The Exeter Times, 1879-10-9, Page 1:r1
Vol. V11,.
Exeter,, Onfario, Thursday, October, 9, 1879.
t ) , ; t z Lt, 44'.
T:llrll':,f n e hundred tocros ou the London
'1an(l,firat same union of Stephen, zton the village
nl11�� x(i. er Apply to eta. II, V. 14 1,1/T)T, Sol'ot.
• t.47..l titer; Antinat1S 1((70,
910 RENT FO le A. TIll itel 0Is'
Jen_• t.1414 Y1,tltit.—Two lutproved farina of
olioru e(1 acres eatolr, a large bank barn and
(Jilt nb ttizi gs on stub he t tn
pl eco. pe
V'.-ra 'ir',ttaadvaut a or satisfactory security given
L'or further artionlar,, apply on the • premises to
V, or IL Q.7L'4T,ox, lett, can, 8, Exeter 1', 0.,
Faltil.i 1'O1 SALE.—Let ti, Bauble
Pine, Steplien,SU acres, 30 caro$ oloarcr1,12
• ,shopped,, good brick house, good stable, well
.fenced. hand excellent, 011 lake ihotc, i.ot
+ oile/tote Port Blake, whore boats rout three
times a: week, and ii of a utile from OOretutl Rend,
..'Ir (louvenieuttos+rnoot,Lud clturohes, on good road.
*Price, 30,00d, terms ocdy; SLDJt4.0 lyl0WJAI1,
11IN S,13rew,ter p u
L1Altel FORS .loin.—hut 14, OUN-
ceseion i, ,Stmpere), ()outaiufnt, 10e acres. 70
acres cleared. Lioad 1 g house and Mom,
sux00. 1.1oo'l young retia d, grafted. fruit; `.rine
fare. ie, Lrell fenced cad in a good state of cuhi-
vation. There is a largo ynauttty of black ash,
also u never failing well, Z'or terms apply to
141;N1tY1''i'lu, (Crediton. June s
VARA FOR SALE.—Lot 8, conoes-
siou 13, 'Osborne. Seventy acres more or
1.,ss, sixtyaoros cleared and in a good state ofeul-
Lrathou,good frame house and fret'nu Ilium, lug
stable:4 good wQllot water, spring croak running
across the pine(, good orchard, good fences. Fur
further particulars, apply on too trrepuh;os or by
!otter to To rI N KWh., KLrktonP. Q., Ontario.
stay •'•0,1870. tf.
1AI.t11 FOR SALT .-1'.lill tilll3-
i scriber (lifers for sale his farm, Lot 1:1,.
coital, Township of Osborne County of Huron
80 wares oleo ea, the rouuizi,ie good burls, well
fenced. awl ill a {nidi staLtU of CnitiVati(n: under,.
rlraiue't, good milliard, ma—mad well of water.
fcame bar u30xf0,ing staUIo i,r36,log house. and
eenvenio'(t to school and three oltnrclios. For
urtherpasticnlurs apply to
)'M• R1 i tNS, liirkton, P.O.,or
MB.13. V. EL LIOT. Attorney, Exeter P.O.
�1�R1I EOR SALE.—The snllscrib-
. a or offers for sale the north half of lot 17,
eon. 10, U,borue, containing 80 acres. 41 acres
,elearecl, well uuderrlralned, and in it Rood state
<,f cultivation. Ther, are out the promises 0 acres
of goodbush,109 rn+isboarrt fence, a good conn-
twttbl-+ d,vcilinc 2)&30, frame barn 34x04, good
1 +g st!t.rlo aril shed 87x17.Tood orchard, g.tnrh well
of water with metro. The property is situated six
and a halt miles from Exeter market and about
„Tl-' of a mile from iaarquhnr, and convenient to.
.elmrehes,tntschools. For farther particttlars.
apply on i&te,tiromises of to F'Lrnuivtr post office
• ;A,,netroneers. 8Iles promptly attended
to. Days, bisales arranged at this office
J. CLAIM:, Agent for the TJ3-
A.Y • borne and 1Tibbert Mutual Fire Insurance
Company, Residence—Farquhar. Orders by
mail promptly attended to.
qi M. CAIlL1NG & J. W. ARII-
t • STRr'NC>, Licensed Auctioneers for the
County of Huron, and the Townships of McGilli-
vray and l3i+llulpb stales conducted withsatii-
i.,ctinn, and on liberal terms. All orders left at
C'hristie's Mansion }louse will receive prompt at.
teutwn. Sept. 4,1-y.
