Exeter Advocate, 1906-01-04, Page 4tlrands area eta ��° �G4 + r4i t-sn 'THURSDAY, '06 New 1.3 D's. The fallowing have pats x-ri tate fined ex+waauieeti.lns tit the ;'Shit' . is Phyeie. >w1 ste mid 1.trg'-ins -01 filat..aeie N. I). Bur;h4ris,rak tat Z+c><t i , Q,ti (item .. Ail-, Craig; A. Murdock c.f Bruck:tic-4d, No Waterworks Herta. Clinton, Jan. 1,--A. bylaw- to raise ,000 on a system of waterworks in Oont1t•ctiof with the town, was 'voted or) to -day maid defeated, the vote sixtiLe for and over twotwol;t';rlad.- red against. Cuutr ilii; Neter*. Everybody km: i v,. that of latO years natural have forces l h c been wonderfully farlly Subjected to t a-o's need. We are daz- xle by the epectaAcular .achievements in steaarn and ere trieit.y `twat are likely to forget the lees noisy but no less xnaryelloaia conquest of animal and leant life. Hares are swifter, cattle easier, cows give more milk and sheep have finer ituses,$ than in daysgoLie by. In plants the transformation is even more marked. a 3 r ,E<d• Pi l now. living edible renember when the number of fruits and vegetables was far less than t present and even those that ecitild n were vastly inferior to what ew have. g exs� ao r exai,mple, our iter- ._ knew nothing or the Tomato ex- mept as a cttrious.orxnament in� the gar - ,ren. Sweet Porn was hardly better huuu the coinmonestt field sorts. All` -oranges had seeds. Celery was little known and. poor in g' utility. In the flower bed the magnificentniilcert Panay y ares :replaced thoinsinifiratt Hear 0$ Ease, from which it was developed,' and the Sweet Pea in all itse dainty splendor :traces its origin to the common garden 1'' egeteble. This the R den has been =nouns in spite of te great tendency :manifested in all.:plants arid .animal to go back to the original tyre.' It is indeed a battle to keep stierins pure ,vand up to•iiie standard they have al - „ready attained, let alone:any improve went. The practical results.areacc+om- le lished by men operating largely fey ove of work, like Luther Burbank' in ,Oaaliforniai, and Eckford in, England, as by the-reayt seed .merchants,' . satel. Ferry & Oil., of . Windsor, Ont. who are not only eternally vigilaru.t tel "hold what ground has been gained, lent have a corps of trained specialists • "basked:rip by ample means• to. eonduat .new experiments...>'The result of .their -experience.een be foetid. in their nee. Seed Annual which they will.send free oto all applicentsr ¢izc>t a4lili!' k . l.aiaa� ri;liR .iii�Yo— l'.d, la;'ilaiia- il;< twill -00.., �% i1 lit as cutting ..%tend for lent ihlMckenzie, Qct. David (`l.0 k and. ` runrisi Fletcher of }�3azraroMile ;Master S aiic ;Ly with einstiia �� Ilewitt.- Role. Brown spent Sunday ra tiro Mitchell tc�hell Lt.•..1, AlieSes Sara f' and Maggie Anderson spent `I�hau.ia,y at Iina°kt�:aa withMiss 1- i u... Marshall. aieteedee i'qr lase;, weeS) Among t�i% visitor ivies) ..i'a3 spend. ing the holidays here we notice: The Mibae$ Mary and Jean 'Anderson, Toy itontto; Mists Mat>r inie and Will Ander- son, Mr. and Mrs. Beai<rss.A0.istirrHew- itt. rpt. Maary's; Rich. Harding, Lond0ra; Will Brown, Comet;) NUS, Era liiinara A.ritl,tr ng, Scott:tin -1,, Ont:; Miss Louie Larne, ToLoritO. --Mr• Wight t ,of Bow- rna iredle is ell, 8 iinorith's „visit to lits cousin, .Leslie 'Wight ikIiss Emma Robertson, who has been..teaelting Alt A <r, I j car l�rf y a, l' soixie3 years has resigna_SI •and will reside at her home in fixture. Chester Heard, who has been spending the holidays here, has returned to Sar- pia.- 8r- pia. - fir. and Mrs,' Rich. Bitten town lilac, euter'tained a number of their friends Thursday.-Mts. !L1Vs.: Joint ..tnder- son, who hes been' on a three months visit .tt the borne of.her daughtee,,i� rs. 1 d. 'Cleerch, Toronto; has : returned. - The Town Line school teacher, Miss Lottie Brown, is spending the holi-. +day.*s at her home in i11•issouri.