The Exeter Times, 1880-2-19, Page 22
'AINT VALENTINE'S SPELL, eel( most thoroughly, You were talk
big to your Valentine more atlirntttdd
xrl 'rn°o 11,.B' 3.---1?nx'r 1- ly and btight4'y moon eve l' I saw pat
It wa8 not a, very pressing pr very;
oourtenus iivitatton ; but. neveirthe-
less be arnseet) the room and took Ids
teat at the piano, and stl'uelt a few'
'cords, and began 'Roby.'
As the rick', full voice, swelled forth,
the anitnate.l buzz of maty tongues
onkel to a,gentletntl,u before, aud in tn�
own wise mind. 1 thought—shalt I tell
you what I thought ?- - unihing lu(n•t
or less than that the Valentine spell
Was logining to work, and that you
were beginiug to fall in love.'
Was it a fiieker from the fireligl t, or
did the pale pink tint on Hilda's i book
deepen just olte shade 7 I)sisy could
not quite decide, but :the . roared
to 1 the was kissed so passionately that 1
same dreadful hitl'Mdefinte;i fw•wr arty.%
'vel' her. and she faaltered,'1 alter 1'.
As if. by electricity, tthe was free,anti
I voice, whose accents she knew only '
a) ivoll, asked i':1 marked tlistaltpnint•
luent, 'Dict you take ale for ynu bra -
•het• 7'
'Or entree I did. 1 never .ch enlist of
invtine •else. Ob, Mr. t'tieiglt !'
Nllat Miss Ai)ueirel1•y'ss d�ienity and
li ntenr might bare done for Fier in op
t t f 1 that It ei daylight, it is possible to tiny.. Ill
gradaully lulled and ceased, and before 1 b bis uviol; twilight it noted the cuwar e
the in lurnral poetic tale wits told, must be only treacilea•ons fere-blaze, lot )ar' and deserted her in Iret ntuiost f� Gr y(� / �
half , 1 kir sister eau bad eliglltly, null nn l , d1� 0;D,i u E,V I r i rn w' "8
breathless eileece bad futiebuoyon every g ieod. She had no p1 oinl, ei,il'hng speech `
scvei•e(1 quits ill 1)ur tt:(ttal ollul Fn't eadl' to cloth 1lttlt dtCrint, foe, who
Ilat gainer SO gree an •at Tall1477,e'
n nd . I can't irtil"tns
• e wither himself and hie err acv y
She (simply Sat down upon elle nearest
T111.7. -
A: Jt 11'�
A: yndm
OY•S Ta �1: ,
corner of the crowded room.. !able tooee, 'Yon kno'v enu'are tallaT.p t t 1 l tby.
He snug ul hie viols., sheet ten r.n utter nonbeuse, Daisy. a on clo ) 'nal' fa llstle chance. 5110 t7td no lntti(! FANbO''�'S 13LOL Ii, ISI CrT)+�l:L;
ire fanitlese modulabtoii and depths ]low you call rattle oil 11s a y ' l 1" 1' i i d !
of sympathetic expression touched sen-
sitive, luetic Hilda to the very Dora of talking about Walter,' )Bair, and burst into childish tears.
'Oh, dear, how disappointed I am I. ' I.
density 1 looked interested, for I was
]der warm, proud, wayward little heart. was that all 7' • lie was beside her instantly, more Qtr /, ,{� q1 r-! HOUSE
than e, more penitent, mora fore assd PORI Pt'f CJS I1'Y U i1 4-
• There were actually tears visible in 'fertailily, I should find iutereet in . than she Doll ever seed hint before.
