The Exeter Times, 1879-6-5, Page 6. • • e ANT LPODEA.N OUTLAWRY, TIRE TIMES a large reward was offered for them similar to the One now in force iu Vie. dead or alive.. Those wounded ip try. torie, with heavy rewards, whiolt pow The ItAustr li-.1a colonies have alwars j ing to oapturn them were ta receive amount to borne en!unenviable reputation ae a field pensions, while loss of life Would secure $40.000, ALIVE, OR DEAD, for hu.h ranging robber4, but from the Aide Rapport for widow and orphans, for eaeh man. Several patties of high. time the first otmviot esoapedfrom Bot or relativee depending on the deceased waymen now started out, and a few any Ray, iu 1.778., to the present there for support. There WAS also a olanse days after the Jorilderie outrage four lists been no series of crimee so strange .empowering the pantie to :arrest end men were oaptared who lied actuainit.ed as the one now taking place in the clot. imprison Any one suspected of furnish robbery by force of arras., The Kelly pules of Victoria and New South Wales. ins; nid ilr information to the outlaws, 'party returned to their old h t ann.*, and s It is not o Single crime but a succession the penalty for which was fifteen ince then nothing bat vague rumors *of bank robberies and murdere, oom years' impri moment, It Was thought have been he' 4 of them. There en ineneing in October last And 0011 titiailig that this Act %fluid soon secure the Ar- be little doubt that they will eventually until the latest dates from that, country, rest of the oriruitials, but it hail an ef.. be destroyed, as they deserve to be ; notwithstanding the largo form) em. feet atrocity oppistie. The novelty of but their Imo and Successful oareor ol played to repress it, and the tenanting the oase, the Fact that this WAS prime is a remarkable on. offer of $40,000 each for the 01.1tlaWS. TEE FIliST . OUTLAW Ar dead. or alive, fo the viol lily a in the colony (other colonies had pass. Tit JC M.: .C.,) '\T A 14. fieeobworth, in the. colony or Vietorot, ed0,,,e, yee,r, 1,4pre, notpao against Jived a woman •rul-ried Roily, whowar., the (+trailer and Powell busniangst•s) charged wan some petty offmee, aim drow attention, end tiewsparer disoas who was a recognized momber or a aim' did the rest. The police author. class of low criminals. Au,oilicier went Wes lequo4ted the newspaners to ra to Ler hut in order to Arrest her, bat fraiu fmta.mbii,Itiog anything about the case, 80(161111y the movements of the police, and the newspapers abn-ted the p dice Or li.lt PfNotillg the capture of the willows. It the I»lice, now about one thousand strong, could not cettch the rabb is, they could at least ari•est all tarries suspected of aiding them, Os night ti•onntea agondst tent ont, :tad tilt next day there were boat fifty thou in prison, sa4nootel or sympathizing with and ailieg the eritninals. IN ailing was defiinitely anowo of th whereabmits of the party until the, W ot tit A wealthy farmer'e totui,4, robbti the hinattteg, V10c1 them with the fart hands and one or two they had tali ti tip oil the road, in a room, mid 1.1 S't ve Hatt to atil 0 them. The ( hers itaritAssed a lionto a carriage a il drovi' let° itinrcia, a .4011611 t 0 AP , Ar br on the !nein line of e tilway. T) y pr-cee.hal quietly :0 a b Ink. t 11 Liz in inag-r wti ) they were, and. that Wel. I,Ail iliollri c 1 a THR BANE, at the saute ta.e infortuitig him that if a load word ere tittered. they would iiibitot hilt). hey tonk $2,500 in gold m\ id $7,5J0 i batik r 40,.., aft„trlyeti many y.tiu..131 papers, placed the Mill- :44er amt 0101 8 11 1110 c‘rriage, and Iredt hoot( tile foo-rn linue, and in- troduced the 1 .tic in•tuager to the other prisonere. 