The Exeter Times, 1879-10-9, Page 3tiEVZS
. anaawo..,araw..c...rn.r.,.,wv •
omit) x N 11.UtAGItAI? LS. SOWING \VINT1'a1t WHEAT.
Of all thieves: rook ttre the worst; There will nnloilbtedly be a large
tl'ey roll v al of time told temper.
Let ,stun ioin*?nt ft.1 np tate otiiillts of
your r+xiet•eliee, batt mit the gleets awes
thoreo •
If 1,a ui,att has rtdigin)t of the right
!sort, 0o.n will fled '4t on without strew
''8pe°ta*.l , f3 •1't sus (i1;, nett.
40.u.t'," r,igh''il, ?Asthma 13ORt►parte,
I had ,genet thin!; € et motley; now V ilave
xintltine else
!'holele who fish tor compliments (lo
trot Iseed long lines. They will get.
'their beet biles in shallow Water -
Ag rt': vehor makes' straight bis n,ar•
yhtv, e:r a wies mart makes straight his
tlwitelit, whimh it is ditiiault to turn,
x..'1 g.'nera1. there is no one with
whom life dregs so divig;reertlrly as
smith hitt who tries to make ke it short-
)itotlr'y in ynttr parse will ol`erit yon
---1visd"111 its yonr head will adorn yon
--but bath in j'n'lr neeeslity will serve
\V1, igh thy erortig in a haln.roe, and
make a door mil a bar for your
sib's!! t 1l.
• A3 rocteeptet1 Old Testament, 13013
There are -some hernnn tangling
which h'id'e tv n aider, like tltrtt of cer-
tain gcoutrnller1s, one smooth Itntl the
OQtI►Pr rr;t'izh..
Tile more a men knewe abont sny
entbject;s the grater will be hie charity
for and sylopethy 'elitist views differing
from hie rr\'1'.
\11ie(l';ln i5 hatter than ;rich(.q. Wig.
shuni guard', thee. but tilt,trw rNttst guard
Thy lichee, !niches attitude!' lel the
nsinr, bat wii.,(10u irierea res in the use
of it.
'The ;NM -rents between rifling a
tenree and riding a hobby consists in
itllie--that 0111, can get off t. horse at
ally titre, batt a'+cr3 on 1a hobby, a haat
cats elv*'t' get off. instead.
We meet feel; to help men •film net Nankin, the scent, with a rllspltt3b
tievonr them, to reform and not °or• , fol (',root:, made arida of 160 miles 111
rapt them, to take thein to heaven acrd tvi'nty-four Lott.•• The Indiraus sire
not drag, tl'P'n clown to hell, if we
would ht ar God hey t r ue, "Well
Be nab Clivi led from vnur ditty by
any idle reflections the Filly world. turf•
Make rrtt•1jt you, for their r•nn=nree are
yonr Pinar. and onnwegsantly
Hl mold not bo any part of your sou•
A al 'th dist elder. who, when the
eonfere'r"e t.flft at Itttr(erhtnwn, wise
asllte(1 by his lost to 'waw gr•rrc r.' and
tel o nfrrr reverently folding his han -i
see claimed, '«e thank the('„ t`) Lord,
for prneisi'1ne, wo thank thee for apse
tits, hot above rill we tllrlt,i4 thee for
Right 9i'bit is like the iehrinnel, which
dictates tine corlrse in which the river
area of wheat snwn'this fall. It is fore.
shadowed by letters we are ooitstautly
recviving.;itnd,mteiit for the feet that
the full crops of last year, enol espeeiftl.
ly the extrrtardinary yield !Toth in gt'tntu.
arty and quality df this eetasou'a dap
will set minty farmers "agog" on Wheat
sotdttig. We do not advise farmers to
recti headlong luso wheat. While it is
an 'encloubted feet Europe will require
liege drafts of wheat from the United
States, yet we do not expeet that sue.
