The Exeter Times, 1880-2-19, Page 34 The leiolsons Bank. tlt 0C11c1'nl;0.11^11 13r AOL' at' RILIELTALtE1T, 1855. Cell) t(tl, $.2,.000,000, READ OFFICE MONTREAL.. 5.1g.)rttAs \Vonsurta , Esq. Pr e:1610 . .I,1i,1t. M Lsox, .I;acl., 1)1It1'1CTOUS.� Tion U Z, Mu.aphentou, 11 W Shepherd; • Ii A 1\elsou,.Al',P P, S if Ewing, ltllles \Villiams, 1 , WOrtruntrrLV 4Cxonras, Esq., 0011'1 Managoi•. Jas Eutaw:: Esq., , Manage• ;Iomtr'ou&1frunoh.. 1)1. I-I1tkTOY, Esq., - - . - - - 1118Pcuter Bnranr,h.. HENRY C. :BREWER -• MANAGER. LOANS TO'rAI181tI8S,: Money n,a vAuced to farmers on.iasy terms, on their -own promissory notes with one or more good 013- dorsera, Nu mortgage required as security. SAVINGS BANK DvPAIZ1'1tEENT • 6 ver cant InterestatiowetZ amt itavoatts. Dr fts ou United 5tatos)iought sale 'sole. Stor. nuExchange bonght and sold, Collections lnatle in all parts of the Dominion mud returns promptly remitted at_lolvost rates of e 0110.nge.• 1:seter.AUCust15th 1878, 6 -his -lie fleetest THURSUA.Y, FEBRUARY I0, 1880. A CLEV + 4.BOY. Jultnny O'iConuors,. tile small boy Who is the principal witness in the Biclduluh trage(ZS,.is a clever little boy:. Ile can remember ore distinctly every cirounrltai ee that occurred from the time•liereached the Donnelly home- stead until he applied' for admission to the house of A1r. Whalen an hour or all, the Judges are only poor clay, 1i" Ro subsequent to the murder. There. the rest of human beings. Their ].n were no questions asked him at the in- quest on \Ve3uesday last that be was not able to 'answer, whioa indicates that Johnny possesses a clear, and re- was elected in Argenteuil in opposition to the 1\t,. P., but, being unseated by the election courts, a new election wab held nn Thursday last, whoa the for- mer defeated oanded)tte, Iron, J. J 0; Abbott was elected over Dr. Cl riitie°by a majority of 75. That rettotiou of Mt. Maokenzie'e is a longtime iu shewiug itself. Ale excellent feature of the 13111 re- specting Divison vonrts now before the Local Legislature is the propose] to vest the appointment of bnililrs and cleaiks in the Government, instead of the County Judges as at present. This atop we oousicier was necessary pre. )re serve the purity of the Bench. Ii many cases througbout the country the Judges have used their powers of ap- pointment to these offices for their own advantage. They alive in fact sold and bartered them to persons who gave the greatest amount of consideration in return in the way of going security, discharging ' debts, &o. We do not think this has been the general prac- tice, but it has been done. 'When such facts come to the public ear, the use- fulness of the judge guilty of the act is to a' greet extent destroyed. Lille (lasers wife, they should not be only punt, but above suspicion, if their judgments are to be respected. After come is not very large -they generally lose n gtsaa deal of money by accepting tLre honor. They have to live in ae oordance with their position, and find In)arkal;lycoolhead1 for one so young,' it pretty hard to make ends meet, if has a very reteutivo memory ,which depending upon their salaries. It 1a bulling less thau an eartbgnttke could a wonder that more of thom do not Impair, and is the closest' observer of take -advantage of Cironmstauoas ander modern tittles. Johnny swears that their control to assist them peeniarily. eucy of sone' amendments, til• whichl�'latfr,ars 46 Iialltl Cafe• whet]the men cause into the house the yi)ur atteutioe r1 ill leo divot:tell. unr lvxol,l: mo nr•, ' '.'