The Exeter Times, 1880-2-5, Page 340•11••••111
..• ,
FEBRUARY 5, 1880
Beginning of a judge's oharge in
Iowa : 'Gentlemen of tile jury, you
must now quit chewing peanuts and
attend to the ease.'
Lady (behind counter, to cabnian)—
'pair of glom ? Yes. What is your
number ?' Calanau--4A. huudred and
ninety-three l'
'A. pun my soul 1' a punster eried,
'Some pou inflamed any braitt
'Then o.pun not,' a Mend replied,
'That potoltilii again
Before marriage le girl frequently
calls her intended 'her tretteure,' but
when bo beeomes her husband she looks
utou him as her 'treasurer.
Dear Louise, d nil let the ineu come
too elear you whorl courting.' 'Oh no,
dear ma, when Charles s nere we al.
ways have one chair hetwoeu us.' Mo-
ther tlaiolts the answer is •rather am
'I illus taken Things as they come,'
remarked the tramp, as he lifted the
apple Pie that had been left out doors
to 000l, and industriously ambled out
of sight.
There is something soft and tender
in the fall Eof a single suowflake, but
when it comes to crawling out in the
moruing and shoveling away a big
drift, lits ornery, mean and disguet-
'Yes' she sighed, 'iny raven tresses
4tre growing white, and 1 Windt its too
mean for anything; for the tnan I
bought them of said they were real
human hair, and not died.'
Dr. O'Connor in his 'History of Ire-
land,' says that the Irish are long liv-
ed ; that Some of them attain the age
of a hundred, 'Iu short they live as
long as they can.'
Touny—'What does it mean, Sisey,
Laying up somethiug for a rainy day?'
Sissy—Won't know, Tommy ; 'spect
it means bort oaitig a friend's umbrella
and never returning it.'
gemebody remarks : 'Wo never BaW
a bashful inan alio was not the soul of
honor.' Ah, thank you, but we cau't
help being bashful although the soul
of honor business is awful lonesome.
One huudred and tweuty-seven of
the women who registered in Boston,
failed to vote. They hadn't got their
winter cloaks .ritumed and of course
'didn't look fit' to go to the polle,
'But, Freddy, how could you ever
think of galling aunty stupid ? Im-
mediately go to her atol tell her that
you are.sorry.' Freddy goes to aunty
and says : I am sorry that fOU
are so stupid.'
You ought to marry. Never. I
know the very girl. Let me alone.
She is youts. Then she is sly. Beau-
tiful. The more dangerous. Of good
family. Then she is proud. Tender-
hearted. Then she is jealous. She
has talent. Then she is conceited,
And a fortune. Then I will take her.
We don't know whether ib is old or
not, hut we heard a lady ask a friend,
in a street car, the other day :
'Annie, is it proper to say this 'ere,
that ere ?'
'Why, Kate, of course not,' was the
'Well, said Kate, 'I don't know
whether it is proper or not, but I mei
cold in this ear from that air.'
The conductor faiuted.
The man who can devour a dozen
Anda half raw oysters at one eittting'
isthe man for eighteea ate he. (What
hcl, without there I Seize him and
hurl him from the loftiest battlements
of the donjon keep, into the foaming
portoolus that fiowe past the postern
gate). It is done. The limpid ripples
of the silently flowing :turret close
above the eddying sally port, and all is
A drunken ne'er-do.well blacksmith,
called George, famous for his mother
it, was discovered by the minister
sitting ou the stets of his church,very
unwell from the effects of 'imprudent
potations. 'Well, ,George, . drunk
again, eh 2' said the reverehd man.
'No, parson, answered George, 'I ain't
drunk, The fact is (hio) that I was
thinking (hie) of jinning your church ;
and the more (hio) 1 think of it the
bicker I grow,'
Itt a discussionabout the discovery
of the north pole and the south pole. a
Man who Lila become disgusted ' with
public tight -rope Performan'ees burst
in with the exclamation. -"When they
do discover the4e long sought, poles,
some lunatic will be slinging a repo
&QUI ono of them to the other and
trundling a wheelbarrow over it.
