The Exeter Times, 1879-10-9, Page 2TILE TIMES \VUUO ARE TRE \IEN THAT HAVE :13%JIL.T UB THIS REPUBLIC ? An able I'rotesteut writer (William Mathews, L. L D. irn "Howe with Heti and Boc, i "), says t "Who. are the men who built up tbit untiou Rad tirade it the great it*Iiiublile it ii' ? Are they all', or beat ly Idol, of ,i, g1u-Saxon birth ur descent ? Not to speak of the Swiss, the Huguenots, the I;)uateli, and ether eniwn peoples,, Bet :ie leek at the lribit oa.ntillgeet to American great. uess, Viva, ties very first set.tlrtnent of the country, it, field and street, at the plow, in the Senate, and en the l.attle•f(e'ld, xtirh eneley soca repre- sented. 111ar11Rlld and South Carolina were largely pt opted by liberni)tus, Maine, New Httulpelhire, end Kele, tacky received many Irish emigrants, Daring the first half t f the Inst cern tory the emigration trona: Ireland to Vele Quuntry was .not less than a quar- ter of a trillion. When out i'urefatilers threw off the British yoke, elle 'dab formed et sixth or seventh of the whole' oopulatinu, and ime.fourtlh of all the eammissiuned officers ie the army and navy were of Irish decent. Thefirst general ofli,eer killed iu battle, the first e,; oer of artillery appointed, the first comluoaore emainilialoned, the first victor to whom the British flag was struck at sfind ea, and the firoilier sho surprised tat fort by land, were Ir- ishmen ;.and with such enthut'iasin did the etuigrauts from the •Gteatl Isle, espouse• the. cause of liberty that Lord 1louutjoy doshIred is Plirliamendt,. ,.You lost America by the Irish." We will poi speak of the ipbysiciaL de• velopmeut of America, to, which ono eeueratious. of Irish laborers have but limey 1'utve seen Lim weep, Ile is aleu4ler in person, his and are straight hod long, hitt arnla beatutful,. Grave and soleuiu i3). Lis cliseourse, his lau.guage is simple and quiet,. He is in appearance the moot beautiful of the children of men," The Emperor Coo- standee caused piotures of the Sou of God to be painted from this aucieut description. In the eighth century, at the period in whioli St. Jiohn of Da, urnitur a and Uu e t ►► in r. S. FAIRI3AI1tN has oal hand at 13eutlsll as large au(1 as handsome's. stuck of INItIsirr UBE as ran be found in any establishment in Huron, all of which he IS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP ! UNDERTAKING IN ALL iTS BRANCHES Having proenred a handsome hearse, lie is prepared to attend to UNDERTAKES Cr, On the Most Reasonable Tears, ueonneetiou with the Undertaking Business, he NOS the Auti Septic fluid, which preserves mucus, wrote the lineaments of this 4Lebody and destr0ys all utCouslvoOdors, and prevents ooutaginn arising from dead 1)0(1108. A call remarkable figure continued to be the I ruspectfullysulteihed• s same as they are to this clary. .._ .•..:. _ ._ -----0 AN AMPLE APOLOGY. Ono friend Duggles, of thefirm of Spciggles & Duggles, dealers in lauov dress goods, once put his foot in it, in 0 moment of thoughtlessness, but ex• trisated himself with credit. At an evening party, where all Was nlirt ' ailcl jollity, mention was made of one of the uoted belles of the seasou. Some pronounced her beautiful beyond oo)n- 1,t risoli ; others were more moderate in their encomiums, while a few failed to discover any native beauty in her, any way. She was an artist, note could deny, and she knew how to eud art to the develepmeut of her condi. twos. Finally a direct appeal was made to Dugglus. He had not yet expressed an opinion, and yet,. as one of his friends laughingingly cleeltteed„ he was always found, wise in counsel•. "Pau hunaw," said our hero, I don't know—ab,—as I ought to speak. Dot,." —with an Italian siting of the shoul- ders'-- "look at her mouth ; it always puts' me in mind of an oyster 1' It (does,. 