The Exeter Times, 1879-6-26, Page 4.1l^N1; ?(; newer u. r,, eseen,,mclseateeeceperees _ F•uc,t _ _ ' N ;11., f 1'tl' r:lit.)\\'i.. SPEEDY JUSTICE. 11',,01) .Leel e'iattitusford vieitetl Ten- M half -past ten o'clock on last Sate el()slt ll+''eill(•: allovee t thett Gulouul Vitally morning Edwin II. Harris, of I.'t1ttI. w,l+ go i}l 1.`ll':;hly rllrl'ottnllt,el t: hieaago, was hi his stole attending to i)tl ln01AS 118 LIS 11 (Lt 0110 C•C1oClt ill t'hLt CVO cIt11S'i,,,. ! illi run nem :,;ettttee the att(`1'IIOOIt ()f'tllci Star,o day he was the :ell: W; . 11.,1, -le ie. Thereupon 11 :4 Ow,vict, H1ltteeced to seven y0Rre 111 occur+•,.e I•) Tt • n>(,( -(tett (,'!1:melee Ileo:+ the peuiteutiatrv. Harris luta - boeu of t11+` 1t )1 ti I'i!lt*la•`e'P 1, •ll:at 1)3' 11101111'19 1) n't(-lit eller (tell cashier for a film of 3. tl lN$ttltl .hoot and shun (1( 1111?r i. The (.1f the ria it 1•rt':t°!i1 til al ares ()f the e:ntl thin reposed implicit ct)lidNtloe in Il}ii1 Illi° llt. i''l? 111.4.10 !+) (1.1 d.1t.V. ()>1 F11"„• 1'11111 be tool( Itav:ultago of that canfi'(1- ,';erlthae le•i. to •L 011 Ch:tlmefilrtl the •Nilee bot only to rob them, but to lla- l;eueret ..yee tar (rem ',epee:lint:, while his Il"t't'1'a'ih tb1111 s') that they wore oblig- ed wort' 111 1(,'tit,a (}nurt'dttllnt4 : t:v(r 11.1 to eel! out. ll.u.rri-1 bought ont his old employers w uh the stolen mouov, tllela• a 1)')1'1.21-ei,111 to try was granted. end aetu:111y enaa1 .,8U one of theta as 111 that. fir It 1'1111;:, 110 mirror,' ]tit're'to h+ !11.1 ti'avtl1iol,* st4loslllell. An tlnhh,l(Cd• had, pend ;L ;eleali bed-t•nutll lonl(in ' POI' t'or ineidt'nt rod to tan luveliti:;at•ion,aua 11:1.1 t') do duty. 'ahem were no ma to it eaufeeeiou by Harris of his Ilaecal- :1111('1'1 ity. The guilty luau was Stthike!) with C12 1 Workstiz. tit it:tn:l, and all the laiT •Lt'1; W i:iN I.,),1.,host. Than litilerewae the FFC.yntl di.aiellltyof attrite• darn the atte:,ti•'n uF tho i'.1(owe•i- sots thirty mill's away and making thorn r0'tlizo what w.L:t being attempted The cltatie,0 of success r.yh'tv(1 on the fact that the naval brigade, to whu:h, of course, remorse. Ace..rtliug to hi+ own state - ho never spent 1L cent in drink or in go111blihig or in 11'1,V 'dee, but saved every .i.)liau• he stole ; ltd was actuated simply by a desire to got along 111 the world atilt obtain a business of his OWtl. TILE ARTHUR MURLDER CASE. flashing signals were familiar, WWI glair Further parlieulars of the murder of (olont:l 11e,a..':o . Ono morning Lieut. Of M(11. Autickuttnp arc t;nillli8d by the Iltayli(111,aCeOttlp;tit8?11 1'y a party carry -'A rt hue paper. Oa Wednesday horning :1nticl(ilapp 1031 as usual- and lit the fag his material, 11411ia'a f+rtll to as hill flet'. 1118 wife shortly afterwards rose four miles dilt:ailt, whence the towe)r of and visito.l 0 pasture field in rear of the Ekowe church was visible. \Wan 1111 11.1)1x0 to milk the cow. Au hour after- ,. \sdrde she was heardmoalliug by the wag ttAitOd signititin g began and w'tlS etlildreu, and found in a dying state. continaea With patience tray by day. whenever a gleam of Sunlight was ob. tailltl.alle, but as whole week & lelt,se(l be- fore any i)(lie)ti.!a wee 01Jtttittaa from 5110 wns carried into the house, and Drs. Henderson and Allan called. in. 'hey found the skull. just behin•' the right ear, literally smashed ie pieced, the blJltaannre'11 men that Illi i1:t611ti6 Upon sew tet mice that elle Mail dying. eugniry .1s to the cense of the were u ,c1'\ _ „ brit 1• burning occr,e,ia)n- (lecture, the doctors were told that the al whiff.; of „ rapt., t 1.n. attttitticu was at lentgt11 :atat,a,.tatl, and long after a leas persevering 111)18 would have given up the trial ail answering gleam wa4 seen from t.kowe ellurah tower. Yet an- other week elapsed before au iutelligible rnswer wi38 flitsheai from the garrison, and it then appeared that they had read Lieut. 