The Exeter Times, 1879-10-2, Page 7TRH TIMMS
OT xut .2, iT)
,Che fte/er
LOCAL p-lirtATS.
Hee.--Yesterclay wive vary wan, the atm
ethiuing gloriously,
LATE. -Tho °Veiling train bent the aolth
on the L., H. & 13, 1iu wits folly -live minutes
late Mt Tuesday night.
Veer. Weeter.---There is ft largo quantity of
wiuter wheel sown iz thtI seetion, whirl
looks retharitably
Tire MA R -Tiumeme quantities, of grain
have been brought to town daring the past few
'sdaYe. Good prices love been mud.
klie'evtirahne-The Lake Road has beau ree
paired iet several places, sand largely predomie
'tutting in the mixtut o that was ueediu the place
-a gravel.
Anions' Lest.-Aecording o Aron' Act of
1679, municipal clerks are required to hand in
the Strom' List ou the 25th of October instead
id the 10th of September.
ONCE IN SEVEN YEAUS.-Lant Sunday &en,
ing a gentlemeu in town, who had not been at
'church for about seven years, attended serviee
in the B. 0. church.
ruhrtxTunn Sea. -A branch furniture
'store has been opened by Mr. Drew in the
south side of rho Low briok block on Male
'Street, nearly opposite Kemp's Ship Grocery.
Oemncie.-in our haste in writing the de-
SSription of the Stephen and T.Tshorne Agricul-
tural Society's fall show last week, we omitted
to minion the excellent show of stoves and
eoppor work made by Messrs, McDouell &
Waugh, of Heusall. Their exhibit in this
. line was really creditable.
Bum Hems. -The time has now arrived
vbou business men will render accouete to
. their debtors. Having on head a large stock
of splendid bill henA paper, we are in a poei-
tion to supply oust3om0r a cheap, if not
cheaper than any office in the eonuty. Call
and ascertain oar prices before ordering else-
CONNUSIATok---011 Thursday Iast Mr. J. N.
Hooper, son of Be,, Wm. Hoopoe, of St.
Thomas, led to the hymeneal altar Mise E. A.
PickaLd, only daughter of Mr. James Pickard.
The happy couple weut on a short trip, leav-
ing by the evening train on Thursday. We
what them much joy.
FOR POST3LASTEBB.-The following instruc-
tions to postmasters are from the official Ga-
zette :-.Veleu letters or other postal matter is
mie-sent, end rewrites a. post office for whieli
it is riot intended, the post master, when
eending on the seine to what he judges to be.
the right destmation, should be careful to
mark plainly on "Mis-liout to--," adding
the post mark of his °Bite..
POSTAL Cann Tea. -An excellent invisible
ink for postal Cards eau be made by dilnting
isalphario acid with fifty times its volume of
water. Asoid fluid is till result, which deem
not injure a quill pen. The message is de-
veloped by bolding a card over any convenient
tiarne-thet of gas, or spirits for example-oe
by laying it on a hot plate.
TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. -:Lha Exeter Teachers'
Institute will meet on Saturday. the llth
loot., a 1.30 o'clock p. na., when the following
programme will be earrie.d ont :-H. E. Hue -
ton, Composition; A. Caverhill, Euclid; Geo.
Moir, subject to be chosen ; W. H. Leigh, sub-
ject to be choseu ; G. W. Holman, Grammar ;
election of officers for the ensuing year ; A
Hobkirk, subject to be chosen.
Tun Wesrmue,-Better weather than the
;Western Fair has so fax boon favored with
could not be desired. Yesterday and Tuesday
tho crowds that attended were immense. The
exhibitin all the departments are fully up to
those of previouteyears. A great number left
Exeter station yesterday morning for the fair.
A. special trate was run in addition to;the regu-
lar one, in order td accommodate passengers.
Nineteen pasemigor teaches left. here.
RUUT.--.011 Wednesday of last week, when
Mr. John Fisher was returning from the fair,
carrying a shove 0080, ho was run over by a
team. Me. Felber WAS crossing the street
when the hones (mine dashiug along at almost
lightning speed and knocked him down hurt-
ing his head and ankle aevorely. Tho driver
of ;bo horse,; did riot stop to see whether Mr.
