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The Exeter Times, 1880-2-5, Page 4
4 TIM TTS • NlEEi3Atlt'If' 5,, 1:8x.0. The Molsons Bank. nreeeronA•r*D se AOT or r42masxnNT, 1655. Capital, $2,000,000. , HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. Tnoius \Vomonit(, EqSS. ,Pratrloni. si.li,1r. 1 tonsoN E8 .,CT- - . - Vioa•.Pre.,, floe D L Macpherson. iiW 9hephord, Yi Arslsan,1111' P, S H Ewing, Mlles Williams, P. Worirsocs Art'i'aOi(aa, lasqQ. (%9,t libftittager. JAB ELL O Cow' iibq., Manager afontreal Branch, [ I+I, l nA•roN, Esci., . • . . - - Inspector. Exeter Breunohh BENET C. 131UEWER MANAGM. LOANS TO FARMERS. Money advanced to farmers on easy terms, on their own promissory notes with oue or more good am denier's. No mortgage required ttsseourity. SAVINGS BANE. D't'PARTMENT 5 ver cent Interest allowed on devoaite, Drafts on United Statosbought and sold, Stet inzExellangebought and sold, Collections made in all Barts of the Douiintoh stud returns promptly remitted. at. lowest rates of e Ee. xeter. argust 15th 167x. d•rti he a; :xeieij TIIUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1880. ALL accounts from Ireland agree that the condition of the peasantry in the eoutlt and west is growing niore seri. ops. Fears are eutortaiuEd that a fa- lnine'may succeed the destitution which prevails. Every. effort is being put for -- ward to Bassist the suffering. The Brit- ish Government is doing its share, anti the geeerou8 people of the United States 'andCanada are assisting. This is only right, and we area glad that the people of the American Continent eviuoe so mach 'Interest in their fellow beings on the other side of the Atlantic. But the people of Ireland should fully uude.stand that the quick responses that the American and Canadian peo- ple are making to their appeals are not outset) by the utterances of !Sir. Par Mill, who is nut receive'l in any place . with tliet eutlinsism which many of his O inutrv,nen expected from the Atneri can people especially. Tile agitator is atieuating sympathy' iustead of irawiu•g it toward Hulse whose interest he pre• tetlds't0 advocate. Our neighbors are mostly subscribing to feed the poor of Ireland, while I%ir. Parnell% special and: self-imposed:mission was to raise money to enable the L•iish tenant to fight their landlords. But the American people are begi.ning to find out that the inter-. nal affairs of every country should be. managed without its interference, and in eubbcribing for a different purpose they have dlhewu themselves to be wise; they ,}how more practical and a more.' liuuiane sympathy than in' assisting thein to coutinue a fight which, under • the present circumstances, is iIl•ac1 is- est, and could only have but one rt'snit —tale discomfiture of the tenants. The fact •of the matter is, that Ireland is overcrowded. • There are too many mouths to fill. and not enought to fill. them with. The competition for ex- istence is so keen that only,thoso who have every advantage on their side can outlast it Theu naturally the wrath of the people falls on the Government. Ireland presents to us on a very large acase the spectacle, of half -a -dozen fami- lies trying to live on what would barely suffice for the wants of one family. The result can easily be understood—can-. lentious in the household. The true remedy to apply to the disease is whole sit -le emigration of the people. Some of these agitators deride. the idea of iia: migration. They consider it an insult to the people, and contend that Irish- mou leave a right to live and die in the land of their birth. So they