�-Vii"ed. ding bells are ringing at Anderson. • ZiOU Happy New Year to. the Advocate and its readers.---�Schoo"l' reopened on Wednesday with the new teaacher,Miss 1- aachaeiyKirk of IKirkton, in charge.;-. The musical and literary entertain- ment,given hiv the Epworth Leaigne on Friday evening was a decided sue. cess. -J. T. Parkinson of St, :(eoi'ge's ,school, London, $pent the holidays un- der the parental roof.- -Wire Batten of Detroit is renewing acquaintances in the neighborhood. --Dr. DT. Harrison of Detroit, and Miss Mary'Harrison. London, spent. Chrt"istmas with the sister, ,rs.'R;cibt, Taylor. --Miss Je nie Briwaacornbe of London is ` visiti her a unt, Mrs. Phil iiern•�-''W''in. De ham and family sent the holiday; with Mrs. Denliaw s mother, Mrs., Batter;. -Albert .Pearson .„and fain' of London spent the holidays with M Pearson's brothers, 'Wm.' and :Rob Taylor. - S. Clark, wife and • litt daughter of London, were the gues of Er. Kyle•and wife one day last wee --Miss Edna; Taylor spent the vaeatio at her home here, -Special collection will: be tae .en hext Sunday. in. acid the choir. --An, oyster supper was gilt en on'New Years evening by..the mem bees of -L.O.L«`: 3$I, Mitcheli road, Kin Zion Methodist church. Supper' caas served from six to eight,. sitter:; which a musical ,arud. literary program was presented lee. the,auditorium of th church., The chair was taken by M. ave Addxesse we °E deli neared by several ai b peankers. ap- e petriptie exercise, entitled '�Britaan nue waas.well worth the -^.price. -of ad- isassiOn�alone.' Those.who attended were highly pleasedwith the program.. . Dada 'Ot of 71.,7 ng l n- Ss; J., Brewster' Mr. ;Jed Mid. l,aaLac a l{�g is"=� hone � ala 4r: lit't 1 t' tl Y� G Ii WO. °. , when they `t1kbldteci their, pearl wedding. A number of invited guests ere present hal all sat down to an exoc_�ilent fowl supper. Mr, and Mrs. Itagin were the recipients, of numerous presents, among which were two fvee, a two olid .a Dna dollar bill, .Many kind. words of eongr*ttt1L4tione and good wiehea were extended to the Dost and" iioateee after which the guests departed to their homes. Vr, ;q Helmet I)iu°r bas returned from Lon- don where he bas been .attenning ,the Model echoed. He will. commence his dirties as teacher ill his, school , art No. 11, in it few,d=tys. =teo. Towle and 1), l.itel ell, wife and daughter aaf Michi- g #u spent the holidays in our bu t'3`r,i(� s entertainments, a in Ela`abbaLth school : enter taainment,, 18th con., which was to have been held an the 2 8th, has been postponed for a fow,weeksa.-•The pupils of S.S. No, 15. Ii1ir'r'eit at, F. Stelel , Toronto: Mi . ,liar°k ii 'iiJ, l~�l�i [' .L t °ity Hiii:ii. 'oa t «lu-'t:;'', r and Si,tiia Meek, Chicago, o, spaanL' the IrAikia s in this neighborhood.- ,n- 4.11 �r' 1.ov e'ap Aew residence is atla� -pit cc'ltapliated.---Itubt• Cochrane sof It. it tea., Mit., is hIILUe fila IA visit. -`file scholars in Pia. 7, Stanley, presented their, teacher, Mr. Alexander, with a handsome *lbtirn.--=Miss Mary 'legal,t has returned from her visit to 1)etioit, Marquette and Dollar Bay, Mich• Miss Aurcie,E. r'onsitt has returned trot;; Guelph, where she baa: been :t;.Lk- ing•a three months' course in nature study at the Macdonald Institute.' Mile .has. been engaged to teach in her old school, No. 7, Star?1E'y. Diving 1her, former term at this ech©ul ahc wa $ most popula4r with notal ,kr cents and gaipihs and her return will , be looked forward to with satisfaetitmr < s slits will now be better fitted than ever to •1111. her position. ;held their Xmas. closing etc►rarissks on COrbet Dec. 22 and a most happy tine was spent. John Nichol, the popular teaaeh- er, was presented with a vary nice gift as a slight acknowledgement of .their appreciation of his services gas teacher in the school. .rat t • � Bi Oltl Wa nr,ING,s-A very pretty wedding took place in Christ's church, London, Wednesday, when William O'Brien's yy d4aU er i ht Ms Florence . e g� gave� her heart and hand to Everett Langford, apopular and prosperous young farm- er of Granton. The bride, who was at- tired in white silk, white' veil and, or. ane blossoms,wee attendedeM fibyMiss Oatenbefl, .who wore a becoming cos- tume of white. The room was sup- ported - ported b >''his brother, George, e, ofthis laace. ° At :the conelu iog ' p 9i n of the este rnony, which was performed by Rev. Howard, the 'wedding partyad'onrned to the residence of: the bride's if ether,; where a dainty wedding breakfast was partaken of; Mr.and Mrs.Langford ar- rived here the same evening and have settled down to the sterner realities of ife on the groom's fine farm.: To this heppy'couple, we predict a, happy and successful married life. rrs. Blake .Rohe The Misses Weida and Steyens, rind e Miss,EtheiCapling:of the Seaforth.Col- ts Iegiate, the ,Misses Lizzie Allan and k, Sarah Johnston of London; Miss Pearl P Nicholson Zurich, ,Zurich,:. are. spending tbe ose :holidays alt their homes 'here. -Percy Keys • who bas ju.et successfully com- pleted his Model Exaininaationat f. ods erich is spending a few: days: at his' home here, prior toleev ng for Lenin- ington, where he has been. engaged to teach • school, , We wish our young' friend unbounded success. --,•fie are � r~.. Allen, McEachein,; who. has been **siting hie mother "return ,l oTorran�. est, we ek,.,��r .,.,•.::�► tiiw1lroed;er r' irllirt last Friday on"business; tai Tennis= McEachein:has` returt'n- bel ondon, :after spending the Boll= her lxonie here.,--M-isss Bertha, *l tier left for London after s New 'Y`e.0 e Day, at home.- e *Donald, who spent the at Mr Wile Holt#s left, for 'fleliar i r. da.y'-M`iss Bertha :Banta;-, Ta etch n.t, ,, for Battle .Creek, g ' edi. j New Tear's D Y,,= . x aa;: � With lint. iirents..heec. y�.""• iWi MaL+tturS `; , ,h ,��� � went ...t, who_ -:has been on the sick list, has recovered. '• Crediton re. Downing and wife of 'Virden, Man, are visiting friends and relatives an this neighborhood, guests of F. .. :It is seventeen years: since urig)wpingileft these parts for .the set and fa ,now One• of Manitoba's est prosperous "'farr'tners'�- Sherman. +e: Healer,. gave our `burgh a flying yisit Tuesdaty.-At theaermal business tweeting of the:riiernhers of the Evan- Jelieal church, held New Year's day, acob` Fink bei n t're wee ',elected` Trustee �in the place of'Gottlob Morlock.-Miss. :"Susie, Swifter, of Parkhill,: Garnet . $a- ,of London. and Thos.; Lawson of Detroit visited "friends in town the past week. ---Miss Clara Wind of De, troit le visiting her parents.--Mr.Mills of Woodham is: visiting his daughter, WM. A. ' Sambrook. ---Election essed off witty/140°d" vote polled. v�'the first tiiue in the"history of the set ow�nship'the °contesta nts, Sweitzer pl, and 1VV'illert, were. as tie. The ;,clerk zr gave'his casting vote yesterday hoot) ai'Wed.). Mond=ay evening. the 'Band was in the hall and' played several fine'selections'which were greatly ap- -`~eeia:ied.- Waatchnigghtserviceswere lily. in the Ev'angelic'al church on nday evening and they were very, 3sive. Before the .service the ion of officers of tate. Sunday achooi for 1906 took lace, and resulted, as follows: Pies., . 11. Holtzman; Vire Pres., Sam. Bro wlrr; Tt-eaatrs., Din. Oeatreieber; S'ec'y, Miss MelindaTriek; Char., Albert .Moilock; Orr enist, Miss (1►1'lias, llol(zmalrnre. Asst, .miss Aggie c €F'`ahner; Librarians; B.Brovvo, sr., and = Jno, F. Brown. testae your h*lr? - Coming out by t cfi�l ? And doingnothing? No sense -in th*ti y don't you use Ayer's Hair 'Vigor sad promptly stop the 'ailing? Your haler W �'sO, too, s all. d� 'reason- Ably ill 'dis ati ir. Loud you ' pi an- Ably exert anything better? " J>r � as atr. MM rrr 014ae,wrcrr >w . Wr axial tow Wit. tont „° n. 0. ,trio' taut ria ... _ r LfI►/ Gar. xrr1 e s r�r .to relate the . sudden illness of 'hut, Ella Sparks. Scion affercomplet. rng "irer'er.