The Exeter Times, 1880-2-5, Page 74 TO DEALERS, noonday lest he spotted Dr, !Cowen leadiui .#r one of his suede on the sidewalk north from his house. Mr, Gill ordered the Doctor to take IN STOOK hie horse oft the walk, an order which the t)r, r�/� ��,�er�t obeyed -when be got ready. The constable 003AVrA.i�tiiA X ,Fa LINES laid au information against hien before Squire --— Gidley, but tate Dr. not wishing the affair to come to court, appeared and settled by pa7111g costs. • SCHOOL BOOKS NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES. FCULSCAPS, INKS, &c. Price Listsof which will bo furnished on appli• Cation, J. GRIUG- e .Bookseller, Main Straot, Exeter, Ont•• fie fxeler . ile, . THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 18110. LOCAL NI' -NITS. Wanted. Sherman & Oa,Marshall, Mich., want an aeon in this ooh; ty at onoo; at a- salary of $300 pe Mouth and expenses paid. P'or full pariieular address as above. A ni amen of our young men contemplate removing to Manitoba in the spring. VALENTrr1ES.—A full assortment of valen- tines albs Ceutrul Drug and Fancy Goods Store,opposite the Central Hotel. • THE WARDEN.—Mr. T. Garrow, of Goderich, has been elected Walden of the County, with- out opposition. A better choice could not have been made. THE town psesent•ed quite a lively eppenr- ance ou Tuesday last, in consequence of the number of Orangemen and Oddfeliows who :eea o iu town. To 'Smoot TEACHEns.—We are supplying,at a very low price per hundred, the best form of monthly report that is printed. Call and ob- 'fain price and see copy. Fon MANITOBA.—By advertisement it will he seen that Greenway's first special train for Manitoba leaves Centralia on Tuesday, Marsh 16th, instead of March 2nd, as advertised last week.] • SPEOIAL Servicesare being held in the B. 0 Church, and will continuo for month. Spe- cial services commenced in the Methodist Chureh on Tuesday evening. They will con - 'Mae till Saturday evening. SEELLIxo OFF.—Messrs Leathern& McCou- hrey intend retiring from business in Exeter, and are going away to the North-West. They have to -clear 'mit their stock. and are offering Immense bargains away below cost. BROKEN WHEEL.—On Friday last, as Wesley Hawkshaw was shriving to Lucan with a light wagon, one of the horsts, in turning out to pass a team, became daked with the collar, and, threw himself .ab so violently that one of the wheels and, the tongue of the wagon were broken. 1 .r Ortreseeee Mr. Eobt,; ly a con 4oxenAL.—On Saturday last, , fortnerly of Hay, but iattter- 1 traveller for G.'B. Smith & Co:, of Toronto, died at the age of 30 years., He was buried with Oddfellowe honors, the Exeter lodge and members of the fraternity turning 'oat, he being a member of the Si Marys lodge. LATCH keys are becoming fashionable with the young men in Exeter, They are in peat d• mend with Brother Oke'e boarders. We have been told of a young man on fa fashiona- ble street whose sisters or aged parents have to rise late at nights to let him into the hoose. This is not as it should be. Anyone who can build* house should own a latch key. . RETURN THAT HAT.—IE the editor of the Goderich Star will only have the kindness to return to this office the brand ,new, expensive bat which he misappropriated at Drew's linli ou Tuesday last, ate can have back his own old and cheap hat. No charge will be made for this notice, if it induces Goderich editors to leave good hats for bad ones. Ma. Charles McClelland goes to the woods in the neighborhood of Blyth for a short time —.not that he wishes to escape the sheriff, or anything like that, you know—but he goes to superintend the getting out of timber on a f arm which his father has purchased there. There is no dwelling house on the premises, and s..shanty will have to be improvised to shield there from the elements. Charley in- tends taking a $12 chandelier with him, to li;iht no the long winter evenings. It will seer' a little out of place iu a beckeoods shanty. WALKING House oN SIDEWALK.