F. Was killed or not.
behalf of this fund were preached in the
Methodiet churl), on Sunday last by Rev. Dr.1
Sanderson, of London. Both sermons were
Udmura to with marked attentitin. Rev. Mr:
Smith, of Xippon, was present in the evening
and assisted in the serviee. The liberality of
Exeter eongregation fax exceeded the exegete,
tine 'of the Dr. $2013.00 were oubseribed te
blio fund.
of Oremens,-At the last rogulrr
zneetiug of Exeter Diviaioill Sono of Temper
mice, the following pereons were eleeted ollie-
ere for the emitting three Months tee*.
W. P., Bro. 11. Jory,
W. a., ets. A.. Henderson,
R. S., Jiro. D. Jacques:4
V. S., " 11. ipieer,
A. R. 2,, Sire E. Mating.
Treas., Bro. lie Orooker.
Chap., " W. Grigg.
Com, " R. White.
A. Oon., Ste. Jennie Marrsty,
I. S., " 14.t. A. Clatk.
O. S., Bro, J. ie.etelet.
The Division meets on Monday evening of
each week. The membership is rapidly, In -
vetoing. The meetings during the fell and
winter months will bo Wade unusually inter -
Snoopy Pertherins.-Most of our town read
ors will, perhaps, remember seeing a couple of
stylish looking young then, who boarded at the
Royal Hotel, for some tinio, mid drove mit ev-
ery day in Mr, Chas, Havemou's most stylish
livery rig." 1Peopleoften wondered how itewas
that millionaires °odd think of coming to
Wingletm. But they turned out to be some-
thing diftle 9 it (from millionai es. They were
shoddy peddlers. To make things oonvenieut,
the used different names to suit different
places. John O'Brien at Harry Bane cilia*
J. Campbell, served them very well for this
town. Well, they oheeked thiugs and got into
Mr. Howson's debt for livery eige, to, the tune
of $65, and into Mr. Green's debt for board,
$20, besides goiug through sundry other peo-
ple some $100. They thee. maidenly left town,
and in the hurry of their departure, forgot, to
pay what they owe. Tho latest regarding them
is, that they were arrested in Stratford, on
some charge, not yet known to us, lint with
the proverbial "good hick" of snoh swindlere,
theymanaged to wriggle out of the charge.
We suppose that ere this they have 3 skipped
out for "resh fields and paetares new."-
Winghant Times. We warn the people of
fileeter to take (sate that, these "pastures new"
be not in this town. There is too much of
this deadbeetiug business done nowadays.
Tint Caron. --The Exeter Council met by
order of the Reeve in the Marlc�t House on the
26th nit., the Reeve and Councillors Bissett
avid Drew present. The minutes of previons
=tab.% wore read and approved. A uommuni-
cettton from l)r. Byndinan, President of the
Mechanies' Institute, asking a grant of $25 or
e30 in aid of the Institute, was read, and on
motion of E. Drew, seconded by R. Bissett,
$25 were granted. Moved by R. Bissett, sec-
onded by E. Drew, that orders be granted for
t followitig stens : S. Littlejohe, 455.32i,
for labor; John Wilson, $4t).0t), for labor ; 13.
&Worthy, 460.00, for labor ; J. Welsh, 7.50,
for labor ; John Sheere, $1U.25, for labor ; J.
ICeye, 50e, for labor ; T Tedder, 50e, for la-
bor ; Jas. Atkinson, 4189.00, part paymeut for
draining; G. Eacrett, 08.00, tor selecting jur-
ors for Division Court ; White d Sous, $52.90,
for printing ; J. & J. Dignan, $12, for repair-
iug hose cart; S. Ford, $10.00, for services. -
Curried. Moved by It. Bissett, seconded by R.
Drew, that the Inepeeter be instructed to
stop the watering of the streets on the 30th of
September.-Ctrried. Moved by E. Drew,
seconded py R. liissett, that the weigh soaks
be let by tender, and that tenders be received
up to October 4th, at 7.30 Oslo& p.
Moved by lie Bissett, seconded by E.
Drew, that this Council adjourn until the 411i
of Octeber at 7.30 p. m.-Cartied.
Breete,se Worm Tem-- Macilachlan
& Peuhale, with their steam thresher,
threshed 1,060 bushels of grstia mid
moved the machine from nne barn to
another one tiny last week iu leu hours.
rhe work was done on the fame of Alt-.
Simon Jory, Thames Road, Usborne.
