The Exeter Times, 1879-10-30, Page 7OCTOBER. . 30, 1870 S1IOKING A WITCH. THE TTN ES A DONEGAL LEGEND. (Concluded froui lust !Keck.) So they smothered the witch : ehe was chid and dead the next day when the door was opoued ; and as there was ilo coroners' inquests in those days, her being found dead excited but little attention. indeed, at the time of the Uuiou, behind was in so disorganized a Ftate that the death of once old woman in her bed was but little noticed. The Iuauner of her end was known to her old neighbors around Talmo}, Lough ; but it was never spokeu of except in whispers, though years afterward Par- ents pointed to the ruined wall -steads upon the hill -sills, and told their little children what the 'itch's fate had been. The writer was told the story by an old man whose mother had lived in Tauluey at the time. On our venturing to doubt the ex- istence of witches at the present day, he declared there was then (August, 1877), to his oertaiu knowledge, a witch living close to his farm ; and be Iloiutod out a pretty, fair -hailed wo- man, mother of a large family. who ]las only oue cow, yet sells quantities of butter. She has a slight figure, as well as blue eyes and flaxen hair. and we tnoug ht her a pleasant sight as she tripped along the Tamuey road to mar- icet, followed by her little crowd of \white -howled children. The uuiuittat- ed, at least, look at her with pteasure; but the Roman Ceitholaos cross them- belvoa furtively when they meet her, and the old and ignorant among her Protestant neighbors regarded her with •evidect fear and dislike. "Du you mean to say that she could -draw butter away from your churn 2" w.e asked our old friend the farmer. "i1'rotu is she, miss ; there's nu dev- ilment too hard or too tad for thee witch•womau. Sure she turtle hersel' .iuto a hare every sumsier nicht, au' milks the cows in the fields. I ba' started a haro from among my sin cows yin this very field, an' as sure as I'm a liviu sinner, it made for you hole in .the back o' Norah's house." "Do you really think Norha's the Imre ?" "Think it, miss ?" God h1eFs your innocent wit 1 I'm sure of it. It wad be a charity to the countryside to shot ,tier wi' a bit o' silier—in troth, if 1 was to be, I'd do it as souple as I used >nlysel' " "Does it take long to turn her back auto a woman ?" "Is it long miss ? Nob a minute. She just ssys a wheen words that the bad man learned her, an' she's in her sin shape again." "Is Norah the only witch in the •country 2" "Na, na.; there's her mother •at Cool. Amick, and her 'grandmother at Mil - lord:; all the breed of these Taylors was witches. But.there's warlocks too : I mind'to ha' seenlano o' them when 1 nae•a wee ohiel the bight o' my stick." "'Oh, please tell •mo all about it." Twits stretchingin the old 'farmer's ,own meadow,behind the witch's cottage, •anathe stood near me, leaning on his stick.; and •as '1 washed iu the 'delicate •or gorgeous touts of any picture, I lisen- 'ed to his werid ale. "It wasiin the County Derry," he !began '"That all my people was horn and bred. The Lorry gentlemen was .groat riders, an'.fond of hunting, and =1ft was aye a spree for the wee boys to follow the hunt, I could run nigh hand ecs'faet as a hound myself in them days. 'One day (1 mind it as weel as if it was .yesterday) we:couldna start a hare ara, an' the gentlemen was •alit out o' pati- ence, when •we'carne upon an ould man sitting :cabling shoes, an' herding cows, .in a wild kind o' place below the 'Bird stown Mountarll4. " 'Wad your honors wish me to start .a bare for yes .?' says the ould man 'ricin' to his feet. " 'Ay, surely;' says the gentlemen, "for we camas find s, hare this day; at, :all at n tl." "'Wee!,'says lice ould man. 