—The people ,of Exeter would do well to remember that it is st contravention of the prov'sions of the village byplawa todend,horses on. the .gravel aa.well its the Plank eidewniks. Detective Gill 'having heard that certain persons made it ,practice of walking their horses elf the gravel eidewnllc+ on tare hack streeti kept on the alert, and on Cirettonn.--The change in the proprietary of the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, and the' Cuuimerclel I•Iotel, Blyth, was effected On M'andaylast, Mr. William Hawkshaw doming to Exeter and Mr. John flawkshaw going to Blyth. Mr. W. Iiawkshaw is to well known to the people of this neighborhood to need any r•ecolnlnend from ire. The people of jBlyth will find` Mr. Joan Havrkaha,vall they could desire In a landlord. Comm M1ETlxo.—The anneal meeting of the County of South &tu to L. 0. A. was held ur Drew's Hall, +'xeter, on Tuesday last: There was it large attemlauce of members from all parts .of the County. The text annual meeting will be held in Exeter, and the county celebration on the' 12th of .July next at Bay- field. The following are the county officers for the ensuing year : W. if.--Bro. F. W. Johnson. D. M.—Jiro. Jahn Legg. ' Soo.—Bro. J. J. MoMath.' Treas.--=Bro: J'. Joslyn. Chap.—Bro. Rev. W. W. Walsh. Lecturer—Bro. B. F. Holmes. D. of 0.—Bro. Scarlett. Moan WEATHER,—The long -expected snow has come at last in small quantities. The "beau- tiful" began to fall on Stmday morning, and: gentle flakes have fallen ever since, up to the time of writing. There is not much on the ground but runners withoutionds find the-alio• ping tolerable. 33usiness men, and, incleed,the whole community, nope that winter has now, set in, and that it will remain with•us for a month at anyrate. There is very little wood in town, and unless the farmers hurry in with what they have to sell, they will find that coat has to a, large extent tr.keu its place—at least in the houses of a good many who can afford it. Since writing the aboye,.the snow nas fal- len in large quantities, and the sleighing is ex- ltent.•. until t►Il weer satisfied, A splendid time was emit. We witiit Mr. stud Mrie. Mereheil 'rt smooth and happy future. . seseseet Ifeborne. Bonn or Horton.— The nitrites of the pupils who stand highest nit the Itoll of H. tnor in the S. 8, No. 5. Unborne, for the cnrrent month see;—Fifth clues, —1st Eliz Fraise, 2nd Mary Harvey. 11'ourth class. --1st Mary •Tom, gpd Annie Etatou, Brd JIlvina Johns, 4ti1 Wesley Welsh. Thirc't clash,—let Emily i?rune, fat ; Jane Fl her, Brd .. Franie.T'orn, 4th .. RelitA ,Ky1id, 5th Loretta Fleywood...43th Wm., signer,, Secoltdclrsss.—ist Joseph 13arvey.'¢ud Esiikley.wood, i]tri. Maty A .!Tyndall, 4tli,..atobert Iio1l,enut 5th Mary 't1. Kytld, : 0th John , ,Dew. The abovei names do not show the etttudino of t1lci• pupils;. but those who obtrined the greatest; numbor•ef.mtuts for punct'. alityi• diligence rtl1d• goud eoniluct dar- ing •t)le past month. •Hay. 1LY.) NN,ItAL:-on`Tiinrsiley 29th ult. Fbeiteeer Johnston pinball,, Esq.. ',of Clio tntih effected a'cnnunbial centpfiet with Dl iirA. Chrlatiiif McGregor, of Ilay, The oeijrerllany'war kierformed by the Rev. N. Snaith, ot'Kippen, at theresid• enee' of the brtc'ie's' mother. There wee wna large crowd of friends and- nc- quahitatticee preeeirt, and after the 1l knot a•at tied the Voting nenpie furling IJCCLIOil with Exeter and males a *gruff- ed in ri drive and "returned to supper tills there if the Company could flee with a gond itenetite and did ample their way clear, but as the • Price of -jostled to the hefPrtieeneous display set befiire'tlirm, The Brides mike