The Exeter Times, 1879-5-1, Page 66 TUE TIMES WIT AND RUMOR. Haw to mark table linen-•-Ukeet. the gravy, Tlie early circus catches the moa board fence for circus posters. The elephant is a cautious animal. He never loses sight of his trunk. Sittiug Bull's medicine man is about to issue a little pamphlet on the "Treat, ment of the Soalp•." Electricity saved a Baptist clergyman in Waterbury from the assault of a goat. He olimbed•a telegraph polo. Mr. Talmage to Mr. Beecher --"I ad- mit, sir, that I am ou trial; but, thank :ieaveu, there is no woman iu the ease." Ill answer to Sbakespear'e conun- drum, "What's in a name ?" The Syra- cuse Times says that if`it is 'a Russian general's name the entire alphabet is in it. A New Orleans paper says that there is a stray brass band wandering about New Or1eeus, and that the owner can have it by proving property and taking it away. We know a woman who will walk one thousand miles iu one thousand hours provided a now spring aounet,with baby blue ribbons, and a piuk plume, is put up at the other end of the trip. A quiet young man at a party being asked what iustrument he preferred. modestly denominated the whistle. Be• ing further pressed to explain what kiud of a whstle, he blushingly mur- mured, "The six o'clock whistle." Ws once heard a facetious musio sel- ler announce. "0, .say Not Woman's. Love is Boaght," all fur the price of one half.penily. A. modern music eel - ler aunonuocs, "-Thou Bast Loved and Left Me," for tem ceuts. Sugar, the chemists tell us, is com- posed of coal and water. Now, it the grocers would only remember this, aud nut ooal in the sugar when they feel compelled to mix it, instead of sand, it would be very gratifying to their cus- tomers. gine calculated to run over frozen rivers. aud hard roads, when travelling by teams would be impossble, He expects to bo able to ,Hake sixteento twouty miles an hour. Lieut. E. W. darvie, writing from Ottawa to Col. Kennedy, says there is no doubt but that if anyone will give a site, the Government will erect a drill shed at Winnipeg. Col Powell has at, so promised to issue fur caps and mire to the Manitoba militia next winter, Two saw mills and,a grist mill will soon be in aperation at rapid City,; The machinery for Mr. MoIutosh's mill le now at St. Boniface, and will be sent up the Assiuiboine to the cartage as soon as possible, from whence it will be freigted to its destination by carts. Timber sufficient for 1,500,000 feet of lumber has already been got out from the vicinity of Riding Mountain, which Mr. Mefutosh proposes to turninto lumber and sell at $20 per M. TIIE BOOTH ATTt!;111L'TED ASSAS• 81N A.'1'ION, PARTICULARS OF THE SHOOTING • IN A CHI- CAGO THEATRE; -•A PECULIAR CASH. Chicago, April 24.—The play was. "Richard I" Near the finish of the last act Booth sat in calcium light, with all the other lights turned off, engaged in a soliloquy. The assassin sat nearly on a levet with him in the first bal- cony, thirty feet distant, with a pistol hid iu his sleeve, and in his left hand a copy of the play,which he had evident. ly been following with the purpose of firing only at the right time. When the first shot rang out there was dead silence. Booth did not stir, but as the seooud ploughed its way through the board in the scenery, inoh thiok,Booth quietly rose and weut towards the wing a rusts being made for Gray, and 11:• there seemed to be some doubt as to which was, the man, Booth stepped out and poiuted directly at'him, and saw him taken into custody. 