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The Exeter Times, 1879-6-19, Page 8
THE! TIMES DRIVING NORSE WANTED. \l`ESTE1111i PAIR, --Wo have received from the A Goon DEAL, OP VA(3--lie refer to an r lltil cnbseribor will purchase and etnerttoy bat/ago/pa OC driver, tour or nyeu•ee: rac phi. ?duet be 1'rnlnd in every respect, it gont'i traveller and low priced, Nene other need be offered. roii l lVE1I'rit, Tutus stdioo,';eeter- o'er ,721.1 G •I'1 ' THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1379. LOOALI NEWS. ltl:in Banton Brothers' change of adveraite twit Cato Wsaxgzn..,-r'he weather is utlnsoally cold for the mouth of June. Gatver emot--Gravel is being put on Main Street where it is needed. I>rueis LEFT. -Tile person who forgot a purse at rapt. Ketnp's store can have the sank by calling aucl•proving property. 1'aleeensn. Bev. W. Walsh, of Centralia, prelwiled iu the Methodist church on Sunday morning. At tile recent sittiug of the Confer - elute Mr. Wal, hwas stationed at London North. Her SALE --Several acres of bay will bet sold by auction on lot 22. eon. 2, Stephen, for Mr. William Hamlin, by Mr. James Oke, on Sat- urday, Juste 28, at 2 o'olook p. ln. DIVISION (.101111T -Tile fitth Division Court was helot in Exeter on Tuesday last before Judge Toms. The town presented a somewhat livelier appearance than usualiu consegneuco of the court. ':Ltt'UBNBD.-Rev. G. A.. iIitehell. B. A.., re- turned from Conference an \\rednestiay even. ing, having been stationed aatExeter for (2110th. er year. Bev. Z. W. Butcher also returned on Fridey evening from Little Britton, where be lute been attending the meeting of the 13. C. Conference. Sams. KILLED. -A few nii;lhts 'ince 9Ir. Ford, of the Lake I tent, Stephen, h'ad a large nnulber of sheep killed by dogs. The owner of the Ruspected dogs has sinus givon them a rinse of lead, and there is no fear of any more mischief being done by them. TEE Fteengx.-The flame -fighters of No. 2 Co. were ant for p actioe on Friday ermine. The e+ngrle worked well. Should flee Greule'ns serv- ices ever unfortunately be required they will give a good account of themselves. ROBSx DIED. --011 Monday aftcruoon a horse belougiug' to Mr. Benj an iu Case. Usborne, dropped de.wu dead while being driven down Main StI set. The horse was 21 years of age and was iu Rood condition. TIIrn CHOPS. -The crepe in the surrounding townships look well. The abundance of rain which has fallen during the present month has been very beneficial to the spring crops. Trotg present appearance a bountiful bravest may be •confidently espectetl. 'rHANEs.-A vote of thanks Iles been tender- ed :lir. E. B. Smith, by the Ailsa Craig Guar Club for the excellent arrangements made for the shooters at the late Match with Exeter. Eseter Club also tender their thanks to :,Sr. Smith, • Ae. INVITATION, -The firemen of this town have rtscoived an invitation to attend a de- monstration at POtrolla on Dominion day. Tliobrigade would be glad to accept the in- vitation wore it possible for them to Get away on the 1st of July. It -L. --We are sorry to inform on readers that Mr. Hodgson is still confined to the house through illness, which was thought at first would be of short duration. We with his nu- merous friends and acquaintances in Exeter autl vicinity hope hoou to ties him restored to .1119naua1 heath. ' STILL Tune eo.-On Monday morning lir. W. H. Trott, of Exeter deprar'ed for the :loth. West, where he intends remaiug for about two months. Mr. Trott owns laud hi Manitoba, and aoeosdiug to tbe terms nn which grants are given by the Government, he has to put iu an appearance. Wes is TI•lls Aur ow to. -We wonld like to kaow how it that strangers can come to Exe- ter and go fretn house to hews selling geode without paying ,a license 1 These peddlers in- jure the trade in the village and the authorities should see that they pay a license before they are allowed to sell. • • SEASE.CP.