(wetting years wilt s►.oty successive fnil-
ltadt3 ttlero nor o:t%%raordtuai'y yields
here, That the present crop, Targe as
it ts, will be taken at good prides there
is 1)0 doubt; the wheat producing
countries have not given anything like
their tlnrmalyield, and in some of them:
the shortage leas! Leets n very berionr,
sonatas, Tet rncoeebingly good weath-
er may very materially inf Bence the
state of the grog's of England and
France, our two greatest buyers. Whitt
we se ant to say was thine : No person
eau e'xpe'ct to succeed year by year in
getting large or oven fair crops of wheat
bvslaclt enitivution.nnde'rpecially where
the crop is sown wheat after wheat, ex.
cent those localities where the soil is
not oil vir in but especially adapted
to the crop,--Chica,ge l'rairie Farmer.
nouns. •
All ncc(ttutts dun to dile (lwterieh 1`o.tnder Ain!
Tenn tlflartaAug (thinp,,lcy iI1.1,itc'rlt lliht,t be
prolnl,tly`srttlecl to avoid Conte.
NO p c erotic nrd r1,ntl►orizud to fettoivn h;' ytnenta
or Idako settteinents. o i bultalf of the rntng)nit}'
oifopt.lho uncldl'wtguc(L.
ROA:1.0 uou ro:d,
• President.
TOAs o[iitls•rl,1s,
Clarten[dlt„Trine l l> 1870.
crix'thoott 414 eon
TAILORS and CLO'1:'1liEltS,
Take plea.sureto irfOrmtho inhabitant* of Fxetrt
;add surrounding eonllrry, that they. have just
ope.tod out aneaoellentaseortmentof
T!r`(1eds, Ooatil(ts, 1'('sti')ttlsete.',
Lai thel'ateat styles an(l.,attcrns,nnd, foot. assured
that 11)tad tntttterofolot'ting, they can -suit the
utoRtfnetld toaataste a;
i.Tnclr rtake)V.;
those attend to do so from
the manufacturer. The
detalor who buys to sell
again must naoe•tsariiv
have a profit. We claim
to give the prtrohasers the
benefit, which. cannot fail
to meet the views of the
(;rangers. Our osnousos
aro loss than those of city
nlaint!tie turers oen8aq„out.
ly we can selluheaper.
and I-+ri trnitnro 1 .E-m-t:lta(rtrlrer
Bull specielattentioa
to our u11dertakitia dept,rt
(nent,which is more cool.
plots theuoror,a+t wo have
added several new designs
of hate The host eoltln,e,
Baskets shrouds,and every
(literal requisite at the
lett eatpricoa, ()a1, nett/
Hearse to pronounced by
competent ledges to be
second to nut a in the
Embemns of all the Different Societies.
Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit,
Therefore, read, purchase, and enjoy its hnrgn ins, When I say 1. inauufactnra my own furniture
,r -m prepared with my proot. host that the people eau inspect at any tune by calling at nay Ware
rooms whore they will see a superb (tie Islay of
Furniture in All Its Branches
Is nlannfantnrart by alveoli anti tel combuutl "mantic shill, wit's goo:! worlrin!(nslzip. I der lard lin'
ir,satisfying the people with a class of Fit• cativo that cannot be equalled for quality or !nice h
ll xeter, all blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Cheyenne, Oct. 2.-- Two freighters WHEN YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CAIL.
frons North Perk report fresh tudian Nearly opposite Kemp's Tobacco Store. Main Street, �.s.,reter.
sigus tate Park Young Ara -
pelisse 13nelis told them that the Arapa•
irOe Bost joined Utew driving colored 1579)
Ids, 1,w nut Gf the Patl.. They think
the Iodinate were about to proceed to
Stertttllr,aat Springs to attack Dedge,
inlet' Tb,u•nbtlt'gtl'I apprlraoh ettraeteU
their attention, and they attacked him
:saved with Winchester rifles and have
plenty of aninrlition. It is feared the
Utes knee formal ran alliance with the
Arapahoes and tenalfes, and a general
Lillian war will result. Several old
officers think it improbable than ilIerritt
will reach Tlrnrttbnrgll's eonlmat,d in
time to SAVI it. Gesteraf Williamslista
no such fenre. It is believed the Lni-
trtbo have gorse oir the war path with
the Uten, and number frotL' 400 to 800.