have, but lout when there are .too tnany people in the country,their best policy is to cast to the winds their sentiments and go" where they can obtain something to es'. The same argument that these. Merl nee wuuld apply equally to families. They cannot, iu Canada at least, allteltvo un- der the same rooftree. That . w bitllt sustained the founder of the fetnily will not be suliicient for all his descen(fante sf'ter four or five generations. • They must strike_out for themselves. " And so must the people of Ireland, if they ever expect to avert these periods of c'fastitution which tome :upon them every few years. The population of. (iuuffl ry .is always increasing, but its r ( t. tl � t dna 1 us are not, and ttl;rNatlUreP01 ah 1 .. are fully developed ; if Sir•.' Pavuell u ;alit oilier turn his tui9diredted eh:cr• pies 'oward making the • Ieieh realize: lac, .tt:.L 4.1vi.e the n. to Fuake,tb it escape to new countries, wheat resoure. es are wasting for want of labor to 404 velop them, he would be one of the no• blest beneft+etors of the human race. If the Irish who are 1n, America Bari remained in Ireland because they were born there, and because they bed a right to remain there, what would their condition now be ? Row many of them are there wko are Dot really glad that they overcame their aversion to emi- gration, or would exchange their pre- sent condition for that which they were iu before they came to America ? The people in Ireland ought to take courage from the experience of their friend who emigrated, and in a few years, if they enjoy health an..1 are willing to• nee the energies which will find scope iu the new countries, they will realize an independence and will be thankful thet they left a condition which cramps their ambition, dwarfs their niiuds,aud makes their existence a burden. THE St. Marys Journal of last week gravely disoneeed the important -to the Irish in Ireland -question of Horne Rtile, and satisfied itself that Home Rule should be granted to the distrac- ted country. All that remains now to make the Irish happy is for the British Government to see . the article. They were anxiously waiting to hear the opinion of the Journal.. it won't make any difference to them that the writer of. the articleknows as much about Ireland as about the Yyramlds. They wont measure his utterances so much by the depth as the length. We advise our young friends to stick to the Boor house questiou—its a more congenial theme for him, and besides there is not as muck danger of couvulsiug nations, WE last week spoke of the time frit- tered away by the Ontario Ligislature. The dlait has been keeping a record of the number of hours spent by the mem- bersin the House each day. For. the .first fourteen days they • were in • session only twenty-four . hours. Thus the legislation of Outario costs .$1,000-an.hour: Rattler expensive. PRO7IIiGIAL .rSTIPdATE3. ' THE PaoPJr.ED ExPLNDI'rU'1u POE THE ,YEAR 1880. Toronto, Jan. 28.•—The following is a summary of the estimated exoendi- tnres of the Province of Ontario for the financial year ending 31st December, 1880 :— Civil Governlilent........... 175.278:50 Legislation 108,890.00 Administration of Justice287.000.00 Education 490,980,00 Public Institutions' lnaiu- ten ante 498, 527,00 Itomigration 4(0,950,00 Agriculture and Arts, Li- erary and Scientific Instttutiplls 100,000;00 Hospitals and Charities' 72,232,03 Lliisoellaneous 1.'xpeudi- turo•t... PlIbiie Buildings Pnblio Works Colonization Roads Charges on' Crown Lauds Uuforeseen and Unprovid- ed North Midtkese The Lobo Council have decided in erecting a new town hail, but the point at issue is where to er('ot it, every, mem- ber of the council thinks on or near his olvu lot is the beat dace '• in the town- ship for it, ON=TO LOAN 'ON REAL ES - tote, for tint Huron Erie 1Jueu.2 Say. lugs Society. Low Pates of Iutereat. Appli to John Speakman, Exeter, 'CAUTION" • EACH PLUG Ole THE The big Seutohman, who is the ter-yrilo lavy 1 roc of all the pugilistic little Scotch. 