(76.1111 T,: mar r a r:, . I)ri8r1 �'rnx or t AXA0.4. cud iietivurerl 01) tile Cana - old man 'D`Jnneily told him to drG,s Ilan. Glut lettleu of 1112 Sena. Geutiensau of dhulliltInv , tail trny, at Port\4'illtlt3u,1118ti 1. 00111411014 PARLIAMENT. .118. ducat! of Coainiu41r : Province of '\I u1i*201,0, Drawings, speeluritttdons and other ill orinatinn 131115 for the better ern 3,:12')tinn Of In lc be had 0O. tplliettE,;u a5 tCoo nc of th? lain for some dale,: and that he peeped THE SPEECH FRODI THE THRONE. THE T '!E westward. The oompi two of these two I of the r.aoe, When a half mile was sections will at nn early day afford no. covery 1, Bevd irilx Inieli1t„t 111 1i:rend way facilities through two hundred style by several l,'ut;tlia, ns1t1 (,ojtiiiou': d utiles of the most fertile land i s the to i11c'relere his Itdvautttv to the iloish, north we,,t, 'After 833 exl)1o1'atoot sur- vey of the line, :front Port . Simpson to ' Pine River Pass and through the Peace River country, it lila been .decided to adopt the Ivcattu11 of the line to Ear. rami Inlet, anis contracts have been awarded fur 127 miles of the railway between Etrmry's Bar, on the Ii aaor River; and S:t'vutt•1.R Ferry. This work Frattl Boyle with on i 1ri i1) the act lvll ho V1 0 0 8Mly p10t(.t'iied \Vita t c of 1. bbLugl this (wart '(tt t'i. r, ;Lt the) li' 1 noun 0121 tale slownislg opetlsl Its 00:tlitl'110, r 11tLliibli)' .HuI1tiH til j1Lre 111,,x111 \\1,122,(.1, ''ttll,lr:, tion will Complete the mast difficult clay. Ito .lad 3,1IIt lip fur iritt1, other. portion of the Canada Pacific Railway are said to b,implicated itl,u. Sate Register. iarLh : iicicl.0sf . The late carnival ill 1? ii•1(iliil, is re- ported 118 rtgra 0t etweeies hi its wit'. The .musk- .are .;nisi ttl lntIe been 01 a go rgeo a a char:tet (, r. and aaoure the eonue'c.ion by steam of the fertile diatriet of Kamloops with the capital of British Columbia, 1'he adoption of a' rigid Ry8tern of economy in the mTmanagemelnt, of the le teroolouiltl lo811t811, has, without' inpll,r ing the efficiency of its ivyorking, effect- ed such a diminution of exp'lnse as to warrant the belief that the o•rutttry will in fnture be relieved from any consider able burden iu connection n'ilh its op - ,ration. A.•1'Kt sox S t.xi, n ,, Un the fourth list,, at • In consegnenCe of the entire failure the residence of 8101 Nilo, lit, boute: At- nI. tele usual fend supply' of the Indiana nto 2i;'38, Aa. an Bandar], all to 4,', Tuesday, March. 2 -Farm stuck, ttc , prop. of 3. bf1 L)uu11! tt, 11,1. 11,033. 2/, li..eint-et, 0 1110138h38, kI Orth, tl ,e, Aiouday, 1'oh. 213.