The Exeter Times, 1880-2-5, Page 6• 4 'I'HE TIMES r --- AN EFFECTIVE BREAK-UP OF A. CARD PARTY. 'While, one of the New York boats woe ou a trip fr0111, here to New York, the mate reported to the captain that the boat was on Are in the hole. Ti eaptaiu went and very diatinetly saw the fire. It consisted of a lighted tal- low candle surrounded by three derides who were playing cards. The captain immediately ordered the hose on and played ieto the hole, The colored men had taken the precaution to lock their door to prevent .being disturbed. The hosernau was order( not to put the stream ou them until the air was well out of the hose, and to be sure to keep moving it around iu a. circular manner so as to make thorough work. The card -players tried to !hid the door, but there was such a force and swasbing of the water from the hose that they could not make it out, When they did anise out they strongly resembled three drowned negroes.—Falt 1?icer News. Jo—KIN-4 IRISH AFFAIRS. THE DISTRESS INOREASING--SERIGUS DIS- TURBANCES—PROGRESS OF THE RELIEF UNDS. London, Jan. 29,—The Duchess of A SAD CASE, A POOR MA'S OUTS BIS THROAT RATHER THAN BE A BURDEN TO THE TOWN --DEAD BODY OF A CHILD FOUND 1N A WATER CLOSET, Windsor, Wan. 20.—It was rumored here this morning that a Luau had eons- neitted• suicide by cutting his throat. A. reporter made enquiries, and ascertein- ed that the location of the deed was in what is conethanly known as "Nigger: - town," a cluster of shanties about a mile south along the street mentioned. On arrival there he was directed to the house of a colored man named Stevens. Ou the floor of the:eingle room which served. for kitchen, eating.room and parlor, stretched alreost at full length. lay a greyheaded man, face downward, and a large curdled patch of scarlet on the carpet beneath his head. On a little stand near was a looking -glass, and just in front of it a mzor, the blade and hand's of which were cove with blood, showing that the unfortu nate man must have gone about his last apt with singuler precision. The blood had spurted all around the room, the bed -clothes, windows and walls all being deeply stained. "It was just this way," said Stevens, when Relied to ex- plain what he kuew of the terrible al- Marlbordugh charaCterizes Parnell's fair. "Phat man McKay, he come t3 statements that the fund which bears me two weeks ago Tuesday. He hadn't her name only relieves the tenants who got no money and be was sick and nst nble to work at his trade. He was a painter. He come to me, and lie says be Ftin't got nowhere to stay, but that 'if I'll keep him a while the County will see to it. 'All right,'„ says I. Next day I went down to Squire T3artht, and he says lie has DO f,11111g to do With pay- ?err me vserymdaetsemtheili.nii.,TiieT 41=1 reasonable ing for the man's beard, anct told me to L9mornber he Hcmsall Furniture and under- go to Dr. Conventry. 1 waited a while and then went to the Mayor, mid he S PAIRBAIRN. told mo to go to the Council. Then I goes to the Council, aud they done told me to go to Alex. Crawford, Chairman of the Charity Committee. So 1 saw The only positive cure for Catarrh yet cliscoVered. Crawford, and he says he's too busy to I, on OAVEI BY make time. Yesterday they gave me a C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL I/RIG STORE. dollar for keeping him two weeks. Si W. IJSUIT11, General Agent, A.r1cona, Ont. I says to McKay, this morning, Tee a poor man, and this rate of board don't pay me. Fix your self up and wine 'town town with me today, for I can't keep you Ionger.' He says, 'you might 'paid their rent, and that its promoters have political objects, es gross false- hoods. THE MANSION HOUSE FUND. . Dublin, Jan. 29.—The total subscrip- tions to the Mansion House fund amount to 29,000. Forty-nine grants, amounting to 2180, were made to -day. THE DISTRESS INCREASING. The distress is inoreasiug. A depu- tation from Liverpool is here to sdvise upon the best means of distributing the, fund organized there. DISASTROUS FIRE. A fire broke out in a biscuit factory here to -night, and is raging yioiently. The flames are spreading rephity. Te damage already reaches R,50,000. RESISTANCE TO4EVICTION. Dublin, Jan. 29.—There is a popular risings in County Artnegh iu oppositIon to the service of ejectment processes. Several shots were fired into a bailiff's as well throw me in lila river.' 1 went house, and notices posted in different , out about eight o'clock this morning, land when I came back about ten I found places threatteniug such of the tenantry " as ahould show a dispositiou to yield to him es you see him now. McKay was a Scotchrnan, about the demands of landlords and pay their sixty years of age. He used to be a rents under fear of the ooustrbulary. hard drinker, and during his late period Two fires supposed to be of incendivy of abstinence has been very despond origin,. have occurred in the neighbor. ent. No 0110 lin3we anything of hi relations. An inquest was held by Dr. hood. The feeling among the people is Casgraiu this aftercoou. ane of determination to resist eviction , by force, if necessary. At present there The Ladies' Favorite. is no further riotous proceedings in progress, although they are apprehend- Among the many thousands of lacliee ed if attempts to evict any householders who have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite are renewed. Prescription and pronounced it their favorite remedy, because so efficient in AN EVICTED TENANT REINSTATES BY FORCE. Dublin, Jan. 27.