-Oo Sunday evening as a gay young Lotbario was driving homeward an one of the back streets he ran into tbe diteb aud over some obstructions, resulting in dislocating some of the' buggy s'•jnints. Five clollare will %2 ske it all right, and $2.50 for license. But what will the fashionable ladies do when the event occurs Int. -We regret to learn that Mr. R. Seblen was taken leriouely ill while atteudiu a co113- luu3lication of Lebanon Forest Lodge A. F. & 1. M. on Monday night. fie had to leave the ditAi> and be taken home. Two doctors were summoned to attend him. We hope soon to fee hilt around again. A 08o0 ONE. -Mr. Holmes, of the Clinton •''t New Era; evidently does not believe the half of :AM he 11uti1pshes in his own paper, -for, eon- ff..Ataitarp-Wins,advide to Where, he went to the poli on election day and marked his ballot fox Mr. Patrick Kelly, This was probably done .E to l eke ahead) ,for marking to create strife be- t'ttebs 00,augenten and Cetlt:,lica. fairs Ms3.Ttsro.-L eanip meeting oomrnenc: ed 111 Hay on. Thursday last, .end 04 111 usual when the ,(tospc31 ie. epreed, a large nnmbor from Exeter end etlter villa;e3 attended 1)e Shzbday last. That the eptrzt had been work- ., 4rrpi':iavith'soule of them. was .eeide cit vitt their return. The manifestations took a peculiar fore} ; they were very enthusiestie W1li10 nn: G1et itl9 intlui'xlc8, Secretary, Mr 11i013ride, a prize list of the Arthur livery keeper, who sendsus a postal. \ireetern Pair in London, which will be held 011 :Monday to Friday, from 29th September to October 81, 1879. $12,000 in prizes are offered.. The reputation this fair has gained needs nothing by wey of oomiw cit from us. BLACII Llsr..-The" V ngllam Tittles has com- neeneoa the publication of a, list of those who have not veld their little bills: It's pretty rough, • but perhaps net nude=ervod, for tele luau is 0313 (111•311.331811 enough' who wiil try to escape from panus; a shall newspaper account. There are some on ourboukn,aud if we thought it wuald bring diem we would mention their names. '1'11E IlAcl:s.•-The 1st of Jnly,Cauada's Natal Holiday, is drawing, near 111'1 ' people are no a'ulht beginning to t'-liuk about where they can best eujuy themselves on that day. We would manna our readers that' the day will bo e'tebratetl'nl Exeter by a greed raring tour- nitutent on the Driving Perk. The large am. aunt of money which is offered in prizes this year will lettuce many first -crass horses to own - tete in the different rapes; and a good day's et ort is expected. - There 11'111 also be a first- class band present. The races will be con- tinued on the dayfollowing. Tim Ex2rnrrlse.-2Ve4taie received a copy of tbie paper, whish rensntly uonncnenoed pub- lioatiuu in Lecau. It is haudsoluely gotten up. well arrauged, well edited, mud brie: mine over with loeal news, which lepartment they seem to have paid special atleution to. The pro. price or displays the go•uhuutlitiveness obarao- teristie of the American people, We wish hint every success in his 1i1shterprisr, and if it con- tinue, as it ibis beeem; we eepeot soon to see it appearing deity, Agegric.-The Heulan-Elliot bolt race has creltte•1 causitl.rltble interest iu aquatic circles iu this town. anti no do'tbt 'spurred a conple of gentlemen to it contest on theSaubie lastSatut- day. 't'h, time was not quits so fast as Han- lau's latest, but the Oarsmen have every con- cheese 1n their latent peers, ers, and hope tinder sufficient t1'aiu1n; to wane to shade or so un•1'ir the est time en retest'. The contestants were an Englishman and an Iris!! Ca'uuli,au, the English nail be ng victorious by a "very nar- row majority," lt`7 tll'4 Int) testator says about the shooting snatch when trying to let ilsa Craig demi easy. We uuderstahul auuther match is arranged for on Saturday next. The amount at stake 3., high enough to make the men Pat forth their best apts. Beetm rte. -Oil Monday morning last Mr. 11. H. Verity. of Exeter, Mr. A. Cutlinore, of 'Cleburne, and :dr. Hogarth. of Stepheu. arrived ill Exeter, after being in 1Mauitoba fur about a mouth. They give „ good account of the coun- try. Mr. Cudtnure has taken up laud aud carr. Hogarth has disposed of the land which 11e own eel. Mr. Verity, who watt on a prospecting tour with a view of arranging for the sale of agricul- tural implements, has found a market for a large number of plows, if lnade no as to work satisfactorily in the soil of that Province, a task which we fuel certain can be performed in' Mr. Verity's establishment. CANADIAN MARKET FOB CANADIAN FLOVR.