'if I fend a hare in thou wood,' says he, 'will ;yez give me five abilliu' when the run is over 2' 'Aye surely, good man, you'll get the five shilliu', says they. "Wi' that the ould fellow down wi' ilio awl,. and the 'brogue he was cob. Ming, an' into a clump o', bushes that was about a hundred yards off the knowe.where we found him. "He wasna three 'ninnies in the wood till a big here ran out, an' the hounds after it it, an' awa the country. Wool, we ht'd the best run o' the season, but the Bounds ennldna get up wi' the bare ave ; and at last it brought them back to the kuowe fornoust the wood, and ran in among the trees, just where it ran out in the morning. Tho hounds lost it there, an' the ould fellow stepped o' the wood an' up to the huntsman. 'An wh ir's my five shilliu' 2' says he. Weel, ho got the money, an' then he smiled ub the gentleman's face an' 'Wasn't that nasi run for an ould man 2' says he. Now, my ladies that's as true as Gospel. I ha' seen guar things in my time. Will 1 tell you about the black pig that I found in the botato field. "Pltase do ; I should like to hear it," These wild fancios suited the sur- rounding landscape. Witchcraft seem- ed to have a fitting home among the mouutnin lakes and ragged hills of Donegal, and fairy -land might exist in the delle and slopes, amid bowers of eglantine where Titania could have slept. The farmer'a stories had, for the mom.3n1, all the effect of truth : he had left "boastful youth" very far behind him, and we rejoined to have made his acquaintance in his "narrative old age." "My father," be began, "was yard. man to his honor Sir Wiliam Francis, of Castle Francis, in the county Derry, when one summer evening him and me seen a wee slip o' a black pig running along the potato ridges in his honor's home park. I was a bravo runner, an' I after the pig. I caught it, an' held it till my father Dame up, and between us we got it into the yard at the castle, and shut in a sty to itself. His honor, Sir William, made inquiries far an' wide to find out if any one had Int" a wee black pig ; in troth I willna Fay, for fear I'd tell a lie, but I do think he be had it printed in the newspaper ; but naebody wad own pig, in' dell a ane wad tak' a present o' it. "So there it stopped, au' it ate an' ate, till it wee that heavy it conldnn get in an' out at the door o' the sty, an' a bed had to be made fort in the cart shed. "It got on to bo November, an' the butcher came to look at the master's pigs. "'Colne, Gallagher, an' lock at the pig that dropped frae the clouds,' says Sir William. "Those was his honor's very words, an' my father an' the men in the yard limited at each other when they heerd hi in. "'Thon's the best o' them all,' says Gallagher ; 'he's seven hundred -weight if he's a pound.' "'Weil, you can kill him the first thing tomorrow morning,' says Sir William, turning awn, oarless like, frac the door o' the cart shed. "We didna wish to kill him, because' o' the q'uar way he come to the place ; but the'rnaste'r's bidding had to be done; so we' got a big vab of boiling water ready, 'for we knowed the carnage wad be heavy ; and then we went to the cart •sll.ed ? I'll no just say, for fear I'd tell a lie, but, anyway, Pm sure my father bad the fire made to boil it. �'Woel, ymar ladyship, when we went to frill the pig,thore was nae pig in the shed, and there was nae pig to be seen anywhere, though we searched the .caantry far an' wide. "''His bonor said we be to ha' left the doer open ; but I put it to you, how could a pig weighing seven hundred. weight, ha' disappeared so that nae track o' him could be found ? an' who, could ha' stole a pint o' thou size)'" "What do yon think really happen. ed?" "I think the pig heered the talk about killing him, an' went awn. "But what was he ? Was he a fairy, a warlock, or what ?" "If 1 know, my lady 1 but this I do know —all look left Castle Frauais from that day. His honor lost a lawsuit ho was ougaged in, and his big bull that was brurg over frae England, an' %vac worth twa hundred pound,choked Ihiln- sel' wi' a turnip. Troth it's a danger- ous thing to despise lack that coulee to your door 1" Hurrah s £or the • gzi, Piano and ---.