the dad( eves when the song ended ; talkiug ton dog about Walter' cDo farp;iv� roe, and forget this ten
and'�lr. !,sigh, quietly refusingtL1I re.Time went on l[1 its 017,17Flo%k,R1EfiCly. Il appy 'nista 1 I meet tell ,you hew
march, and. the Valentine frolic vela fun
quests fot;,'aornething more,' came slow Elided tttvay in the cl!Ntteuoo, ",rlevPti I t��11 that it should iitei He
ly back to her side. Desmond Leigh •bttd lingered on at:c0011', , 1 rtev('r hetirci you entor file
noan�, or cif colu^se I tvnntit have s}cnl(en,
'Tllitt Wile beautiful.' The tone was Darney for an nieonseinnuble tirpc,and
it had become very patent to more emelt ,Ind jest for ane moment I believed that you knew me—that'
He parsed suddenly, and there was
a men)eut's dead sileuoe,
Hilda's sobs hoot ceased, hot her fnoe
was stilt buried in her l(at)ch, and pre-
sently Desmond continued, in his veinal
law, cool tones, 't came down rather We aro lrnlaarnrl to pnrellR);e nil), gnnl)tity of
'inmost irnpaseioned in its leordial warm -
smitten by stylish; elegant Hilda ten -
ii, admiring gratitude for ouo moment;, nesloy. 'i'I•ure did not seem muetitevi-
deuee of anything corresponding Ors her
part. Daisgt was the only lonker•on
who ever dreamed of tete possibility of,
the thiug ; the rest (smutted up Mil's
Anneeley's rutin speeches feud proud
looks, aid declared nett her ltanghti-
nese was simply abominable. and how
Mr. Leigh could be re' iufittnilatod they
could not conceive. Surely* the would
seo how mist eke St his attechiseei t was.
and select some more worthy and mm
object' (there were plenty of the
latter shout) ii (tote time. Dist no, he
Neeazed+to prefer l'iN frequent quarrel,
and rare reco,aoiiiatime with ell tete".
pared to any nnuonut of amiable
intercourse nit!' 'tile outer ladies, and
yet be never seemed to progress a step,
and 13e lied at rivet in the bargain.
Nord D„pee heel been introduced to
tit, and the beautiful eyes were d eyes than Daisy's that he teas deculedle
thelp ex ,"el.liss A nnesley recollected her
self, `ante se.pnletneutecl, calmly., ''The
teOt'tle, mean a and the music s0
`I think that is Gabriel"s prettiest,
don't you 9 'Then sa•d(leuly, 'Yon play
as well as slug, Miss Annesloy 4'
iO.'lyjust uiy own aecotnpaoimente.
Illy brother monopolizes all the instrn-
tnentel part of our family's musical til,•
lent. He Aries play beatifullye
did not know you hada krother.
Ile is not at borne now, i3 he 4' alleged
Desmond, watching, with aduliri.1lg iu-
terest, tJle wonderful change that had
came over the girl at the bare ineirtion
of the brother she id tdized. admiring Hilda at least, au(1 he, tore
The proud, etatneegne face, aud its !maccountable* lingered after the other
cold, repellant hauteur, bad aiveu place Valentine guests• fiui departed. Daisy
ft iowinR aminated +le►velinees ; and many others broadly hi;tea that
Haring oomnlenentl business for tete
GRAY'S SPBCII C yeilieu E.
TrlAatE MARK.'P13eCxt.,atraigir►a11TRADE Mftalc;
ltuntsitv,,,s entail ' t"
rail andWin erTrad0
unecpeoteclly t:) -day.. I nlet your emit,
sled site :::ave 7110 a nteseft'ge for your
ais'ter. The servant told nse site was at
Pork subject to the following regulations:
'tura will take off two pounds per hundred if
Iter cul a for Soria.
„gni W'e'tkueii
tree rrnato3'rh ea; t
1110004ea that tut'
low 114 tb eeiinen('e
r��'3A to { of Suit nbas", n+
a w� lost of Memory,
Iefo.oyllriv,etsa4 lnvai•Mfere.kint"
)hale, L)l,uuess of vision, Premature old are.4t1 (
Ill ttbl• otl)rr Jdemi Solt tht.t !nail to luian.t' ')
( iot1F11111t,tion two Premature gra t! r t'. tI
,rt[cuhurit, par }04111111let. wlticltwn (10',,iretrx
ch•v and three pound :f soft. Nhonitler stuck,
R1+ud f^ •.. lir mail t•+or cur one r "+ The fi{, 'eine
Koine, nod ellowedMe in here. I waited dainty -five cents: 7f any of tlir bung gut is
Rome little tient, left in, 2,i cents extra will be dedneted.
ct*iently forient, nude
on41l(1t,'t testa the open piano. The No pork will an price Ij
rest yon lcnow,' he went nn. mieehiev-
onely. 'Only 1 `wish you had never
di,'eoverell your inietake.'
