The Exeter Times, 1879-12-11, Page 22
DEu1~mtint 11,1879
ton, an'd, that be and Clarissa ogre on say it is all settled, and that they are
friendly terms. ;It is plMi ty, however, to be married immediately. My (leer
'How quiet you are this evening. Hae a thence encounter, because Haugh- toy,' seys the Major rsising his hat to
anything vexedyou--disturbed Yon ?' ton's horse 1s standing beside Iran, and wipe his forehead, 'it can't bo true.'
'I1ave I betrayed myself even toeven as Dugdale, with a beating heart, 'It may he true,' vays Olive,gloomily.
marks all the"q facte,they shahs halide, He is drawing aimless stroltes with his
yen ?' she say", with a smile, and a and Houghton, mounting agaiu, rides stick upon the dusty road, and iii feel -
faint blush. 'No—yes--I o Infese it ; briskly away. ing distinctly miserable.
I should not be disturbed, bnt I stn— As Dugdale cnmen up with her, 'It may, sir l—what do you mean by
iu that lies My cotltem}r't, I heard to- Clarissa turns gladly to greet liliw,with that'?' demands the Mejnr, irascibly';
a bri;ht senile. " Her Lice iseleliaately 'I tell you it shan't ! it is monstrous !
clay Sir Richard Ilnttgbtou is naming flushed ; there ie au unwonted brills- Whet'! a ',woman like that to throw
home to -morrow l' Iler voice has fallen enoy in her eyes ; she is altogether a I herself away on a worthless fellow ;
slightly, 'changed, and even a lovelier Clarissa I and olie who has treated her eio info.
'Yes I know: He has turned his• than usual'. rnously in The past; I tell yon I won't
fl'OY11118TH. 'That was Sir Wilford ?'remarks he, bear o1 it. I thought Clarissa had
face aa'a • 3 snperfluouely, regarding her curiously more pride.'
'Of course you have hoard all that _ jealously. 'And yet 1 do not think she is want.
old story,' she says, quite ctllmiy, but "yes,' stii`i smiling. ing in pride,' saye Duedale, .
with a blush so vivid as to briug tears 'Your very first meeting with him 'I don't know what yon call it --but
to her eyes. 'It seems very old now. wrought it wonderful change in your I, for one, wnuld't have believed it of
EvenT one knows it; that though was appearance. 'Yon Are pleased ?' her,' says oldHyde, growing slightly
'It was not our first meeting. Lest incoherent. '1. shall speak to her, arid,
very bitter to me at fleet, but now 1 evening he (tailed to see us just lifter if possible, prevent it. if I were a
searcely seem to mind it, and yon are yon had left. Ilacl von remained to a young wan, like you, Dugih►le, 1
so gond a friend 1 can t•peak to you dinner as George and I wished, you should snake love to her myself, pro -
about it. It is very diiehottrtoa'itlg, is would have met him. pose to her, and marry her myself,
it not,' with a ]ittaeconstrnined laugh, "Should I 7' Thanks, The loss i; rather than let such a eacrifioe take
not irreparable. I should ranter sr e olaoe, But the young meu of the pre -
.that after one's iaward lectures one George and yon when alone. But von sent clay,' says the Altjor, disgustedly,
should find oue's self as far from in- have not yet answered me; though, in- 'are abnruinaly wauting in both taste
difference as ever ?' deed, I scarcely need nu auiwer wbeh I and fee i ttz.
