The Exeter Times, 1879-12-11, Page 41 D'zezzeku 11, 1879 THE TIM,.' S CURE OF SWEARING. I degrees+ has not beery reached in Nov- _ 1 ember in Galt for three years or more, joIU► carne in suit inquired whether Deeceniber will have a light' snowfall, spinner rias ready, and was told it Pala and a couple of very, sharp spells of frost. `!'here will be a couple of weelfe trot. "Weil why is the ieu't it?" e.tid he, "Because," she coolly replied, "tile wood wits so -----wet that the fire wouldn't burn." "Why, Mary, what's the matter with you? ereyou crazy or have you been driukin a ?" "Aeither" she said, and quietly pro- ceeded to put on the dit.ner. Abe beef didn't melt like butter be. tweak the teeth -it rather resisted all attett1pt+ at elastication, lute so 11111011 ioitia•iubber ; and fluidly John blurted eat: "What snake s this infernal be. f so tough?" Nary looked up archly and replied : "Well, John. ( suppose yon went down to the butcher'., arid, without knowing the difference, picked out a piece of some— old stag that had iter beep fell for a mouth." John jumped up and looked at hie wife in dismay, aryl wanted to know what such lauguege truth her meant, ."It means just this Joh1,; you are the bead of the fatuity, and just ,th lung as yuu think it untidy to swear in my presence I intend to do the ,slue If you don't like to Lear i• you know how to prevent it." The cure was radical, and to this day Mary has never been compelled to ad- minister a dose of Lr.; --'s pre - tat, ipt ion. WHA2 BE WANTED. He dropped into Julie's barber shop at a time when the place was etnpt•y. Mr. Jones said "Good morning," all professional gravity, and his visitor stretch -ea himself out in a chair. 'Fine weather, eh?' queried the ton- sorial artist. "Oh, you bet it is fine weather ; yon bet it is fine weather. It is just simply the boot kind of weather ; you can't tied finer kind of weather than this in the puede portions of a dime novel." "That's just shat I've been telling you; there's no doubt at all 'about the fineness of this weather." "Shave, sir?" "Not this morning. Well, sir, to re- turn to the weather, title reminds me of a suwmer king ago, when I wandered in the woodland and plucked the violet from the brooksirie." "Would you tee.e to have your mus tache trimmed?" "Not much. It doesu't need it this weather." -Don't you want your hair cut?". "i don't fancy that I do, my dear sir," replied the stranger, with d broad grin. "Do yon want a shampoo?" "Nara a shampoo." "Any soap, pomade, combs, brushes, oahair grease? I have a dazzling assort. anent." "I don't want to purchase anything to -day." And then lir. Jones, in blame aston• iehnlent, asked: 'Well what. do you wante' "Don't waut anything..' 'Then who did yon come in here?' 'Why did I come in here? Weil I'll tell you. I saw that yonr chairs were trice 4nd easy, and that you seemed in be deserted and Lonely, sol thc,u;ht I'd just droa in, rest myself awhile, and have a aboiable balk with yo: . And then lie ambled out, le aving the barber so petrified with amazement • that he shaved Aix poen before he re. marked: 'Fair`s gettiu' a little thin on top. Better try a bottle of my Capillary Coaxer.' VENNOii AND OATES. Some time since we puhliehels the; pre,lic'ion made by Mr. Moses Gates, eia1 Galt,for:the coming winter. The predictions were made in the, middle of October. Mr. Vannor•'s have since been (published, azul were given briefly in these columns last week. Both fore costs agree that the snowfall of Decem- ber tall, be Light,, that a warn) apelli of 0..rusiderable• length will ocenr about the end of Dezember„ and that Jlatnwtry will be very broken with frequent Gains. It may be interesting to sorue 4' our readers to again give hair. Dates' predict- ions. November as ha pre 1intedi, was tightly colder than tonal -the mean being over a degreebelow the average - and contained several) excessively warm days for the month ;: the mercury have• ing on five days been above 6 o in the Wade andout dray over 05. o• Maly or a little more of cleighiug before the. latter end of the lnouth, whoa a decid- edly ntilci spell of cousulerale duration Will set in and completely etestroy the sleighing. January will be a suucees- ion of froete and thaws with frequent mine. February will iu its early part be somewhat like January, but colder. The latter part of the tueutb Will pro- bably be decidedly cold. March will be a very suowy month with dutch sleighing for the season. Spring will