The Exeter Times, 1879-10-23, Page 2FEVER AND AGUE had passed. he had eaten four and one- balf, the weight of which was zlot 1e3 It will be useful for poor people and Onto fifty-five petunia, and would lave 1*bople in the country, 'away from, drug 6teres ancliduetore, to know, on the au- thority of 1) . "Detail, the 'botanic doe - tor, that t► strong itifUeion of yar- row (white tan:'y) and bane -set is a good substitlate for (iuizline iu fever and ague, or other =anxious coo plaints. The plants should be gathered when to Rower, aud tl double handful of eaotl steeped iu a, gaart. of .boiling water and drunk freely three tar• four: tires a day. The uretleriptiuu wt1<e mem by .Dumi- uie Van Stt,suu, to w:eil-known rui:ssion- eaters the beltence, wheu mages beoarne satisfied, plaid for the melons, told. Reid that he could quit, and told tha erowa standing by to lwlp eat what re. nlaiued, whet! it was consumed inless time than it hakes to tell IL-- [E);, A TEXAN ABROAD. A Texas gentleman nauseas Gt'eesol- maun stopped last eight at a Spruce street hotel, and before morning made himself the most iutereeIing guest iu may to (Thine, for thirty years, wlio the estnbiiihlneut. The waiter, who studied ule(lieinta, and the Propel tree of 4114)(1 11413 ao bed, asked hiin if 11e herbs before going nut, as meet valuable knew how to turn off the gas, and :he for llseftilnose 1►ruing the poor. Though I said be finessed !le knew wllrt he was not foul of ttgattokerv" in any shape, about. A couple of hours liter the odor of gas pervaded the entire house, and was trim(' to his room. A call was orale, but ee told the waiter to go away oe there would be trouble. It be- oarne apparent the guest had blown out his gaslight, aud frequent and more vigorous calla were made. The guest hell the fort, however, aud, despite the warnings that he would be smothered to death and be would blow up the house, declined to open the door, aud told applicants to retire. Finally be began shooting pat the door, and for ab'tut tea minuted kept np tt fasilade, firing fourteen bullets in all, many of which passed through the door, and others lodged in the walls. A squad of pollee finally forced an entrance aud at immieteut risk captured the M- 'Miw. It was thou ascertained he had $50 in 'his possession, and could not smell good. As he got no ('dor of the teas, he imagined the waiters were all burglars, trying to gat in aud rob him, and hence his eot:duct. obet)rvetltns of the effects of this medi- cine in curt tteracting debility aud um - mer Comt'laiute among elderly people has led tie to a tliucere respect for the Inissiuuitry'8 experience, aud T shill risk a smile t'ilr reoommending herb tons, knowing the use such homely wisdom it to new settlers and those to whom quinine, even with the tax r'e• moved, is an expensive item. The small miseries of life snake a sum so truly formidable that uo ane who • has proved remedies for thein is excused frorn giving others the Puma—New York Sun. COLD WATER UPON TI -IE HEAT- ED BODY, In order to exemplify how drinking cold water when the frame is heated acts apoa the skin aud system, instead of merely eheeking prespiratiou, a eor- redpondeett says :—A. youug man wheu greatly heated sat clown and called to a servant to bring him a pitehor of cold water just drawn from the well. Of this, as soon as he had recovered his breath, he drank a large quantity at once. His head sucdeuly tell upun his seonlder, and he bent forward his couutenanee became pale, aud in a few msrnents he diad.. Now, it is evident that arrest of prespiratiou could have nothing to da with the fatal event . mines that have been laid fur the par this was far too sudden for such au ag- poo of destroying the truops en route suss to b,ve lnlervenell} and it I3 for tor the capital. He has spscial advices, this reason that I have selected it, as showing conelasivcly.tllat tiie more se- tore form of action, which can be con- ceived to result from the prespiratiou beiug thus checked, takes place, not through shutting up the pores of the skin, but by the violent impression mads upon the part with which the cold liquid comes in contact, and most probably iu the follod'iug manner :.