1 men, aunt oven the eihillelah men. too „ frequently visits the „ Jiub' andel the influence of bad whi,key: ",..;"The other evening he floored all wbo;pianlie in cou- tact with that treuleudouit fist of his, and one of our'townline farmers espe. chilly will not get over a. lift belted from him for several days to come. We wonder wily the law's etronlarmshould not bo need in snoh cases, hot the leg- islators license the sale : of 'the great peace disturbor.. A good deal of sickness still prevails in and around (Ironton. The Aisle Craig flaxniilla•havo olhang ed owners ; Alex. Gunn, of Toronto, is now proptfetor, having purchased the property at the assighee's stale. A.c• tive preparations are to be made with a View to ,lo business this. summer.. A. gold watch, several medals, anai $,100 worth of boosts, were, atnoag the.. prizes awarded to the most deserving scholars of Ails'', Craig and surround- ing schools at the re -111111M meeting in the Town Hall ou Friday evening, The committee, of which Dr. Gunn was ehairmau, deserve much praise. for the indefatigable exertious in se success. fully carrying out such enconragEmen for landable ambition. W..K. Atkin. eon, E q., chairman of the meeting., al.. so comes in 'for 'his share of the landa- tiotis. Master Charles,Stewart, of Ca- raadoc, got the gold watch, Timid great applause. Miss Isla Evans, of Ailsa Craig, was considered one of the best female scholars. he Clantieboye Fire. A disastrous fire occurred on the preruises of .iriemus Bice, one and a half miles want of Ciaudobayo, on Sat- urday morning last resulting in the, total desrrnct'ion of aro barns, a third one tieing considerably damaged. The fire stertt•d in the east barn, and be fore anyone conld get to the horses and cattle contained therein the whole of -them were burned. The stables. (tantalite( I;even valuable h:irses, seven- teen head of cattle, six of which were tlioraughbreds, and n;gnantity of sheep. -The-either burn contained a large' ilium, tits' of hay, a mow of nnthreslretl eatd, atid°oloveh for seed, nthrebhing lnechine, a: Horse: power and other implements. From the manner in winch the . fire originated it was evidently the work of. an incendiary, and some of the -oldest inhabitants' point to the Significant fact that both the defendants in the Chan- cery; suit Stanley vs. Bice & Jackson have now beau fired. Jackson's stables were fired the night after the eject nient was executed on hila by incen- diaries, with poured nil on the btliLlings. The fire wee put out after considerable damage was done ; no insurenco. Bioe's toss Niall be over $630(0, There was only a small irrsuranoa in prtrp•ox tion to the loss. Sale Register. ,s `VedneOlny., F'eb,i8—Farm• stock, A1e•. Lot 5, 87.182,50 eon. 8• ILay, Did, Prole. H. 157,550,01) Orbit, 32,9017,00 S'atnr ay, Feb. 14.harm stook. S. 4 Lot 28, 9a250,00 ,H conO. k2, th, Stephen. Chas. Miller, Prop. ' H.renc.. 78,000,00 Thursday, Feb. 12—Horses, implements, rtro., at Central HOW, Exeter. Mrs. It. Bissett, prop. T. M. Carling, aux. 50,000,00 Total... 