not be early for this section of the conntrv, but will commence about the flfith of March, with really waren weath er which will continue till :>,bout the middle (f April, alien ten days or a fortnight of chilly weather, with frosts at night, finrt ice of snow and cold rains will occur. May will have an average depth of raiufell, aid an average Or nearly so of tenllerature. June will be oho of AVOt age warmth or not much below the average, with eoesiderable rain. July and August trill be dry and hot. September will also be warm, but October will be rather deficieut in heat. In some of these Predictions ?Jr. Oates c.lntredicts Mr. Veoum., though in general they are age eed. i\Ir, Oates, we may again state, was eiugularly fortunate in hie predictions last year for the then corning winter and spring,. though in somepartieularsand particu- larly +as to the character of the month of May his pt edictiane were exactly the opposite of tlio-:e of Vennor. •Neveribe- teee, such good fortune is net always to be hope) for, 5041 none of our read- ers should (lepeud on foreeasts, which both the prophets candidly state have only a fair degree of probability about them. The science of metorolegy is yet in its infancy, and it will be many years before forecasts for a long thne iu advance will be of really practical ad vantage or much better thou guess work. -Galt Relo)',eer. ROOM ON THE NEXT FLOOR. • The Hou. Ruben Larne, iu a recent address to an aa(lleece of school boys. made the following stimulating, yet not over colored remark. A boy might do worse than commit this to'lnemcry.- 'You Will find in life that if yon be- have well and do your duty all the dif- ficulty is concentrated iu,tho first step. It is the first advance w'hicli ,nen and women !Hake in life which more or less decides the it future. The beginnings of life are all crowded. For everything that is to bo hal there is great corn - petition, but wheu people have once made a step, arid b the proved that they ere worthy, all the rest is comparative- ly very easy. It has been my duty of• ten to pick out persons for situations, and my experience jis that ellen the great mass is penetrated and you. have got to persons who have advanced one or two steps, the diffioelty is not that we are overwhellnued with persons fit for it. Theretore youer object iu life should be to begiu with the greatest. caveeattention,and self datial, so to melee this find step as to distinguish yourself as being trustworthy and re- iu all particulara, and if you once attract the notice of your employer that you are well awl honestly di•,cbargiug your duty, you try rely upon it you are in a way he snake your -elf inde- pendent and to lead a happy,' "1 would advi.e anyone suffering froin,snm.. mer complaints to give 2?r..jowler'x Extract or Wild Strawberry a fair trial."—CARarAN M. Gourn,M. D,, Castleton.. "Dr. _Fowler's Er - tract of Wild Strawberry gives perfeet satis- faction."—TIIMIAs DoUGLAB, Cambray,, "Can recomemendDr.FowleesExtract of Wiid,'S'traw- berry, with confidence."—Junr..I: S. S. RECK, Minden. My customer& bear high testimony to the virtues of Dr. FUwlers, Extract o,' Wild Strcueberry."—T. STZVENSON, Orangeville. For sale by all dealers. See advertisement in an- other column. Stop that Cough. HAeroin's PECTORAL BALSAM is composed of the most healing balsams and gums. The Balsams, which enter• into its composition, were used by natives when Aruerica was first dbycovered, and were combined with other touies, so blended together, that it is a speoitic for all affeetions of the throat and lungs..Thon- sanils of bottles are sold annually,. and it is considered one of the standard prepastations of the`day. For Coughs, Colds, etc. For sale by all dealers at 25 cts. per bottle. DO NOT READ THIS. aving received a lot of new machinery, I would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I tun prepared to manu- facture all kinds of Horse .Bakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Suaiths, etc, rand having secured the services of a first-class Turner, I ani prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy competition. Always on hand a first- class stool: of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTELL. CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH REMEDY. The only certain, safe, and effectual euro for Cat, rrh, builds up the system and cures sill other diseases at the same time. Asthma, Rose Cold, Hay I,' ever, Nervous Debility, all