-•-F'1U'tu ;stock, 18e., 110•,111. of CV. d Cave, let 1, con 4, h -Lorna leu mouths: 1C1u kin vu too, tutu. 11A.111ti ,). in the North West, a eller;,e exoendh:nle tor. • has beets, necessarily hien, red to save mm "I r''' 1 '4R3"v" r"1'''t _. __. '" 2222... _.--- -- t1101)3 from starvation, It is hoped met the -efforts whie11 are now being merle to Bet tle the several bends on thr, re terve s, and to induce theto betake r_.1 ♦l, themselves to the cultivation of the soil, may prevent the necessity of similar calls for relief in the future. r: 1 Gentlemen of the House of Commons. I Oaf/ad/a/7 Pao) Plc Rcl!i�''r)s • The eRtfnl:ltes for the euulung. year P will be, 18i,l before you. They have hesu,lnepllred with all duo regard to a,Ni>FitS 11 re is=virnd Fu' fu1'11i'4hiufl T end els fof Ifta!!,rd S7 100k economy. the I1,ltiug f toe8 1 eq•ut _ d *20, 1,1 Ilrer,"1 YOU will be ,leased to , tile ° th,ztE t 1' n r 'I t t t } loan thRt " effect of'the tariff of the last. sese1011 111.1. 20LocomotiveEnglues 11. It310 11111 1131 SC 01171 )11.110it he tour S 114, cu '0)114(113 t )e durst ery i'1) eau., year • of 131),100 t to fe1L,w u•+eviz : 1 the develot,ment of *lie Val'led luau`tl'iep t 161'rrat-clans Cars taproportion belug s1)Oper of the county has, on tree, wan 28 80c0 -u1 ,,las.•: ( 8121; do. y le, been 3 1 ..ovossatnit b tg 't;e ears et alit fi1130e 1)j, tW1's, (lusted 811100 it cane into operation in lollri,')a, wer( very salIoflletory. The experi0noe a0- etrl T4or Freight oars Afar oh last lid; erreessted the os)edi ,'T^,us; Floil�hq 1 41) ,w 11F) uj;ha himself, that Carroll 'pelted straight at fecal under the bed while John was of the murderers -Janes Carroll, lemr,inenr-ire,nbief, u- Ottawa.lou and ..star tits: the civil ae1'13108, foe the C•)nstllr•111t1:)li 15th thry of at.l "°:IT Of the It111tnLt . eFe'I'.1ne I)Iwa,. and flee' the •1'eutlars alt b,: reel fault bvthe nude) 1•et l ml) Ottawa, Feb, 12. -TO -day at three to nu" cf it4LltSi),1\, the 1std:Lv 1)i JL, 1' next. three amendment uf'tL'Cts'1'1?ifl,rlohue . york>n• 1MAtt e John o'clock p m .Elle, EYceII'�ucy toe (s''uv• .l i being murdered, and recognized ., rilt,;lrt)i) ralde ;. to F T)1%\U'T, 11'1x' 1o'ut>lic \Yorl(s ; ae^rotary Partial' and Thomas Ryder. The 1,011- eviler -General proceed(d in stitteto the to 111e Indians of the North-West, hall •Detneerereee rxzntrwAFAvnCANA3,n,I y ahan2ber of th.a Seoste in the 1 li, don police and, detectives are smart meat Buildings. .and took his seat on laser before von fellows too. Johnny has been under t-heit care and that of the Donnelly .boys 0V011 since the murder, :tucd lie may hove been euabled through their kind- ness to remember some things which under other circumstances 11e wonld have forgotten. His story is will told, au(l fully bears out the reporters ssder- tiirr that it was remarkably straight, one reporterstating rather ambiguously that Jollunys"story carried couvictio-t to the hearers. No doubt abont it. Johnny/ orgot' when he reached 1Vha, den's on the morning of`theanmurder to tell the names of; the murderers,, but after his mind had: calmed clown he e•)uld remember them- quite well'. John- ny's evidence is very strong, and it only remains for the jury to hang the prison- erb. 