The Exeter Times, 1880-4-15, Page 5ti
The Molson's Bank
looriaYoaAT4n AX ACT or 1>ARfttltANT, 1855,.
Crtpitul, $2,000,000.
7.'L9o;.tAa •Wortancw,.lilag, - 2'res:dent.
J.)1,11. AloLlfox, Es9., - - - Vico•l%raa.,
• D1R 8OTO1(S.
t l nr D L DfacpiLeeson, it Ali Shepherd,
i Nelson, Di P P, S R llwiug,
Miles Williams,
\Yt)T.L'Pme!4x Trzo9L1 1')$Q., Geregli i ager,.
LT,ofom.ltse., Vermeer ) 'oatreat Branch.
15, Lfr!eroN, Esq.,. • - Inspector.
.1 xetel Branch,
i•,1,.:\IbY 0,- BREWER DIANA GEM..
T) A R
Money ad ennead to farmerson easy terms, on their
ow', peon Misery notes with one or more good ou-
dureera, No mortgage required as seeur]ty..
5'ear oont Intaroatallowed on d'eoovas.
])rafts on United Status bought iendsold, Ster
apt Ileollangebought and sold,
L'ellections made in ell parts of the Dominion
end ruturus•promptlyremitted. ab lowest•rates of
Exeter august 15th 1878. 0 -nit
PAPE Rgwmay be found on
u r. G% Co s
Newspaper .Advertising Bureau 0.0 Spruce
), where Rdyar• pp i4° 15.,1 noton itracts may
made for it in l s•
,-its i+xe1ei
THURSDAY,. AritIL 15,1880.
Tara general elections iu Britain con -
ii, -try to expeota.tion have resulted in
the defeat of the Conservatives. The
1.yiberals have a majority of over ninety,
and it is probable that Gladstone will
1;t called upon to form the newLiberal
lovernmeut. The feeling ou the con•
i,,uent of Europe at Beaconsfield's de
teat is that of regret and joy ; the fur
1'r is exhibited by those powers wet
:,rad good reason to be thanllfu1 for tel
vigoroos policy which distinguished the
Conservatives, and which effectually
did away with the passive indifference
which characterized the Gladstone Ad
ministration, particularly when the eat.
ter calmly and witllouta word of pro.
test allowed the Russian Gortechatnff
to tear up the trelity of .Naris, which
waswoe England in Crimea
e by E g C i ,at an
immense sacrifice of blood and treasure.
The achievement of Earp Beaconsfield'
at Berlin, the rupture of the Treaty of
San Stefano. all of 'which contributed
to the grievous humiliation of Rnssia
not a e h^rgotten by the latter powee
and therefore it ie not tq be wondered
at that there is an ontbnrst of joy a
the Capital of the Czar, on the victory
at `he polls of the peace at any price
party. Although the Liberate are 8uo•
oes:,ful their reign may be short. 'fire
party is composed of a onnibination of
Home Rulers, Whigs, Liberals, Radi-
cals, and it is questionalle whether
Gladstone will be able to hold tt,gether
such an element of diverse ideas. in
referring to the probable policy of the
new Government the Loudon Times
says :--The Liberal Cabinet will Main
thin the Treaty of Berlin in accordance
with the public opinion of Europe and
the policy of the Great Powers ; it will
treat the Anglo -Turkish convention as
an. engagement of contingent obliga-
tion ; iu South Afrion it may inquire
raids. Save but when a frowning cloud
floated through this endless sea of dis-
tant void, like the fabled genii in the
"Arabian Nights,." nothing marred the
beauty of the Tltue•l'ike sky, and in the
budding boughs of the lilacs and other
early trees the robins wooed the flesh
aroma of the new spring air,. or sang
their love to their friends shove who
pieroed the air with a lighter wing.