The tite4 are divided into the Southern
Utes. 900. rend Log Pima Utes, 210,;
and White River Utes, 800. It is the
latter who are on the war -path, hut the
others are ,ii•searieflpd. Prospeetors
have been nr1,'ing'.fhat Cengrnse disre•
2sari treaty (lltligration 9 and declare the
1, i ,. ul tt 1 rl(sw deeper ler
Ute reservation open to 'settlement, see -
shall i v, rat h.c i g, s l 1 log that serinns cnnsenneneess wnul(1
;and sleeper with each year. ILI411t follow hlvaeioni 111 their L1OWI1h/. Schurz
haR1il; ifs like the threats err a'lliall we moon congress for nnthnr•ity to negnai-
,string proetc t i peat is. The tlit•r'ad is
perhaps •'f no grant value, bot if it be
broken, 111e pearly are Lost.
ate for. °cessions to the United States of
ell the reservations Of the Utes. The
regnesk lure disregarded.
AN OTHER 10.A. if.A.711E. Tho Utes dress like white mean. and
altheneh surly by nature. have been
treatable. Knowing that it would b,.
impossible to 'plot the an tong
as promisee to pay for their land were
nnfnlfillPd, the Interior department
appealed to Congress to allow the en•
listulent of 8,000 Indians as 0n anxiii-
ary to the env, and tri be employed
in fighting the rebellions ones. This
Oat on ltichigeste avenue a man near
eeve•,ty y ?it rs of age smarted it S11)al1
confections,'y store 501110 t1i(intha 131)1ne,
farad alio miter day 'rent -weed] to his
three art(iitors tip town that he had
failed as:1(1 whetted to compromise. The
trio went down to the store, which
they fonu(1 in full blast, and the fuur
sat clown for to task. regarded as absolutely neceesnrv. 01
'•Tun tree, sbeutletllens, I do no pos. this appeal Congress took no notice.
mese, 110(1 fey family eats up all da
.br(4Ly," explaiued the tradealmun by "GERMAN SYRUP."r
way nt rt :cuss.
",•°n owe we twelve dollars," replied
vino of the creditors, and each of these
°there fifteen dollars. That wakes
forty•two dolilIra. '
Shunt forty•two," sighed the old
"Now, Shen, Taos much money have
yon on 1l'atttl 2"
"Sonya z►sty toiler and no more."
"Iro•y well, es you have had bad
11�01i, wH will settle with you for oue
-11tindreti cud twenty cents on the del -
lar and yon can go on as before."
"Yaw, I will do dot, shentletnens,
nod .I stn obliged for each kind treat-
Ho got out his money, the twenty
per 8.1111. wits added to the claims and".
paid, and before the creditors retired
he insiMtf(t Ort treating them to ice
cream. They had been gone an hour
before alto old man rushed out and
halted a, and said.
'self I fails in pestress noel bays ono
hundred and tweety cents on der toi-
ler, tot. d,'eet it (1.0110 y"
•tdt 11311100 don't tin(lerst:.and
]tory to fail," wa'i the rattly.
"Is dot possible„" whispered the 0111
"I 41)01114 Nay, en,
"Vol!, I go pack to the shoe hes•
nese agent. Von 1 feile ill riot ibeslless,
I snake every.tings. Veit I fails in die
beseess I pay 1)10re as 1 owe."
No other medicine in the world was eve
given such a test of its curative qualities as
Bnsern e's GuaM-ot Bruce. Iu three years two
millions four hundred thousand stnalt bottles
of this medicine were distributed free of drarpr
by druggists in this country to those afflicted
with Cotrnuruptieu, Asthma., Croup, severe
Coughs, Pneumonia, and other diseases of thm
throat and hangs, giving tate American people
nruleuinble proof that (}Ii1larar; tune will cure
them. The result hits been that druggist,' in
every town and village in the Canartns and
United States are recommending it to their
eustomers. Go to your drngoist and asst what
they know about it. Sample bottles, 10 001111 .
ilegnlru• size, 715 cants. Three doses will re-
lieve any case.