'There was a wild uproar, and shouts of "throw him Exeter's first walking mush came over," "hang him," "hitch him out of off last Sunday evening. A young marl the wings." He was speedily hustled walked out of a front yard, in front of off and locked up. Oa his person was the father of a young lady who resided found the following letter :— there. The old man waikei With a Chicago, April 22, 1870. square -toed movement, and wore No. DEAR KATE, -Forgive these brief but 16 boots. The young man wore a sad horrible lines. I Ieft St. Loris on Mon- aud perplexed expression of couuten= duce. .No cards. 111euotti Garibaldi is going to lead day eveuiug. The firm I was with would not increase my salary, so I made np my miud to return to Keokuk, 3,000 Italiaus into Australia this sum. but being a lover of fine acting. I came mer, to e3tabliih a colony on the New } to Chicago to see Booth, 'but I was sad- Guinea. cost. It is a Happy thought. s Iy mistaken. It would tate one yo They can take their organs with them, and the monkeys they can have for the o',telling.• The only question ie, have A. Gentle Hillt. iu our btyle of climate, with its sudden changes of terperatnre*raiu, wind and sun- shine often intermingled in a single day, -it is no wonder that otlr children, friends and rela- tives are so frequently taken from us by no- gleoted colds, half the deaths resulting direot- lv from, this cause. A bottle of Bosohee's Ger- man 8yrim kept about your home for immedi- ate use will prevent serious sickness, a large doctor's bill, and perhaps death,. by the use of three or four doses. For curing Consumption, Hemorrhages, 1'ueuutonia, Severe Coughs, Croup, er,any disease of the Threat or Lungs, its sueoess is simply 'wonderful,.as yonx drug giat will.tell.you. Gerlatau Syaup is now sold fu ovary town and village on this continent. Sample, bottlesfor trial, l.0 cents ; regular size, 75 scuts. AGENTS READ THIS We will pay Agents a Salary of $100 per mouth and oxpene;es, or allow a large ooutmissiou to sell our new wad woaderful•iuveutlons, Wo moan what toe say. Samule.free. A.laress, SiiE111HAN & co., Marshall, Mich, LEGAL H. CADDY, BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, &o. Ofiioe, Fanson's Block Exeter, I 1ARDING HARDING, & WHITE, Bari:dors, Attorneys, Solicitors, Com- siouors, B. B., &o. tttstt'o-BOTTON'S Bnoax, Water treat, St eirt ry's. 1 tinN is'.HARDIN0, E. W.i ARDING. H.A.L.Wami `%- MoDIABMID, B.A.,. a it LUSTER, NOTARY, CONVEYANCER LUCAN,ONT. lVl ESSRS. JONES ib MOSCRIP 1 Barristers, Attorneys -at -law, Solicitors Chu hoary, Conveyancers, Commissioners inBlt. a I,. eit'tariesPubiio, St, Marv's C. S.JONNS.. W.0.iSTOCOBIP. 0. ,los-Huttou's B1oek,Waterst. Se Mary's MEDIC M. IIR. COWEN. OFFICE — MAIN Street. Exeter, upstairs, opposite Central Hotel. Side entrance, ou the south -street lead- igu to B. C. Church. i.m Orders left at Kline's shoe store will receive promnt attention. 40-ly. DB. HUTCHINSON, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, &c., &c., Office next door to I. Darlings, Main Street, Exeter, n . HYNDiiA.N.—CORONER FOR the County of Huron. UfFioe,next door to 4i -.I. Carling's store, Exeter. T 1V. BtROWNING M. D., C. M. ei • P. 8, Graduate VictoriaUniversity' Office and residence, Dote mien Laboratory, Exeter. constant acting to compote with La reuco Barrett's "Richelieu." To-ni he plays "Reichard 1." Katie, if I the Natives of Guinea auy uickles or I to -night he will hill me or i hien. street -car checks to pay for 'ze moosic?' I all Shakespeare's worke I find but A Hard Lase.