Was. a beatil%�njjq decorated, and had the names of the mett'iwot•ial pair printed on its twee iu large letters, and was seven stories,, high. Indeed it took cnneulerable tjme to walk arnnnd it. Aftr,'r.eupper.she violin was tuned and time wee kept tn,its, strains by heel and toe,nritil the..little bnura. We "wish Mr. Ru:nball and his bride a happy future. next meeting. Culletitnr to fettle: lap f with treasurer by *text Meeting. Next meeting ,f'Coumeil to be the: Lit It ,tn. Clay i.e. much. A ,fes indene wert granted. ' C. reetfl, ()Jerk. ?fit, Etit•rott,-Y'•ur Kir•ict n gorse.. ',ancient Peeals to be very jeril•.us tiu.l guested about the i'ltilwVtty lrlittler, nod iodise $1) protect the 1141111,Itnr1 nncltetoOf: tbY is evidently spoiling for n fight. I1.- malted a most utlaeasonabl'e Mateo, that' Exeter is jealous of the mighty village of Kirit top. 1 won't try t•t b.,• Fenn oerenete IN EXET1:lt, little hire or lila " bustling )i)I'ngn," • ' but be eho1114 be 1)101'e tetrad ii. milk tu•t 1s rushed to dell at peeve that defy crape. :. charge. Ilrttl)''titi.m; Mc would alvr ret) set those. in s,,,,e+uf if14( such An gtlfolthdtrtl c g i'lliST-t'LAse kivatt',-1LL43,F, ably it may snit sums parties 10 get up a false opinion, but 1 can tell.yo' end your correspondent that much is not the enee, as far As l have heard from any-- o,ne in Exeter or any other niece, rt1U I am Nat's slot item the Exeter railway committee, as.tli re never wits. the first hint about giving I irks+•n the go by, lied havinu ell the curr'eennndeuee from Dir, 1liekaon, Malinger of the G. T. R. and I3ayfield and other pieces, .d think I tluink. L know as much as most of rhetn about the matter. Mr: George' ftnith,'aud othera in tbis•comity. Tiro... Willis and myself were ehneelr its the- winter 'weather is jteet''delightful .twhr,u . putlttion to twit on Mr. Hiclieoii, and the therutometeie registers 20 to 80 P. get hie views about railway communi• below zero. 1 left borne last Monday cation 'with Exeter. and I am sure that and throve to Mountuiu City, a distance Mr. _Hickson di'l »01 try to throw Any- of `50 miles, with the thermometer thing in the: way, but stated pinieli' and 82 = below zero, and only got ot.t ttf' in a businesslike may that G. T. R. my sleign once, and that Was to get was vry anxious to have railway con- cny diener •and teed my teeth', Miff telt not the slightest bit Of cold ; it wail ' A agalm. clear, anuny day, fwd I wear• thil'enme clothes I nee to in Ontario steel rails has gone up to almost double wheu keeping store. Of cuur.e, we: wisp they were in ;lune last, it makes have an occasional blow, but when. it it malt sit mote difficult. He told ns, blows the thermometer, riaisee up to'• bowevc.i", not to be discouraged, but zero and sometimes 2a' above. There work and keep the matter ' before the is no danger of a 'mall except be gets:, peopie. and probably the G. T. R. lost, and there will be no danger, after would see their way to building the line the country is fenced. I have seen we desire. Your correspoudeut seems storms in Ontario far worse than I have to thitull that onr nice little game will seen here, and if there was no lend - be spoiled, and that St: Kirkton will be marks or fences there, people -would on. a through line from 8t. Marys to get lost much easier than they 'would Lake Huron. 