'Jaynes' signals almost trom the first d,ty. It was unpleasant and anxious work watching between the showers on an exposed hill top for chanced of signal, but the reward of success was great, and the gallant offi- cer bas had the houor of receiving Lord Chelmsford's personal tilauks for his i>;genuity and patience. A NIGHT 01" TERROR. AN AME13CAN GULL LOST LN TILE PARIS CATACOMBS. t Bessio Darling, au American actress, 'has had a serious tend alinost fatal ad- venture iu a c'etaconlbs of Paris. These catacombs contain, in numberless gal- OOVOIea iu a thicket of bushes alnug- leries extending under nearly half the side the railroad track, barefooted. He city, the bones of nettrly 3,000,000. Ou was taken from his hiding place and escorted. each side of these weird avenuesfrom d to the lockup failing to offer the floor to the ceiling,arepilesof,bones any resistance, burin reply to questions 1111(18k0118. The bones of the arras,the put him, said be knew nothing about ast at ala@gallegs a,thighs tlleirare li iformaytiers beingalong homeiinlthe mo ; thatrnng,(and safterlholding re- lieved by the three rows of sculls and cross bones arranged in fantastic pat- terns and at iuterrals ; cut out of these gypsum of the caverns underlying Paris, are little chapels or altars. At 10 o'clock cow had kicked her. . They took it for granted that such was the case, and, after Being what they 001311, returned hoIIle. After the affair was over, sus- picions were excited by the fact that they, (the dootors).hail not seen Autick- uapp, who they wero aware possessed the most ungovernable temper. By 8 o'clock the news had spread around town, and every person who knows the olt1 fellow were of thesamo opinion, that be had murdered his wife. The people became iufutiated, and com- mencecl;inovieg tojthet•eene of the deed. ,!,bout a quarter of a mile above the Q. G. to B. R. station they found the members of the household of the same opinion as themselves,aud at Once insti- tuted a search in the woods and fields in the vieit:lty. It was well known that he could not get far away, as he was afiiete.t with rheumatism to such an extent that with the assistance of a stick he could hardly walk. A. party of 40 or 50 leen kept up the search till about noon, when he was filially dis- family prayers went out for a walk,an(1 was just resting when found. Some of the first who visited the place Thurs- day found au axe in the grass close to the !once, about ten fees from the $pot One mormi g,o few v eeks ago, Miss Dar- ling, the unfortunate victim was one of a party of 80 descended. the foetid. 'Upon examination a few spots steep staircase of 90 steps Mediae to of blook were found and several long the catticotnbs, and preceded by gnides, black bears corresponding exactly with entered the galleries whose tortnouh 1118.1 of the deceased womlau were rlis- \riudi0gd and ramiticatione have all the covered on the ear,. The woman died perplexities of a labyli)th. Miss Dar - It eight o'clock in the morning. lint, with the independence of an Am- It is said Anticknapp was a man of ec- erican, quitted her party, and set Ilp to centric habits,li:ept a noosed rope clang- iu his barn, and used to annoy his explore the underground horrors alone. ling Among so nlanv she was not missed.) fanllly by feil oiutr to haum himself. A little of this sightseeing satisfied her companions, and they returned to alio sPsl(sn Ar,.—Iiev. Jalnhs Brooks, Reston, alt's ; '1 have found nothing to give -no more light aria to their dinners. In the p.