'We don't like to be partial, awl the efure divide the honors of Johney's evidence between hinsself audtI e equal- ly q l,,y clever pollee of I;1,ndon, ' 1 Parlie, to the irlounted. Pollee .C'01ce sss•ill be ('hens 7thett.,1810. MONS V10RENCY. Though the Gtit-Rouges made a stubborn fight, this constituency has been carried Victoriously for the Lib selves 011 the number of settlers who eral•Oonservative' cause, Hon: Mr.. 4 igers being returned by a majority of l have dnrilig the past year 001110 into nearly X00 over bis opponent, Dr, deoar North-West from Great Britain St. Georges. 'l'hus it is repotted y shown that the caeable government of the day, so far from losing its Bold upon the good opinion of the country, grows • (bitty stranger in public esteem. It not only mai;utcains the ground won on the naom,aralele 1i' tb•Septemb3r, bat is even gaini)1g and: widening' In, its influence.' And this is but the natural sequence of n;,lille.,of action that is 'based on au in,. telligent observation .of the eommerei,al sand, iudus.trirt!i' needrl of: the tenantry rather than upon peeverse,and,;dogtiu tiv reoeption, and your attention twill' be self -o 1011)0 e issue Th . r• specially called te,.this silligl0at. p , p iV �o nt , tu,P, 1 the Throne. T11e.lnembers cif the ben - late being assembled, His E.xo&ieucy WAR pleased to command the attendant:" of the House of Corntnnns, ami that Houde b'tint/ present, His Eecelleoey was pleased to open the second session of the fourth Parliament of the Do- minion of Canada, with, the followiug epeeoh from the Throl a :-• Houorab•e Gentlemen of the Senate GM.1110- man of the House of ()ominous : I have great pleasure :n ineeLulg you again for the despatch of the busiuess of the country. The al>pltdaut aervest' with which Providet'ce has blessed Ca- nada is a cause for the deepest thank- fulness, and I heartily congratulate you on the evidduces which surround us of a recovery from the commercial and industrial depression which has so long weighed down the energies of the :peo- I le. (Our returning prosperity should, Ith' nal.; dIPeCt our attention to the lees fortunate ciroums an t ces of our fellow - subjects i0 Lrelaud,where so much des- titution prevails, and I invite your consideration of the best motto's of show- ing our praottcttl sympathy ' with their (Betroth?. We have rea'lon to congratulate our, and the United States, as well as from the older Provinces of the Donehliou. The visit_ of two members of the Royal: Commission on the Agrio'ultural distress in the Mother 0-rutitry,aetll the favorable reports of the tenant farmers ,vho,'at the instance of my Govern. motet, have examined into.tla'e fllrtuln' capabilities of the Dominiolwe, will it 1, - believed, largely increase the slumber of immigrants during the, present year. Preparations most be nilade for their earl; -1, des. in A,rgeuteuil; , is one irpa;t.1 which,t a blectot ate is to be sineea'e1y'. c3)ngrat(ilateatt:', o wench*, the Grids ltl '?drliarneni'tt ars d.owilatepiritedl 'said diseuntaged,:!C'fieireoal,.laiititg a toli!e1,t, p „ il{•;) faverltbto reapense.,fr ow ,the,,p,,e4i11e, rJ:',lleitt cries are: diSregartied, Cvidetltlyrthe N pa hart ' t*4' Wu)) fri Every eff in has been made to bast, 'en the cl nstruic,ti'ors, of the Canaa'tiian. 