- Sinoe the National Policy became law, many Cauatlian industries have been benefitted by its working. Among these is the milling busi- ness of Ontario, which I1as had its :market extended to Prince Edward Island, Previous to the introduction of the N. P. that distant Province obtained its supplies front the United States, but now, by the wisdom of the txorern-. , meet, all this is changed, and our Darn millers and our owe farmers are given the preference over foreigners. A few days ago Mr. Zanies Pickard was asked for prices of his flour. The quotations being satisfactory, his offer was accepted. We understand he is now proper- ing to ship in largo gnautities. The figures he ' 1 quoted enabled him to increase the price of wheat several cents per bushel, thus airing the farmers the direct benefit of the inter-Provin- 1 oial trade. There's nothing like the N. P. RUNAWAY A0OfDENT.-01.1 Friday last a span of horses belonging to Mr. Edmund Small, of Usborne, ran away in Exeter. Mr. Small (who is au aged person) was driving the team down Bain Street, and when near the southern boundary of the corporationthey started torun away and before they bad gone far they upset the vehicle to which they were attached, injur- ing Mr. Small very seretely. Afterthe con- veyance was npset the horses got loose from it and ran a. good piece before they were caught. A buggy, which luckily happened to bo passing at the time the upset occurred, brought l'fr . ,`!mall to Exeter, where his injuries were at- tended to, and after the runaway }horses were brought to Exeter, he was driven to his home fu a buggy. S. S. Excoxston.--On Tuesday morning last an excursion train, consisting of ten coaches, left this place for Port Stanley. Over four hundred persons boarded the train at Exeter, rhe maj-ray of them being young people. At Centralia station the Exeterit.8 were join- ed by about our hundred more excursionists. A few passengers were taken. on at London. The Port was readied shortly after 11 o'clock, and after proceeding to the pleasure grounds, refreshments were partaken of, and then. the pleasure -seekers enjoyed themselves in differ- ent ways. There were croquet sets, and swings on the grounds for those inclined to enjoy themselves in that way. A boat which non- vevett passengers otit on Lake Erie was also an Bourne of much enjoyment. Altogether a pleasant time was 1llent on the shores of Lake Erie. At five o'clock the train left Port Stan - ley, arriving in Beeter about • 1.80. The day's pleasure was not marred by any aceideat or uther•necnrrsnce except that two or three persons lest their hats while leeking' out of the windotsr. card with a description of a thief and a horse and buggy, (211,1 asks us to pubiiele it, lie et - leis $20 reward. We used to have au idea before the world grew so dealt that newspapers were in a souse private enterprises to n,iueted for the profit of the proprietor and conferring ad. vantages on the nubile at the same time, jute as a tnerellallt manages itis store. .lint we lee being gradually converted, and this Arthur livery keeper almost comp ekes the work. 1.11113 wishes to regain his property an,l thinks our oolumus will be of any use to !lint, 11e ought to be willing to pay for 11,' Ifo would hardly ex peek to obtain It rig front another stable to hunt the thief without paying for its use, but he expects all the newspapers in the actuary are going to assist him in the scam11 for noth- ing. We aboatime a line was drawn some- where in this free advertising business, or newspaper proprietors will have to be sustained . by donations from charitable people. 1St retie i t -ed, t;•anaistlug of Dry G-1)oije. (.rro ieries, Boots shoes. Colne with your butter aud egg. itepilen. , tJliefIF, 19, 1879 500 KEGS GOOD T.r r geleJ '4 '..w., ..>,.. -t-1 .1..1/1 100,000 DO ?:I waned in exehaugo for Foods at Southeot& •:). Sou's Store. A, choice stOC11, of BANKRUPT G a. ACCIDENT.- 08e day least week while Jr, '4Vn1. 