875 bushels of wheat were threshed in
71 hours. The remainder of the 1,160
bushels was barley. 175 butibels of
wheat were threshed the first hour the
machine was running. This is the
biggest day's threshing that has ever
been done iu these parts. The wheat
W E1.8 all e.rucvn on 27 ecres.
Fines. -On Sunday last, about one
o'eloek, p. na., the baru and stables
belonging to Thos. Coni•sey, third con-
cessiou, Bitiduiph, were struck by light-
ning, 0,nd totally consumed, together
with 400 bushels of wheat, 200 bushels
uf bailey, 200 of mite, nl,i ell the other
einstelite. Lees, about $11,000 ;
au ere, $5(:/0 buildiug, lied $200 on
Itabttauts of tine usually genet villege
were Aroused from their paitoeful slum.
bet' on the moruiate of Seturday last,by
the alarm of fire. ]very person ftl.
most rushed to see the 0111180 of the
Wane, when it was foetid. the shad bs.
lougiug to Ke. Henry McCann) of the
Oommet•eial Hotel, Was 'op fire, 1.ut
the fire had not made futioh heedway,
by greet effort on the part of ',hoe()
present, the flames were soon sebdeed;
but not without doing considerable
dathage to the building. The flames
were first seen by Mrs McCann aUout
fifteen minutes before three o'clocic iu
the morning. The fire was undoubted.
ly the work of au ineeudiary, as a box
oottainiug shaviugs, &c., partiall,y oon•
sumed,and saturated with coal oil,were
found after the fire. By whom the fire
was set, remains a mystery, as Mr.
McCanu did not know of au enemy be
Hone AG/a:T.-Mr Joseph Dinuiu, of
Usborne Township. arrived safely
home from Manitoba, ou Saturoay
last He looks hale and hearty, aud
brings good tidiugs from the North-
West. He says spring wheat is extra
good, Oats and potatoes are also a very
good, crop, Steam threshers, he says
are veryn timorous, and are ell busy.
Mr. Dinniu Went to Mauitoba with
the Gesell way party ou the 6th of Jam,
hot and returned by the lakes, lauding
at Goderich ou the 2Gat inst., so that
he spent quite a loug time iu the Great
Lone Laud.
PURCHASRD-111r. S. Hotheriegton, of
the 511] compassion of Usborne has
nought a farm of one hundred acres
from his neighbor, Mr. Thomas Mo-
Farlane, for the euin of $5,200. The
farm is a good oue, and Mr. Hether-
iegtou has a cheap bargain.
LIARVESTING. -Corn harvestiog is now
in operation. It is a very good amp
this season, mid the farmers intend fat-
temeg their hogs on it instead of peas.
Poreeoes.-The most of our fartnere
iu thit, vicinity, have taken up their
potatoes, whim' are a better crop thau
for several years pa81.
GROW1.711.-TtlniipS, maugolds and
carrots, are growing very fast siuce
the fall mitts set in.
Cue Soetooe.-The following shows
the marks obtained by pupils at the
written ,exammation nt the mid of the
quarter ;eliding September 30111: -
Fourth form,. Snsie Steacy,866 ; A.rn old
Bowerontn, 839 ; Helen Bishop 323;
Debella McLeau, 290. Senior third,
Katie Bllerington, 494; Jessie Auder-
sou, 363. Junior third, Ester fIortou,
381; Rachel Biehop. 287 ; Jonathan
Speed, 276; George Kvdd, 257 ; Thos.
G reenwood,219 ; Elizabeth Greeu wood,
210; Robert Elleriugton, 205; Mary
Bell, 150. Second form, Agnes Sim-
mons, 246; Robert Horney, '227; Mae-
gie Fyfe, 214 ;Harriet T-Iarrie, 180; G.
Stacey, 109 ; John Simmons. 140 ;
WillielnijuitKydd; 139; Andrew
138 ; Edward Etheringtou, 133 ; Mel-
issa Cann, 182. Firet form, Catharine
Fyfe, 150; Euphetuine Kytid, 150 ;
Mitegie Elleringtou, 150 ; Nester Hor-
nee., 115.
News has reached Qnehec or the
d owning M. three men at Lames a Joao,
one of wheal is Edward Dion.
An English company purchased i
Granite wharf, Halifax, N. S., near the
depot, fur the purpose of shippiug
The agriculturel delegates who•came & .
to Canada fie the invitation of the Min-
ister of Agriculture, have left Ottawa
for the WM.