' There was a passionate thrill in the
last words, w'hit11 somehow dietir'lued
Hilda's rising anger at his daring to
treat the affair lightly.
She was entirely at loss for worda,so
did not attempt any answer ; nrul her
eomnantnn, try as he would, could nut
clearly see her face:
-Do pardon me !' be rloaded again,
more earnestly then befbro ; '1111 Mice
me ,your band in.token of fm•eivenese 1'
to so . f; r,+
and the clear, chilly voice wee sweetly peeul(ier•y embareasssments rather than,She hesitated a moment, then placed' .
mtlale:ll no V, in its low, angor tepee, as sentimental admiration detNitted his It 1n 1)1R.
lordship in that dull little village,, and '1 will forgive if van will forget,' elle
H'ld entirely forgetful of her aieditor' D•I 1 ten swept to the
be bought at
ANn-- —
Pork Cuttings
1a on haul at reasonable rates.
We want all Hogs Cutting sright throt'gh
breast to bead, sou .f1uu,s opened untie tail.
• G & J. PETTY.
s 1 t1 were undolll)t,edl}:
said, meaningly it p
l '1, sally and the others
a window, and began to talk in hern�ntLl
plebeian aseociatinne,and her owe pa- •right; bat as he was in some way de• winow'd be drag ulnae nal
trician resobetions, ani carried away tained there, his lordship saw no ren• manner- 1 ring for light's. t wit what a differ -
son' 'by ber listener's ralpt attention and
sympathy, showed her awn true self in
its best anis brightest colors, nttevly re-
gardless of possible col seg1neUOes,wtllle
sole chatted unreservedly enough anon rant (veal of nonsense ; node although
tbepne subject nearest. her heart—leer g
hes lordship w•as eminently not a roar•
only brother, rying plan, and most decidedly nothing
'Glorious possibilities in that girl !' beyond what Daley styledhi'n—viz, an
mused D emond Leigh, as he etrofled tariltocratic nouentity—Hilda made a
home through the bright, frosty moors• poilit of striding sweetly ulion him, and]
1t,l,t. 'Ono tooth of love's magic Giving him Gnat about nine times the
enconrat:etneut elle vouchsafed' to Des
Nvanri would shiver the mask of pride in mood L, iRh.
which slie tries to disguise herself, and ilo affairs went on ; then Mr. Leigh
brtng•o'it all the true, noble qualities t b d to town and en -
why he should not enjoy teat bust poen the blinds make, � thnntth, Mr.
Leigh ; yon Can finite see to play now.
Won't yon go to the piano ? I had no
idea yon jllafied so beautifully.'
He went beak wiihent n ward; aril
}Dicta seated herself by the window,
and iietenerl to the tow, street-epenking
im1810, gazing mennwhiita into the (Task -
ening garden. and tbtrtl(ing--ah ! Miss
Annesley never betrayed her thnn'rhta.
T11e music ceased abruptly, and I)ee.
mond wheeled laughingly rou,ldbn the
'Cnrhn and grant me the favor yon
half-nrotni"ed me long ago.'
't'Vhetever favor do von mean 7' '
wen back
amusement the place could otter, and
that at present seemed to be a flirtation
with the b.:st•lenking girl (according to
Lord' Deeue's taste). Hilda Antlesley.
So he hovered about her, and talk:d a
lying dormant and•hidden now. Only
ono touch, bat that must be given by
e. ma t'r hatnd ; and, by George t I
world envy the man whose power would
live it. It would be no heart to win and
throw away, that little haughty, nn•
tamed girl's. On the contrary, a' prize
almost worth a life's etrug; le, Some
than will gain it Rothe day, I suppose.