Some early flowers blossomed by the
wayeide, lifting their modest fades that
the traveller night eoe their smiles,
and the murmur ofillnu.merablestream
feta blended in one eoft chortle, until a
hymn of unfatham'able thankfulness
went up''to Almighty God, who giveth
us the spring. The breast of the Sauble
River was free from its great burden of
ice,. and upon its tide. a flock of wild
ducks met in mystic play. . On, on, it.
flowed in Its winding irregular course,
as of with the curiosity of a woman, it
wished to explore a number of town-
ships before it emptied itself in the far-
reaching waters of Lake Huron. The
woods ou either side of the road were
silent yot,bnt I knew that soon spring's
magic wand would eall the fair foliage
into life, and bid the feathered iubabi
tants to rejoice where the wild winds
That poverty whirs,( produces the
_greatest distress is no of the purse but
of the blood. Deprived of its richness,
it becomes scant and watery, a clench•
Lion termed alte)nilt in medical writings.
Given this condition, and scrofulous
swellings and sores, general and ner-
vous debility, loss of flesh and al petite,
weak lungs, throat diseases and con-
sumption, are among the common re-
- sults. Therefore. if yon are a sufferer
m- froth thin, poor blood, do not hesitate,
o but employ Golden Medical Disoovery
e I whish enriches the blood and radically
cores these affections by striking at the
root of the evil and removing the cause.
Fur all brouehial, throat. and lung
affections, severe lingering eongha,
weak lungs, consumption in ite early
stages, asthma and'kindred affections,
Dr: Pierce's Golden Medial( Disouvery
is tfe'sovereigu remedy, and has outri•
valled all its compe;itore. It is harm-
less in any oolltlition of the system, yet.
powerful to cure. Druggists all sell
whether the annexation of the Tran:+.
vast tats not .made in error. Although
the tneasure was approved by Lelia1
Kimberly add Mr, .Coster, the question
ought to be .treated as an open one,and
the new Government should insist org
the 8 )nth African colonies stating who-
the; they choose oonfedereoy for politi-
cal perp tees or not, and if they shall
enter into snob a eonlnlon enga0(ementl
for military defense as shall relieve the
Mother Country from aharges•for na-
tive wars. When this pnliey iuEllyn-
pelta, Asiatic and South African affairs
.flag been Oarried cut, the point will hg
re,t,oh' d at which the Liberal 11Iiuistry,
if it la not tempted or forced to go fur.
her, roust part ooenpanv with moder
Etre inert, and we do not believe that the
Ibl'arq.ais of IHartington and other lend'
ere of the party Will desire to go for-
thnr, and so far we Call have no dial..
ctllty in accompanying them,"
Stubborn Facts.
That in severe and chronic cases
which -llaysiblfcleiied all other retoe-
diee,Wilsori'rii,ompopnd'Sy:rnp of Wile
Cherry gives iwcneditte relief, and a
speedy eure. '
That no ca,ee hes been reported in
which it has failed to gire relit f.
Tlntt every family who keeps it on
hand can laagh at Croun, Wh':oj iug
(lough, Golds, Bronchitis, and all kin-
dred diseases. •
Tuat• in every district where 1 Tilsoree
PViIJ Cherry has been introduced it ham
jumped into favor in an incredibly
short time.
. That besides being a main! cure for
the ab•eve mentioned diseases it is. one
of the best Tonics in Use
That lfyOlt have not already done so
it is your duty to purchase a bottle at
That you ban buy it front any lead-
! rug druggists in \'Veetern Gntario,
trot 'ern Bad,
The local editor of the Parkhill Fat'
Otte, who by the way prints books and
calk them elovele,, has eoFnti bad pons
plea it, LOW u. how he moaned in' the
last copy of the paper. He was on•
his way to attend a tneetling of the Bid.
n r
l r +xt ' )
Culp r T n rtp Council, and Ilia c:►so
pinet be bad when the excitement of the
,Council nosiness didn't ettre hide;
(The s)'i area o
e tet ahons out e
a l t q ef can its
Wee Dangle) in the West, as if it were
glad that the whiter had talon iia bar -
t1 L
re sera from the e � tg^, a '�;�ie early
GENTS t --I have mach nleasure iu re-
commendingHagyarc1's 1), cord Bal•
sans. I had its in my store for 8 years.
aid was never asked for it. My wife
tr;ed a bottle for a bait Cold, which
oomplotely oared her before it was all
used. After this occurred I had con-
,fiideuoe to recemnieud it to my custo-
mers. I am completely sold out and,
rill bp obliged if you will send me 8
dozen bottles at once.