1 would jest like to ask here. The air is much clearer in this your correspendenl what benefit he ex. cenutry than in Ontario ; for of a clear • pects frcm the C. V. R. after it is cote• j morning yon can see ti'e trees e.1 'ills meted. I fail to see what good it crib' Pembina quite plain, a distauce of.20 do Exeter, We have now all the con miles, and occasioually we can see the. nect,ior,s vow than it can give us, and r timber at Turtle Mountain, 44 miles,: with a far better Company than the C. ofi, and one house at Badger Creelecair• V. R. t think ae are in a position su- be easily seen at a distance of 17 muleap perior to what • Your correspondent this will give you au idea of i.t* pare - seems to think Will be the height of nese of the sir. • Iu a word (I am de - commercial happiness• -railway con- lighted with the ooautt;y and .its pros- neetion_.with Lake Huron and St. pects. We have a town surveyed•snits Marys: We want something far better several buil►liugs up and completed, a. then that. We want comtnnttication church, school house and store to be. with nnr own Eastern markets, far be- in readinees by the 1st of Match; wee gond 'rnronto,'as we Have that already, have a poet office will'. a weakly .mails, or any other p..int 'the C: V. R. will,and• we have a very gond prospect of It. give. We plant Montreal, the Lowerrailroad in a very short time, as the• Provinces, and nil points eastward, charter is granted,r►ccepted, and a 0iii� tinny made the necessary deposit to start operations in the spring from. Winnipeg to Rock Lake.. Another lino is uuder contemplation from Emerson to Turtle Mountain. These things, with cnr most desirable location, hus advanced the price of ulaims hers woo, der fully ; already claims are .510W delft i at from $500 up to $2,€1OO ; of mower, the lower }'race wonid be for 'nim - proved &Mins which cost $YO' haat' spring—a good in.vestillen%in lay opiu- ion. I believe soul has berm found flit abundance to the west of its, and a6 present a company are oat there Milt,- . ,,,,.- ing it to ship to Wlaruil eg next seritnlf by lnit►te. We hive a st w•sgilt sin snipes' from n«, limit' are going to have tauother in the spring S milieu ofi„ alao a flouring ratll next fall ;; so you will • ;see by flats that we are progressing WM. FENWICS, 'tast in this colatrtry—zeucla faster iu ' See. By. Committee. 'one year than the early settlers of 'Ontario did iu tea,. For instanee,there are lots of eetaleus who came here last +e•priny,; whoa finest to part in fifty acres of CYO) next eprriug-1 expect myself to prat in fresxn forty to fifty acres. Thio, i witte other advantages, will put .ue' as !far *head in one year Its Ontario went •the fi+ast k or 15 years,. Among other advantages we have tr naturther of parlie- t nleut frets amongst ns, a high I hopes will net do un any Baru in the way of retarding progress. lt'ishitrng in Rock r' :Lake is excellent ; we SChIvith hook ,and Roo through tz hole cut iu the ice. A eonpie of men will catch a sleight toad in two or three Clays. The weight ennui froth 3 to 20 Pounds—generally about 8 to 12 pounds—and the flavor f them beats Luke Burma saltnenall hollow. Seine call thein jack fish, some masklunage, sane pike, but lean thein it genuine first-class fish for food,' and they suite nue to a knock -down when fried in butter. Now, Mr. Edi- tor, apologising for the space 1 veeu•- py in your colu;ns, and wishing ail my old Outerio friends health, happiness, t and proeperity,I still remain yonrs Sao.,; A. 3. Roctnns. Crystal City, bilin., Jan. 19th, 1880. Biddnlph Conlleil say the Reeve and l.JouuolllOrs are not to get the usual • mileage this year—very econonaicale thin. The Donnlere tiny they are perfectly, ittrutceet cut ihe charges lately brought againegt. them of Itteend,tertem in, .ttlittt. cera of Iry d..r's'co1,fittertttivn. The eeltutry bit benefitted by Proiectlou, kat W. H TRO i. l'uhile, and lrae One of the • Best ani. Cheatest atcQ fir Boots and. Shoes that he is enabled tem 1,•r.g. experience• ,Sup - 1,'y Omni with what W.11 give satisfaction tµ loo pees n,,thiz.a hut the beat of stook met et flogs enee but trio best of workmen. To be eouviuced of thesis facto, call and sue.. W. H. TROTT. raptor, bctoller 52, 3870., t1 "TenarnLE LAUGIITER."