The Exeter Times, 1879-7-17, Page 7.TtieT 17 1879
T1-114.1 TIMES
1iOO rSliLNELta.
Before Noreroise could reply to these
words, a man Olt a rawboned pout'
came up tL path heading from the river
et full spend, • alto wits a scarecrow
figure with a ragged felt hat, stud card -
tel a gun in his left haul. Norcross re•
cognized! Tony 'Nannies.
Look -out, captain 1" 1!o cried, its 110
T'eat:lied rite suiiidl bate ; "'they aro com-
iugw 1"
Nmttl cocnlly rose and walked to the
fence. "Whore aro they ?" he said,
Utz the road, live miler oil'."
a" How mealy 2"
" f . squad of lifteee—cavalry with
Dia you see theta yourself ? Year
report lest mouth turned out to be
They were u niniing hero then, but
weut to the I►'Lr ewlea. They aro after
us now --I talked with some of them in
the to ern,"
Neal leaned en the fence for a mo-
ment, reflecting. Ile then said: "Give
Ike mleu undue, stud order thew to be et
the old place 10 an Hoar. No wtra ie to
chow himself or fire at any body. They
will Wye fired U:inigtl before more-
.a Y til mean to fi•.ht, then, exptaiu?"
said 'iitny Tutramlee, wi:h a1L air of
great dtstight.
" Certainly I do."
" Hurrah !" cried Mr. Tummies.
"Yon couldn't plume the boys better,
•captain. They don't like the bluo-
•( rat,. I eoteite,l to got at 'eve in town
read it, ohlivion4 of the enrol with the.
leather box. It was in the llttudwrit-
ing of a woman, stud the contents
seemed ilatteriva. Lieuteuaut .NV or-
moss ensiled,
"belt IId somewhere here ill this out-
landish country," he ,nattered, as be
folded up the letter rival replaced it in
Ids breast, He then rose and said,
with a yawn, to a cavalryman who wee
staudiug near, "Order the bugle to
sound behoves, I will much iu half
an hour."
The man saluted with two fiegere to
his• cap, and Lieutenant Norcross
loangect into the tttveru, from which
he soon afterwards emerged with his
sabre and pistols. At the Sound of the
bugle the lien had fallen Tutu line, and
the party now moved, with the lieu-
toutint and the revenue officer riding
iu font. A personage in a Bearorew
suit of clothes, who had been lounging
about talking with the troopers, had
meanwhile mounted his horse, which
wee tied near, and slowly ridden out of
the village. This was the innocent -
looking Mr. Tony Tumbles. In going
towards his parse he had reached his
arm inside of, tL ueiglrbor's door, and say would turn the younger man from
possessed himself of his gun. He now his purpose. Be cult laughed and
role away slowly iu n direction Op- stud
pueite to the nuunutaiu, but as soon as "As there is going to be a fight, per-
ils WAS ant or sight seemed to change eaps, I should like to see it. I have
his mind He wheeled his horse, nod never heard the whistle of bullets, as
diggi,tg his heels into the animal, went I was tuo young to come and fight you
at a full gallop toward Nail's, where ho in the war, and here is my chance."
gave the alar,n, as has been seen. "Do not go; you will expose your -
Night had now fallen but tho moon self. Besides, triose troopers are your
° ' friends."
•"1 have other friends besides. I
will take no part ou tither side, but I
mean to look on."
with it, set off at full speed by smother
prat,, shirting the oppobzte aide of the
go ree.
Tile moon was soaring . by ibis, time
abovethe top of the reontltaiu, and
seemed to. peer down at her. Her long
heir fell upon her, shanlilers, and her
Nee was goito pale.. Her oyes glowed,
Hud at tithes a sort of shiver passed
through her figure, swaying with the
movement of her horse. Site was go-
ing at a headlong gallop over the
meant:Liu path, leaping every obstacle
-- through the blackest masses of foil -
As to Norcross,he seemed to be in a 13, T; 0 1.7" A 1.4.
drown, Iititl ho or hied he not. rehug
nixed his brother ? The voice was his, 1 \.0 world remind his numerous
e Cuatutne o that lis has removed to the
situp formerly ocittit,iecl by fir. Road, where he
will be founti over rt* ttly to to all business
in the 130t)T .=td Shelia bine.
but it wits incredible flint be coupd be
here. It was a fancy ---e nightmare.