2,288;632,07 188 ,) MAMITOBA• (1880 The Brush electric light has Blast ' • been introduced and prat to test in VrBEi .T V iY S • IS MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS. .irTO E OTHER GENuI F. ational Policy PLOWS, and SCO'.CCH, DIAMOND HARROWS Constantly ou hand and made to order 1VIoi1QILLAN & 1l:I eBBIDE 2avilignow g^Dater facilities;thau over, are pro pared to supply farmers with iron Deane Plows Stool Mould. Beard, wade by ou selves ; Plows, .I{uauper iunko; Sootoh Dianto. d Harrows Cultivators, Gang 1 lows, (lenitive end buggies on hand, it,l ll Made to or- der. Florae shoeing att.•nded to on the sho test notice. Horses shod to prevent in Moaitr1LAH d: Menrirle,KittgSt.,Hensa1i0 THE EXETER Pl:anin g Miil, Basi , DOOR AND BLDTD ALL KINDS OF TURNING Done to order. Hero ember the place r)T©T :Eloxxrard 7.ros. LN .tb V\ CHANCERY SALIN OI{ A VALUABLE FARM --IN TEN_ Township of. tistorno. F n d .n sirs o ur t the deo r and final or o. tl( Foremast is b u Court of Chunuort inade in cirri Mu ensue or • I)INNIN VS. A[AItQUls doted resp'ativuly the kind October, 18.0, and the 10th December, 1570, there will be suld by Ptl1_)1 C Auction, with the a Ism diatom of henry liuohortnott. Es- entre, .1i ester of rho said Court at Glodevfieh, • BY 'ARCHIl3AL]) BISHOP, AUCTIONEER, AT lIir, CEN'1rt\T, 1TOTRT.J. 1N THE VI.L.. LA E. OF EXETER, ), ON 1.C1447, eth Feb. nezt AT TWO.O'CLOCii IN THE APTE1:Nd)ON,, n oats Parcel, thefoliewiug vu iurtUle laud, viz.:: 'fife south pati of I.ot Number 25,. in the ittlz Cru Cogs wn a, tJle eseeahilJ nli unborn„ in the Ounuty of 111u011, uolitttuuug sisal-etgul. acres. About tiityei;ht ta0'•e9 u>!e 4:1oasnd. an.l in a good btute 01 cult(vdtini • and. the is welk till' bored with u.atiJlo and Deem. The soli is le ;Atty.loam: t ;Atty. Thu lull. 1 is distant about cis milet5eorn Rotes„, whish aft); ds n I;tk.,i ,naris t. 'L'liero• le upon tlic• buil a suflirieucy of gime w.i ter - There will Lu a.ro erved '•id (itetf by tile said A1a•ster, lu.oilier respuo'a'tin ceutiPinns of 'teller alutli be the staining; eoudtti,tna el the Cunrt or l oaneety. 'lie title is perfect. Tidlt A to -Ten per Den , the pnrrhano nuonny to the VB dor or Ltu, Solicitor 021 the duty of sale,. weld the ;bulencelute entire in, one monththereat- tar, without interest, wenn ttie 1iurubusergh,t11 5e entitled to.his eeliveysauce and to bo hit intopen- .soselina. 1.rr further particulars •apply, to. the•,dtuetienoer and the undersigned, tho a iota n s nodirilor. 11.t.ted at (luderioit. this 12th' day of January,. A.11.1880.1 11. Y. L' id,.0'1', uH..M.AoDERMOTT, : Vendor's Soliuitor. Master at tawtiwriOJ.t, •a•toll BestFieIci P011 EMIGRANTS. 1t3!>; 'Iy111113;1: ,1R1:A 04.' PATT.ItOIl) AND GIJI•-E.ENII NT LANDS, OF :.RI t 1TY,. WI t 11IN 13.1SY BEACH ni 01' ,1 . E `P DIA1LTai T AT ;l1XL1t1•:1It LY 1,')W PRI( ;ES, is now l;tiered for sale in I".'J.'lil1lN, 011111'+taN untl NASI EN WASHINGTON Ttii a..11uiiY.. 'rheeo ',ands fnr•n part of the g3.1011C (4i1.117.r TiELT of the Pacitio Slops,.ate/ ta,o within an average distance of 250 to 11111 utiles from 1'ortlund where at.'' 111111'418 1.11a sailing vessels aro cin .'CtlY loaded .7;)lt.ILL P_kEtT. t,F CL=tl SV0JJ. ,Lt. GRAIN AT PORTLAND CONIMANDS' A PRICE EQUAL TO TILT • OBTAINED -14%3 13 U J CH.LL'A&0. • IIbeundersigned would 1'1Form the inhabi- tants of Exeter and vicinity that be lilts OPENED A. NEW I3UTOU:Elt.S1iOP onetoor south of his lilac usutitM111np and hope s 'tliedaineliberal patronage that .las Dean ae corded to him iu the BLAOHNMITii .1ND WAGON MAX:1K6 11newillbee:demi e to lain in his 110W bruin). o blsaint•as, His meat wagt'u will cal) attl,o resi- danbs of the rilla;.etbreetinier eaol