-1J • Laud Surveyor, da., will le at tilt
li y al aotol, l:xotcr,on tine first Tuesday in eucl,
mouth. Orders for work left with Air. Jobs.
s;lpaoltman will receive pro mpt,Lttontiou.
money to lean on mort o,gos, notes and other
seouritres. Bent.4and accounts collected on rea-
,cottable terms. insurance effected in firat,class
Coruna, ies at reasonable rates. O1too—at Or.
Iivu(lenan's, Main 8 reet, hlxetet..
just received for investment on mortgages
at 8 per cent.
on reasonable terms.
Graduate of Royal College of
(Moo ove'sO'Neil bank. and opp»site Samwell
.tr'otl Hardware and 'Carriage
Goods Merchant,
CTa tv►r61 '.
The price of wbefct at Emerson has
advanced to 80 o00t8 per bundle'.
A general election for the Manitoba
Legislature is believed to be imminent.
A wealthy llinntreal gentlemen pro-
posal to stenta hie farm of 50,000 :tures
near Turtle lliuuutain.
The Bishop of Huron appointed Sun-
day next'a day of tl auksgiving through-
out hie diocese.
The 7th Battalion, London, have re-
solved to have 1lattatiou drill ouoe ti
nook during the winter season.
Pleuropneumonia is making fearful
ravage atnonng cattle iu the vicinity of
Fucked River, N.J.
The contract for 10,000 pounds of
bacon for the Indian Department, has
been awarded to the Hudson Bay Co.
At a meeting of the Conservatives,
held iu \Viunipc•'g on Friday last, it was
resolved to tender Hon. 'Messrs. Bowen
and Adieus, the Dominion Cabinet
Ministers, a banquet on Friday next.
The propellor Dromedatry,ladenwith
pig iron and a Ini00ellkTleOus cargo,
struck a rook in the Wellauct Ostia!
Tesee fay, and Batik in five miuutos iu
sixteen feet of water.
The Hamilton Police M.tgiatrate has
trent tar trial a young roan named
o.sen Foster, of the' village of Carlisle,
ohxrged with the ab.netiou of a young
<samrlu of that village.
A. young man named Fergnson was
drowned yesterday morning in tho Ri-
deau river. 8.1 Merriet.ville, while at-
tempting to board the steamer Auglin,
on which lie was etnployod.
A. new journal, to be called the Rabid
City Enterprise, will be established
shortly by Messer"). Pimm, McDowell
& On., of Rapid City, 150 miles west of
Winnipeg, on Little Saskatchewan.
A. meeting of the ratepayers of Sea- I
forth was held in the Town Hall for the
purpose ofdi.acuasin the fire protection
question. Mr. Ronald of the Brussele
Lngitee Works, wan present to advocate
the purchase bf one of his engiues.
The Bergin B:Lptist church, New
Jersey of whish Vu'Iourge, charged
with wife-poisoniug, was formly pastor,
on Sunday raised the choral' debt,
ttlnouuting to $85,000. Ex -Mayor
Seidler subscribed half.
The urate Supreme Court sitting at
Pittsburg, P.t., yesterday, affirmed the
the constitutionality of the act of the As-
eetubly, making illegheoycounty liable
rr the property destroyed during the
riot. This puts a burden of about $2,-
500.000 ou the county.
Tenders have been issued for the con-
atructiou of oue hundred and twenty-
five Utiles of the British Columbian
i3ranoh of the Canada l'aeifio Railway,
between Yale ;lana ICamloor s. This
shotes that the Government have adopt-
ed the Burrard lulet Route,
A burglary was committed at the
clothing store of Mr. J. Goldner. Lon-
don, ou sunday night. The thieves --
there were evidently two --entered at
the back. alai, after arra;yfen themselves
withnew clothes them lefttheia old ones
behind, 'neer also carried off acgtututi-
ty of jewellery and smell ware.