It is nice when a wife gives ber bus.
band a box of cigars ou his birtlley,
but somehow it takes the romance all
out of it when ' she gnioltly obeerves,
next inorniug, 'You'll have to give inc
some money to pay for those cigars
I spent all mine Pdr other things.'
,— , Mira
Odessa, Russia, Jan, 29. --It is ru-
mored bore that a Russian transport
vessel, having on board 2,000 troops,
recently embarked at Astrakhan and
bound for Tchiltislar, a port on the Cas-
pian sea, has been caught in a heavy
gale and completely wrecked in the
Caspian. Details have not yet been
received, but the reports states that a
mejority of the troops, if not the en-
tire force, are known to have perished.
It is understood they were on their way
to reinforce Gen.Kauffman's expedition,
which is to march upon Merv, en route
to Herat, in the spring. Inquiries
coucerniog the disaster, directed to the
war office at St. Petersburg, have this
far failed to elicit further particulars.
..^••••••••••-••••• .e.
The barometer was invented about
A. D. 1648.
Half the population of the globe is
concentrated in China and India.
Lqrd :Bacon was a great thinker and
writer before be was 16 years old.
Water cannot bo raise:t in a suction-
Ump more than about thirty-two feet.
The finest corn for making bread is
produced in the Southern State+, and it
is likely that the general use of corn-
bread in the South is owing to the an-
periority ofthe corn for cooking pur-
poses. The sugar corn raised and
canned in Maine is everywhere noted
for its sweetness. Tho kernels are
large and soft.
Twenty-three years ago a few licurns
gathered from a cork oak tree were Rent
to various parts of the South. At least
four trees have grcwn from Cies° acre ns
—three in South Carolina and one in
Southern California. The first crop of
bark Las been harvested from one of
the trees gumming itt South Carolina.
It is of sufficient thickness to out, into
stoppers for vials, is sound and of good
quality. With suitable soil and climate.
a man who can wait a hundred years
can make a fortune by planting atid,
tending a plantation of cork oak trees.
3E T 3Et
All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch.
Order you work -where you can get it done the cheapest.
Victoria Hypophosphites extends itse,
influence into every part of the human
orgitnisnocommencing from the fountla
tion, correcting diseased action, and re:
storing vital powers, creatinea, healthy
formation and purification of the blood.
Driving nut disease, and leaving nature
to perform its allotted part. It is the
finest nervine remedy known, and the
greatest brain and blood Plod in the
world. For sale by all dealers, $1 per
An old physician, retired from practice, hav-
ng had placed in his holds by an East In,
di missionary the formula of a simple vege-
table remedy for the speedy andpermanen-
cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Cattarli, Ast
thma, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also
a positive and radical cure for Nervous De-
bility and ail Nervous Complaints, after hav-
ing tested its wonderful eurati've powers in
thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make
it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by
this motive and a desire to relieve human suf-
fering, I will send free of charge to all who de.
sire it, this recipe, in German, French, or Eng.
lish, with full direetions for preparing and us-
ing. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp,
naming this paper, W. W. Sununu, 149 Polars r
Block, Rochester, N. Y.,
Hagyard's Yellow Oil combined in 1
such an emineut degree all the healing,
curative and extracting qualities known
to naetlioal science, that it is truly a
family medicine that cannot be dispel].
ed with. When applied to any swelling
sore, burn, chilblain. frostbites, skin
eruption, et., it effects are magical.
It is highly esteemed wherever known,
and its enormous sale annually is the
best certificate of its merits
constantly arriving at W. D, ItteGloghlon's
mammoth Jewellery Store, no, menus street.
London, Oat vie, Whenever you visit the vox,
O City don't fail to visit this' nee establishment,
the only first -ala• s store of the kind in the City,
and best arranged Jewellery store its the Demi
Sion. The W, MeGleghlon Watch stands un-
rivalled, At' who use them recommend ,them to
their fr.cuids, All kinds of Watches in stook,
Clocks, of every descrIplion, Bich jewellery of ev-
ery Style, Diamonds and Preeionii Stonecrancy
Goods, Spectacles, arid all Wedding Binge,
Watches, Clocksand Jewellery repaired and
'Warranted W D,MOOLOGHLON,.