Ile wtis aroused by a second sinal
"This is murderous," the elder said.
"Their utile aro better than curd.
To the barricade I"
He drew ,Nororose by the. arta, and
leaped down the declivity ou the right.
In two minutes ho lied reached a poiut
where the smaller gorge debouuced into
age, where she could not see a yard in the larger—a unrrow mouth flaulceal by
front of her, as through the open spaces tall rooks. Here the men were asseutbl-
where her figure was lit by the weird int; from moment to moment. Three
moonlight. More than once Ler horse were missing. Across the month of
Stumbled, but she lifted hitn with the the smell gorge a barricade had been
rein and urged him on. If she could constructed of felled trues. Behind
only arrive iu time—only that—and, this the men posted themselves, and
tell him that his brother was corning t they had uo sooner done so them the
f ,r she had divin&d that this was his troopers, deployed as bkirmishers, nel-
brother. vt►noed to the attack.
Suddenly she heard shots iu the John Norcross had followed Neal,aud
gorge. was standing behind the barricade clear
Just as the moon rose Neal and Nor- hitt. His light mood had quite disap-
orose had gone on foot into the moon- pearod. and he looked on and listened
titin. Nabbing which the former could with tragic emotion. For the first time
iu his life ho witnessed the spectacle of
men putting each other to death. Too
young to take part, as he had said, iu
the civil war,he had never for a moment
realized the stern tragedy of the great
grapple of the sectious, or seeu blood
flow. He had now seen it, and his
emotion was the fancy that he had
heard his brother's voice.
"Atteution 1" Neal said to the men ;
they are coming."
As he' uttered the words a voice ex-
claimed : " 1 no, no! Father! father!
do not fire 1"
Oonny Neal, passing the gorge be-
youd, bad dismouuted, made her way
along the slope, and now reached the
smaller gorge behind the barricade,
plunging down the steep back, and only
keeping herself fro!n falling by grasping
the pliant boughs of the trees. She
was at her father's side, and it was her
voice which besought him not to fire.
She buret into tears, and wrung her
hands, exclaiming to Norcross, "It is
your brother 1"
voudor ; toy gen harmed my fingers. ' was shining, nits it was easy to fellow
The boss '11 git the orders, captain."
With which :1Ir. Toay Tn,ninl<'s sing
his 11t"e15 ntir, his horse and disappeared teditun of the moment with a fresh
at full speed itt the . Neal
covering the cigar, and again cowman -Warted with
side of the m ruutaiuNeal thou turned Ins eU111ptclllOn his views upon the sub•
3o \ ,Fero ss• e t of selectinarm otlicors for police
,a see." he said, coolly, ,era, ate clary. selectins army
fair will be settlled sooner that: I expect.
ed. There wilt be a fight tu•uight, and "Curs the whole cursed 1,nsinoss !"
;perhaps this is our last Meeting. Yon he said. "There are enough stay -at
see the hand of the law is stretched out hones around Washington to sena—
te clutch tie, and that ends all discus- why do they send me? What the
sion. You can net harry the daughter devil do I care whether they make
of a matt who will be in jail to -morrow, whiskey or not ? 1f it's good, the
perhaps—if he is alive." more the better. Why cant yeti gen-
" No matter l" exclaimed Norcros. Merton in citizens' drone de your own
'"It• is nothing to me. Give me Uouuy." fighting with these rebel moousbiu-
Neal looked at hitt mournfully, with ers ?"
a sudden softaoss in his bold eyes. "No, I thank you, lieutenant," the
" You love her really," ho said ; «1 collector replied, with a laugh. "Every
van see that. Wel!, let ill come to au
n,greetneut. I mean to fight to -night,
slid the platter will be no child's play.