'forming them ill it ti ....Awn w.4.1111 l kept by tritm out-ide, :tett that the 1.st ..tto tiottwent eat of Inc ro •111 b . re ini.i.light would iu so it, they itiiiii tel. Toe news or this oitrage A •1•(3 led (+wry ite. Tile out- law r% bill Jou .itrit,tillv failiiil t eff.ct its purp ....e no b i ik 1111“laifor4 1014. .t•id $:5.030 4 )r , W A8 /1,t1 1,4.1 to the ..t.woott, sottor• and p dice were emit int' all lite tti tit tow.is ; the Uralic:it b Lott, were toiert..1 t . semi their re st•rv,•4 And 4A.w4l lil( Pavers t•i- M. 1- 0 up tie. To 0 .111ttillt.14 y %Port 11) ki. rant. of out knout, hod t'l ., ex .ectrog to hoar of rrp. 0(1.w,, People $11.71 - IMO: ell (if AIDID THE nozrons .vere dai:y arree.i. K .tiy gav.? aw t.v money t 4 11 lior woman, (led t)- he- c.tote the hot of the totter cla-ses. " tie Ell/heti fro the Neil I., glee to - to. viler,' nutlite lowr ortlor It) 0 •Ir,- ,titi! tz-oli•ty lo: lid 11!“)0 his work a. L,I.,t, or at " bra', bold boy." L.1,001)vrs .a•mnameommomroomm/11 lie W1ta re.isted alibi tired. EIts pr10 ipal assailant watt Ned Roily, son of the woman he sought to arrest, but. he left home. Tile police of the Austria 1III are a semi tuititory force ecunityed bi• the Government, end not by the tliffertiot mat ieipalities, rts the thitAtt StAt0a. 1'114 Polka are sta• :lotted in every town and district, a large part of (Atom biiitg utoented, called "moutited troopers.' 'L'ilree of the latter class Were tr welling in search of horses that had recently hien stolen They etoplitid ou the rned to water their hat ses :Lod ut-re hailed by i'0Or 113011, 01.4 Cf the men was room IliZed As spa K lly, and 11i4 was ordoied to give hint4-0 into Custody. Ho, in turn, ordered the poliae, atm had das• mounted from th-ir 'torsos, to tallow up their hands alid surrte.tler. Tb officers el nipted to run to heir 'horee 4 RDA .1:1) of them .‘ertt killod.and the third, jainnitig on it Iturae, 0,4014101 witti ballet-; all Int hitt). He witedered abut, lost 11 14 horse and -.reached u sto.11411 two ti,/y4 later. Tile 'next day till...re was.a o uniniition ti)roug title colony, for tile '.11t41141' VAS not often known there, Toe b hlios were found but the 11.-trsee a id ;trtn4 if ihe polios tritd, dke,ppe,tri,ti with the mtirderere. The chief polio,' official of the colony rep.ored to 1110 So00, whore fifty in .11 moo troopers were soot. con• centra•ed. Near by rises a chain of inutaio-t kuir 0 rpt the W imhat rudiges. twit) the -it r.tilges t :0 buried. They had heel' born and 7.) -ed in the district and knew 04''1" eta: of ground. Searching emintry was made to ascertain who the coot pani me of Kelly ere, and they won. 1 mid to b.' 1.) to Kelly, a br 1.1 hoe ; Steve Hart and Bob Borne, re:atie..s if the principal. Tee 1). 