A young man named Lewis, whose
parents live in Toronto, end who was
on a visit to %drier, went out 1+'riday
evening to an adjoiniug hush to shoot,
and while drawing the gun towards
him hawing laid it down on a log, it
accidently went off. The oouteuts
streak him about the ear, and the shot
penetratiug his brain caused instant
A very extensively signed petition
from the inhabitants of Barrie praying
for the oominutatiou of the death sen-
tence passed ou Chester Monroe, now
lying in the cotumon jail, has been sent
to Dalton McCarthy, M. P., for preset),
tation to the Minister of Justice. The
petition prays to commute to Pen-
itentiary for lifeand bears 488 signa-
tures. Other like petitions front the
scene of the murder are also expected to
A. sad and fatal aecident oeunrred at
Newbury Station, spout 7 o'clock, on
Phursdsy evenitug. A fanner named
John Johnston, of Moss, was at the
statiGt1 Wittchitlg "'the arrival of the
ext:tsts tiie ti alit, and; being absorbed
in thought; apparertly did not observe
the approach of another: train on the
other traok. Tie erg ne struck him
me the hee?�d, killing him, instantly. An
ingttset'wfkl. be, held,slthotigi rte blame
ie attached to the railway officials.
The deceit:ted. leaver a wife and wen
children to mourn (1fteir sad loos.
A good deal of excitement leas beeu
created in Hall by the announcement
that 200 cases of small -pox exist in
that city, and no precautions have
been as yet taken to prevent the spread
of the diseases. The Separate Schools
have olosed for several weeks, and the
Public Sohorde will probably follow In
the course of a few flays.
On Monday night an old buiding
owned by M►•. Futter at Weston was
discorere3 to be on fire. The propety
had' long been in dispute, Ruff has .been
for years unoccupied, being one of the
oldest buildings in the locality. Itlias
long been a refuge for trumps, and was
evidently set on fire, but whether wil-
fully or accidentally is not known.
Thereis no insurance, and the build-
ing being considered useless there is
little ezeitament overit, most of the vit
lagers being asleep and uncouecious of
the fire.
On Wednesday evening, abort seven
o'clock, Mitchell McIntosh was killed
by falling between the cars an the even-
ing train, a mile south of Peterboro'.
The deceased was intoxicated, and was
cursing and swearing at the time of the
fall. He was paseing from oue car to
another, and lost his footing. It ap-
pears that ho was it farm laborer, who
ban been working for George Maxfield,
of Cavan, about five miles fr;iui Mill.
brook. He presented a ghastly, ap-
pearance, half of his head having been
out off.
A daring highway robbery was per-
petrated on a farmer named William
Golden, who resides in the township of
York. Mr. Golden arrived in Toronto
with a load of wheat, and started Lome
in the evening with about $30, accom-
panied by a lady. When about ten
miles from the city two men appeared
in the roadway, and while one caught
tIle horses' heads, the otilerjumped in-
to the wagon, and pointing a revolver
at Mr. Golden's heard, detuanded his
money. As he was unarmed the,farm-
er made no resistauete .Hitt _ uj,ptly
banded ovee alt his money and watoh
and chain, and the robber:; departed.
A strange shooting case is reported
at Montreal. It appears that a young
etutieut of McGill O'liege, Ed. ti. Phil -
mare, from Strathroy, was returning
throneh grounds about nine
o'clock Stiturday night, when some one
near feJtg • presented a revolver and
fired. 'The bullet pa+sed through one
of Philmare's hands, behaving instinct•
ivoly held them in front of him. He
set out for !untie tt►ia morning. The
affair is wrapped in mystery. Some
hint that Plallnare was mistaken for
one of the professors, against whom
some one had a shite, as the wounded
tamp has only heal). there a few weeks.
He tbiulis his assciilaan± was a French-
On Tuesday, 80th tilt, `Samuel Wil-
son, aged 14 years, eon of Samuel Wil-
son, of Aldborongh, ‘'was shot by a
young tnten named dallies Robinson, son
of a widow of that name, reiidiug in
Bismarck. It seetns that the parties
were having an altercation at the resi-
dence of Wilson's fattier, and Robiueon
threatened that if Weer] came out-
side of the door be would ,shoot biro.
Wilson, not to 'be dared, came out,
when. Robinson inainediately fired at
him with a gun loaded with shoo part
of the charge of which struck hitch on
the thigh and hand. Immediately on
the affair being noised the neighbors
turned out en masse and ;captured Ro-
binson and took him to Bismarck., but
having no warrant they let him go,
since which time he has not been seen.