Mistaking her meaning altogether, look at you. Yon ate brighter, more, 'I wish I oonld agree with yon' says
he winces perceptibly. were
than I have yet seeu you. You' poor Clive, sadly.
were pleased to Roe hitt ?' 'As no one else will .interfere. I shall,
'Does his clouting distress you '?' 'Very !' emphatically. 'Why not ? Nothing shall prevent me. Her father
'Yee,' slowly, it distressed rile; and After all, as 1 told you, he is lin old and I were old crnniee, and I shan't
yet I cannot say whether it ivakes me ° friend 1 hardly remember the time I etay by and see his girl make a fnie.l
glad or sorry. After all, he was An old did not know hist,' m{stnlce without entering a warn of
"And,' bending a little to look into waiti'rg. 1 mast now go home and
friend—before anything feohsh occur- her eyes, which meet his, frankly, 'you scribble a letter or two for the poe',and
red between tee I do not forget that.' now—know ?' after that 1 spall walk straight to Wes -
'No doubt he has, long ere this, re 'Yes—clow I know,' returns ehe,with ton, and asst her what she means.'
pented tris Crowning,—nay his only act fin asst, though very intense satisfac- 'Id11hinke1 tures tensa ifirItwere yin,'
Du•* y.
of folly.' They have got down to the 'And yon aro hrtppy ?' There it; n 'But I shall, sir I Don't talk to me 1
wicket -gate by this time, that leads iu- cchsde upon iiia face that grows deeper Pont' I do you think the sneer of the
to the lt+►ggarll,an1 he,leening;hiq'arins every second. She, having averted her prettiest woman in Ent ogle could tarn
upon it, continues, always with his eyes eye", fails to see it. me from my duty ? Never!' saes the
turned from hers. '';ghat if he is seta Very hapny,' she answers, cruelly. *dor, proudly,
'Happier than I have been for three Dugdale half smile,' as they part
ing home because the first and best years. A long titne, is It not ?' she comnaily, and he continues his way to
love is still strong within him ? It may asks, a little wistfully. to Weston. The hall (leer, as notal,
be that he is coming to gain forgiv- 'Yes. I congratulate von,' in it some- stands open duriuit the gloriois August
nesR.' what enforced tone. They hate reach• weather, and, malting his way to the
ed the entrance to Weston ; he now study where. young Crtrew sits, he en -
'Olt, no, no 1' shrinking, 'I hope not.' puts out his hand to say good bye. tern, nnannounced.
That would be terrible. I hope not, ! 'Yon will come in ?' surprised. At the eloorwr.y lie stn' ds motion -
But,' with an effort, 'it is irnposalble,' 'Not to day, thank von.' less a moment., seeing Ceree in earnest
'I think it so utterly possible, that 1. 'Oh. do,' with open disappointment ; eonvereation with Sir Wilfred Hallett.
'G` urge will be eo greived if you do ton. Hearing tom they both look np,
am almost !sure of it,' soya Dugdale,
not.' and Onfttw'R e:{p,essi'n cha•ieea from
who takes a savage pleasure in piling 'George must excuse me to -day ; I cold disapprolettinn to gruels distrose ,
up his own egoliy. 'No man, under the cannot go in now,' he sayr,almost curt 'It is only Duedale,' says Hau:'hton,
circumstances, would elect to eume to l,y,,ar'd raising his hat, walks deter with a puri sus gl?nen in his dark eves,
the place ageiu,uuleaa will]. such an ub- min•'dly away, and a certain madele len sense of tri.
j ct.' His heart is fined to nverflowiog nmph in his tlnw, deliberate tones.
with bitterness' ►rel sad for•el'earinge. N. do not gr. away, Dugdale ; von
'Y, u frighten me,' she says ; and Is it, indeed, all over e Gan his swcee etre t welcome friend here, and 1 have
then see sighs, and brushes beck her dreams and• happy thoughts have met no desire to conceal from you the rensnn
soft hair impatiently from her te.11ptee. ttith eriab a cruel death ? Again he , of illy presence here to.(lay. I have
'Would yon act so in such a Dasa ?' she sees her lovely face as she turned it to ening to ask Miss Carew's hand in mar
asks, presently, in a slow dreamy tone, greet him, fin.shed with content and rieee•
gladness. Of course, the blush had Dugdale holes visibly, and his hrnwe
Then he turns to look at her, and been for Hen htnn ; already the poor contract --otherwise he Rnppreesee all
their eyes tweet. Tao tender hiIolace of wounded heart has found comfort it, ontwarel symntnns of emntinn, 'Then
cotnilig night Walt around. The faint, the very nearness of the belov. d. cnalionhr a wild determination to enter
the lists himself, to declare aloud his
alfentinn fop her, to let her see haw
well, though silently he had been be-
loved. take postlesvion of him. Almost
withont allowing time for refleeiien he
turns to Carew, anti says with forced
composure :
'i,tno. have Intro to Weston to -day,
bound on tltiterraitd. 1 leve your Sis-
ter, and w)ultl ask her to marry me.