1 63,3 h ritlii- b ittlted tltF'V would have 10 ion j t 1 io a few days, and about nee 11 pire.1 Mall We"i4divided thin ;011lakt tt) 4iLrth the .uotry. Tittr'y er t ty tr....ners °would t id e 101111 all ditv ; I ;rely ealn, Wel 8 suet onitiled at midnight. ; p..lic.• were everywhere, bat still 00 tre0eS ti the men a ere found. Tato •reelts lot,-i- etl and no one saw them, alth aigh i was staid they were 01 .ving thei. ol.1 h tents. 090 evening bAlf 1)13,111 said 110 cattell the murderer if lie tail to. at. th. sante time catitng N 11.11c A GUI: AND A etiwaun. At this iostaiit the rod .ub able K dir hitn,eti walked 11 10 ttto Onto itod of- fi hi 1)1 f./.' h4 SA11)4, time knocking him do.) 11, IL. remain. ed hi the bar -room for •VIIT.,t thus 131111 then walked quietly oat and 41.4 )IV. Horses were st, len from stab.e- nem by the saiflt.. nig t and the police were bogy the foliowiou d:ty. No 03 0(1 138 fontiti, ho way '21144 Lieu Wore io the bwili and eluded all ef- f,rts to find them. Tits secret of soccess was the sympathy t.f ir frie ele arid tile lowed, et.t.4.4,,t o!' the community. who gsso them total. -01 1. RA.0 would remind his numerous a Customers that he has removed to the shop forin)rly ocert,)led by Kr. Nona, where he will be found ever re lily to Attie .4 to all businesb in she 1300T mid }ION Lino, 0. RAU, Orediton. TEW BLACKSMITH SHOP i AT WIN- clam. sl'A. W. BUOK/N tl• NAM lato of Exetei, h as comiuonced bustnessinthe 8,,,tv.thrtioich at Winobelsoa dt'..k and is mo- ps, ea to do n11 kind °ail sok smithing work From shoe- intripa daily attended to, Promptness, cheapness and mod work juarauteed, A call solicited, le,Sin W , BUONINGUAll. ‘VATOGF,... OLocrEq Sewing 3ftiohlues, trgann, Aceortleonn, and Umbrella epaired, Arent for the Waltzer series sew- ing 1411104 (DEM Second. hand,ilowing Ilitabliies for male cheap. Ali kitala of nee,11,14 tt . fly Sowing Machines ivipton head shop -Uain Swot, Dashwood, 31)11N: G. SdLDON, Proprietor, May 10, 1-y, GRAY'S SPECIEC MEDICINE. 11/J12118,11 TRADE !NARK. T1RAuE MARK.T11,11nna,,Itit.,t,1E4 • itm ours for Semi- t. grAFV, ' Welt1, tiiermato rr 14 Oa, 4 LitpOtener.anann .1.)iFeasea that • IOW' RE. sequence of Rolf Abuso, .441" lona of Memory', Before TakZ, Latat. A 330.011, haw., ..t Pirretint::,tnore'74i3d na many 014o.taan that lead to insanity ro. Ooncl!Ildt101.3 11.11a Premature grave. r.e•FtiP panic •Ilarn in onr 140(11,111, which Non atrire ti seed fr-c, by t 07ary one. Specific.. Medicine idlty [rug iits at ,t1 per p%oltagg. or six oltekonos tor 1.8, or will he sent mail on recel9t of the inaney by each:easing T:n4 tiRAY r: 01OENE 00., Wricolon. ONT., evann. a:v.-sea:3.1n FIxot0rby 0.11 dria0i0ts, and every- whilre in ',tam 1•1 ittndlit•atos '43, whole Rah. and retail dru 4), o 0 -::? f ea 8 pl. 0 ....: 1 t41 F 1...: . -,....: ,- '" en , o .!.. o ....., ,-.41 . 'I; -,1 the pit ty ,,li '4411neca iottalk, 11 i il 4 !. 21. 1 --i a. , r. 1)11',, titid on .11 police were 0044(11141 t .7. IP, ..i P. iei 7 ":,.4 ..-, tirtg ii) t.toir wit, 40 trace ilf them ..9 - ! . . •' "7.'- ri ' * . c,0 • M ,...'4 ,114 (lists° vered The small army kept 5" ,.;' 1 5' ,...,.-0.°3 0 Lt wiirk a iitiitntho tuitu,:tailti., %little l Ft-,' i• 1.11 0 v 111111 0.11' citizen tree:0110 1 At)...4 .... ;"•":- t; (1 1-2i:3 -...,.:1 .42. ,...., il. ,.. 