AI sin lulled, Coney wilt be Moue in
the world—"
" No ; she will have me I" Norcross
Neal graspe 1 his !sand and said,
"Then all is Arran. ed : take her. Now
it advise you to go hope. The revenue
gteard will soon be here."
Norcross slid not move—Couny
Neal's steps were heard oomiug down
the stairs.
" am not going," he said --"hack
to Lsdcly Miller's, at least."
"• Where, then ?"
Wiser° you are going—into the
m sun tain."
About ten miles from Neal's was the
tows of C --, a tong straggling village
with 'numerous stores, some private
reeit1e ces, a blacksmith's shop, and a
tavern, the resort of idlers and gaid-
nsirees generally, who solaced their
leissa'e with drams of bad whiskey serv-
e,! to them by a bar -keeper with soap -
looks and in his shirt sleeves.
On the afteruoon of this day a crowd
bad gathered iu front of the tavern.
They were looking at a natalter of
United States cavalty men iu blue (oats
who were going to and coming from
the blacksmith's sleep with their horses,
•or taking the animals to water at a lit-
tle streams overshadowed by willows
n'hieh cruised the main row& al the tion of the fresh foe lit up by the tel.
edge of the village. On the veranda, low caudle.
which extended along the whole (rout '`Wall present my cemplitnonts to
of the tavern, a young man in the uni. Mr. Neal when he returns, and say that
form of a lieutenant of cavalry was Lieutenant Harry Nororoes called to
pav his respeote."
the road which woaud before the
troopers, white in the flood of light,
The young lieutenant whiled away the
Neal could do uothiug with him, and
hastened so arm himself and repair to
the place of rendezvous. Norcross fol-
lowed, without regerdi ig even lbo en-
treaties of Conny Neal. He was de-
termined, he said, with another laugh,
to see a night skirmish, if there was a
skirmish; end leaving the poor girl a
prey to anxiety and aneuisb, they has-
tened up the path afterward followed
by the party of troopers.
This path was apparently made by
cattle seeking spots of pasture on the
lido of the mountain, anti was well de.
fined. After following it for ten min -
wee, however, Neal oblique:, to the
right and clambered up a rocky foot-
man to his trade." way over which the bough.' of the
"Humph 1—well, here are two roads. ruouutain ash almost interlaced. Then
Willett leads to this man Neal's, who the path began to descend into a small -
is the leader of your mounshiuers, you er gorge, opening into the first, and a
say ?" voice said, "Halt !" Neal gave the
"The road to the left. I have in- countersign, and continued to advance.
formatio,, that will guide us afterward; A. few momeuts afterward he and his
but these people are as cunning as companion were in the midst of about
Satan. If they are pushed hard they a dozen men armed with old muskets
fight, too." I and fowling -pieces. Behind them a
"And yon are going to get out of the I low but leaned against an enormous
way—eh ?" 111 mass of rock, beueath which it was
"Exactly, lieutenant." evident there was a cavern. This hut
"Well, yonder is Neal's—where you was secured by a heavy doer, and had
see the light." no windows. It was the still.
The road wooed down to the oroes- Neuf gave his orders in the brief
ing where Joint Norcross had met Con- words of a man accustomed to eom-
uy for the first time. On the slope o !nand; and the ragged figures around
the gorge beyond twinkled a light ; and him, grasped their guns, listened as
splashiug through the river, the troop men listen to their superior.
steadily edvsnced toward it. In Bi- "They are coming," and I mean to
teen tniuutes Lieuteuaut Norcross halt- fight. But this is not the place ; the
ed his men at the low fence, and mov- barricade is the spot—but ouly to fall
ing his pistol holster aronud to have back nn. Soatter on the rocks above
the handle of the wt.apuu cenvenieut, the wood. and look out. No man is to
rte dismouuted and walked up to the fire unless he is fired at. Then give it
house. to them.
The knock at the door brought out At these words the men dispersed,
Coney. The lieutenant bowed and entering the heavy ioilage at different
said, pointe, in which they disappeared.