Yours, d KENNEDY.
Dixie, Feb. 17th, 1850.
Tun ',Myrtle Navy' brand:ofenioking
tobacco has stood the test for over ten
years, and during that time it has lora
no friends and gained scores of thou-
sands. This lengtbened.t Experience
shows that it 1s no mere passing fashi-
on. which hal( gained it the approval of
tree public, superiority there, but its eu rerferit in theos-
sential qualities which make a first
class tobacco.
Ittt else et grass rise uheir heads iii
No man on earth can do a good job
of wotk, preach a good sermon, wit, a
law suit for his client, or w; its a good
article for a paper when he feels miser-
able and dull, with- sluggish brain and
unsteady nerve, and none should Make
the attempt in swill a condition. 'Chat
that man wants is reunvating—so to
speak—National Pills willed() it. Try
a box; pries 25 cents.
Sotto people doubt the genuinesaof a
Teetittiouiel, brit a moment's thought,
or a line to the ediirese'of the *eon
who gives it, (with -a postal olerd.for re-
ply) willconvittce any one: --
for horses, cattle, sheep or pigs. It
olenees the blood, tones up• the system,
and opens .out the water passages, giv-
ing relish for food, rapidly improving
the condition of the animal fed with it.
k purely vegetable preparation ;. 25
cents a ptLckago.. Sold by all druggists
and dealers,
Wssroorr—Iu Prater, on the 10th inst., the
wife of Mr. Win Westoott, of a son.
ALi.n -At Toronto5 ou the 2nd of . April, the
wife, of Mr. W. N., Allin, of the Massey
Mfg. Co , of a 'daughter.
1! AP.B +D.
ALAMa—ANn>,nsox—At the residence of the
Bride's brother, Mr. Wm: Anderson. By
the Rev. J. W. Butcher, Mr. Albert E.
Adams of the Village of Oreditou, to Miss
Ja)nitna D. Anderson of the. Township of
BACK. --On the 9th inst., Mrs. Ann the wife of
Mr. John Back, of Exeter. Aged 58 'years.
Intercolonh,al Railway.
Tenders for Rolling Stock.
rrtENDERS will be received by the
5. undersigned up to Noon of TUESDAY, the
20th APRIL, iusteut for the immediate supply of
FOUR T,oCOMOTtvh.5, Dept of Rei'ways and Canals,
Drawings and seecifleatiens way he seen and Othe wa,'10(il ilfereh,11l .
other information obtained, or application at.
ce, Iuturculou-
EALED TENDERS addressed to
tied. uudersigned (Secretary of (railways and
Canals) and endorsed "Tonder for Bridges, \Ye1.
land Canal,' will bo received at this office nut
the arriv.4 of rho' W °stern mail's, on TV 1'481)Ax
PRE 15th DAY OI' JUNKS next, per the construe
tion of swing and stationery bridges at various
plaoes on the nue of the Welland Couch Those
:fol highways are to be a combination ttof iron add
wood, and those for railway purposes aro to be of
iron. .
Piens, 8peoifleaaorta and general conditions can
be seen at this olTteeenanrit•:r MONDAY. 81st
day of MAY next, whore forms' of Tencloi can also.
be obtained.
1'artioatenrlering are expected to have a prac-
tival knowledgoof milks of this clues, and are re-
quested to boar in:mind teat tenders will oat be
considered unless made strictly in aceurdance
with the printed forms, tnel--in the omen of lrms
exoopt th'ore`are attached the actual signet-taxesthe nature of the oOuupation, and rei•'enuo of
each member of the seine; and tnrther, an ac-
cepted bank cheque for a aura `equal to 550 for
each bridge for which en oiler .,is made, must ae-
'company each tender, whielL auto 811a11 1/0 forfeit-
ed if the party temloring deeltnss entering into
contract fur the 'work et the rates and ,,waiters
terms stated in the offtr'sbbmitted.