-1 ..44:41001 she fi was taken down with an attack • aip- l-pendicitis., Miss Sparks was to lave Friday aafternoort as Rheinh'arr'!dt Wiliert.wasprictisiu ,shooting with an: old Zulu the breed blew out of the gun and. str"yuck 'him . in the face. How heescaped instant death is a .miracle.. --Chas. Slim),and. wife of Regine Sesk., are here visiting friends. -Harry Edigr holler, •.accompanied by Miss Laura ik,lotter of Hickson, is spending` as few days with friends here. -J'. W. Grray- bis'l of Zurich ,spent Sunday here with friends.—Jacob Ehlers left Friday to resume his duties in Chicago., -;-Arthur Kellerman, who spent.the' Xwaas. hol- idays with friends' here, left Tuesday to continue his studies at . CTapietwille. Saxn;Willert' and Miss Greenaagel,' wbo have•been spending the holidays. here, left for their,..homes in 'Niagara. Falls, NX. a TUesda er. --Nelson GIew of Seefurth spent the New, Year holidays with friends here. --The ;Evangelical S.S. donated $5 out Ofthe proceeds of, the:Xmass., entertainment'.. to the Or phans' Hospital at Toronto. At the annual school meetinghere Fred' Wil 1lert was re-elected Trustee for . at; ter.rn of three years. -Henry 'of Creditor). was in the: village Friday delivering ballotrboxes for the .Muni - contest. --The organist and aseist- ant of the Evangelical ;church Were each prreeented` with a" purse of money Sunday evening in recognition of their seiwicearl to the cong'regaation.-•--The P.A.. topic Sunday, evening was so k- ing backward, or what have I learned this year.” The meeting wa-s in charge- of E. , M. Brokenshire.-Wm.: Shrum made a business trip' to london. Tues. day. -John Hall of London was in the v ;alai gay. several days during the •week. The election for Police Trustees for' Dashwood on *Monday resulted In faa vor of Geo. Kellerman h1). Geo..' Koch t1:1, and Ignati ra, Weltira 66, hence the three gentlemen will constitute the, Board for 1900.. -The election•for,Reeve Stephen seems to have been closely contested and as a result of 'the polla is declared a tie, era the elected man won't ha.vo very much to boast of. - Revival" meeting are pow beingd n the Evangelical church here. e° ,hope the meetings will be of great benefit to the congregation. -0. `Bea- ver of , Crediton :. was in the village Tuesday. --lie teachers have arrived and will assume their new responsibil- ity on Wednesday.' Parentsa.nd guard. inns, ehmild'Attie that their children be- gin the term on,the first day and he kept regularly at school and then the teacher* will, be much more able to make art good showing at the end of the term. -The live bird shoot bead here Monday afternoon by the ` flesh. wood Gun Club.. under the manage- ment of Loral* Kleinstiver, jr., proved at et'n�. Th match was epept to green shots only and resulted as fol-. lows: H. Zimmer 8, M. Bhlre 11. Bidt 4, W. Stiller 4, H. F. Mien 5. P. DasitArd 8, S. Kraft 2, W. Klein. *tiver,2, D. Snider I. i Collar sato tor Wirsgliaie. Wingham, 'J'art. 1. -Three import- ant by-laws were c ercried by the rate. pityerrs'to.daty.' One fixing fairer. rtrent of C. Lloyd k Sons' door factory fart the present rate -for A term of wen years, M7 for; 25 n One to N- ene a b'eritote for �aOf brei 1 !of M n town,fet *0ln_-, 'The ratepayers *lard 'nidi lis favor. of +esteblisbt high mol by ant. vo e aryl'. for, and ar 75 agataat. taken charge of the Drysdale school nt the beginning of the Year, . but wefear her illness will not prernit.herto do -so. That she tnaay'soon be restored to •. her former health le the wish of her host '.of friends. 1 EcaGi i11ivray Robt 'J. arnailton, ;of:,�i he medical school, Toronto, spent the':ho1ida,ys st his home in, Brinsley.