere. frequent than ,fer pense,aod loss accone,ti be, the city. List „nitrates ptit the bill of the city's cx- .penses. as high. as $10,000;009. Aln other words, each -.taxpayer. or, bead- of ,a -household of five ' pe.rsons•pays $6.S1 .a year, for Loodon's 'crime: Nor do these rnillione* Make up the total loss; There tire thee hundrede of .thousan„is lien away, loSt, or destkoyede• Add, then, le these Vie aniounts paid by, private parties tri prevent ' burelary; etc , watehme earetekers, burglar alarms, door an window. fastenings, safIs, rine begins to get .a fairly good idea of what are the 'losses dtie. to trime ;n a 'pelice.epd courts down for $0,149,041, fr t $1,216,625, loss by Injuries, essaults, -8i5 'These impaling figures Cover of- ten only the well-known items. ;low millions escape the viglia.nt, eye Of the experts. ' No millions like thieteete ne. ' LAUNDRY WORK, Al° SEA. New Inventku Allows diaries to he NifasIktleon the Liners. The ovOnlierwernen, or Man, has hitherto been a person for.. whom there bas been no place o en ship - Tho redden. 'for this does not lie in the fact that sailoro. either in the+ Tapia or Merchant cervicei: have, no , to the fact that it 'me bden 'practi- factOrily in sea water. Many inventors heve endeavored to riolYe the problem, and Amity woe tehte-one dating 03 faribnek as 1771' —have been taken out, "but still the difficulty remained. At, lost, 110WeVer„ a new soap has been , introduced, for which it ;1st claimed that linen twashed with its aid even in nett water may be, etarch; "Ocean-going ithipe." Geld ao, mane - I. -Tr of the firm reeporieible for the, Pelio temp, "carry from 60,00o to 100,000 plecee of bed and table linen becauee they halve to take enough to laet, during the entire to take with ttient linen taillielent for But with thin new soap the wail - anti eeperiett, time, aod ripace wilt be El;f4t1.1W On V.. 0.1 tiail)!; witted be et levy pteet, lame, At retoielit nil wird* Din, • CATTLE MARKET. Toronto, Jan. 9.—Teade in all lines of' "stock coetinued active at the , Western Cattle Market •this morning, The 'run wasi heaviee than it has been for- some, time, but everything wadt pretty Well cleared up, aod en butcher cattle prices. were firmer. _ ".Export Coetlee-Choice are guided .f,t ,Buteher Cat•tie--Picked tote $4.10 goodl to choice. $3.75 do $4; fair tte good $3 toette,50, common $6.4riO to $3, Stockers and • Feeders et; Short - keel", feeders are quoted at $3 tO to $4 good feeders ati$3.40. to $3.65, medium at $2.5ao Mileh Cches-The range of pieces quoted is unchahged at $30 to $60,each. Caives--•The meeket is .quoted at $4 to• $12 each and 4c to 6)ete per lb. .,Sheep and Larribs-Export sheep ard gpoted•steady at $4.25 to $4,40 per cwt. im fer 'export owes $3.25 to $3.50 for bucks and wethers and $5.50 to $6 ler Mixed , Hegeo-,Quotationi; ere 15e higher, lit • $6.25 for choice litildilefeighte and $0 !'or heavies. There are two very distinet.varieties et frost, a • "black" frost and a "white* frost. A. white frost is inditative of tha probabilities .of fain, but two white frosts seen on coneectilive mornings,. rind, still more?' three white froste so seen, aro certain forerunners- of rain within a few houre. Oa the other hand, black freet, espetielly. if it comes Om gradually during two or three deyse in- dicates oak" land dry weather. If during . 'freely a/cattier mite daipersett and small detached ciititocumulus elouds appear in the upper air, a thaw may be expeeted. tlio5o eloudo which ore familiar to everybody under the name of. "mackerel sky." :Some other eigna of tin impene- ing: A watery rein at eunricie; tlet sun fleeted rays into them; the eters, loolting dull, and the tuner 01103 only vioilfico the moon's horns looking blurt ed • PARADISTe FOP, ANClielilltSt fikt in the world which offers hor may catch two dositu vine -ales met haply aliCt VONIC11,01 •