1 - !tie I mutt. a tiittoitoli0 !hit* toil 6pi 141, 9. :4 i1 a" rite N. -or S tittilV.i.les police were or- tenet]. to ca 1401 act t i ,, t,.., . bi if (up AliliPt.,1:113(13.171 3'H1)1.7114) idinJary 13-- 5- 0 P • ir• o i.iveeti tn., t4v`'r DillitiAiny aid sil, bor. Kelly solais meo. r•ituee-bs(nliy [VB A 0.4 .1 Tn R A 0,4 U 3 ,,.. i • z l ',....... 1......., 4 ti "*" . 4 ,01.i,,,4 tin. .11,4.di... Vtetori.t 0 1“.liek, int', Crov.t.,1 tii:titirra.,, todo tti.lety ......_— ;161,4 tilt 0.11.7,t1 C tititry HA 10;01 1111 311 ,t 11.13 thl 00*'1t, Filtered -this 1 tit% It T,rr. t.r .1 i!.‘ ri, wt to th . 0 licelmr- 2HX, Br .MOR i:...,..!. Eri l.t0 tlRGBFNWA)INTENDS Pai 152.lugcig iinot'iq• onrtyto NaIt Am (14tit tl1 IO of Joto. moor 41 (11 ir;giv!,ig4011inform,ter aminformatiti. sit1,14' .mulra) rucks Led gaewt 04111,10,0„, al1 vilsi. tbllfiAtii II. pmt:, towill i Aoin clu4)131'',Mi414Adiqg the poiei.,ca aa wly lii41.1.‘, It'ob. 7. last two parbit;si Will"' V0.1" 106 131. ,0.:;,i;E N gang" and. l'illil: .tr11 1`,.00.11.1" Ow They . remain -0, tho bita.vneks until, :lion t '.0 1 m 7, 43 r+ r/1 . 19.4111 3 theme Of cotlyersao tlo, lit;ii 11j111,';IP W''''' ."11.11/1.1.1.y nit011, '1/:).: a ..,1,11r3 t WI, p011e0 taKrV11 X, 11 rO ICV:e 0 '0 tAr1......1 pia lik parti'ci. y i;',,e out 111110rS 'Were A ika with aourlunts of 111.,11. prisontar.-.) 1,.A10 -day Ketly lot, thorn.. Tiwro 11.810 fro 111 1 11 tee ltintu ii vett H,,i4. po,itio imilu, mid 311410A polie3- 1 1., X , ( 'J( - -72N ( /1" 7 • tO five 11 Illtarktd 10011 I1t411 1 dico • after man twootopatotn. They went to thea ; there trail . . .. . . th/nitrioot Klir ntro- F,, .a1 ,.1 ,PtIr. he'e • ..., . T 1 -(3 C; , I MILL,cl (nate4ispii W.111110 1444-4 0%08 e4aedd 141(43 .11' A tretha ,,. 04)4) 1.1(1 r.- 1.1tIon povlite n 8.ti10111e413114) 1,01.A HEAVY REWA and taiga '4ott .t.di1,1' voreo to .,0 0e, 10..v00 ,. 4(4 11' pl..”...1,14, .!tyt,ux: ( lip il a 010 vt, t tit tqyt 11 o ora„,„. 0,,r,„4.. 144 o , 11111 at J. 1, :.4.,1 . 14 Itakfl..y, l..1 /1 i (14 11.11114 110(..1jil41/ 111 Manta,. li.... 0',....Y1iA (... it the ,, or a1. Itlii 411110(4 40.31 left .410,,t Ilk 141, '1.11(1) imi A rttlioti In, to 1.1 )14013 theliiio lions.% while he T IC. I i'.: \r1'-'-.0 weal to lilt, ti•Lph 0113 0,, 04)1 the • ......,....____. ,,ii..,.. w ,/,,,(1 de4mt iii“ instrulaelici.. IL --sr .15! 11"Vir Z C 11", l'iloy tip.ii tvi,(1; WO bank, 1,t(intliiiii 4(1 the nirtett.teittol clot Its ttatti (le Ei ffe '' It 176 47., 013 'Oil their i.e.; .. . They wer,, 1.1inagelf and friends, or he • ould s(1t...11.1irt ,$ 10,,,,,..,d, t,, 1,,k3,455 in gold mid tanntoliatea ly to roh nd: tartedet.. . communnty icatio. ,.s pithlished and ',°1'135') 41) 4'""tneY 814° bnr"ri. a Et 1)1)011041 ao munt oftteble paperl, 0.te caused 0)001)0 .mment. e.'_,,'es laman took the toy away, 11. kik' IC/.11V find 8tevo Lf.art lied about the small *Initiate selectingatever they wanted. Whorl evoningi.rie ' they exchanged 1,11#1 Val tiltifiti 11011 !IRV had for rota for each men, and yet the offiet.re had not even 4)01 1) gl ince at 000 of thew. Thpy heenied ICI It 110W eve'? mows 0 the police, nod Rally is said to hob. sent tile police tatuitine note)„ Rod a.1.41, to have sent 1110. calor x. anti ve ei Of theeidotty dein tuting he r).lea.t., his mother from -tail ati(1 froodom fro now became ftegeent, and it wits seen that the OX.nrAple of Kelly was boleti followed, A Inatettr higitwoymen be. gen Work in all directions. 'flit' LeAis. let 00 Wits petitioned tto increase the nthers at a iitsland left tire town. . MANTLE PIECES. ).ewant and (1,,,,,h,re 1130 g ",„ g fluch)ers. They are suppolo. have 'idle', hack . FURNITURE TOPS,. &c. . A bill WAR prepared, and. it was rasited to Lilo w„itoms (pH. c, ri,.„i'isl, was th,eil. detnetery Work of all kinds neatly' , . throtagh both houses. Kelly and - --. Ins firkt (((11 111 ,N.“ ,kvii VY AIOS, An 0 II .. exoonted. en hand at val.:enable rates. associates were declared . svit4 prolnotis av tteroilLi two ton, 5 D......, ,,, .,,, v.or acol u; of nroworali., ,0,1040k.stre t; We want alt Hoge (hitting right throtigh 1(91-ir Send fol. (latillognes. e . 1- 1 A 1 rr ZirlrOND IUD le.4T,,E. OF fAiLtr, dred and {thy' (019 to the froolier . TROMPSON & WILLIANS ' n yeast .0 atm..., ant. ...Lanai opened eat to tail. any one vas allowed to shoot thom,ancl,und t11.0 pag4tqf an. outlawry Act ' 4.2;44Z4214, TEE EXETER Planing Mill Sash, DOOR AND BLI30 PATIM1 ALL KIN DS OF TURNING Done to order. emember theplace 7 =award nros. A oar load of Amerinn 1311slor Paris, NMI QUALITY. OAR LOAD Beachvilie White Lime fresh. OUT NAILS, GLASS, HINGES, LOOKS & HARVESS TOOLS, AT LOW Pairn,a. B al a Co, Next Door to Sam‘ved & Pickard's. Main street. Juliz ,1879. 1.1 R, ABBOTTL. A.-1, • Graduate of RoyelOolloge of DiiINTAL SURGEONS. Office oven O'Neil bank, and opposite Seelwell Pielterda. IL EINSMAN, i)ENTES`11, Lieentiate of 41' .. ' . 'i,'"*..07.4 the Dentai • *Ii'''' College of cid . Ad.,. Ah.ilg tario, may be ''.:',"'",fttf4.4v..16-3,11if cult'clauy day, (mice - next door to - the Post Office, Exeter, Oat. .stT. M ARY'S LloIEWORKS, our drawn kilns bein gnaw in fell operation and t urning o tit dai1y n,r (man 11.4 of Iv that forail purposes cannot be surpasued tn the Domin. 1,011. Partiesfrom liatiwee can rila-ayobes—piied either at the kilns or detiverd by tiotute at low oat rettionorativo rates :inters r rota it distance promptly attoltde0to. NVEIITSO.N & SOL,A.TElt. Grocer/osBUmiectonary, Smoking Tobacco 26 Cents pot lb 0110ICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS always 1118.h:wk. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. Ali [LUNE lt1 LY School Books, Stationary, Magazines ..misx G.4 ns, re WITH ALL TEE LAWN news N.B.—sewing Machu. Noodles oloyery kind. A fu lino dew in, of :Rgivid, Spring and Sainunir Hats, and:, Bonnets, _heap Cash Store, all tho very latest eh:1min. N w Flowers Feathers, and Ornaments. tt- T drnik,s in great variety. GIRLS HAT FROM. $1.00 UP, uicoi; trimmed. Everything will bo 8011 (48 cheap 1)114404)141(11111 Foley Goods, Wolin Wool, Mottoes, etc., a full lino always kept. Jackets /uVe or cut in the latest styles. MISS GA.RTAICK, 78. Main St. n Leiter. DUBL1O SCHOOL TEA.C.IIERS' 1. nstatug CLIONS, 4879. For First-Class—At the Normal Schools, Toren - to anti Ottawa, on Thars)lay, July 10, t 9 A. 1;4 For Second Olans—At t'to Town of gioderich and Ffigh Schools ot and.S0a itrt 'I, on Tuesday, S, ai 11 Far Thin). Oloss—At the Town of Girlorieh on Monday, 4: • 11.!..11, at 2 P. -A., Forme of notion to he previously givon by the candidates earl he obtained on applioation to the .30erotarv, It hi inalsonnsnblo ria,'1.11ilaton notify the FiAorotary not 111.Di.' th'Llt tlift )f JUDO Of theAir tilprirsAllitlierri.o1vo,.: for no.tointtion. Iltantld 1,.p, for 31,%.:t '*4 (5i1114' c‘ortiniVIt3P. 1) r -to, iiral torw (1-1 t:do cf,'Litio.t.t0a 1.I. t.4.1.011!/.1; 11101. at,* ro•pirod furnish or.T011,!110.13 Inunl 014 etor. 114 'clI 111.4' for v001.1 C. IA FF. most scitF.‘ wliether they intend to writo in (00101(3 or at ono.): tho tm‘d dIdu I t;ohools. • 'Anlidat :a; for class mast fornish proper moot of a go. 1103‘1311 .1. !fay 1170. St Nue." Boa -a, Exrs CRO CZ:WO X '4" 50o., Co t.500., SUGARS, C,101;131 S, RAISIN S, CURRANTS', Pkt,UNES; ORANGES, AN T) 1 ,EMONS, 110BA.CCOS ANT) CIGARS. GREAT WESTERN ST 4E' M- S I- P C PANY. Now York,' To 13ristol Madtreal, direct. Also awrrit for !WORMS' EUROP • AN EXPRESS. • 'areein forwarded. to n,1 na 11,1 of treat 'Britain at. lo1 1114)4. HENsALL, PORK PACKING HOUSE MISS 1 1i: late of iienforthlias cogniod grit in Out st,.1 e recent- lyiteouniod by ;Mfr. J, P. Atolnx,,rn, oPxt floor to Dr, lintehinson's 1414 04144?, ri0.1111 LIOW..1111.rgt1 ans. wen 143-4(n. st0,14 of in ail its liranches,, 20.$011.0.nov Goocts,r.ainos, W-ntr aild Ohiliireve cbithiis. Prices rory oniv. Unfit ELI Worm mid Waite Ost.iol. 111(11110, oleari.3.1. call solicited N Orossing, Ramping, (to, dm A first-class dri,d4111,:iter ea bane. AlLtoS LE IC. ,ik;.1.•104tr,o,ro,tAioneraiwi anntle8i17,_ — • t:4" gt 111!. 111`.?:1!1•1.1 'W118 crnt ysEL treats of Exlinuqt111'.311113v. Preurnin,• •,4•10,.. Nervous and '(4451 ronentuitunt 11.3 ion! Inn on! Inn; ;OE thercfroin,andocatrius to .ro 111111 11111. 1)4414410111), anv or of wntell ,“, t.itet n( the book. This 0:wa:writtfoi 1 I. o.st ex, ten,ire nuditrobadly intro. n!:ilfall,••05., ni•ver in America, 144 3(514145,' ,(',,4(s1 47. tiled medal by (II^ 1atiouo1100/1'a •1 ,A • 11. raniphlet, illastraP a with the very 114,1481 v8otrier'grreatNtallir—l4(117: tt re;At 11F01117:7 1.311•1131) for it at ..nre. Addreri INSTITUTL, 2'.9 4 Ilea. p tech at., B033.2116 alai& F 4. sr.& . r • • • .. AtAr :F. • Mowers and Reapers. WE OF.Flillt A TIAL of ourdoiebratt Single Mowers Singe Eeape,rs n all kiddLoo 1 0 rafik. and Grrin, and on all con alone ofciAlaude.irface, A.ND GUARAN'TEE SATISFACTION 011 .110 Ivo also oiler a Thu of liar Wrought 11033 Two Bur J3NNSTBRI'Ll CIGMLISNEE i:41At m.s,chiLcii.imptdied with rwellitizuftus, .1.)rag-b'u's, • Two Finger.bars. •M'id Keyed. N etc.,10, can be dharadd • frona Mower Haying cent tu•reced business for the • Fail andWmter Trade Wig aro prepared to purchase any quantity of :filar le Works it:. Pork,s,thi.. to the following regulations: 4 — 0 we will talc() off two pounds per lirtrulrod if :t.„ -- • ' ;try, and three pound 11 soft. Shoulder 8144014, ‘AiD Vli 'EKES. twenty.fiye (lents. If Any .of the bang gut is ir . • E. ' left 11), 2e cents extra, will be deducted. Dealer in No pork will te bought at an price li liON (I NIP.NTS, warm. HEADSTONES, S A. TT F4 A (4 E S —AND-- -- Pork Cuttings to Reaper ANI) REAPED, TO MOWER tlyremovalof I ourboltr., tin 'Juleps nhantifteon 1111/1111111W time, Please call at our • wollcs end nspec our Machines before/int:chasing: else where. G. d6 3, PETTY. Manufacturing Co., Strotfoadt