'I?aciflc i' l8&I,vt►yi(84)10 .Lake Superior t€1. 1 the, 'Red l3or, dual( 00 doubt is enter ,rained ;±II,e l:ail,way, will be open betweee those. tato i1ua'poL:taut pointswithin the time's'petlirfred ire tlie.00ntreof.s. Uuder' the au:t,. erity�, gi',yen`by ?arliawent. at the kit` session,: 'tletrrly.on8 h,uudrerl tnjlee:fitt4,Red' piver,to, the, western bench±i+yt• of AI:ltutoba;lli4d been placlidl.. u1) r•contra't ! ;tie t , a ,. and, eon �ier,e are ab 11) : t b' f) e 1 '� rtf s ► 1 c n tr ` t"`., . "firms e� r, o tto dolt 8f aq The Arty inc,r)ol'n.tinn the banks of Tile � ' the Dominion will expire nextye)tr,an:1 i-' Field the present wlstlttl seem a favoi'flble FOB time for a full c'cinaidtlrslii)n of oar YA '- 'Ji,,�'IS" banking system, ant's of Lae ent set of the cfrrenry as coincided with that i The subject of the laws relating to to.insotveucy will doubtless engage your atten tioil. The increasing foreign trade, of Cla nada and the prospect that Iler Ma- jesty's Governinont will enter ere lung into negot.iatinne with foreign flRtiu11'1 on the subject of their nettle, anti o••:1n- meroittl relations deul•:tn'l unr cllusest. attention and ws.l.clefulnes1 while the rapid development of the DI)mil,ion is continually givints rule to important matters requiring the snllporI anal' no- tion of the Imperial Govetntnent. With the onncurreuce of filer Ataj!esty, I therefore reootnmend yen to sanction the appointment of a f0rna)'e'Ht repre- sentative of Canada in Loudon to guard her varioiiS interests. The subjects I have mentioned are of great importance. 1 outinuend them with fall confidence in your wisdom and putrlotii3311 tot yOitir best eolnbiael'L• tion. T'here was a brilliant assemblage on the floor of the Senate Chamber. T1ite Throne W1►e surronndt*ul by the aitde de- oam,p i3) waiting,. and the military statf',by the members of the sit eine), dressed! in \Vinddor unr"form. The usual fortnali ies wore gone through, mod, the Governor' an(1! the Princess' drove ofi`an.lt1 the cheers of the crowd on the s6,nar'e. The weather was all that could have been desired, The State dinner takes place sit. blae •Government Flon3e to night. General. Lord Chelmsford, it i'1 re»orted, is to be'appoiated to the Govurnshitl and commander-in-chief of troops at Malta, which Allpointtnent fttl1n vatettut short 1r08)j(\lT ',T 11`1)) Ob' .811 8S1Ii.t1G- 1tt \\1)i11' r\SI 1 t C1.1. ('1i 1)1;1181.31 .•r U 111I11 C, Al'1.X.1111 All ne new Pi E e, is new offered for sale in EAST E1( 08101:4.0x and I.I.Abl I,1IN WAoITSNGTON sEltlI1201.8Y. chose Tamils form part of the great (>j'A818 Tis LT of the Panus) Slope, cu)1 (110 \citi,ilt 101 al l t ga distance of 250 to }San 1041, s from 1 0111cult where sta.