"This is Mr. Neal's ?" Neal, followed by Norcross, turned to
"Yes, Sir," said Gently. the left, went up a steep ac.livity, and
"I wish to see him." they emerged on a sort of pinacle of
"I -le is not at home, Sir." ruck, from which they looked down
Their eyes met, and the lieutenant upon the maiu gorge. Across a doll
smiled—his glance was full of admire- on their right one of the men was seen
watching. From the road below came
the hoofstrokee of the troopers as they
steadily advanced.
seated smoking a cigar. His appear-
ance was rather foppish. His hair was
long and curling, a delicate mustache
shaded his lips, and the band holding
the cigar was covered with jewels.
With his elegant riding boots elevated
upon the railing before him, he leaned
back in an attitude of cureless ease, collector
.con ,,using with a personage lit citizen's '`Well, wiiek way now ? Neal is
'dressxwbo was ett►uding near. 'not at home,' but has left a devilish
" I will set out in half an hour," he pretty represeutive. I'm ready."
said, carelessly. " You and your peo- "This way," replied the collector.
,elle are ready, I suppose ?" And he rode on, followed by the troop-
-"At any minute, lieutenant," said era, two abreast, by a bridle -path wind-
-tile man in citizen's dress, who was a
tmi;idle-aged personage with a black
leather box swung like a satchel ou his
left side.
41It's tt cursed business I am. sent
on," :alga the cigar -smoke, negligently,
"andeaone of my seeking. Here I gut,
Lieutenant Harry Norcross, very snttoh
st,yotar service, turned all at once into
revenue officer, and ordered to hunt
;flown whiskey distillers in Virgina in-
stead of•Iudians in Idaho. Never was
ti sere with infernal bad luck. I (arae
Bast to Washington, and as soon as.
they lay eyes'1 am ordered here
on this cursed affair, When I have my
owulprivate mattera to attend to, if aa+
"Lieutenant Norcross 1" murmured
Coitus, Neal, feeling a chill pass
through her. The young officer had
bowed, and was going beck to his horse
so he did not bear this exclamation.
Ile mounted, and said to the revenue
lict.w.k a let tpltdao tta poolt,.rid
ing beneath heavy foliage iuto the
depths of the gorge. No sooner ha 1
they disappeared than Canny Neal ran
to the small stable its rear of the horse
and bruited the old animal which she
had ridden to the mill when Norcross
first met her. His slow, uuwilliug
gait as she dragged bite towards the
house was n terrible trial to he pa-
tience. With venerable head extend -
el horizontally and pulling against the
bridle, he protested at every step; but
at last they were at the small back
porch, and Conny threw on hint her
riding saddle, 50J !tastily buckled the Lake good aim. Groans . were heard sympathize with each other. Besides,
girth. Then, without waiting to get from point to point, and 'IFbe trooper* they loved each other, aid a paper
her hat, she leaped Leto the saddle, mounted the slopes, tiring steedily with yerterday announced that they warp
broke a bough from the treo above her their repeating oarbiytee. igpktriel�r
d err' 'u the holae voilcutl Neat had looked' Au without AHD
g. Tait gee.
Suddenly the formost figures of the
party emerged into the moonlight be-
neath and came to a halt. Lieuteuant
Nororoes, who was iu front, had look-
ed up and seen the man ou the crag
not far from Neal.
""Come down from there, you scound-
rel 1" he shouted, drawing his pistol as
he did so, and firing at him. It struck.
the man in the breast. He dropped
vis guu and fell forward, exclaiming,
"I'm done for, captain 1" to.Neal. He
attempted to clutch some hushes near
hint, but the ball had done its work,
and be fell dead in the road about fifty
yards iu front of the troopers.