-rinantnt relief for 811o1•tness of breath or meanwhile :Miss Darling was hnrryiug 8:st1-01)8. that, Hxayanns PEC'i•ORAr. BALSAE,a):l ihrongh 000 gallery after another. car with cuntiden Gofer tt tel LE 11" TIMES T E TIMES Cheap MN HOEK .A.11 kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch Order you work where you.can get it done the cheapest. Tlie 1'.e recommend it to all re - y she had not Prov' (lnlri:l (a 11'11(111 medicine fur coughs and colds 011t ina idea and +i1Scu:'(•, 1',F the tin out andlmt;(s. 11'01' sale: herself with a supply of candles, and b11t:'at (;..!heal Drug Store, Exeter, at 25 Cents per when the one she carried was burned out she was in utter darkness and be- ' -- _------.----.--- gan to realize the horrors f h 't I a- For 1. i )rte ,(,?(•s 3'F • fa J ore O e1' situ: 1 1 mild medicine Iit(a- tion. It was then, so the story rued, t ft •A:al, d ) , Lao .; (nY wi:l he fenin(l invaluable. that "she did what every Other 3/003811 A ' ) ..., r t a f la!! fol;ow its use. It ro- w ut(I have 110110 ill Similac uucatn . ; , .• t t 1 .,,1_.t-. +..zL-.. 1).+ +.1......:111, netlaigia dc., dc. s lees, she fainted away." Ilo(v 11'1110; F',1 ;.1..,,...;•;,.,1,11._ I, 1.'-10: the less wonderful. she remained insensible she does not (.l.:,- ;...-,rli,ipi.ntiv• 421)•0 sore throat. knoll ; bet when she came to Iter ei1 1 111 s i(;,3' Ininntes. A few Sh0 (nude, thougliout the remainder of ' f1 aired asthma. G'olic has i z f .; ,.lirtlttr•, by a teaspoonful the day and through the night, the gal- t, , , I t"1I toe utmost rapidity. his hll.ries echo with lier shrieks for bele. j r (, , r i Ing n rue. Far sale at Cell- I'ortuuately for her, at 10 o'clock the j1(.411) ,',1 , I.)4i1a- rlext morning a workman while pat sin;; along a neighboring gallery, heard her • cries taut hurried to the react;0,. I -le found her in one of antro gnlintieal that have no thoroughfare and are riui• : 1Vn est, 1'1( i1',: 1111 honor whon in 7,iy side usrseages, and tWo yrtrati (rola n h "'11th ; hitt h(nv often do the majority the spot where be enceut.tited her wits el MO tr11IIIJ it up (114111 Alt, 11(11 Enjoy Life. ,.v Cama, •1 trni 11•,;4attlft:l woad aye live in l :is - 1 'a:, 11111, t,1' lnotlntains, glens, 11111 . x111'1 thou,ands of meals for on- + u1Y d r til w'ol•rl."t out with dfsc'1t30,whon alt@ mouth of a12.eshandtea shaft, (1114x11 'which she lead only escaped fallie,, 1 , f f ti 1"61.1118. i' 1l dd with h 1 } a 1'4 a, a 4U' 2111 841ley, led every le auddenness wit 1 w ie i she 1, )y t 1+ r t 01 easily ol.tH111 s1ttiSflIPtory nlllbt' ctrl t1 4 1'1'1'0.•0 lingn 3t I'lowtar wall make thom ax feel: 14,10 til 01(x0 1423 when horn. Dyspepsia. Vol Livor Complaint is the direct 0)13)5(2 of severity -live per cent. of fitich maladies as Bili - rumness, indigestion, Hick 11(8(1 Reim, costive- ness, Ne1'VOUE Prostration, Dizziness of the Head. I'alpitation 0f the Heart, and other dis- tressing symptoms. Three (loses of August Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. fainted aal 1 the pertinacity with which she rem:tined on the spot where she fell. When at the end of 18 hours, she was brought to the light she fainted again. Vat all's well that ends well ; although for a short time her situation appeared to be critical.. Colored Work aSpec aRRy TTIIES OFFICE has excellent facilities for CARD S, BILL HEADS 3 TUE O1t1?.AT CAUSE 01 HUMAN XIS - MAY. at -a JustI'ublished, In a scaled Envelope. • t'ru,e six coots. Alecture on. the N,turo,:truatment and ROI - cal cure. of Helaine' W1101 in, s, or Sport. tater"lt(ea, iuducrll by Self -.Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, impotency, 1 Crvout 1)(lWlity, and Impediments to marlin o g(ner031yl ('nuHttlnpti•,n 13)111.183, leen Flim 11, 11:..1 rind Physical Iuua3aeity, ,l11. By ltoli E ItrJ.('III ,\rE1t1V1a.T,,lg. D.,authorof 1111 "(2 men Moor(; ' f)e, Thu '.vo;11 reuownigl author in this admirable Leo ttiro, tIc111rly proves front his own exp11•tona0 Mit the 1(11'f111 C1.116((111( 1100H of 1,4f-Abtifie may 14,1 cli.