Churl, s Battle, the Postmaster at
l'ortage la Prairie, Man., has abscond-
ed. His defalcation will amount to
Islr Edward Brooks' boot and shoe
8 i01.0 in Thedford was burglarized on
the night of the 29811 inst„ Rod Roods to FUR 1TRITAIMING7
the value of $60 stolen. There is no
'clue to the burglars. •
The County Cleric's coo iu Winni-
peg wee Monday besieged by eppli.
emits for suunnouses for wages due
them spinet contractor Whitehead.
A. press club was organized at Mon-
treal on Saturday night, under favour -
nail° auspices, composed solely of work.
ing members of the press.
A second steam heating company
has boon opened in Loudon, and will
commence operatioes at ouce. They
have bought the laud ou which to erect
Ureic wof ks. '
Messrs. Reel & Pell, the Briiieh
Connuiseirmere, 'have arrived at Win- .
etipeg. `They were welcomed every- f
wherein the Nor' -west meet cordial.
ly. ,
At a rneellete of the Sailors' .Union in
Kingeton Monday the •wagee were ad.
%teemed to $1.25 pr clay for lake trade)]
and $1,50 per day through tile Weliand
Iron are has been cliecovered uear
Tainworth, Frouteutte County, Specie
melte slimy turn out of 80 per 00111.0f
The division of the atter' of the Pub-
lic Works aud Railsvay ,Departneents
113 now engaging the atteutiou ot the
Privy Couneil.
Five ruilitmy instructors for the
Province of Quetta° are to be ap
Delisted to drill Ptutlente ill the schools
anti colleges. The mire° will occupy
one mouth for eaoh inatitution.
The steamship Ilurworth, with a
cargo of cattle, will leave Montreal Co,
Antwerp ou Tnestlay next. This will
be the first shipment of cattle Los Bel-
gintn frame' this °wintry.
11Ir. Edward Manning. Superintend -
out of Educatiou for Pri oe
Maud, Ines been dieiniseed. teed 'Mr.
Doutthi Montgomery, M. P. P. foe Bel-
fast, uppointed in his etend.
The Town Commit of fteroleente Que.,
on Settueley night voted a bowls 91
tweuty five thousand dollere for a cotton
fectory, employing not leas theta throe
hundred liauds.
Two huudred and fifty-six hogsheads
of sugar were shipped fr011as latelisfax to
Montreal, on Saturday, per the Ititer-
oolouial ; stud 29a bita. and 200 bble.
.10 Boston, per the steamer Wureester.
A complaint has beeu laid against
one of the fe nele teachers iu the Cen-
tial School', London, charging that she
heal a pupil down and knelt oil him,
while she pouaded hie head with a
H. F. Wright, of the Itereautile Pro-
tective Associetion,Lundon ,was arrant -
ed Mondap afteruomr; eliarged with
stealing printing belongtog to the As-
decimat]. The oomplaiut is laid by
his brother.
• A young man risaDled C. C. Howard,
who claims to be a physic:loll. aud a ne-
phew of Dr. Howard, of Montreal, was
oummitted to gaol on Saturday last for
forgiug the 11 MON' ot E. W. Yeomans.
& Co., to a thirty dollar cheque. Tee
forging was dope ea Stirling. aud the
committueet made there.
Diphtheria has carried off five child-
reo, betweeu fifteeu aud two years of
1 ale, within ten dap. belouging to Dati-
fad MeArthur, af Tryon Road, neer
Charlotte -town, P. E. L The heart-
broken parents are lefechildless. This
is one of the most melancholy casee f
ever . , •t d inI • 1 l• ct.
A young girl of fifteeu veers of age
eloped from- her home in Kinoardioe,
one day last week, with it uurse jockey
named Struthers. 11 ift understood
they love: been married. Her brother
Ilearned that the pair had stayed fever
night in London, went therein quest of
them, to hear that they 1118C1 gone on to
Petrolia. He is etill ou the trail.
Michael Murphy, while -feeding a
threehiug rnanhine ou the farm of James
MeMulleu. Grautou, on Thnreclay, fell
Ittatel first into the cylinder and died
five minutes after beiug extriosited.
His father iives:iu Louden Township.
,A.0 order bee teen -receive& ItTiod- .