Buy our lleanitville WHITE LIf11 and
Star Brand' Plaster Paris. and you will be
(T1lnasvd with your work. fresh lame always
011 ltahtal.
LOCKS, and
wary cheap for malt. White Lead, Oils, Tnr-
p(attine 1(1(l putty at button.' prices.. lope
Ciu(iu, SAWN, Plant's and other tocols at prices
that will astonish you. Carriage !Bakers, call
and wee
()-t'r i erii, Cxocc1',
made 'Huila dry, tough timber. Cheap for
Ci'13?RN + to CO.,
Th., Elvin elle and •NittehImlc1' fla.r(trare Starr.,
Exeter. lfntley to 10511 on .Alol'tgngeri.
1lIACDi STI1EE'T, PX.I•.T>rllt.
At all tulles, •4nd ttartienl(rly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and moue,
scarce, it is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can getthe article 110 want,
at the10tre11 rate. In calling yonr !attention to my present stock, I do sit with eve"y coltfia
duce; it being tuorocareful]y assorted and selected than that of any previous season.
In the Dry Goods
I3verydepartment isreplete wig' the moatsea1nttnble and fashioeabie
prices which should command the attention of the very closest buyers.
(LOT131Xu• still 11as Mn. %V. IVES at it. heaa
In Millinery
Underthe tua-ntiment of nis MeGloghlon, we can suit, the most fastidious, slur 3110031, 0,
Groce.ies, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and America/:
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
one of tae largest and best assorted iii the Comity. Inreedin" purchasers will eon:mit Orel.
best interests by ex,unining my stock before going elsewhere.
fabrics, marked et
Lki1; l)l(D1 I34I•
VE4 f�"'OT
/ g1He anbscriber begs to 01 normae to the inhabitants of Exeter and thea •rrmticd]np conn.
1 try, that he has ole nest a T1.N and 5 I'OVr; DEPOT hi the store nearly opposite Mr. G
A. knees Grocery and Liquor stare, main street. _Exeter, where 1he is I,. sten! ed to fill all arks.
Cook, Parlor and other Stoves
At Manufacturers' Prices.
Tinware, cheaper than til(; cheapest, and made up by pr'actio.91
workmen on the premises.
i;al'c-Troughingdone to order. Carriage Plating :1 Sifeeialty. Coal nil Cliiiiin ys, tilt
very best and 13410* ('heather.
Intending purchasers will always find MMP nt 711C poI3, ready to att(n(1 to nay own hustne5,
and prepared at all times to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good nuc
cheap article. Depend upon it that nowhere 00,0 yon get letter value ('Ir veer money.
The very highest price Tit Cash paid for Hides and Sht)t:p skins,
'Exeter P 0, Octoi•er 15 1877.
AtLAW, 5oliclter, Cc,. Odice, tteen's ]3lrnsl
i Al1I)IN( 11? ARDING, :tt AVEITE.
▪ A' Bari lets. +ttoruoyf; Solicitors, Cnstr-
Blal1ez s,13, 1t., c' o.
titrol^.--I•l u'1°tvsn's llhoult Witte) treat, f+t
ktnty's, f...
1005 PI .11 lftpllri,{, W. IIAt1rinlo. italt.I..'1r;•flrl lei -
‘T MoD I. l-111MID,
tit 4t iiS'1'E;t.'o'I3.t tY, CONY PTAINvr.'
"AIL II T('t31 v'M)N, 1114.,,lbor of
the '.11,110 W1'll ir.:•tna arra Sur(enn5031
(rututtn, ve , .t1,.. ()filoenext door to I. Callings,
Main titre,-,-" xi -ter.