weekend SI3 311±:L1..T all hinds kept constantly J a !laud at his butchers hop. Slack within p••Lnd wagoumukiugcarricd 011 oatmeal in all its braro.1ttt R. DAVIS. ATTLE ESTRAY. — 5travod from Lot A, concession 5, IIsborne, about the latter end of July led, 1 yearling steer, red„yearling heifer, rod anwhite, lower half of tall ed.ite,,tndwhite on forehead. Any person giving infornuatiou loading to their •e,:wvory will bo suitably rewarded. W. QU'1NTOfi_ I.lustrated Flora, chide. ARE CHA Abeautiful work cflPat(os„OnoCoIwretlFlover NCE The ? urthcru•pacific 'Railway nine larerron Mil/- way :if2way end yn •i' tem (lnmpr.0 y aero 110w lrufldil-g 500 utiles of (Hiway, 1mversing t •is regtun ,rt ell directions. Phe anttlrr is Hans assured easy awl chomp eransportatv.Jl to Wm—water op the GJlntp- biariver, end a rapid ilwrease in the value'nfi` these 1ignaa.whist” are row opeu to purchase olid pre•einptiou. X LANDS SHOW stn Ate ER.L(E YIELD OF' 40 BUSIiEL; s or Ir r-Th.AT l'i'lt MC1thl. No. Failure o3. Crops ever ituowil. ' RAILROAD LANDS ofti'red at the uhiforrm, .rote• of $2:50 on Acre. ' CLIME MILD ,IIVD HEALTHY, For pamphlet and snaps, descriptive of conn - try, its resuunros, sulfate, route of travel; rates. and full informat un., address T. R. TAN NATT, Gou'1 1'lastoru Passer Agent, 252 Broadway, Now York City:. 8.10 to $1000 invnsto 1 to 'Nall Street Stocks snakes fortunra every nlnnth. Honk sant free explaining everything6, Address BAl Tlat.&. CO„Banker», T Walt St..N . Y'-' 18 Elegant New Style Ciaminne lately with na,ne- ihc.post•paid. Geo. I_iseoalltlt• Co, kassau.N 1',. t$ P7r7a 11(1)1301,nud es ton se a gar+,rttntondto agrn d 1 nutllttreo- Slrawd ro, Augusta, M, fun. ts. (511 •• Plate, and 500 111notratiohs, nith ,1...,,.'.,4,.,,.,.of the beat Plowers and Vegetables, with price of Beds, and how iv. grow then. All:fea a five cent S li,'BSCLIB,111,.S, REAL) THIS. sta(np In En;lfais or German. VICE'S SE )IDS axe the best in the world. Five Cents for posteeis will buy tho Floral Guide, tel- ling el ling how to get thane. etc thee year 1880 we are 'the Flower and Vegetable Garden, 17e pages,r t Six Colored Plates, am' molly bemired •+ngrav-, prepared to' nick© the o1lU�tvlll inns. For 50 cents in paper co sera ; 0i in elegant cloth. In German or English. unprecedented and extrafJrch- Viok's Illustrated Monthly Magazine -52 pages, r a colored plate in every number and many flue nary ottVer. e will furnish Engravings, Price 01:25 a year; flus copies forr i• $5. Specimen nwnbers sent for 10 mete. • 8 tial • t nines andlube . 2 4U copies for 25 cents. Address JADI11S VP('it, it, Iweheeter, N Y 121. 1112 001 L ndon where it is in general highly First special pasaanger.trein forthie your, will � �,� �, O r r ER CURES. spoken •of. • start from HANI1.OBAr Winnipeg, Feb. 2 —A party from Pewbiva Mountain had arrived in Emerson, and reports the. discovery of gold•beering gnartz. The party keep the locality secret. There is some ex- ettenient over the report. 9.1le Menelrer of the Royal Exchange Bank of Hamilton, has written to Ileyor Carney, of Emerson, with a•view to openiug:a branch of the bank in that town. • The 5t. Vincent ;Elevator .Co. have elripped 22,000 bnehele of wheat • from 1 tnersoin. and 7,000 bushels from Pent bulla. The nllroIIEy reached 35' below zero tiere,yesterday. Mr. Biggins, of•the firm of Moine, yr,ung 6t •Jaekson,• has retired- frotri briefness. He was• the pioneer mer- clntnt•nf the Northwest, and came' to 1.004 Garry in 18x'9, where lie amassed cousld r e •fable wes 1 tit CENT ALIA OA Tuesday, alareb 10111, _ , 'To hot