The injured boy Wilson was brought
to this village, where he was Attended
to by Dr. 1(cDiar►nid, who extracted
the shot, and loo is now iu fair way of
On Sunday evening last, Abraham
Olivia, a butcher of Wardville, together
witty, }ria two eons, Daniel and Nelson,
and a negro who is staying with Lilo,.
ware arrested at the inutanee of Dugai
Campbell, of the township of Aldboro.
ugh, who charged them with stealing
two very valuable sheep from his farm
on the Saturday night previous. Ou
Monday, eays' the .Post they were
brought before Dsvid Gibb, J. Pe when
it was shown in evidence tha►Olivia and
the neve had passed Mr. Campbell's
farm on Saturday afternoon, appearing
to betaking the homing() of the laud,
and When the sheep were miseed, a
wage!) : was Omitted front t)etnpbeil'ss
field to .0livar's yard,,, a,, distliuce of
seven .nest; and, further, as appeared
by the traolr$, the' horse.thet drew the
teepee had One toe -calk Off one of, the.
sites$, .which erectly corresponded,with
ons of the eboos on. Oliver's horse. The
carcases of two sheep were luso found
ou hie premises, which would eorres.
bond in weieht with the two taken from
Campbell's field, but neither bonds nor
bides could be found. After hearing
the evidence, Mr. Gibb remanded the
prisoners for hearing before Squire
Sahlic13auf, of Elgin county, where the
theft was committed, who, after takinl,'
the evidence, discharged the negro and
the two boys and committed Oliver for
trial at St. Thomas. "What makes this
theft more aggravating than usualis the
fact that the sheete were very well bred,
and Mr. Campbell was fitting them .up
for exhibition at the fall shows. He
valued the two at $50. •
Dir. James Mustard, of the 2tid con-
cession of Tuckersmith, one of the pig.
nears of the country, died on Friday
morning of inflammatiou of the bowels.
Age, 7 5.
DIr. Charles Deihl, of .`Stanley, met
with a bad acoideut on Friday last, his
arul having been broken in two places
y being caught by a belt, which drag-
ged it round a pulley. ..
The House of Mr. Archibald, of Hu-
lett, was struck by iigbtuiug on the
night of the 2ud Ootober. Tlie stove
was scattered round the house, a child's
leg badly burned and other damage
done, but no lives lost. The newel
come visitor then descended to the cel-
lar, and played havoc, with the milk
pans, preserve jars etc., before it enter-
ed theearth.
Terrible Accident.
At the Adrian, Mich.,. County Fair
Ground 00 'Thursday afternoon 2,000
poeple assembled on the Grand Stand
to witness the rages. The centre of
the stand gave way with a crash. The
front part fell outward and the back
fell into the river, precipitating the
mass of people into the ruins. Work
was at once commenced to extricate
the dead and wounded. The Opera
House was opened and many of the
dead and wounded couvsyed there.
The followiug is the list of the kil-
led as far as ascertained ; many in-
jured were taken away by friends, eo
the actual number of injured cannot be
be gives : —b1. M. Merrick, Mrs.
John Hubbard, and two boys, ])avid
Pilutriadere and Wm. Driulser. About
seventy•five were also injured. It is
believed that the contractor is blamed
for thfenlis'than, not having built the
etauiil as stritegsas specified iu the ten-
der. It was tlie,intention of the o'wu-
ers to have the strongest stand in the
Hanlan and Con1'tney.
The following correspondeuoe ex-
plains itself and may be relied upon as
official ;
Mayville, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1889
A.. T. Soule, President $op Bitters,
"Flop Bitters Manufacturing Com-
pany," Rochester, N. Y. t
GENTLEMEN, --In consequence of tits
physical Condition of Mr.. Hanlan
beiug such that he will require more
time to recover his full powers chap he
would have if the Hop Bitters prize
were rowed October 8th, as per origi-
nal agreement, we have arutally agreed
what, with your consent, the rase be
tposluoned uutil Thursday, October
18th, Mr. Blnikie, the referee, having
Rivdu his consent to the postponement,
and'we [hereby =tally agree that we
will positively row ou that day, water
permitting. Trustiug you wilt see the
iinportanee of the request and grant it,
we remain, truly yours,
W. S. liktinwu, Witness.
Office of 13'►p Bitters Mfg Coo.
Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 29. '79. 1
Messrs. Courtney of Emulate :
GENrt.RNItN :-In answer to your re -
coast of the 27111 inst., for our consent
to postpone the Hop 13itters Prize
Race from (Maher 8th' to the 10th, we
say that having received satisfactory
evidence of the necessity of such post-
ponement, and anhple assurance of the
moo being certainly rowed at that
time, We consent to aaid postponement,
and fist the official dale' of the rage
October loth, 1879.
Very truly yours,
Hos T3tnr11101 Mil ci Co.
Washington; D. C., Oct. S, -The
agent at Los Pinos, Colorado, tele-
graphat—r'Oot. 2. —A rainier jnst in •
from White River Agency reports that
the Ageet and his employers have beea
killed. There has also been a fight
with the troops, in wllioh the officers
in amend were killed. The troops are
surrounded, away fromanywater supply,
and their horses have been captured:
The Utes have been reinforced by the
Arapahoes and Unitah Utes,
A man jest from the South reports
that the Southern Utes, tinier Ignatio,
are leaving for the north, and are very
hostile in their expressions.
A dispatch from Bawlines also says
that a tnumber of Indian fire signals
are noticed in the vicinity of Snake
Chief Duray; head of the Ute nation,
sends the following orders to his people
by runner:—"To the chiefs, captains
and head men at White River. You
are here -by requested and commanded
to cease hostilities against the whites,
injuring no inuooent porcone, nor any
others further than to protect your own
lives and own property from unlawful
and uuanthor[zed combinations ofhorse
thieves and desperadoes, 50 anything
further will ultimately end in disaster
to all parties."
Obeyenne, Wy., Oct 5, 8 p. m.—Pro-
specters in North Park, from this place,
are returning. They reports the Utes
in war paint leaving been seen in such
otose proximity to the mines that, many
miuers'are leaving for the settlements,
and others banding together for protec-
tion. Ranohmen in and near the Park
are leaving. Alt report haying seen
Indians and Indian signs,
Ogden, Utah, October 6.•• -Sig Shos-
hone Chiefs, with war liaint and armed
with breech -holding rifles, came dont to
the Northern R. R„ and went east this .
morning on the Union Pacific R. R.,
paying their fare and announcing that
they were going to join the Utt,s.
• Ass1zES.
Thursday, Oct: 2.—A case was de.
Bided at the Assizes to-dsy, before Mr:
Justice Burton, of some importance to
the merohantile eomtnnnity. A. & C.
Shields, grocers, of this city, brought
eetiou against Shields, Park and others,
to recover $10,000 damages for injuries
alleged to have been sustained by the
misrepresentittiou of the defendants.
Sy the evidence it appeared that the de-
fendants, in the spring of the present
year, harmed a suit against the pteintiffs
to recover the sum of $15.000, which
was snpposed to have been due the de-
feudants, who were acting as executors
for the estate of Mr. Shields' deceased.
After -the service of the writs it was
learned by the defendants that the
bond galling for the payment of $15,000,
had been cancelled. They therefore
cansod farther proceedirgs,
The upshot of the snit was that the
defendants were rated lower iu Don,
Winian's circular, which had the ria-
terieliy of injuring their mercantile
standing, and for this they cinim the
amount of damages set forth. The cols•
tentioe of The plaintiffs was that the de-
fend'ants never had grounds in the first
instance for the action, and they were,
therefore, responsible for the fall in
their credit. After tho argument of the
counsel, his Lordship said: there
no evidence to show that the .plaintiffs
had been injured by the it:seine of the
writs, which had evidently bean issued
under the honewt impression that the
debt still existed, and there war no evi-
dence of malice in the chatter. Hie
Lordship therefore ordered a .non -suit:
to be entered.
LoitSeven Ponnda in Three Weeks.
Allan's Anti -Fat ie genuine media
eine, and will reduce corpulency from
two to five pounds per week. Purely
vegetable and perfectly harmless, act-
ing entirely on the food in uta stomach,
preventing the formation of fat. 11 is
also a positive' remedy for . dy,apepsia
and rheumatism,
BOSTON, Maee., Feb. 11th e78.
BONTANIc IfieblctNa Co,. Deffttile>u,N,
Gentlemen --The lady allatlsd to, It1st
seven pounds in three weeks; by tho
use of Allan's Anti -fat.
'ours trtt]y,
SMITH, ll :OLITTair k Swine,
Wholesale Druggists.