D!t '1f;1 g N''AN CORONler,
t:,,, t''•puty oflfar,.n. ,silier Ile xi door to
d tr.1. tr;arlit ,i ..torr!, I•keter.
to i-it0W N!N(-r la 1 0. 119.
! • F reVIiotrni 1ii,ve, '?• Office
(11(1 •'a m.•. 1.•. it +1 or• t , • r'xeter.
;,•1_•, M li i
_L. r► 1 u( 11 it)ire tshtt %mitre -at
tthee 0..14 7,•tcl.ali t, r"'ie.. ours -
!11.1 1 • 7111'tt 1t.
[Ili 3 ii)i.1 1's. (t. 1.'a. S.
Q , t,l..• .r ('f 110 hour.
✓ pm (3 t., •• . r dt'i-01', 1. ..
..La 00,,idenre, 1 S1 t 1'.
1,1, ' 1 j: 31.4. . .ST.
1 ,.(. ol101e
• 44.0t .. - i•, ':Tipton.
.11(11.1'1.% t l.1 DITOI"
'( 1 pr l?1, i^,;tit ;,utel Its
neat, u3' r •, .t. tittrilul 13 lint -clew.:
tyle t...(. ,1i, a 1..0; t ' Lot, ma for.
• tri i 't • i e levet hest'u. Iin':,•t ut a cigars
▪ int l Itt dtiwe hctt•r'. a(5 (.3, on hand.
'1 31 WIrd 1A01 13AI(1:1(,
1)1,110-r (11'' \\AL3.te HOTEL.
t'i., 7, 11'N. O. `,l' '1' lu,vii'g pitt'Ohtt50,1
:an cab +- :•,1 and ,lie c ti. thruuL1 ..ut, 110)3 of
e1,, fir r-, ti,,. tettuvriela, Goo!
.it/•ani rt 1,•.o' ..t the -c.:1,, (, tied stitblingend
((1anti • in., on r.utitt. Every attention paid
to gnu
- 44-
TSE F.A1).71111IS
Wi 11 .;v .111.1 . rt $14131.1.1 Of 4100 per znotitu
,and 0 r allow it luci , coututissaum to sell
ourne'. ,n_. ,• fui(u,..nt;uas 10C 1(1(3(3110410-
71 Inch
3Byitsgreat and thorough Mood -purifying proper-
ties, Dr. Pleror•'s (;olden 3teclfral Dltceevcr)Jcnn.t
tdt Humors. from the wel•::4 Scrofula to a comuumt
Btbtob, Pimple, or Eruption. Mercurial -dl -ease,
.Mineral I'oisnns, and them effects. are eradicated,
Tend vigorous health and a sound conotltntlnn (star
115 eel. Eryslpelaa, Snit -rheum, Fewer Sore Sino
or Itu,yeh Bk1,. in short, tall tdseasru e1111101I by I.a.l
blond, ore cm tottered by this powerful, purifying, ant
Especially h,•ts it manifested Its pnteucv in (urt17
Tetter. Ito.e Rost(, Bone, Carbuncles, Sore Ens,
Scrofulous Sores a„d Swellings, White Swellings
Goitre or Thiele 1Veck,•a11d Enlarged Glands.
If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated have enure-,ceder'Of skin, or 3,>lowtsh.b1oon spots on fare of
body. frequent 110:., ache e1, dizziness, bad taste in
mouth, internal heat or chills alternated 371(11 bit
aaslles,lowepirlts.3(13(lgloomy forehodtuu s,lrre utt,t•
eT,T,O'ire. anttangos Nutted. you aro searing flont
I'ot•eld Ltrer, or,•'aialousnese." In many 011901 n
' .aver t'oniplolat" only part et these symptoms ay..
experienced. As a relaed • rot gill such cures, 15
Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery has no equal, au
it (Certs leer:bot and rndlen1 cures.