-- Herd exercise tends to raise the heart's srution--at filet with whieli all bat the most inobserving are familiar—aud whatever does this attracts a propor- tionate amount of vital power to the part in motion. The longer thea is confit;nod, the greater strain on the iyttom, and wheu, in addition to this, a new disturbrcgcause appears, like that of oold water suddenly prectpitat- ed into the stclnach, such an it creare(1 withdrawal of power takes place from its natn al seats in the vital organs that enough is not left iu thein to early on the functions of life, and fatal syncope ensues. It,USSIA AND EWGZAYzD. ABGDAN$1 ACTING UNDER DISGUISED IIUS913AN OFFICERS.—UNSEEN PE ILS APE11E- IIE\DIsD. London, Oot. 12.—A despatch from Simla states that (+en. Roberts is ad- vancing caution -sty toward Cabul. and taking especial precautions against THE CHA. PION EATER,. On last Saturday evening Mr. A. L.. Reid, of this county, stepped into the drag store of Jackson, Sr, See, of this place, -in which there were asix water- melons, all (combined) weighing about seventy-five pounds, aucl said ifanybody would 'pay fur thoui he would bit dewu and not get up until he had eaten tire; last Prloutbfal of them. Our Sheriff, Mr. Henry Magee,' incredulous as to itir.:Rein's renrrrks, said . that if he • titeid) would sit &rwn and swallow them all before lie gob up, •he (Magee) s'ou'.dpay :tor them,. ►then tt£r. Woe. J.icksen, who was present, said, that if ' Reid did :not eat them necorc1 ng to Magee'c requert he (Jackson), would pay far them. 'Reid then took his seat and to show begat in rarnest. The first one 'he ato weighed eighteen po rnd:+; the next ore fitteert; and after be hal eaten tinkle • two, hie appetite soe.nod L, lie as sil'trp a -i it w•ae b:fore ho'had eaten one bite. i£o tllon con- ietvied tis t tnoro, and, before au hour by means of spies bbat have been sent out in advance, that the Alghans, un• der the private iubtrueticu of dr,guieed ltnssistu officers, and supplied with material stud machinery by Russia, have adopted this mode of warfare to pre- vent further encroachments upon their territory by the ftitish. Apprehens- ion is felt, in spite of all precautions that may be taken by the ofiloere corn- maediug the advancing colnmu, that the artery rutty be seriously damaged by this means, if even its clear ,approach to to the gates of Cabral is not effectually prerouted. The character of the ground over which the troops will be obliged to pass is particularly favorable to the placing and operation of explos- ives. Perils of this kind was counted tepee at the opening of the campaign, owiug to persistent underrating by the home Gueernment of Ittalstiau practical Interference in the defence of Cebu]. •Tho India Orrice is slowly waking up to the feet that the present stru.,lgie in Afghanistan is possibly tLe germ of war with 1'tussia, all developtneuts go- ing show .hat that power does nob pro- pos:e to allow' (ireat Britain to occupy en -y territory north of the old boundary tvith;.ut armed opposition. -----.-...o, SPECULATION. • THE TIMES Oo^rola] 1r 23, 1879 Furniture and Undertakine. 'DO NQ11BEAD S. P'AUI:13AI1 N has on lsaud at Hernial/. es large ankles handsome a stook of PU1.tNiTUltbl as eau he found in aulr establishment in Huron, all of which he IS PREPARED TO SELL QHEAP I UNDERTAKING iN ALL ITS BRANCHES Ravius procured a handsaw() hearse, he is prepared to atitoud to UtiDERT'A IN(t, Qn the Most Rsisonoble Terms, tnaoinicotion with the Undertaking l3usioess, he uses the Anti Septic Emits. wrlieh preserves the body tial destroys cllbffensivo odors, and prevents eozitagien arising from dread bodies. A Cali. respeetfullr solicited, ...,,.....pro...1•,... ,.,<>.orop,,,. rour.,,oarroe S'. rS"i AoA1:R °..ti% iml,'`4r 'tl9i"'1. : TFIE — EXETER r n'�� NATI :ravingit received a lot of new nlnolduery, .: '1 woad informs the farmers of the sur, euundiltgg cantata that lam prepared to n1anu- •feeturc til) kinds of Horse ),lane's, ilas'loy I orl:s, (+rain Grfadles, Suaitlls, e(44. and' leaving Roused the sorvioes of a 'first-class Turner, I. am prepared, to do ALL KIND El 01? TURNING on the shortest notice, end for style and price 1 defy cenipttitien, Aleuys o11 hand a first- class stook of Vet.]: 5111 .;Hovel italidlu . 