'pon my soul 1" chiefly contributed ; we• will coufine It so, happened that an especial ourselves to Lieu of brain who have fri ind of the lady in question heard` of leavened the mass of bone and sinew 'the remairk very shortly after is had by wheels our material prosperity has been worked out. Who were 'the cor- been uttered'. and he straightway sought out Dt:ggles, and demanded' all culls, the Rutledges, the Fitzsimmons, apology on the spot. For a brief space, and the rt'iclieeo.s,, of the, revoluti'n as our friend thought of the thiu•lit)- \irllouee cause slash teen as Andrew }reel, pursed -rip mouth wlliah he 11 ad so 1,ncksou, En:ulet, 3. C. Calhoun, and kloDuff^e, of a.later day ? Whence the projector of the Erie Canal, the iuyen t - aptly characterized, be was its terror. for the lady's cleampiou was 0 giant and a fire eater e but quickly a way of or of the first Aluericau relined ? escape pre4ented itself. 'Whence two of our leading. sculptors, "Apologize 1" Le cried, in seething ?'ewers and Crawford "' Whence our wullder. "!for svhat should 1 spoke most distinguished political ec000miet, gize ?l• Carey ? Whence. the hero of Win- i "Did You not, in the 'presence o f cheater,whomq:'l the people of the many gentlemen and ladies, compare riotth have delighted to !tenor ? They the ?mouth of Miss Iia ---with au oy. vers ail Irish 1.)y birth or dteece•ct." sten y.* ''Ab!: you have got it mixed, my 1'EBSON&L APPEARANCE OF' dear sir. I did say that her, mouth CHRIST. pelt ale in mind of an, oyster ;: std I say it agaiu—I say itl again, sir. It is The following description was seutl the repository o1 pearl:, sir !--of to the Doman Sainte.. by Publics Leu- pearls beetond prion. tu1Ll , pro consul of Judea, before Hel-. "Oh !' ah t Excuse me. 1 see, ed. Lentulue batt seen the Saviour Very good, indeed 1" sad had made hon sit, as it were, that And the oliamnion unbent and .mil. 11a might give a written description of ed, and stioc3k halide with the dieecri. his leatures and I)Ilysioguoiny. His liortrait, apoa'rypltal though it be, is at least one of tho first upon record ;, it latex froth the earliest period of the church, and, has beeu nieutioned, by the ,nowt ancient fathers. Lentulus When your look on a hetet register writes to the Seuate as fullows :--"Ant and see them registered' the arrival: of that titine.appeared a tnau who is. still "fir. Bliuk and; lady," Stun mop bet liviug, and endowed with mighty pow • your bottom dollar that the woman is or. Ilia dibeiples called hili the Son: not his wife. Uon who are married of God ; others regarded, him as a, register and Roe' known as man and 1 Powerful prophet. Fie raises the dead) wife.: Snobs, upstarts, ignoramuses to life, and heals the sick of every de. 1t:udtlmen who travel and put up %with seriptiou of infirmity and disease, other. women, register, "aud lady." This Luau Us. of lofty stature,, and. well, hien of real, good hardt•citnber serum, proportioned, his couutenanee ses:ere aro. oonteet to be known as hasbaud and virtuous, so that he inspires feel, au& wife, and, not eternally •trying; to jugs Loth of fear and love. The hair ape 11'Ly Lord:aud My Lady. of royalty of his bead is of the color of wine and, and tuadyisfn. from, the top of Itis head to rains ear);, F;F,)ys,, some of these days you will) straight and without ratliaul:e,, but it be ineu,,yom will