- 185)1(3)8 cats sailittr;' 1a't-1v ur11oreealy 10131)ed L'CSMALL PAICri ('F 11181 1V(1.hLl). GRAIN AT PORTLAND CO\I11IANDS A PI3.It,I, 'EQUAL TO •TiAT Oi3TAl.NEl) IN CHICAGO. The Northern Pacifist Bailtvroy and nregen '(tail- wayand Nn.vi(atiou Company are now buiTetil:p 500 wiles of railway, traversing telt; region ill x11 directions, '.Phe swttter is hila., assured 0,353' anti. cheap tr1llapOrtatlell. to' tile -water on the 0')n>n- bilt i'Lver, mud a rapid it•creaso iu too 'value of 0i 050 14 21)0 38, which are 1108 open to 511161:1350 and pie-emptio0., LANDS SEIM en AVERAGE YIELD Ola 40 L3USHELts O1+ SYi-Tt T 1'.G1t ACRE. Nu Failure of Crops over known, Ii 8ILIIOAT') LANDS offered at tiro talifoi'.in rate'ot q'3. rJ au Acre., r'LbMA?E MILD AND HEALTHY. , For palupllle't MA maps, descriptive of coun- try, its resourue.:, 011113ate, Tense of travel, rates a181.Itlil information, atluro,s T. R. TANNATT, Gon'1 Pastern 'Pass'r Astont. 1 ` 2,2113roadway, Now York City. Canadian Pacts Rail 1y TENDERS FOR MOLLINa STOOK, ' rpy,1ENDER5 will be received the Mlle .AL Ice s` + 1)e 1 t Amon of MONDAY , 123rd .• ldor 1r�nOd .4 0 , ) L''l,:Lkon•owi.Y i ouilnititor the iminodiatls• 515)13'1:,x: of 16 10081o11a1vivlg.t•olUngi stock 0 17 4'. drat count )11x8 . . • : 2 ?outfit and Baggage Cars Oft Rex Cars., • 171311x. A13r 10, 1S80 Apt. CONTRACT'. r 11;Nfl 1)q AI)T)itla t`~Er ,rn ,1/1011 l'nsrina at r-Oc'iiarnr '+1111 1)r. , een''"81 1't 01'1 o t until noon, o1) FiZMAT, p,ti: 1a80, for rite t }-,12 0 of lr!•r 11 i'•, 013 i, n,CO "1121 rr•t.'s iri • tour ;"2.t 1 , e.a Una. - 01 ug! !rum the 1t .7.0y ae \ti. 1.1:'111.1:' 73 { all?Iia slid ?Int-Pt0 loris tuut1 a 10 'ltr:oh 3' ill"Icua.11't�°,t l., "151t4 r., to )c I icture11, six fi131. 1e' ,1,' u. 0.1}:18110 1,110 ' It,.,n 111 l i8i 1111;tint etimes ' 1',.r1,l211u.,:t 1.tleleto. •• •' " i'rie e.. 0111'6 t t .hilt f ,'itlt t infoTait.ti' tt it, '1. 0311113 ...30 I 1 1,1•e p , 0 t )tt 1 re.. 1 1 f' 1•,x ('-(-.l 11 rsI 1 1.-i'i !C ' 11:`1 )18)223,1' 111 y 111' e11er ii tl+•el. i t:, • .1'..4d 0..i o . i1)) 1 N 0,,u, 'it e1 11 at. it 4y t')- • ♦1'7. (;11 1117'()1 1. , Po n l :•1111•... u.. ,,iter. Tx t t,T (..L:e, 1,F. .1"..4.o. 1 A r• 8) 1111, 1'OI1 'cite Oil '1'0 RE 1t1, 11 at. -"T'1111 1 7"F'r F f. 11(11', �i ('eat i 3212 ) t -' r r bee .+ t .1 ,• c••`. r IL.... 5,f - 81i,;,. ... •!Il.e... 7.0'.1 t6). l n, 0.. t.. 1.011:1 I"(11'1C111. 1".11u:,t 83 (*It�yt(tr. ut7. 1.,334i'u S' al frees of' ( I .• 1 , 71 •. ' ,� :qv/tat-hot \d' n--1, 15.o.. 1 . I.n the i:.t, trnr ' 1! it_ 1 1 t.' 1 1 1 c. 1,31 L' L, o ty i f 1C0r 1 ;mutt., t,, - • e, .1 ,quit eef).el ,i .880 if. .-A.0.1'3,tosem11)211.823223 01 121ili:; e( '211 e L t..t 11'S' 1,1 red., to 1% If. (1 11)- 1''2, T -1 Sid to.1;, i•-\ Mer,111, feftcr '."0'. h el y file ) ♦e ttr'i.' , iil he atpiesee '.ur1. +,. ns -et, of the 1 antis. h v,1.: regardtt et i 1., 011. o1' wl ch olio . shall Ince butt 3,1.31)', tt 1,210 will -int utter twit dot 1)e xtrbl.i t n tit a 1 titrihnt .a to ens, p ..Ir•, .a it r- 10111 e t ' f ,,.x.'.381 )t.:;1, .,111311815 1.110u 111) , Balt llotil:. \a,i ,i 1ver- west attic'bteu-.' 00 the x•1011 Ltt-'.111( )'('413)'40,4 t1 hat the tone wive of tall„' L •7e. 11ot. to t11.' 