Let her shouse between ns.'
constantly arriving at W. D. MitUloglilon's
Mammoth Jewellery >turo, 195, Dundas street
Loudon, Out rio. Whenever you visit tie li'or-
es. City don't fail to visit this slue ostnl,liefuncitt,
the only first-att./3 store of too kilt t iu the laity,
and best arranged Jewellery store itt the Dotes
Mon. The \V, D. Aluulutialon Watelt stands um
rivalled. Al' who use thele roeouuneud thein to
their fr.entis. All kinds of \Vacates in stuck
Clocks of every description, Rica Jewellery of ev-
ery style, Diamonds and Precious Stones ..Fancy
Goods, Spectacles, uutl all Vediting ltiui;s,
Matches, clucks, and dee ellery repaired and
warranted W . U. hlouLut5lil.ON.
melodious lowiug of the oxen in the far: Pyhaty 1 why dwell urine the irevit•
Mlle, like a love-sick girl ! He will
ofT mt'du\vs alone breaks the atiliness of l throw up the whole business, leave for
the evening, that is dying with such London in the morning,and try
lingering stvee uess. to forget.
'I ctenet answer that, question,' re- But ellen the morning °er es lie
turns ire, a little nosteulily ; 'I could I ngera. A. faint hope—that is almost
d spair, so closely does it border on it
not picture myself in eneh n c•tse. Had _holds him still in bondage, tone caul
I dared to love yon it woniil have been a els him to stay on, a'+d witness tilt
with elicit a love as would have lasted t nal scene in this small ciraut t.
to my il;•iiie arty i' I ut at the end of the second month
even this faint star of hope has beet
Silence again. EthA has growct very .), owned in the giant flood of diapeit.
p tle, at d the h tad 1 hat trifles with ill Ile beano longer any bustatning J.eubts.
Imo beech of (ei)l:lo) roe(s so lately Day by day. meetiue his livid at Wes
i•1 ickt•d, ie trembling slightly, The 't'n, he notes Clotis;r►'s kindly manue'
cows etre a'minn sl rawly toward them toward him, the Lank warmth of lush
and tone,
through the coal deep grass ; the birds, As for himself, her demeanor toward
liigh over their beads, are twittering him has completely changed. It seem:'
drowsily a last good night ; George's to bim as thon'ell uow she pnrposn)y
v .ice from the verendit calls to them to avoids his society, aucl shrinks froin
Torero, any tete. t -tete chance m ty throw in he
way. And yet—with f an obitiosey
•Y u ere thinking of the peat a' t=ace; ( hat elloults even himself —there art-
D igdale, hurriedly, taking one of the moments when he cannot briug him-
rosey from lar,elf to br'lii vo le is alt•.getlter hateful
•Yes --and of the future,' 5110 replies. 1 and i Welsh, A c r•surprisedel
tnluf m 81 linence sn
in a troubled t me, tad again, rnnlcing hito pei'.-nadr. 1}im-
'Olar;eta 1 you ettll lave him ?' elf. Retitle:a hie common Fe1ae, eh(
'How shrill f tell ^' ret nroe she,wiih still bears for Ilial some of her ancient
a tonnh of passion. '1 Have so lone. frle'tdship.