•otautlly reull1311 without inedl,'iiw,1101, 341;11. out.,((ulgort.us surgical oparuHon s, bougies, tustlta- meats, rings, or cr.rdi')1s; poietin; out a motto of core at 01100 onto ill mutt enoetut.(1, by which e19ry Sll tforel rno nlmtt.r who t 111xcondition r1111.y be may our, hurl<cli oh.•mplr,privately (411(1 radically. l,..etnce w1)tpro ve a boon to thousand': Ord thoust1',(15. 50111, 111111.1'8(111, i:t a plain envol0pse, to any ad. dro.o, ou retie/411 of six cents, or two postage stamps. - etldr(1e rIIIC etr,w r.il SII;DICAL CO. 11 Ann et. Now York. P. 0.130x aftso E : -IVES AND BOILERS. From a to 14 3.I+.a•WI Power, for Farm- ers, 1)sirrm,•n, Butt, t• mut Cheese I•'actnr)e,, Printers aur( all parties using hand or horse .t)uwer. 1'11x1 1md ,1h• apc,t to the market. Send for circular and price list. ta"0111111. fit)() • Esplanade Street. 3 ()HOMY). AVE YOU LOST TI-1II SENSE OF -L. R 1.1`T1' 01I SNELL 81i so, /tinny 1)0 front the Lennox' of the 11)41o(lu11117, ('ATAI(111. '1'1111 CO'NSTI'1(rlONAL (',1'rAuen 1.0.11 Ii1Y win 1•estOre+ you to enloyatblo health. It not only enrol Co- unt!, but all other diseases at the (4)4111+ till Price Qi per 2,ot.tlo Pot sale by n11 druggists and. Aieliciuu dealer: Scud stamp for 48 pogo pen i- plilrt containing tre,lt.i"u on Catarrh, (and.lertitl- (ultaw .d' Ili , cured to T. J. 13. 1?AI I)INt1, I),,win- Juu Agent, l lroebvilin, (1„t. CONSTITUTIONAL 0ATAREF' 11EMIEDY, The (1,413' certain safe, and dreotual Orme for Cott rrh, builds up the 4) stole nod tires ail other dfsra+,•s at the slate(! time. - Asthma, 10s.• Cold, Ilay Foyer, Noryo014 Debility, all 11.mve tog( them when tho ('(u stitututlono1 Catarrh Ilemeuy is taken an directed. Trico .11'I per bottle. For Salo by all druggists mud Medicine (10111411x. 4 '11ppt T I'. - 1 , ttt rid 'f 1 1111 ,L• l). I • i '! Elfttl - 1.4 1( Q 01 r • in 11,..•.11 140,,H1,11 14 1 1 1 3y'" t` y Yi Ft 113 I `• • n A I w Cay t_u nu u•t ,• of ! 1s 1) trews ofE•xice,t,d` 4111,11 11:.14•. ,•• ''in', Norvoue tool ' b) 1 1). ,: a sl ,t concomitant 1. 101 a anti)•` 1 :1131.2 tt ther,fronr and yenta es Imo'. 1 11 r 8rri)itiOn., any on 1.1 w1iC!( (.0» •'1 1. 7 111 ( the 1411;1(. Thi, be ,...4(111.41r10. , 0 h1•I:P` tell=ivolnd probably 111.•nu+ t Illi) f 11 1 ]nAme i,1,40wholnw•rtltwl'ar 1 3 •r. f 1'. illrti 1111111211133' 313,' 3441(111:321 )*",1•e 1 A, +•.,.•111 • A. Pamphlet, iiiitstr.t• d 1.1!11 ,•rr Sol ",l(0111112111g.-14 into, t.?:,;;"t1 I,•( 9 Tel et art anti brainy - son I•ln l: to all. 8,111 for it at nuc(. 11 h, PEABODY RMEDI 11-r• e INsTITLIr,Inc 411.:1- si 1i l Anc11, t.. Boston. +1 + ) `000`000`f1$ `Ma A (Successors to R. T. PIERCE, M. D.) DEAL V. PIERCE, baling acquired a world-wide reputation in the treatment of Chronic Diseased, resulting in a professional business far exceeding 7tt bis individual ability to conduct, some Years ago I induced several medical gentlemen to associate them - 1 selves with 1)1111, as the Facultyof the World's D(s- ipensa 1'y, the Consulting Department of which has since been merged withthe INVALIDS' HOTEL The organization hats been completed aural Ineorpo- I rated muter the noun' and style of World's Dispen- sary Medical Association, with toe following 0111001•x: Jinn. 11. 'C. PIEnCE, Pre9. F. D. PIERCE, V. Pres. J\0. It. PIEI(CE, Sec. LESTER 13. 8142112, Treas. NINE PHYSICIANS AND SUIIGEONS of emi- nence amt still hlve been ch03111 1114 the Faculty. 011/10300 DISEASES of all forms come within tles ) - LUNG- DISEASES.e of our -This division of practice is t very ably managed by a gentleman of mature fadg- niet,t and shill. Broneh)al,Tht'oal, and Lung Dls- etasr) trt•,n.