—We often hear of funny mistakes made by typograpbioal errors, but the most absurd that we remember to have seen, occurred in the London Free Press of ' Monday last. A short telegram from Canda- har, announcing that 2,000 families had been exterminated, was headed "Awful ,Laughter" People who are ignoxant of -the mysteries of the "art preservative." wonder where thelangh comes in. No doubt the the heading had originally been "Awful Slaughter, bot the "S" having been mashed by the press, or pulled out by the roller, left a couple of words which Were ludicrously out of place. PURCHASED.—The joint stock company who had commenced the erection• of a planing mill on property opposite the market square, hav- ing encountered eome:diflicnities have been obliged to ubandon the en terpriee and dispose of their property, consisting of two lots and the skeleton of it good-sized building, which we are glad to hear has bon purchased by ltfr. W., H. Verity, rho will 'occupy it as a foundry >4rld< vacate the premisee in Exeter North, w 1eh are inadequate to4the necessities of his c.nrtantly increseing,besinese. The site Is e beet that :Xt.. Verity could have selected. It is in the`oentre of the village,'easy'of access to and from the railway, and eonyenient alike to his lamer customers .ot the north and south. When the new foundry gets into oper- ation, equipped with the latest and best ma- chinery, and employinganincreased number et men, thinge'wiil be "humming" around the market. CLEAR HEADED.—The Council of Stephen are a clever lot of business men. When in- viting wanders for printing, they gave each of two onions list of articles that might to re- quired, and each item was to haveT,a price placed opposite it. We did so, but the other office thinking to play a sharp game, ignored the list, and offered to do the work for a Lump sum. And would it be believed, the Council permitted such a "catch" tender to be placed in competition with ours, and professed to be. unable to see anything unfair in the proceed - lug. We will explain how it was. All the printing specified might not have been re- quire& Fer instance, there may be no elec- tion next January. Had the " catch " tender been lowest and accepted, the ballots and other election printing would have to be paid for, id, though not needed. According to our tender, they pay only for what they get printed. Therein lies the difference. WE direct attention to Mr. John Speak - man's card in another column. He loans money for the Huron & Erie Company, one of the very bust institutions of the kind. Itodgervillt, . PAwrIga.--,Mr. J. P. 11tareba11 was married to Miss. Eliza Edmonson, a short titre ago, anti on t"ridgy 'night' the flair gave a party to their elder 'ac gnnhltancett hurt epent a plettannt time,' arid on Monthly' night' last the bride' pttve. it.n crater, ell prior ,to her:_..yonng.}.t friends. The 1ieht fitntestio the tipped to the music of the bow mud airing Ltunlev. ;t, A'NEST QIFR11xR`.-- A few days sign a'farmer of Usborne,- and his• hired man , beached •• some animal 'from the barn totvfe, weed's, and after digging for a short Time came upon ti nest of skunkienstwitbstandinir't110 unpleasant trerfuti3 theji'succeeded in killing eight f'i l grtltttnflilitinke,' and a duty or two efter'trrert1R``° some person entre and skinned' the whole eight leaving the earcasstl's ll liind.'Whoever the pereor.s were digit—met have been fond of scent. MATintiee AL.—Mr. J. Bedgegond. of Woodbridge; lead to the altar Miss Jen. ,nett Fife, of this place,' 'Wednesday, I and I am tore that the G. T. R. ®o. t Jan. 28., fie ceremony was performed is in a better position t0 give ns what at the residence of the bride's father by we really need than ',any other railway the Rev. Mr. Fletcher, Presbvteriath corporation in Canada. They have 111ioieter of Thames Road. We wish the sho'vn themselvesmost enterprising, newly married oonpie many long years Its for instance iu laying another track of happiness. from Toronto to Montreal, which will Goon Woar1;.