followed by others on TUCS(hlys. April 611r erelay'. Alitli 2itl ',t'g;it '• Tuesday, •MFty 4111. • Freight leaves the day provinud to all the above dates. Due notice will be elven of all • fu- • tue parties, • Bates slwaya the lowest and the greatest pains taken to havo arraugemo•tts most emu - Pieta , nd satisfactory. Persons joining these parties are ro9eadod from all Dare iu bom.tiug baggage, freight, -lieu stook,' etc. . • • 750 I bs Baggage ,free.' Mr. Greenway goes through with each For partIUulars apply to J140 EN'tt. G. W. It, Ai'e"t;'Centralia $J le perfdamwCh; i'ortla ud, 'AM.t iuo. OT1O ti: . Ti dnirul cotta of the tlsbornodr. 'Etibbert Mutest Pito Insurance Company wall 1 hald at The O'rtingers of East •. WilllamF Have t?ar,iuU.tr, AMtlNli'AY', and of Veabrutary, sat 1L ,1, r,,iluok,y� ru, Amorlg other aubjeutawill badis-, • ltidtalltld .tt brittld new set'tf, ailicers. ennead tho.adviaabllitl of Ittsuritlt, agar );asci, John Mt,o1•e, W 4[4. ,dent by styttlP threitbo` rr,. LeFett111fj J•r LIST OF HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. • No. Cult s. 1 Parcz 1 Cures Fever, Cougeaticn. inflammation 25 2 " Worm Fine .1, %Vorm collo 25 3 Colic, Teething et Wakeful Infants 25 4 Diarrhoea and cholera Infeutum ge 5 ” Dysentery orblocdyflus, blions colic 2(1 ti ” Choi"ra morbus' Nausea, Vomiting 25 7 " coughs,co•da hoarseness,bronchitis 25 8. .• i 0 , 10 " i deranged t h ' 11 " ullpres.od menses, or painful 25 12 " Vhites,bearingg down, profus5 mane 25 ltl " Croup, cough, ttitlluult breathing ^2a 14 " • east rheum, eruptions, erysitealae 25 '15 libeumatisin in cheat, batik or limbs.25 16.. Fever and ague. dumb ague 50 17 t'ilcs blind orbleeding 50 18 " Opltti(nhny, •veal. or inflamed oycs 50 19 ".. Catarrh. acute, cry or flowing 50 20 " 'Whooping cough, shortening' it 50 21 " Asthma, oppt'o sed, hartibreathing 50 22 " Ear ofst:barges, noise in the head 10 23 " Scrofula enlarges gianr'sor ulcer.. 50 24 ' General: UabllitV, physical weaknes 60 25 Dropsy, fluid uoenwulatioos 50 28 " Sea a1nitfe$4,vertigo, vomiting 50 t7 " Uriva•y disoasea, gravel, are fd 28 ' "'. �Jemiunlemissions, iu,oluutary tlischarges,nervous-debility 100• 21 - " Soreutouth,.cinkor 60 Toothache, P aoeacl(e, Neralgia es na.tduclio, Siokht ttducho, vertigo • 25 yepeps u, eranget stomach E5 80 '• •,-urinary hncontiueuce, wetting bet, 5C '' -Painful meuses,pruritis, • • 50 8$ " Disease of the neat • • 1 00 e8 " ;Epilepsy 1st spitems,lSt.Vitua'dance 1 10 84 " Diphtheria and sere throat 1 00 ll3 " Chronic coggeetions, headache 50 Don t.fuil to got time Homeopfithio Manual, &complete 'treatises on dideaae, its preventiprl eset,:oure. Free.. At the Kole aiei>e3', , DOMINION' ,A'130R.A"rOEY, S gnt'ot the ,Golds I, A1.c,rtar,;• F,}ta1a*., • CC :r ree Press 2 60 t t Advertiser 2 60 Witness 2 00 This is 'the best offer ever- made by any publisher, Ind we con-', fidently expect to add aeverall nnndred names to our list by Spring. , We can supply any paper desired, Pcientitie, agricultural or otherwise, at 1,3 -ready reduc- ed prices—from one-third to one-half less than usual rates.. At these prices f payinaent in advance must positively be made. pEiJOVED—. KINSMAN, DEN - has IiIockthrco doors •north of Cari'e store. Offtingco upstairs. Tho e Medicine e S erntatorrhrtt nowFren h olio o sp IIMPOTENCE, and all nervous complaints re. stiltinginLoot of emoryseriousimpedimentsto , marriage eat depression, etc. 7,rc per boil:' .8 for $2. Sold by druggists everywhere, Whole- sale.'-i.YMAN BUGS, & C0.,'Triroirte: Sent by', •snail.!eoarel�reesled,onrecelptl}_t_(1 rice. Ad sa