—The people of Ballyhannis, which was the scene of the receot anti rent detnonstrations, assembled in force and set to work to rebuild the but from which a tenant was ejected a few days ago, and despite efforts of the constabulary, w'm tried to prevent them, succeeded iu reinstat- ing its former occupant. Ottawa has given $850, the Hastings County Council $500, and New Haven, Conn., $1,500 to the Irish relief fund. A 1.4 la c t 17 c TO YOUNG _ have recently published a new edition of DR. CULVEli \VIAL'S OE I LEBItA1`1`1) BSSAY on the re Weal and permaxent cure (without me- d(cine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and physical Incapacity impeclinients to Niurilage, etc., re- sulting from excess, Price in a sealed envelope, only C cents 0: two poStage stamps. The celebrated authar of this admirable essay, clAarly demonstrates, from thirty years' suecevs- ful practise, that alaming consequenees may be radically cured without the dangerous use of ternal medicines or the use of the knife; Point - o1 amone of cure at once simple certain nnd et - 1 , by means of which every sufferer, noflist- tr what his condition may be, may eure himself ohen.ply, privately and radically, This Lecture 'should bo in the hands of every youth and evely man In the land. Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDIC AL 00, 41 A1111 StrO0t, NOW Y rk. Post Office Box 4580 HE N SALL. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES. Why go abroad for your Furniture when you cau. got CO Good Value for your money in Hensall as in any other Town in Canada? S. F.4LI1123.411.111...1\T Has now on hand a splendid stock of FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Which He Will Sell at Prices to Suit th. Times. FEBBrAB/ 5; 1880 Dominion Oroians -and t,Pianos. The Largest and Most Complete Factory in the Dominion, 140x100 faet. Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the World. MEDAL AND DIPLOMA. AT CENTENNIMI, 1876. Do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 1877 GOLD MEDAL AT PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO, 1876. HIGHEST AWARD AT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO, 1879. We are now manufacturing Square and Upright Pianos.. Best in the market. Correspondence solicited. Send for Il- lustrated Catalogue. Mailed free, Address DOMINION' OM CAN' COMPAINW, BOWMANVILLE, DN wrzeovragronantrtnumoacromeraragusreavrnommasetnammawarommiami UNDERTAKING 21.1.1.nra-l-for the ig1.1. In all Its branches promptly attended to. Also a FIRST CLASS HEARSE, Which ho will furnish for FUNERALS on reas- onable terms. Contracts for Building OATARR ! CATARRH 1! USE The great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. HOW A FUNERAL WAS SPOILED. AN OTTAWA "CORPSE" ORZECTS TO BEING BURIED. 'Ottawa, Jan. 29.—A. small -pox pati. ant had a narrow escape from being buried alive yesterday. It appears he we eoffined and placed in the grave before it was discovered that, be was not dead. The grave digger had thrown three or four shovelsfull of sand ou the coffin when he fended he heard a swim., The coffin was iinmediately raised, and ou the cover being removed it was found that he still lived. He was tak- en beak to the hospital. It was a clear ^ case of suspended animation, MrlfiNspa.p1.0.1...••••*1.1 Armitage's gobblera it has an ounce of brains will heneeforward keep away froth, the piled up strew on threshing dare. It was I hirty.otte days from the time it *aa coveted up until the cattle ate to where it Was. For a while after being tonna he didn't show about much, lois now he le as lively as ever. It Wee Ims fast and tv slow fast, t the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women, are many who are well and favorably known in the world of letters, as well as artists, musicians, and a whole host of names from the brilliant vaults of wealth and fashion. It is pre-emipehtly the ladies' Favorite Pre- scription its use, while being more safe and efficient, exempting them from those painful, caustic operations, and the wearing of .those mechanioal eon• trivaneee made like Peter Finder's raz or—siller'e razor—to sell ratherthan to cure. KILLMORT,;, lud., March2Oth. 1878. Dn. R. V. PIERCE : Dear Sir—Your Favorite Prescription has restored we to perfect health. Yours Trnly, CrRACE CHOHTE, '422 tattaw Street, BA LTI June 10F16. 