The elle mit thus Scut iu wilily:returned to the
1 esT,. c t(ve p.trtio•. whose tenders arena matey tail.
For the duefnifllment of tileooittraut tiLo },arts
or parties worse mutter It i s proposed to accept
will be not that their tender is act ented sub-
juctto a deposit IOW percent oi'the bulk sum of
the c:uitreet-of meal the stun sent. in wall the
tender will lie ie.:m tsro l a pit• t -to be deposited
to the credit of tlielteoeivol-Oencral tritlliu dela
dapstee d:,.to of the pollee.Nhlety per cent only of tee progress ostiinaten
mil be paid until the completion.of the work.
This Department doe„ not, however, bind itself
to aecagt the lowest ur an r te.,dor.
By order,
5curt Ntart',
/would acquaint my cuatolnerathat I Were re-
nioved my
Flour Feecl
,3ueiness to
Three„Doorsi south of the Post Office, and' has
°Petted out a cltoice'stoek of fresh•
1 i flour and 1L'eod delivered free of charge.
the Dleoilaniaal6periutend°,it's Offi
tel (railway, Moncton, N. B,
By order,
P, fRAU*7,
Dept. of Railways & Cannis, l
Ottawa, eta APRIL , 1880 1
ONTO. O. AND S711.11Ert
showing a large and well assorted
prices that defy
BI 1.7 ��TT
are now
cent -Wing of
Also a now and well selected stock of
Harvest Tools,
which they are offering .at
Bove Troughing a Speciality.
to Highest price paid for Hides, Calf and
Sheepskins, in Cubit or Trade:
During' the lemaidder or the season of 1880,
Manitoba Parties
ilii( leave on
The FIRST TUESDAY. of Every Month
:Next party on 4511 May;
For particulars apply to
G.W. 11, A0e•tt, Centrelitt
Talcie'erinist and Naturalist. Beasts and Birds
Stuffed and Preserved „iu the most approved
style. In stook also a largo variety of Pictures,
and Pictures framed in the best and cheapest
ntylo, Mr in Street, Exeter. 8 m
1' t'fls:. x,
t)rgens, -1ceo1•tlaon:l, and
Umbrellas Lep 'tired. Agent
fr r the Wavier series sow -
A4 ��: �.t he -81 LugisfoudSwiMeettnel
pale oheap. All kinds of
Needles and shuttles for PewingMachin er kept on
hand Shop Juin Street, i)aahwoo,i. J.011 •'; G.
,±tlLs)ON, Proprietor. i1lwy 15 1-y.
• .11AGYArtD's Cattle Spice is put up in
Meda the 0 ithkOti ,rtys of light tend
t ��lef1 LUtteb r i led by the recent
Tho note 1, Dinah Medicine cures Sperrnatorl'lto a
Alt11POTEP1(JE ndaltuervouscomplaints re.
suiting in Loa of (Memory serious Impediments to
marriage meat depression, etc. 75e per box:8
for $2. hold by druggists everywhere. 15 hokr
sale-LYMAN B1iC,5, di Co., Toronto, Sent by
snail, securely sealed, on roe:Aptaf price. Aachen;
Intpeeiel brea ch:1a Agents. I3880 P 0.. Toronto
�Q�fi.•t per day at Monte. Samples worth
Q 09t.1.. $5 free. Atheroes, Stimson et Co*
1"ortld, as Maine,
�L 7amonth,said orpansongnarantoa'd to agents
V 1 outfit tree. Sar,►w F eo Apgnsta, Deane.
C. Ciouthoott tic Soni
Take $eesu °beitformtheinhabi,tentrofEn'
T 1 >, Eno 't
add surrounding country, tint(' they have in
01Aled oxlt nuuecel,unt: ttertmontof
Tweeds, Coatings, T estitt;yseic.,
amend pacliagee, and is jtist the Medi- tethers,teetstivieeenaesaterna,andteeteasuree
Giro, wanted at an a3ae0110t the yearr thetiutuelnatterofeleteing, they eau suit the
t► mostfeetitlioneteete11.,
Weiland Canal.
c. EALED TENDERS addressed to
1• tiro undersigned (Secretary of Railways ante
Canals) end tn,(oreed " Tender ror Lock Gates,
Wellaud Canal,” will be rccoived at this Witte,,
until the arrival of the Eastern trod Western
mails on. THUR DAY,the 3rd day ofJUN le next,
for the eonstructien of gotes, and the u0ooxsary
meotinory connected withrthem,foi the new locks
on the Waltaud Cttual,
Plans, Specifications and General conditions
can be semi et this office on and after L•HUltli.