--A few days ago two be acoompli,hed next summer, and daughters of Mr. Wm,Bell of Utfbortie, runny other projects to Rive railway communication to the country. I have made my letter too long already, but this is a very impel:W. matter. Exe- ter is net situated will reg?rd to roil• way facilities, as the importance of the village and surrounding country entit• DIVISION COURT., The 11t11 Division les it to, and I am sure that if we would Court for '.the County of Heron has bestir oureelvee, we could soon place been established here. Mr. Hobkirk is our village in each a position that peo- ple and capital would be attracted to our midst. Yours respectfully, out one cord of beech wood in two hours with a erose-eut saw. Young risen beat that if yon can. Crediton. Clerk, and Mr. Ellis. bailiff, our first court will be held on 2Gth Met. Look out for squalls in toe future, as these gentlemen will be the terror of delin- quent dt:btore. We have gained ane- Cher step in the march of civilization. RAILWAY. --An influential Railway committee has been formed at a public meeting held Inst week, for the purpose of scenting railway connection as soon as possible, They are in correspond- ence, we understand, with the G. T. R. Co., with a view of geeting a lino from Ailsa Craig to Bayfield touching Credi- tor' and Zurich. Deputations visited Craig and Zurich, and the peopie are alive .to the importance and feasibility, of finch a line. TRADE.—Bneiness appears quiet, and brick and lumber dealers complain of lack of basil ere for want of snow in January. With snow these trades will recover. A little girl abort twelve years , old, daughter of Mr. Geo. Reinhardt, Karl her• fingers taken .off in the flax trill machinery, , Vast quantities of railway ties are lying wee! of here, waiting the arrival of the 'beautiful' to bedrawn out. . Stephen. •• COUNCIL b IUtyIN .-All , members present. hfiuutee of former meeting read and signed. Two tenders for printing were handed in, and after tCareful comparing them the printing waehevarded tile -the • Times. '•Ap"plica• to chan• e'',S, 'sections; delerted `to il(ext meeti11gd '1 -Treasurer tttt :settle, alt with eotlu.ty tictvurer •its an;)» nit trnedil)le. Prttlf »l,tssstere, fence v1e'Aeie and" pvund'i;'I:bpeiti are to be appointed Letter From Manitoba.. Mr Editor, I axed myself of the opportunity of addressing your widely aireulated pa- per, thinking, now doubt, that some. our South Huron friends wound be Mia to hear from this great North-Wtat. 1 .find from letters received from your neighborhood and other plaoea that there is in circulation an amount of the most erroneous . statements one could imagine, whish no doubt, will have made you very uneasy about olur'safe- ty. Now the fact of the matter ie,that for the last thirty-four years I never remetuber seeing such satisfactory wea- ther for the whole season ronna. Some I came back from Ontario last Septem- ber, I never eu joyed myself better. The fall was delightful. It commenced to get cold in November for, a few days, then it Bot fine again, and we had it grand for oonple of weeks. Lecereher was pretty cold, or at least you will think..so when I tell you that the tiler. •mometor, registered 51 ' below zero on the 24th of December. Off the same day a number of my neighbors passed my place going to Bock Lake to fish, a distance of 10 guiles. They said they did not feel the cold; it wee then 9 O. and 65 ° below zero. , They returned et 9 o'elook that night,whihi it was.81 below, zer'n,with no mishaps exceet•one men getttn chis nose slightly frr•zeu. 'Those par'ies'Were from Exeter, sfessite. Cudulure, Swallaoombe,Fiuley,Duwa,y,