Colored Work a Specialty !
The TIMESOFFICE has excellent facilities for turning out
L.,,l`'‘'..v.iii ,,„ ,.,,.. '....l. 4..„ ,,,,i' ,.t -' ',.... •,,,',....r.,...:.,,,,...,,a' ' ' .......t..:......, ..,..........1.. t......., -1...........u...........-,—..... ne....,..a.
g and flouring, 3",'101,r
Ind mill feed aelivered to parties leaviao their
urgers before pe o'clook at J.D A LIIS Dalton, or
O'll YON ii4 ISo CO'S, or 04 mil/ salli.e day
Wavz. ZWX a it,
ExtprEn 1. 0.
1.1 Awm
Exeter, h as
business in the
at Winchelsea commenced,
end is pre-
paod to do all kind °Mack
mailing -work . Horse shoe.-
ingspolially attended to, Promptness, cheapness
and good work Juarauteedvii ,ABouaallESIoi,ilitelateAdzs.
STRAYED upon the premises of the
subscriber, lot 8, S. T. B., about November
lst,wo spring lambs. The owner is requested to
Provo property, pay expo -nue, and time them
away. A. TYN Ca LI.,.
We take pleasnre in stating that the Contactor -
dim Life Association, of Toronto, thaough Mr,
Manning, their agent, has made a most prompt
and satisfaeteey settlement of all claims under
Policy No 8421, on the life of the late Wharton
Flodgson, paying the full amount of claim, with-
out att3 deduction whatever. or causing the
,tightest costs.
JANE HODGSON, Executrix,
J l HES ORE, Execut,..l. lt
Exeter, January 10,1880.
QTRAYED from Lot 15, S. B. Ste-
n/ "Mee , on or about tile 5th August last, one
white iiteer with red ring on the nose and rad
ears, 2 yours old ; one gi eyish steer 2 3 ears old
one gi eyisli heifer 2 yoursolc1; one yearling steer,
red und white; oua mooley heifer, light redovith
•v nite. Any information leading to their recov-
ery will be handsomely rewarded.
JO HN DOLA4lEfAll'. 017a.
At Law, Solicitor, &e. Office, Panson's Block
A Barieters, Attorneys, Solicitors, Conn,
d ew:rail). it., S.:e.
tist feu—BUTTON'S BLOCS, Water treat, St
Ion N 5 •Fl Anurgo , E . W.HARD /NG, H.A..L.NVIIITII
DR. HUTCHINSON, Member of •
the college of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario, Jc.c., &c., Office next door 50 1. Carlings,
?,Iain Street Exeter
▪ the County of Huron. Office,next do or to
Carlin g's store,Exetor .
• P. 8, Graduate VictoriaUniversity • Office
and residence. Dom n ionl, a boratoi v. Exeter.
1.4 C. MOORE, Al. D. C. M.
▪ Graduate of 31oGillUniversity, Montreal
Office £1,11d re ide no e , E xe ter, Ont. Office k ours --
8 to 10 it. in and 7 to 10 n.
nil. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. Y. S.
• o., Victoria S. Crediton, Ont, Office hours
rem 9 to 10 a.m..; 2 to 5 p. m.
.0 LUTZ, M. D.,
‘......./ • Office at his residence, Exeter,
Il VEBSITY Trinity College M eroberCollege
Puvsicinus and surgeons Ont.. office Iiirkton.
.• ) —Wm. Baker proprietor, This Hotel has
been ne wly furnished and fitted up 'in first-class
style. Urge and convenient Show Rooms for
Commercial Travellers; best of liquors and cigars
at the Bar. Attentive Hostlers always on hand
JI... OLIN l'ON. G. WARTS having purchased
the above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now of.
fere first -mass accommodation to travelers, Good
liquor and cigars at the bar. Good stabling and
attentive hostler on hand. Every attention paid
to guests.
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