Urns of ernno'+, wi,ikiag along the
brood c1 over my nuhap :• slaty—se.,nod to «eainn, IN enuottni eta the Me.
often told n v-leif I ellen never aeeie— jor 0 oni g towards lira trout aside
She ps'sen eh! utttly. 'I knout tr) see .vr►lk Mat, 'branches he+ tnty: ris tht west.
him,' oho srrye, after It elight ilesita .nil leads t, i;iilrteds, e here dwelt th,
tion. .>a.dnirc, they bhak0 1 11.118, but even at
'Naturally,' with ernno bittarnPsq, he moment of tueetieg, Dtaele.le be•
Inmos tteetre Ilya ti there is Ail unlnistali•
'No. you 'nti'ttalco. I want to 551 thin C10 t1 upon the M jor'e usually
him, because, \risen I do --on the in 'Irbane brow.
plant --I shall know.' 'You lave beet to Upltteels 2' sage
I IDtedale, because ire has nothing eist
•Know what ?' ecgei ty, to otty,and is t;10 lunch the property o•
• ')1,,' own leetrt,' replies elle, some- melancholy to (Are 1•) tnstko converse
what seal] tion.
s- >F * te 'Yes,' absently ; the otrl lady is ill
tgan. But tell' lite, Clive, is that true
1hreelnys later, walking tilling tit
what 1 hay) honed there, that Ciariesn
,hist road that lends to Walton, Olive Carew in g trig to harry that fellue,
.1)•ij deie sinew upon Otaii-sa end e Haughton ?'
HIr vow) — evidently •ilt ear•test converse ' 'Ilave yo i heard it ?' Halted Dugdal
tier) Even from 'ern niaranen he can wincing.
see the stranger is Sir Wilford Haugh• 1 'Yes-th A lairs are full of it, Thos
At No. 36 Janles St., in the Ambitions City
of Hamilton, the attention of the traveller will
he attracted by the splendid large Drug Store
of Messrs Archdale Wilson ot Oo,, the intent•
frtetu Tort sad sole proprietors of Wilson's Ctnu-
pouud Syrup of Wild Cherry. This most popu-
lar cure for Coughs, Coleus, Bronchitis, (;roup,
Whooping Cough, Loss of Voice, Scc., is staving
a most astciuislting run. Even at this season,
when the dtseasos of the respiratory organs
Are comperativly re 0, orders are coining ill for
half gross auel gross lots, from druggists who
have sold out of last year's stocks ; and the
proprietors hare fount; it necessary to purchase
uety and improved apparatus to enable thein
to 1urn out. the Compound of Wild Cherry in
inflicieut quantity to meet the doutaud.
The most perilous hour of a person's life iv
when lee is tempted to despond. No one
should despond—not even the yoaug man who
is onfee'bl„cl lentil mentally anti physically by
uthits of en.rlr indiscretion, as Victoria i3acitn
old 'Rya Ursi wiil cm the most disiressing
nese of kidney disease, etc. For sale by all
sealers, at S;+1 per bottle,
\1 Rr W 13 LAC KS 11IITI :I SHO P
,•:;, HAbLlateel
commenced h n9 conlntenced
basins, -s in try yiti ,r+ryt" at; vebran el,
ut, Wlnelielsea and it pre -
r11 Dei io no all c"1"-..,- kind otblack
nuibltingvrnrk Horse shoe-
ieerpu tally attencted to, Prom ptness,cheapnese
. nd rood work guaranteed, A eall solicited.
lo -Stu W. 13111-C RiNGIiAM,
From •1 to tg Florae Power, for Fann-
ers, Dairymen, Better and Cheese
Factories. Printers and all parties
Using hated or stone power.
best nor' ch. apest to the market.
Scud for circular and price list.
John ]Doty.
Esplanade Street.
Allan Line!
Short sea passage--Economy—Comfort—
Moravian December 201h.