, "You see 1" said Neal, with a flash
of the eye ; "this is war, you under-
stand, neither more or leas. Web 1"
He drew a huuting whistle from his
pocket and blew upon it. As the
sound raug through the gorge it was
eoltoed from every crag by shots at the
troopers. They scattered at once. but
soon re -appeared ou foot, advancing
as ekirmiehers, and firing their car -
bias at every spot where the leaves
moved or a puff of smoke rose. This
fire was evideutly accurate and deadily;
the bright moonlight enabled theist to
y at 5100 per snot
y cotnniissioli to ti
lire t,acan what
O,, Marshull,Mich
We will pay Agents a Salarmouth
and expeusus, or allow- micro e11
ntrnowandwonderfuliuven utt
ecu seal/. Sample free. A.Ltlr
Hf1L;i19XAN ,t, C ,
She had scarcely uttered the words
when Lieutenant Norcross, in his gay
uuiform, was seen rushiug forward at
the head of his men, sabre in haul.
" Surrender, you infernal rebels !" he
Neal had mounted the barricade, and
gave the order "Fire 1"
" Fire 1" came at the same moment
from the lips of Lieutenant Norcross.
A double volley raug through the
gorge, and Neal, shot through the bleat,
fell forward on tho outside of the barri-
cade. At the same iustaut John Nor-
cross, looking at his brother, saw him
stagger. Without regarding the rain
of bullets, be leaped over tho barricade
and ran toward him. It was too late.
Lieutenant Norcross advanced a few
stens, and fell nearly at Neal's side,.
dead, with a ball through his heart.
"" Oil, brother! brother!" John Nor-
cross cried, in his great agony.
Neal turned his head slowly. His
eyes were already glazed. " Was he
your brother ?" he said, in a low voice.
"" It is a pity." As be said this, his
head fell, and he expired.
As to the troopers, they were swarm-
ing over the barricade, and the moon -
shiners were scattering through the
Since the events above recorded many
changes have passed over the New
River region, and a number of citizens
once prominent have disappeared.
Among these the region mcurts the
upright Anthony Tummies, Esq., called
by his friends Teny,who,iu consequence
of some diff enity with the revenue of-
ficials, has removed to Texas. Other
well-L-uowu iuhabitauts deservedly es-
teemed and zespected remain; however,
and chief among these one affectionate-
ly styled Daddy Miller. . Erin tongues
couuaeted him at one time with the
illicit. distillers of the mountains, fami-
liarly designated as "" mooushiners,"
but this scandal has now died out, and
Daddy Milier Is spoken of by his friends
and admirers as the indepeudent candi-
dates for Congress, where he is expect-
ed to propose an act for the adjustmeut,
peaceably if possible, forcibly if noses-
sary, of the Virginia State debt,
All is bright and cheerful around
Daddy Miller, but mournfulest of the
mournful is auother locality in this
neighborhood—the house of the bravo
ex•rebel Captain Neal, who died a sud-
den death. The house is deserted, and
weeds are growing around the porch.
Lonny Neal has disappeared, and so
has Norarose. He returned to New
York, and was absent for mauy months.
Then he came back and found that the
poor girl had goue to live with an aunt
in a neighboring county. John Nor-
cross followed, and spent the autumn
in hunting and fishing there, It was a
bard task to bring back the thoughts of
of the beautiful girl in her black dress
from her trouble ; but Norcross, too,
had his own distress, and they could'
Planing Mill, Sash,
Doue to order.
Remember thoplace
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L�LI -axing received a lot of new machinery, I
would inform the farmers. of the sur-
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secured the services of a first-class Turner, I
am prepared to do
on the shortest notice, and for style and price
I defy competition. Always on hand a first-
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twit 00 Ilg g i
4 yr• renJing n • , t..'ccitem,a
w a lite ittc'alirilf .e. "'litho set,.
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Y•Prieeonly$1. S moymail
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sciipptions, any nn, of which 15 worth the price of
the book. This book was Written bythe mestex.
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Pacific Railway Tenders.
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The Railway will commence at Winnipeg, and
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in the neighborhood of the 4th base line, and
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Tenders meet be on the printed forms, which,
with all other information, may be had at the Pe-
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OrrawA.lOth Juue.1870. f
Tea, 50c., Tea, 50c.,
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toiitrea1,J direct.
Also agent ter
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lit x rtytelf,part