Some man will watch those deep blue
eyes often and droop, aud the perfect
marble face glow to life, as it did to-
night—glow at a word, a look, a sign
from him, and hire alone.'
Then the young man tossed away his
half -burnt cigar, with a ftlow laugh at
his one sentim'ntality.
'What air idiot I am 1 The moon
must have some effect trona my brain,
or some of those Valentine spells have
taken effect. 1f I catch myself talking
)ioy,senre by mooulioht again I alien
begin to believe in witchcraft, or corn -
loan -places ordinary spoonyistn 1 have
1 ever been given t.n, and it is rather
late in the day to begin now.'
Tnen he carefully lilted delifierately
lighted n fresh cigar, and, despite his
wise reflections and .Rolf.a41 monitions,
eo1711r,ned to stroll very slowly and
thonghtfnlly onward.
Meanwhile Daisy Annesley was ex-
• 1rla+tni')g, in half-pretendf'd woe; 'Oh,
i:t)w miserably sorry I am that this dle-
lie'htfnl Vnleutine's dray is over
think 1 ever had mall fun in my' life.
Iffitdn, sytnpntltize with rile, • that's n
des, r 1'
'1 reially oai)'t. I never av)aR >ar) rejriie
Pi n'a 1 stn naw ail dile absurdity has
anus, to its end.
'I t)etieve yott're telling drama, and
( atg',rnvta'btg wickelneee to tell them
• vent' nn11' s'IRter, ,vita 5 t'% yin. with
*,wi ayes erkioy ing your deceitful
A .l i f 'To sing 'Auld Il 1bin Gray.' I ;am
Dough, Mise naps ey d admiration rr sore. I deserve it now
I have naitetiso
Lord Desmond began t3 waver. Patiently and nnahm 1 �irtint2lv,'
She declared herself utterly wearied Ip
of Daruoy and everything connected 'But I really don't, rememeber pro -
with it, and wrote long letters. to her tnising anything so Nile's.'
brother Walter, imploring him to tome Then, as Ur. Leigh shod sirens of
over for a few days to cheer: her illi, corning to press his paint, Miss Annes-
ley made a rapid ootnpromiseetualswept
across. the room in a very dpviona elr.
suit, tn,vnrds the recant music stool.
•I'll try if I can R'nmble ter)nxh it
-without my notes; but I'nl almost sure
to break down.
There was no tympton of snob a oar
tastrephe; however ; on the contrary
the difficult necompnnimetit Was play
ed so correctly as to argue recent prat
ti 1 tl tn1 ' ailing wnrda
lei+tltuine i" sold by all rtruI:isat 1 per pa 1t11110
Or SIX IMO:41t't:R101',3,orwtllltn e711byni 11 011
roonilit 0 11/131111 m>) by t i11l1 sirl
'dill; & 11 Y 3lard h7: C
rolt+N•r„ • Owe.'r NADA,
1.1g” Sold in Exeter 11 at4 Orli 4ni t,, trlrh Prer
• . � Et t u.Ru re l Nod ^ •.tirulu•
So .10 aud Vet t, 1l rirn,1gi,•ts.
i1, It -Tho dtnunnd of oar hosbt„$ hili
sltato<tonr eel:roving to Lomo:.0. to n'bi
please arl,1i,.tis R11 future emit 'unitive tai•,
ttlulreill,t toA li
t ler It vIztattu 5
This he promised to do M 8000 as 1108,
Bible, but he declared the 'possibility
However, one evening in the early
waning spring daylight, es Hilda was
returning rather disc,)nselately from ti
lois solitary walk, site beard strains of
music from the drawing -room. which
she kuew were never produced by Dai
She listened eagerly for one moniont,
then clasped her hands in j )y.
'It is Walter's touch, I know 113ow
splendidly he in playing 1 Dear old
darling, what a 1sc.nre 1'1l give hien
for surprising toe like this; !'
She was across the stall in one mo-
ment,nniselessly turned the do rehand-
le, and stole into the drawitle-tonal.