—A. Woodward Avetlue man to compete with Booth, aud t1 is Iago."1 My judgment ought to fo tell me that siuce t call Booth "Iag he could no more play ''Rioholi than the devil could be an angel. don't know abut to do. Every tim write I prance the floor as tuoug was playing "Hamlet." I ata sort. emme here, for I think the hang has a rope for me. Remember mo 0.MO01tE, M. D. 0. M. Graduate of .tioGihlUniversity, efontrea] nceefexe r Ont 1•1 draggiets: yesterday ptit up a prescrip- tion bronght by nboy, and as he hand- ed over the buttle the boy asked :— "Did you. put any sugar in it ?" '•I think not," was the reply. "Well, then, I don't believe ma '11 touch a drop of it. I got some medicine here 'tether day and pa couldu't even hire her to take it, 'eautle it wasn't sweet. Site's party sick,but she's down on medicine." your mother aud dieter.—Yours ttu "Well,how does your father manage ?" manic. GRAY, lu reading this note the impress' "He don't manage at all. Re tries to hire mother, but you see she's too old to carejor candy and peanuts, and too youug to want spectacles or a sniff -box, and there we are, you see. If them ouion draughts ou her feat dou't do any good, 'I'll bet I have a stepmother 'fore fall." FAR WEST Drunken Indians still disgrace the streets of Selkirk. Winnipeg is asking for more hotel ao- o lmmodation. Oxen were sold in Winnipeg last week, at from $130 to $175 per pair. A located claim of 100 scree, at Pem- bina 'Mountain, em-bina'Mountain, sold recently for $500. 1111•. a. Fair, of Brantford, arrived in Wiunipeg last week with 165,000 ci- gars; The Hamilton colonization party have arrived, and intend settliug et Bird Tail Creek. Blinding prl)spoots are bright in Win- nipeg, and a large number of heelless places are in course of erection. The building at Point Douglas hav- ing become ,toil small for the ueeds of the Zion Church, branch of Grace Church Society, a atrnoture will be erected at a cost of f,2,000, An itu icatifln' of the. effects of immi- gt tion o.n property is found iu the fact tlrfit,lots .in IRepid City ,whish sold fur i5 last Rill, now sell n,t $50, and many Many of the mere advanced phys 1 would senlaiu that the writer was a natio, but iu conversing with him, he sat coolly and talked about the de the almost irresistible conclusion that be soled with a well consider purpose. His story is that 11e belon to Keokuk, and has been travelling 1 a St. Louis dry goods hoarse. Abo three years ago Booth wronged 1 fe iend—whether lady or gentleman does not state—and becoming cog! zant of the wroug about two and a 11t years ago, he determined to avenge He only met Booth once since th time, and that was on the streets St. Louis and he was not prepared. says be fired,direclly,at the tragedia wonders gteatly how he missed hi He regrets the failure more than wonders at it.. He says he has aocol plices, aud that Booth will yet si fer. He came liiore for the purpose killing Booth. Booth says he nev heard of this man. He was not awe that he had been fired at during .1 first excitement, and went behind th screen to quietphis wife, who feared 1 •had been injured. The opinion gel erally expressed by the attaches cf tl theatre and by others who saw Gray, that he is crazy. He fired two shot snapped his pistol again, and was coil ing it for the foul th triol when seiz NBL AC BACKSMLT'IISHOP AT WIN Of11111iSRA' W. BUONING HAM, late Of. Exe ter, •h a s oommeuoed bus inessiathe We'vebrano't atWinohelsoa and is me- wed to do all a :,,,.., kind ofltlaok sntithingwork ._-.' Horse shoes iugslperiellyabtel:uled to, Promptness, ohoi pness avid good work gultrauteod, A °all solicited, 10•3m W, BUOEING13ASC. Fashionable Dressmaking' Dresses cut and made to order ---BY MRS. G. ROSS, Ma[n ireet, Exeter, OVER THE POST OFFICE. $50,000.00 Atattrtion. To °eminence on Monday, Dec, 16, 1878 W. D. McGloughlin of 130 Dundee street, London, will on the elbow° date, offer his whole stock, amounting to over :Fifty Thousand Dollars; at auction, anti coutinue the sale every day at two o'olook in the