11.1•X, the 20t11 nay of MAY tneet, whore forms of
Sender eau also be ohtaieed.
Parties tendering are expeated to provide the
special tools nem,:!:acre far, and to have e praetleti!
knowledge of works of this teat s, end are retina: t.
ed to bear in mind thea teudere will not lie con•
siderecl unless macre aridly in aeeu'rdance with
the printed forms ani, -hi the caro of ,,rets -ex
ce .tt mt n• ac .1 �•
u e t
c...d elle t.etn a ai•gtir t r . 1
3 t astl
, c
nature )1
It o o f the o x(.Kti eaten eel isudrl,os of each
menu= of the writ,; and, partner, an Aceepted
cheque fora Mull venni to $150, for the gates
of each lock, navaace:impie ty each to tater, typist
tone shah In, forfeiter( if the party telt Brine de-
clines entering into 'aware ct for the work at the
re res and ou the terms stated in tea offer subm.t-
Tho c1 egno thus sent in will be returned to the
respective pu,rlies wllo.e tenders are not ea
For the dud fulfilment of the contract the party
or parties whose tender it.}s proposed to tweept
v,-il1 be notified that their tender is accepted sub-
ject to a dutioeit of five per cant of the hulk eu.. of
the contract -of witiuh t1ze stun sent in with the
tender will be con;idered a part -to be deposited
to tee credit of the Receiver (Aeneral within eight
days react the (late of the notice,
Ninety per cent only of tho erogress estimates
will be pail anti] the cotnp)ation of tile work.
This Department Lues not, however, bind itself
to aeecpt the loweet of any tender.
By order,
Dept of Railway(' ani Canals,
Ott.twa, dell Marc108SO. td
Farms for Sale
0 I1011.P,
— IN VIE --
dung Huron.
-- 1, Y TIL: —
Onca;:lo Loan & Debenture Co,
—. 0_
Lot 3,No. 17, CosLetlssikn 4, in the Township
el tioilett,
100 acres, more or less, 80 aortae altered, (0 acres
titueulea with Beec11,111ap1e and 13eluloue; frame
bttrn'88 x 85.• Tiu:ae goodejriugs of water.
Also (ho 14 ortu Eat of Lot Number 2u and the
North Half of Lot ttuuher 10, gonceasiou•i-.WD
acres, more or less, in hue Township or I.tuhett.
80 acres o,,iaruu, 20 scree beech, Iaep]e, else(.
hsh, and tt;ltn. frame house, youugore,lard, goon
ell, board curl rail fuueee. Sod, clay said. sand
loam. Thle prop, r e le in au excellent ioctellty.
being, only distant trona the Town of Cllutun Sou.
The North Hilt of the North Half of. Lot
No. 19. Concession 13, in the Townshiu
'or t'itepudn. •
28 acrea,utor0 or less, 5 acres cleared, 20 acres
wild. Beech,. (Maple, klomluck wed Waite tr„
The Soil a .audy loam, iu tt good ueizeborhuud
and di -.taut frons flu, 1)as1so,,ou u,1l18 auu
the Vst1,t , of Exeter 10 miles.
In the Yiilage of EExetery a lrtck Store
mete Dwellingy M1 b 40,
Two storeys, situate on Mein Street, in the best
busiueue locality in Exeter.