It Was ttluiost in dnrlenose,, for the
binds had been drawn (]asp to keep
out the strong afternoon sun, enol the
servant h,d neglected] to draw thein ftp,
arguitlg to herself that it was needless
troable, as they wnnld have to conte
down- directly.
Hilda wouldist dtstinunish the tall
figure at the piano. and as C1az.tet's
grand composition floated through the
room, the player .never, heard the soft
footstep approaching hint, tired wits ur;-
(100'401008 of any presence hevand 1118 tap do ant, an/1 (itis iso 1)nw they
mem; mil•
awn, ent11 two soft ms wound lc, iug- lee] yet) ; but it olid net mistier, as Hil-
ly around his neck, and two sweet lies da Have at home, ave you given her the, the
hreesed lovingly open his 1 i e'u'nrl, mnasarl.e 7
And Daisy ti)rned'tn tele snot where
she t unposed her sitter to he ; but Miss
Annesley 1111(1 disappeared noiselessly
end tlnetemintabiv.
Of). do toll me l' • cried imntll'ive:
Daisy, ,agues' layirg her hard on Des-
mond's err»+a
. 'Trnllt'n Singing and
long. t''irnr in the Boric, (kine it' n1011') rtiuy-
I3nt tl)e n nsieinn diel rant "Mg to thing's Yon know what I mean 1'
hoar tl'is. Ilia n.vrn't were aarotrred
da lit than brutes; ly ttifeetious (To set gonxxau)l;u.)
oe. ant re ac ire, w
were rendered (as Desmond Leigh ob..
served) perfectly.
He had been richt in saying that
Hilda's w'loa wan exnetly spited to old-
faellinned, plaintive melodies.
There was a rinnint. melao&Tmly ring
in its clear, bell -like phteS whioh really.
nnetlited it for joyous words or merry
The last words died softly away in
the sheet. dnslry toren, and the still -
floss ,,td (isrlrne0s were getting remark -
0111 0.
emark01)10. When the deer blast open. end'
Dniac' end the lamp appeared 'simul•
jvnti two poor csentnree 1 what are
von (Thing, here in the dark 7 t1_av the
dight and 1 tame he, or shall we be in
the way 7 Mr. Leigh, I titre only
in1t c0nle in. The.Orvante never saw
Centra Drug Store
Coustautly on hand
I •
baying needed to ,uv pulopnlae)rtr1fr.
oure t a.large quantity of nest -class Alm
am pre tnulo,lNoober an article
Superior to any Factory if
P'li:e Digs 4 Chemicals,
PERFUMERY; all kinds,
Cloth Brushes,
Nail Brushes,
Tooth Brushes.
In COMBS, our stock is complete.
Just arrived the largest stock, per express,
, direct from manufacturers, of
Ham and Cattle Illetlicines a Speciality.
Phyetainns' Prescriptions and Family B4Ctpes
carefully compounded ail Central Drug Store aid
Fancy 00ools Ifanporiurtl, oppos.te Central Aptel,
laid pro
p lugs,
e Ooucty,
null at prices that defy eo np4titr, u, %tells null
Cisterns dug on the shortest ut,r e.
BuforePttrchnsittg cell n :11id Ilay Pomp 'Yorks.
t- llt)t`--elle-quarte rolls ncrt c; T+, :over,
7,ontlui• 1 Date. Blau 1 .
Loan Debenture Crcrri)y
{i$ o king'C714pFBr�!'y . ,,aw,a0'01OOO
Thee ietampa11y new trail the largest Wor-
king capita of aux l, COMIX1,11Y in Wes -
ern flit 31'inx x11(1 OL'; reeei)'ill,+", imettlily
rernittanees of British- capital obtained at at
!ow ratio of A,ttelei't for irlr(:Ntllft'Ut. in:
llottsawes tau lit:tu 1staa:0'444 1,41 i,atil'the
i;ash Value.
Straight Limns at a per cent.
i,or further partr•cu'ars apply to oily of the
Comeany's Appraisers Ontario, or to.
Move; er..