after- noon and at seven in the evening during the bal- ance of the month, -from the lab to the WLst of December Tis is the largest and best stook that has evos. been offered to the public at their own prices; aud, as everybody knows, the goods tire of the best irunufueture and every article will be war- ranted the same as if bought in the ordin.ry way. This is a rare °haueoto get fine gold rind silver watches, gold jewelry, eiooks, plated warn and faucy goods at your own prices, Pornaps never again will such an opportunity oecur, Strome yourUhristmas and New Year's presents ut this sale. Save your money for this auction -and nate ° roney. W. D. lttoGLOUGHLIN, Dundas street. London. AT THE Standard Sash Door a Blind FACTORY, is constantly kept on hand, all kinds of buildin0 material. blearing hard and soft, Siding Mould rigs &o., sold oheau. Planing Jiggiug and Turning promptly attended to.: BUILDINGS CON'TRACT'ED FOR, and satisfaction guaranteed. As we have of band a large stook of dry lumber, we feel sure CM satisfying those who may give us a call. ROSS BROS. & TAYLOR sy e By reading it, , p. icticrng the inestimeee --uths cote tained in the .r., medical book ever issue s, entitled TH ' ELFSELF-PRESESt TION Price only el. S^utoymall on receipt of price. It treats of Exhausted Vitality Premature Dccliue, Nervous and Physical Debilit ; and the endless concomitant ills end untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains more than SO original pre- scriptions, any our of which is worth the price of the book. This bo'tkVMS 'Written by the most ex. tensive and probably the most akilfulpractitiouer in America, to whorl was awarded it gold and jaw. tiled medal by the National Medical Association. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very finest Steel Earravings-a mar- vel of art and beauty HEAL - sent YREs to a11. Send fer it at once. Address PEABODY MEDICAL THYSELF INSTITUTE:, Ne 4 Bul- h8.trh St. Bolton, Mass. Mowers and Reapers. WE OFFER A TRIAL of our celebrated Bindle Mowers -AND- Sing e Reape3rs ( n all kindsof Grass and Orrin, and on all col. ition s of soil end $ srfaee, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR NO SALE 1 ADVAN.ILU PHYSICIANS. tie high as $75. clans, having found Dr. Pierre's Fuel ily Medicines promptandstire, prescri them yretl,•ularr/ly iin their practice. 2"'t'Y t et' [ri'L.f, /ii, 1 N.I1tt., Mai/ 28th, .1877. Dr. Fe. .V.. Plzen; Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sir—For it long tinge I suffer with catarrh. I finally' called in Zachary of this [place. Ile furnish me with your nasal Douche. Seat; O.ctarrh Remedy, and. your Gold Medical Discovery. These reined' eaee4„4 effected au entire cure, Yours truly, 40.11N.. S,. C.id,AiltLES;S.; A ateartl floating dredge, swill be usedh)111++,Sill'„ lillr(ll k:b Ht ,j741 at Arrnstrong`s I'Iriilt, tits the ' Aseiulhoine riy+er, tins ! IlY 1•lneV, Whiffle LUar'e are litre Thula. li of this material. '. little daughter of Mr: tl i lir 'Arm- str•rug, of Olinton, Ont., toll ;into the aider at Point Douglas one ciity,=least week, and bat for the assltts,noe= l±i t by , a se9,en-year-Std' eenlileeA,'IC *'build, un - of 1161,01y heat been fliroak 1'i11r, Jamas %%enol, a resider f of Win 1Alke0a Glhi}tis tu.4014,44004 au en, We also niter a Trial of our Wrought Iroi Two Bar • JOHNSTON'S COMBINED REA"ER Art:D MaER ltiaobiuessuppliod with Ttwo:Pitmans, • Two .Drag -bars, Two Finger -bars. Four Knives, Forked and Keyed. Nuts, Self -oilers, etc., tc. can 'bei than 'ed. from Mower • o heaver • AND RtEAPER TO MOWER • 13jwe%novaloftour boltn, aol in 108. ellen ti min uta s'ti tae, L'lease call at our works and inspec our Machines before put chasing elsewhere,. " Send for Catalogues. T1 1VLPSeN;9i. WILLLg1TS, lau;ufaoturing (lo..,,StrA;tfgad., IIAY 1, 1879 Marble We 'ks. W. 0. WEEKES ,r`, T ,T•r ry, Dealer in 1tION V 11'JlY .l ".1,, -.