1111(6.1,1:112,(1.11,1'11112V(21.1. .' 4'61041 t.,la 10th. day 111 i't's`li: "3 \ T> 11+;411, '.,\N I. Bessie 1, Eeesione. () 1ia�t? of' Tm.r, • L,1,!I rel' _ ici L S L 1T C: c h 1 t 1 (=0011 3' 11)8)11t.�r1 a 1)811 n; Olt. 1 1 1 is 1.7.'1 MI 0110 1'+ f L,.1 and12)1: rue t t ' rrre t.,)itomet leer. el1Ouu of 5'01 •'0314 11„ h11i -,, ,iented fft1l.latynivut 111af1reit5 iritt0'1'at11,t. to 18.11'11.3(;,3, eta., r..... 0111.1.1 3 Ill 8.411.4 1 •1 '.,riled virtu:1Q)>(:,. only 6 01I:t6 0. t v ' 31) h . `,teams. The )1 I,vttt t tnt1113•ofthis 1,1111•,311eessay, al'•arl ,l 11,,11••)11 r , from tl rtv 1t 135 "filet's- fill 12x'1 11.1', that ee, 1' i1), 1'.)ll62')3 ,,.ear 1ti oeily be 1'takke112 'tired , nt the (1.11:1,r1,10.1 ' a-•1' :f iu- t.'rn:ul naidiuiaes or tela holy of r •,„ lulu.' : I ,i12t- n',1 mo . of 311'e ,t. 2'11te4.111 ( e e:)te'121,11.111- 38,1tu.11 11y lnrxilr of 1hi:11 every 1 :a' t u nu t1) 'I- ter. 'what his cuuttitiru tr;it1 b -taay to its biletb4'lt' chore privately- endrall .al,y,• T us Le1tnr0 chtt.11,1 be in the r:re:1s ol` sten} youth and (Ivory 21).,112 1„ tu.:luua. THE CULV1�,IL:ELL MEDICAL 381Ann Strout, ew Y• t'1;• I'n,t f fiicc Fox 410 A MANUAL -re I: en.1 -- Al arried a' d ` Un!nat'6'fred T7!. T2A30lis Yon 1311.8 ISecrets 0f _Li:fi � ln,.d how to 18''30y them. Sei.t Iostpafl 021 ruucll)tof a COu3,,. t N. Y. t.6 ITC:NTlll:,\L Pt n,Cf , } , 111 St. 3t,u1:1 SL„ Mentxoal. -Mese state in what pnion-grit saw this. ,T, ..L.IS A.:.'P TO A DECREE OF' -• the Court of Ghat,o,-ry: made 131 a cause HARRIS AGAINST E0'FTIULL '0121 (20)11'75: the 11'.1383104 eft .78)1111 Rottri11,1ate 0i lhe 1 ot1 mrhi of `'t, I ho11, du tan County 11' fltt 0(1,. otn.L7) l(l r one 1, ,whit 113 d 01 01)boil 13119 10nut11 of 811 y, Ir r q1C 1 u c t.1,nlm' the T1\'T LY -1:1 1211111At'Oi1.1'"1;13 T.'1 , 1*') `0381111 13' poet le re 1 i'i to Dltrili (131st, 0f the ! sty' Of. Li ndom 01 t'1 Comity 08 ,1itd1 i1 -•es; the 3011811or '2 the Plett , charlotte 111111is, the 1, tiniui:str.t- tnx et the ticeous..al, then 1'bri,tiuu awl sur- names, adores e:-an,8 ticl:cnil'titins, 'toe full 31)trti- c11nr„ 01 their 01 3131 ,' a s .tt.1x eirt of their' r c- counts, and the nature of the seenrtties of ant). hnl,1 by them; or ru 11lf,lut, thereof they \:iil.he pet)!lnptnrily O:culu,led Sr1Iu tho. l,1) sofa 'of the said Deer.,0. livery creditor 1>oldly:lg a,ly' security is to.prr.-. (bice the sfune before 1120 at my chambers iu tlta- sllitlCity ofLonlde et; the Eighth Clay al 'Morph,. 18a0,,at' Trove o'cloa.k noon, being the time ap- pointed for adjudication on the eht}ul1. i.uted dais seventh 4)y of Febluary,1630., t , SPI AIr'L2, ' tfast:Ara81 widen. 'M E MILD PO wan CURES. LIST OP HH,,IIPHREYS HOMEOPATHIC. SPECIFICS. No. 1. Cures ss 3 5 If to. i; 8 14 n 10 11 1'2 16 14 10 z ty": by the expiration • of Sir Arthur Dt•atv1ulgrl and a8peratieatlona may' be erre",, at1(8 - 1.1Jeaton'r111et'iII,Cl of Rervie:. 