UP Wire'II
-- moo—
'�'■ FIT
1rn('i e, fere voice whispered fondly. 'illy
darling, how glad I aro you've some at
1 1st ; (tole, why. dill ,yon not let me
know 7 1 would never have been out
when 'pit carne. Nn, don't get,np,de'ar.
(3'o on pinyin,, --,yon know I,ow 1 love
it. and 1 have not heard you for so
and Examine his Stock,
London,Jauunry is, I870.
HA ft VI},R
DOWN To--,
has decided not to continue fag -the hardware bus-
iness, and the t)'13yrue stoelt, will be tun off by
Et.,war,l & McGregor, arrives )1(1‘ or before e4 t 1.1
of, To show khat we melt') -Cerin we Why, we ,give
prices of a few articles, and everything else will,
seta t,the 811.3411 P1.''°'l:
(Assent Saws reduced frelu :5 00
1•Iand do " 1 50
1 00
1 00
1 95
1. 00
, 10
1 50
1 00
1 50
6 40
20 00
13; t>ii)
10 00
Best that are Made.
RAU is'onld rernii1l hie 'timorous A lI'I, ESTRAY.
sho�pl formerly occupied: by Mr, ]tend, whore bet tray �l final I,nk ,1, cnneeopten K, TTelin)no,
wf111n+foundeverne'rdY to n:ttendtoallbusiness ah„ut tl . inner L ot; A, c nc t• t nonrllnuafrrr
ilttlavl3Ut,'1 ttlol{t)1.Itlue, rod, yeti• liegheifer roilaltrl athllr, 1oat,u'huIfes
• l). I ATJ, tait wt,l ", 141(1 ar1:r1 ,+ int forrl o art. Aut• pester.
ty'rediitoll. ulvit)t:,itifCe�r>;t(ntinn inl•dol.;d tc, 6 ^ll• ••r,,4,UAYN {rill
be suitably pwt•zriou, NV. Qi) llt7'C.^,,
1)o do
Enna) a Forks
3•proug corks
prong ,lo
Knives and Forks
Rifle Powder
F -F do
Shot •1'
Boring, Illkaebirres 14
P411,1)5rrel, laws '4 .
Do '4
Boiled Oil .t
UMW 0i1 90
James No. I white lead, $2.20 par keg.
Scotch white lead, 79.p... keg.
ikatoe at about half pncc.
to $4 25;
" 1111
" 751
735 & Aon
1 00*
1 kik
5 001
10 00
14 00
13 00
The Stand( is still Very Complete. Remember.
tete Place ---pest store to eamwelt , Pickaro,.)Itin,
Street, meter.
HOWARD' ca -4 09i ,
Exeter,PObrttu..rp I2,7880.
11011 SA_IrE OR TO R1 NT—A St.,re
in Centralia; on corner of Station and Martz
Streets, Well fitted up, mud surtabla for Ih•y
(tools, Grocery or General Store. 2'or further
particulars apply to '.1i, IIYV t,PrLA1'.,Rae ter, or
wAi.ltnt1.1,Y, Centralia.
� F%ATclit'a. CLnc cs,
Suwil g araolaines
l rears, .Aceor'daorts, and
Vlubrellas rel"aired. Anent
for the \Vauzgr friaries sgar-
hue' hitsc,iines. Se(cond-
hatnd Sawing h64clriires for
• Bale cheap. A)• kings of
heedlesandshuttlesforSewingttnell(1384kel tots
hand Shop -Main Street, llasliwood. J(aHN G.
3:)Lno1, Proprietor. Tray 15 1-y.
From r to r3 Morse Power, for Fl1rm-
ere, i)airymen, lalcter anti Cheese
Factories, Printers and all parties
using hand or horse power.
Rest and cheapest is the market.
Send for circular and price 1ist.
tt7To�1 3130 ty.
)shlanatte Street. '
F cams ol, lot A, corm ',Pion t.11abnrne, R'bout the
tl et of i)t iso nibs*r, n, red and atltite stci d, rots
otrner is rognostr•ti to prove 1,) +}.,city , ty ' peu-
Uts an(1)take it ra,way. 1V. Ql7INTON,
tl Customers tint, lee has removed e(1 to the )