-Thos. Hutchin- son and wife: celebrated. their china .wedding: recently. -Jho. F. Doyle has, sold his farm to Same* McCarthy, town line. -John Larkin of Lake Su- perior hasreturned home. ---Miss, Ethel' Dowkerof Hamilton spent theholidaays at her home on the 7th. cod. • Soktooxislonz-Following is. the McGillivray for' the tnonth of: bee. Names in order of merit. V,--Elaymond lin and 'James O'Leary, equal.' IV. - Fred Lewis, Aaron_Scatt,*Themint-Kil. mer, Violet Snort, Eliza Hodgins, Johnny Coughlin, Lorne Sholdice,Ella Hodgins, Dalton Lewis,Irene Hodgson, W. Maguire. II.-41nry Hodgins, A. Hodgins, - Melvin -Lightfoot, Lizzie Cook, Winuie O'Leary, Alton Sholdice, Wm. 'X'ilhark. Pt. IL -Merton Mor- ley, Cecil Jones.. Gordon Lewis,' 'Vera ,Aamilton, Harold O'Leary. Zurich, ' A:morK the number who spept the holidays in our •.burgh we, noticed;-. Mrs. Geo. M. Dea,iiregarfi, Chicago; C. Von and wife, Berlin; John MoKie and wife; Bright; MOS Tillie Well, Toron- Detroit; Win. Drown, Kincardiee; Line, Oay, is all ontiles-two sone. Albert Smith and Peter Lamont' have returned from °their visit to Michigan. Godfrey Nicholson and. wifewere on a visit to friends in Sanilac Centre,Miobo during the week.. --Ed.' ZIMIlleriltail of Detroit is on a foie weeks visit to his home here. --Mr. and Mrs. Restemier of Cavalier, N.D...are spending part or their honeymoon in till*, vicinity. -R. Pellant of North DAkota is here on a visit. His son who is attending the Sandwich College is also visiting here. Mrs. Eidt of Sebewaing, Mich.,' is visiting at the home of her parent*, Mr. And Mrs. Ort, Bronson. Line. Herbert, eldest seri of John Smith. Goehen Line north, met with a *mous accident Tueeday. While leading one of the horse* out of the stable to. Water hiin the animal took fright at some tattle running past and in some way knocked the young, roan down. He had the etrap of the halter wound round his arm'And sto'was held . pris- oner. He WAS bAd1,0 brudged about the head and WA* rtneonscions for some lime. The accidenit will confine him to the house for several weeks. -At the close of the entertainment held in KS. No. 12, Ilex recently W. der - ;let of goki ink wells And a toilet eAse. The preeentation WAN made by Mi44.10 Carrie Gellman and Rosultha Kaerch- or on behalf of the school. Mr. jarrott replied most feelingly. -The demb, took lane on Mr 24th of Mrs. (tttilia Hen deka at t of T2 yeare, lo moat" 22 day Deteased had been tn failing health r scene tinie, hence a, grown.u.p , nt anus mid (laugh- ter, to mourn or demise. The furter- al took place Wed y to the Brun. sus Iles orasesos r. "er- • Miss Fraser and Rev. and Mrs, Sut- cliffe, spent the holidays at Forest. - Mrs. rs. Archie McIntosh and'fanlike, svho spent the holidays in our midst, have returned to their home in Port Huron. Jae, T. curie's many friends will be pleased to learn. that he is recovering from hie recent illness. ---Sonne people talk about good Xmals. entertainments but those who were at the ° Presbyter - Ian church on. New Year's night cer- t' n ail 1 listened Ii e t . ten o a.veryinteresting a st n y i e and up-to-date program. The little tots as well as some of the larger were well`pleased with the gifts they receive ed off the tree. --Another of our young men has, been called away in the ° per- son -of p o� WilliarL.0 $orthwck, aeon. of C. Borthwick of this place. The slid event took place in Sarnia, Besides a sor- rowing wife, two sons and one daugh- ter. he leaves his parents, one brother atnd tesieter to mourn hisdemise, To” ri f- o`.early t�iae.g e� stricken n,iJ��^we xteiild our deep sympathy. Lucajl ' Wm Peltier,af'thisslace is nie in - application to have his shop lieense transferred' to.Jno. Carrigan.—...A little' son has arrived at the • home of Well.. Rollins. -•--W. Z. Neil, who $attending; the Detroit College of ,Dentistry, has passed "a successful Xiiins. E$amina tioan, having obtainedfirst elaasss honors in everythipg,- =Ed. Mara has purchas. ed 'fr. Abbott's dwelling. ---Noreen, the While ter of J. V. and Mrs. Orrine,, returning`• Friday from .the post office 'slipped., on. some 'lea and fractured' one of her lege below .the. knee,• -Messrs: ' John and Oscar Bawden'are visiting here from Strati;- cotta, Alta. DEATf,---Un Wednesday - tbe angel of death removed from our midst at the` age of 13 years, the second son of Mr. and Mrs.' 