go from, home 'anti delacends %oto the, ears to the shoal• your sweetheart or your wife: If you derein shining; carts. •Front the stop at a Lptel',, and aneenot married, atiouiclers the lutie aoteg dowel the drone oadls, register your nacres on sop. Welt, divided iuto two portions,. Lifter arate•lities. If the lady is your wife, tele :planner of the. Nazarenes e his thon•register so the landlord and, all foveltea 1. is (dear and without wriukies,. who see it will know ludic• and, what his Igo free from bleuzish and slightly you are. lout if you are, travelling tiuged with red, bis physiognomy no•: with a fanny woman, or the wife. of are bits atad. gracious.. The nose and other man,. and.rouui.together, then by Mouth are • feultloss. klis beltrdl is all uaeaus register .your name and after ubuudttut, the seine ardor ate hie llnir, it write,, agidilady.;` `12his advertises Ka( 1,biked. ILtie eyes ate blue said:' that the w.oullatl id nut your `life, and r)ry 1i'itliutzt. Iu reproving or centthat blur is nameless, sl, nonentity',, a: ',.trteg 133! is awe ihsiliring,, 1.0 exhort...! nij:eterdt 1.u.. bit.irts,, a. eotni)aniou for a' i )g end teueliii4 his Epeeoh is getltle!tiine,,o' thatyOu;ate toot() VOA 'siiuplr;-, mad .eatOesieg.• iiia cuttluteual)ce is.. tete. if she is your wife,,do not bee etarvolt,Lte iL1 4teriuush..s. laud Brat c.. aohauwtt, of ht.•r or to let the .people. IL; :eau ;lc/Ver J...L't v ,lI steal .3 i.itigh, c Let; 1 it. mivating• Duggtes,. "AND LADY." TTHF E , ETER TIMES E1P JOB NM% OIL A11'Jiiuds of printing done neatly•choaply and with dispatch. Orciter you work \Miosisyon all get it clone the cheapest.. Colered The. TOW S• OFF1C ..•E. Wadi a S pecialty •lias:e;xtcelle±1.l: facilities for-titr,niilg ont CARDS,, BILT.1 HEADS„ POSTERS, CIRCULARS,: DO NOf.i 1-t'FA, , EUS. '. • L�Ttiving received I, 11)1 of 1)01V tuflelitne1•y, I' L tvuuld inform tho fanners of the sur- rounding country that I Intro prepared to manu- facture all kinds uL horse !takes, Ihu'1oy ibrks, llraiu Ci'acil05,'8uaiths, etc, and having 4eenred the 9llrvieoi of a first-elass Turner, J, len prepared to to ALL IiINDii OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and prie(+ I defy uwnlutatioa. Always o11 hand a first - Wads etuek at t'01It and rihovel hunches. Mill Half a mile solatll of Exeter. A. COT'T ILL. HA r 'PUSMJ? \Oldies. G. E' 1.TON - PRIVRET03. Flavin; udiln(9 to may ,ncnp 11Atr•4tatur'', u. •12)ro- 1 euro l a Malar' elnauflty of 11 sot lugs, 1 alit prepared to(irler 1171 ura30lu Supor!or to any Factory In the :"ount,y, and at prices that ddoty me lltp:tttdto. 11011s- «t t)lntorub dug uta the el.urten+ 20)1i0. • Before 1)urohasiug•.t111 a the 1..y :'a1u,, 1V(iks t:,:,SuOp-•iluo.<ln':ito 111i11) 1.e;)t of -.surd f,OL'totl ]loud. 11.31),' i . o u>' I•IAillll,ru N . uK'rA1a0, tho oldest Ladies College i', tie 1')•c,viuc,•, enters o3) its • inateeetit ttar(,u Held•. a. 1'i,) •ty or 1,./einu•tu:,•)it1 extent of eul•rtcnicut, th"r„ugh- (lo• s of iuscl'u4t1ou and exs4liouna e: f ttoawnlua- 03)16011 it is ill 1110 very i1ont remit, 7•ur 3JZahn: le- apply to the prtu0ipal, 1, vl'11.N3 SPEPIGErtiAtt S 1•.;:L rtl 41 Ha e'rtor 31/Ig- 11:,:0 ),lotto. A. arnil,h card , res 1 yF"'^� of +tau "mill Of ..<....-----r--___„_-----....-7;7‘ 1o00vN tll0 (t ,J the z'nvs�ry ,,35th I ere igiAilv,f& umbers fox fatal, by 1.0a•i, n❑ rem apt of $t) e`111ta. ALEX. BUNTIN ere CO., Montreal, 8,11Ageutb for Ca)utda. • Advertisers 'aealr'a�}t 111g Cleo. E. . d, . d',,GWCa.i, S.G 'Jabs Newsraper Advertising i.nre(11, 114, H_calor tif., N otv York, can 10•t' n tin, exact coir n. anv pro- posed Hue ofAl)Vl1ItT119I\t2 indaledclin3'0ws- papeus. t t,11N)•1'age Pamil•;1Iot,10e.. fmf'3fllrutits„r.2010ayslutuel,nht•uooft�,eyytry e„I —f 31ioi:a 11('33orth 3130.