- HEADSTONES, .-HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS, &o. Cemetery Work of all hinds neatly executed. 5 Doors North of IDrew's Hail, Plain street, Fl AVE YOULOST THE SENSE OF TASTle 011 SMELL ?If so, itrnay bo from the Deimosx of the Nth century, (' '0uutli. Tiia CONsTiTIITinroAL CATARItII Its sno,Y Will restore you to oujoyalxlo health. It not only cures Ca- tarrh, but all other diseases at the some time. Price 41 per Pottle. FM sale by n11 ci;uggists and is aken° (Walmer Seed steel], far 48 page pam- phlet onutainiug treatise en Vaterrlt ud 'sortie - otters of the cured to T. J. B. LIA1U1)Ii\ttti, Doxuiel- ioa Agent, ]3ruekvillo, 0 n t, Cl)NSTI'I'UTIONAL 0ATP11RH REMEDY! The only certain, safe, and effectual cure for Catt 1•rh, builds up the aystclu cell tiros ell other diseases at the Sadie time. Asthma., Rete Oui4, flay Fever, Nervous Debility, all loave t,lgether when the Coustitututione1 Catarrh Remedy; is Mime as directed. Price fel per bottle. For sale by all druggists and elediciue dealers. ENGINES AND BOILERS. From x to xg Horse Power, forFarm- ets, Dairymen, Butter and Cheese Factories, Printers and all parties using hand or horse Power. Best and chi apest in the market. Send for circular and price list. Joh I:Dotyr. Esplanade Street. ToaoN•ro, `W1HE GTIEAT CAUSE. OF TIUMAN MIg- M EIBY. Just Published, in a settled Envelope. f` t'riee six cents. Alecture on the Nature, Treatment nndRedi- cal cure of Seminal\Vealtne s, or Spey atorehtea, induced by 14elf-Abuse• Involuntary'Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, aud lntiediments to marrittge generally; Consntnpti'm Epilepsy, inceFits • Mengel ami Physical Iueapacity, &a. - BY ROBERT J. CULVE:1R WELL, A1. D., author of the "Omen Book," &o. The woad ceuowned author in this admirable f,ecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awiul consequences of Sall --Abu so may bo .'ftoctunliy removed ,rithout medicine, ano with. •mt(lenge eters surgical operations, bougies,instru- areuts,;ings, or cordials; pointing out a node of eine at ono° certain tine eifectuul, by which every ;offeror, 110 matter whet his condition may be nay cure himself cllottply, privu tely anti radically-. teee.This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands led thottsa"ds, Wee Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, ou receipt of six cents, or two postage 'clamps. Addres , TDB ouLwlxrx. er8DxCAh re. 47 Ann at. New York. P. 0. Box 4;80 iy its great and thorough since-pnrlfijne - per- . •s. Dr. 1 ieree's Omer% Vrdt.•ttI ,),seer • •1'eS all Humores 0nn1 the wort Serufule to a : .nen Rloteb, Pimple, OV Eruption Mt t t w t ti t,,et'as", Mineral 1'olsen<, awl their t eel-. are eradicated, and vlgornns h' alt b :rel a sound Con. ttthtt. n estah- ilshrd. Eryslpcla•, Ee1t-rbeuit, Pere, Sores Scaly or Hong', Skin, in short. all tel ^as: •s t ht • t In• bad Mood, are count torts by I ltO powcrt;tl, peril', erg, and invigorating mei deltic. Especially Imo it manifested its potency In cnrint Tetter, Ha.e Mob, Be'.la, ibtrbane/so, Cora Eyes. Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, %Cit:to Swelling+. Goitre or Thick Neck,an,1 Enlarged Glan,:s. 1f yon +bel dull, drowsy, uolaht:ile d, have sallow color of stir, or yellowish -brown spats on S,ce or body, frequent headache or dizziness; ball taste in mouth, internal heat or chills alternated with lint flushes. low spirits, and gloomy forebotlinas, irregular appetite, 1104 longue coated. yon my sufbrhtg from. Torpid idvcr, or "EIllouanot." In ninny cases of 'Liver Complaints, only part of these symptoms are experlenrrd. As a remedy fur 1111i melt cases, Dr. Pierces Walden Medical Discovery has no canal, as It effects perfect and r:eltcai curve. In the Cure of fronehltls. Severn Coughs and the .0 early stages of Co,tmotiec, It has astonished the int:Meal ,amity, and eminent 1,hyslchms pronounce It the greatest medical discovery of the age. While It cures the severest Coughs. It strengthensthesystem and /shrines the blood. Sold by druggists. and Invallidds'Hottl'Bulftalo,l]\-t. T ovula Dispenser: le A slozrE PELLETS.` wet'• lltetS i.: THE CATHrtg.T1G No use of taking the large, repulstvc, nanseonspill5, composed of cheap, envie, add bulky ingredients. These Pellets are seamanlylargor than muetard soad Tieing entirely vegetable, no particular care is f5' quirocl white using them. They operate without die., turbot= to the constitution diet or occupation. For Jaundice, headache, Constipation, 1mpa t Blood, rain In tete Shoulders, Tlghtneos of' the Chest, Dizziness, Ses, Eructations from the Stomach, Bs„8 Taste in the Mouth. Dilloua attach. fain In region orogldne4s, Interna) ]fever, floated fceibtg about Stomnrh, hrsh or flood to Ilcad, +alit lir. ?levee'. Pleasant Purgative Pallets. In explanation of tht remedial power of these Puriratlte Pellets over ec great a variety of diseases, It may ho - mist that the% u action upon the aolmul economy is httveraal, not a slender ti•.uo cocapiner their putstative impress. Agt' does not Impair tete properties of those tlarfa They are sugar-coated and 1n1leeed in Blies bottles their virtues being thereby pro crud unimpairedL t soy length of tante, In any tilt hitt, sn that they net always fresh and reliable. T1118 is not the ease wit: pills put up in cheap wooden or pnstebotis P+dares Icor all diseases where- a Laxative. Alterative, (•t Purgative, is Indicated, these little Policia will gent tete inose ppertbet eatlstaction. Bolts kvdra:,rgtsts. 11. V. PIL1t4E,50.1).. PItOl'n yr or d's LlaI 'mark and Ltvallda' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. tv AiEl i' i SYMPTOMS. -Frequent head - RCN, sometimes profuse, watery; deet mucous, purulent, offensive, 0i In others, a dryness, dry, watery, weak, or Infumte eyes, stepping up, or obstruction, of the nasal pas• sages, ringing in ears deal'ne re, hawking and cough. 1n to Oiler the emetic.utceratlon8,sethe front ulet. aa, Voce altered utsal twaop, oacnstve been t, hupalyde or tette deprivation of sense or smell awl taste, dee alness, mental deprtseslon lase of tcppetlte, hr.ltrts- Coe, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, etc. Onle 8 few of these symptoms are nicety to be present fu tine 0x80 at due tile. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH( RElrr7LDY . produces radical cures of tete worst Caere of Catarrh, no matter of how long stamen”, The liquid reeved linty bo ennlfed or bettor applied by (ho use, of 1)r f'Ittttou's Douche. • This is the only form 'of enstru meet yet Invented with which Mild inrdicluetoe rq. (ferried Itiart (11.nlad rldttt,ECTLY ArPL1!I) to ttI: buts of the affected nasal messages, u.4' the theist. bars or etirlllts eotnmmdeating there +thele. whirl soros and tile.,% ,meh5fl Il ex,e.tt, end' from whiter. the catarrhal al sclinlr°e.gtnrlally0► Ctr iI. itt ass le piaisaut tad .iaeify undet5ttootl )c direct+ necetnh anyiug each lnstrament. y to r d .co tlrrh Remad • midiv.aeront 5SIAPIA of eneel1 111 ht needle by a ares spptlatelons. It la tell 1 ene plr,•ee tut to 1188 unlit:ailing no strong or eremite t'u:'n 11 p1. user l!kterrit Ii rte ,33d.n11,, t t t v'nt,llby 1,1)1)115 Waianrvanti11Y'beide'1lititl,,])tt{lilla.,h.i• S f r-