Ire d fur eight pairs of eluting atones,
to be sent to Lori) Dufferiu iu St. reter$
Claris Brown, the 0041 fogseil murder-
er of Ili+ fetLerated eider iu 'West Win-
chester, bas pleaded eenot 711e-
triel is point; on, and Brown's ferwyse
is tryling to prove that hie ',fleet chid m*
commit the deed, hue ',if tee did lie W4fis
The quantity wad vain& ot goat
tered for coneumptiou the Domitilwa
of Ofteada, exclusive of Dedash
Itria, and the- duty eollc•oted therecne
kilning the month tof Angnst„ wee alsi,
t'f0!101,1 --TbtD1 inbite goods, $4.8201,*
)811 ; eon, and bullien, except U. 8.,
I -allow coin, $463.197 ;free goods, alr
'other, 0,192.900.e arena total entered',
for cousu 1)14011. $0 ,471,3',409; duty eul-
leoted, $1.276,311.10. '
Nficheet MeGuinu,,an emeleye of tee.
G 1 T walk Rail way ats P ..Eflwaedi,..
wiles a.freiehtfcar,'Ou aatur-
cl late )2 en. telpf 011 tlicelbrAe,
peel wed tell un the traek. The ear
premed over one wrist awl over both
near the groin, ahnoet soveriteg
them from the lady. leaoovery is itu-
poebiole. He was about 40 years.
old, steady anti indusitriou,
tied, but bad no family..
Dr. Antoiue Belleau hare returned to..
Quebec from Batelitudese. where he W1180
bent by Thew tunent to at et, the
aielc ledieus there. During his etar
amongst them, out of 3'50 whom ho,
found in ill health, adults mud abort
40 ohildren have died. Now the Lll- e all in very Mr health, anti are
preparing fur auuther hitutiug expedi-
Some filen, may he.fortned of the itu-
inensse amount of tuouey invested in ths.
locket trade aud fieheriee of Newfound-
land, when it is tamed that the floatiug•
stock insured in the :it, J
Ineurence Club nnathere 748 vose-de
of 1,51� bus,. of ther valae of 2236 87Cle
These 7.4,8 vessels are insured by eiity-
one merchants and plauters, and tilt the
vessels. so insured do bueitiese uuly iee
the uOutty around the coast.
A large four -oared row -boat ran the
rapids below the old Suspeatiou
et Clifton on Saturday afternoon, autl
passed eafely Litt; the Whirlpool. right
side up, containing a. eat and three
mere,. the latter baugii4 over thee out-.
side from the row-lot:he. This is the
fleet passage knotiu to Lava eeeu made
by any waft tbrough these rapZ..fe eitteo
the well-known trip of the MAI uf thee
Mist some yeere ago.
A peculiar ease is befere,the. Pulite?
Magistrate in Iontleti. tile tithe of
the viceregal visit, the pelieetand mili-
tia were oft guerd m the City , yell. A.
seutry mulled Bond refused aflueiseioa
to 1110 Chief of Potice, aud wheii the
tatter attempted to push thrungh, be
was prodded with 18 bayonet. The C1488
II RS Wine up io the shape of a charge
uss" seult against Bond. It was partially
'Led at thePolues Court and remained
for further evidence.
-About eleven o'clocic on ilio seine
°veiling the d ellitig-liouse of t s. Ho -
goo, of the 8th tionoeseion, ceught fire
Irmo ft lamp exploeitne etal W 188 burned
to the ground. Kee, llogau 88 ho wits ill,
mid whose death le momentarily expect
ed, heel to be carried k1a. unigertme's
huu-e. Loss, $000. partially iusnred.
lieut'ts honse, ou the 8rd coil-
oesshnt was eleo etructi by lightnieg,
and a bo.i upon which 1001118 of tho falui-
lyj were reolitfing, was thrown from its
plaue,t ogether with its otieupe n teoteroes
the room, but they were only mimed
by the concuseion. The flu) Wad bill).
-Hr. Donnelley's double buggy in
olE (.Ith 001.100Shini11, Wttli standing ie the
yard and was swabbed to atoms by the
(sleet tic fluid. Nut a spoke was left in
a alma. ' OW*114.
ire A leeteert elan Ves et3 n1,70$^4,..04
YU. AY ...44 VI ; whale 01 ...Add 12