1878. j DB. R, V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir ---My wife was a hopeless invalid for nearly 20 years. Your Favorite Prescription has cured her. Thankfully yours. R. T. MeCAY. P—#414-404 • lIngyard's Pectoral Balsam. it is ((limed from the beet -known and most reliable Balsaine, Gums and Ve- getable Titmice, in chemical tmion with the extract of Wild Llherry Berk and Liquorioe in their fresh and unadulter- ated tonne, and is the most pleasant and effective combination that can be secured with a view to Lelia or peinitt- tient eure of Hoarseness, (loughs, Colds, Infidenza, Whooping (lough, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, and all diseases of the Lange, For sale by at dealers at 25 cants ret • b sessesee....s'•••••'es•i.S' DO NOT READ THIS. sr Jiving received. a lot of new machinery, I L I would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I am prepared to maim: faCture n11 kinds of Horse Rakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Suaiths, etc, and having secured the services of a first-class Turner, I am prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy competition. Always on hand a first - el ass stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTELL. R. FOWLER'S EXT. , • -V WILD Strawberry A Specific Remedy for all Summer Complaints such *a Diarrhcea, Dy - sentry, Canada Choleia, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Sour Stomach, Griping Paine, and all derangements of the bawels, caus- ed by using improper food, such as raw vegetebles, unripe or sour fruit, bad milk, impure water or change of water, chaugea of the seasons, exposure. No matter from what cause or in what form you are subject to any of the above corn - plaints ,•ljn. Eowris a's EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY will relieve you, and n speedy eure will he effected without injury to the system. It is manufactpred from the Wild Strawberry Plant, and free from opium aud other injurious drugs. For sale by all dealers, at is. 100. .to or 41.00 PREPABED BY MILBURN, BENTLEY & PEARSON TO ROA' 7 0. &All' L.0 le.,Ts Ea- 7' FO #.41 11. Send for circulars explaining our Few System of canvassing Agents have wonderful success. 100 sunarnin- Ens To 1,000 rxriArirrANxs, Our publications aro standard. Address, The Henry 13111 Pub. Co., 41 48 and 45 Shetucket et, Norwich,ponn. FOR SALE. A No.5 ITne Washington hand press, In good. order. Apply at this office. pIG ESTRAY—Carne on Lot 17, con 8, Usborne, November 57, a largo sew The owner m y have her by proving property mid paying expenses. T. C. CLARE, 1 • .;:r• /40re 1880 melted raga to Applicable, end tn ourtonters Moot ordering IL 11 contains iour, colored plates. COO engraving', .clioui COO page, end (11deecidatIOnt, Orlon end dim:Liam foe Outing BOO Varieties of Vegetable And Flower Seedi, Moto. BOW, Ilataloable Send Wit. Addrcel# LizrriallI 00.5 Doted% MI6. Piano and. OF THE, Sewing. Machine , • "4 IP' ses-, rTHE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF I_ Silverware, China and Dell ever seen in tlio Wes t, at E. ammEw's smion.r. Par . Drew has just received an excellent stock a Silver Tea Sotts,Butter C o ol er s ,D ouble an d Single, Pickle Cruets, Cake 13askets, C ard Dece ivers, C °In - m union Set ts,ete.,of the Best Quadr uple an d Tiipl Er Plato, an d is offering the same at prices that oldu. ASTONISH YOU FOR CHEAPNESS! He hasjust opened out a- new and complete as- sortment of China, Glass and Stoneware.so, A. largo stock of Lam ps j net arrived. Call and sutisf y yourself as to quality and aleapness. Come and. .2S try our instruments. Masi° Teacher still ou 111.,i , 4 hand. Services at lowest figures. rioT Special attention called to theR aymond Sewing Ifachine. Organs and. Pianos unsurpassed for beauty of design, and quality of tone. Y. E. DRithW. 1.1=11M1"....11 1879) THE FALL 0 (1879 OLD RELIABLE HOUSE At alltimes,sncltnsrtioalarly at a period when Traci,, is universally depressed and money scarce, it is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants. at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with every "confid once; it being morecarefully assorted and sokeetocl than that of any previousseason. • In the Dry Goods Every department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics', marked at priees which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. THEORDER.dID CLOTHING still has MR. w.IVES at itatead In Millinery unaorthe me,,agensent of Miss 7.vIcGloghlon , we can suit the most fastidious. Our stock of Groceales, Boots and Shoes, Canadian,, En.ghisla and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the largest and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will best interests by examining mystock before going elsewhere. consulttheir It- Will pay you to oa;11 at M'CLELLAND BROS' DREW'S 131001Mo For your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc, Everything redu.oed to suit the h trd COTTONS OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES. 13e sure and call before buying Suits to order at startling figures' IL,CL.11JLAND BEO 1 aess VS. •