•d will, 1111' molt sueeedsful results. DISEASES OF i'OM14N-Especially are our falcllt- ties of a superior order for the cure of all Moss chronic, diseases peculiar to females. NERVOUS DISEASES. -Paralysis, Nervous Debil- ity, Epilepsy (Fits), Chorea (St.yltus'lf Dance), Nen- ratgbu• and other nervous affections, receive the atteuh(n of an expert in this specialty. NOT NECESSARY TO SEE PATIENTS. -By our original system of dluguu.,16s,, wu eau treat many chronic diseases as sueuessfully without as with n. personal consultation. For particulars see "People's Common Sense Medical Adviser" (1,000 pages,sent post-paid Mr S1.50) nr"Invalids'andi'I'ourists)ulde nook" (100 paps. 10 cents post-paid). SURGICAL CASES. -Among the operations which, ,VC are sidled upon most frequently to- perform, aro those for Nasal Polypus, I3urc11) Tumors, 11841110. In Ano, Plies, Hernia {Rupture), Ilydrocele (Dropsy of the 8crounn), Varleoeele, Ovarian and Uterine Tumors, Calculi (Stone In the Bladder), Stricture:, etc., etc. We also treat successfully, by a new metlte 08 35111(4,111 surgical operation Cancers, Club -feet, Spinal Curvature and other deformities. . (Simplon - . See paln- piAet entitled, ":1101.1011 ((8 u Curative Agent," seat 1111'11111 a o A(kireas, 0114) Worca a Dicpeaaary lfotiioal Aatoolatite, l3CFFALo, 18. Yu By an immense practice at the 'World's Dispen- sary and invalids' 'Hotel, having treated many thou- sand cases of those diseases peculiar to woman, I ]mve been enabled to perfect a most potent aid posi- tive remedy for these diseases. To designate this natural epeclad, I have named tt Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescripts= The term, however, 1s hut a feeble expression or 'my high appreciation of its value, based upon per- 0onal observ)tion. I have, while witnessing its posi- tive results In the special discuses Melchior to the organism of woman, singled It out as the tuning or Crowning Cent or 1117 medical career. On its merits, 718 at positive, sine, aaud ellim'tual remedy ibrthis class of diseases, and one that will, at 1111 times and under 11,1) circumstances, act kindly, I am willing to stake soy reputation as n physician: and so C0nlidentan) 1 that It will not disappoint thees,:Im porency, Barrex- pectations of a single invalid Lady who uses It for any' or 111(11(41hneu43POW111 b 1 reeoinmend IG that pater mid sell it under A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. (For 42011Th ins, see pamphlet wrapping) bottles) ,Y The following are amongthose diseases In 14)))2112 my Favorite Prescription has wonted cures, as if by 011)41X, 11111111111' (21 rtnh03' 011704' 18(0113 attained hy any medicine: L,ucorrha'a, Excessive blowing, Pained Moonily Periods, -.Su ppress@ion when 801(1 unnatural causes, 1rregubtritae, Weak back, Pr(- hapsus, 111' Nulling of the Uterus, Anteverplon said II(utruvorsinn, Bearing -down 'sensations, Internal 7leat, Nrrv0u3 Depression, Ihhility, Despondency, Threatened Miscarriage,1;lllnlib5 Congestion, FA. Aanmulttonand niceraftonet (b,, iltere Impotency Jha'rel 1142141, or Sterility, I cmnle: ' 'weakness. 1 ER tlo 110; 11x3.01 this meitit•(m' as n "(',n•(a1t" hot It " Q 1 , i admirably fulfills n singlene4s or purpose, being :t 4. t NS l.a F J most perfect specific in all (throttle, 7111easoa 01' tho sexual system of woman. l.t wilt not disappoint., tier will it do load», In any mate nJ' condition. '11,1,30 W110 0014 PO fm) hof 111(018).108 on,these sntl- e e 1t '1111 01)14111 11 to Tint Puri Lla'S COMMON 5EN$ta 111 nl(1,11 1DV1s141( 4: bno14 117 oV 11' Ur a Ii),gus, kelt, post ,)sbl, on rt:coipt nt 51:10. It t 1'10111'3 1ntn11tcly (ll those (114018,4 preilllar 40 179111111119, 11118 pivot much (41)11141110 advice In regard to thu manugon)0nt of CIRCULARS, J0L uiu Di apatarythose affections. Favorite bDruggists.