leave together when the Coustitututiunsl Catarrh Remedy ib tae al per lottie. For sale ld'tod tonna dealers. A L& c t i e• TO YOUNG MEN. We have recently nubiished a new edition of 'DR. MILVPR'WEr,L'S CE1,P'ARATI3D ESSAY on the radioed and permaiaent cure (without me- i.dicine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and physical Incapacity impodieieiita to 'Marriage, ecu., ro- sultin¢from excess, Com. Price in a sealed envelope, only 6 ,cents 0: .two postage staxapa. The celebrated autha>,of this admirableoaaay,, clearly dompzi tratea, fre,,m thirty years' sucoe•a-. ful practiaev, that shirr maybe. radically cured witltnu# the, dangerous use *1 in ternal, n119dioleee or t11313 -use of tie knife , 1'oirit- out ammo of euro at came simple onrtalu,nnd of-. fectwtl',,bc means of whieh,over r sufferer, no 'nateter wxbati? l i oonrtktion.lr•1av be, may cure htmselt ehoapi�,, pe vately and radically. This:Leobare shouid'he iv tho•bands of every youf ligand errus•y man In the.land, pdArese, THE CVTATE EWE Uo,,. 41 Afm etneet,tiew ifs. 1t'oiM.00loa-Box WO, `l'1'UAYED,-ABOUT lst SEPTEbi- LJ her, from lot 0, con. 7, Usboruo, a steers, one brindle, e.10 red and one spotted ; Shelters, two red and One spotted ; all spring calves. Last seen at 11=moholso,. Information receive at the Tiulen Mace. The finder will bo rewarded R. MARQUIS, Lumley P.O. STRAYED front Lot 15, S. B. Ste. phen, ou oC about the 5th August last, ono white 1.tcer with rod ring on the nose and red ears, 2 years old ; one greyish steer 2 ears old; one gp eyish heifer 2 year sold; one yeari.ng steer, red and white ; one mooley heifer, light red, with white, Auy information leading to theirrecov- ery will bo handsomely rewarded. JOHN DOLEHAY.Ofia. TIIE EXETER TIMES F•j AVE YOULOST TRE SENSE OF 1 TASTE OR SMELL?If so, itmay he from the LEeitosY of the 10th oontury, 0ATAn1t)c. THE i.ONSTITUTIONAL, CATARRH IREMEDY will restore you to ouloyable health. It not o my ourea Cu. Garth, but all other diseases at the same time. Price Sl per Pottle. Fos sale by all druggists and Medicine dealers Send stamp for 99 page pam- phlet containing treatise on Catarrh, and eertiti- ioeAgOefutt,BurnurcevlitloleT,UTr.t,li.HARLINe.,i, 21111,. �g ■ LEGAL R H. CADDY, BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, Sc. Office, Panson'e Block Exeter. I 1 ARDING I-1ARDING, & WHITE, Bariiters, httorneys, Solicitors, Com. sioners,B. S., Sm. eee„Ioe-HuTTnN's BLOCS, Watex tract, SI Mary's. i,114 N P} , t•I,tn DING, E .W. ft Ann ING. H.A.L.WHITF \`r McDIARMID, B.A., t 1 ttRITER,SOT'ARY, CONVEYANCER &C., LTJCAN ONT. MEDICAL. T)R. HUTCIIINSON,. Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeon sol Ontario, &c., ft.. Office next door :o I. Cfarlinra, Main Street Exeter DR. HYNDMAN.-CORONER FOB the County of Huron. U1i'ice,nextdoor ti lfr.I. Carling's store,Exeter. W. BiWWNING M. D., C. M. J • P. ti, Graduate VictoriaUniveraity Office and residence, Don: hien 1,a1)nrator v, Exeter. �-1 C. MOORE, M. D. C. M. R V • Graduate of Mc Gill University, Montreal Ofilce andreaidonce,Tuxeter, On b. Office I ours -- 8 to 10 a. m and 7 to 10 n. DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. Y. S. O., Victoria S'. Crediton, Out. Office hourq rou19tol0a.m.; 2to5p.1n. t LU'I'Z, M. D., l • Office at his residence, Exeter. TIR. IRVING, GRADUATE GNI. • yERSITY TriuityCoilege•Nernbereollegf t uvaicians and surgeon, Ou:,, Otlice Kirkton. HOTELS. `t INTRAL HOTEL, CRE+ DITON ▪ ) —Wm. Maker proprietor. This Hotel ho p been newly turnished and fitted up in first-clasf style. Large and convenient Show Rooms for Conr-merciai Travellers; best of liquors and cigars at the Bar. Attentive Hostlers always on hand M 21—:true. WILLIAM BAITER, 7RINCE OF WALES HOTEL, _L OLIN t'ON. G. SWARTS having purchased the above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now of- fere first-class accommodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar. Good stabling any attentive hostler on hand, Every attention paid to guests. H ttt/: Dad C..'1 q O .. NY �a Z at a oV co d 0 is oeeem O' e< tw deo 9• 3 '4 g I I- xo I'z b,; 0 etc aqq lir gfr g 0o- x CO H 0O a 90 A�. e d•aeem a-0' h S1 30 LAI. ..i i4a•1.lit fa PiuITING llOhE All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply an with dispatch. Order you, work where you can get it done the cheapest, Colored Work a Specialty The TIMES. OFEIG:E. hats, excellent facilities £oar twxni;ng cat, e CARDS, BILL HEADS, •p POSTERS, CIRCULARS, •