1n the cure of Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, and the
early stages of Consnnptlou, It anus 55t0n sited 110'
medical twisty, and rcuineut physicians preeenn'r
It the grttatest teedlcal di.seevery 01 the age. While
it0Ul w tla• severest Cetigl,. It strengthens the system
and tturfnes the blood. 0,1.1 by druggists.
anal Ili PIERCE:.
Betel, litigate, pN "3Voricl's Dispensary
O • 00
sextet s
NC "LI boat tAfiTiG
Nouse of taking the large, repulsive. nauseous PON
4otnpo¢ped of cheap, crude, end bulky ingredients.
These Pe►tets are scarcely Mager than mi, tArd l.eedi
](King entirely vcaotablosnn particular care ler..
nuked while using them. They operate without db..
turbance to the constltntlon Chet or eceunqattost
Far Jaunalee. Headache, t lonstrpnttoa, Inap�
Beed, Vole to the Shoulder%, 'lightness of the V
7Nolnese, Sour Eructation/ hem the Stomach, W�40
Taste la the Mouth. Batons attacks. fele In reetw
b( Kidneys. Internal Fever, Bloated feeling arwM
tsweh, Rush of snood to Iliad, take Dr. VIl000'
Pled/suit Purgative Pellets. In explanation of Ulf
tomtits' powYer of these Purgative Pellets over or
teflon upen0the animalecconomy be
ut 1vetrial..*at oS
(eland or tissue escaping their Menasha impress. !.e'
eoes not impair the properties o! these Far
'They are sugarcoated and lucloeed in glass hada;
their virtues being thereby preserved unimpaired fol
any length of time, In any climate, so that they m+
always fresh and reliable. Tb1810 not the ensu toil:
pills put up In cheap wooden or pasteboard bosr-•a
For alt diseases where a Laxative Alterative, nl
Purgative, 15 Indicated, these little Tenets wilt es,.
them:etperfect eattsetetton. Sold, bydragdtstp
cud invaallds, Rote LDiiilf la,1 n 3T. orld`•
a Lisp 'szuy
SYMpTome.-FreCrrmIent 1301151
ache, dischargePilling intothio:,t
sometimes profuse, watery, 4113'13
mucous, purulent, offensive, Om
in others, a dryness, dry, watery, weak, or tnllnmrd
eyes, stopping up, or obstruction, of the nasal ps•:.
sages, ringtn$ to ears, clearness, hawking rind congle
Ing to clear the throat, lacerations. scabs from Meetly,
voiee alterednasal twang, Wrens! vebreath hnpnim,i
or total deprivation of seusn er smell amt breath, gut,ziness, mental depression loss of appetite, 111(.14,6114%tion, enlarged tonsils, titldfng ecaugh etc. only s
tcw of these symptoms are likely te be present ht ?WV
case at one ties.
Produces radical cures or the worst cases et'Cntzt,'it
nu mutter c1 how toms standing. The ilc3Utti 0(3(11 13
may be snuffed or totter applied by the no of b.'
MAntCyet invented with i is 11*11.lyteediclnr Iiia l
tarried( 711011 11' 113(1 )311Itt+lseit,17 AP11.1tt1) 1. s1
be'arta of the ttttcrted nasal tltasti a, and the 0(1(1111
rg Or a Visits rnnuttutileit n3 toeve id(, in Whitt
sores and ulcers ^0gactlt1) exist, and from w1,1.5
the rittnrrltltl discharge generally 3113(13('3 i its •l:.1,
is pleasant and e1Fsl1y ttnd(lstooll I_rnn' direethrit
,4rerllnt'nnying erten nstallmettt. `0i 8 t $ (ft.
tnrrhh RRemtedy aures reeetlt :Markt of 1cd,o 1 to sit,
Bead "by n row appllrntinn:. It Is awl jI.ett•
not to nor, containing to stronger caustic 1.11:3+ • 4
pnisens. catarrh St• mt dy nod D.01,•i't en1.l by (31.546
stn,It. t.tstn(l.,;T.0..r'r'�'�'rMott eDes
w. and levtdlds' 1re1Ul, 11u11',t3a. h• 1. .w