-or THE------� Sewing Machine. 'red I Mr -n"'"'" wn nWW . Ixmµwawwh rA 1{} '11 _Yrwranl 6.Ym1Y (�I �� �.��e s• �e.�� 7,ulr� ijmtuuo wm" nuc-^-�i4 >nowituwowume,yaml 1 1 il, "Re �. R pll� h� ilii l �� .WII @�Itu9�mll rpun .LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF 1 Silverware, China and Dell ever seen in the Nest, at E, aE,EW's TOR. Mr. Drew has just received an excellent stock o Silver Tea Setts,Butter Coolors,DoubleandSingle Pickle Cruets, Cake Briskets, Card'lieceivers,Com- muilion Set ts,etc.,otthe Bee tQuadruploand Triple Plato, Audis offering the sauce caprices that olein ASTONISH YOU FOR CHEAPNESS! He has j ust opened out li new and complete as- sortment of China, Glass and Stonewares. A largo stock of Lam ps just arrived. Call and satisfy yourself as to quality and cheapness. Come and try our instruments, Music Teacher still on hand. Services at lowest figures. Special attention called to the Raymond Sewing Maohine. Organs and Pianos unsurpassed fur beauty of design, and quality of tone, E. DREW. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE, GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, A LARGE STOCK OF CANED FRUIT. SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINE'S AND SYRUPS. RYE,;MALT SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, "I would. aclvia0 anyone suffering from sum - mot complains to give Dr. Fowler's Extract of Ira Strawberry a fair trial."—CAIMAN II, Govr.ia,1l. 1)„ Castleton. "Dr. Fosiler's Ex. tract of Wild Strawberry gives perfect satin- action."—TBOMAs Dei2GGLAS, Catnhray. "Clan recommence Dr.Fofcler's Extract of Wild Straw, berry with confidence."—Ju»oat S. S. Prox, Minden. My customers bear high testimony to tho virtues of Dr, Powlerr, Extract of Wild St,-awberry."--T. Stave:18os, Orangeville. For eitlo by all dealers. See advertisement in au- Wholesale ,and Retail, Com-. A, MACE. Main Street,Exeter. �a�nvefl & Pickard, •oTzeluo `aalaxt EXCHANGE BANK BILLS taken at Par for Goods. NEW FALL GOODS O SELECT FROM AT BOTTOM PRICES AT SAMWL LL & PICKARD' S. THE NATIONAL POLICY • Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CARLING prepared to give all his customers too benefits that will accrue from its adoption, and has o band alarge stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines ana Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold a vv'hich will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Tracto.1 The farmers of thesurrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter market,which is second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the .subscriber and Secure Immeu a Bargains here to be had in OverooaL ri Ftxll.uloths Brod-cloth Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everything noeded in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited Nis trouble to show goods ISAAC CARLING LEGAL R H. CADDY) R. BARRISTER & A•TTORNE At \raw, SeIlcitor,./be. Office, Panama's Block Exeter. ARDIRG HARDIIG, & W:ITE, 1 Bariabers, Attorneys, Solicitors, Com. sioners,B. tl:., dee. , ll9 ion —HII'v'roiv a B Loez, Wata r treet, St Mary's. of our; 15 , H AnnIN t3, L' . W. BAnn txe•, iI AtL.WraTra `V McDIARMTh, B.A., It l ttltiTEllt ,NOTARY!)- CONVEYANCER LUCANON T. MEDICAL. youissofir TR. HUTCHINSON, Member of the Colloge of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, ,ke., &c., Office •nea+tdoor'to t. Carliugs, Main Street, Exeter, 1l. HYND AN,—CORONE1t FOR the' County of Huron. Office,nertdoor to Mr.I. Carliug's store, E'xeter. W. BR'OWNIN'G M. D., C. M. • P..5, Graduate Viotorlattniv'ersity OtOco and residence. Don::nron lfa'borator v. Exeter. �K) C. MOORE, M. D. C. M. JL l • Graduate ot MoValUYniveraity, Montreal Office and restdence,Exoter,Out , Office tours— to to a. m and 'no 1'Oo. rm TO. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. S. 0., Victoria St. Crediton, Out. Oce bourn ro m 49 to 10 a. m.; 11 to 5 p. m. CLUTZ, M. D., • Office at his reside/ate, Exeter. DR. IRVING, GRADUATE 'UNI VERSITY Trinity College MGrittier Calle ge Navaicians and surgeour Out.. office Kirkton. HOTELS. I `IENT1RAL HOTEL, CREDITON `J —Wm. Baker proprietor, 'This Hotel has been newly furnished and fitted up in first-class style. Large and convenient Show Rooms for Commercial Travellers; best of liquors and cigars at the Bar. Attentive Bestiary always on hand. M 01-3ar. WILLIAM BASER. PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL. OLIN VON. G. SWARTS having purchased the above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now of- fers first-class•nccomrnodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar. Good stabling and attentive hostler on hand. Every attention paid to guests. AGENTS READ THIS We will pay Agents a Salary of$100 per month and expenses, or allow a lorge commission to sell our new and wonderful inventions. Wet,ieanwhat we saj. Sample free. A.Idress, SHERM A N & CO.. Marshall, Mich. O A�� 13 stops, 3 set Go knc T „%Tin heeds, 5 lint's, 3 kaon Swells, WalnubOr e, rerut'd. 0 years, Stools & Books, onlygi0N. Now 7 Oct. Pianos, Stool, Cover, & Books, only 3143 ;C,. Latest illus- trated l.owsnapor sent tree. Address DANIEL P. BEAT'TY, W ashington. N•. J. "AGENTS TS WAINgED E I RYWNERE" Selling s reliable patented article. A good honest business that pays. tiered two throe -con- stamps tr. L. C. Benton, S6, Thomas, Ont.. (or circulars and tnatrtictioils. Write at once and sec -are a good agency. 3PEi CE}tUAN STEEL PENS.. Superior Eng, fish make. A sample card of one each of --.^� sC.LtUi�flfll3,Ii�115E :- the TWflNT'F ' t numbers for trial, bymnil, on receipt Ot so cents. ALEX, EUNTXN & CO., Montreal, Solo Agents for Canada. Advertisers addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co's Newsnaper Advertising 'Bureau, 10, Spruce St. New 'fork. canleaen the exact cost of any pro- posed line of ADVERTISING in American News- papers, m..100-pago Pamphlet, 10c. „IF: '25 •t®$ 000e.)ndlclonnly'tnoe.ked Sa tl m far fortunes every Week, nod pone Immense ren1l , by the New Cnpltxllc,tl••tt F,dt. m of owl -Attu': to Stockx. Full espinnoth o onopplh•a- Non to AIM i n, Itttow::.5 Co., Benkure, 26 Broad St., N. Y. �i lI�� 0ryprohts 00'30 nays utvesame,,, 0r{�11'10 1➢1Lt�UOfi're]al Reports free,-- t{NJi�IvJ Proportional. returns every week ou Stool ui,.,.,44 of 490, - 800. - 4100, 8500. Auua�no. T. POTTER WIGHT dcCO., Bankers, ad' s.f st $10 to $1000 investoi in Wall Street Stocks makos fortunes every month. Bonk sent free explaining everything, address BA1TI3B & CO., Bankero, 7 Wall St.,N. Y, 40 Elegant Chrome Cards, with name, post paid 10 cents. L, Jones & CO„ Naesan,N. Y. 13 Elegant Nov Sty Cbromo Cards, with name ipc.post•pard. ('leo, I. Reed.k Co, Nasaau,N.Y' , $17,,a month ,and evtleu505 gunranteedte ngen'ts / i outfit tree. Srr.tw & co, Augusta, Maine. $7t7 7 A YE.1.R and expenses to agontq piaci free, Address P. O. Vickery Augusta, Maine. • GRAY'S SPECIFC .MEDICINE. THAI'S RIARK.Tho h.latEnglishTRADE i'AMRK; 1iuncedv,nn unfail. ytlZs, illucurofor Semi• . nal Weal:.0aa, Sperm Inrpoteucy,and'all Diseases that fol- low as a 20500000 of Self. Abuse, ns less of Memory,` 1 Uuivorsal LaSsi• ieforeTakin thdo,Paiil ui the Bite 7.akino', Back, Dimrioas of vision, Premature old age, eel many other Diseases that lead to insanity or Consumption and .aPremature grave a 'lull particulars in oar pamphlet, which we desire to sena frae by me.i1 to everyone. Cr -0T11(1 Sped fl Modiciuo is solci.by all drag atstaat $i per packngo or six packages tor 35. or deli0 Sont by mail on receipt oftho maneq b'addressing Tfllii fStIAY 6i1:1)I01111 C.O.. 'fawmrem ONr„CAN \nA. rr-i-k'Sold in Esuterl,by all druggists, and eve'•v- where in Canada dna the United States whole• sale and retail druggists. N, B—'i'he demand of era business haveneces- sitated oar removing to 'Emtnnto, to which place please address all future cominunicatous, 1