111i4 half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTF Lrr. 1.IAY MN? 'INDUCE"), Tinv1Lt; uittr d to tu\ It 1, t t tad In'o- DUr(1 a 1n'1..0 ( 1.00.1 t ,1 ate. l • laps, I EDI lrepnrea 11,J (.nurt al Superior to any tootory In the Coal; al; aud at prices that cif, eV t.:t;a 1 n. lis d C:atert,r; ('dg an the s', it1.-,t t, „ . 11t•fure purcluu3Eg call a ',taw t. t 1`vItip a'orku • t Shop 1(•rtnnxte n;ii .n:n7-1.1. eS Exeter ? r,caolifrln Dt.nu1 111. t J . All kinds or pribtiun done neatly cheaply and with dispatch.. Order you work where you can get it done the cheapest. Since the creation, it is estimated The that 27'000,000,000,000,000 have lived Inc the earth. This sum divided by 27, , ' 844,000 the tinnlber of square mini®. give 1,814,522,08Q:to-a square rod and 5 to a square foot. Suppers tl.lat a square rid be divided into 11 graves, mall grave would contain 100. persons. But this is spe0ultttiou. and of uo tit to the 1.000,000,000 people that now exist, 500,000,000.of whom are in- valids, 83,000,000 dying eaell year. . What they most want aro the tincts cou- ceruing.Dr. Pietce'e Family Medicines. For years his (}olden Medical Disovery hits been the standard remedy for the CUM of till ,se ofulons, throat, a 11 Itiug diseases. While for over a quarter of 0 century, Dr. Sage's Cmarrh Remedy hay been unrivalled as a positive once for catarrh. '1'he testimony of thou- salsas of ladies has been p,ub;Ithed, certifyi.t,g that Ds'. Pierce's Favorite i'1'eeeriptinn positively cares the do- ',.ertt;el5 and weakness peculiar to woman. , L''tn' full inrfumalilrI esee the People's Gutn,nou Sense At.lviaor,en illustrated tvui k of 1 fel' 900 tn)g1's,ipri(t((post-wad):. $1,50. Over 100,000 levies sead, Ad. dress theauthor, et. V, Pierce M. B offal'', N. 1 r' r• . ' .. C o o r,ed Work a -gip', ryy-,,,I;..Tu ., a .t Speciallw TIMES OFFICE. has. excellent facilities far turning ont CARDS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS,; CIRCULARS. S .»@bCta'n't7Ak`a SI :10.; (. r rinC- li 1, 1•, 110. A e i ] card w eh. of '::,' nowilte •s for t‘ital ^155511„ 1:7: rr:•,; ipt of d.0,•, ALEX xUNTI & 00., 1~ 4115''1 Sole ae ,t't 1.11 c: i•1r.ln. uA 1 e1: V1sers aad:insae Geo. ,� P. .ova?u� i a's Newanapor Advertising Doreen t ,f1 .eo qt, Now York, can 1t t •r the o t;•h cost of S pro- posed liuo of ADV CIITiSINS In Int ie:,•, :(ews- papel's. . t ~" 100-p ,l;a Pexut.b1et, tqq Pf►f'1 flllrnhtn nn 1tn,7n .'s 1tt•,t:,t:u: 1, "O' l 11" tAd aJl� .1--OJ1i,+int itet�nrts '`•n,+.- — , l,lld Proportional r(:fU1' 0- (V,1\ :k:el;, t" '-:tu• of A211 - '„1 - .."1'h)..'uuvea, T.POTTLy It wID111' R•').. ai:.ai(r3,t30 Watt St 'd' Y • FyPgait nth,an(1 os-orm so!, nit:•rntat rnr1 t(+7gen Is t '.(/ oitntfree. S:r.tw.1 r•ct..1`t_%,tvt:i,?`.tine. e7r2W, ri:: �h 1• t^..,;t rid l e,oe 1'.en +••1 „ s gnat D. n. ' :^kers By an immense _practice at the World s Dismal vary and Inv allds' Hotel, having treated many hoe sand eases of those diseases peculiar to woman, I have been enabled to prrfbct a most potent and posi- tive remedy for these diseases. To designate this natural specific, I have named It Or. Pierce1s Favorite Prescription The term, however, is but a feeble expression or, tiny high appreciation of its value, based upon per. .tonal observation. I have. while witnessing its posi- • live results In the special diseases incident to the organism of woman, singled it out as the climax or enowni,,g stem or my medical careen On its merits. us a positive, safe, unit effectual remedy for this class of