11 or terms amiconditions apply to ,
Olin lou,
Exeter, ,
Ore( ion,
or to
F. 1I UL t..11"C.M,
Manager of the Ontario Loan & Debenture Co,
L.0Lulott, i5iaros 25,1980.,
.1-.4.4xetei• N or tai
Being in good workinf;.ordergives every accent-
Harlonpossible in grietidg and Houring. Flour
and miufeedaoltvered to peurliea leaving their
urders hefat•a one o'clock at .1. Blues Bakery, or,•
0 li•ivlen G ,"r 00'S, or at mill same day.,
igxcee'TE,pd 1' 0.
Ihave purchased the linidware Stock of the'
late firm of O'ltyrne d; Co. from 41r,J. N Howard..
The stook :tousle is of
I heif and Heavy lar .ware,'
Spades and Shovels, Draining Spades, Nails,
Sates, Chains, Lieut Stuff of All 8iude,.
Planter of pearls, 0115.1 Oil, Lamps en&
(ie Re+ving'ltarbineF at Reduced Prises A large
addition will he made to the stock' 10 a few days.
A cull is resliecttully sel1aittd. No trouble to,
show hoods, and prices will be found to suit the
8amwen's Block.
��. Best ' Field
GOVERRN'1t0" NT LANDS, (11' 'rete AT 1•'L;IRTIL--
1IAlfl"tl T, itT, RXTISI;leti:LY I,'lW PRICES, 'is
unw offered for sale in EASTERN OREGON end -
These T,nncls forty part of the great GRAIN
Slope, LT of the Pacific ctAu .+h, e and n
t d , e within tan
average distniuct, of 35e to SOU utiles from I'ottlaud:
whero.ato . )usbrps and sailing vessels are directly
loaned ICOR ALL PAISTS ill Tau WONT.11,
The:Northern Pacific Railway and Oregon Rail-
way undNavi:aetiun Company are now buildirgg
i00miles ofrnllwtty, traversing this roglon in all
.lirecttona. The settler is tluis tseesred. <:1tkv and
ehoap trauspottaticb to tits -water ontllo ({olniu=
river, end a rapid it e.reits° in the value of'
these lauds. winch are now open to purchase and
10 BUSHELS OF Wr-il.A.:r PER ACRE. No -
?allure of Crops ever known.
RAILROAD LANDS offered at the uniform:
rate of 13.50 au acro.
For aar-lghlet and maps, descriptive of coun-
try, its resources, climate, route of travel, rates,,
and ftdl information, aaptldree&s �� t f1 T
T. ,Ll,. ri:7:N NAT13.T,
(301,'1 I'aatorn Pttae'r .4 oat,,
87•t Rroa,lwav, New Ynth City. '
Best in ten world. Lasts 1011ger than any other..
Always in ,god utnditit•n, caws sores, ents,
brulses unci co tun fleets Out little more tutu the
unit:ahem Every ptcktta has the trade meek.
Call teethe go na111e alio take fro miter.
40 Il A "ti''3 18 Stopf 3 Diet Reeds,.2 linea Swells,
stoat,kook, :oily e08. Pie. NOS,..
*Old, 00 VII' aa. d oolc .,2I0 to 3 000. Illustrated
oateluguu free. Addis. sl,tiifel1'. Beatty, Wash-
ington, N.3'.
A DVI1i.TISI•'R, sand for our Soieeb - ist of I.oca1
0 .Nets. papers. use. P.. Eowcll d: Co., 10 Spilled
fit., N Y
7 D Elegant Now Style Chrome Carats with liatno
.5. Geo. I..Reed azCu, NessatL,ii.Y,
$77'7 a YEA.1t dull ex rrn s' tnagetits ontflt;
erre: 1', Q. YI�isRI(Y, Augusta, Df!tfno.
1A.I1M1 .RS, 1 E1) TH 4. LAND t'
and it will feed you. Try Snperphorphate of
tided went ;Sono Det for your land. A spicy pa-
per given away full of Jaren-nation nab taathno.
malts. Apply to 0,. lil.biX', At,x t, (.kettle. gen
F tri,'
Cto 5 D t
In CD 0
tFel'! m
r a, y 1:i N,
ate,i. '-' r 2., L
r� '`: I-3 ti
:.t 8
cia Aso
1 • 5—
G ,.1 X �y
Co 1.J1�1 ���
L a'