-- l'ropoyi focal retort),• -e ery \{ sok on atoci of 020 $. 0, - ••4140. T POT'Psit seta .I.e& 4O , I1:hul=er. , S,) {roe $tt. N. 1'. amouth .13011 cvne0'..” e3) ..rent 32: ('2( 21 to outfit free. Sit INS .. t.3),.114;11at1:, A'. nine. $?`AtI( ,1;1: ac1). 1)Att0txtp•eesna1us. U:1V' ickneurty ..ugttota, J':Li1 '. $77 By an immense practice et the World's 'Dispen- sary unit Invalids' lint al, inning tree. e•,'ncnly thou- sand cases or those 1,14anst•s peeullar to woman, L SUM! Morn e•ttetbled to 1''rlilrt it most potent and pool-. Live remedy Or Iheoe a (9emsee l o designate this natural specific, I have named It Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. The term, however, 1s but a feeble expr:.salon or • .ny high appreciation of Its value, bused epee per- ennal ,eallit9 in0the siieciali1L�as witnessing 3 nst- 1 C to the oreaniamIng of wonls111 1,iedl el it out as tea ellt2101 ar crown/nit `rem or eirmedtenl earlier, CM It merits, us a positive, bade, foul (dragnet remedy for this 111(84 ofdlseltseS, And 013)1 that will, at alt Vltava: ad ander VII circumstances, art kindly, I ant willing to slgk& my reputation: as It physician: and sn tr::ndrntanl I that It will not dlaappolnt the nlnst saeKutnuexy- pcctatMns of dugs), Invalid lardy who lac ttfnran Air the aitnlontaf))roil rh 4 reeninmend It. ah:'t1atrcr • and sett it under A jOS!Tl:-E GU/MAN/1'1» (Nor, oondtt1011r„ see pamphlet wrapping butt:”.) ,g{ The Adlawing art mining talose (iiseteses fn 'which my ruvorlte Prerrrlptlon has workc•.d CUM, as if by, nctytle, and with a certainty never betbre attained bit.•, any medicine: Leneot•rhexa, Excessive Flowing, Valiant Monthly Periosts. Suppressions when front unnatural causes, lireggttt)lerttln es, Weak i,.t"k, 1'i,,,.. 111p151,, 0? Watling of lhi, Uterus. Antevoldann and Itutrovcrsloh, Bearing -down Sensations, Burma. 73ectl, Nervous Depression, Ilehllity, Despondency, Threatened Miscarriage, Chronic Congestion, he( flanlnatlwn and 1Hecr:uloo of the Uterus Impntelley, ltarreune.s, or Stertlity, anti Fun .111 Aireal'nnss. ]; do not extol this Medicine os It •' erre-sit," but it admirably fulfill, a eIngi.^niyes or purpose, being a most perfect specific In :dl chronic diseases of the oexuat system or woman. It will not disappoll>;t, uor wall it do harm, 1n any state or cnndttton. Those who desire further information on these sub- jects can obtain It in TIM t'L'ArLlee Coualot( SJt4e)c )IEbtotr. ADVSSFI, n honk of over 94)0 pubo', Serb 'lost -paid, on receipt of AIM. It treats odAAeolyof those dloca90s preullor h) renlItioe, and r 1vr.J IBAc)1 valuable advice 1u regard to the tutnagetucut 3)r 1130140 ,iCOc:Urns, IMwn•Ite{ Itrr.erlp(lon said by Druggiafo. O • 'It. V. t'i 1(3("1. 11. 1). Pm'r, trade's »1spc..;lyrg 40131nvuitd.' Uviol,,OItlil,IC, !i.:, T*ouT )Al►,7:I: PlyRK PAW MG HOVE v i; .f • tI•Ikt,ving commenced business for the Fall and NMntierIrade We aro' prepared to plu'eha:{e any quantity of' Pork, subject to the following rep/Miens: •We will:take off two pounds per hnudiu.'cl if dry, and1 thew pound if soft. Shoulder. stuck, tweets -Hive Oen 33. If .toy of the bong gut is loft hu, 25 wins extra will be tledllctetl. Vi per golf L bou,;llt at an. price ir. warm, S . IT s , (at + S Pork Cuttings On hand at reasonable rates, We waist ail Hoge Cutting sright thrt'ugil: greed to head. and Hams opened out to tail,, C� r1.:PET1�TY,