TRADE ARK,PlcemGedvt1t11najleRADEMARK;
ing euro for Semi-
nal Weakness,
riperlttato 1• r11 a a.
I1)iulpotnny aud'all
,eases th,tttol
lnw stn 11 91!f(lletlCt-
of Self Abttsc,
loss of tltrutory,'• ,. 1•
fiafore "I'akirirn'Universal Laeisi; Aftel" `1 tkiug
ctude,lniu ur rho
Back, D1tuncrs of vision, Preulature old ago, null..
malty other Diseases that load to Insanity or
Consumption anti it Prem attire gravy r s'Full
pttrtieuhory in out pamphlet. which we ,desire to
send free by nail t., ^vort one. tar'The Specific
Medicine is sold by It 11 druggists at :1 per pn ol(ago
or six packages for ••55, or will ho vent by mail on
receipt of the money- by addressing
TELE GU.\Y tli0.1)ICINE 00.,
Tonnyro Osrt„CANADA.
1))s'Sold in klxotovby all th•ngelats, and ;ivory.
whoro in 'I it Ana the UnitodStates 'ry whole.
sale and retail druggists.
N, 11—I'ho rietnnnd of our business Have -neces-
sitated nor removing to Tonouto, to which place
please address all future comtnnnicatons,
Planin'Mill, Sash,
BUID ranny.
Done to order.
llomomberthe place
17.9ger tC I3ow rd I 'roe•
Marble Works.
Parties wishing to bring nut their friends frons Dealer in
the old conift'a•y will save money by buying their
tick.ts at the office of the agent at Exeter. 11IU`IU\1FNTS
Every information concerning route,etc, by ap
plying to HEADSTONES,
Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly
3 Dors Nortli, et Drew's Ball, Hain street
Having commenced business for the
Fall andWinterTrade
We are prepared to ptn•alnse any quantity of
Pork, subject to the following regulations:
We will take off two pontiffs per lnutdred if
dry, and three pound if soft. Shoulder stuck,
twenty-five cents. If any of the hong gut is
left in. 95 cents extra will be deducted.
No pork will be bought Eli an price it
—AND-- -
Pork Cuttings
on hand nt roasonnble rates.
We want all Hogs Cutting aright through
breast to head, anti Rains opened ontto tail,
the remainder of
we purpose devoting our whole attention
to the
Flour, Feed and Seed Trade.
succi goods, pr)mpt d 1ivety and square deal-
ing is our motto.
E. SPICIER, Exeter.
Next to PostOBiice Block,
National Policy
constantly on hand and made to order
.R ii NI O Y ..:.1. i
AU would remind his nnmernns
C. li,Custorr,•rs that ho has ren)nvod to the
shop formerly occupied by 3Ir. Road, where 2•e
will be found over re tdy to atto 0 to all busiu se
iu the BO'U1' ••'ld 51103'1 Lino.
Groceries < Gfon fectonary,
Smo,1111g Tobacco 25 Cents per lb
School Books, Stationery, Itragazines
N.B.—Sewing 1\1 eau.. Needle,. oinvery lcil'd.
P. Witt' ti
and Vxeniino hit (stuck.
the Reit that are Made.
laving now greater fscilities Ilion over, ere pr
C,aretl to supply farmers with Iron Beata Plows
Steel bloultt Board, made by ourselves' Chill
Hummer make ; Scotch Liamo.. d Harrows
Cultivators, taut; Plows,
Carriages and buggies 00 hand, and nta0e to or-
clor,.orae shooing att. Med to on the shortest
notice. horses shod to prevent intotforleg.
MC;viILLAN. & 'hfcBride, King St.,tlbculal I
Licentiate of.
the Dental
College 01 On
tarso, may be
oonslllt'll any
day. Office --
next door to
the Pott, Office, Bxoter,Citt,
• ti
..tet.-,•• ..