diseases, 5111 one that will, at all thues and under ell circumstances, act kindly, I am willing to stake env reputntlon as a physician: and no conlidentmn I that It will not disappoint the must sanguine ex., pectations of a single Invalid lady who uses it focally of the ailments for whI ch 1 recommend it, that 1 offer and sell It under A POSITIVE GUARANTEE, (For conditions, see pamphlet wrapping bottle.) e The following are among those diseases in which my Favorite Prescription has worked cures, as if by magic, and with a certal ntynever before attained by any tlrislExcessive sohJoInfulDonly Peod, Supprreins wu1ni unnatural causes, Irregularities, Weak Back, Pro- lapses, or Falling of the Uterus, Anteversion and lietroverstou, Bearing -down Sensations, Internal Beat, ICervous Depression, Debility Despondenl•y, �I Threatened :Miscarriage, Chronle Debility, gntluu, In. itammatlon and Ulceration of the L'terus,mpotency, Barrenness, or Sterility, and Female Weakness. do not extol this medicine Els a "cure -ail," but It admirably fulfills a ain¢1cneaa or purpose, being a most perfect specific in all chronic diseases of the sexual system of woman. it will not disappoint, nor will It do harm, In any state or condition. Those who desire further Information Gil these sub• leets can obtain it In THE PEOPLE'S Camei011 SENSE. EDICAt, ADVISER. a book of over 900 Ames, sent, peat -pall, nit receipt of 51.90. It treats minutely. of those diseases peculiar to Females, and Alves much rateable advice in regard to the management of those affections. Favorite Preserfy tion. ,.old by Drugc1Rt,.. ( I ]l. V. exaacE, 50. D. Prop World's Dlspe,,sary tett Invalids' Hotel, BuhlelC,_r, b.41 co 2 (Successors1,0 Ii. 1'. PID2CZ1, Dn. It, V. PIT RCPT, having ac fu iced 8 world-wide reputation in the treatment of Chronic Diseases. resulting in a professional business far exceeding iiia individual ability to conduct, some years ago6' Induced several roedieal gentlemen to associate them) selves with hint, a9 the Faculty of the World's Dis: pensni'1', the Cnnsulth,R Department or which bad since been- merged with the INVALIDS, liOTELe,. The organization las been completed and I nennve-• rated touter the lame ,iud style of World,. Dineen - Racy Medical Association,.wiLb the following officers: Icon. R. V. PDIILCE, Pres, P. D. PritnCE, Ir. Prat. Jio.1.. RI1:10E, Sec. LEtcti 13. 3Hrru, 7'aa NINE. t'rrYSrorANs ANP BP;srftG13UNS of repins . ncnt'r and sitIll have been chosen as the l sanity. V It 111)NIC• DISEASES of all forms comic within the plLbNo) D1SEANES.eiZllifoilii sion or practice. Is v sty ably ivaage d by a gentleman of nurture Julig mora 800 skull L'rnnch f0, Throat and• 'mug Dls- `D1SEASLS ODWOMEN.et successful gully are nn i stem- ties of tt superior order for the cure of all those el,romitt diseases peeuliur to females. 000IOLVOU®r/.t8leASIOl ,-r t,niy,ts, Nervous Debil- ity, Benepsy (dots), chorea (St.Vltus s Dunce), Neu - alight, and other. nervous .dloetinns, receive the attention of an 0,101.0rt to this spnclnlly. INOT NEVE:SSAKli TO SEE PA'T'IENTS,—By our • original system or dttgnedts we can treat many chronic:0141011Sen ES eltaa0SSf'fhy wlthtlul, ES with 11 personal consultation. Forlartlettart sec "People's. omm(I1 Sense Medical Ad iser” (1 000 pales sent POS a-pai0 tor51,00)00"Jtival13)8'lind Tourists` 'U'tdtle monk " (100 pages, 10 cents post.Pltld). • amnion'. (Mei:S.-Among the operations which' we aro culled open most frnryucntly to pm'tin•nt, are those for Nand Polypus Harelip, 'runlot•d, Fistula ht Ano; Hernia ernia (Ittiptarc),1lS•droorke (Dropsy of the Scrotum), t'aleoeelr Ovurin.n aril Utetiae 14unots, (:moot! (SLOES in fhe Bhtddef), Stricture, etc., etc: We also treat successfully, by anew moth - and without surgical operation (laueus, Club-1'eut. Spinal Curvature, and other 0efertnides. (Set: p500 pmol entitled •'5toklen as a Curative Agent,+' sent on receipt of Irl cents.) Address,, Wotld'o Dicgoarpoy Uodtcat 69aoatattop� • dtu NltAJ Ch IVr.i