'lire post 0°:11:�)fttllonil(iliobin-iilbll'i 1p88 1t haittl,o Ib 'is'worth over llD4O0O per nttnlll. Ottawa.,and'tut the b.ng;%tlour'80l1deo,Itlteroolonial la The milady, tronetolt, N. li, 1' The eonl)1llt(; match between it,, ,bort, - 3810 3to'lllug Stoat( to be clot/Spored on the Pent '>'7' bleed ii:3oJc1i, ;n»i iron Tl4easfwtrtiailway,, on 01 b0- 28 \V" 73oyd, 1103 winner of the rano 'with tux:, thO 111th Sit bt.tY next,. ,,1i 11tott at Newoast1e-on-Tyne 011 i r m- tey 0x1 t ;y0. yF...13It4U1`,, 31 (lay last' and John HawtiOn fir ,2400, soomtary.. De1,t of\ltndllv,lpsand Cann.l5, t' ;t2 came oft Dyer ttt3,i)8a1M0' QUUrde 'Setter- UtC,hti••n,,7tlili'•b>rr,tWS',liJBl),� fy a,. armor,.. w a. ,-t,- . 83 "day, nied,was acs byttl f iy ' 'r4 'beat the latteit* b .tlrant tett ,t -t y,.y (1 litjtmr, 20 niiii res24, befi)re the' 11.0 at,; tt:tats star , ''1111(1 itr e . t3' a$7§ .. j 'ti I het tutUdru'd 11 e t •o tri 2 1 ' yard', llu► r~y►tlls `l).tt,;Tt ''� tl1 "' Itil'r' longtfi"s ., 31x1 �lt`Jf� 'fir .�1� (} t �►,. .�'%� � e'Xy, tl zt�(eEt1�.�,1tu Lli1ri1•Y:V4•���`.t1ig a'�t$F,iou�i 1'Z t (11'0, ; b jttjit�v s' vorit(i: til. 44 of'i tl'he' tts ' t,ittrttad ese .11 tI " u q Cettes., 4 • Duxes, Fever, acing:intlon, Inflammation , ');f•' ♦V1irnl1i'ave., IVo2t1L-Celia 25, - Colic, Teething t'c Wa,,Otul infants 051 1)lturn tea (21311 cholera,' Infantuxu 23• Dysentery er blooLly2(llx, b lieu, colic:;; Chol•Tu morbus' Nausea., Vomitint; 2.; . coughs, co ds, hnitraoncas, bioncltitis )a , 'Toothache PaocaOho, etll,algttt 25. ITaeld,(e1le, Slok headache. ve.ti30. 2;i , Dyspepsia, deranged. 00081.cll.. 25. Sup mos (,cl mouses,or,p(d, fu$ 25 Whites, baatiug down, mitttu+e.nl005 23 . Croup, cough diO3e01t reitthiogg Salt rheum, 0i'uptot R ohy slpea1l3 83 )1hotline/Mien in chest„baclt• os 11".ubs 2a 32'e1'er awl ague. dup11 agar', 60 Files, blind or bleeding 50'•• 0phthaluly, ',took of iatit'au.ivetl o,7':ca 60 Catarrh, acute,, dry or:ticwiug 130•:; Whooping 0OLl3b,_pltortt,ii`8g it 50 t Astlllna,.oppressed, hrtrt8 bncathi3rg 50 Eur (tic sbarges, noise in the. howl :,0 : Scrofnla ell ltrg)113 glu,n,ls or ulcers GI Guuorai 1)Obdli5,V,,PlrYs(0018eal rtes 60 • " 1)rop-y, naso 1Lc•Qrauu ul2Lt on s fid) "• Sea statues 4, y*rtigo, vomiting . t;0 . 4" Driiitu'yclisoitttes,gh'avel 1@0 " , S0tuit161021141 401, in%eluntary discharges,nervous debility 3 e0 1° snro u,Oriti), (2118)4nr 50 " L*ris,ary'iueoitti�euco, 8ettillg,bed 58 '" i),tinf4i u1Omses,h)ruritis, 50 " - Disclose of the heart 1 00 "' 1:ltiiepsy 3c spaszns,'1St,Vitr.s''dance 1 L0 0 1)tpntilorin.alm pen throat;1' 00 i" u£3xotiio congest1P0s, headache' ' 50 33 .8, fell to get the '.ti)onleo )auric Silenced. ('reins ori ]`...4'12, Con •htet)lie'jt,. ,t1) envftLt"g. ' 1, , heifer The owner i 't alto ., .� 1►ird �1utA.. T r i'>31t pen i,ound , e lel a,)ay. G.'S 1,31117 (1), 1N;ipix ii; 13CJIIA'.LVL ;, ,. .w*.i.f ,;6tV2120 i � A) a tt )idea ril(rtar, ft3m'tar� cUSAtt•'ht lane, tta'wantea. worth " :)pelf let0 promise on clIseate,l its prevention ho s roves pre..) lt.npetty, ee. At, the sole agorae); T5y Oxe 9 N -, t' t alrluh, •e )1ary 7,;18230.' 131 =•• sum t tirsslyr,5tittr'on fit# co. iwllAut. 'Irtf6 jiMjIttat l fid h':.S rr 1t t 11. 3; Oti, 5.: