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The Exeter Times, 1879-5-29, Page 8
V. THE. TIMES MAY 29 ,IR79 All Accounts past due. J.W'.BROWNtNC-,1VM D must be. paid. &,b once to save . costs: Necessity compels. he , ..etc:' Cala. THURSDAY, 'ivIAY 204 1870.- LOCA.L NEWS. QUEEN'S Birthday wet duly oelebrated at Port Blake by a loyal excursion ou the lake. A large number of our citizeus paid the Port a visit, A CMANM£.—Mr. John Gillespie, has given up. the job of watering the streets, and Mr. ,lohu Southcott has been awarded the contract, his tender being the second lowest. A Taxers.—No. 2 fire company had their en - glue, "Dofiauoe," out for practice on Friday evening. She has been undergoing repairs and now works satisfactorily. Frxsewax ,—The Methodist church in Exe- ter raised daring the last year for all purposes, including missionary fund, super'atuhuation ftnid, eto , the respectable sum of $2,loo. Tag TWesrx-Four,•ra.—The sixtieth anni- versary of the birthday of noble Queeu Victoria passed off very quietly in Exeter, all the places of business being closed, and the majority of the inhabitants being away from town enjoy• iug themselves at other places, so that the t(en'tst flirty previous to and even elude the 17th of September last sneeringly called the "White Elephaut." The benefits and advent" ages aooruing from the establishment of stills an manufactories are not confined to the lo - entities wore mit industries are situated, as the iustauoe leo have oiled clearly proves, The establishment, or rather the re -opening, of the rolling mills in the eity of Hamilton has bene- fitted the blacksmiths • in Exeter by giving a return for old iron which they could not before dispose of, Although this may be looked up- on by some as not worthy of note, yet it shows ,that the statements made by the Protectionists before• ilio Dominion election were correct. The prospects aro that Canada will again become prosperous under the protection pokey. BEAD. Ie.-1Ve salt our readers to peruse the speech delivered by Mr. Meredith at the Exe- ter demonstration on the 20th iUst. His ex- cellent address inay be found on the 2nd page of this issue. We hope it Will be carefully read by the electors befor they vote, espooially by those who have any idea of supporting Mr. Bishop, who .trios to justify Mowat's Admiui titration in their reckless extravagance. The statements puede by Mr. Meredith ar,t correct and can not,be gainsaid. Tete Tunr..-The Exeter races will take plao'o on Tuesday and Wednesday, July first and second. Exeter has the reputation of always having geed races, the track being second to none iu Western, Ontario. .A. large amount of money will be offered iu prizes this year,whioh will no doubt bring to the races some first - elms horses. There are three prizes of a hun- dreddollarseach, whist.' will no doubt induce the best horses in the t'rovinoo to enter tho list. Better trotting than was ever seen in. Exeter is 6xneoted to be witnessed this year. streets, so far as travel ou them was concern- WE are prepared to give any infor- ed, presented anything but a lively appear- lusts+tn itltottt that buggy which exer ante. • cues the howler up street. •The print - Doe Lose --A wall -eyed bitch, about the ing of ballots was for two different elec- size and shape of eomoh dog, mixed white and tions and cotnpris,ad four fortes --Pacts black in color—rather peculiar—was .lost in whiolh tipsy have merely forgotten. to I,xeter on the lith inst. Any information Iueutioii. If the prices were exeedsivo, leading to its reoovery will be• titankfnlly re- WO were guided by figures previously eatived by Rev. til illiatn Walsh, Centralia. Tho charged by W. J. W hite, when he hod dog was valued ohiofiy as • a gift to his little Golan' ofr,the charging in this office. boy when very ill. A NEW Derearnaz.—The Toruuto National comes tows this week in a now and improved form. Its publishers, Messrs. Smallpeice cC Wright, in order to keep pace with the times, now issue a handsome twelve page sheet, each number containing two or mora cartoons on the leading gnestious of the day. The Nation- al is now entirely devoted to politics, hauler, literature, and gossip. NOtwithstauding the ciange and the great extra expense, the sub- scription price remains the same, 42 per an- num. The National eau be proo.red from any newsdealer in the Dcmiuion, ' A BULSY DOCUMENT. --WO were shown the other day by Mr. L. Tho-ne, a deed of land, whloh for length and oddity of appearance, would, tee fancy, be a surprise to most lawyers in this country. It consisted of four parch- ment paws, each about 24x3o inches, and closely filled with writing. The property bad boon sold by Mr. Thome, three years ago, and the dead was mai ed hien from England for signature. It weighed about half a pound. Aud jntlt;ing from Stephen prices his light hand has not lost any of its cun- ning in this respect ? Arty more co- nundrums ? Oor. Bos Vloroirous.--On Saturday last, Queen's' birthday, eight of the members of the glitter Guu Club went to Ailsa Craig to oontebt in a shooting match with the Craig team. The matob resulted in a victory for the Exeteiitee, as will bo seen by the uppended score. Seine good shooting was done on both sides but the best was clone by the Exeter team, Mr. A. Lake and Mr. P. Curtin each shot all the balls allowed. thorn -15 each—air. F. G. Simpson Shut 14 and Mr. Fairbairn shot 13. The lowest number r -hot by any oue me.n- ber of the Exeter team was 10. None of the members of the Ailsa Craig club shot their al- lotted number of belle. 14 were shot by Mr. Smith; 13, byDrongha; and 12, by kfr. Stew- art. The following sooro will show the num- ber of balls shot by each marksman :— EXETER. 1 simpson....1 1 1 0 1 11 1 111 1 1 1 1-14 3 Fairbairn....1 11 1 01 1 1 11 1 0 1 1 1-13 t:urtin.......1 1111111 1 1 1 11 1 1-15 7 Bright ..0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 101 0 10 1-10 9 Bissett .111111111100011-12 11 Wi skins .....1 10 1 11 111 1 0 1 10 1-12 1S Westcottl 11001110111001-10 15 Lake 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11-15 posted np, elfio screenings to be delivered on sidewalks as directed, prion per cord.—Carried. Moved by 1u. Drew, seoonded by R. Bissett, that notice be also given that several jobe of grading streete Old preparing sidewalks will be let by publio auction ou Saturday afternoon next at 2 o'olook p. in. --Carried. The Clerk was iustrnoted to oorroepond fur- ther with silk manufacturer, in regard to the. establishment of a silk manufaotoryin Exeter. Moved by J. Sanders, seconded by E.Drew, that the following premiums be paid •by the persons owning any of the following animals impounded, to the pouudkeepor, in addition to the regular fens for poundage for such sui- mals, the poundkeoper to pay such premiums to the person impounding the same, viz.: for every hog, 25 ots, ; cattle, 10 ets. each ; every horse, 25 ots.: for each sheep 5 ate.—Carriod. Moved by J. Sanders, seconded by E. Drew, that re'ief to Mrs. Corbett be discontinued. —Carried. Moved by J, Pickard, seconded by B. Drew, that this Council ,adjourn until Tuesday next at 7.30 p. m.—Carried. OoIIBT or Rename—The Court of Revision met pursuant to notice ab the Market House ou the 27th inst., the Reeve aucl Councillors Pickard, Drew and Sanders present. Mr. Pickard was chosen oheirmau. There being no appeals, the assessment roll was examined, and no palpable errors being found therein, it was moved by E. Drew, s000uded by J. Sand- ers, that the roll be considered revised and passed.—(:anted. • • Vote for • Mr. ;Jackson and W.trso?r.—Mr. J. B. Watson, who was au. flounced to lecture here last evening, called at this office in the afternoon and requested us to State drat owing to indisposition the lecture was postponed until Thursday, Ioth June, et the same place—Drew's hall. Wo had not the pleases•° of listening to either of Mr. Watson's lsctures and cannot /;peak from personal knowledge of bis abilities, but we have been given to understand by those who did bear him that they were highly edifying and gave every satisfaction—ant that id sufficient for auy ratan. A Bre Loss.—We Soo by our exchanges that the Oraugers near Napanee have met with a heavy lose, about 350,000, owing to a member •ot the lodge eng txiug in grain buying, and rhau quietly abs oudiug with the funds. No doubt it would be better for these men to leave grain baying and iudeod all kinds of buying to those wen who are oonstauily engaged in the business, and are willing to run all risks. The Giangere may make motley occasionally by taking everything into their own hands, but their losses, we believe, will overlap their gain , while they do a great deal to .verde de- troyiug the business of a town. Thera is rot a town in Canada that hat not been injured by thein worlt:ug, while ale members themselves do not become any richer, aucl generally' have their trouble tor their paius.—The above from an exohnuge is applicable to Exeter. No daubt the trade of this village has been cur- tailed to a large extent by so many farriers t:aneforring their purchases from Easter reerchauts and trades people generally to 'the wholesale dealers in the cities. However, the :armors have a :iglu to do as they see fit. BENEFITS OF T130 N. P. IN Exts!En.-The good effect of the NationalPolioy is beginning to bo felt in hxeter. O.t Monday last au agent flow the aumiltnu Re:liug Mills visited Exe- ter and purchased all the old iron he could find. The mills had boon idle for shunt five sears, and about lex weeks ago started running on full time, giving constant employment to t ve hundred men at au average of 412 per week 4/oh. While in conversatiou with the ageut, he valornuod us that the American Boal which is meed at the works costs 61.37 les : per ton than It could be purcltased for before the National l'uliey came in force. One blaelrstuith in town sold all the. old scraps of iron which had sten, t.uulated in his shop during the last six years, 1 rises turning the pile of rusty iron, wisiebthe proprietor considered almost worthless, into Lard oa.slt. This is only one of the many in- peauOce of the bnnuda which the unary de. .lees facie tit paeuegrl of wine, the Obstruct, 787767867765658-101 AILSA CRAIG. 2 Smith 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1-14 4 Drought! l l l o o l 1.1111111-13 6Allen 111111°111l000l-11 8Muuro11111o1l llololo-11 10 Atkinson1000llllelolo11-9 12 Stewarto1llolo11111111-12 14Graham101111olo111110-11 16 Drnmmoud 11 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-13 766766485867576-94 Exeter lol Craig . 91 Exeter Victorione by 7 The Exeter boys seeak highly of the gentle- manly treatment they received at the hands of their opponents. The agricultural grounds, whore the xnatch took place, was well stak- ed off, and quite a crowd of spectators were prosent to witness the match. But the Craig- ites have come to the conelneion that they have nothing to do with the Exeter team in the sheotiag line. 13 rgardus rules governed ; Bogardus traps, behind a screen ; balls thrown in all. directions ; fifteen balls each man ; eigh- teen yards rice, Referee, J. Sanders, Exettei' Judges, P. Mace, Exeter, and J. Morgan, Craigs. Trap -netters; W, Bissett, Exeter, and Joseph Rosser, Craig. Trap -puller, Robson Twedal,:, Craigs. Scorer, T. Mace, Exeter. The Exeter Club have the conceit that they can boat any team in any of the adjnoont tonus. They are open to aoeept challenges. 41•.• . Council Meeting. • The Village Council met pursuant to ad- jourutueut at the Market House ou the 27th inst., all the members present. The minutes of previous meeting were road and confirmed. A potitios frotn'Mr. Fake and others, asking assistance to build un utiderground drain on street was reach t gsistanoo to be granted. A petition eigued by Mr. D. Johne and forty- eight ethere asking for a by-law to grade a portion of William Street, was read. The Reeve stetett that the Council had already do - aided to do the wont rnentioned.in the petition. Moved by.Ik Bissett, seoonded by J. Sand - ere; that tendera'bu received for screened and unweaned- gravel, price par oo; d fur each quality, And that epeciflcation. of- quantity, grisl,ty and pieces of delivery bs prepared and retenchment in expenses. Wingham. RACES AND BAND TOUnNAltENT,—The Queen's Birthday was celebrated iu Wiughtttn by horse races, boat rtloing and band tourntnent. The atinnal meeting of the VViughatn Turf Club took place that day, about 8,000 people being present. In open trot, Lney took + r>tlafo+t8,4ste e var MITE O 500 KEGS GOOD BUTTER, 100,000 DOZEN EGGS wanted int exehaugo for goods at Southcott cC Sou's Store. A choice stock of BANKRUPT G OuPS just recei sed, consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries, Boots shoos. Colne with your butter and eggs. Old SI - OF .4 E BED FLAG. C. SO UTH.COTT & SON, Main Street, Exeter, ANOTHER F1ItE,—.A two story frame dwelling, owned and nc upied by Mrs. Fitzpatrick, and a franc© dwelling and cabinet shop, owned by Mr. W, R. Gillen, and occupied by Mr. George Vice, were totally consumed by fire about two o'clock un Monday morning, For a titne the whole block was in dan- ger, but by the most strenucue efforts of the crowd the flames were confined to the two burning buildings, The fire first money, and Johnny G•trdun,2itd. i origivated in !lire. Fitzpatrick 'e house. lu the 2 40 trot, Aveette Boy took lst i The explosion of a coal oil lamp is sup - money ; Otldfellnw, 2nd, ant Factory posed to have been the cause of the fire Boy, 3rd. In the running race, Little Mr. Gi)piu's loss is about $200 ; fully Bessie took 1st money ; Sleepy 1'um, eovsred by insurance. Mrs. Fit.zpat- rick's ldlsson house is about $500 ; covered by insurance ; oonteuts were mostly saved. Mr. Vice's contents were portly saved ; no insurance. 2nd, While the sloes were going on, the band tournament was held.,Only two blinds cd'meeted. The Goerielr band took first prize, $50, and the Teestt'ater band second, $25. You will help to save the Note for Mr. Jackson and Province $85,000 a year bar strive to avert direct taxation. voting for Mr. Jackson. Lucas. Seatorth. QUEEN'S BIRTIiDAr--The Queen's Birthday was celebrated with much eclat in our town, the great event of the day bring the walking match far a purse of $50, This was won by a sir. An- drews, of Galerich, who walked, or rather ran,tho fifteen miles in one hour and fity.seven and a half seconds. In addition to the $50, h3 also got 610 of the second prize, one account of being so far ahead. of the second man. The man who kept first until near the last, when ho fainted and had to be carried of the ground, was a yonng man who lives in Seafarth, named Baird. He is satisfied that ho can outrun Andrews, Knd $1P0 was bet epos Ihf-1 head on the spot, but Andrews declined the offer. On the fifth of June go to the poll and rnttrk your ballot in favor of Mr. Jackson, who will help to keep down expenses Zurich. CELEBaTiow,—Tlte 24th of May was cel,brated at this place by horse races, running, jumping a'ul vaiions othe, atnusettneute. The day was fine and rose arrangements were carried nut to perfection, 'Thele was a large crowd l resent, who.expressed themselves well pleased with the clays proceedings. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.—A fire broke nut on Friday afternoon last in Mr. Fen - wick's flour mills, whioln was burnt to the ground with all its contents, and over 1,000 onrdd of firewood. Two dwelling !souses, with out-buildiutr-1, were also burnt, and many other build inge badly damaged. The total loss nn the mills is $7,00t1. Ins'tred iu the Waterloo Mutual for $2,000. Pe e Bradley's loss is 500 ; hotly ed far $150 in the Grand River Insurance Co. Val- entine Diehl's"loss iat 600 ; insured for $800 in the Berlin Mutual. Cause of mire was probably from the fire place. The mill was running at the time. Read Mr. Meredith's speech in this issue. The figures are correct in every particular. VOTE FOR JACKSON. Da.the people wish Direct Taxation ? If nog, assist in overthrowing the Gov- ernment of Mr. Mowat by VOTING FOIL JACKSON. St. Marys. Film—About noon on Saturday Inst, the stables awned by Mr. a ase were to. tally consumed by Lire, Loss about $500,,Supposed to have ignited from tirearaoken:. Bosus BY-Tt&th.---Ther voting on the bylaw, venting $00,000 to the tit. 1'IltryH,Credtt Volley tt; 1•itirnn Bail way,. took phtes' cu Tno day: ',Pint hy.law ia•as c.tt'ried by a majority of 183, fii.rritio •R.tcrss.—The Luau Spring races carpo off on I'tiday and Saturday last. The weather was fine and the track in splenoid e.ouditiou. There woe a large 6ruwd of spectators present. Excel;eut order prevailed, and nothing occurred to filar the sport. The ar- taugetueet reflected great credit on the inanagonieut. Dr. Sutton, of McGilli- vray, L. Odell, of Weetmiuieter, and G. W. Tomlinson, of Exeter, acted as judges, and Thomas Culbert, of Grea- ten, and Thomas Biseott, of Exeter, as starters. TIniST DA.T. The first rase—trotting—for farmers' hordes that never won trlley,lialf utile heat, best 3 in 5. T. Cave's Little Jessie, first ; T. Bunting's Buffalo Maid, secuud. All the root were ruled out alter the first boat. Second race—running — half -mile neat. '2 in 8- -four entries. Ludy Bryon, first ; Galt .Reporter, second ; Palladia, third. Toe thio d t 000 was for horses that never had beetten 2.45, mile heats, best three iu iive,for a pur a of :100. Titers were three entries—W. G.. arkness's Katy Marduall, W. J. 'I'howp+on's L' it• ale Fred, and llitaheitree'ts tattle Dan. T111d was the most exoitin.t [ilei of the day. It was won after a .desperate contest by Kate 3iarehall amid thuu- de:rs of applteuue. The 4th race was lumens' horses, mulling, half -mile he its, best three in five. There were three entries. It was won by G. lI. Wilson's Judge Durrell .iu three atrtaitrht h,•nts. SECOND DAT. The first race wee lir a purse of $80, trotting, ends 'oeats; wall by Maggie May in three straight heats. Tate second race wise for a purse of $100, running, mile heats ; won by G 'Vatsoe's Trouble, in three straight heats ; Pnllatiiu second. Li the next race the jadgoa detected eollutrion, rafter two heats had been run by Connor's Maid, and had the drivers °hanged. 'l'Ite result was that Butcher Boy, who had beau lust in the two first Ineats,eains to the front in three straight heats amid the plaudits of the multi- tude. Tl;id race was for a purse of $120, one mile beats. Our friends have lust elections in South Huron by some voters thinking their case was hopeless, and not (tom. ing out to vote. Dou't think so this titne, and there will be no attune for regret after the election is over. Every vote will tell. Let every man turn out. After (deetion dry it won't. do any good to.count up thovoted we tnieAt have had, Let that bo guarded against. ONTARIO ELECTIONS LIST OF CANDIDATES NODIINA'iD. Constituenou. Conservative. 2tefornt. Inr7. Adtlingtou....Denuisou....Deroeho.. Lake.. Algoma ........ Brant, N Baird. ......Young Brant, 5 Wilson. . Hardy 1>rookvilte.....9fauseil.....Frasor .... Bruce, N Biggar ......Sinclair liruee,13 laird Well........ Cardwell...... l? lesherItobinsonMeefanns Carleton Monk Cornwall ...Mask.... hnfferin Bat•r•.. Daudas.. Bor+ler.....: Chamberlain. Darhaui, D.—Rosevear.— .........Suowdeu Durham, Z4Colville 'lfehxuglilin...... ltlgiu,E. 1)'ty .Nairn Agin,At Crowthors..Cesea:len.. Essex N. White. ....Getman 'Essex S Wile llulfnur hronteuao......Calvin11rtwsmt ..Strcoltan Glengarry.. . Grenville,S....FreuehFraser ........... Grey, N ........Creighton Doyle ............ Grey, S Fahey. ....Hunter Grey, L+` Lawler.. ...Meeks Haldimaud.... Thompson..li tx ter Halton Beatty Robinson Hamilton ........'tlurray.... Gibson Hastings, N....Boulter...... Hastings, Tl .... (Gurdon ..... sip{elI•,y Hastiugs,W.... Robertson..14oldwi .... ,.... . Huron, S Jnckaoa....Bishop Huron, Iy Holmes.... Gibson Hnron,W Kelly Ross Keut, E .'l.'rorire Met`rauey....... Kant, W.. ..... Cou'ts...... Robinson Kingston Lanlbton, ..13... Shirley t-lraltirm Latubton,..W.. McGarvey...Pardoe Leuark,N.. Mo,tyn Caldwell Leuark,S Euiatt Leeds and Gren- ville N Arerriek Meikle Leeds, S ... Green... Lonuox... .lino iiacley.......... Lincoln..... AteCarthv..Neelou.... Landon Meredidi.. Magee. Mi,1dlesex,N.....1slaDeun: al1..VVaters.. Middlesex ,E.,... Ta dev.....?.In zi ...... iii.ldleses,W....Riclrar.lsou.W tin -worth....... Munck Dodds.... Harcourt Mn,koka & Par - Sound .Miller... Norfolk, N . Freeman Norfolk, 1 Morgan Austin Northumberland East Coehrane...Ferri, Northumberland West. Field........... . Ontario, N txiilespit..pnxrun.... Ontario, 8 .Brown .... Dryden......... (Clancy... OttawaStars ..O'Donoghue....... ( %tovafrey Oxford, N Currey.... .Mowat . Oxford. S .(,roolr.. Peel .MoOu la, ....Chisholm. Perth, N McDermott..Hay Perth, S..... .1)rnnner....Ba1'aobyue Peterboro', E...0alotittBiezard Peterboro', W ..Scutt Elliott Prescott. Burkett.... ,Ryan ....Johnson Paseo Edward..Clapp Striker Renfrew, N,....Dorto tn.....?`I•uray.... Renfrew, S ...Bonfiell...Tistn " Russell Bakor McCain.......... Susses, S... ...Parkhill Simcom. 3......Steele Conk.. Sictcoo, W ... Long .. Phelps Stormont.. .. Kerr.. .. Ferran Toronto, E Morris .... Mow it Toronto. W .. Bels .... Ogden Viotorin. N Fell ... Peek Victoria, S Russell .. Wand Waterloo, NWu ters .. Sp, ingor Waterloo, S. Plain • Idvingetenott Welland Near Currie 1 Wellington, S. Sweetmeat Lai+llww Wellington, C. Clarke Wellington, W. McGowan Mahn Wentworth. M. M'alahnn 1'Pirlones .Ventworth, S. Carpenter Awrey York, N. Murphy Widdifield i 'ark, 7+:. Robinson hedgerow Yo:k, W. Tyrrcl Patterson, Enjoy Life. What e truly beautiful world wo live cat r ,s- tare gives u: grandeur of, mountains, glens, and nee,aus, and. thousands of means for en - hen in p fectoymenhealt . ;Weo but h� au w often dorthe�me oats of neo;rl0 feel like giving it up disheartened. discouraged and worrred out with diseare,wben there is no oeoasiou for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain satittfaotnry proof that Green's Augod.t Flower will make thein as free from di+eaa+r a, Wiwi) born. Dyspepsia anti I,i.vee Cornplaint is the tlit•etat caws of seventy-five per cont. of seely maladies as 13i1i- oueuese, ludigeation, Sick Hendee -he, oostivt- noss, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other dis- tressiug symptoms. Three doses of Altgtist Flower will prove its wonderful effect- Sample bottles, 10 centw. Try it. i