'Win, Downing, after an ss of scarcely a week." Charles was aX str>dent o `the , tr c iresr haavirn entered the school fast. S ber.: • He. wawa, youngboy of lnitlme disposition wind sterling 'chara as a l itis 'character and was respected and esteemed byall who knew, • The al Bence of his genlal Smileand quiet dignity of bearing is a Jess which will be keenly felt by those. with whom he was accustomed to aaai- sociate. The easket was "'covered with beautifiil.fioral tokens. Asa mrrark'of synp'.tthy the• Public. and High schools TIIE Ctsacotporseed by Art of I'ariieluent 160; i) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid. • • • n • a . . • . • .$310000000 $3 ©©0 se at a- • • • • • • • • • • • TV -EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA as EXETER BRANCH FELL"% HOUR IQ a. in. toli p. m. A .ariENrsRA L DANKIN° SU$I:Nass TRANSACTED. IIATVIII),&Xe,10x. rete to r p. *a, Farmers' Sale Notes cashed car collected. Forme supplied on application. IIFt>�. - ply � Pt? F ail on all points in the Dominion y " pp , Creat Britain and United States bought and.stild rtt, lowestrates test c► e u t Fix ,li:;<ngo. ADVANCES uletic to I"al1uere, Stook Dealers and Business .Men at lowest rates and on riiiist faavoraslih. terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of irterestaito wod Saving t and Decn iaex,Xsi .1)%),V4 utcvre i Itue camh- Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. )tcxsvry,.. Ca cavo, Solicitors. N. D. IiTTT4DON, Manager. seat 3U Day ,Sale At the Dashwood Furniture House. will be generally , missed. from bis place in school. The remains were leid to emit 'in the 13irr eerneterY. The ,int.? reeved family have thi.bearifelt syrn. pa.thy of the comMunity. • rWe wish to announce to the publicthat our stock is one of the. Attest that can be seen. any/- where, We have,l to a iy added , several new de. signs�i. n Rockers a ri iz s alsod dean iax� . Tables,, 1'puxr0.0 even description, such as aye Newt Before, b6en Shown 'to the .Publit in our section, ancl will be sold at a ,price that astonish you. . .We have made. a . big cut in everything in the shop for the next 30 da so. don't fail to furnish your. house at a very trilling cost. them and others a very hapPY and prosperous Ne* Year been "Dentin '21111114.1417conielt--"1:411 century pert cat* hiathkg, them or to all °there. are specialists in ercnOng, *neer lend vipiable seed& 1006 tiosit tree. ver this season and still the rus usy 0004s ettibraoe: Stationery Leather .Goods Travellittg Cases Dolls, „Etc. 'Come and see for yourself. Did you ever haft a headiChe that made Sunday feel like wash - IC( Perhaps you have Veen drinking inferior teas. " tsio, you don't need medi- cine— .you need is a Package of Grand Mogul ((This tea cornbA theicinks BCCAUSa it is rich in their* which is just concentrated sunbeatts. Grown on the high'table lands of Ceylon, this tea contains the at - rand Mogul Tea q There art no other teas •.• leet as good" Giend Mesa 1254 30c, 40c and 50c pow eourxi. CiSoki only in packasis lined with in each eadrass. The 1101X coupOng ms taw sot tie d* --but is simply 4 pot if ihe weskit appropriorkft 'To hilD8f$,::00-.":10..-P0110' 1Q1108.t. As the ,,spring is co on now, gather up a your old:truck such as Wool Pickings, *Horse Hair, Old Rope, All ICiuds old Iron, Biasst Clop er, and take them down to Me Jackson 44 Son mio4str000t, Sorter. One door Routh of itetropolitari Hotel That's whore ,7;) ia'Fill-;get the 'highest cash price for them. Great Bargains,in Shoes Uleters Dress Coods Lfidies' Coats Ladies' Skirts and Suitings. Vire have those lines of goods 'on our bargain counters and are going to sell them at roil-, bottom prices. ALL MUST di). Come early and have a choice W34. KEERUM, bASiECWOOP