1towloliffs,.nf the 1st conces- sion Stephen, 1Vae engaged iu lug•.iNe n beret tittle* eleven feet 'Thigh and,, about 7 or 8 ittctles through, fell,' striping him on the beak of the head au'i itlfli:tittg an ngly wound. ;-Ila lay senstlese for some tittle, and a hen re.• stored to 0OhlNmi.'netlds,t hie shirt was covered with blued. He is able to be !about again. (iredtl on. CBLEBilaxtnte-•The Orangenlell • of this diet; let have arranged for holding the celebration on the 1.2th JON- next at Crediton. 1Sxte11N1Vt preps eatit111N will be made as it is expected a large uututler will be present. SAD AOCIDEN'r.--011 Tllnrsdlay 1.282 las the fancily of Bernard Brown of this place 1.41133 jtl tttetting down to dilIlIsi, t little tight months' old child 1312111)11 rile scaidiug contents of.,i 11340. which stone on the table over its body, s cladiug it, so !severely that from its chili to its knees, 311111uet the melte, midi! come off with its clothing. Medical aid WaS 311 01108 sntnnioued, but the pour child nuly lived a couple of hours atter the Itccitteut occurred. 1x::12!12.-'I1he erupt siume the recent drink, are looking np, and at1ib good ttearner and absence of frost, 'Tiny yet be 3113 average uud yield. Farmers. tl1t38, tate not (1.1ite so long as they were leeks sinus, tfurum the dry spell. -Tile Orauge as; riot meeting wits bold here 4221 last Salur.ttty. A. large 340tuber of the weathers of the order Ice a present. --I3nsi'less appears to be f ood, j nd - int; from the 0amber of farmers' Wa• gene 1 21 1130 street. -This toe tt 11111 certainly soon be dnnnl. hunting for its 1.1.11 103611,1 ability. -Politialli excitement Hint quietly dial out 5111ce the elect 1)e, and tllottel'1 have aieetnned their usual tons, with perfect chirality and good feeling anio1.g the disputaute. This is las it should be. Blooming Hill, OUR StIIUOL.-The f„ilnwine is the correct standing of the Blooming HiIl. sellout for may, based on good 03)11411(21 Stud general prbilesi' net, :-Fif h cleee, Meetbtew hiller, (150;' Wm. Elern, 285; Hobert II•lgg.arth, 205. 1? •urth form. John Bice.4fi7 ; 8. Latta, 539; No'►h Horton, 189; Katy Stewart; 94 ; Gideon H 1-ubhhirk, 82; Wei.111auclsun, 78 •, Geo. tiobkiik,' 51. Third 'burlier., Minnie Parish, 352 ;' Keil, 1'33; Limns Iviollolis, 311 ; 33103os Taylor, 892; Neil Morrison, 289 ; T1lomuasRyckn1Ntl, 158. Third 1neiu7-Sum. Conch.8©0; John Hicke,208; Niles MuTaggart,255; B Ibt Miller, 244 ; John W. Hamoelton, 228; diary l\landsu11, 172. Second Reuior, Thos. 3. Glynn, 178; 141.3. Morrison, 15$ ; (iheriss Latta, 148; J. H. Ryckmlui, 100 ; 1.. Meters, 121; 11 I. J. Meters, 90. Bess Bente-A Base Ball Club bar been organized in this place under the name of the X. Y. Z. Cinb. John T. Wren, Capt James Britnell, Seo.- Treat. They are now prepared to give and accept challenged from any local clubs. Hay. Anemiaxen Cotmmr or REvisloen--The 7 Conned !pier 116 311 Court of Revision pursuant to a4j,ltrtitneet on Saturday, Jana 7th. The then bers all present. Miuntea of p3evi•Ins meeting rend and approved. Moved by Mr. Kalbetieseh, seconded by Mr. Iieyroclf, that lot N. 19, P. S. be taken from the resident roll and assessed to John N, I•ioover, Sas owner. --Curried. • Move d by Mr. tllorrit8, 66C031ded by Mr. Kalbfleiaah, that the following disuses he shade ill the 1668esetnent roll, vi'L t -•'-rite Sa11013t relent of August Hill be raised $00 ; Iu• 6, oouceesiou 2, be reduced $800 ; the a$NeStloett of J. lloefldittgbe rearmed $200, and II' Grebe, )•winced $50.-•- Oai•rioll. 1I'.vx'e[ by Mr, MoCull, sec reeled by 1;[r. 1•Leyroak, that 1110 al S(1t13 rent roll for 1870 new revised,be con. firmed, and that the Court of 1,IGVIsiou bo $IOW elnsetl.--Carrie(!. et UticIL. --sifter tt(ljnitrumeut, at the SI a -N OF THE r ij1..Y FLAG. C. SOUTH.('OTT & SON, Street,.Exeter call 01.311.0 Rssve, Ills c••n,teil 111131 rand 21'0218110! Oil 2113' fallow1111; : The s11In 1.4120 \ya4 greeted 1 w eels ;!!telt itig on the Sauble line fr lot N. 1 to 10, inclusive. 111t,vetl and carried that Wm. Carlisle be appointed eon) i 11'1'Ir't t ,t•;,,, pix yens If age, 8011 of %teem, 1h•r ., ..:V, fell in the creek 'at that olnti, • •le: